McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, October 07, 1885, Image 1

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"VOL. XIV. liOUIS Gr. KoHLFBIiD PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler, TXQMSQ.Y, e~t. The owtarwgnr'l turko. pleasure in informing the citizens of this town and oonntv that ha has opened a flrat-cUss Watch and Jewelry business in this place and is prepared to da all Work in this line in tho beet and most satisfactory manner. Twenty years praetieal erperienoe in the largest establishment in the world enables me to give gatisfac ■tion in every way at most reasonable price*. I always keep on hand a nice selection of ■yratehts. C-lodks. Jewelrs and Spectacles, and can compete with every honae in the eenatry in prices Engraving done. Every kind and pattern in Jewelry to order at shortest notice. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch. Give me a sail and yoa certainly wfiltufi it to your advantage. Louis G. Hohlfeld, Lots of New Goods nTTeW IS’ sto. 5, BMCK BOW, THOMSON, GEORGIA. Keeps the best stock of GROCERIES in Thom son. It Ims been tested and as declared by first-class judges. His stock consists ol Flour, Meal, Corn, Meat, Su-gar, Coffee, and all their goods in the Grocery Line. Also Boots, Shoes, Hats Clothing, and Dry Goods of all kinds. GOBN9 Meat & Flour A Specialty! JSMM M. CVBTiS. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds ot Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, (fee., &c. All Repairing promptly done and at rea sonable rates. Blacksmithing in all its branches. UNDERTAKING. I have a large and elegant HEARSE, Which will be sent to snj pert of the town or country et reasonable retea. COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES. Itt'RIAL ROBES, Suitable for Males or Females, old or young. .1. M. CURTIS. Thomson, <i • THE ADKINS HOUSE. Fills STREET OPPOSITE ODU FELLOWS’ HALL ’ AUGUSTA, OA. JK.. J. .A.DXCI'NTS, JR, - - - PROP R. Newly FraushaTCentrally Located. CONVENIENT TO DEPOTS, POST OFFICE, AND BUSINESS PORTION OF CITY. Hot and Cold Batlis attached to Dooms. FIRST CLASS TABLES, CLEAN ROOMS AND BEDDING. fb7’B3Sm Terms Moderate. WATCHES! I am selling Waltham Stem Winding Watches from 88.00 up. Full line of Dia monds, Watches and Jewelry, &c. Watches and Jewelry repaired and Warranted. WM. SCHWEIGERTe Under Central Hotel. Augusta. Ga. ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW end GRIST MILLS, and MA CHINERY and MILL SLTPIES Repairs Done at Reasonable Prices. EO. R. LOMBARD fe CO Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works, J&l f GCrSF& " * ffM&SGlste We boy, sell, rent exchange, and repair Engines on favorable forms. Have 3 ear loads New Engines. 2 car loads 2d hand Engines in stock or prompt delivery. Steam and Water Pipe at Reduced Prices. Agents etfiAtlas Engines, Aaltman Taylor Engines, Korting Injectors, Vanduzen J Pumps, Gardiner’s Governors, Clouds Creek Mill Rocks, Eclipse Double Turbine Wheels. All kinds of new work and repairs promptly done. We are working about 100 hands and cast every day. eW ave the largest and best fitted out shop in the South—new an •mprovad kools or all kinds of work in our line. Call and see us when (.August*. f ” • GEO. R. LOMBARD kCO THOMSON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOIIEIIL 7 , 1885. MILLER L BUSSEY, WHOLESALE GROCERS. AND Coininissioii Merchants, 902 Broad Street, Corner Cumpboll, AUGUSTA, GA. Buy The Best! L 1 ’ DJ A FACT Always oonceded in conversation, and often in practice, that the BEST GOODS arc cheaper iu the end. Every busmens man knows this to he so, and my erne nenoe has fully convinced mo of its truth ; se iu buying my Spring and Bummer stuck, I have bought the best of ita kind in every line->the BEST hut nut the FANCIEST. I car A ry full Hues of both Dry Goods and Groonries; but iu the former department I make a specialty of Ladies and Gents Fine Shoes, And in the latter my specialty is Pure Sugars, Coffees, &c. I have no leader, that is I do not Rell granulated Rugar, ohocks and such well known goods at cost, and make it up on things with which you aro unacquainted ; but my profits are uniform throughout. lam Rgunt for Fine Custom-Made Clothing —AND— FINE JEWELRY. Y ° n m y jnfer from the above that my prices are high, but not so, Ido not iutend to be undersold by anybody, us a trial will convince you. All aro iuvitud to eall. Respeotfully, JOHN M. BARNES. April Ist, ISBr.. (yl) — l,l ■ 1 1 1 ' " . New Store! New (woods! .lust Opened At BONEVILLE, O A, TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PtTIlLIO: I have and will oontinuo to koop a Soleotcd Line of Dry Goods, Groceries anil General Merchandise, In Dry Goods Department may bo found: Shooting, Checks, Drills, Calicoes, eto Groceries: Flour, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Soap, eto. Kerosene Oil Very Choap. A variety of Notions and Small Goods that cvoiy house keeper needs. Also will keep an assortment of Ladies Hots, Trimed to order whou deair ed. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at highest market prices. All are Invited to como and see! Respeotfully, Julia X<\ Hinttli Ga. April 22, 1885. The George F. Pierce Institute, Thomson, Georgia. T rpHE FALL TERM of this School wil. open Mommy, Angmit nl, ISR.*. in A' continue * four ecliolahtic month*. No pains will bo spared to maiio the School the equal of any High School in Middlo Georgia. To this end we earnestly solicit the cooperation of the Trustees, patrons and friends of the School. Our aim is to make the school n HOME COLLEGE for Much as aro not able to attend College, and to prepare others for the Jnmor and Senior *>livhho- of our best male and female Colleges. PARENTS may rent assured that cnildron sent to this school will'be well cared for. Their PHYSICAL MENTAL and MORAL GROWTH will he com>tantly wutohed rove by the Principal. PUPILS must b THOROUGH in the branches studied, and, to accomplish this, they will be subject to frequent rigid examinations, both oral and written. BELIEVING that the TIODY should be developed and trained iu connection with the mind, the Principal has decided to add the Military feature to the School. All of the young men and largo boys will bo thoroughly drilled in Military Tactics. r PHE Discipline of the school will be grra rather than harsh. Pupils will be f rogarded * as Gentlemen and Ladies, and failing to deport themselves as such will be subjected to such punishment as may be deemed proper. rpUITION will be charged from time of entering till the end of the]term at the follow J_ ing rates : First grade $2.00 Beoond grade 2.60 Third grade 3.00 Fourth grade 4.00 Tuition will be due nt the end of each month. JOHXT ZEL GROSS, Principal. NEW ESTABLISHMENT! ALE X. 11. O I It T I Thomson, (La, Has rented the Shops of J. T. Smith, in Rranchville, and is prepared to carry on the different branches of the business, Carriages, Wagons and Buggies Made and Repaired. Blacksmithing in all its Branches, Undertaking in all its Branches. The Best Work, all guaranteed, and the lowest prices. By Strict Attontion to Busiaes he asks a liberal Share of patronage, March 11, 1885. OyJ Pendleton’s Book Store, 804 Broad Street, Noxt to E. R. Schneider’s. Augusta, ------ Georgia. Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Rooks and Stationery, consisting in part of Standard and Misccllanooib Books, Novels, Tales, and Religious, Bibles, Testaments, „ Hymn Books, of different denomination, Sunday /School Books and Requisites, School Books, Blank Books of all kinds, Note, Lettor, j Foels-Cap, Bill and legal Cap Paper, Office and Fancy Stationery, Pic ture Frames, Dolls and Toys, Photograph and Autogiaph Albums, Pictures, &c. Books and small pack ages of Stationery sent by mail free of postage, on re ceipt of money for tho same. t. 17, 1884. A. F Pendleton W. 11. Howard, C. 11. Howard, 8. P. We'siger. W. H. HOWARD A SONS, COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NO. 20 SEVENTH (McINTOSII) STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Consignments of Cotton and other Produce solicited. Orders for Bagging and Tics Filled at lowest market price. Josiab Miller. Dr. W. W. Bussey. Presentments of Grand Jury- PKl'T.' - TRRM, MCDUrriK HUDKRIOR COUNT, IBBr. ,th .md Jury, choßon nnd sworn fai the Sej mber Term of McDuffie Su peri* r Oov , 1885, beg leave to moke the .’commendations and present ment*.: W- hav through appropriate Cominit tara 1 ' at , ned th Public Roads, Records And Bttil lings. C , ( u tfcteo on Public Buildings roport th'* • ai in splendid order, the cleanost and best ke;jt they were over iu. reflecting great cred ton the officer in charge. We recom nuB 1 that the other buck window bo put iu tho anio good order aa the ouo recently on. We further recommend that All hiHimuae bo covered at once with fWi heart shingles $ inch thick aud thon CorcLpaxativ-e Statomont of Ta:x: Betums of 2s/CoJD\x£flo Gounty for 1084 and 1885. t & i . J I , *ls W I ! I I M t 3 I I l t * z w is s I i I £ s - s. lj 1i I.I 1 f 1 , ets s t| Ii e I•• I I I if.if. <flsil 8 !*1i Il I „ ■ Ii 111 Is 2 LL I 1 ff lli | ilpi-l Is* S 5 ll ! t If |I I s s °°° i a j if y i I ll| *| I |2£ig** *! 1 I i 3 i2 s i *•s m i o ° I& I* * i * 1 s 2 5 iriifi I n 5 J 1 & & & § g g o q a o a 3 o D uS&S o o o o <y 3 ’A o-=o oto -o-n 00 0 5 S'* 4 q ~ KS S! 33 o DL9. DLH. DL9. DLS. DLS. Dffe. DLB. DLB. DLS. DLS. DLB. DLB. DLS. DLS. PLB., DLP (TLB. DLB. Dl<B. CLLS. DLB, DLB. DLS. DLS. DL3, Tiiuiwon. • 1884 2H 211 5 5 2 820 42095 1555 187090 6859 103570 1200 45555 220 35400 2000 21805 1795 1829 29403 5549108201115 2900 58801127447252 17925 120 214 211. 1881- 222 245 45 1 257 40135 IG4O 190413 6720 89575 700 53082 78 25635 1140 21657 1505 2379 28868 5391 9246 858 140 9785 000043292015310 100 222 345. Dir-Pj 8 341 01 63 4040 85 9828 139 13995 500 7527 142 10765 800 148 290 550 535 158 1574 269 2760 3905 1127 9832 2616 20 8 84, WmoijTfliumo. 1884 82 124 02 0 182 19501 659 74614 2174 175 000 1970 'OOO 175 000 50 5691 785 307 15160 2108 8916 519 000 1695 000 108658 6586 20 2 124, 1885 74 149 01 0 112 18524 566 70073 1688 1275 000 1505 000 200 000 6029 791 510 13259 3070 3447 565 000 1860 300 97648 6414 10 74 149. Diyv. 8250 1 0 70 977 83 4541 486 1100 900 465 000 25 000 GO 338 6 208 1901 962 469 46 000 245 300 6005 828 10 & 25. Kkpubmcan. 1884 59 176 01 0 219 21723 1594 89866 5198 1700 000 ,3200 4606 000[8000 4310 435 950 12741 823 8800 00 000 2885 5 127422 11067 10 69 176, 1885 64 121 01 0 157 21023 1210. 81057 3577. 2600 000 5888 000 000 8000 4196 579 710 12775 2590 8780 391 000 2475 15 121331 7152 10 64 121. Dwr. 55500 062 700 384 88091621 800 000 2038.4606 000 0000 114 144 240 841667 40 391 000 860 10 6091 8915 00 6 56. DXSISKO. 1884 161 102 02 0104 322801446 94087 3235 500 000 9074 25 900 6827 697 212 22482 2110 5228 838 2816 141096 6405 20 161 102. 1885 167 73 010 60 33691 1471 88149 2813 50 9985 25 800 6683 471 167 206991489 4248 276 8310 20 183086 609410 167 73. DA'. 629 1 44 1411 26 6936 422 450 911 100 144 226 45 ' 1753 621 985 62 495 20 8009 1311 10 6 29. Mr. Aufci;nM. 1884 64 88 1 163 22635 80655 1800 2570 208 400 5784 282 180 15014 1085 364-4 151 160 830 110927 1726 10 64 88. 1885 67 92 1 141 22948 74795 2500 2978 6410 4SO 800 18803 1153 8248 34 1020 104054 1617 10 67 9a! Dir*. 8 4 22 313 6860 700 408 208 400 374 148 120 1211 68 206 17 150 190 6878 109 3 and! ' Total amount of property returned by Whitos in 1884, 8930,349. Total amount of property returned by Colored in 1884 842 709 c ’ Decreased value of property as returned f r 1885, 836,310, Decreased valne of property as returned foe 1889, 87 121, Total decreased value of property returned for 1885 aa compared to 1884., 843,482. Tioison lerclant - AND — COTTON GIN Flavin* thoroughly repaired my Grist JVlill and miaiilt my Giu House, 1 ain now pre- ] mined to serve the public in better stylo ever heretofore. My Grist Mills pro duct tlie best Meal and Flour to bo hud in the Bounty. My Giu is the Gullett Improv ed, which is the Lest in use, and I gunran teo entire satisfaction in every instance, and at bottom prices. Paries having gram at the depot in Thom- HOii by leaving orders with the Railroad Agint oi at the Mill can have it ground, anj allimeai or flour from my Mills will be delvered anywhere in the corporation free of charge. 1 have taken out insuranco sufficient to c<*er lows by tiro of cotton belonging to nw customers,,. Wm Johnston. A Family Newspaper —FOR— -50 CZEZbTTS fiIHE ATLANTA EVENING JOURNAL L will coinnience the publication of an ght-pago weekly Family Newspaper, AUGUST 13, 1885, ovoted to the interest of Georgia and the with. It will contain all the General faws of the week, all tho State Capital faws and other State News. It will con ain correct Market Reports, The depart ment for tho ladies will contain choice hits >f Society News, Fashions, Notes on Cook ng, Receipts, etc. A department will bo given to Sunday Reading, and will contain the regular Sunday School lessons in advance. The Agricultural Department will bo complete and under the care or one of the host agricultural writers of this country Tho WEEKLY JOURNAL will ho *oll edited throughout, and iu every way equal to any family newspaper. On account of the hard, close times, will bo mailed one year to ano address, for 50c. per year, Should you want a good daily newspaper, the ATLANTA EVENING JOURNAL is the best and cheapest daily paper iu tho "Vmth—loc a week, or $5 per year. For* further information and sample copies, Address, THE ATLANTA JOURNAL, 32 Brood St., Atlanta, Ua Lovell’s Family Washer. Can be attached to any tub, round or square, can be put in or tukeh but in an in. stunt, and does,'not prevent the use of the tub for any other purpose. A wringer can tie attached to the sniiio tub at the same time. It will wash any and all kinds of family washing perfectly clean, with one half the labor and in one-half the time it can be done by hund. It weighs only thir teen pounds. It ean bo successfully oper ated by a child of ten or twelve years. IT WILL 00 ALL THE WASHING, LACE CUMMINS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, OK CAKPETS. IFIRICrE $5.00. The undersigned has tho agency for the sale of this Machine in McDuffie County, and will promptly fill all orders. MARTHA. GOING. Dealing, Ga., August, 188/1. John T. West, -A-ttoraaey at Xud/w, Thomson, Ga. Will practice in nil the Courts of Mc- Duffie and neighboring counties, and in the Supreme Court of tho State. Strict attention given to collections, and to all business entrusted to his care. Office on Main street ov©i Robert A. Anderson'inttor*. well painted. • Committee on Books of .TwNtioon of Peace and Notnrie Public report them all well kopt, oxcept 152d district, which has not itemized the coßtu according to law. Committee on Treasurer's aud Ordina ry’H Books report they find the books of these officers correctly and beautifully kept aud fully up to date. We doubt Whether they can be excelled in the State, The report of the Treasurer for the fund of County Court has been submitted to your Committed, with vouchers, and show a cash balanco of thirty-three dollars and Rovonty four cents. The general county fund shows the small balance of four hundred and sov onty-flvo dollars and twenty cents. Anoth cr report shows a balance in Treasury of fifty-five dollars aud fifteen cents to the credit of the Superior oourij We recommend the utmost ooonotny, as the times are stringent. In the matter of Rost For Tho Weary AND HEALTH FOB THI! SICK, Is found in that delightful nerve tonio unit invigorator, Pemberton's French Wine Coca. Which positively cures and ptcVuut/mon tul and physical depression,“loss of memory iusomunin, loss of,.appetite, omuciation, dyspepsia, female weakness, sexual debility kidney disoases, neuralgia, siok houdache, general nervous debility, muscular relaxa tion, eto. 'Hie Medical SavanH of tho world award to Coca, the moßt effective and wonderful remedial powers for ooth mind and body, and the profession and, pooplo award to Bern burton’s French Wine Coca,” the palru of victory over all other known tonics and i iuvigoranto. There is joy‘and good cheor in ovory bot tle. For sale at Dr. Barton’s Drug Store. 5^ Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ale and Deer. J. P. Cartwright. Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. HOME COUNCIL. Wo take pleasure in calling tho attention of mothers to a home cure for all diseases of tho Htomnoh and Bowels, s n odicino so long needed to curry children safely through tho critical stage of TEETHING. PITTS’ CARMINATIVE, allsc an inculablc blousing to mother and child. It is an instant relief to colic of in. fsnts, a disease with which infants suffer so much the first four months of their life. It gives sweet reßt to the sick and fretful child. It strengthens and builds up tho weak, gives appetite and flesh to the pnuy, corrects drain from tho bowols, euros Diarrhmn and Dysentery. A panacea for children. Try one bottle. It costs only TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. SUM" FREE! UNRELIABLE SELF-CURE. RSSSk A favorite prescription of on© of the mout noted end successful specialists In the UJB. (nowretired) for rtiTCur© of .Vovroti* Jeby, l.oot Manhood, H>a*uu*wand In plain ©bl**d en volopeyVr*. UruglsUoan flu lfc Address DR. WARD & CO., Loulsisoe, Mo, Public work, such as bridges, we urge the Ordinary to comply with the law, which re quires work to be let to the lowest bidder. Committco on Public Reads report they find the roads gonerally in good condition. Committee on ’Tax Digest for 1886 find them oorrect as far as they can ascertain, and property returned at a uniform valua tion throughout the county- We recommend the per diem of Jurors und Bailiffs to be the same as heretofore. We recommend that the Benches on the Traverse Jury side be well cushioned out of good nnd suitable materiel. We reoommend that his Honor Judge Rouoy call togother a special Jury at such time as he may elect, and clear the docket. We recommend that the Bolioitor-Gener fil's bill of cost be paid out of the incoming Tax fund, after tho same has been* duly ex amined and approved by the presiding Judge. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS OF CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, [PkAUffil SMB PIBBSIID faSD^Ali. City and Country Deu era Can Purchase Their Goode At M. B. Bmm JmSs, 712 Urond Strec., Augusta, At Lower Prioes Than Sold by any House Sonh. And where Freight, Packages, Drajago and other charges are oon. sidored, our Prices will be found Loworthun any JVorthern or Eastern Dealers. J. H. SPEARS, COTTON TUTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Warehouse and Salesroom, 101 Mclntosh Street, Cor. Reynolds, AUGASTA, GA. W ill continue tho business in its various branebos. Advances of Ragging and Tics and Family Supplies, at lowest markot prices. Liberal Cash Advunoes made on Cotton or other Produce in Store. Consign-* ments of all Field and Farm Products solicited. Porsoual attention given to Selling, Weighing, Sampling and Stor ing all Consignments. Charges for handling cotton Dot advanced on, Commission 500, Storage 25c por month. P- W. FOSTER COTTON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Office and Warehouse on Campbell St, BETWEEN BROAD & REYNOLDS, Augusta, - - - Georgia. Consignments .Solicited-- Personal Attention Given to Business Tho Instructions of Consignors Promptly Obeyed. E. H. ROGERS, -DEALEK IN— -1 Sons, Pistols, Ac., 561 Broad St., Angustfi, Ga. As the shooting Reason has commenced I respectfully solicit the trade of the good people of McDuffie aud adjoining counties for goods they may Want in the line of Gnns, Kifles, Ammunition, Pistols Ac, Send yonr Guns or Fire-arms to me to belrepaired.. I warrant my worn to b done as well aa anywhere, and better than elsewhere In the city of Augusta. Prices Low. ill. 11. UOGEUN. Mil Brood Street, Just below Railroad crossing. BURKE & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Ci gars, Tobacco and Grocerie. Orders from the country promptly filled, and satisfaction guaranteed The patronago ol McDuffie and neighboring counties respectfully solicited STORE HOUSE is 916 Broad street, Augusta, nntil October let, they will move to 830 Broad street. NO. 4.0* We recommend that the biff of insolvent eosts due the Sheriff and Clerk, be paid out of the incoming Tax fund, after the aacna has been duly oxamined and approved hy the presiding Judge. We rooonnuend that the Report on Tax Digest for 1885, aocompaniitg these Pre sentments, be published with them in the MoDuvni Journal. We extend our thanks to his Honor Judge Roney for his kindly confederations aud to the Solicitor-Generul for courtesies shown our body while in session. W. S. Srnltn, Foreman; Virgil M. Wade, William Radford, Gavlord A Reese, Law reuce W. Barksdale, Robert A< Andcraon, John P. Lazenby, Loyd 0. Smith, James B. Waller, Benjamin Hftmuels, David G. Story, James A. Stabler, Solomon Norris, Henry A. Story, James fi. Wilson, Joel W, John son, David H. Montgomery, John H. Boyd, Geo. W. Montgomery, Thos. R. Burnside. Carnat B, Williamson, Alphonso R. Stroth er, James D. Waddell. Clerk.