McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, June 02, 1893, Image 2

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9 uc MoUaflic Journal FRIDAY. JUNE 2. 1893. J, B. WfTE Edit >b ami pßopuixr'tn . T VikUhU t AhhoCl*TK KWTDK A ix D. L. FAUMi.II. } llc^fw eu-'-igauu—. ■■ The Warrenton Clipper lias been enlarged find otherwise much jin ptoved—a sure token cf prosperity. Good lurk to you neighbor. On Monday of this week Atlanta received her first shipment of Flori da watermelon* The first shipment of Florida colic arrived a few hours later. The Slain Sunday School conven-! tion which met in Athens last week wa not as well attended us was ex- j peetod, hut !ho proceedings wore i Very interesting and important. Samuel <1 Dunlap, a prominent lawyer of Gainesville, lias been ap pointed U. S Marshal for the North ern District of Georgia in place of Bo.h Buck Senators and Congress men failed to agree on Dismuko or Benfroe, anl Dunlap was taken as a compromise. It ia to bo regretted that certain sewspnpCi s scorn determined to in augurate a heated political campaign in this State fully a year and n-liulf before there is any occasion for it. In the name of decency and common wnse, why won’t they give the peo ple a rest ? Secretary Morton, of the Depart ment of Agriculture, after investigat ing the aglieu tural condition of the country, says that the deplorable condition of the farmers exists only with the calamity howiers, who hope to make political capital of their bowlings. Bandersvillo, this Htate, suffered from a disastrous tiro on Thursday night of last weak. A. J. Oernigan, B. K & H. P. Houghton, J. Herman A Foil, Thos Suitor, D. O. A F. A. Walking, and Watkins Hall were the principal sufferers. The losses are •stimuli and at about SIB,OOO, with no insurance. Following ciugo upon the failure of the Oglethorpe National Bank of Brunswick and tho suiculo of its Piesident, M Ulhnau, comes the failure of the Btunawiok State Bank, in which the State of Georgia had a deposit of .ibout $30,000. This is fa ured, himm-er, by a good bond Mj^rau^ft|o,ooo. ■,Jk* 11 ' ■ -■< - xnauagi and these convicts could urnko a wonderful improvement iu tho pub lic roads of the Htate. If tho next Geueial Asuiuibly iloob not take •tops to abolish the convict lease system they will hem- from the poo pie on tho subject. The remains of ex-Prwirtent Jef fcTbou buvig, which were transferred from New Orleans to Richmoud, Va, this >vt< k, lay in statu in tuo eapito) in Atlanta for three hours ou Mon Jay. 'J. hence the funeral (rain pro ceeded to Richmond where the body of tile great chief tain was placed in Hollywood cemetery, its final rest ing place, with impoaiug ceremouteu. According to tho New York Her ald there are in the United States 4,- fiOO persons worth over §1,000,000, and the list is increasing at the rate of 300 every rear. These million aires pay infinitely less taxes than poor men an 1 rs in proportion to their ability ad incomes. No stronger Btleiu lit of facts in sup port of an income . ix eouid bo offered. The great. freed cl in (.be West has thrown tLu Mississippi out of its hanks in nmny pieces Near y all of Northeastern Louisiana is uinter \va ter ami many sections of .Miaaiasinpi and Arkansas are inundated. It is (fated that at least ten thousand people are mnde homeless hv the big overflow, tied the privations aid suffering they are enduring are ap pal ling. During the recent financial strin gency the failures of about 105 banks have been announced. Secre tary Carlisle says 'hat th-f failures were due entirely to inherent weak ness and incompetent management. That is to say tin y were caused by cireumstauo. a which did not in the least touch the general business in terests of the country and their ef foots were of no importance except to those who Were iuuu -diatoly con cerned in their loose and dishonest operations. A terrific windsb rin, amounting almost to a cyclone, passed through portions of North Georgia .Sunday night. Near Harmony Grove sever al houses were blown down, a Mr Kinsley killed and several others badly wounded. The storm piUbcd within four miles of Decatur, devas tating a strip of country ten miles ougaud about three hundred yards fide. Near Butier Mr. Barker was sillied.' The number and names of the injured have not yt-l been ascu uined- THt- INCOME TAX. Thft income tax i the hope of la borotg jieop’e and tuxpay in. ears the Evening News, am! it i <ke hone of (he whole country if we < pe.-t pre.c ticnl tf ’T IT reductions. President Cleveland i no' only considering Hie propriety of suggest!' g it in in i message to Congress, hut tie ;s re ported as strongly in favor of some such tax *s advocated by the Demo cratic platform. Such a lax is becoming very popu j lar with Democrats generally, and Congress man McMillan, of Tennes see, who is expected to bo the Dem ocratic loader on the floor of the next Honso. is out in favor of on income tax. or at feast an inheritance tsx. such as they lmvo in Now Yoik to supplement the Federal revenue, i All tl o Democratic leaders aro also failing in line on this issue, and them is no doubt that such a tax will do its work and give the people relief. Some such expedient or plan must j lie adopted if the party expects to | carry out its tariff pledges to the let j ter. Large additions to the free I now proposed, woiild go reduce the i national income that current and ev- er increasing expenses of the govern ment could not bo met, unless some new tax levy is made to supply tb" lost revenue. Such a tax during the war brought a snug sum and with the largely increased wealth of this day and generation tho result would be highly satisfactory und very sub stantial. Federal taxes are now borne for the most part by consumers of tho necessaries of life. Those who wear woolen garments and use blankets pay a goodly portion, and if wool were placed on tho free list and an income tax substituted, a great bur ! den would be lifted from tho shoul der* of tho poor and placed on those better able to bear it. Many northern capitalist and pa pers oppose the income tax, but they arc neither patriotic, practiea l , phiiantln'opical in their opposition. They me not consistent with them, selves or with historic precedents. Other countries levy such a tax and regard it equitable aud proper. Great Britain collects $75,000,000 per annum from a light income tax. mul Germany, Franco and Italy prosper with similar measures There is no reason why the United Htatus alone of the great countries should not have stick a (ax, when we need it now, and whim its collection chiefly from tho rieu bonanza kings and capitalist* of Uw North would partly compensate tho country and pay the big psttsion bounties which go back to Northern people. A Washington tWrenjfbndotil who has examined the Directory gives an interesting account, of the war rec ord of Senators and Congressmen. The aggregate number of Sen ators and Itopresontatives is 441. Of these 105 wore soldiers in either the Confederate or Federal armies, 149 were actually not iu the war, and 130 were not old enough to serve. The Federal soldiers arc repre sented in Congress by 73 Senators and Representatives, while tho Con federate States have 70. From the States that seceded there uro 111. Congressmen. Of these 70 were in the Southern army, Oil were not old enough, and two wore youths and were not in it. Of the 14 Congressmen from the border Stales of Kentucky, WeM Virginia, Missouri, and Maryland, 2 served iu the Federal army, 17 iu the Confederate, 12 were not old enough, and 13 were out in it, V ■ have from the Northern States, sol i counting the border States, 7" who wore Federal soldiers rut of a totalj of 28S, and 82 who were toe young.; and 133 who were not in the war Two Northern Representatives - Fellows, of New York, and Harris, j of Kansas—served iu the Coufudor- i crate army. Miss Sal lie Wallen, a handsome : young white woman of Emanuel county, is under arrest charged with ‘murder. Several weeks ago Manuel ! lloseuweig. a Uussinn Jew peddler,' *>o>d Miss Sallie a pair of shoes which j did not puove satisfactory, and, when j lie was iu that neighbor'll >od again ] last week, sho requested him to re ' turn tlie money she had paid him.; Hoscmveig declined to do so, but ot feted her any goods in his pack It tin' value of the sum claimed. This 1 did not suit Miss Sallie, mid, sccr ing a pistol, she renewed her de maud. During the aHeioatiou a bul | b t from Miss SallieV pistol killed the peddler. Sho claims, and the; coroner’- jury found, that the killing j was accidental. But the circumstan ces arc so Strong against the young i lady that sho was arrested. The announcement of the failure and bankruptcy of ex Secretary Fos ter aud his Banking Company, of; Fostoria It., and the closing of sev eral lame in anu factories ill which ho was interested, hat produced a big sensation in financial circles. Ilia assignee esiimates his liabilities be tween $Bl Hl,(Kill and .*1 ,<KI,UK.> It seems like llie irony ot fate that Me- Kiimiy mat Foster, two i, .us ud voentes ot ingli trtl 1 T |u oinctiotl, snouul hi- tie'it, 'ia \ i in Us piacucui working. On Friday last Jeff iJentrv.a proa- ■ perous young farmer living neat ; Ringgo'd, ltn State, while ut win i; i in iiis fluid, was instantly killed bye stroke of lightning. Nick Nutting, Uio negro murderer and desperado, was banged at Ms Vernon, Montgomery county, lust Friday. He confessed Laving mur dered seven persons during his re markable career of crime. Matt Davis, the Republican negro Postmaster, who was forced upon tho people of Athens by the Harri- son administration, has been removed and Col. James OTiurell appointed in iiis place. John il. Craig, of Hendricks coun ty, lad., is believed to bo tho largest man in the world. He is 37 years old, is Q feet 5 inches tall and weighs I '.H>7 pounds. Jfo is healthy and sen sible and has a handsome blond wife ■ who weighs about l:jO pounds. A destructive cyclone passed over Missouri, Kentucky and several oth er Northwestern Statos Friday, in flicting great damage. At Vendulia, Mo., 0 business houses and 25 dwell ings wore wrecked, and one killed mid many injured. The remarkable speed of 112 miles mi hour of the great locomotive built by the Now York Central for tho World’s Fair, is surpassed by a new locomotive of the Ontario and Western railway in Pennsylvania, which runs a mile in 20 seconds, or 145 miles an hour. Kov, Win, Gilmer and wife, aged about 60 years, were instantly killed by a railroad train near Milner, this Stale, lust Sunday. They woro re turning from church where the aged minister had officiated for many years. II was raining and tho old couple were walking arm-in-arm with an umbrella over them. This with the noise of the rain prevented them hearing tho approaching train. Ibe income lax law of 1800 pro 'idail a 5 per cent tax on all incomes over $OllO and less than $5,000 ; uud a tax of 10 per eont. on all incomes over $5,000. This law' yielded a rev enno of about .$73,000,000 to the government Since that time in comes in this country have been vastly increased, and the New York World estimates that, if the same law were reenacted now, it would bring a revenue of fully 8200,000.0ftg. Ono of the most outrageous of all the vicious pension rulings of Com missiimer ttftum was Um one allow Kij o *AmtUm^i4& u SokJjerH for., slight disabilities, such os partial deafne-s, regard less of the origin of the defect*. Under this ruljpg pen sions wore granted for physical dis abilities of recent standing and bav ing no connection whatever with scr- j vice in the army. Secretary Smith lias revoked this iniquitous scheme of robbery, and, by so doing, will save to the Treasury between sls, -; 000,000 and $20,000,000. Many religious organizations in j the United State* have strongly pro tested ogaiust the opening of the J World’s Fair on Sundays, while the labor organizations are clamorous for tho Sabbath show. On Sunday last the Fair, or the larger portion of it, was thrown open to the public mid I the g it*-, receipts amounted io about §80,0(10, 'The Government donated, §2,500,000 to Ihe Fair under the ex press condition that there were to bo no Sunday openings It remains to be seen which is the bigger man of the two, Uncle Sam or the World's Fair. \ b’oody affray occurred in Ham burg, just across tho river from An | \ gustn, on Thursday last, between I Mr. Pettyjohn, proprietor of the Ar- j iiugton Hotel, and his two sons, Wil | lie and Joe, on ouo aide, and Air. j Tom Butier, of Hamburg, on the i other. Tho difficulty grow out of j the impounding of Air. Pettiyohu's cows by Butler who claimed that they were trespassing upon his oat lie and Accounts of tho fight are con i dieting and unreliable, but it is known that twelve or fifteen shots were fired. Mr, Pettiyoliu was mor i tally wounded and died {Saturday I night. Mr. Butler and Willie Pet-1 tyjohn wore also badly, tint not fatal- j ly shot. Nonet.. Tlie regular Anuual .Meeting of til# Stock Induces of !'U Bank ot T'kouisou will bo In Id in tic. Hoiking Boom iu Thomson on Tuesday, June C.lh, ItWl. A lull cl emhmce, citinr ia person or by pr.tvy, is r. .pn steit J T. Nm, (Gusli. Thomson, Ga , M.y Ul, {Bll3. There is uothing l have ever used do tuuseulsr rheumatism that giv.s me as much relief ns ('s I'siti llalm ihs-s. I have been using it for shout two ycais- - four IstlUes iu nit- as occu.'lon re quited, ami ids ay- keep a bottle of it in my home. I believe 1 know a good thing when 1 get hold of it, amt Pain llaiin la tin last iii.iu.cut I have ever unt w ith. W, H. Deni v, dairyo ue. New I-exingt m, Ohio cent tweties for sole by Garrison ,V Gad i,y, llru|; is. t'h.uesoiJ, Ga. lichen human ami horses aid alt ai mats cured iu oil Imeutes by Wnilair I r a..n..., ii uuVvl ooid L, iuiUMs. a liov., Anttwer thti Question. f Why Jo tut lu.i'.y people* wo arr/ind ' a#Rc*.ui t;> prefer to suffer mat h* imtit: *i*ifcruW by |iiJigiioo Cvgmty&twa, ;i> xznuh* Appetite Gomin# tip of • F-. > Yellow Skin, v,liC.i fo 1. c. we Ail! Kell tiiem nliiltih'fi Vitalizer, guaranteed . are tuern. bold />y ,A. J. M>dU.iVVrt. T mi j>roniptce:-H ud a rtainty of its cures mule Ofrawberiaiii’# Cough KeiiD-d/ bnncuH. It is intended especially for coughs, croup uud whooping coughs, and is the luost vfiectual remedy known for j the*® diseases. Mr. C. B Main, of Union City, Pa., suys : “J haven great sale on I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I warrant every bottle and have never heard of one : failing to gfve entire satisfaction/' 50 cent iNittles for sale by Harrison *fc Hadley. Quick Monky ! Parties wishing to renew their loans, or any one wanting money on real estate, can get it without delay. II eric Johnson. May 18, 1893. Bucklei/s Arnica waive. Tho Best Halve in the world for Cats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Payer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chi 11,1 aim* iorns, anl all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Pill'S, or no pay re tjnired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or ! money refunded. Price 25c per box. For ule by Harrison & Dudley. Huberts Colic Drops. The Baby'a Friend, A never-failing remedy for Col-; 6in iufauts, ai vdl a 1 ( r til complaints, and for teeth in in# troubles. Bold by Dr. A. J. Muthcvv/j, Druggist, riionjsou, Ga, The Adkins House. Everybody in this section knows und has patronized tho Au kins House at 811 Ellis street, Augusta, of whieb genial Jack Adkins proprietor. Recently the city council bought Mr. Ad kins’ Hotel property, and he lius moved to No. 901 Broad street, where ho is splendid ly fixed up und is ready to entertain all tf his old friend* and the public g norally. I you want clean, comfortable rooms, the uost fare und tho most court* on* nth ntiou bo hud in tho city, stop with Jack Ad kins, No. 901 Bloat 1 btrect. Dkhehvino Pixaihk, Wo desire to Buy to our citixeun, that far yciirM wo have been selling Dr. King’s Now Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King’s Saw Life Pills, Bucjklon’s Arnica Skive uud Electric Bitters, and huvo never haudlcd remedies that sell us well, or that have giv en such universal satisfaction. Wo do not hesitate to gunrftntoo them overv time, and wo stand ready to refund the pure hose pi ice if Biitpifootory rosuitn do not follow their use. These rotnodhis have won their great popularity purely on their ruer.ts Harrison V fbtdhy, Druggists. Dyspepsia nml Idver tniiipliilnt Ih it not worth the small price of 76®. to free yourself t evert yuiptom of these die tressing ooiujjlHints? If you think no call tf our store and get n bottle of Kliiloh s Vi fidizer. Every lrottle Itw a printed g nmui t* c on if. us** accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing, Kohl by Dr. A. J. Mathews. We Hava a positive and fjpouly cum for hftbu rh <Mnker moii.h. h*snday in HUf 1 :-i r.S t:■ v \!' R ( LjAkd: ni iujtr free with wy botttm IkJR if you fle-iit u health uml n swtwit breath. Piico Hold by Dr. A. ’ M dhows ! 15 jj > Id 1/1 ‘ritK.SEtr>i.uii M | k I'lil;,** with ran A XtlJlJ LKAVENWOKTII Z&ms&aMm. Business College TO ADVIKTISK OUH COLLEGE Wo will give thorough oouiwe of instru c tion iu tkmhhi and siugio entry it >ok ing and Commercial Arithmetic by kotui I 1 heu oh ('ijarok to a limited number of persons, 'ibis course will Ihi completed in forty lessons. No charge for Diplomas. Address : PROF. F. J. VANBEKBEHG, PRES., do‘2, JHH Jt HOC Del i ware Street, Lkavenwoutb, Kavs b. This Space UEBEKVJED Foil T V V-r" Jal s fe • 0 iL< V- L WWU c, XUU.rHT.X, G eovma, Money to Loan! <N lMl"lOYKl> FAH.MB A r 2 O H i 1M .K CKN \\ lMO’i A. N- N1 M ! SOK 10 Yi:.\HS ii \! K!! Interest is tU dt, tt 0 in for tho , pi.tiro perio.l. vNH-nri li or ONE II N I'll of Loan i paid annually. V\\ rib mgoti . iLeso loans iu from 15 to *A> tl.tys We t-a e * Dt*j .le first ijjes ody ami ourfaciiiti ; f >r plv.*i:i. same ire stota a> to f.'tinU i iu *mh uu too pit) supply .f j in uy. ’ dinmt I t id* disposed of o.i SLo.t Not.m : Write for p ■ ticuUrs, Tv r * Os- UiV-JL o i. i j, 4 t*Uj w Uvwt, - V.C i;. ii. yixirfi. t.s. m. danfoui'u NIXON & DANFORH Oottcon, IF'a.cors A N I > COMMISSION ME ROHAN TS 3; and 4 Warren Block, AUGUHTA, - - C4EOKGMA. PERSONAL AND UNDIVIDED ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE WEIGHING AND SELLING OF COTTON. LIBERAL GASH ADVANCES MADE ON CONS! MENTSGN HO VS) .S: BARNES Ready for the Seasons Trade Our trade increases all the while, but our Stock this season is large tnan ever before, and complete in every lino, while our prices are unprecedentedly low. Wo invite you to inspect: Dry Good.*, lathing, Hats, jßoots and Shoes, Notions, &e., &e Crockery Hardware, Harness' Saddle TiEeTJ-ZbTiErS and TCBACCO Groceries, Flour, Sugar, Coflee, Lard, Cheese, Molasses —And a Full Lino of— Canned and Buelf Coodh* Como and examine our stock and if we don't sell you wo will opet your eyes on prices. BOYD Nr. BARNES There Wi!l lie No Fight I ibo field is ours. \\ e roly upon our integrity of purpose to carry us through, 'tuid are never troubled with sweat fof Tour. fiius. stlvtrgtlift ‘lrons, dazzling Bargains in ry Goods, Shoes, Slats- Clothing, Gore cries, Etc. We have gained a BLOODLESS VICTORY, And all we ask of you now is to come and get your share of the glory. The Al mighty Dollar is what we want. You want the REST goods at the least money. The place to make this kind of a trade is with •l no. L. IIOLZENDORF, ' l nilr-oml Street, - - TIIONUSOrV, (in. THE KftOX HOTEL, THOMSON, GEORGIA. * S 1 VTVrv,'’;.? T h :r'\ ot ***"** • always Applied with the vkht to £ uStaffiE C</>MMEROI A L TR 4VELERS ' Vi 'l And ‘home at the Km,* Hotel, ap-ciallT ore-ared for _ •> and comfort road? to ii*nd i,,Li „ * ‘77 r £ , m> wit ° eT ® r 7 aa. ..mmodiouT 1 H ’ lndu<iul ° Barber Shop and a larg. SAMPLE ROOM, •h. n n'T*’ “ m P ,e * e- i..;ee!i„u with tho lined #£X j !( , , !7'’ i ‘ : .'b and fn * pf charge. *" mdueamen'.t £ O. L. KSJOX. Pioprietor. J. A. DOZIER, K D„ PHYSICIAN an 1 SURGEON THOMSON, - - GA. ( \ FFEHS iris professional services to the ' * public, amt respectfully solicits a share of patronage, Pa-Office over S. F. Morris' store. Keel, deuce ou Jackson street, next he-iss beyond Mrs. Morgan's residence. S. W. Sturgis Attorney at Law, T-liomson, - Gecrgia. Will practice Law in McDuffie and neighboring counties. Special attention giusn to col let,ions. IE A K.FAEMEEr Atfwnetf ai /.irif, THOMSOxN, - -a GE)'UIA Wild, pnicico m tie State an 1 Fcdcinl ('. -ut . Office ever Ira Brinkley's store. Dental Notice. My office in Thomson will bo open two weeks, following' first Monday. All who need Dental work are invited to givo rue call at the above time. Satisfaction guar teed. re<*im ai'a. G. T. NEAL. ONE MILLION LADIES ARE DAILY RECOBMENDIBG Win PERFECTION OTTfIT? liiO ADJUSTABLE UllUlj fit expoad. acrMi the Bail and Joint.. This rashes 8 TtsBEST FITTING, NICEST IMIHG.aM MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE Hi THE WORLD. - MUMS, S, *2.ES, SS, M.H.) CONSOUEATEO BHCECO. Manufacturer., Lynn, - - Mass. Sheet mad* to measure. ■ #''%■ varaa -earn Aeoouijccs to tho Pablir that ho is n *w leady to show the LARGEST LIS TIBET iMSCTIIE STICK OF GOODS Ho has ever brought to this market. The Ladies are cordiaLy'invited to Examine his Stock °f IDr o s s:-;G- ood s." Dress Flannels, Plaids, Robes. Cashmeres. Hen re tt as. Silks, Velvets and A elvetcens anti a handsome line of Trimmings, A Beautiful and well Assorted Line of JACKETS, BLAZES, CAPES and FURS IN Doots and .Shoes 1 Carry a Large • Stock, Como and Examine Quality and Prices C/X CLOTRIX G Mr Stock was never he ter. Suits for Fat Wen, Suits for Lean Men Suits for Youths. Suits for 80/s and Suits for Children. I also have Large Line of SAMPLES TO BF MADE UP, Fits Guaranteed. Suits mad® to order in ton days. "E3I-A-TS ajid. O^l=S For Men, Boys, Misses and Children. CROCKERY DEPARTREij Never so Attractive. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, llorsofl and Lap Robes at very Low PriiH A WELL ASSORTED LINE OF Hard'ware STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. All Depai tments are now full and prices Low. THE TIME FOR BUYING Spring- :-and -Summer- :-Goods Is here, and those that come first got tho choice: THOMAS. A. SCOTT, Nos. 1 and 2 Brick Row, Thomson, Geo*gin G. H. IRVING & 0 0 Keep Coustantlv in stock a Full Line of- - FAMILY GROCERIES iHD PIAHTATIOM SIIfPLIESi j BACON, Of)UN, MEAL j.y Mini Slkk >s ,*( S| rcin 11 y. lot of WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES OIK PAINTINGS, DOOR .MATS Ac,, that we will well b cheap aa the cheapo*t. Our stock of HOLLIDAY GOODS will soon bo here. We will ha/ avow fine assortment and would be pleased to have you examine. \V a.k .0 have you look and give us a trial. We know wo can j,lease yo. ; iu quality and price, ——Oar Line of CROCKER\ WARE and. GLASS WARE I Complete. Wo never fall to sell tho ladies when they need anythin-, | in this line. * : "planters attention i Huy the BUCK EYE SPUING SHOVEL Cl LTIVATOR and get rid of grass, Ono hand and two mules with the improved sweep can plow 50 acres of corn or cotton, in one week. LATEST IMPROVED MOWERS AND RAKES. Send for Circulars and prices. STONE, BONES & CAMPBELL, Cetton Factors and Machinery Dealers, AUGUSTA GEORGIA. ILEX. 11. CURTIS, Thomson, Ga, tM the Shops fornsrl, ownsil by J. T. Smith in BranchTille, and la prepared to carry on the different branches of the business* Carriages, Wagons and Buggies Made and Repaired. Blacksmithing in all its Branches Undertaking in all its Branches. Chs Best Work, all guaranteed, and the lowest prices. By str.ct attention to Business ho asks a liberal share of patroness. l. a. n^!E:^:e YVUOLS LK LIQUOR DEALER, AGENT FOR MOORE & SINNOTT’ G 1 BECKS T H fEIE, Eicad. Stieet, Oc Fiueat Wholesale Liquor Establishment in tie South. Patoiosi pnagSo'icited.