McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, October 27, 1893, Image 2

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Tim McDuffie Jonrvtil Friday. orroiEi? 2? m .1 K. WHITE. Vrrrm r Piwr-jrwJ n r Filin'-'! ■ (fimt'Mr,,iin,i u i. pah m** Tim Oowm-'r’# mrfto thc C, moral Ad-ooi'i’y is a Honsilffe and I c i sorvstlvc document. Mr Cleveland linn proven tlmt ho i a bigger man than the Democratic parly and its platform combined. ("ongi'-asman Black liar not au thorised the statement wlik-h is go iny the rounda of lie press, that he will not ho n candidate for Congress nt the next election. Certain hopeful Democrats claim that, the Hhcrman law being out of way, financial and other legislation, in harmony with the Democratic p itfomi, will be enacted. Well, wo w II see. The most brazen piece of affront ci v of the century is the effort of certain papers to road Democrats out I of the party because they insist tlmt the pledges and promises made to the people shall he fulfilled. —— - - The President persistently de mands unconditional repeal, and it iH announced that the silver Senators will give up the fight and that the repeal measure will soon be p issed. This, in all probability, will seal the doom of silver as a money metal, lit least so far as the present Congress is concerned. But it is going to bo ft lending issue in the next campaign The biggest of all big con volition is lo be held in Atlanbi commencing November !•- Ton thousand dele gates, representing the Christian Workers, from alj portions of tin world, are expected A'Junta will put on her Sunday clothes and en tertain the convention with charac teristic and noble hospitality, and will brag ab out it for the next ten years. Our columns nro too much crowd ed for more than a brief notice of ■tlio mass 11100(111;,' of Populists hold in Thomson on Friday last. The crowd in aftondance was the largest ever seen in Thomson, many of them having come from distant localities. The number was variously estimated all tbo way from 3,000 to 10,000, and Borne claimed even highr tigures. Measts J. T., C. IT McGreg gor, M I. Branch and 'V. hi. Strother delivered short speeches. The ud dress, however, in which the chief interest centered was that of Mr. ‘Watson. 11 is address was argument ative and highly coiiHOvative. lie cin ceded to his political opponents honesty and sincerity of opinion, and disc’aimoil any unkind feeling to wards them In the afternoon the big crowd dispersed, and we state to their credit that wo have never known hotter order observed 011 sueli occasion. THE WORLD'S FAIR. ITS (IHKATNKSS AND (iUANDKPIt AS MSJ4N AND DKSCKim.D BY Ol'U Bl’EOIAli OOUKI.SPON UEN’I. Hil.l ll N h\imi. ■ Oxrosn, (• , Oct., To the People of MollnfHc County am! the liektleis of The Ooci:n*i. : Dkaii Fhikkuh-1 ion very glnd indeed that all of you took m> much interent in my “Wuiiil’ti Fair’' letters. Ah you all know, •>ime I have como up here to college, 1 have very little time to eorrenpomi with a pa| or. Put, hearina certain things through h ttera from home, decided to give you one : or two mole letters on the Fair, mid I hope inter that l may giro you one about, the I groal Armour nml Swift Packing Coiupa idea. I'irat of all. I will tell you about, exhibits in the Transportation l'lnildin , because it seems that we people of this time are very concerned as to Uow we ere going to get horn one pluoo to suother. Whether we ►hall ride an ox or n camel i>r walk 01 ride nu old grey mule, go m a r<wd|cait, a car nage or ou the train or even by electricity. '1 he quickest way to ; et from one place to atiolhc ris to astride the telegraph wires, ] Yrlmpa the safest plan is to walk but even then we are liable to fall into some big guUy. 01.0 ano nkw locomotives, 1 will describe as near as I can the first engine and train that was run out of Chi cago, and then tho laige “mogull" engine which was standing beside tho first. Tho idea used to be in building an engine to make the boiler small and the smoke-stack like a tower, that is, very high. Now it is very difleront. The boilers are made ex travagantly large and the smoke-stack very aLoit. The engine that was attached to the ©oodles, for they were stag© coaches.) was aural!, ugly little thing. 1 thiuh if 1 were uaod to living in wmie of the dense to rests of Aiuenou and hud never seen a locomo tive, if 1 were to see that engine coming through the woods, I would bo frightened worse than if a drove of buffaloes were coining ut me with full apeoct I wish I could remember dales like some people car*. T *bt k t'urf t year in *bh! f l, t tr*ir wa* ri’• o'” 0? waa , ti. -inrfi ( Riii iuo cvb*idet of titlH 1 O. If et/rH 1 f t bp 11 I'tr A f , WOI* KC’t hV -til ttftgHi fit tti'tflH 1O -i gr-.* Tim Vkh tsia Mistv snry Email, anti of count© it could not lutvei vt ry fast 1 Kuppoo© a conM get off and pick Idai kbcwiM a v. hilc and tbon overtake it The car* consisted of old tst(rfi coachop with cur wli. <lk |ti* on the axlfcs. It was really a ridiculous Looking right t< bo com pared with cur locomotive** of to-day, and yd it wfo* quite a •'how. Now f will try to say Hornet king about tlitit large mogul! engine of which I ppoko or rather to m.-tK* c c unparDou between the two. Tbi wu-i 0 * vtiry large engine. Th driving wheels were Honi dhing J Jc. e feet in diameter, muj t odlcvn it bfid don. Me cylinder*, I won't lie positive about, the latter. This .1. a beard v. It wiw line. magnificent, and had beautiful fiu- Ub p t Oil every part. I don’t tbik a per hoii could pick blackberries while riding on ibi engine, for it Hindu ft mile in 33 m*o oud* once, and again in *cm d*. The coftehcH arc. ho line yr,n are hardly allowed lo look at them. Ono Of tin ui wan so j beautifully and nic ly fixed up that they • would not allow any <u. to go into it. 'Mo y bad a large block at one cud of the conch ' and yon were permitted to bounce upon j lids block foul take a peep down the aisle |in the car i believe thin wax a “i'lillm m” ! palace e4l eh. It did look liko a pul c • j iuftido. Thin whh “Eugino” No. UUU In (net <&6r) thin v about tin* w.,i well do- Digued and constructed. KNOW CVTTKTHH. There was also another very largo engine ! that bad a Bno',v cutter attached to it. The ] Hnow-cuttor, 1 think, in rather a now inven- I tion. It is inclosed in a tienmmlous iron i box with ono end open. The open ond 1 | diivca into the snow. The Huow-cutter in j 1 on the order of the auger, the difference ! being that it begin** wit}) n point and in orfta3B gradually iu siz >. Thin in h>. tat nu angle of about 45 degrees, with the point downwards. Right at the point vk a very large plow. r J’hia gives the hiiow an up ward motion and the largo aiigor citchea it up and thrown it out through the open ing in the top of that large iron case of I which 1 ftpoko. Thi. is a wonderful thing. If It is miceowftii in its work it will boa [ great thing for Northern clinics. Then, there wns an ofd singe coach in j which J cite moil Davia, Rhenium, Alex. 11, HtepheiiM and other men of reuouu, hud ridden. Alho bicyolcw, huggica, wngoi m and road carta ; r road curt wilh \>ll <•uim.t'.c tires, also carts and light l-uggicn with sol id robber tires. I ndtiii ed tiwiHc c.o t*i very much. Then there was a wagon wheel that could be loosened in wet weather, nnd, when a dry spell comes on, it could bo tightened up again. t could write much more of this building utnl it* exhibits, but my time iH up. “During my term of nervine in tin* army I contracted chronic diarrhoea, ’’ say ft A. K. Lending, of liolftuy, Oregon. 'Since then 1 have used a great amount of medicine but whan I found any that would give me re they would injure my Riotrmeh. until Uhnm. berlain’a Oolie, Cholera and Diiurhoca Rein oily wan brought to my notice. I used it and will it is ti e m l remedy that gave mo perumuent relief and no lmd results fol low. For sale by Harrison Hadley. A bill has boon iidtoduooil in tho LogiHlftlmo forbidding public execu tions of criiaimils. Ji should bo promptly onaclod into a law A Lender. Since its first introduction, Electric Lit tors has gniuod rapidly in popular favor un til mow it i dearly in the lend nuiutq.; pure medicinal tonics au 1 alterativi-M contiin. ing nothing which permits its uhc ns n bev erage or intoxicant, it is recognized hr the I boat nnd purest medicine for nil ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Hu k lleadncho, indigestiun, Fmistipatiou. aud drive Malaria from the system, Satis faction guaranteed with each bottle or t! 0 money will be refund'd. Price only 50c par bottle. Sold by Harrison & Hadley. The General Assembly met, in reg ular session on Wednesday. The shower of bills which hag already be gun, will become a regular deluge before the session closes. $2,000! Worth of Pummurs Smnploa going nt New \oK ooHt, nt P. S. Knoxs. Uuimisting ot Punts, Shoes, Huts, Neckwear, Underwear, | Shirts, Hosiery, J land kerchiefs, Shawl.s. I Rubber (’outs, Sufpenders mu] Notions j ! goncmlly. i Uemcmbor Knox is also ht'iul(|nurtei - s for Frtliey Groceries, Uigurs, Jewelry. Silver- | wmv, SchtHil Hooks, Stutioin iy, Crockery, j Fine Cutlery. In all these hm sus well as j Fresh Meats ho dolUs competition. Sell Knox Jour Cattle Hog* and Country j Produce. E. J. O’Connor. DKAI.HU in M Mononialiela Wlnsldfis, 11ROAI) SIPF.T, A.ugusta. - On. Th; Largest Liquor Eeu-.a ir. the South. Choice Brandies, Wines, Gins,' Hums and Liquors of livery Description. Orders OKecei'tre Prompt ldeiUhm. <■ u n ran feed t * r* 4 . Wr net 1 liz** our adveHijM-d and iggista 'o sr-ll t) K. N-- * Die every f ■ r f’oii smpH ■ ftrd f’ -b-s upon this eon ■it in: j If ymi are ted with a Cough, CoM. or inv 1.-irg. Thr-at or (>h©Rt trmi i ble, an l will me th? remedy a h directed j gjyt <' H h fair trial, and experience no bene ; tit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make i this t ff< r did vc not know that l)r. King’s New Discovery could be relied on. It. never duwppr.b ts. Trial bottle free. Tinrge size ■.Vic. and For sale at Harrison Ac j Hadley's Diug Store. Fnglidi Hjrnvfn LbJtncttt rernovcp all Hard, Soft or jDallous' and I. imps and Llem ishes from horses, Spavins, Curb a, ; Splints, Hvi-cticy. Ring-H *-, Stifl*. all Swollen Throats, f.-engha etc. Save 0 Ivy u/mj of or.ft l/Yttlc Warrcub and the m>Ht wonderful Lleunsb Cure ever knowir <*l i by iiir/uon 1 1 Hey Itch on human and hor ch and all an \ in ills cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s ! Sar.itary Lotion. Tiiia never fails. Hold j by Harrison fc Hadley J. I Eeoss. D. D.s. -JUIADBATI! OF The Dental uepartmait, S. M. C f >!)<■"< his I‘rojexsitnuil ,S <■>•- rices to the l r, of Mc- Duffie mul n<: i ;/ h, it oriil (j (joint! ie*. OFFICE OVER Harrison & Hadley s Drug Sturt*, Thomson. Ocu. IEA [<]. FARMER, Attornoff ni Low, THOMSON, - -a ÜBOKiIA jUI IMi pnictico in tho Sluto and !ff Fodet nl ( , *in t w . | OlfitMj over Ira BrtnkKjv’r itot*u. - - Doniitl Kotice My office in Thomson will be open two j weeks, following first Monday. All who need Dental work are invited to give mo ft cull at tim above ti i*s. ‘UlLfa-Uon gua unteed. 'J’erniH cush, (J T. NK\L. : J. A. DOZIER, M. D„ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON THOMSON, - ~ (I A. UVFIvPS his profeHwiotml ►vi. public, ami venpeotfidly solicits a share ol patronage. f Ortleaovt.i S. JP* Morris* stovo. Kesi deno v on .bipknon nr* et, next houfH: beyond Mrs. Morgans ipHideuce. Solid Comfort Obtained by using the Arrow wanna Patent HAMMOCK.. Ail sizes, stylesiuid prices, at lVlulltd all’s Itaok Mure. CROQUKT, BASE BALLS, BATS, MASKS, GLOVES Belts and Caps, In every variety at lYudlt ton's llouk store. s BLANK BOOKS j And Office Stationery. Bushnels Perfect Letter Copying Book, used with ordinary Ink, no Press re quired. FINS STATIONERY The largest and best selected ] stock of Fine and Fashionable Eta tiouory over brought to Augusts j Brnoor. Books, always in stock at j IVnillrtiiuS || ,1. store S>'4 llroud Strci t. Auslad.. Cm. Complete ILvdIXIILUU, ENGINE AND GIN OUTFITS And Repairs, Fittings and Supplies for same. Also, all kind?: ot Machine, Boiler, Pattern, Foundry Bluest nit! I iivs. Iron rad Mn Work promptly done with GOOD MEN ami Tools. Large stock of material to select from. Hove ’.OO Hands employed. (FO. I lOIBMD iCU., Above Passenger Depot, Near Water Works Towei, AHnsta, Cwsh / I V f fi" Bound to G-oI Ceit-aialy that’s the case with our Fall Stock. IN (> w.’s the time to catch on and score a home Van with one of our bargains in Shoes ami Hats. M Q TANARUS// lv rftlr J? S ! ClllUMU.Vfi si.ll MHSEH SHOES BOVS' SHOES. Kid Boor 1 t*.- 5 2->c Ki;> Solid Br j:in-4 1 to 5 75 I Kij> and C; jl i ,| -.Si.x-M Bto 12 50 ili;;li t'ul Solid Bats 1 to 5 75 Kid and sto 8 50< “ “ “ Buff 110 5 100 “ “ “ “ ti “12 75c] “ “ Call Ito 5 125 I Kip all .li(!£pl>H 75 to 100 “ “ “ Fine Ito 5 1.25 I Kid and (lout Button 12 to 2 75 “ “ “ Disco 1 2.00 BA DIBS' SHOES. ] GENT’S SHOES, vVin's 1 Kip at solid Folka 75-1.00 M'o’s K-p all solid Bi-’r’os 1.00 1.25 • “ A Call B-dkas 1.00 Call “ 1) IVdro 1.00 1.25 “ Crain BmtVbovl’olkas IQO < Kip “ “ “ *• 125 1.50 “ Kid or l’\-jVte?j;ut!,o 1.00 “ A Call l.Oo 125 “• poogolafAhe “ ' 1 25] “ Buff “ “ 1.25 1.50 “ -\a>cttuty) 1.50, “ Call “ “ “ 150 200 “ Pint? I I .< !**! E I;fv-i ! Halm! We have HATS rnd (TAPS fruit* 25 cento to We can pleasK : you, an we have the Lalc-M Shapes nntl C’olors, and d*jwn the country when ; it corner to Helling Has llxpei ieiiedd aji 1 Kcynoinira! IJuy* is, who believe in BAItGAINS. lire i-ouiloously inrllvd to t-itll at titliur ol our tvfo Stores, tv ben in Augusta.' ( Multerin, Rice & Cos., 623 Broad Street, 4 Doors Above Augusta Hotel. 613 Broad Street, Sign Large Red Boot. Tkrre Will Ik No Fit hi! . c. " r l he field is ours. We rely upemvori nteg frity purpose to carry o - throiigli, and are never troubled wilh the eold sweat ol Fear Our strength lies in die won drous, dazzling Bargains in Dry Cvoods, Shoes, i£ats Clothing, Uic We have gained a BLOODLESS VICTORY, jAml alii we ask o° you now is to comeund get yonr share of the glory. The Al- I mighty Dollar is what we want. You want the west’ goods at the least money. The !place to make tills kind ofa trade is with Jno. L. IIOLZEMJORF, |{;iilroitl Soot '1 LIOMSON, Cla CrEYSE R I T E . tl '/*&®jp& r er Toj&sr sau&* (S IVES .m versa; satisfaction for Toilet and Bath. X A’’' OU should never wash without it, and in tne Bath you will *■- find it perfect 0 Cleansing and Healing—it cleans the head and leaves (ho scalp Sr' nice ;nul white and free /ran all dandnijt. jj> KIGNS supremo over all Toilet Soaps. It cleans w.thvitt in jury to the skin. ■jr TS peculiar properties are produced by natures own inedieiuof * action. rjd lIK lad it's—rich at. I poor--uae it tr its lon 1 cial etfec.s on their skin, leaving it soft and oelrdy, and their coinjilej,on w,ati and jiink. , IT ACTS PERFECTLY IN ALL WATERS. tar For sale by T. A. Scott, G. H. Irving & Cos . f .M ori.- ,1 F Watson and llarriaon & lladley. Thomson, Ga, T. A. scon: Announces to the Public tl.a* be is now ieady to ©how the ÜBfiEST LID Ml ATTUCTIVE STOCK OF GOODS T Jlc has ever brought to this market. The Ihtdfss are cordially invited to Examine his Stock f Dre££:-;G-oods, | Dress Flannels, Plaids, Bobcs Cashmeres, llcurettas. Silks, Velvets and Velveteens' and a handsome line of Trimmings. A Beautiful and well Assorted Line of JACKETS, BL AZES, CAPES and FURS j IN Hoofs and Shoes ! 1 Carry a Large Stock. Come and Examine Quality and Prices CLOTH 1^ M v Stock was never belter. Suits for Fat Mon, Suits for Lean Men Soil* for Youths, Sii a for Bo sand Sait- for Children. J also have a F.arge Line ot SAM ’I,KS "ft) 111- MADE CP, Fits Guaranteed. Suits made to order in t-d days. tar-A-TS a-xid. CAPS ;For Mcu, Boys, Misses and Children. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Never so Attractive. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Covers ami Lap Robes at very Low Prices. A WELL ASSORTED LINK OF AND— - STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. AH Departments are now full and prices Low. Tin: TIME FOP. BUYING Fail and Winter Goods J* here, and those that come first get the choice: THOMAS. A. SCOTT, Nos. 1 2 Brick Row. Thomson, Georgia „ Plantation Machinery, o Amos Engines. Boss Cotton Press. Hand Power Cotton Presses. Hand and Horse Power Hay Presses. V* liiship Cotton Gins. Buekeye Spring Shovel Cultivators. Liddell "N ariable Feed Saw Mills. \\ liitely Slow er. (List Mills. Diston Circular Saws. Shaftings and Pullvs. Engine and Gin Fitting, Ac. SIONE, BONES & CAMPBELL, Cetton Factors and Machinery Dealers, Opposite Codon Exchange, ‘ AUGUSTA GEORGIA. G. H. IRVING & CO ———Keep Constantly in stock u Full l.ino of FlliU hiiGCEIUES MB PLHIATIfiI SUPPLIES BACON, CO UN, MEAL, Boots and Slices a Special tv. We have also a large lot of WIN DOW SHADES CURTAIN POLE i OIL PAINTINGS, BOOK MATS &0., that we will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Our stock of HOLLIDAY GOODS will soon be here. We will hare u vvv fine assortment and would be pleased to have you examine. W > ask .0 have you loo* uud r ive us a trial. We know we can please you in quality and ; \ Our Line of CROCKERY WARE and GLASS WARE js Cor ip etc. Wo never fad to sel tne ladies when they need anything in tnis line. nm in— wo <w wiww—i. nmw wurtu—m,.i m—mubmp—■on——————m———n A.LEX. H. CURTIS, Thomson, Ga, 3m US Shop* fomsr’y owrsd by }, T. Smith, a Brunehville, and la prepared to oarrj branches o* Lha business. Carriages, Wagons and Buggies Made and Repaired. Black mi filing in all its Branches Undertaking in all its Branches. lTi Boat Work, all guarpnUad, and the loweat prioea. By a’r r attention t. Busineai he oaks a liberal there of palroeaga.