McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, May 15, 1878, Image 2

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juuii.uu tKrtrckuj Jairuat. PtIO.ISH£D KVl'.ty W'UDNBHIMT AT THOMSO N, G A. J. K. WBITK 5 Komui. Till-- MKTIKiUIHT*. Tbe ii„litli Geueral Ooufvreiee of ill* Metbuil.nt K|ijco(ihl Church, South, it now in iMnKuio in Atlanta, having enli ven. Jon WnWiilii;, May 1. Ov . 25* aiemliei'B are in attouilai.oe together with ail of the Bishop*-- Pniue, lirroo, Dog grtt, Kavauaugli, McTyeirc, Wightmou wit) Keener. The delegate* from thia, the North Georgia Coiih rencc, zrc, clerical, A. G. HaTgooil, W. R. Poller, J. Boring, 3. E. Kraus. H. J. Adnuu, W. K. Cook, Y. 8. Allen, \V. P. HurriMin. J,ay, A- H. Colquitt, E. H. Puttie, Geo. N. Lea ter, J. M. Beall, J. C. Johnson, J. Gro gan, Jama- E. Lnugi-tou ami T. 31. Slcri weather—all present. Tire business of the Conference ao fat ha* been principal'; confined to organ ization, app inting the ilii.erent ouimuit teea, receiving and refering resolution*, Ac., Ar. There ia a great dial of bui aw before tbo Conference, and the aeoeiou, in coma qnenoe, will doubtlemi continue for at least a month. Of coarse, our apace ia too limited to give even a Zynopaia of (be j roceedinge, but we will pulitiali evil) tiling of guiural inter at which may Ire Iran octet!. MUKDRK. A botribio aud oolii-blooile.l nnirdei waa oouimitte.l in a saloon in Augusta, on Weducadriy last, the facta of wl ich, iu brief, are about aa follows: Jerry O'tfora, Robert Baffin, Jerry Blootne out! Jim Mooro, nil young men, ware drinking around at the difierei t bar* in the oity. O’Hara, being mort intoxicated than the otoera, was taken to the back room of the Magnolia saloon by bis friend Moore at and put to sleep on • .mo chain*. Moore then returned to bis companions and told w bat tie bit i done with O'Hara, it tiffin then said he would go and ask O'Hara if be killed hit; (Huffin'**) father. In 1868 ilufflu, fdher of Robert, v, 4!) Ibo Republican Bliefifif o( ittolitnoud comity, and waa '-■tied by some unknown parson during a big row in the courtyard in Augusta. It seems that O'linra bad said that ke did the killing. Baffin went to the Magnolia tnloou, passed into ttie back room where lie found O'Hara asleep on the chairs. He shot one ball into bis neck and omi in tbo aide, either of which must have pro , dnoed death. Ruffin thou came out and told the bar keeper, "He (o’Hsr) killed my father, and I've killed him." Knffin escaped from to .in, but waa captured alxmt 8 o'clock at night, near Bel-Air, by Sheriff Sibley, aud lodged in tire Augusta jail. The Chronicle states that since the killing it has been ascertained that O Kara could not have killed the older Rufilo, because lie (O'Hara) was not in the courtyard at the time of the ahool *• A WOMAN TO UK HANGED. At a Christmas frolic iu Pickens coun ty, iu 1876, Kale Southern, a young bride slabbed aud U lied Mrs. Narcissn Cowart. Mrs. Oownrt, who had been di voroed, was an old sweetheart of Hubert Sontlmm, Kale's husband, aud by her evident pleasure at Robert's attentions, excited Kate to a frenzy of jealousy. Kate requested her husband not to dauoo with Narcissn, bnt Robert rofused to comply. His wife then appealed to Narcissa not to part man and wife, who replied, "What if I do part man and wife ? Was t not livoiced for bis sake ? ' Aft r Narcissa bad fliiiabt'd a dance with Roliert, Kate rushed upon her mid stabbed her to death, aa above stated. Robert then took bis wife ou bia arm and bis pistol cleared a way lor their passage from the bouse, and both escaped to Marion county, N, C., where they lived nearly a year when their ic-cn ton was discovered, and they captured and brought back to Georgia. At tbo last term of Pickens Snj*crio. Court Kste Southern was tr od for the murder of Mrs. Narcissa Cowart, found guilty aud sentenced to be hanged on tbe 21st of June next. The trial created more excitement than, pel haps, any that ever occurred in the State, and the deepest sympathy for the poor woman bat spread all over the State. With few exceptions, the press appeals for Executive clemency in her h Aialf. She cannot be hanged, however, at tbe time designated localise she is n>w enceinte, aud will not lie rtNifiued until October next, and tbe law forbids ite hauging of a woman in that condi t ou. Every legal resort will be exhuuat e 1 iu liei behalf, uuj then Gov. Colquitt will have to decide the strongest npjieal ever marie to bis mercy. TH A GEO lit; IA HAII.KOAU, The regular auuual Convention aud election of officers of the Georgia Rail road and Banking Company, was held iu Augusta last week, and was largely attend* and. Tne eleolion of a President earned much excitemdtrt -among the •kwkboideis. Jythln-Pr*fiviiiK has held t.*ettdfei~ Tor uitHv Ah.ui thirty yours, *<>d it * oeuifUiMsi iiv * uuuibci* of attockiiokif’rK that lit- iuni grovu 100 old lor efficient nci*vioc, und hdi>d benuper* Obeiioai by * yotuqper uud ui ire active omii, Charge* of mi**maiiageiuetit aud bad judgement, aud even of iutentional wrong, were freely urged against lii* re election. His oppoiM-ut> t-tiomed resoiv e*l to oefeut ii i iu, ami their canvas* for Uit purpose ua* thorough xiiid’animated Perhaps uo election since the Company was first org.iuuted hag given rise to o much enuterm ut. The condition of the rand, its management, Ac,, and the ei pedieuey of re-elecUiig Judge King or of supplanting him hy * tno other man, were dicutM>tid with sj iiit and nuitna tiou, and, at times, with acrimony and insulting lea. There were 28,616 himre* rcprcoc uteri, 11,511 ia per ou, and 25,302 by proxy. The c muting of thia lurge ruts, of cours.-, required time, and was not eon e*ud* and until Friday morning at daylight, and resulted as follows: rub paasiui Ni : Gen. E. P. Alexaud-r 20,736 Hon. Juo, I*. King 16,055 FOB DlßttOTutt . Joaiah Sibley 37,331 George Hilly er 37,153 . Steveua Thomas 36,618 James W. Davies 86,533 John Davison 35,227 Cliaa. H. Phiuizy 83,074 Jamea 8. Hamilton 23,331 L. M. Hill 29.301 Joel A. Bi tups 21,000 Wm. M. Reran 24,884 George T. Jackson 21,706 J. H. James 21,097 M. P. Stovall 2 ',476 H. If. Hickman 21,088 H. D. McDaniel 19,768 N. L. Hiitchina 19,424 Dnvi.l Dickson 19 251 D. E. Butler 18,985 W. W. Clark 18,014 W. L, High 17.893 E. W. Cole 16,081 Ilartnon Rowley. 15,672 Br aj. Crane 14,488 T. W. Coskery 18,828 B. 7,436: C, 0. Jones, Jr 6,163 ' It will lie seen that three of the old i Directors were defeated—E. W. Ode, jW. W, Clara and David E. Butler—and | H. H. Hickman, H. D, McDaniel aud N. L. Hutchens eh etod in their stead. Gen. E. P. Alexander, the new Presi dent, waa born in Wilkes county, in 1835, being now in hi* forty-thrill year. He waa educated at West Point, apd on graduation became one of tho Pru?B|y sor k. When the lute war broke out b* resigned nnd juiued Gen. Beauregard'* army m Virginia, with of Captain Fur gallantry and distinguished services ho waa soon made Briga Her- General. Afterwards he waa Chief of Artillery of Loiigstreet'a Corps, and, still later, was made Chief of Artillery of Lee's army. The war over, he became Profeaaor of Mathematic* and Engineering iu the University of Houth Carolina, but soon resigned. Then lie was elected Superin tendent of tbo 0. C., and A. Bond. Then ho managed the Memphis and 8- vauuah Road, and then w“ elee* •,( Man ager of the Western of Alabama, which office he still hold-, Gen. Alexander enters upon the duties of lus ';,nce with a character for ability and experiottoe thoroughly established ; and, although the dillliuiltioa in his path are many, Ids entire success ia confident ly predicted by those who know him. Sm’SRtKTUXOKST. We are glad to know that the Board of Directors re-elected unanimously Col. H. K. Johnson to tho office of Superin tendent. This was a wise and judicious action, and n just compliment to n faith ful and efficient offloer aud gentleman. Before the adjournment, of the 0 in vention, Mr. Steven* Thomas offered the following resolution, whioli waa unani mously adopted : Jletolvetl, That the Convention hero by expresses its high appreciation of the past services of tbe Hon. John P. King, and in bis retirement from tbo Presi dency of tbe company, would reaffirm its uuuhntud confidence iu Ida official integ rity, and with an earnest desire to secure for the future, as in the psst, his mature counsels nmj ripo experience, hereby tenders him for life the honorary Pres idency of tho Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, Lincoln County Department, —— - ■■ - T. B. IIOLLENBHEAD, Eorron. ' - ' ■—n MARItIKD. At the residence of the bride's father, on May Isi, Mr. Frank Gardener, of Thomsaton, Oa , and Mias Leila Iluwoa, uf Linoolti oouiity. The attendants were Mr. Tbos. Albea nnd Miss . nllie Oheunult; Mr. It. Booker and Miss Au ule Hawes; Mr. Wm. llnwea and Mias Muitie Dunn; Mr. I\ M. Hawes aud Misa Bettio Booker. Dora. The song of tlie scythe: M wer yet. —Cotton chopping,!! progioasiug fiuc iy- — L'hti average youth hns resumed his cluster. —Hob White in n regular visitor to the harvest Helds. — A ontompluted fishing party on Soap creek was “busted up" last Sat urday. No harm done. DXtM.AMTOKV. “Citissen” in tlio weekly Chronicle und ConaHtutionali.i of May Ist, seems to be very greatly stirred up, because the Grand Jury at the last term of Lin coln court, ordered their general pre sentment* published i u the MaDorriK JoussAP. He says much dissatisfaction is ex ! pressed iy the people, at this action of | Graud Jury. lam satisfied that I have seen as many of the people since ; the adjournment of court a* •H'ktizcu" I has, and have heard ns many express | their opinion on the subject, and I have j failed to hear but one raise the least ob j jeotiou to the action in igunstiou, a4- | thnt HU,? . freni pewongl rs&euiu, Ytbink s an ardent and over anaUm* admirer of the Chrtiii. und Om. Furtnerinore. I do not believe there np> a doxen people in the comity who have thought or felt any concern about i lie matter, and if it was uot for the iu of /< ■ men, the gem nd put | sentmedta would as often bo sout to the I Joe ns xn for publication as to the Chron. ; unit Con X deny the truth of the asser ! turn that the reoommeudatiau to publish j the presentments in the was , news to any member of the Graud Jury | *hea the pre euluieots wen- read in j court, Before the Grand Jury udjnuru tsl ti e general presentment* femn begiu : "his to eudiug (including the reconi- I meudatiou t> publish in tiie Journal) ! wr ® ‘““d aloud by the Clerk,to that hotly, and the questiou, “Will you re . cite aud approve the preseutiueut*?" ; * put by tile foreman, CUpt. J. N. , Mercier, ami util the least objection wo* j raistsl by any oue. but on tha other baud ! every member ruled to receive them. X [ say. 1 Ueitf ft 1 , that it wo* not news to any uu uiber, but that it was really the aeliou of the Graud Jury, and that the Graud Jury did truly recommeud the change. “Citizeu” vmy adroitly attempt* to leave liie impression, that 1 ua Clerk, p? i hups slipped this recommendation iu : without the consent of the laxly. I will AI cl 9TJ JB* FI E WEEKLY -J O(JItM A. L. May 15, x 7. state that though eh cted Clerk, 1 did uothiog towards draughting the general presentments exeept to sign the names of the members at their request, sa X waa out of the room on a leave of a'.-<- senee when the greater portion, of the preseutmenls were drawn up, but I read them, aud voted to receive them Now that I have show n that tbe Grand Jury collectively is responsible for this “ainfjl" recommendation, and that no blume can be attacboll to any particular individual, why is it so manifestly wrong? For no other reason than that the set d ! d not accord with "Citizens” views, Tbe Orand Jury is a distinct and independent body, left to act accord ing to law and as they see proper and right, and their power to do so cannot be restricted by a few arbitrary auto mats. VEGBTINZ3. FOR DROPSY. Ckhtb/i, Film, R. 1., Oct. 10, 1877. I>n. H. R. Stkvenh:— It in a pic inure to give my testimony for your valuable medicine. I wan Hick for a long time with Dropny. nridar the doctor’* care. He *bhl it wh* Water between the Heart and Liver. I received no benefit until I commenced taking tho Vegetiue; in fact, I was growing wor*e. I linv* tried many romediee; they did not help me.— Vegetine is the medicine tor L)ropy. I begun to feel iKitter after tekintf a few bot tle*. I have taken thirty bottle* in nil. I am perfectly well, never felt better. No one can feel more thankful than Id >. l am, d6nr *ir, gnrtefuW/Otir*, A. V, WItKLLEU. Vegetinc.—When the blood become* life- J* nnd fttngtmut, cither from change of weather or of climate, want of sxercie, irregular diet, or from any other cause, the Vegetme wil’ renew the blood, cariy off the putrid humori, cleanne the stomach, regu late the bowels, and impart a tone of vigot to the whole body. VEGETINE FOR KIDNEY complaint and nervous DEBILITY. IhlsEsbobo, Mr., Det;. 28, 1877. Mr. Htkvknh:-- Dear Mir- I had liatl a eongh for nigh teen years, when I commenced taking the Vege tino. I wow very low ;my nysteui was de bilited l y disease. 1 bad the Kidney Com plaint, and was very nervous - ooagh bod, lung* *iro. When I had taken tne bottle I found it wh* helping me ; t has helped my cough, and it Htrengthens me. lam now able to do my work. Never have found any thing like the Vegetme. 1 know it is overy thing it iu recommended to he Mum. A. J. I’ENDLETON. Vegetme is nourishing aud strengthening; purifies the blood; regulate* the brwclm; quiets the nervous ystem; act* directly upon the aeoretlona; and arouse* the whole system to notion. VEGETINE FOH SICK HEADACHE. Evan*villk, Ind., sJo!:. 1, 1878. Mb. Stkvkwh : Dmr Sir I have u*ed your Vegotine for Sick Headache, aud been greatly honetitted thereby, I have every ronaon to believe it to be a good medicine. Your* very respectfully, Mr*. JAMES CONNER. 411 Third St. Headache.-—There arc various cw.hok for headache, as derangement of the circulating Hystem, of tho digestive organa, of tne ner vous system, Ac. Vegetine can he an id to ho a sura remedy for tho many kinds of headache, a* it note directly ujou the van on* oitiiHcs of this Nervou*ne*s, IndigeHtion, Costivcnca*, UheumatiHin, Neu ralgia, HilliouHticMs, Ac. Try the Vegotine. Yon will never regret it. VEGETINE. DOCTOR’S REPORT. Dr. Ciu*. M. Puddeniiaukin, Apothecary, Evansville, Ind. 'Fho doctor writes: I have a large nnm bes of gooti cuHtomer* who take Vegetine. They all apeak well planets for which it ia recommended. Doc. 27, 1877. Vegotine i* a great panacea for our aged fathers and n other*; for it gives them Ktredgth, quiet* there nerve*, aud give* them Nature’* sweet sleep. VEGrETINE. DOCTOR’S REPORT. Mr. It. It. Stkvrns : /Mrr Sir— We have been soiling your VAliiablo Vogetine for three year*. .n l wo find that it givo* perfect H&tUfaotiotJ. Wo believe it to be the best purifier now old. Very respectfully. Dr. J. E. BROWN A CO., Druggist*. thiioutown, Ky. Vcgetine ha* never failed to effect a cure, giving tone and strength to the system de bilitated by disease. VEGETNE Prepared by //. Ik. Stevens Boston , Mas t. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. Notice. GEORGIA— McDcrrrs Cotiwr. N'OTIOE is hereby given that James Hightower, who m under contract with me for services imtil the first day of Decem ber next has left my service without cause. Any one employing or harboring him will be dealt with according to law. JUKI; UIODO. May id, IHTMt The Image of Her Mother. A. NOVEL. BY HUTU RUSTIC. In the StnxmmiA WWk ly of Satur day, iHUh April, will bo commenced a ucw Kcrinl story with the alhvc title, written by a lady of Suv&i.n di. The HVrA/y .Vim is tl e Largest ami Bast Weekly IiST THE SOUTH. '' it is a complete newspaper, aud contain* the latest Telegraphic aud State News, Markets, etc., an Agricniltural aud Military Department. It is adapted for general circulation throughout the South. Subscription one year $3.00, six months ♦l.iW. Specimen copies sent free. Address J. H. ESTILL, Savannah, Ga.* Tape-worm, riecratioti aud falling of the Womb, Worms. Yertig > or Swimmiug iu the head, relie ed by Da!. G, W. DUUHAM, Thomson, Ga. REVOLVER FREE Keven-shot Revofver with box cartridge*. Address J. BOWK & BON, lZa & 18 Wood Mtreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1O I O Holdiers and Widows cah now 101 v* t Pension* by writing to Jm>. Kirkpatrick, f ambridgo, Ohio. Ma astrates wanted a* agent*. Aim A VTQ honor* at all I/jLVvTiXi\O World’s Exhibitions. Latest Catalogues and Circulars, with new atylcH, reduced price* and much informa tion, sent frea ' Mason A Hamlin Organ Cos., Boston, New York, or Chicago. !) J \\T (\ Another battle on high 1 1 ii. i> * / price*. War with monop olist* renewed Bee Beat- S \1) f"] k \T ty’ latest newspaper for * ) | \JT i\ i\ full reply sent free Before buying a Piano or Organ read mv latest circular. Beatty’s celebrated I'iunos and Organs, beautiful Instrument* ! < hullenge comparison ! Bi vals ar je 'lon* of my success. Most suc cessful h<nne in America J a few years ago without h dollar, sales now nearly anrurdly. Lowest prices ever given, elegant rosewood Ptauo* s!?*/>, 16 atop church Organs >lir, tromendous bargains now ready. Address \\ ARw“S.L;;::;,WAR Sew -I. r , XSBBS-*.SSHa!S-?IVV Sfvu <*3l i ’ii;or ( afarrh **>L not nstantly relieve and speed ily cure. Ttoferencc*, Henry Well*. Ksi| .. Well*, l vc*o A Cos. Aurora, S. Y. ’m. B iwe i E'up. McTlatto’i. errant A Bow en. Bfc. Louis. Testifljoiiiaf* P Le itiso by mail, Price. - h BntWKcd h4mUa^Pk-- \j old c.vcry where, WEEKS A POTT Mil, Proprietors, Boston, Mas*. PIANOS & ORGANS At Factory Prices. Great Reduction t<> dose out present Mtftck of r>() new and aeoond-haud of five tfrHt-ekir.s maker*, fullv wairranted and At prices that defv competition f or thia oUukr of instru ueni v. , J .gun's wanted for Valois’ BifM-rior Bel! OrgLu <r<] Piano*. IHustruh'd O.ttu logut*' mulled H ro4*o Water* \ Suns Mamifa'M ut t r inler*. to l Hth Mt„. New V*‘'l:, Aim • i-*• -cr-tl :...: t o* for Srotilng <> i > If*!.r :*m- -no tv* vim VEGETINE DOCfSR'S REPORT. H. U. S'risvjws, Esq. Dmr Mir: ~ *V have baen **?llinf,; your valuable Vegotine for three ' ©aw, and we find it glvciti perfect Matisfootion. We be lieve it to be the bent blood urifter wow sold. Very respectfully. Dr. -J. E. Brown A Cos., Drugflists, Unionbiwn, Ky. BENSON’S CiPEINE POROUS PLABTKR. was invented to overcome the great objec tion ever found to the old stylo of porous plasters that of nlow action in hriugtng relief. IkOnaonH Caprine Porous Plaster relievo* pain at once and cures quickly. It im art* a sonsatlon of gentle and stimula ting warmth, and brmga rest and comfort to tbo sufferer Beubon’K Po ou* Plaster received the highest and md y medal awarded to Plu-sUrs Price twenty-five cent*. Each genuine Benson’ Capcine Plaster has tke word Oapuins out through the plas- Take no other. Ucan make money faster ut work for us than at anything else, capital not re quired ; we will start you. sl2 per day at home made by tho industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for u . Now i* the time. Oosth outfit and terms free. Address, I liUE fe GO., Augusta, Maine. b27-b§ {P A A a week in your own town. No risk. Reader, if *l# V V you want a business ft t which per sons of either hk can make great pay all (he time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLET &CO., Portland, Mass. b27§ • m> >o*t h.r>-n. *ver used by i.Yp! * fro* 4 t;:huoi 'rrclotaac*. , . ißtecmonor> > jd< I t.wfbul Give iv i • ’ctou tn ihruat and inner*l <>' i- > i >• Ui***lr colls all Ir vlutln* matt* i‘!c • H U> ho expecto r ttt ii, nil *'. ciuiL'dit . . the snUaimuatiort v UU h product** the Cor.ah. A btnirle dos, relieves tho vausfe dlsi resstnf rooiltc* Dfrvuuun<*Bi au<l cmiMfi The nuf *rertovnloy ndctr-4t atid*:lit. ! a pl*Mt*4tnt oiftial. It. tour* tl* wsah stem ii h, ac t 1 i liiUMJtaUy rcijmiucmlud fur xOUildrcu. Wh at oik r rs say about , Tuit’s Expectorant,: Mad Asthma Thirty Years. JIMTTVOft*, *’l have hnd A £,, nu U.. ; y y.': *s, nni ncisrluuuj Sffildkmc ’T nha • ct." V-A i'. HOGAN, Cfttrlot St. A Child : 1 -oa of Merit. tv ■*/ Q.i 1 ~ jVot'cmtrr n, i>-5. . !.u im HiK'lnmyhou':. I’ywifo UuitHs It 1 1. i. ct i. cv’idac h the *vr!j, •nd the chUilrffin i-v 1.; *i*lcr th.m nwlas"-* candy.* ” NOAH VV J 3I3 WARD, N. Poydnu St. “Six, and all Croupv.” **X am the mother of aix, all or them have been croupv. W iihc.t Tv I’a K'sjyn'tnmnt, I d,-n't think they hive sin vived some of tho attacks. It i* a woC;r'd h ‘ 4 MAR/ Frankfort, Ky. . A Doctor’s Advice. •*Xn my practice,ladvue MUiautiiiestokespTnH’i £zpect<ant, in aadJi-n emergencies, lor coughs, croup, diphthcrii, etc." T. P. ELLIS, M.D., Newark, N. J. Sold by nil lU'ngytytu JPrice SI.OO, Ojjlcs 38 Murray iStrect, JStw Fork* mm “THE TREE !S KjOP BY ITS FRUIT." •‘TuttW* \rrt worth thc?rw“ii;htln bt’H.** fic-V. i. Louisyiiia, Ky. ereft r,'. of I‘ta raa--A. tccnthcntut> NavjYorU "1 have ms. I Tc't’t. i Jot* t'lrjHYr of tha liver. They Rra si:,v :r l<j any incdicuto for biiiavy dii* Orders ever iu •<(-*. ’* I. P. C/vP.R, Attd-"V aj Lw, Augusts, Ga. 41 1 hnva used tt\a years in my family. They arvcucu.m!ud t-M biiiuustiess." 4 * F. H. Taxis. *'l have rvp.| Tut’’ ?T. mew: 'i crest benefit.** W. W MAN‘4. editor Mobil® Regular. “Wo sell ii(>v N'--' s ii.ii'* Pills to five of *ll •thers.’*—SAYßE A CO., Csrteriville. Ga. •‘Tutt’s Pills have o"ly to be tried to csta.biiih their merit* . T'.u v work like r.'.nt’ic.*' W. K, SARBON 96 Gu.VYm.3r Ct., Boston- There is no medicine so well ad iptcd to the c-r Of L'iiiou* iC-iM iorrt •>* Tutt'a Pi’!®.’* %ICS. BRU!V;M£I., Richmond, Virginia. AtaD A MORE. £<*ld ,*'*/ ttruQcjh-fs. P 5 ecu ’v ti O 'lco 3$ Murray Sirvct, J\cw York. innrri —i T v:,: uiirrrn : Si iTSITSfiIRDYE I CiGH fi-GIiIVIORIY. * FI-’ - 7 h'P, ! ICiFIC JtK'RA :L ; h..- wh! i rt*'l >r'n : Ti.t'i i beAntyle thrhair! j ‘h*t yi.QSDt e:\uiul*' has mi.v onlr>t j*, , tno4.lciu< S lb - Jip vilch I'-ntut** Daleiv perftoeJ un. u'O htwWtr* uiav -fi LOW Uejoloe.’* * * ’2 J*;™ St.CO. ertce SS Pfttrmtf St.. S A>ie Verl-. fIU-.-t hy ail dru.tnlsti. NOTICE GEORGIA—MeDcrrix Cocstt, I HEREBY war.i and emi on al i .reoaa agaiuai trading for n nek- B ve i 7j -.d ward Gaud let for the sum off 0 <>< . ii ie oanfideiatioaa for which it wa, gr.ii mive failed, 1 will resist the of i MBS EIXAF. GAR iijv- May 13, 1878-U JOHN M. CURTIS, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF BUGGIE3, REPAIRING CARRIAGES, Pr ° mptly J° ne WAGONS, ftc. V j\J ' V / rateß ' TJ n and e r t a k i ii g If WING pure hailed a large lot of Coffin* of all sizes and qualiteo. wilft geJI the same t J ou a* reasonable terms as can be had in Augusta. My Hearse will I/e eirt when desired to any por i°T* tOWn * n f^e cimnlr y a price k/V JoimM. CtmTigf 21 if HFMOVAL OP 1* K T M!! From :305 Duoad Street, i whoro w© have been for over 20 yeais) V< * 7 I 15 1 • >nSt r< >et, -,,,.,1 to Oj.-orn fl- iiSB Atoka* > I Hafinß att*a till U ■ ".■:•! -. iious i Urood Str.-t. especially for Cffitl’BTH, BtIHH. MA. UUHFIKIH 81,'(OR AND TABLE OIL CIDTHH, WINDOW HADEH, WINDOW COKNIOES, LACE OUHTAINB, CURT IN' BANDS TABSELH AND LOOPS, PtfUM Frame MimMinu, Canton anil Cocoa Mattings, Wall Papera, Borders. Eire Screens, „1,4 Paper Sliadca. and everything tw .lly kept in a Hrst elaaa Carpet Ealabliahment, ei reaped fully invite tho pulilic at large and especially our old enstomera to come oil i-iamluti tmr flue aa ortineut of the above goods, which we will offer and sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. „e i ,vito Hpeoial attention to the following goods, opened for Spring trade: ■m yarda English Bruaaels -low for oaali. 8000 yards :l-ply ami ingrain Carpeta— vary low. 2000 yarda 1 lanhiu Matting, 25 to 50c. per yard. I.AOO Window Shadca. 200. to 1:1.50 each. .100 pairs Into* Cnrtaina to <50.00 a pair. .WM) rolls Wall Paper arid Border, up. 10" rolls Floor anil Table Oil Clotha. Ijruroh Clothe Dmggeta. Tug* and Mata, Cm tain floods and Ppholsters' Trimmings. By all means give us a call, or send on your orders to an old established House, ano bast boon doing business, long bofure the war, in Charleston. S. C., and in Augusta since the war OAFPETB, 274 Broad Street. JAS, G. BAILIE & BRO., GROCERIES, 206 Broad Street, SdlO-e* AUGCSTA, GA. REMEMBER SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Now arriving and for sale at my “Old Stand,” on Main Street, Thomson, Ga. - A FtULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS, SUITINGS, LAWNS, PIQUES, Prints, Muslins, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c„ and A SUPERII LINE OP CASSIUKUES ALSO a splendid line of Notions. ALL of which l wil %% !at l>uttom prices, for cash. Best brand* of Tobacco always on hand, at the lowest figures. You are respectfully invited to call and examine my sU ek. T. A. SCOTT. E. LIIBiCHIB, DEALER IN ! Shad, Oysters, Terrapins, Fresh and Salt Water Fisli, Game, Poultry, Vegetables, Fruit and other produce. SPECIAL. He is also Agent for the Knick erbocker Natural Ice Company, and will fill all orders promptly and at the lowest Prices. JACKSON STKCKT, > \ TTP TTOT t n i REAR OF GLOBE HOTEL. > AUcrUMA, ItA. All Orders Punctually Attended to. Terms Cash on Delira r b- "I -ffA VH bwt received a large and well selected -stock of CGOKE’S CLOTHING ANO HAT STORE ! 203 I3i oad St., Augusta, Ga. MEN AND BOYS If you want a Blue Flannel Suit, licet grade, that will not fade, If you want a Bine Yacht Cloth Suit, If you want a fancy Cassimere Suit, If you want a Black Cloth Suit, If yon want a Black Worsted tjait, If you want a suit of any kind—cheap or fine, If you want a Coat, Pants or Vest If yon want a White or Colored Suit, If you want a box of linen or paper collars If you want a Nook Tie, Bow or Pocket Handkerohief. If yon want a nice felt or straw hat, If you want any of the above goods We will furnish good Goods, Latest Styles, and at the lowest prices. Wholesale buyers it will be to your interest to examine our large and cheap stock of clothing. A- W. BLANOHARD, apri l 17< . FOR J. C. LUDLOW 4 CO. IJUguffic lEttklg Jouinal o ONE OF THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN THE SOUTH. o —, The Largest and Cheapest Weekly Paper la the State, Read by 10,000 Persona. UEFA II T VI j r r EDITORIALS, ORIGINAL DOTS AND SKETCHES, NEWS, LITERATURE, POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, RRItIQIO.V, HUMOR *O, Rt. THE LINCOJLN DEPAHTMEMT, Under the management of T. B. BOI.LEKSHEAD, R,q ,I, a brUWaa, PmUfi .f JoraKAi.. and given all the Loaal n4 other Bier, fro 11 that aeeMaa, <J O It It EMI* o N I) E N O E, Voluntary ovntnhution* from different parts of the State an 1 4e ah re a epeai* feature of the Joytbxai.. T O An Y E li T I H RR W, With one of the larg**t mrouUtion* rno*<? ths r*vU v*t l*t • Konth, the Journal is second to none as a medium through which o Mmusnioih It the public. Lil>eial reduction* made ou oontract advertisement. Terms o# Subscription ONE YEAR ~*o. SIX MONTHS . an THREE MONTHS M. Published every Wednesday morning at Thomson, Ga., by J. E. WHITE <& CO. Agents Wanted. 1878. SPRING OPENING.' 1878. O J AM opening the largest and best assorted stock of CLOTHING, COMPRISING SPECLALTIES IN BLUE FLANNELS, FANCY C AStUMEXN Aim FINE WORSTEDS. AWD H A. T S IN LATEST STYLES OF FELT AND STRAW. FURNISHING GOQQ*i A FUI4, ASSORTMENT. Boys Clothing and, Hats In Ml styles and grades. My stock end prices are of year ■SUataon. Ca an* xamine them. U. S, SoJg&jtA, mayl--m 238 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, OA.