McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, December 09, 1885, Image 1

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V< >L. XIV. Palace Beef Market. Thomson, Oa. Ooroetbing that Thomson *p4 McDuffie County bns needed for a long time U ft FirMi>CliiKH 31nrkt*t, I giro the bittiness my perswal attention. I have secured the services of one of the BEST BUTCHERS in the State. I use, nothiug Hat FAT 81OCK. I keep always on hand Beef, Muttin, Pork, Sausage. Fish, Oysters, Poultry, Game, Butter, Eggs, a>d all kinds of VEGETABLES of the season. Any one Bleeding anything In my line cau get it by sending to me any hour in the day or week. Family orders carefully filled, and masts delivered within corporate limits free of nhd rgt. Highest cash prices paid for Fat Cattle. Sheep, Hogs, Poultry, Eggs. Butter, Hides (a specialty). Corn, Peas, Potatoes, Beeswax. Tallow, and, m fact, all kiods of Country Produce, from a Frying Chicken to a Bale of Cotton. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. I hops, with fair and square dealings, to receive a liberal share of patronage. E. J. Paschal.. Stovall & Boyd's Old Stand, Mnin Sind. Lots of New Goods AT THOMAS N. mHV NO. 5. BIUCK ROW, THOMSON, GEORGIA. Keeps the best stock of OKOCTiItIKS in Thom son. It litis been tested and ns declared by first-class judges. His stock consists ol Flour, Meal, Corn, Meat, Su-gar, Cofiee, and all their goods in the Grocery Line. Also Boots. Shoes, Hats Clothing, and Dry Goods of all kinds. t orn*, Meat a Flock A Specialty! JOH Y M. €WBTIS. Manufacturer and Dealer hi all kinds ot Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, &c., &c. All Repairing promptly done and at rea sonable rates. Blaoksmitiling in all its branches. UNDERTAKING. I have a arge and elegant HEARSE, Which will he *snt to *nv p*rt of tlio town or oountry st rnmonahls COFFINS ANl> METALLIC CASES. all kizss ami <)nullti. I aiw> •p in itock • largo ami Imndsomi ruuHirtmant of ItURIAL HOBESV Siiitah'* for Mule* or Fma e, o'd or young. . M- (JUHTIIS. Thomson (Jh. " WATCHES! I am selling Waltham Stem Winding Watches from SB.OO up. Full line of Dia monds, Watches and Jewelry, &e. Watches and Jewelry repaired and Warranted. WM, SCHWEIGERT. Uniter Central Hotel, Auguitu, Ga lN SINES, BOILERS, SAW and GRIST MILLS, and MA CHINERT and MI.L SUPPIES Repair* Done ot Reasonable Pi'lces. 80. It. LOMBARD <& CO Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works, zlvGvsr* f - - o k Gi.-i, VV buy, wit rent and repair Krij/ine* on favorable turma. Bar* 3 ear load* New Engine*. 2 ear loud* 2d hand Engine* in *took or prompt delivery Steam and Water Pipe at Reduce I Price* Atrcnt* otfiAlia* Engine*. AnUman Taylor Engine*. Korting Injector*. Vumlnaen J Pump*. Gardiner'* Governor*. Cloud* Creek Mill Rock*, Eclipse Double Turbine Wheel*. All kind* of new work and repair, promptly lone. We are working about 100 hand, and cast, every day. eW are tha la-ge*land he*t fitted oit shop in the South—new an omproved hoot* or ail kind* of wotk In oor line. Call and gee n* when ;|Augu*la. f GEO R. LOMRARI> & rtl J. H. ALEXANDER’S Drug Store. Drugs, Medicines and t hrmicals, Patent Medicines. Faints, Oils and all Panders’ Goods. Broshes, Combs, Toilet Articles, Faney GOODS, 40 , GARDESvAND.GEASB SEEDS- Well Organised! Well Stocked I Well .Served I In nil Department* represented here we claim to be a thoroughly Equipped Family Drug .Store. Over iour thousand urticle* of common n*e nnd neceaaity. Prompt answer* to all enquiries. Ord*r* accompli - led by cn*h a>• exocoted at once. No delay* utile** for unavoidable pause. Every family need* sometime* to deal with aucb a store. Family trad, solicited. Cash must accompany every order or deposit accounts open. Address, J. H. ALEXANDER'S DRUG BTORE, Augusta, Ga. THOMSON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, DEOKMBKR 9, 1885. THE KNOX HOTEL. Tlioiiifsoii, Ga. SITUATED in the heart of the town, withiu one hnndren yards of the Depot, Post office and Telegraph office Rooms large, well furnished aud comfortable, and tht Table is always supplied with the VERY BEST FAKE to be obtaiued iu the markets. Ooinniei*eijxl Travelers Will fiud a Home at tho Knox Hotel, speoia'ly prupared for them, with every nu.l t-fuifort randy to h*ml, iaj’uiding a Grit chts* BAUBEU modioua Sample H > 'The latter within a few ete. sof the leading mercantile houses, where samples of Chet! goods may be conveniently aud advantageously displayed Free of Charge, ** Iu connection with the HOTEL is a good LIVERY STABLE, With horses and vehicles always ready for any cal’. The Servants are Polite, respectful and attentive. For pern anent and transient patrons the HOTEL offers inducements and terms far superior *o a.y other Hotel on the Georgia Railroad. C. E. KNOX* Proprietor. Buy The Best! IL' A FACT Always conceded in con vernation, and often in practice, that tbe BEST GOODS are chispe" in the snd. Evry tmsimas ram knows thin to be so, and my expe rience has fully convinced me of its truth; ii buying my Spring and Summer stock, I have bought tho best of its kind in eveiy line—the BEST but not the FANCIES I'. I car ry full liues of both Dry Goods aud Groceries ; but iu the former department I make a specialty of Ladies and Gents Fine Shoes, And iu tbe latter luy specialty is Pure Sugars, Coffes, &c. 1 have no loader, that i l do not sell granulated sugar, checks and such well known goods at cost, and n ake it tjp on things with which you are unacquainted; but rnv profits ra uniform thr ughoot. lam agent for Fiiij Cust&n-Vaie Clothi.ig —AND— FINE JEWELRY. You may infer from the above that my prices are high, but not so, I do not intend to be undsiaold fey anybody, an a trial will convince you. All are invited to sail. Kespeotfally, JOHN M. BARBIES. April Ist, IMS. (yi) New Store! New (woods! .1 tint Opened A t BONIDVII.LE, G A. TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ; I have and will continue to keop a Selected Line of Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise. In Dry Goods Department tna> bn found : Shooting, Checks, Drills, CaLcnea, etc Groceries ; Flour, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, ttioe. Soap, etc. Kerosene Oil Very Cheap. A variety of Notion* and Small Goods that eve y house keeper needs. Also w ill kep no assortment of Ladies Hats, Triraed to order whondexir and. Country prodace taken iu exchange for goods, at highest market prices. All ore invited to oowo aud toe! Respectfully, .hiliu !<’. Smith Uone'vill© Gu. t pril 2J, 188 fl. NEW ESTABLISHMENT! ai. i<: x- ii. < u it ti s, Thomnon, (.la, Hu rsnted th Shop* of J. T. B'sitV in liranchvills. nnd is prepared to carry on the different brunches of lhe business, Carriages, Wagons and Buggies Made and Repaired. Blacksmithing in all its Branches, Undertaking in all its Branches. The Beat Work, all guaranteed, and the lowest price*. By Strict Attention tu Burnses he ask* * liberal Share of patronage. March I', I*Bs. OyJ Pon dletui’s Book Store, 804 Broad Street, Next to K. K. Schneider's. Ausubta - - Georgia Keeps constantly ori hand u full line of Hooks arid Sib tionery, eonMH*::ig in part of Stun iard niul Miscellaneous Books, Novels, Tales, ami Religious, Bibles, Testaments, Uymu Books, rf different denomination, Siinduy A'obool Hooks mnl Requisites, School Books, Blui.k Books of all kinds, Nvjte, Letter, Konls-Cup, Bill and 1 egal Cap I’apet, Office and Funny Stationery, Pic lure I"'in rues, I)o|ls and Toys Photograph and Autograph Albums, Pictures, Ac. Bm ks anil small puck ages of Mationoiy sent by inuil (ree of j ostage, on re— mo 111 i tIHPHW Overcoats. II * AT— CLOTHING & I Ha7STORE NO. 711, IUOAD bTKEk.I', ACGUBTA, CiA. ELEGANT Styles, Superior Makes, • Cl;'Largest stoi k and Lowest prices, '■ Z 'bJf 1- i Clothing that tit, that, wear, that / 'vSe - - era stylish, llial are well made are ' I 1 UTirN ’be only kind wo find room for. ' — Customers can rely upon getting \ "V( the best obiainabio. \ \\\ ‘ As to pricos wo msko it intcrest j \ \\\ ing for those who try to beat ours To uo a common expression, tnswg , < ~e IT €m ’T BE 818. We ask for yonr trade expecting to give you the b-st vuliie you ca n get io every way. If wo cannot suit yon wo will not ask you to buy A. W. Blanchard, For 3. C. I t’DLOW <fc CO. Slave* to Quinine. ‘•nave you notiood the growing u*e of quinine?" a druggist In the vicinity ox the Filth Avenue Hold asked last night. At the same moment he bowed and smiled to a tail, rod-whiskered man who strolled in. “Just watch tbit customer," he •aid. Ihe man was very thin nnd cadaver ous looking. Without saying a word he walked no to the aoda fountain, and ■pill box, poured ini of ihecustum rf mineral water xrood to the next man swallowed •iter, turned on xway with auoih oroprietor. .40 a week," said >e ore long it will KUI him. lie started to take one five grain pill every night about six month* ego; now he takes fifteen grains a night ; bdore he goes homo, so that it will j brace him up for his diuuer. Within a mouth he will bo taking twenty grains I a night. Of course he takes it'ntiioiuo besides what ho gets hero. I’ve gone out of iuy way three or four times to to nitu that he had a good deal loiter drink t urn, even ii he is deacon in a church, but liis answer is a simple one; lie says quinine makes him led Clieerlul aud strong, ami it has uo iil e fleets. lie tried slopping it once and Caved in; lienee he wauls to know why . he stiouid slop. You can’t eoiubat such reasoning as than” j “Have you many such regular cus tone'isP’’ “Wed, to be accurate, wo have only three men who come in cv ry day and pay at the end oi the week, but thuro tti'o many others who take their quiniue ! ' tegu.sttiy as most drinking lolks take their whisky, it is certainly a gioat temptation to weakly organized and frai people. All they have to do is to swallow a pill or two, and they feel robust, wide awuke, aud cheerful. Tho practice grows on them continual ly, and it seems to be spreading, for our sales of quinine are constantly glowing. A good } roportiou of the custom comes from women who grow fatigued or weary while shopping, and wno, instead ol buying nuuitiou-. lun cheon or drinking a wholesome botile ol porter or aie, resort to the iusidious quinine pill. —Aev; JorA; Sun. — - A SnleHiunnV Tleinnrk. One of the requisites of a good sales man is knowing just what to say, and when to say it, to customers who are undt’cidud and hardly know whnt they want, and to whom a word flpokon nt the right time is sufficient very often to efleet a sale. Sometimes, however, salesmen with the desire of assisting a hesitating customer, say things which have the opposite effect from that in tended, as 100 following anecdote will show: A gontleman who was sevoral years vounger than his wife, nnd who was besides small and rather boyish in ap pearance, entered n dry goods store ia one of our towns with nis wife and re onested to bo shown some carpets. The proprietor hitu.self, to whom as it 1l ippunod they were unknown, waited on them, lie showed them very polite ly his extensive stock of carpets, and exhibited with groat pains their beauty and excellence of quality. The gentle man nnd his wile seemed somewhat undecided ns to what suited them among the various patterns displayed, Hiiu tne proprietor, with the laudable desire of assisting th m to decide, re marked blandiy to the gentleman, pointing to one of tho carpets, “I tuink, sir, this is the carpet your mother likes.” The gentleman looked a little sur prised, but quietly said, ••she is not uiy motuer, sir, out my wife." The lady said nothing, but it is need less to add that she did not find any Carpet to suit her, and they left tho pi’opietor, wiio feit that he hud lost a sale by nis unfortunate remark, a sad der and wiser man. If there is any thing that a woman will not forgive it is to be thought cider than she is. — 1/ct/oU free I'rcxs, lloadside F ult Trees. A writer in the New York Tribune, in treating or the utility of planting fruit trees by fences pays: “One ad vantage attending this planting is the economy of drawing handsome returns from soil otherwise unproductive, as roadwayß or lanes. Tile roots of the trees search this through, and find abun dant uvuilabie food, for no growth robs the soil, not even grass, while it is con tinually receiving mununal droppings. Another very important gain results from the safety of tiie trees from wounds. The fence shelters the stem from sun-scald and from cattle-rub bing, and tiio roots ai*o sate from that ruin of oicuards, the plowshare, which not only tears the roots while in me height of Summer activity, but, what is worse, though least seen or suspec ted, shears off the feeding rootlets at tiie same fatal season—these innumera ble points being found near the surface where their most wholesome food is most abundant. Fence-row trees live longer tiian trees exposed to injury in open orchards. Trees of erect habit should bo chosen, and preferably Win ter sorts of color green or unattractive bciore ripening iu the collar. Slick fruits, while the most valuable, do not attract depredators, and field crops are ■tho time arrives ns. buck rows a hellish a farm, ce aud add to 2UpOe la Maoaire* it thia excellent follows; Louis ly wore breuk ! fasting at tho Tuileries one morning, and the Prince of Joiuvilie was so ab sorbed giving an account of one of his voyages that he refused a splendid disb of fried potatoes wnioh was handed to him. His narrative finished, he turned around and asked for potatoes, but suoix justice had boon dono to the dish that none were loft. A lootiuun ran to tho kitchen for more, but there wore none ready. There was no time for hesitation; tho audacious chef threw tho trimmings of | tbe potatoes served at the royal Table into a frying-pan witii a largo lump of butter, tossed the misshapen pieces un til of a golden color, pleasing to the eye, and further adorned by a dash of finely chopped parsley. Tho Prince found tho potatoes so good that ho in quired tho name of the dish. No one knows what answer iie received, as, being very deaf, ho repeated: “All fried potatoes ala macairo; 1 find them excellent aud hope they will of ten oo served." The King and Priu cess laughed so heartily tirat tao tears rolled down their chocks, but tho deed bad been done and potato trimmings cooked in a frying-pan had received their by;*, J'rain ;Ae Uoofc. A Model Wife. Jones was well aware that his wife was in the habit ot rifling his pockets when he was asleep, but, like a wise man, he kept aiionon on tho ssioject. One night, however, he uwoko and caught her in the act “Ha!" he exclaimed, “what are you doing, my dear?” The lady started, her cheeks flushed, tho pantaloons dropped from her grasp, and she was about to make a lull con fession when a bright idea entered her head. Recovering her composure she said: “1 was looking to see whether your pantaloons needed any buttons." “They do, they do, my dear," he exclaimed, springing from bod, “need ed ’ent for weeks, months, and I won dered why you didn’t sew ’em on; but l waited, for i was sure you would get to it some time. And how kind of you to get out of bod at this lime of ufght to attond to ’em. Say what you will, there’s nothing In Uio world like a good wife. Let mo turn up the gas a little, so’s you’ll have all the light you want iu sewing 'em on. Got your needle and thread and tho buttons? No. Well, tell me where they are and I’ll get them for you." Mrs. Jones proceeded to sew on tho buttons, while her husband sat on the side ol tho bed and encouraged her with words of praise for her wifely care and thought lor his comfort, oc casionally remarking that go whore he would ho would always say there was nothing iu tho world like a good wife. Then he went to the wardrobe aud brought out several pair of trousers, a coat, two or three old vests, and a number of shirts, from all of which buttons wore missing, and cheerily ob served: “While we’re at it we’ll make a of .t." Two hours later, when Mrs. Jones, wiib a weary sigh, removed tho thim ble from her finger, Mr. Jouos patted her on tho cheek and said: “I say it again, my dour, say it again, tnat wherever 1 go 1 will make it known, proclaim it from tho house tops, shout it in the highways and by ways, that a wife who gets up in tiie middle of the night to sow buttons on her husband's clothes is a priceless treasure, it crown to that hut band, aud au ornament to her sox." Then Air. Jones, chuckling to him self* lay cm inly down amt slept the uluep of the jusi. —Detroit free I'rr.u. A New Rnirtft"<l Choio<*. For a year John Henry’s health had been wretched, and the physicians fi nally told him lie had only one chance in ten of recovery. He was engaged to be married to a girl in a Now En gland town where men were scarce, aud ho stopped on his way to tno sea shore to see her. She not iced his pale ness, but thought it was only over work, and told him how glad she was he was going to have a rest. “Ah, my dear," he sighed, “I ?or tho rest I shall soon got will be for ever." “Why, what do you mean, John?" •he asked in a startled tone. “1 mean, dear, that my case is dan gerous, and one of my onjocts in com ing io boo you was to absolve yon from our engagement, for it is not fair to ask you to marry a man whose doath is probable at any moment. “Don’t talk tliat way. John; oh, don’t," she sobbed with her head ou his shoulder. “But, darling, it is best for you that I should, though heaven knows that 1 do It with a breaking heart. " “O John! O John! I can’t giro you up! I won’t give you up!" aud she clung to Him convulsively. “Think, dearest, what you are do ing. Don’t you know that even if wo should bo married I might have only a few short Weeks to remain on earth, and our married Ido would only be a sorrow and a care to you. Think, dearest, of that." “I have thought of it, John. I thought of it wuon you first mcuiioncd tho siibjeot, aud I’d over so ranch rather be a young widow than au old maid." Again about his neck sho threw her arms aud her tears camo thick and List. John Henry was moved; his breast heaved witu contending emo tions; he bowed his head upon hers and wept with her. Then with a de votion worthy of a hero lie said, in a choking voice: “Darling, you shall have your wish.” She siuih‘d like an angel and cuddled up on his collar.— AUrenant Traveler. Aoo limits That Are Oontly. “Ton occasionally hoar people find fault because managers of railroads do not prevent accidents," said a railroad man in Jersey City tho other dav. "There may bo bears among railroad owners who rejoice in wrecking rail roads that they do not own, but to the practical railroader a train wrtek is a big loss directly, busidus tho loss in prestigo which follows." “Is the rolling stock so costiyP" "Yes, a freight train, for instance, that rolls down an embankment,where half of it is burned, will give you a good idea of the loss. The average engine is worth #7,000. A common lreight ear is worth #47.'), or perhaps SSOO. The, ordinary gondolas are worth SIOO to $425. An engine is rarely ruined beyond repair, but a wreck can knock $3.000 out of it just as easy as rolling oif a log. A burned car is a ruined car. of course, and re pairs on those that are crushed may cost anywhere fiom SSO to #3OO cacti. If a passenger ear, such as is used on ordinary roads, is burned, $3,500 goes up iu smoke. These figures are lor tho ears in use, ami not new out of tue shop. From this you can see that wrecks may happen which cost a com pany SIO,OOO, and yet nothing is like ly to bo said about them in the papers unless sotue one gets hurt, and not then if tiie railroad men eau keop it quiet-"—A’. Y. Some of the coast negroes of Africa still worship tliu shark and regard its stomach as the road to paradise. They offer it poultry and gouts two or three times a year, and at least once a year try to propitato it by offering a ten year-aid cuild. 'The little victim is bound to a post in the sends ut low water, and, ns tiie tide rises, mingles it* shrieks and screams with those ol its mother until tho ravuuous fishes drag it out of sight. A balloon railroad is to be construct ed in tiie Austrian Tyrol. Tiie oalloon will have grooved wheels ou its car, and these will run on nearly perpen dicular rails, the gas providing the lift ing power, Gravitation will do utiliz ed ou the down trips. Plain white, faultlessly directed and sealed, envelopes are tho only kind that are now in vogue. Neatness and apparent eoatiUicas arc tie duc.Tod qualities. REMOVED. SA.M B. BARLING Anaonuces to thepablio that he has m'-ved into the Norris Building, in front of his old stand, on Railroad street, where he will heap in stook fnll line* of the finest and best CONFECTIONERIES. CANNED GOODS, CRACKERS, NETS, FRUITS, 40. Also TOBACCO CIGARS, SNUFF, As, Ho inritee his friends hud the public to ->*ll nd see him. Sam B. Sarlinff. Railroad Street, Thomson, Ge. NOT 1C THIS! EC. E-u.m.sica.o Has a New and well selected stock com prising Four Departments. JFirwt.—Dry Goode. Shoes Hats, Notions, and everything New "and Clean; No Shoddy Goods, nil Standard Qnality, Peace Goods, Checks, Sheeting SUirtuig. Ticking Calico, and a full line of Notions, the nohbiost lota in torn, Rreat bargain in thi* Depart uiect as ho want, the room for Fancy Goods. Kooond - Fancy ar and Heavy Groceries, Meat, r Meal, Flour. Hard, Molasses, Venogar, Sugar. Coffee, llice. Grits, and in Canned Goods he offers an Immense assort ment, a few cHwhich are Salmon, Mackerel, Surdities, Oysters, Reef, Potted Ham, Tongue, Turkey, Chicken, and others. Canned Fruit and Beans, l'cae Okrs Tomatoes. Apples, Pear , Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Pino Apples, and Strswberrie* All Fruit jellies, and Fancy i'Fickle. also Keg Pickle, and the Freshest Cracker* He still Beads in Good Tobacco and Cigars, giving 12 Gra es of Tohaooo and 43 Brands of Cigar* to selcot from.. Call for one of his Best Cigars. [ l 1,1, -d.-CONFECTIONERIES * FRUITS, 100 kinds of Fancy Candies, S5 D.ffercut Flavor Stick <landy. best assortment of Candy in the city Nuts of all kihds. Fresh Fruits every day.' Best place to buy Apples, Oranges, and Bananas m Town. ~, li.—Toys ami Fancy Goods, Santa Claus HeadrpiurteVs. Toys for Every body from lc to $5 each. Handsome Presents tor the Children, the you.g men, young Ladies, for Mama and l’ape, and Bridal Presents. Also Fire Works m Lsrgo Qna.titi.s Call and let him allow you his pretty goods, for he oen't begin to tell of half he ha Henry A. Burnside, Main Street. THE PEOPLE OF MCDUFFIE AND ADJOINING COUNTIES, Will find it to tboir interest to purchase their Furniture from Platt Brothers, AUGUSTA, GA. Wo keep the largest and most elegant stock in the city and onr price* cannot bo duplicated. Suits ranging in prices from S2O to 'sl,ooo. We can suit everybody. When yon visit be sure to call on ns at 708 and 710 Broad Street, TO WHOLESALE BUYEHS OK CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, tPk&OEI AIM) iPSSaSSD TOWAKS* City and Country Don ere Can Purchase Their Goods At /;. V. surra*, /&.*<s. 712 Broad Sirec-, Augusta, At Lower Prioes Than Sold by any Uonse Souh. And where Freight, Packages Dray age and other charges aro con. tailored, our Prices will be found Lower than any Northern or Easter* Dealers. burke"& CO. WHOLESALE dealers is Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Ci gars, Tobaecoand Groceries. Orders fn.m tlie-country promptly filled, and satisfaction guaranteed The pairor.igc ol McDuffie an ' neighboring counties reapectflilly solicited STORE HOUSE is BIG Broad street, Augusta, until October Ist, they will move to BHO Broad street. k hTiSgeks, —DEALE It IN - Onus, Pistols, Ac., stti Bioail St., Angosta, Ga. Tfr - mmmmmm Ax the shooting season hue coromcnci and I lesp* tfully eolioit the trad* of ths good peopla of Me Duffle and ..aioiniug counties for po.-es t .ov may want in the line of Gins Itifleu An,munition. Tiatofs Sio. Send your Gnu* or Fire-arm* to mto lie-repaired. I warrant my work to lie done as well uh anywhere, an I brtUr than |wlire w tba city of Augusta. Price* Low. I'“ 11• HOC.s,Uhf. 561 Broad Street, Just below Railroad crossing. J. !i. SPEARS, COTTON TUTOR M COMMISSION MTRCIIIT. Warehouse and Salesroom, 101 Melntosh Streot, Cor. Boyaolde, AUG AST A', GA. Will continue the husiness in its various branebc*. Advance* nf Bagging and Tics and Family Supplies, at lowest mur. ot prices. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton or other Produce In Store. Consigß moKisofall leld and Farm Products solicited. Personal uttentico given to Soiling, Weighing, Sampling acd Stor ing a! 1 Consignment*. I harges for bundling ootton not advanced on, Commission s*>c, -Storage 25c per mouth. 9 l Bakery and Confectionery. Mrs. Ann Greig. THOMSON, 0120BGIA. REHPEOTF ULLT announces to tho public tlist her Bakery iin exeeilent oondition, Slid she is prepuired to furnish <nkt, Bread, Freuoh Rolls, nd every thing in th* line of a first-class Bakery, all of the best and finest material. She also keeps a full lino of (Amfoctioneres Cheese, Crackers,. Canned Goods, “htn and Fancy Candies, Ao. Also a full line of Men's Shirts and Drawer* and WotncnV Vn di.rwo&r always in stock. MKA ANN GBUG. Mali. Stieet, Tbomeony fja. isro. 49.