McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, October 15, 1879, Image 1

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Vol. IX. Subxfiiption Katos. o One Year SI.OO Six Mouth 60 Three Months 25 Invariab y in Advance. W Positively no paper sent until the money is paid. CfT Notice given each subscliber two weeks before the expiration of his time, and if subscription is not renewed, the paper is at ouce discontinued. Our no tice will be the letter “X,” marked on the margin of the paper in blue pencil Any person who will send us the na- ies of live new subscribers, with $5 Ovish. will be entitled to oue year’s sub script: os free ' s v ? .■. -i -o : nsertion $ 1 00 ; ent aiHexfciQn, . 55 * hree months 10 00 • )uo s.piare six months 15 00 One sipiart* twelve months 20 00 Quarter column twelve inbnths.. 40 00 Half coluinu six qjonths 00 00 Half column twelve months 75 00 Oua column twelve months 125 00 r, €r fen lines or less considered a square u tractions of squares are couuted as full squares. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, ETC. A. C. QIHLLAIN, Dentist, WILL be in Thomson from the Ist till the 15th of each month. All operations strictly First Class. Office on Main street, first door south of A. B. Thrasher’s residence. Private engage ments in the couutry promptly filled. jnnliO-lv BOOT & SHOE SIBP. T am now occupying W. B. B. Cason’s i old stand in back room of T. N. Lewis* store, and am prepared to make boots. and shoes of all styles cheap for Strictly Cahill. 1 one the very best t* ttterial. warrant all work, and guarantee satisfaction. Very thankful for past liberal patronage, I solicit a continuance of the samo Call and examine stock and prices ./au 22.-4 y. J. T. FLANIGAN. PAVILION HOTEL, Charleston, S. C. G. T. ALFORD <t CO., Proprietors !taes, *2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per day llii* Onttiii> -IN THE UTEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC MANNER, -BY E. D. AMONITTI, ArliHt u lluinuii Ililir, (OrricK L’ndbk Central Hotel.) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, mare-tf Seed WhoatFor Sale rp [K undersigned offers for sale 200 J[ bushel ■<d SEED WHEAT, of the BILE D ALLIS variety. This wheat yielded lust season 20 bushels to one, and is warranted Bust Proof. ALSO, a few bushels of MAMMOTH BYE or DIAMOND WHEAT, yielding fifty bushels and over to every bushel sown. The grains of this wheat average nearly half an inch long, and the heads from seven to nine inches long. Address \VM. S. BOYD, aug-20-tf Baysville, Ga. Planters, Attention! *-••4 We could not supply the demand for the Gullet Gin last season owing to the yellow fever quarantine. To prevent a similar occurrence during the coming season, we have been instructed to offer the impruv i; licit (fin, ALMO Feeder and Condensers, At a very low price to all who will pur chase this spring for cash or good paper Now is your chance to purchase the finest Cotton Gin over offered to tl e trade, at prices that any planter can afford. To get the largest discount yon should purchase between now and May 15th. We are also offering the celebra ted Bigelow Engines of every style; also. SWEEPSTAKE SEPARATORS, SAW MILLS, THRESHERS, GRIST MILLS, Ac., Ac., At greatly redneed pri res. Give us a call or write for circulars. Extra low figures made to those who purchase their entire ginning and threshing out flu through us. Address, 0. M. SfOUE at CO., General Agents for Plantation Machin ery, Augusta Ga. apl23-(im. nervous debility SEMINAL WEAKNESS, Lost Manhood, I m potency - Uuiversal 1-asitnde, Enerva tion of Mind and Body, and all diseases that follow as a sequence of indiscretion or excess, quickly and permanently •nred by Bate s Specific, prepared by a physician, ands the result of years of Ttndy and practice in treating these special diseases, and sold at $2 per package, three packages for $5- For specific oircnlar and full particulars ad drees Dr. BATE A CO., 201 Clark St., Chicago. 111. _ febl!l-iy_ "m BURNHAMS Ljwmmm: tiSStk NJRRANTED BEST AND CHEAPtiI MHD Prlcfß rninffd. Pamphlet free. \ Works: (SiriWlona, Lancaster Co-,**- Office.' 3 8. Hoorrr Bt., York, hr febs-ly Opium and MorpLine Habit And DRUNKENNESS absolutely and apeodily cured. Painless; no publicity: the worst cases of Drunkenness cured in 10 or 1A days. Send stamp for particu lars to J. 8. CARLTON, 203 8 Clark St., Chicago, Dl. febliMy Ucan make money faster at work for us than at anything else, capital not required; wc will start yon. sl2 per day at home made by the industri es. Men, women, boys and girls want ed everywhere to work r ns. Now is the time. Costly outfit and terms free. Address. TRUE A CO., August,Me b'-7-b| AUGUSTA AI>VERTISfiMENTS. LOW PRICES —FOK— . Boots, Shoes and Hats. o We have now in store a very large and complete stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, which has been purchased direct from the manufacturers at the LOWEST PRICES THE CASH WILL CUMMAND, aud as our motto is Large Sales and Small Profits our customers and the public can rely on GOOD ZQ^F'^XiXrSS. A large stock of Philadelphia and Baltimore fine shoes on hand. A liberal discount to the wholesale trade. WM. MULHERIN, 2Off St,* .Hvcnsr.*, tfKomiiH* sepl.7S-ly Mu- " **••*% ■-- I L''- Masonic Hall Building, 244 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga GEORGE A. BAILIE, [LATE OF JVS G. BAILIE & BKO.J IleHpeetfully culls the attention of the public to a beautiful lino of the above Goods, which he is fast opening in the Masonic Hall building, No. 241 Broad Street, consisting of beautiful Brussels 3 IMy and Ingrain Garpets. Rustic and Paper Shades, all sizes Hearth Hugs, Door Mats, Crumb Cloths, Tern s, Heps and Damasks, all coirs Floor and Table Oil Cloth, all widths, Cane and Upholsterer’s Trimmings, Lace and Nottingham Lace Curtains,, Wall Papers in great variety, Curtain Bands, Loops, Gimps and Tassels, Borders, Fire Screens and side lights, Window Cornices in variety of patterns, Chrotnos. Picture Cord, Window Shades, all colors and sizes, Picture Tassels and Nails, Window Hollands, all colors. 1 respectfully solicit an examination of my (roods by the. public, whom 1 have been among and waiting upon for the past twenty-five years, guaranteeing to all that they will be waited on pleasantly and promptly. Besides the front doer main entrance to my store, I have secured a private entrance through the main hall of the Masonic Hall. GEORGE A. BAILIE, 244 BROAD STREET, MASONIC IIALL BUILDING. •HTCarpets made and laid promptly. I will open in two weeks a full stock of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, under chf rge of one of Augusta’s most competent and reliable young men. GEORGE A. BAILIE. nept-3-3iu 1843. ESTABLISHED 1843. O. VOLGER, Importer of and Wholesale and Retail —DEALER IN Segars, Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff, WHISKIES, BR NDIES, RUMS, GINS, RHINE, CLARET, and CATAWBA WINES, CHAMPAGNES, MINERAL WATER, etc., a specialty. Hottli’d It.’.M-, Su<di six ST. LOUIS. CINCINNATI and MILWAUKEE. Domestic. TAAISER, BREMER ank PILUMEU. Imported. Prices, "'Lower Thou the Lowest.” 19% & 2%4 Biloxi) 4HUGVSTA* sept-3 6m Jamjes Ci. Uailhs, —DEALER IN— Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Curtains and Shades. —ALSO— Choice Family Groceries AND JPlaiitaiioti Supplies, 205 BROAD STREET, m. o°SS?no. f AUGUSTA, GA. Bept?-3m $1.50 STOP AT 81.30 THE ATI GUST A. H OX EL, Corner of Broad and Washington Sts., Augusta, Ga. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED TO BUSINESS. With Telegraph Office in the Building, and Southern Express Cos. Office next door to Hotel Building. Summer Rate of Board per Day, $1.50. SINGLE MEALS 50 CENTS. | SINGLE LODGINGS 50 CENTS August C-3m \V. >l. MOORE, Proprietor. Subscribe for the Journal, THOMSOX, Q7A., WEDNE#AY, OCTOBER 15.1879. THE CAUSE OF THE RAIN. Away by the shore of the ocean blue, In jM’Mccfnliii ss knowu to the lonely few, The wife ahtl child ot a nailer true Uved uud toiled together. Full many a weird and pleasing tale Was told the boy, of sen and sail, Of floating berg “and northern gale, Of clear ami cloudy weather. Adown the west the king of day Was hastening through the gates away, In all his golden bright array, When home returned the skipper. At evening, strolling on the sand, He told tin* boy of many a land, And slowly traced with his brawny hand The cross and the starry dipper. ’Twas midnight, and. unfit lor rest, The hoy stole softly from his nest, To watch the moon in clouds of the west Play hide and seek with the water. To laugh at the wind in its wild, wild race. And again the stars of the heavens to trace; But he thought that tin* dipper was out ol place, And veiled Anriruiueda’* daughter. The sea was mad, for the wind was high, The huge black clouds would soon goby, But down fell torrents of rain from the sky And nwobe the sleeping skipper. And suddenly long and loud laughed he, When the voice of his child broke forth in glee, “Oh father! the king of the Northern sea lias upset iiis starry dipper.” Proverbs ot the Billings’ Family Don’t swap with ycr relnshuns un less ye kin afford to give them the big end of the trade. Marry yuug and if cirkuustancea require it, often. Don’t, take out ycr tohocker box in kumpauy. If you knot git gud clothes and edi knsliini too, git the clothes. Say how are ye? to everybody that yon mete. Ivnltivate sum modesty, bnt yu mind to keep a good stock of impu dence on hand. Bo charitable—the sent pieces were rnado on purpose. Don’t take anybody else’s advice but your own. If a man flatters yn, yu can kulku late lie is a rogue, or you are a fule. Keep both ize open but don’t see more tlinn half j u tiotis. Don’t tnortifi the flesh too much, ’twnnt the sores on Luzzorus that sent him tew heaven. If yon itoh for fa ne go iter a grave nrd and scratch yourself agin utiiiuAj stun. Boggars don’t, ha runawa dogs. “ ’Tis a long, mid 'tiiLKJjbjl t Wi, • M ... Wm JO the length onl I would say to young men “go in,” uiu^w^Sßß fellers “knm out.” About as sure wu tu git rich as I no of is tu get inter dot fur a hun dred dollurs, and go tu work and pay wph the det. Filosofers tell us that the world re volves on its axes, and Josh Billings tells us that full half the folks on the earth are the axes N. B. —These proverbs hev stood for mor’n a benched years, and haiu’fc gone out yet. A Prompt Juror. Aii amusing story is told of the way a juror in Georgia went for a conviction. A murder case w. s being tried, and great difficulty was expe rienced in getting n jury. Eleven jurors bad been sworn, and in the next panel that was brought in was u small, lank, lean, cadaverous looking fellow, who bad on but one shoo, bis pants were held up by a single sus pender. The solicitor proceeded to ask the usual questions, as follows: “Have you, from having seen the crime committed or heard any of fcj e testimony delivered under oath, formed and expressed any opinion as to tlm guilt or innocence of the pris oner at the bar ?” The “single gallus” fellow, iu a ciear and distinct voice, answered : “Not any.” “Have you any prejudice or bias resting on your mind for or against the prisoner at tne bur ?” “It Imin’t.” “Is your mind perfectly impartial between the State and the accused ?” “Hit air.” “Are you conscientiously opposed to capital punishment?” “I isn’t.” The State didn’t like the juror much, but it being hue and jurors scarce, lie was put upon th jury m the usual mauner, the solicitor say ing; “Juror, look upon the prisoner.” The juror looked the prisouer firmly in the face, and then turning to the Judge, he said, in a firm, solemn voice, “Yes, Judge, I think he’s guilty,” The language of postuge stamps, instead of flowers, has just been in vented. Thus, when a postage stamp is placed upside down on the left cor ner of the envelope it meaQS “I love von;” in the raine, crosswise, “My heart is another’s;” straight np and down, “Good-bye sweetheart, good bye;” upside down, in the right hand corner, “Write no more;” in the cen tre at tiie top, “Yts;” opposite at the bottom, “No;” on the right hand cor ner at a right angle, “Do you love me?” in the left hand corner, “I hate you;” top corner on the right, “I wish your iriendnbip;” bottom corner on the left, “I seek your acquaint ance;” ou a line witli the surname, “Accept my love;” the same upside down, “I am engaged;" at a right angle in the same place, “I long to see you;” in the middle at the right hand edge, “Write me immediately.” Darwin tells us that a woman’s feet may “blush instead of her face.”— Certainly they may. Why, one night List winter, the feet of a Chicago woman standing bare footed on a sixth-story varanda, suddenly took it into their heads to blush at their own size, and hanged if people forty fiv miles South of there didn’t mistake , it for au aurora borealiu. Ti tr Vicksburg City Council hsve unWoijtnansly resolved tLnt some of ilie '.ojiee force must be colored. At- t ie Lowe, the woman who killed Martin F. Woody, at Knoxville, and then spot liercelf, has since died. A wagon train has been started be tween Macon and Buena Vista, Ga., to aritffi tbe high railroad freights. It is’reported that a colony of five or six hundred northern families is to be established in Worth oounty, Ga. . The Texas Pacific is trying to raise money by a mortgage of 820,000 per mile on its finished road to extend if to Guaymas, The celebrated Kennedy cattle rancte, Texas, cn the Rio Grande, lias Seen purchased by nn English company 1 >r $950,000 Asloor-1) II Ims been mysteriously ringing in i'emouolis, Ala. It was discovered bat a snnke did it by crawling ov r tile wire. The Shit if Virginia saves nine hundred tb nd dollars on interest per annum 1 v the McCullough set tlement of i .0 public debt. The Chart ston News aud Courier sayH that there is no coal, properly so ended, iu 0 "olina, and it is n scieu litic iinposs iiility that there should he. The propemd anieiidmeut in the Texas const! ration will exempt from taxation all-farm produoo and family supplies in , the hands of tho pro ducers. In .870 till average weight of wool per was heavier hi the Austin Stirespro: Haugiugs occur in Texas just tibw with greater rapid ity than murdel*. The law is cutoh ing up, and in t:,io present frame of the public mind is likely to get ahead. A Texas be i;ts bitten by a rattle- Huuke and w.itf in a critical condition. A physician Ijoeted three drops of carbolic acid under th 3 skin with a hypodermic syringe, and gave instant relief. The Board .of I) rector j of the Texas Pacific Railroad company re solved, in Philadelphia, at their re cent meeting, to extend the road at once to El Paso and issue bonds for the purpose. It is said that there are about three hundred young men in Durham, N. (J., not one of whom has reached the age of twenty-due, or who was born there. There is not a citizen of Dur ham who was born in the place. The G eenviilo (Miss.) Advertiser • ays that a sa oOn keeper ou the other side of the river, after selling the con cents of a whiskey barrel, found therein the remains of a child. The stamp on the barrel was four years old. The bed of the river ulong the from of New Oilcans is beingco-ered with thick mats of cano, strongly wired weighted with bags of sand. The object is to pro tect the shore from being washed out by varyiuj/ currents. Tbomasvill ■ (Ga) Times; Smd puar orchards iu Thomas county are creating greater excitement now than Florida orangb groves, A twelve acre orchard has sold this year for .$2,200. The same orchard was bought this spring for $1,200. Small pox at San Diego, Texas, still prevails among tho Mexican pop ulation. It is stated that they do not regard tho lostliesome disease witli more disfavor than do the Ainei icaus measles or whooping cough—iu fact, they rather pijtfer their childrou to take it while (hey are young. Two womeii got mad at Union City, Tenn., the otter day, and agreed to seek satisfaction on the field of honor. They went on(t armed with pistols, measured paces, turned and fired upon eaoh <}ther without effect.— Throwing do(m the pistols, they went for each others hair and thus ended the light. Codariown (Ga.) Advertiser: A very fatal form of fever lias been pre vailing in thejneighborhood of Rook mart for several weeks. Wo are in- I formed that Sot a single case of it has l yet recovered Cur latest iuforma : tio’; is that Dr. Pierce, the physjoiitu ; who has been treating it, was at tack ed by the disorder. 6.0. Boison&Co. Have established a large TRADE, extending in every direc tion, by Rolling Pianos & Organs FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT. LESS THAN OTHER DEALERS. E. 1. 0. M. The Bes-t Instruments Manufactured, the Lowest Prices in America and the Easiest 'Perms ever otTered can bo se cured by visiting or corresponding with T. M.H. O.T. S. Low Prices, Quick Sales AT THE lUGUm MUSIC HOUSE Tuning and Repairing by 0. H. TAY LOR, the only authorized Tuner of the Augusta Music House. (i. O. ROBINSON A CO., 2G5 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. inar2o-ly Bricks! Bricks! HKaying purchase* 1 the wed known HNttfrud of the late ■tm win\. a-- !I.• 111- I Address, IfjIIITIIFIIFORD, AUGUSTA, GEORGIV Feb. 12-Hm GEORGII'siITE FUR, At M Vt’ON, Oct. 27th to Noe. Ist, IS7O The Most Magnificent and Best Appointed Grounds in America! LIBERAL CASH PREMIUMS In all Classes, and the largest offered by any Fair in the United Status. Trotting and Running Races! Every day, by somo of the MOST NOTED HOUSES ON THE TUItF! Music will be furnished by a colebrnecl MILITARY BAND. Many of the prominent statesmen now before tho public, will attend the State Fair as visitors, and several will make addresses. GREATLY REDUCED RATES For freight and passengers, on all tho railroads in the Stato. A cordial invitation is extended to you to be un oxhibitor, and you are re quested to write to the Secretary at Ma con for a premium list and other infor mation. TFIOS. HARDEMAN, Jr-, President. L. F. LIVINGSTON, Gou’l. Sup’t. MALCOLM JOHNSTON, Secretary. ■ sopt-3-Ut. THE MIHWEEKim Of October 4th will contain the first chapters of a story of thrill ing interest, entitled Anabel’s Secret. By Mrs. J. O. Brauch. Wc desire not to anticipate tho pleasure which the readers of the Ww kly News will derive from tho perusal oft 1 is charming story, aud therefore will not speak of it here further than to say that in the man agement of an original aud intensely interesting plot, not less thau iu her powers of description, her life-like delineations of obaracter, and the pure moral tone of her reflections, the accomplished author givos asmr auce that she inherits the genius of her gifted mother, Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz, whose works of Action have lieeu so uuiversully admired and still rank among the most popular Ameri can books of their olass. “AuaW's Secret” is developed iu California, of which State the antic r was at one time a rcsidont, and her vivid descrip tions of Horn: of the most wonderful scen-rs of that picturesque region are umong the striking features of the story. The new serial will run through same eight or ten uumbeis of the Weekly. Subscribers who dosirc to have tho story complete should scud iu their subscriptions at onco. Subscription, $2 a year ; $1 for six mouths. Money can be sent by Money Order, Registered Lettor or Express, at our risk, J. H. Ehtill, Savannah, Ga, THOMSON ADVERTISEMENTS .1. TIG MAN N 1C.V1., —AT— THE POST OFFICE HAS A GOOD JANE Ob' CONFECTIONERIES OF ALL KINDS. TOR A CCOS AND CIG AES. STATION ERX ES. BLANK ROOKS. LETTER AND (AP I’.[PER, ENVEL OPES, PENCILS, PENS, INK, Ac. Fancy Boxes of Paper and Envelopes. BoBIRT ILi. Z*ABOIIAL. o At his old stand on Railroad Street, has on hand a full line of COiYFECTIONERfES, FAMILY GROCERIES, PLANTATION SCPPLIES , RAGGING, TIES, dr. WHISKIES, WINES PEER, BRANDIES, GINS . RUMS, dr., dr., Ac. Tobaccos and Cigars* C-jT r riio Cclehruted Hclmylkill Mult YVlllukoy, lor xvhieli lux ltitM ogcluMivo <ontrol. The Best Bar In Thomson. Robert Xj. Paschal, scpt-24-4m RAILROAD STREET, THOMSON, OA, J. 0. Watson, Informs tho public that he has opened a new grocery store In t' o old McKinney house, next door below the Post Ollioe where lie will keen a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES TOBACCOS , CIGARS, dr, dr.. CONE EC- ‘ T 1 ON FRIES, Tl.\ an,l WOOD IPd RE, dr., (be., do. AU of which he will sell at bottom figures for CASH. Fall Weights and Measures. Call and examine my Stock, „ , JT. O AX r A.TSO2Sr, THOMSON DRUG STORE. DR. AV. BAIiTOK NOTIFIES tlio citizens of McDuffie und adjoining counties that be has on hand anu is to receive a full aud complete line of GLASS, DRUGS, PUTTY, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS. MEDICINES PERFUMERY. TOILET SOAPS, DYES, Tooth Blushes, and Toilet Articles of all kinds. Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, and Garden Seed always on hand. Kerosene oil cheaper than anywhere else. I will keep constantly on hand TOBACCO and CIGARS of all grades. All my goods will t,O sold CHEAP for CASH. Preamptious filled at all hours of the day and night, Professional calls answered at any tiino in tin, town. sept-'H „$ J. B NEAL & SON. O IiTOU the liberal patronage liestowed upon us during the pad year wo toi .. der our thunks to the public; to ooutiuuo to merit their putrouago ud to increase it is our endeavor. Our Fall and Winter Stock la now complete in all the different departments, and tho goods will bo sold at the very lowest living prions. CALICOES, BLEACHED HOMESPUN. SEA ISLAND, TICKING, CASS I MERES GENUINE KENTUCKY JEANS, BLACK ALPACCA, CASHMERE, Wider Proof, Table Damask ATHENS’ CHECKS and STRIPES, • SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, ,tc.. *o. DRESS GOODS or VARIOUS STYLES, A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING —CHEAp! Our Bay Statu Are tho Best Shoes ovor mode, aud at low prices. Wear them once and r>u will hoy them again. J ' Bay State Boots, $2.00; French Calf Boots, $2.75. We have Brogans for 75c., SI.OO and up. Women’s High Cut, Heavy Shoes, 75c, to SI.OO. A Good Stock of Ladies' and Gent’s Fiue Shoos, Hats very cheap, from 20c. up. The Celebrated Pearl Shirt, the best and cheapest in America! J. B. NEAL & SON. Kop-24-3m MAIN STREET, THOMSON, GEORGIA. GO TO THE GASH STORE! B. H. BIT§ p, At his old stand, raoently occupied by A. J. Adkins, is now receiving a LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS, Direct from the North, connifttiug in part of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Trunks, Saddles and Harness, &c., &c. A.ISTD A. FULL LTNTII OF Family Groceries, Plantation Supplies, Bagging and Ties, Confectioneries, etc., etc. Call and see mr. Bay for CASH and SAVE Money. M* K. BUSH, Thom son, CJa. F. S. Highest Market Pric3 Paid tor Cotton sept-24-3m I>To. 48.