McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, October 29, 1879, Image 1

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■ ■ W B jffi KL Y ' ' iV'' "Vol. IX. Subscription 15 a tus. One Year SI.OO Six Month... 50 Three Mouths 25 Invariab v in Advance. CIT Positively no paper sent until the money is paid. *ST Notice given each subscriber two weeks before the expiration of his time, and if subscription is not renewed, the paper is at once discontinued. Our no tice will be the letter -*X.” marked on the margin of the paper in blue pencil *;*T Any person who will send us the names of five new subscribers, with $5 cash, will be entitled to one year’s sub scription free. V(I Hlitbis. bn* s purn*, first insertion $ 1 00 ivich subsequent insertion....... 75 One square three months 10 00 One square six months 15 00 One square twelve months 20 00 Quarter column twelve months.. 40 00 Half column six mouths GO 00 Half column twelve months....*. 75 00 One column twelve months 125 00 Ten lines or less considered a square m tsMjfcjens of squares are couuted as* full squares. PROFESSIONAL CAROS, ETC. BOOT 6 SHOE SHOP. I am now occupying W. B. B. Cason's old stand in back room of T. N. 'Lewis' store, and am prepared to make boots and shoes of all styles cheap for tSti*ic;t l.y CJatslu I use the very best n uteriul. warrant all work, and guarantee satisfaction. Very thankful foi past liberal patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. Call and examine stock and prices- Jan.22,-lv. J. T. FLANIGAN. PAVILION HOTEL, Charleston, S. C. G. T. ALFORD if; CO., Proprietors. Hates, $2.00, $2.50 and s.‘>.oo per day Iluir Cutting —lN THE— LATEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC MANNER, —BY— E. D. AMONITTI, Arlisi on fliinistii llsiit*, (Office Undisb Centum, Hotke. ) AU G UST A, GEO HGI A. Seed Wheat For Sale rpilE undersigned offer?; for wale 200 1 bushels of SEED WHEAT, of the DILL DALLIS variety. This wheat yielded last season 20 bushels to one, and is warranted Bust Proof. ALSO, a few bushels of MAMMOTH RYE or DIAMOND WHEAT, yielding fifty bushels and over to every bushel sown. The grains of this wheat average nearly half an inch long, and the heads from seven to nine inches long. Address WM. S.. BOYD, a tig-20-if Raysvillo. On. Planters, Attention! ► • • We could not supply the demand for the Gullet Gin hist season owing to the yellow fever quarantine. To prevent a similar occurrence during the coming season, we have been instructed to offer the Improved Gullet! Gin, ALSO Feeder and Condensers, At a very low price to all who will pur chase this spring for cash or good paper. Now is your chance to purchase the finest Cotton Gin ever offered to tbe trade, at prices that any planter can afford. To get the largest discount yon should purchase between uow arid May 15th. We are also offering the celebra ted Uigelow Engines of every style; also, SWEEPS,TAKE SEPAHATOUS. SAW MILLS, THRESHER*. GRIST MILLS, Ac., Ac., At greatly reduced pri ;es. Give us a call or write for circulars. Extra low figures made to those who purchase their entire ginning and threshing out fits through us. Address, 0. M. Si ONE & CO., General Agents for Plantation Machin ery, Augusta apD3-€ro. For Rent. A good and commodious store house at Norwood, on Ga. It. It., convenient to the depot, and a good business stand. Possession given first of October. For terms apply in person or by letter to John F. A. Jokes, Wrightsboro, Ga. 5epU0,1879.-t f . NERVOUS DEBILITY SEMINAL WEAKNESS, Lost Manhood, Impotency, Universal l.asitnde, Enerva tion of Mind and Body, and all diseases that follow as a sequence of indiscretion or excess, quickly and permanently eared by Bate's Specific, prepared by a physician, ands the result of years of study and practice in treating_ these special diseases, nnd sold at $'J per package, three packages for For specific circular and full particulars, ad dress Dr. BATE & CO., 201 dark bt., Chicago, 111. febltf-iy A BURNHAMS JLmmMs ggfgjUi VARRANTEO BEST AND ChEAEEST aPiimmuppm Works: Christiana, iMttroHtrr Co.,J'a. Office: iili 8. Jieuver St., York, J*a \ fehS-lv Opium and Morp 1 ine Habit And DRUNKENNESS absolutely and speedily cured. Painless ; no publicity: the worst cases of Drunkenness cured in 10 or IT> days. Send stamp for particu lars to .1. S. CARLTON, 203 S. Clark St., Chicago. 111. feblO-ly *T2 can make money faster at work for 2 J us than at anything else, capital not tyi required; we will start you. J*<l2 per uuy at home made by the industri ous. Men.women, boys and girls want ed everywhere to work C - us. How is the time. Cost! outfit ana terms free. Address. TRUE & CO., Augusta,Me b27-b§ AUGUSTA ADVERTTsKMENTS. —FOR— Boots, Shoes and Hats, o We have now in store a very large and complete stock of BOOTS, SHOES AM) HATS, which has been purchased direct from the manufacturers at the LOWEST PRICKS THE GASH WILL CUM HAND, and as our motto is Large £ale& and Small Profits our customers and the public can rely on good ro.^.rocA.a.xins's. A large stock of Philadelphia and Baltimore tine shoes on hand. A liberal discount to the wholesale trade. V# Jto&Q&Jf&F.* QKOXWffii* sept.TH-ly lirussol’s l'hrco . * ellOliT. CARPETS! * /V ""' 7// : ■ BORDERS. : , Masonic Hall Building, 244 Broad Street? Augusta? Ga GEORG b] A. BAILIE, [LATE OF J VS G. BAILIE & DUO.] Respectfully calls the attention of Yhe public to a bountiful line of the above Good*, which he is faff opening in tho M mouic Hall building, No. 241 Broad Street, consisting >f beautiful Brussels .‘5 Flv and Ingrain Carpets, liuatic mid Paper Shades, all sizes Hearth Rugs, Door Mats. Crumb Cloths, Terry??. Reps and Damasks, all coirs Floor and Table Oil Cloth, all widths, Cane and Upholsterer’s Trimmings, Lace and Nottingham Lace Curtains,. Wall Paper.-; in great variety. Curtain Bands. Loops, limps andTiwels, Borders, Fire Screens and side lights, j Window Cornices in variety of patterns, Chronics, Picture Cord. Window Shade , all colors and sizes, Picture Tassels and Nails, Window Hollands, all colors. I respectfully solicit an examination of my Goods by the public, whom I have been among and waiting upon forth© past twenty-five year., guaranteeing to all that they will be waited >n pleasantly and. promptly. Besides the front door main entrance to my store, J have secured a private entrance through the main hall of the Masonic Hall. GEORGE A. BAILIE, ‘-Ml BROAD STItF.LT, MASONIC HALL BUILDING. dTOarpets made and laid promptly. I will open in two weeks a full stock of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, under chr-rge of one of Augusta’s most competent and reliable young mvn. GSEORGE A* BAIUL sept 1843. ESTABLISHED 1843. G. YOliGSiin, Importer of and Wholesale and Retail —DEALER IN— Segars, Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff, WHISKIES, BRANDIES, RUMS, GINS. RHINE, CLARET, and CATAWBA WINES, CHAMPAGNES, MINERAL WATER, etc., a specialty. ltottlod Beer, !Su<?H un ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI and MILWAUKEE. Domestic. TAAISER, BREMER ank PILUMER. Imported. Prices , “Lower Than the Lowest.” 194 & $44 lifto-tm St*> stwnimra* G>s sept-3-Gm James €s. Bailie, —DEALER IN— Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Curtains and Shades. —ALSO— Choice Family Groceries AND I*3 ant atiots ie 20.7 BROAD STREET, JAS. G° BAI t LIE'i > BRO. ! Alj G UST A, GA . $1.50 f-B'X'ODF* AT $1.30 THE AUGUST A. Xd OTEL, Corner of Jiroad and Washington S(n., Awjuhlu, Ga. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED TO BUSINESS. With Telegraph Office in the Building, and Southern Express Cos. Office next door to Hotel Building. Summer Rate of Board per Day, $1,50, SINGLE MEALS 50 CENTS. | SINGLE LODGINGS ... 50 CENTS August 0.3 m W. M. MOORE, Proprietor. Subscribe for the Journal. THOMSON, GA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1879. HOMESICK. Oh. for a tiny- on the dear old plantation, Just as rhv 1.. ir southland home used to be I Oh, for a swing on the gate of the garden. Under the boughs ot V'.ie .rune-apple tree. Oh, for a rest in the shade of the straw-stack. Hearing the hum of the threshing machine ; Oh. for a drink from the spring in the meadow, Under the sweetgum tree., fragrant and green. 1 Oh, for a cantaloupe juicy and mellow. ! Uivsh from the melon p deli down by the spring; ! Oh, for a night on the trundle-bed pillow, i .Sleeping ,al m sleep that eaoh night used to bring ! Oh. for a- '.ght of the welMvlovod faces, Now widely scattered, and some, alas dead; Oh. o-r one day in the dear old home places, : bright with the light- of the days thai arc iletl. A Midnight Vigil. The night is dark, the air is raw ' and chilly and damp, the storm is ’ ragiug. An. old and eminently re* ’ spcctable citizen, out. on North BiU, ! is Bleeping the sleep of the just with , the snore of the wicked, and the pri vate clocks on their respective brack* 1 ets and mantels throughout the city, for Burlington has no town clock, are i tolling, as well as they know how to | toll it, the hour'of one thirty a. m. A violent jaugliug at his door-bell awakes the eminently respectable eit* i izeu. Shuddering he crawls out of bed muttering, be gropes across the floor. Swearing, under his breath, he lulls over a rocking-chair. At last he finds a match, lights! a lamp, and descending the stairs, opens the hail door, and admits a gust of wind that blows out the lamp and a torrent of- rain that drenches him to the skin. “What is wauted?” the respectable i citizen asks, : “Are you the resident owner of this ; property?” promptly inquires the caller, “I am,” wonderiugly replies the eminently respectable citizen. “Were you iu bed when I rang? ’ “1 was,” replied the eminently re spectable citizen. “That was right,” cheerfully ex claims the caller, “that is the place j foi a man of your age at this time of | night. lam sur'lifted to see you out |of it. Get back to it, and pleasant i dreams—” All is silence after the crush that ; ensues, save h mocking smile that | dies away in the distance. The frag- I ments of the lamp that arc revealed | on the sidewalk by the coming of the j dawn, indicate tl at either the lamp j fell out of u balloon at a height of | about twenty-nine miles, or was j | hurled at some object with great j j forfee, When will the mysß; j solved. —Haw key e. Didn’t Stand tha Test Chicago Tribuue: A young man read in the Ledger n few days ago that if you wanted to find out if the womim you had selected for your fu ture spouse has a good temper, you ought to t ke occasion to step on -her dress, or snap tbe sticks o; her fan, or in some otl er way annoy or dis compose her. “If,” said (he great authority who presides over the col umn of advice, “if she does not be tray any signs of ill-temper she will prove a model wife.” Accordingly the young man seized tin opportunity when his sweetheart was rigged in her most killing array to step oil her trail and pulled out about throe yards of gathers, with a rip like a peal of thunder, exposing about three-quart ers of the frame work that makes her dress stick, out behind. But, inst ad of meeting the accident with perfect equanimity, she turned round and jabbed her parasol into his eye, call ing him a lunk headed leper, and asked him why be didn’t wear his feet sideways. Ho expteased himself as thankful that he didn’t marry the girl before finding out what sort of a temper she bad. He Got Oft A Burlington man, who travels a great deal, has always had his in-n’t wrung when he came in from the West, because tbe train ran light, past his house and carried him clear j down town and lie bad to walk all the way back. So the other morning he made up his mind to get off the train at his own gate if it scare I him to. death. He wasn’t very badly fright ened. He got one foot off the steps and down on the groan I ail right, bat lie thought the other foot never would come down in all time. Ho look one stride and stepped cleur across an eighty foot street and half across a forty foot lumber-yard. It split bis legs clear up to bis chin, and when 1)0 went home ins astonished family thought it was a pair of tongs with clothes on. Josh Aphorism. The grate light is fust for bread then butter on tbe bread, and then sugar on tbe butter. Be mersifull to all the dum ani mals ; no man can get to Heaven ou a sore-backed horse. The grate mistake that most people make iz, they think more of their cunniLg than they do of their hon esty. The grate sekret ov popularity iz to make every one satisfied with him self first, and afterwards with yn. The unhappiness of this life seems principally to konsist in gitting every thing we kati and wanting everything we hain’b got. I hav finally cum t > the konklu ! hun that the best, epitafi* euny man ! kan hav, for all praktikal purpos e is j a good bunk uekomit. j There is no grief like the grief that 1 does not speak. ‘ The largest cornfh Id in Rhode Is j laud contains twenty acres. Selma .has just raised the tax <*a drummers to S2OO per annum. Quite a number of Texas farmers have put in their s 'cond crop of corn. There is in London a society called the “Conditional Immortality Asso ciation.” A three-months-old babe at Perry, lowa, in full attire, weighs teas than throe pound o . jCorn is still selling in some por tions of North Alabama at twenly ' V. ; \uir bushel. Up to Sunday the Hood Relief Committee, of New Orleans, had re ceived $4,088.25. There is such a remarkable plague of mosquitoes around Fornaudiuu, Fla., that farmers v ork in mosqnitoe netting. Mr, Sullivan,of Starkvillo, Miss., intends to turn loose his newly-in vented flying-machine on the Ist of November. The total amount of silver dollars coined so far is $42,757,750; amount on hand $31,703,680; amount iu cir culation, $ 1.054,070. Pulaski county, Kentucky, lias pro duced a ripe watermelon three inches long, an inch and a-lialf in diameter, and containing five seed. The widow of Alexander Campbell, ! *he founder of the Campbellite or Christian church, is living with her son-in-law, Col. Barely, near Hills boro, Alabama. A Fort Worth special says a two day.’ fight in the Texas Pan-handle county resulted in the killing, ly In dians, of seven young hunters from Fort Worth and Dallas. Democrats of Washington county. Miss,, nominated Peter Mitchell, of j color, for the Legislature. The Greenbaekers tendered him a similar nomination, but he declined. The national industrial exhibition 0 m tern plated for Moscow in 1830 lms been postponed one year, on account of thq general fueling of insecurity uuddhe 11 nus;iu : dullness of Russian trade At Lagrange, Texas, a saloon-keep er evades a Sunday law by assemb ling drinkers in his saloon, when a chapter or two of the Bible is read and discussed between copious liba tions of beer. At I e Indian fair in Muskogee, i Lid, T. f the Cheyennes have five | bales of cotton on exhibition. If it was only gold instead of cotton, they | would be driven out of their territory in less than two years. At the age of 82, a man living in a farm house at Hampton, N. H., finds himself able to read fine print, al though for fifty years lie was entirely blind. Six months ago his sight suddenly returned to him. William Beaver, of Louisa county, Virginia, on Friday last, tiring of his wile, thrust her into a spring, caus ing death by drowning. The dis tressing feature of tho murder is that their children are the only witnesses. Five years ago an unknown Cana dian firm put up 3,000,000 faet of logs in a lake near West Branch, Ogemaw county, Mich., and they are there yet, and no one knows who the firm is or what they propose doing with the well water soaked logs. A Texas “onion party” is thus de scribed: One young lady takes an onion into the room, bites a piece out then a young gentleman is ad mitted, and if, after kissing all of the girls, he fails to tell which bit the onion, they are all compelled to kius him. If is said that Lark Hopkins one of the four magnates of the great Cen tral Pacific Itaiiwa.y monopoly, left property worth $23,300,000. And this railroad, which pays such im mense dividends to its stockholders, owes the government millions of dol lars for interest on its bonds. A reward of SIOO was offered for the delivery of Jack Motter, a reput ed horse thief, to tho authorities of I)e Witt county, 111. Jack walked into the sheriff’s office in custody of a friend, through whom he received the SIOO, and with this money Im em ployed a lawyer, who secured his ae i quital. I Gatnbetta, since he became a ; prophet, has become less of a dema gogue and more of a dinner. He lias his oyster beds in his palace gardens, like the famous Lucullan, and, like another famous gourmand of the classic cut, be has different dining rooms for different grades. His cook receives SI,OOO a year, and is a rnira c e of genius and skill. New uses for the telephone are be | iug discovered every day. At North Dana, Massachusetts, a telephone connects the room.of a sick lady with i the pulpit of the church with which ■ she was accustomed to worship when |in ttie enjoyment of health. She is : now able to hear the sermon ami j singing although confined to her bed j a long distance from the church. MRS. SI. E. HUNDLEY, lurshlonnblv .Dt'eS'inalier^ I Thomson, - *■ j Informs the public that she has received | all of the latest and most fashionable patterns and fashion plates, and is pre i pared to cut. and make dresses of all kinds find furnish patterns of the very latest styles, and on the most reasonable terms. Grateful for a liberal patronage 111 the past she respectfully solicits a continuation of the same. Coll aud see her at the residence of Mr. E. White on North Main street. Sop. 21,-tf. jp ■< jII fel i i&sAi iyi G.O. Rolson&Co. Have established a large TRADE, extending in every direc tion, by selling Pianos & Organs FROM 10 TO 20 I’ER CENT. LESS THAN OTHER DEALERS. IS# I'@ d'f UIU i • Li.V i) aAjiStf’i V ' ‘ ' .'V UftA.U I ' 2 The Bert. Instruments Manufactured, the Lowest Prices in America and the Easiest Terms ever offered can bo se cured by visiting or corresponding with T.3MLH.O.T.S. Lov/ Prices, Quick Sales AT THE 'I nning and Repairing bv 0. IT. TAY LOR, the only authorized Timor of the Augusta Music House. G. O. RUBINSON & CO., 2G5 Broiul Street, Augusta, Ga. nmr2G-ly Tins At: 151 VX>EV, Oct. 27th to A or. Ist, 1870 The Most Magnificent and Bost Appointed Grounds in America! LIBERAL GASH PREMIUMS In all Olasso :, and the largo-.t offered by any Fair in the United States. Trotting and Runiiiay Raoos! Every day, by some of the MOdT NOTED HOUSES ON THE TURF! Music will bo furnished by a celebrated MILITARY BANS. Many of tho prominent statesmen now before the public, will attend the State Fair os visitors, and several will make addresses. GREATLY REDUCED RATES For freight, and passengers, o;i all tho railroads in the State. A cordial invitation is extended to yon to bo un exhibitor, and you are re quested to write to the Secretary at Ma con for a premium list and other infor mation. TILOH. HARDEMAN, Jr.. President. L. F. LIVINGSTON, Gon’k Sup’t. MALCOLM JOHNSTON, Secretary. sept-3-!)t. A Book for the Million UIANHQOD A trim Mabkiage WOMANHOOD, f rUiDE, treating on the tfIAfiR!AGE* pnysiology of niairi age, how to select a suitable partner for marriage, at what ago to many, the advantages of marriage, pre cautions to the newly married, Court ship, Coquetry, Longing for Marriage, Union of the Sexes, a private counselor to the Married and Marriageable* Pen pictures from real life Organs .f gen eration. their use. and abuse, and how to preserve them in a healthy condition. Disea .es of Youth. Manhood and Wo manhood. How to be healthy and hap py after Marriage. Facts for everybody. A wealth of information of much'im portance to both hoxi-.s.' Nothing offen sive to good taste and refinement. No family should be without it. Price, f>o cents by mail. Address Dr. A. G. Olin, 203 South (dark St., Chicago, 111., who has been longer engaged in the treat ment of all chronic and special dieeases and, diseases of females than any other physician in the Union, and with the experience of a long and successful life in his specialty lias perfected remedies that are effectual in all these cases. His institution has a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill, embracing every convenience for patients. Ladies requiring treatment with home and board, call or write. His patients are being treated by mail and express everywhere. Consultations free and invited. Samples of Rubber Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, with Circular of important information. 50 cents by express. Reliable Female Pills, $5 a box. Address Dr. A. G. OLIN, 203 S. Clark Kt., Chicago, 111. febßMy CITATION. GEORGIA-' -MoDufxik Count*. To aU whom If yn/iy concern: Mm. Harriet A. Wilson having in proper form applied to me fur perma nent letters of administration on the es tate of Elias Wilson, late of said count ', tliis is to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditors of Elia. Wilson, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, f any they can, why peruana .t adminis tration should not he granted to Hamet, A. Wilson, on Elias Wilson’s estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture. A. B. THRASHER, 00t,8,187ii.-It Ordinary. THOMSON ADVKimsEMENTS. iGO TO THE CASH STORE! o At his old stand, recently occupied by A. J. Adkins, is now receiving a LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS, Direct from the North, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Trunks, Saddles and Harness, &c., &e. AND .A. FULL LINE OIL Family Groceries, Plantation Suppl ies, Bagging and Ties, Confectioneries, etc., etc. Call and .see me. Buy for CASH and SAV E Alouey. M* M, BITSII, Thomson, CJa. I*. S. Highest Market Frio Ph! tor Cotton. sept- 1 .? l-.'lm !.. TRUMAN 17A 17, —AT— r 1 1 1 TlO P. ST OF FTC I{J //ASA GOOD LINK or CONFECTIONERIES OK ALL RINDS. TOR A COOS AN D CIGARS. STATIONERIES. BLANK ROOKS, LETTER AND iA D PARER E V VET OI‘ES, PENCILS, REN*, INK Nr. Fancy Boxes of Paper and Envelopes. - _ acpt-24-4m 1 Bobbbt lii. Pasohaju O 2 At his old stand on Railroad Street, has on hand a full line of confectioneries, eamil y groceries PLANTA VION SUPPLIES, RAGGING 'TIES, .f WHISKIES. WINES BEER I! .ANDIES, GINS. RUMS, Nr., ,W, &c. tobaccos and Oigaivs r * Ho (h:le!n-jitt q Behuvlkill v*r > i to.- which lio Ims exelsivif^;i^ ,U VV The Best Bar fa Thomson. JL. Paschal _g!±H. '■•AintOAD ?mKEE7frOM.^G of* €5. Wav^on* Informs the public that be has opened n PtfETW OROOBRY STORI3 Jeon :ts:r lj,,use ’ uext tlonr bd,,w u,e p ° st /'.1.1///,1 GfiOOKltl/iS A.VJ) PL IXTAPI Oh N UPPLTFs TOBACCOS, CIQAHS Ac, ,tr. COYPFC ’ nox FXUi-s, rr.\ n U a wood WARE, (f-c., tbe,, tbe. All of which he will sell at bottom figures for CASH. Full 11 eights and measures. Call and examine my Stock, -g**- .Hi/jr&T^a?,ifyL,. THOMSON DRUG STORE. DR W. BARTON NOTIFIES the citizens of McDnfflo and lidjoining enmities that he has on hand and is to rocoye a full and complete liue of GLASS, DRUGS, PUTTY, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS. MEDICINES PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, DYES, Tooth Brashes, and Toilet Ar’ticbs of all kinds. Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, and Garden Seed always on hand. Kerosene oil cheaper than anywhere else. I will keep constantly on band TOBACCO and OIGA.KS of all grades All my goods will be sold CHEAP for CASH. Prescriptions filled at all hours of the day and night. Professional cal’s answered at any time, in the town. sept-24-n§ J. B NEAL & SON Id OR the liberal patronage bestowed upon ns during tho pad year we ten -1 dor onr thunks to tho public; to continue to merit their patronage and to increase it is onr endeavor. Our Fall and Winter Stock Is now complete in all the different departments, and the goods will be sold at tho very lowest living prices. CALICOES, BLEACHED HOMESPUN, SEA I-IiAND, TICKING, CASSIMERES GENUINE KENTUCKY JEANS, BLACK ALPACCA, C ASHMERE, Water Proof, Table Damask, ATHENS’ CHECKS and STRIPES, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, &<?.. Ac. DRESS GOODS of VARIOUS STYLES. A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING—CHEAP. o Our Hay Statjb Bkoes Are the Best Shoes ever made, and at low prices. Wear them once and you will buy them again. Bay State Boots, $2.00; French Calf Boots, $2.75. We have Brogans for 75 *,., SI.OO and up. Women’s High Out, Heavy Shoes, 75c, to SI.OO. A Good Stock of Ladies' and Gent’s Fin; Shoes, Hats very cheap, from Yoo. tip. The Celebrated Pearl Shirt, the best and cheapest in c*" J. B. NEAL & SON. sep-24-iim MAIN STREET, THOMSON, GEORGIA. INO. 4r5.