McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, July 08, 1885, Image 1

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VOL. XIV. EEL ILT. EE I ID., 738 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Dealer In Plantation Machinery, and Agricultural Inplements ! Steam Engines and Boilers of all kinds. Corn and Wheat Mills and Mill Machinery. Saw Mills for Plantation and Custom Work, Separators, Grain Threshers and Fans, HiMESTERS INO HIRE BINDERS, plain reapers and MOWERS, Eagle Cotton Gins, With or Without Feeders and Condensers, Cotton Presses, For Steam, Water or Hand rower; Sulkey Turning Plows; Walking Cultivators; Gem Cotton Plow?; One-llorse Turning Plows; MERCERS RELIABLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL. Eclipse Cotton Planter, Belting, Lace Leather; Steam Pipes; and Fitting; Rubber Hose; Steam Packings, Ac., Ac. Prices lower than ever known before. Special Inducements to cash Customers. Satisfaction will be Guaranteed in every sale. Ca'i at my office, or write for Illustrated Circular and Special Prices. Great Inducements. i; The Cash Jobbing House Are offering the Greatest Inducements ever known in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HITS, tt. —— If Low Prices will sell the goods we mean to sell them. The following facts will enable everybody to see why it is we can sell goods so much cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere : First .—Our goods are bought for cash. I ) Second.--They are sold for cash. Third.--Our expenses are com paratively light. Therefore we can sell any goods in our line at just what they cost, other mer chants who buy on long time and are burdened with expenses. Below we will mention only a few of the many bargains we are now offering: Printed Lawns from Ito cents per yard. Best Union Lawns and Piqnes at sc, worth 6i and 71 cents. Calicoes in endless varieties from 3to 5 cen‘s per yard, for best quality. Bleached Homespun from 4\ up to 8 cents, for the best. Pants Goods from 5 cents per yard up. Ladies, Misses and Gerts Hose at 6, 10, 15 and 25 cents, worth 10,15, 25 and 35 cents. YVe have a large and well selocted stock of White Victoria Lawns, India Muslins, Checked Muslins, Embroderies, Irish and Tarchon Laces at prices that defy competition by any bouse in the Booth. Six quarter Oil Cloth at 15 cents per yard. DRESS GOODS! Our stock in this line very complete, consisting of Black and Col ored /.antings, Nun’s Veiling, Kber Cloth, Black Silks &c. It will be to the interest of every one to examine these goods before purchasing. Yon can bny B nting at 6} cents, worth 10 ceuts. Figured Dress Goods at Gi, 7j and 10 cents per yard, worth 10, 12 j, 15 and 20 cents. Straw Hats! From 5 cents up. Nobby Hats for Boys and Men at 10,15, 25c. ———- Shoes, Shoes. Ladies Shoes and Slippers at any price from 25 cents up. Children and Misses Shces at pricos to suit anybody. Crockery, Glassware and Hardware at Cost. We haven t the space to mention prices, as we would like, but cordially invite every one to come and examine onr stock. The above figures will no doubt astonish you. Therefore we ask you to come and see that the prices are correct and be convinced that we mean just what we say, Don’t forget the place, The Cash Jobbing Cos, T. 23. INdC-A-TT, J^anagor. THOMSON, GA, lIAIUI SENSEI It is a fact generally known that J. F. Shields & Cos., have the largest stoek of Dry Goods, Shoes and Notions in Thomson. It is also knowD that the mere yon buy of an artiole the lass you have to pay for it m proportion. It therefore follows that having the largest stock our goods did not cost us as much in proportion as it cost others who buy less. It also follows that we can and should sell for less-than others and yet make a fair profit. ItrsT What We Propose: to Bo We have just received a beautiful line of Ladies Dress Goods, such as Worsteds, Brocades, Suitings, Kyber Cloths, Nun’s Veilings, Mohair, also the largest and most Stylish line of Ginghams ever seen here. A large lot of Muslins and Lawns to suit taste and purse. White and Colored Laces, Silk and Satin Trimmings to-match Dress Goods. Evitt A Brothers Ladies Fine Shoes a tpecialty, Evitt A Brothers Ladies Fine Slip— pers, Opera, Newport, Oxfords and Sandals, and other shoes in every style and quality. We have something new and beautiful in Colored Mitcheline Counterpanes that will be all the fashion. • ■ We have n large line of Gentleman's Clothing,' Very Low, for cash. Also fine Shoes high cut, and low quartered. A large assortment of Missea', Boy’s and Men a Eats. We have the best Sewing Machine made, never'"had a aomplaint, warranted to please. We will sell them on the installment plan to suit oar customers. •J. F. Shields & Cos, No 3, Trick Bow, Thomson, G* THOMSON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1885. Beautiful Array Of Spring Bargains! DORIS, SHERON & CO., AUGUSTA., - - GEORGIA. The Largest, Handsomest and Most Varied, And by Far the Best Selected Stock of ’ SHOES, SLIPPERS & HATS Ever Offered the People of Middle Georgia. THE ABOVE ASSERTION IS BASED ON WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, AND OF LATE THEY HAVE TALKED OUR BARGAIiVS LONG AND LOUD, OUR —Stock Of— UDIES ’ FINE SHOES AND SIIPPEOS Is “beyond compare,” and will bo added to greatly by fresh arrivals during the coming month. We handle all the leading man ufactures’ Goods, thereby giving the Public the largest variety to select from. We have an immense stock of Ladies’ Newport Ties, . A i. Newport Button & Opera Slippers That we w ill offer as a STARTER THE COMING MONTH IT 75 CENTS. Misses’ & Childrens’Shoes, Our Stock it Buch that all the people will take to it at once. In Mens* Shoes, We lead the old “War Horses.” We are offering Genuine French Calf Buttoned Handsewed Shoes at $3. Our Stock of e nts* Goods is the Finest, perhaps in the State. STRAW HATS, In the above Goods we have bought heavily, and it is a conceded fact by every one who has given us the pleasure of show ing our New Goods that our Stock is with out doubt the most complete, the largest and the handsomest, That is being offered in Augusta. They also say our PRICES are THE VERY LOWEST- Fair, Square Dealing, One Price For All! QUICK SUES, SNORT PROFITS 000 MOTTO A cordial invitation is extended the peo ple of Middle Geoegia to call at our Store and see the PILES OF .LOVELY NEW GOODS- All orders will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. Boris, Sheron & Cos. No. 907 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. FIERCE INSTITUTE. The closing exeroises of the Pierce Institute, in this place, will embrace Tuesday and Wednesday next, the 14th and 15th instants. Exercises for Tuesday, the 14th; Examination of classes at school room, from 9a. m., till 4p. m. At night, prize declamations and recita tions by Primaries, followed by con cert. Exercises for Wendesday the 15th: Examination of classes from 9 a. m., till 12 m., and spelling bee between the boys and girls in the afternoon, followed by a drill of the Pierce Ca dets. Wednesday night: Prize dec clamations and recitations by the larger boys and girls, followed by concert. The ladies have kindly consented to oonduct an Ice Cream Festival in connection with the exercises, the proceeds to be appropriated to paint ing the school building, and solicit contributions of eggs, ice, milk, etc. All who are willing to contribute are requested to notify or send contribu tions to one of the following named committee: Mrs. J. E. White, Mrs. A. D. Hill, Mrs. T. A. Scott, Mrs. W. R. Hadley. No charge for admit tance to the Festival, but it is hoped that all will leave a few dimes with the ladies, to assist in the good cause in which they are engaged. John E. Gross, Principal. THE DISTRICT CONFERENCE. For the accommodation of all who wish to attend the Disirict Confer ence, which convenes at Harlem to day, the Georgia Railroad has issued the appended order, for which the people are indebted to the personal solicitation of Judge Wm. S. Smith, of Boneville, and the courtesy of Col. E. R. Dorsey, Gen'l Passenger Agent : “For the District Conference, con convening at Harlem on Wednesday, July Bth, the Georgia Railroad will attach to its Number 6 Train, leav ing Thomson at 0:19 a. m., a passen ger coach for Harlem and interme diate points, arriving at Harlem at 7:35 a. m. Returning, leave Harlem at 8:43 p m., and arrive at Thomson at 6:43 p. m. This arrangement is to continue until Sunday a. in., 12th inst., or Sunday p. m., they will be rturned to Thomson by Train Num ber 3, leaviug Harlem at 11:10 p. in., and arriving at Thomson at 11:62 p. m." This arrangement, in point of con venience, is all that the people can ask. All can now attend the Con ference during the day and return at night, er they can remain for the night services and return on the night passcenger train. —We are requested to announce that, on account of the District Con ference at Harlem, there will be no services at the Methodist church in this place on Sunday and Sunday evening next. ELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT GEORGIA—McDuffie County, Whereas, An election was held in the several precints of said county of McDuffie and State aforesaid, on Wednesday, July, Ist, 1886, in ac cordance with notice previously giv en as provided by law, for the pur pose of ascertaining whether or not sections 1449,1460, 1461,1462,1463 and 1454 of the Code of 1882 shall become operative in said county of McDuffie, and at which election the question of “Fence” or “No Fence” was submitted to the lawful voters of said county at the several precints thereof, and the consolidated returns of said election having been made to me on the 2d day of July, 1885; Now, thebefoee, having examined said consolidated returns, I do here by announce the result of said elec tion to be as follows: Fence 197. No Fence 198. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 6th day of July, 1885. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. GEORGIA— McDuffie County. Weeveas, At an election held in said county and State, on Wednes day, July Ist, 1885, at which the question of “Fence" or “No Fence” was submitted to the lawful voters of said county, as provided by law, and Whereas, The consolidated re turns of said election show ’s major ity for “No Fence;” Now, Therefore, in accordance with the act of the General Assem bly of said State, I do hereby an nounce that the provisions of sec tions 1449, 1460, 1451, 1462, 1463 and 1464 of the Code of 1882 have been adopted by and for said county of McDuffie, and the same will go into operation on the first day of January, 1886. Witness my hand and official sig nature, ibis 6th day of Ju1y,.1885. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary NEW ADVERTISEMENT. HARD TIMES PRICES AT , T. A. SCOTT’S, THOMSON, - - GEORGIA. The long continued financial depression necessitates the reduction of prices ta the very lowest living figures, so that the BEST goods to be obtained in the market, which are always the CHEAPEST, may be with in the reach of all. With these facts in view, I assure my customers and the general public that the extensive and various lines of merchandise which I am now offering t,o the trade, will give enliro satisfaction as to superiority in QUALITY and PRICE J I do not deal in SHODDY GOODS of any description, but guarantee that my customers shall receive their purchases just as repiesented. In the general ley Goods Bifartmeit Will be found every article usually offered in a first-class establishment. DOMESTICS! Cheaper than ever before. Now is the time to buy. PRINTS, A splendid assortment, from 4c to 5o per yard. These goods are selected and pnrehased after a long experience with an especial view to the wants and tastes of the people of this section of the country, and I am confi dent that I can sadsfy the most exacting and please even the moat fastidious, if they will examino and price my goods. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT In this Department I am offering the largest and most select assortment of V Silks, Satins, Cashmeres and Worsteds, of- All the latent colors and styles. Also VELVETS and TRIMINGS. I havo a very extensive stock of Ladies’ Cloaks and Walking Jackets, and Russian Circulars, Winch must bo sold and are offered at remarkably low figures. Also A beautiful line of Uloves, liandkerchlefe, Ac., Beautiful Millinery Goods of every description. Hosibby Dkpaktsent, In this Department I am offering a large and varied assortment of Ladies’ Misses, Gents and Childrens Hose, AT THE MOST FAVORABLE PRICES. o SHOES. My stock of Ladies’, Misses, Mon’s and Children’s Shoes is very targe and of the best and moßt popular styles. o NOTION DEPARTMENT, Buttons of every Variety, Mens Ties, and Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Combs, Brushes, Suspenders,Terfumories, and Novelties of every descriptio . o Ants Furnishing. Gobs, My stock In this department is as full and complete as can be found in any store, and must be sold; therefore, I am offering the most favorable inducements to the trade. CASBIMERES, JEANS, <fcc, of all the Best grades and beautiful styles, SHIRTS, Laundered and Unlauncjcred, Best Linen Bosoms, and all material of the best quality. Clothing ! Clothing] For Men and Boy* in great variety, OVERCOATS at Bottom Figure*. Beautiful and styliah Nuits of beet good* and to fit every size, Handsome, Durable and Cheap. Bows, Smobsnnd Wets, In this Department my stock is very complete, embracing GENTS’ FINE BOOTS sad SHOES, BOYS’ FINE BOOTS and SHOES LABORERS' BEST BOOTS and SHOES, BROGANS, 4a, All from the best manufactures. GROCERY DEPRT M£NT In this Department will be found constantly in stock every artiole usually kept in a first-class Grocery House, embracing everything necessary to supply the wants of the trade, and I am consent that my prices will be entirely satisfactory to every purohaser. ” I do not keep or offer for sale any light-weight or second-class goods, bat o lv the BEST to be bad in the market. In Staple Groceries I have a very large and well selected stock of CORN, BACON, MEAL, SUGAR, COFFEE, RtCR, LARD, CHEESE, SALT, SYRUP, . MOLAsSkS, MACKEREL, BAGGING AND TIES. Tobacco, Cigars, and Snuff, and shelf Goods too numerous to mention' Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Cutlenr, Grass and Cotton Rope, Powder, -Shot, Wads, Bhejls and Caps for Breach Loading Guus A Better Selection of these goods has never been brought to this market, and at prices that lead them all £3T Goods delivered In any part of Town free of charge. rmos. at. SCOTT. Nos. 1 sad f Brick itow, Thomson, Oil, NO. 27.