McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, March 04, 1885, Image 2

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The McDuffie Journal. J. E. White, Editor & Proprietor. THOMSON, <lrA, M ' UOH 4, 1*65. j 111 the election iu Clarke county Inst week, prohibition was viclorions by a lergc majority, The Enterprise announces the death of Mr. (ins Neal, of Glaiwcock county, a son-in-law of the late Mr. Bell Thocup ton. of Warren county. The widow and daughter of Stonewall Jtckaoti, who are now attending the New Orleans Exposition, am attracting aliotit a* much attention as the grt-ut show itself. We hern from the Sentinel that a lit tle son of Mr. Brad Mi ary, of Colombia county, was bitten by a nurd-dr g a few day a ago. The little widow of ttie lute (ten. Tom Thumb is noon to be married to n dwarf who ii but littlo larger limn her Thumb was, hut Ik; is a genuine Italian count, and is aald wealthy. A negro woman near Camilla, Mitch ell county, who wan shot through the centre of tie forehead with a 32 culture !>!*(<,/, .V*„. J.iV, till. im eon va/a— efng and able to disehurge ordinary household duties. The Imlt is still im bedded ill the base of the skull, having peuetruted the brain, ns ascertained by surgical investigation. Mr. Logan, n liepubhoan member of tire Illinois legislature, dropped tjead in the Capitol oho day last. week. This given tiro Democrats a majority, but not such a majority as will electa Democrat ic U, 8. Henstor. And it should not. If the Deaioerata should take advantage of such a rad dispensation of Providence aa that mentioned, they deserve defeat. An old mnn linin' and Backus, of Ilarul aon county, who died a few days ago, left the strange request ilmt his cofliu should oostain neither nail nor screw. His wishes were c replied with, but no explanation of the whim is given. We lenrn that Mesons and Harlem have abolished their quarantine against Thomson, while Washington has hut lately enacted one. The excitement dis appeared from Thomson several weeks ago, hut it. seems to stnko our neigh bors iu wavee. Warrantor!, however, is firm, and unless we can prevail on Broth er Pattiilo to come over and spy out the laud, that town will hardly recover from her score until the base bull season is past and gone. In behalf of the citiwua of Thomson •we tender thanks to those of our con temporaries who have copied the reports uf tha smallpox published in the Joun kal tiy (authority of the Mayor, Dr. Durham, the Mayor, is rlso tlm physic ian in charge of the smallpox cases, and the statements of the condition of the disease are official and oorreet. Mm. John Dempsey, of Borne, while on a train cf the East Tennessee road, returning from n visit to Alabama, gave birth to a child on Thursday night hist. The mother uuJ child arrived safely at home, and are doing finely. Tliia is an other evidence of that fearless courage and enterprise which are rapidly forcing the wot Id te recognise Georgia as the Imi'tii-placc of genius. Liston McMillan, a lawyer of Oskaloo sa, lowa, has challenged Col. 11. G. In geraoll to a public discussion iu which MoMilleu will nfiiitn Hint Christ was raised from the dead, Hint deleiium toluene and insanity are demoniac poi- Hess ion, and that the sick can he healed sud devila cast out in Hie name of Christ, and agrees to prove his profes sions by dialing the sick mid ousting out devils in the maimer pointed Out ill tlo Scriptures, Mr. Ingeisoll being allow ti to aeh cl the sick and insane to he cured. If Brother McMillan can 'Accomplish wliafc ha claim*, lio ought to bo cloetwl chaplain of tho U. 8. Congress without further delay. In a very few day* the btispniso con corning the Cabinet of the new DiesuUi.t will be relov and, D i*. generally conced ed, however, that B tyuid, of Delaware Garland of Arkiuims, and Lauiar of Mis sissippi, will beohoMfti to i<pn>cut the 8 uth atuong .Mr, official a.i viaera. Sometime ago it was annonneed that Gen. Grant was tint alenetl with a can ocrotiA thßeaM of Mm month, Minilar to that which caused the death of Senator Ben Hill, Tie papers of Sunday last •lute that there in now no doubt upon thia point. The worst fears of Inn nodi oal attendants uiu ou> tinned, and his early dentil is cou shh iei certain. Hu* stlfferitgß are said to b* very severe, but arc borne \v tb that stoical fortitude for which he note Ti c iuMtguratiou of Pmudout Cleve land take* place to-day, and Washington City is crowded with people from < veiy section of the country. For the tfr.s time in a quarter of a century the Sour feels A deep interest end will be well represented in the impressive ceiviso nies. Wo iniy all be disappointed, tir our people, having been subjected to v rvtiff and oppression so long under Re publican rule, have staked their most cherished h pcs of rhliv-ks upon the new administration, and will watch with deep solicitude its every sc\ ITEMS FROM WILKES 11V SMALLWOOD. Prohibition feutioients urc very strong • in Wilkes county. The Ornette, a sprightly paper pub lished in Wash hurt on, this county, has some g.uel words for prohibition iu re e*’ t numbers. There is more dissipation among young men in certain portions of thin chinny titan nt any t are since the war. It is uncommon, at some of the churches to tec young men drunk. The grain crops iu this county, with | few except iocs, has not l>eu much in- J jured by lli#- O 1 'hi weather. There were five droves of nude® in i VhmliingLm 'Mi*' ■ av last week. Wi’Lt* Comity, Oa., Feb. ISift, 1 Tho Warren ton Clipper of the 25fb ! has this: “During the height of the ex citement in Warren!on, incident to the prevalenc of smallpox in Thomson, a strange white woman, hailing from the latter place, made her cppearencc here in the night-time. Bhe applied at the hotel for lodging, which being refused, She afterwards went to the house of Bet oral negroes And asked to be permitted to f-p< nd the night. The quarantine po lire being apprised of her presence, gave tin town a thorough search, but hided to discover her wher<id>v.U. Hue i said to have had a quantity of jewelry which she tr ed to dn-pose of, and claim ed to be n resident of Thomson, fro* which place she intd deserted lei* hn bond. She n A seen about town an. 5 rn<rc r the night referred to above,. . | Wb > *e is. umt where she went to, af- j j ter leaving uere, is a mystery which has j not yet been solved.” No person, with ; ! !lie above di scribed trimmings, has mig : ruled from Thomson within the memory of (ho oldest inhabitant. The woman must have been a fraud or crunk. BONEVILLE I fFMfih r w. n. The readers of the Jolhnal must net forget that Brnievilta has nuiulxr of ! live people, and some of. them ere doing ! well. Judge Bmith lms opened his new *U;: . and we all wish him abundant success iu ; business, j Tli( extremely bad weather has thrown . faimers behind With their work, but. it in j to'b hoped that this sill be’ a letter 1 crop ye ir limn Fast year was. Mr. Albert Johnson is having fine luck Ashing* In fact ho seems to be j lucky ut everything. Our Sunday Beljool Inis bseti rather j small on account of the bad went nor, but | vo hope, when Spring opens, it will be ! hotter. Mr. Lassiter Attended on the' fourth Sunday, ami win much dtnap : pointed at not finding his girl, Mr. O, And Iris yearling are enjoying i fine health, and me plowing every day. j When the dinner horn blows it is a hard matter for Mr. G. to beat Inui to the house. Bonsvilic G*t., March 4, 1885. KEEP COOL. Our readers will remember that, in h reoeol issue, wc copied And commented on an editorial of tho Wurreuton Clipper upon tho subject of tho smallpox in Thomson. We regret that our esteemed neighbor has misconstrued our meaning. In his last issue Brother Paltillo attri bute*! the article mentioned to tho “pet tish ness and impatience of the sick room, and the bilHousuess consequent upon '‘qunritutiuu" restraint.” This is a grievous mistake. If ho hod copied our article into his columns Ids renders won) i have seen that there lias been no epidem ic of smallpox in this place and that the wild, exaggerated reports concerning it were unfounded, and were inflicting a severe and entirely unnecessary injur'* upon our town. They would have also seen that we expressly stated that the people of Thomson have not objected to the remarkable precautionary measures adopted by Warreutou. Their “quaian fcitio” bus given ns no tumble w • ttever, certainly not enough to make any od> “pettish.” Moreover, the renders of the Clipper would have failed to detect in our Article even tho remotest symp'oms of “pettishneH.s, impatience or billions -1105 s.*' However, tho trouble is now past. The injury iuflioted by tho pit s, noe of smallpox in our town, whether it “rag* td” or not, has been bravely borne and cannot now be remedied, and we feel too grateful for our escape from tlm scourg to compare “billumsuess” with Brother Pittillo, or anybody else. Wo trust hi will read lhe statement of our citizens published elsewhere, give his readers the substance of what they stale and then lay aside his nervousness about smallpox and come ovt r and see us. BETWEEN THE DITCHES. 11Y DUMPS. After several weeks of cold, unpleas ant weather, we Jmvo hud a week of good weal bar, and the farmers have gone ahead and made up for lost time, com* hosting, plowing, and some ar making fence*, who have been working sinot Obristmna at the cross-tie l UKnn , s.v. I fear that many of our farmers devote too much time to this business, for the r farms are not iu “good health." More of our i eo|>le, both young and •Id, are afflicted with colds than I huvi ver known. The first remark ou meet ing is, “i never hud ( h-tisehew J) sue; a cold in my life I" and the next i, “Have you heanl from the smallpox lute ty r Since my Inst writing tho neighbors have built- a school-house about t\w unleß from our Ditches, uud we havear* g iiuaed a Sabbath School with Met*.'.r.> M rgan und Pi nning on as huj.*enntf iu'. cut ami ashhstant, J. K. Pruitnp aecr m iy, and Mrs. Win. lltvvwi, Mrs Jan* t.ncky, and others as teachers. It in u ; •splendid school. We will get b oks, tickets, etc., soon, and tlieu 1 u*at June, good will l>e done. Mr. John Reeves, who bought the old Reeves place, has renovated and painted sue house until t >w l belivc it will bi the prettiest one in the neighborhood. I was over in Jefferson county this week, crossing nt Lucky’s ford. The creek is lower ll uu it has been in some l ine, but it ran into a very limb buggy. I moot heartily wish that Lucky’s lord was near Thomson so it would be bridg ed. M ss Burundi Guy, who has been a j correspondent of tho Jouuxai. for a long while, is teaching school u ar UuliV > bridge. Many thanks, Bro. Man.lcviJc, foi catling your sweet littlo black-eyed un ’ ting lor me. Though only n uickt.iiiua, l cousider it a high compilin' nt. Miss Mamie, daughter of Mr. T. C. 1 Bridges, of Atigt >!a, who has beep speudiug some tun v. ry pleH .iiilv with ua, has returned bv*u*’i t * the re- t Bret of her friends. Her \-resence is like ! sunshine wherever stic gws. McDuffie Guinty, G*l, F* b. ISSS. LITTLE BRIER CREEK ITEMS O. ROSS WALL. We fcave hid remarkably bad wratticr for the past mouth, and farmers arc bad ly behind with Uuur work. \ OftU in tbis sectimi are not as badly injured by the late freezes a was aDfirat Hubei paled.— Mr. T. C. Gibson is teaching the Brier Creek High .School while the Professor ih attending his examination at the Medi cal College in Atlanta, of winch lie is a student. The High School, under Prof. G'bffoo** excellent management, row numbers nearly 60 pupils, Mrs. Charles Mathews, of Warren county, has been quite sick, but is now -otivji!c#eent. Little Mary, daughter of dr. and Mr**. J. H. Peurre, is also mck, ut I hope she will hoou b restored to uealth. I attended services at L ttlo Brier ; Creek church on Sunday lost, and heard ! a very iuterotiug sermon by Elder Jan •Stapleton. Returning from church, h ] number of thougfitleas lx>ys came near ) | causing the boiaeM to several buggies to iron Away by riding past them. Further tlij*. sev ral bt it g badly frightened, no din Age wii- done, hut i: is the wish, es l daily of l.‘ Ihilich, that, in future, if the young men will pnaot. in passing und r< pa jug them, th y will at hant, do ho at a uioiierata gait. W. nr** living iu uu enlightened and progressive ><g of uiuny Hcientitic inren | lions, and m- uy priniic. that still greater j achievement*, may o* * xjneted m tiie fit* i ture, and the wi*e mid learned seem ' bending their eneigies in this direction, I /i.J. in view of tiie niefc ti nt CfTThes ihGIS in ne, and a general disregard of honor arc lamentably on the increase, the roost earnest (ffjrts of the ag , in my opinion, should be to inculcide in humanity hon est and patriotic principles, and impress them with love divine for moral worth and sacred truth. I On the third Babbfltli of this month n rtukbath School will be organized nt Lit* | tie Brier Creek chinch. Evt rybody, and especially heads of families, ore earnest ly requested to attend and join in the good work. 1 send the Jclhsal n new Aiib?criber to-day, and hope te Hill increase its cir oillation as the season advances. McDuffie County, On., M uch J, 1885. WILLIAMS CREEK ITEMS. IIY HA MHO. The weather liuh opened Qnely, and t’ r plaintive tuno of the plowman is heard iu the luu 1, A nice book, entitled “Strong Drink,” and two nice pocket knives, were awarded as premium* for pun tu ality in our Hablaith School last Sunday to Masters Nick Thompson, T. Elling ton and Ike 1 ieese. The Alarm of smallpox lias not inter fered with Prof, Ware's school. It is s ill increasing, huvmg from 40 to 45{>u pi 1m daily. I hear sotno talk of small grain lining injured, but all that I have seen aro not damaged, and are looking fine, nud with uo other disaster will produce a tine yield. lam glad to atate that Mr. W, H. King, who has he n sick for several weeks, ia much improved, and with no baok’sst will soon be well again. Joe K’g is our clmmpion rabbit. h*#ti ter, He sayr. that, a few days ago, while Jne dog* were ctmsing a rabbit, ho t hrew i rock and knocked the rabbits tail off, wiJch the dogs stopped to rat and the J old hare escaped. Miss Mollie (’joper, of JTarh m, was visiting relatives in this soctiou last week. Frank Ellington snys it is a mistake about that young lady inviting him to •In* back yard, for she had gone to bid when he got there. WarriMi County, Gs., March .T, 1885, AN' OM A N . ll.t Hi’alth and llappliiriN arp Matt rs of Great Concttrn to alt Munkiud. Near Marietta, Q*. Some month- ago Thought a hottlo o( Or. .T, Brut ileld'a Peumlo uud uaed it iu mv l.imilr w ith |tn*nt * listiu tiou. 1 iev rtHOuimi-in! ,| jj ii, ttare famlUe*. Had fh.-y haw tmuul :t t. Io i U m whHl Ucltiiimoi for it. the feaialet* who Ir w uc.-i! il >ire now in perfect health ami hle to ml ti iht ir homtebuK! duUee. Kev. 11. U. Johti**ou. _ , Btate of Georgia, Troup Conn tv. I have examined Urn ivi ipe of lr. JokliUi Uva-U aoW. *l pronounce it to he eo nhiin.tton of modi uiea ul great im nt in the (realm- -it of ail Utsea.\.- <f females for whh h he reanmm ik'.b it. Win. I*. ltMßley. M. 1). Fprtugfleht. Tran. Dr. J. Hr.’vlfl M : DeaySir —My daughter hi- h ri .-Mlferluß foe many years wuh that iTivadfu! artliv (urn known ms V- n-*U- Di.vuh*, whieii lias rou .... manv dollurK, and notwlthxt.iudintf I had the >.•,-1 luehlrid MtU'iid uK'*:, tonUi not Hud reft-f. I have n and 1 many uth i kinds* m medlcim* without any f -dm. t In.; tuft nhout pmi her up, whs out of •e.-.rle. uf h j'ji-;uetl in th • Mtorr of \V. W. Nekka •evera! wr \<t ■■ iiu’v, .Mini h’, kiiowiuj of my d-intrh ei s . (lt:< tion Versusded nv to hnv a *Ktl' of v.ujr I lViiuie ttemulator. She liegan t->‘ improve et one, I ’vaa no d.-llchtcd with iln elfv-rti* th.-d 1 bonLdit J*ev. 9rdmor IH4tU-H of it: nrnl kunwiu; what I do •'*t't. tf to-nr om> of mv f.iuuiv w?.* vifi. r- I "i • 1 W lnv It If i> cot! |* .0 balnr. fo: I nut trutiuallr ™v It Imv cared an •. ! nod wit. J\\A mv-■!! nud atle .1 • mj.t ti. ;nttiy r.n' \.,ur J-' -nmle U.-enlaUir to IK* mat wUnt ii i rejm-BtuieU to h*. Ketport fully, 11. D. reather^tou. Trealivs ok the Health aid I’np| irtss o WouiAii u.fc;!e*l frev. dUE UUADFJI I.D RFOriiATOll Cd l>ox J?f*, Atlanta, Gh. Tliomson Mercliant MIL 2 COTTiNGIM - 'l iving thoroughly repaired my Grist Milt vml it biuilt ny Gin l!on<e, I a.n now pre , . *red to servo tho public iu better rtvle i d:*n -ver horett*foro. My Grist >tills pro -1 ik'v'o tho best Meal and Flour to be had i I; • o *iuty. My Gin is the Gullett Improv d, w • ich is the Lest in use. ntul I gunmn e* 4 eniire sstisfoctiou in evey instance, And at both an plioes. thirties having gra n at the depot in Thorn -on by leaving orders with tho Itaibsmd %nt oi At the Mill can have it ground, v and aUuuoai or from mv Mills will be dtlivered ntiywheiv iu ♦ho corporasiou free of charge. I have taken out insurance Rufficiont to cover loss by tire of cottou belonging to tuy customers. Win Johnston. Sept. 17. iSB4. Thomson. Ga. * . new advertisements. A'TSplendid Opportunity -TO BUY— BOOTS, SHOES ANO HATS. ■ -AT— . Wm. Mufherin & Cos. Our Buyer while North, Purchasing our Regular Spring Stock. Attending Three Large Forced Sale*, and with cash in hand Sucoeed -1 in Obtaining many Good* at About Half Their Value. Wo Quote Bolow Some of Our Bargains : Infant’s K and Lace ad Button Shoe*, 1 to 5 25 c. Clnld s Kid Buttoned Shoes, 7 to 10 ... 50 Child's Kid Buttoned .Vcwports, 7 to 10 50 t'l ildV Kid Newport Ties, 7 to 10 .... .... .... 50 U mnot:'* Gout Slipper*, 3 to 8 .... .... .... 50 Woinei Oj* Ki I Opera Slippers, 3to 8.. .... .... 50 NV omen's Oxford Tic*, 2 lo 7 .... .... .... 75 Women’s Kid R atoned jVcnvpoiU, 3to 7,... .... 75 W omen's Opera V)ippei*H, to 6 .... 75 Ladies Glove Kid Lace Sinn*, 2to 6 .... .... 75 Ladies Glove Kid Luce Ahoes, 3to 17 .., .... .. 00 Ladies Glove Kid Foxed Gaiters, 5 to 0 .... W) La lies Gloie Kid Foxed Buttoned (} titers, 3 to 5 .......30 Boy h B. Calf Prince Albert*. 1 o 5 .... .... .. 75 Toys B (’all Luce Shoes, Itn 5 .. .... $1 0) Boys B. Calf Higfh Buttoned -Sioes, 2 too.. . 125 Mens Carpet Slippers, 6 to 11 .... .... .... 40 c. Gents Calf Ties, 6 to 11 . . .... . .. . 1.00 4ti!s B. Calf Congress Gaiter*, f> to 13 ... .... 1.00 ibi.tH B. Prince Alberts, 6 to 11.. .... 1.00 Gent* B. Buttoned Guitar*, 6 to 1) .... .... 150 Boys Wool ilats&t 25c, Geni Wool Iful* at 25c, Gents Felt at 1.00 Tk* price* named are so low that many lots will soon o void; therefore, come at i once and secure the best burg oo*. OUU HT<)t KFt YVIIOEFSALE 1 ! \].)E 1* ntm j anally large and attractive. The prices we gtiarHitfc-H tbe lower tb.m arc quoted by uuy Jobbii.g buttne Kouth of Boston. An exami.-ation of STOCK si.d liiilCES solicited. Caretid personal attention given to orders. W n- Mulherin & Co.’s Two Stores, 7-2 and UEi Lr<<ai St.. Augusta, Ga. The McDuffie Drug Store CMTAIIUMIJi:!) IN dfotoarb .S. |j;irriso, id. Tl (Fncccssor To) I)R. A. D. HILL. ' At the well-known stand on Mum Ktrc.-t, Th i. Gd m U p conutvnily iu st wk ull kind* of Medicines, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Glass, Putty, Dyes, Toilet Coups, Brushes and Toilet Articles oi every (liscriptiou. 4 J * AI.-’O Lnriips,yLamp Fixtures, Kero cue Oil. Best Quality. Garden Seeds ot Stuudartl Varieties ALWAYS OS HAND— f TobioCf) And (Jigirs < f the Ili -d and mo-it popular Brand-*. - - it ie4 h nr. <>f ti.e day aid ne;bt of tic Purlrat Drugs. Ihrofe-treioi.-ul cads us\vt:r(sl at any time. uuv.Vß4 AT II . A . 15a BI7VW 11> A Nice au<) ( Ivan Stock of Donirs'id Dry G :- .1 Notions No <dd took car • ied over lo off it (it than } e -st. and no prices quot 1 too low to bo consistent will: fair dealing and standard quality. I have the King Mill's | and 4 * Shirting, and th* Summerville and Columbus Cheeks (he I * tou the market, KPECHL PRIFFS given on Jeans. P ceo (b *.d. Shoes and Hat*. Rntneruber :di these G.-oJii’lprt 4 V \\ ’*n 1 arc <!. ti'. N** -hitp-w -ru nor J aumgi-d gn.d hamllod at any L M prico. IMupcrsare and r av.d . r (iood, n,.t Jm,t A, Ucpieseutrd. return them and l wiU pay back every cent p u t f r thorn. Groceries, ('mined Goods, Confectioneries, I keep a fresh and set- < t,-d st *ck f :<•!) of th*. s<* and raw *il r price* low <;* any. Fresh Caudio*. Xitts, :uul a Geuend line f OonlrcTuiit-rus r *ivl avery xsetk uud OftU always supply you \vith Pre a ( 1 Frt and: <. di. - |)( >wj is t! n * 1 h >avll S On TOBACCO at and < -IGA US I cm *-l -s r- t::e town " 1 have any variety of grades of Chewiag I’ *b *oc> tiu* b -t nut tiu* chrip'd If y- w mt. * Goo ]' 'igar, the f.mou* JOHN MoO U.I.OFUtI tali s tin-< i( k . the inoal jop Jar . ijjpsr iu 1 l ave il*>z ■f other Hnuids and can *h*w you just the ei.|ir v ui want. Die SUPKRI’iK niuokt* free and easy every one of the n. F<r a abort while t will sell these at 700 per Box. I will altvA)n give bottom fig nr-. rn Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal, Meat. Lard, Molasses, Vinegar, Ami in fact everything in my hue. Come in and Prior and you Shan't bo Disappointed. Respectfully, Ilenry A. Burnside, Main Strict. Thomson, G. Fcndlett ifs Book Store, sol Broad Street, Next to K. li. Sct.nvi Jer’s. Avgusta - Keeps f .nstaMly nr, hand n ft,!! line ot Books an l Stntiouci’y. • ■ - j., j f t~f Sun lard nod Miscellaneous Books, N vcls, ial ami Religious, Bibles,Testaments, \ if j u - * b * 1 diffnn nt dno;nii.aii n, Sunday aSclmo*! lb,nks mid lcqni^iicA v Si-ht K-l ]b><d\S, Him k 80. ot all kinds, X te, Letter, Fool-C|>. Bill find I < ap Laper, Olliee and Fancy Slntio'cry, Pic— lure lmines, Ib.dhsaud T *ys. Pli t*giapb and Aulo*r<ph Albums, Pictures, . I * k 4 * and small pack ages and Mali i.ery >* .t by mail h oc i<f | *sta:e, on re ceipt oi money for the same. Sept. 17 18F4. A. F IVnctlcton. JfilNtiS, BOILERS, SAW and QIIIST MILLS, asul MA ( HINF.RY :.i. I Mil .-i 1 IMi-. Cheap ami Good. V '- i Tl?{Mill's Done nt licitsonoble Pi-ires. CEO. Ift. UDHJAUD fe t O Foundry. Machine and Boiler Works, .'Jeers rs!* , ('EotiGt.i, >\ l-i.x. m i!, i-int oxc'mnj'o, iihil rcp.sii- Engines on (avnrahlu lurmi. llavu 3 <-ai' l‘ail* Now Entiim-s. li oar tor prompt delivery Steam nml Water Pipe at Rminee ( Price*. Agents j for Alla* Engine*, .Viltma'i Taylor Engine* Ivo'iing Injectors. Vatidnci-n | .Tel I’nmps. tiardim r's G-n-crnor*, Cloud* Creek Mill Rocks, Eclipse j Di hie Torhim- V> la'rl-. All kit <ls ot new work and repair- promptly | done. Wo aro working uhrmi l l, hands and cas* every day. Wo have the hr-ye-t nod host fitted o it sii p in ihc South—new and improved loois tor ull kinds ol wotk in our lino. Cali and see us when in ,\'ijj.,sla. GEO. I! LOVPAFD & CO NEW ADVEUTISEMENT. xlttcnt’on Farmers! WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH PLANTERS WITH THE CELEBRATED liOSSIPPICM guano, Alaxufacittued Bi— GUOIIGU AV. SCOTT & CO., OU ATLANTA, GA., One of the moat pope.hir Fertilizers now on the market. Wb larva and will on!intre to keep a sot>pl.v, Both at Bonesvrlte and Th omson. H. MeCorkla will deliver for as at Ihe latter ptaee. Send in your orders. AV. S. Non., Koneville Ga. March 4, 1885. NO. ITT 'That’s the Lucky Number! Frank Shields received last week 11 car loads of Groceries,Actual Fact! The larg | est shipment by far ever made to Thomson. j 25,000 pounds D. S. Sides, 537 Barrels Flour, 50 Barrels Sugar, 65 Barrels Syrup, 2,500 Bushels Corn, 20,000 pounds Ploav | Steel, 20 Tierces Lard, 1 Car Load Steel, 1 Car Load Nails. That’s the way we handle these Goods and ayc propose to down the town on them. Overstocked —ON SHOES I Ami to reduce them we offer you bargains, Shoes at and below cost. Wo must sell them at some price, so come at once and get more Shoe for less money than you ever heard of. Also our stock of CLOTHING! Mst he cut down To do so, we offer Cloth ing of all grade-mat 25 per cent off Now the time to g. :hose goods at a nomi nal price. \\ e or.Ter to lose a few hun oted do! oand give our custom ei’v tlie 6m a ed it, than to carry so large a stock of Shoes and Clothing, Q Don! delay, hut come while you can have choice. ° i have tii - day associated wiih my s *!f in the dry goods and shoe houses, Mr. Lius W. .'“hit ids. Finn name J. F. Shields A ( c., No. 3, Brick Bow, where 1 hope the mm* liberal patronage will la* shown the linn as heretofore. .t. F, NHIEFtDS, Thomson, Ga., Jaiy 1 1, 1835. White!) (ihi Wo Wtis! U i) o I lak-- pVmfiirr in inf rmimr mv n,l cast mrm Hint I hav* moved from IVY old stand on Main Street, to ;j op St ir-, ou .otiiroad Areuue, old itauj o II 'V. Gerald, nul utinow ,n ; a re. Ito ipv mv pair im I'arganiß uevrr baloro • ft. red in Dry Goods N tum ~ Sr ■aeri*-,. C ‘li - iff. Hat* aiui Cup*, Boots sad Shoes, Lubaotios, Hiirdw.-ro, Ur, ck •I V. Medicine*, He. ——rnmtmm I— ■■!! A sliont of thatkf-iloes* will o, f r .,.„ ttie Ii arts auJ jcouths of a tract-,] oy the ui snl of my Low Ibices. Listen : U Rite Drcs Siurts, Lsuudrie l, 50 coins. Ex'ra Flue Rc-h Ihucvd Wlntu Siiirts, §1 00. Men’* SusfH iitler*. O.kkl one*. No F us Dura B:\iss I*i ,s. Gilt K.ig. l Paper*, 5 ceutg. Spool Cotton—warranted 200 yards, 30 cents pr dozen. Diys. Goods, S.x .id a-q tatl-r --.its per v.irtl, pries 10 oents. Spectacles, assort,t .t. (r . ....Iy to cm!* per pair. Cecttii shaped Dippers. Black Enameled Handles, 10 cent*. Rubber Balls, good, JO em.fs. Diill Drawer*. 25 cents. Watering Pots, 10 cents. Quart Measure*. 10 cent*. F. re-polished Cup-foot Goblets, 5o Seven in th Glass P.ates, sc*llop edge, 5 cent*. Six inch Butter Dishes with bandies, only 10 cent*. Beautiful Mn-tard Pots, 1 ) cents. Ten inch Bread Plates, Moss Rose pattern, 10 cents, l .iile Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in each box, with a Hue silk handkerchief, 25. Ideal Wtnte 3<mp, put up in mammoth3 lb. burs, only 23 cent*. A fin Silver Plated T-a-*|N>on given with each bar. M n..pus ! Wadip „S >! the largest stick of candy ever ofDred In the world for firs cents. I have the -Davis." “Hartford." “Weed," “Royal St. John ” and “Williams” Sewing Machines, ail of which will be sold cheap and on liberal terms Try “Silver Isaac Patent Flour, the {test dmr iu the world for the money. 1,1 g-ged geo Is 1 have S . ,n, R M itton, Strdiue*. Corned Be-f Trip* to -sH inch Wax Dolls, only 2c. Spectacl s. ali colors, only Rio. Spect-iclaa, Cases’ LeaUier. only OC . ayoman Faetiry Siurtiiig. yaid wide, only ?c, Tinwaro at liana lectures j.noeK, a'isoml givcu uwuy. Very Kespectfully, JOH A L. IIOLZENDORF, R MLR >AD STREET. THOMSON. GF.ORG;A g MARBLE WORKS, I*' C’ 2:2 BROAD 3TKFET, NEAiI LOWES MARK LI. A 'id, .- Mai* ' V,TCS tr.STA, GEORGIA MONT'MENTS, Tombstones, and Msrble Wjrk generally always cn htnd and made to order. All work for the country e%ref ally boxed, and delivered on the Kailrsi and depot ip Aagunta, free of charge. Specimens of the work can be seen at thenaoiu actorv