McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, November 23, 1888, Image 2

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The McDuffie Journal. J. E. WHITE, Editor * Ptwßuiroin FBIDAT, NOVEMBER 23,1888. H ■Micr*..— nrwum am ELECTION Or V S. SENATOR. Tlio effort to “ritire'' Senator Ool qn <t ! ,rr-' n./- h" advocated tiiriff reform And endor.el President Cleveland and too Democratic platform, bun result 'd in a d'smut Inilnre. Tho people of Georgia | Mi l Uicir representatives in ihe General A'sonp 1/ recognized in Senator Colqni t a faithful and trim exponent of the 1) m ceratie doctrine of tirff reform, and, with practical unanimity, they etc pha lli zed their emioraouiont by ignoring all insidious attacks made upon I itn ami re electing him to the office of Senator, In tho elf c i ni on Tuesday only two totes, both Republican, were east against Senator Cohjuitt. In the Honso Mr. Beggar, and in the Senate Mr. Garin voted for H. A. Darnell, It is already atmonuced that Governor Gordon will boa candidate for U. S Senator when S“* tor Srown’a term cx jdroii, __„„„„-, When Democrats ere inclined to fell b'no over their recent defeat they ahoidd r e-Btnber that Cleveland received nearly fiO 000 more vntns thnn Hcrrisen rceeiv et. While Harrison will hold the office, Clot land can t'-e choice of the people, Mr, Frank Holden, who for a number of years was a citizen of Thomson, died suddenly at (lis home In Crawfordvllle Tuesday night last, of paralysis of the 'nogs, Mr. Holden was a warm hearted gentleman itlmse death will he deeply j ’j*retted by many friends m this com tntmity. Representative ,Ins. Hunt, of Catoosa county, was stabbed and killed on the night of Nov. Iff, by H. B. Mooro, mail ngeot on tho W. AA. railroad. They wero warm personal friends and room mate*. In friendly souffle Moore war worsted and got mad. Ho left the room for a few moments, and returning inflict ed tho deadly wounds. Mooro is jui! awaiting (rial. XJi’t ry Gt#ily is the moat brilliant and popular yotwg man of the Btete, l>ut lie bun ample time to serve his peopl ih the connoil* of the government. TANARUS; •• time will como when we will all supp. it him for auy office to v. blnh ho may napiro, blit lu the late el liou for S<m ntor ho should uot have allowed himself to ho brought into opposition to tho ohoioo of the people. It is yet uncertain as to whether or not West Virginia is Democrntio or r.epub lieau. Doth parties cluita it. If the Republicans liavo the Slate it will make a difference of one in tho Senate. Ken ua will be anporcodcd liy a Republican. Bat the Chairman of the Democratic Onramittoo claim* tlio State for Judge Fleming for Governor and a majority of flvo iu the Legislature. A singular and sad incident is reported from Augusta, On Monday night last Judge Siiuiuol Levy, a prominent cilii ?,on, was ongagaged iu playing a game of poker with some visiting friends, in which tho bolting run high. On oue deal tho opponent of tho Judge showed four aces. \\ h u ho did s • the Judge foil from his chair pamlized, mid little hope ib entertained of his recovery. Now that tho elections which usually consume so much of the time of the General Assembly, have passed, that august body is now ready to get down to business. But the country editor who is ready to abirno the General Assembly fur a long suasion had us well retire from business. The work to lie done is too heavy to ho dispoeeil of in a shoil time. Our law-givers should not slur their Work, They should take their time to consider and not in sc. o'dance with tho bust interests of the people. It in to bo regretted that certain pa pers in Georgia are sore snl sour ovei t : i© re-election of General Colquitt to tl o Senate, Keen the Evening News, of Augusta, which we nil believed to be n true blue Democratic journal, indulges in a spiteful atte kon St nntor Colquitt, luid all because Henry Grady was not clioseu Senator. After tbo recent cam paign, iu which tariff reform was the ouiy issue, it is strange that any true Democrat oould turu his back ou Sena tor Colquitt. Colquitt was the represen tative of tbo l'o-uoeratio principal of Uriff reform. Grady was the opposite. A horrible and mysterious tragedy ooen-red in Covington Wednesday niglrt last, lire reports of the affair are sme wlist couflioliug, but the main facts an clear enough. It seems that Messrs. Ed. 3. Cohen, of Madison, and T. 11. Thom as, of Gainesville, together with several young men of Covington, were playing a game of cards iu the I’ilts Ifottse. The game was continued until late at night. When the game ended, Cohen and Thomas re t ired to their room. About !! o’clock at night a gentleman in an ad joining room heard someone proau and aroused the house, When the room oc cupied by the two men was opened a sickening sight was revealed. Iloth men were lying ou the bed weUorit g in blood, end their heads terribly mashed and leaten. Iloth were unable to l > thing of the affair, an ! th died rlu.n.g the day. A Mrango > stance was that a pillow covered wit coil belong ing to tl.o bedel was found in tin street one hundred and filly yards from the hotel. The whole affair ! ■ shrouded in mystery, but tliero is a rumor Umt Geo. Eddlemau, the man who killed Gresham iu Atlanta, in <ou acted with th 0-' tragedy. THOMSON MERCHANT MILLS AND Cotton Cjtlii. HAVING thoroughly repaired the wen, known Omt Mill* and Cotton Gin, recently own- and l.y Judge Wm. Johnnton, 1 Am now pri pared Ut rrvo the public in a ! batter and more aatiufuctory manner than f,v**r heretofore fIMJE GKIST MILLS prodnee The Bn i Meal and Flour in the County. '1 he Improved GnlJett Gin, which in the bent iu ns©, I guarantee jvUl give entire fcatiaf action in every innUnct. Term* : IRoclr:-23ottom IPrlcoa i)ATVi IFS having grain at the in Thomaou, by leaving ordain with the bAilrOed Agr-nt or at tke> Mule, can have it haalded and ground, and ail taral or dour from the . f Mill* will he delivered anywhere in the corporate liunt* fua of O UAmm. William Mess, Tiiomhoh, - Georgia.. To Rent M V dwelling with outhoiiHea And garden, and one acre in orchard. Abo, u two-horsc farm, or two one-borM* farm*. MUtf. M. A. WILSON, Nov. 2. Thomson. Oft notTge” G RO AO lA—McDuffie Conn ty. AT Belknap Smith’s Mill, on 'luokUtY. Nov, ‘jo, a bridge will he let, to be built acroHA Little river. All who wish to -n tract for and build eakl bridge aro re quoted to meet the Connty Judge of Wilk' h and the Ordinary of McDuffie on that day. riflriH and apaciflcfttions for Bald bridge iny bo con ut the Ordinary’* office. A. B. THRASHER, Thomson, Oct 20, _ Ordinary No’iceto Pcbtoia and Creditors GEORGIA—MoDuffIo County. VLTj parties having claims figaint the entftto of Jamon S, Shiehfn, Ute of ah id county, deooMed, are notified to present tho sumo to tho iiudcrAtgned watlii tftio time prescribed by law, and v I parties indebted to Raid ontatc are ro* quested to settle immediately. J. L. SHIELDS, Administrator. Oct. 10, 1888. j^FEM^E^M^Dia^^^ By giving tone to and NtrcnKthenlng tha-liter* tu ß y p{jr yyy eorrert* all and Annoying trouble* from which no many ladles suffer. It give** tho wtak, U unlisted woman health and at rength,au<i iriftkca sbeerful the d<>sjH>tidt‘iit, depressed In splr'is. In change of lift- no lady should he with* out INDIAN WKEL>. It is HajeanA Unfailing. Ask your Druggist. * < l ot* sale by Dr. J. VV. Quillian & Cos, Thorn son, On CITATION. GEORGIA—MoDuffIe County. To All Whom It May Concern: \PritAIBEUB duly appointed to set apart a year’s support for Stornees Johnson, a mimm child of Vm. H. John nnri, deceased, out of tho (wlais of said do ceased, allying mud.) their report to the Court of Ordinary : This is to cite ail per sons concerned to allow cause before mo, at my office, at 10 o’clock a, m., on the tail day of November nest,, if any they cau, win said return should not l.e an roved and ad milled to record. A. Ji. THItAHHKK, Oct. 12, I*BH. Ordinary. ‘ ***!• tjraTr-i r*- ' "... s' Vktllf.fl ■ w ~ j hi 4 Uio Un* and H th* bbte wf >r • mi-sl no*’ ratdfs ftlissßHd* vis..*u •I'BM’mrfß f-r Pt .. .., . CAUI'ICTU Mil If! .vji ■ it ..-it , Um OUOietu. JOHN M. CURTIS, AQ'T. Stem riountain Route OEOIIGIA RAILROAD COMPANY,! OffjoiGknkkal Manager, Aduvhta, Ga. Sept. 28, 1888 i COMMENCING Sunday, 30tb hint. the J following I'ftKHenger Schedule will l*o operated: PAST 1,1 NR. NO. 27 WEST Daily. Loaves Anguata 7:45 a. m Lo.ivc Thomson 8.58 a. m Arrive at Wftahington 10:40 a. in Arrive Athens 11:4) e. n> Leave Athens 8 30 a. in Arrive Atlavtu l;00 p. m NO. 28 EAST Daily. Loaves Atlanta. ...5;45 p. n Arrive Athens 7 ; oo p. n> L *avo A!lions 3 7*o p. in Arrive at Washington 7:20 p. n> Leave Thomson 0:40 p, m Arrive Augusta 8:35 p. n: Parlor Curs on 27 ami 28 between*Au gusta ami Atlanta. NO. 1 WEST-Daily. Leave August* 10:45 a m. Arrive Thomson 12:17 p. m Arrive Cainak 12:88 p. iv Arrive Mneon 8:00 p. m Arrive W ash ington 2:20 p. m Arrivo Athens '>:ls p. m Arrive Gainesville 8:25 p. m Arrive Atlanta A; 45 p. tv NO. 2 EAST—Daily. Leave Atlanta 8:00 a. in Lonvo Gainesville 6:55 a. m Leave Atheua v 8:50 a. m Leavt. Macon 7:10 a. m Leave Washington 11.20 a. m Leave Onmak l.’hl p. n L'-'.vvo Thvmacn 1:58 p. u. Arrive AwiWta 3:35 p. m 70. 3 WEST- DAily. Leave Augusta 11:00 p tn Leave Thomson 12 4 J a. m Leave Mae* n 7.60 p in Arrive Atlanta G:3oa. t NO. 4 EAST—Daily. Leave Atlanta ....11.15 p. m ! Leave Thomson 5.08 a. m j \ “rive Aujpislft .45 a. m I ATHENS Accommodation -Except Sunday ! l.v Union Point 6 4S am : Ar Atlu us 0 to p m ■ Lv Athens < 15 p ui j Ar I’nion Point. S 45 p m Trains run by VOth Meridian time—32 | minnt*cs slower than Augusta time. No connect'-on for Gainesville on Sunday. | Train No. 27 will stop at, and reccivt pa gougers t> and from the following stations, only : Grovetoivu. Harlem. Hearing, Thom | son, Norwood, Harnett, Orawfordville, Onion Point, Ortomiboro, Man Ison. Rut .i vlge. Social Ci*vle, Covington. Conyers, Lit It ,u, Stone Mountain ami Decatur. Train No. 28 will stop at, amt receive Passengers to aud from the following a tali us, only : Groveiown, Harlem. Hearing. Thomson, Norwood, Barrett. Crawfordville. Union Point, Greenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle. Covington. Conyers, Litfco nia, Stone Mountain and Decatur. N v 2S stops at Harlem for supper. J W, Green, General K. It. Dorwey, General 1 -tger Agent, i Joe W. AVhitc, Geu'l Irav inc I'assT Agiut. A.OGUBTA ga. DR. A. C. QUILLIAN, DENTIST. Ojtice OVEIi thz Daco Stoke, THOMSON, OA. 40th YE ALII THE SOUTHERN CULTiVATOR and DIXIE FARMER, The Great Farm, Industrial and Stock Journal of the South. ONE YEAR FOR SI.OO Sample ooj -ivfll *> milled FREE on applidatini. • Tho Cultivator Publishing Cos Drawer*, Atlanta, G*. iTmIS, CITY RAH (scott's old BTAKT> ) J. W. TUCKER SO PROPRIETORS, CRAWFORD VILLE, - - • GEORGIA. lilJAt/EBB IN FINE WHISKY, BUM, Gin, Jiranctie*, Wine, TOBACCOS and CIGARS. We keep tho parent and bext. Patronage aoijeitod. Homs Council I \i rK take please re In calling the atten tion of MoJiera to n home cure for ail diiieftßaa of the Stomach ftnd Itnwela, a medicine mo long needed to curry children wifely through tho criticul utagc of Teeth ing. PITTS’ CABMSNATIVE ciillw. an incurable bk-HHlng to mother ami child. It i* an iuHtant roliof to colic of in fiuitn, a diMoiuw) with which infanta wuil< r ho much the flrt four month* of their life. It giyvM MWect refit to the BU;k and frot/nl child. It BtrongtheiiH and builda up th< weak, givoH appetite and flean to tho puny, corruetH drain from the boweln, curtf Diarrhum and A panacea for children. Try one bottle. It eo*t only, Twenty-five ceutw A Bottle. Skijn’-CJuka, CRAWFORD'S ECZEMA WAsH. A BFBCIFIO fOR HEAT. Perhaps there is no ono thing ANNOYS AND TOBTWIEB INPANTS ttnd small children daring tho Summer months so much ns HEAT. You may tratho etui powder them, still the bout and inflniuatiou remain, and they stili fret nud cry. However, relenf Ims at lust boon found. SKIN CURA or CRAWFORD’S ECZEMA WASH IS A SPECIFIC FOR HEAT I and all skin affections caused by heat. Sponge tho affected parts with tho Wash and the little follow is nsioop in five min utes. No tn other should be without it. JOHN CRAWFORD * CO., Solo Proprietors, Athens, Ga. —Sold by- Du. J. W. QUiLLIAN & CO. Thomson, Georgia J. IlteM s, A GRADUATE OF The Denial Department, S. M. C Offers his Professional Ser vices to the People of Mc- Duffie and nei <j h bo r in ;/ Counties. OFFICE AT mm DRUGSTORE, Thomsen, Ga. W\*SCHB£/? G h 0 /® ey e GLASSES.O FATS JULY IU 1879. PROTECT TOUR EYES! Ur. H. HIKSCHSER9, The wGI-knowu Opttclno. of 107 N. Foortti Scr. muter Planter* Hoiwr) St. Louis Ims apt>oihU*o l*uru STOUK, >t THOMSON :* Aui Dt for lii* CYlt*l>rutod Diuntoml S|Rrt.T.'lei* ami ami also for hi* Ditun and No rhtuivv tbh- SixH'titcle* and Syegiimseft. The*t lilajtso* are the grvHtoft invention ever made * Spectacles. By a proper Construction of the Lem i jH-rMU! pnrcluwlug a pair of thoee Non-OhangeatH | ut tssee never ha*lo change these Cla^si 1 * froiu th* i ovu*. and every pah- pnrrhaml is guaranteed, mi • that If they ever leave the eyes 'h* matter how rust e<l or M ratclusl the Lener> arc) ,t jr wi! furnish th* | party with a New l'air of (JL>sus frv of Charge, J OuillLuiV Pi ug Store ha* a full assortment and ! Invitee all who wleh to satisfy themtehes of the | superiority of these UltUN'e* over any *n ju l \ other* uow tn nee, to odl ami examine the san c at DR. QUILUAN 8 DRUG STORE, Thomson. Ga. W. I. DELPH, * SSt BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. JUST RFCHVEDS 3 car loads COOKING and T 1 EATING STOVES. 1 car load GRATES, Plain and Enameled—l3 to 20 inches. 150 boxes Roofing Tin, 20x28,, Standard Brands, 5 000 FIRE BRICK, 15 barrels FIRE CLAY. 200 Joints Terra Cotta Pipe, 500 sets Grate Brick. 1,000 po- n Is No. 1 SOLDER. 500 pounds half and l-alf Solder. 100 bundlts of SHEET IRON. 2 car loads TIN WARE, pressed and pieced. Buckets, Cups, Dish Pans, Wash Pans Milk Buckets, Strainers, Oil Cans, Coffee Pots, Pie Plates • Measures, Fun nels. Etc. NX7"GOIDEH-T In O-reat "Variety! GUR EXCELSIOR COOK STOVE fins been sold for the past fifteen years, giving satisfacl.on. Twenty different sizes. Tho New Excelsior is very bandar mely finished. We have a few Portable and Stationary Ranges—steel and iron. J3?*'Cil nr send votir orders I- 831 Br-.nd street, Augns'a, Ga. EXPOSITION - YEAR. The City of Augusta will have this year, from Nov. Bth to Dec, 15th, the greatest Exposition ever seen in the South, and to he lully abreast of the City’s enterprise, we have purchased and arc now offering the finest, best assorted, most complete and elegant stock of dry goods ever brought b'to Georgia or Carolina. Without mentioning articles in detail, everything in the dry goods line will be found,in our stock, and in addition to the handsomest offerings of home and foreign markets, we have the best assortment of medium and low-priced, substantial, useful goods to be found in this section—not worthless trash on which to quote ichenp looking prices in advertising, but goods that will give satisfaction to those who buy them We give apermanent. unqualified guar antee on prices for the same goods against every house and market in the United States. Samples sent on app ieation. In ordering samples, please state definitely the class and quality of goods desired, approx imating prices, and in ordering goods say whether you wish us to substitute some thing else for Die article ordered, if it is nQt in stock. DALY& ARMSTRONG. No. 822 15 Hoad Street, Augusta, Ga- Local Legislation. GEORGIA —Me Duffiu County. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the next Legislature to pass % bill entitled, “An Act to consolidate, amend and supercede the acts inoorpomt tag the town of Thomson, in the county of McDuffie, to provide for mayor aud coun cil men, define their powers and duties, re peal conflicting laws, aud for other pur pose*. ” SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA—McDuffie County. WILL be sold before Ga. It. It. Depot iu Thomson, said county, on first Tuesday in December next, between legal sale hours, the undivided interest of James P Hodo in five hundred acres of laud, more or letw, belonging to the estate of David E. Hodo, deceased, lying in said county and bounded north by lauds of M. P. Stovall, east by Mrs. McMath, south by Brier creek, and west by lands of Willie Greer. Levied ou as the property of Jos. P. Hodo to satisfy a fl fa from McDuffie Uonntv Court in favor of A. J. Adkins, Jr., vs said Joa. P. Kodo. W. E. SPEIR. Oct. 3d, 1888. Sheriff SHERIFF’S SALE. GF.ORGIA—MoDuffIo Connty. ITTIU tw soht Before Ga. U. R. Depot VV iu Thomson, *ai,l oomity. on first Tuesday in December next, between legal sale hours, the undivided interest of W. D. Hodo in five hundred aoies of land, more or less belonging to estate of David E. Hodo, deceased, King in said connty and bounded east bv lands of Mrs. McMath and Celia Norri-n south bv Rrier creek, west by lards of Willie Greer, aud north by lands of M. p. Stovall. Levied on as the property of j NV. I*. Hodo to satisfy a li fa from MoPufHo Oonntv Court in favor of W. H. Howard A | Sons vs. S. N. Norris, W. D. Hodo and Jas. , Norris. YV. E. SI’EIH, | Oct. 30, ISSB. Sheriff CITATION. GEORGIA—McDuffie (>oun*y. To all whom it may concern— MILS LAVONIA NEAL has in due form applied to the underKigned for j>er nmnent letters of administration ou the es tale of Mrs. Frances liodo, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application ou the first Monday in Decem ber. 1888. Given ruder ray hand and official aigna ture, this sth dav of November, 1888. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary CITATION. GEORGIA—McDuffie County. To all whom it may concern— WM, H. HAYES ht.s in due form ap- ▼ plied to the undrrsigued for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs E. A. Reese, late of aaid oounty, deceased, and I will pass upon said appli cation on the first Monday in December, . 1888. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this sth day of November. 1888. • A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. Gin Houses tail by JNO. D. BUTTS SON,Augusta,Ga. | HTFftrmer* will please communicate di rect with us. MR. R. R. LEWIS Has Removed His Restaurant to the eld Knox House, on Main street, and will keep th. best Fresh Meats, Fist, and Oysters. Meals at ail hoars. DID IT EVERSTRIKE YOU? TBAT yon might do better? Has it ever occurred to yon that yo are paying too much for the NECESSAEIES OF LIFE IF IT has not already struck yon in this light it sorely will if yon tri be pureuaded to GIVE ME A TRIAL. ] cairy a Large aDd Select Stock of Firt-Cla9B Dry Goods, —AND— OEOCEIES. And sell them so quickly ai LOW PRICES that lam constantly re coiving FRESH GOODS. 1 keep nine but FIRST-CLASS goods and -ell on a very small margin of profit. Give me a trial when yoa are baying anything in my line. I always guarantee aatistactioa. T. N. LEWIS, NTo. 4-. T3rick Row. Thomson) Ga A. CLOSE 0X1*27 And only llie very smallest margin left for profits on all goods AT’ HOLZENDORF’N. lid YOU KNOW That John L. Hotzondorf has the Choicest Block of Fresh Groceries io Thomson ? Do YOU KNOW That H- Izondorfs price* for Staple and Fancy Groceries are the Xoir< on earth ? 'tTV YOU KNOW That Hoizcndorf never has any Stale goods on band, becanse he makes the prices so low that fresh goods are sold ns fast ss received. ? Do YOU KNOW That Holzendorf makes the Zoieer /Vices for Cash than any other bouse in town? Do KNOW That when Holzendorf gets enstomors they are so well satisfied that they never leave him ? Do YOU KNOW That the secret of Holzendorrs soccsss is Small Profits and loti of them ? Do YOU KNOW That Hoiaendorf does a big business, bat is always ready for more? Do Y'OU KNOW That Hoizcndorf don’t want a title deed to tho earth, but will get abont six feet of it some day ; and until that day comes, he is going to make it a pleat ant as possible for those who admiro his methods and trado with him. ’TUI F. Chr.iw’ orrt Beat of everything io the lino of DKY GOOD s *, CLOTHING, NO - SHOES, LA DIFS’ TKIUUED HATS, CROCKERY', HARDWARE, CON FECnONRRIES. CANNED GOODS, etc. t c . r DRY Mrs. Proctor's DEATH to MOTHS—a preparation which is iafatible In axter * minuting those terribte destroyer* of Clothing. Carpets, Furniture, Bedding, eto. JQM.\ £ If OLZBMiQm, Opposite Depot, TiiOMSOA GA. You NVill 13e Welcome AT Tin OLD /. CENTRAL HOTEL WTTH Xlestaurant. - Attached, Broad St., Opp. Monument, Augusta, Ga. GOODWIN & CO., RATES, $2 Per Day. J"., lE£ic!h.aj:d.s, BOKSELLER, STATIONER AND PRINTER Webster’s Unabridged Dectionary. New Edition with Supplement. School Books Pens, Inks and Pencils. BLANK BOOKS, SEALING WAX, WRITING PAPER ENVLEOPESjEtc. The Finest JOB PRINTING in tho South No. 821) Broad Street. Augusta, Ga. E. R. SCHNEIDER, —wHOUBSixa ajcd Birr ar. oiiin i— fins Wines, Cigars, Brandies, Tobacco, Mineral Waters, WHISKIES, CINB, PORTER. ALE, AO. 601 and 802 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. * toe Clipt’s Fortin, Urtaia Wine Cnpaoi, iiter-M BREWING ASSOCIATION.