McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, April 27, 1894, Image 2

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I lit; MeLUiOC *> t 4 Ui '""I FBIOaT. Al’k’D 21. iktM 1. E. WHITE. Burr I’ji iriuitToH (CMt, Berk Joliiiwm, Attorney nt Jbiv, Thomeon, Oh., in the authorized Baine* Ant of thi* paper. Bin non tract* for wlvortionmeoU awl re. ip!* for iijijiicj duo are valid at tbut "ffi'e. We are very fired of repeating from we k to week that "Congress ia doingj nothing,” hut it can’t he helped. In fact, there i- tittle to think or talk nhont lie aide* wlmt appear* in the telegraphic new* columns. The Btate Democratic Executive Com mittee should call a convention without delay to adopt a-platform and reorganize ttie party—if they expect to have any party in the next campaign. Thfl people ahonld know now whether or nor the party intend* to carry the administration and its flnrnoiul policy. Tt required the lose of several live*, tnuoli bitter strife and contention and a decision of the Supreme Court to con vince Gov. Til l man that the State could not monopolize the grog shop business ; ii South Carolina. B >me of Ids follow ers are still sour about it, ej.. l 1 ■ -- JOURNAL CORRESPONDENCE Waymtsßono, Ua., April 24, 1891. Enrron Jouiikao : Thinking that perhaps some of your readers would Iw interested in a few words from mo, I have decided to write you this letter, and, if you see proper, you may tnihtiah it in your paper. I Bud Waynesboro a very pleaaant pine i in wliioh to life; and, judging from the number of lawyers here, it must boa tine place to praotico law. There are, in all, no less than fifteen law yers hero; aud, while several of them are young men, there are some who have lived to a good eld age, ami none of them liavo ever starved. So I fool eu ennraged to continue in the field. Mr. Watson iqxtko hero on Saturday, the 21st to a very large crowd of people. 1 was sorry there were so few white peo ple out to hear him. There were at lean ten negroes to overy white man. Ah near na I can guess at it tl ere were about twenty-five bundled in all. There was nothing ill the speech to wliioh any one could take exceptions. Tlio main com plaint I have heard to it was that bo full ed to show bow the existing conditions can bn remedied by his plan or through liis pnrty. Mr. Watson did not speak very encouragingly to the negroes. He told them they were all Republican!) by nature, but lie would like to have their votes, and Hint lie had never heard of a candidate in Georgia who did not waul the negro vote. The people down hero want General Evans for Governor, but of uuurHo the politicians want Mr. Atkinson. They any that all young men who over expect office ahou! 1 support him, but I for one will never want any office if 1 have to get it Hint way. Protruded meeting at the Methodist church hero began Sunday, and will most likely continue for some time. H. J. FunuiMonT. UNION ITEMS. SV DOTS!. Good morning, Air. Editor. We hnve Imd auotl.or void snap, with bail, wind and rkiu, wliioh damaged the young crops. Some will , have to plant their cotton over, but seed will be hard to get. We will have w ro bottom land to culti vate that) we bargained for, as alt of the top soil ia washed off and nothing but l> 'ttom laud ia left. Thu farmers’ faces are all frowns, anil I don't think wo will mn many smiles until wo Irnvo some room barbecues and picnic*. Wo had au interesting picnic nt Holder's mill on the I4th lust , and fhoro will boa pionic on Mudox creek on Saturday, the 28xh. Thu place of mooting ia Hall’s meadow. All arc i - to come and bring well-filled bas ket a. Guess the young man who h.m not thought of his sweetheart since the hail ntorm. Ones* the young man who has been K.ighted by bis best girl, and now sits on lue church steps on Sunday g and wishes she hud suubhed some other fellow in seud of him. Guts the > *ung man who rode with | Ida swt etueuri without any saddle. Hue** the young man who is ready to fo hime as a*•n ns another fotlow gets witu h, suv.; heart. McDuffie Cos., Qa , April 26. 1894. Tits Adkins 1 loess. £vrylaxly in this aacttou knows au<i baa pntrouixt and the Au kiu* Huaioit mil Elba street, Augusta, of which genial hick Adkins was proprietor. Kvouutly the city council bought Mr. Ad kina* HoUd property, and h has moved to No. 901 llroad street, where he is *p!endid- I\ fixed up and is ready to entertain nil of bis old friends and the public generally. If vou waut chan, comfortable rooms, the fare and the moat courteous attention o be had in the city, stop with Jack Ad kins. No. *.H)I Broad street. - Itch on human ahd horses and all and | luals cured iu 30 tuimites by Wool ford's Buuit*r\ Lotion. This uever fails. Sold b/ Harrison A Hadley- Kuos cm furnish you Ice in any quau tity after Monday uext, the 23d lust. Sell Peter Knox your H.dcs. M . i Notes. jsy *>l*l# fit any. It hn* h'en some time *inra you from n o thin of the fteld. John bos had s cripple ! hand and couldn't write ranch. Corn i* itp again utece the big fm>% - aud is lookitj well. 7he fruit i U kill | ed and lot* of watermelons will b* plaut cd to make up for the lorn, j The storm on Friday last caused sorao j ! excitemend, We have hr a*d of no house* j focteg blown and )wn, but some fence* and lota of if pen. W * had a washing rain j and a hcavv hail, and oo Saturday and Sunday it was quite cool. T <• App iug Sunday School ConV'n ti'on will meet or the sth of May. We are gild to unt the people tiikiu</ so; noudi interest, ju Sunday schools Th*y I could not I f* interested in a better work, j and wo wi h tlmt the cause may lmvo ; grand mice****, and prove tt blessing to | fcho church and tile community. Juatj here lot me urge? upon th churches and Sunday schools that coofetituUi t Me- j Du (Bo Convention not to forget or neg-1 lout, there duty. The time And place for i holding it, if I mi-hik not, will In on Friday la fore the 3d Sunday in July, at j Fort Creek. AIJ rhould endeavor to be 1 there. Elder Thou. It, W • *f and wife spent Wednesday of last week vt their old i friend*, Mr. and Mr*. J. XI. Sleektou. Dr. W. M. Fills, President of the Mc- Duffie Sunday School Convention, wim with u on Sunday Inet and gats uh no interesting talk. Hi* visit* and lecture* ’ urn very much appreciated. Mr. Over ton, of Thomson, acooiiipiuiKul Dr. Pittp, i aud l learn that some nice compliment* i were paid him. Homo of the y/uing folks went fishing on Saturday. Wonder what kind of bait t! ey uHi-d aud what they caught. It ia understood thut Prof. Ware will have an exhibition at the expiration of the present term of his Behoof, There is some talk of having a chil dren's day at the church aoou. I hope the snperiutendeut will succeed in get ting up. Gen. Green and hi# army are too near for our boy* to give their time to base ball. Wo appreciate the letters in the Co lumbia Sentinel of Just week in favor of lion. W. V. Atkinson for Governor. April 26, 1894 Genuine New Orleans Molasses (far superior to *‘U. O.’) at 25 cents per gal lon, Cuba at 35, and a liOiisiaim syrup which is simply delicious, at 45. There arc the quotations which Eyuns k Cos. make on oano prod nets, “McDuffie County’s Favorite”—the best “two for” cigar made. These good ! knock ohftrnats out of sight. 2 for sc. A box of 50 for SI.OO. Evans & Cos. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lump* ami Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney. King Bum, Stiff s, all Swollen Throats, Coughs etc. Stive SSO by.use of one bottle. Warranted the wont wonderful Blemish Cure ever known old by Harrison 11 a lluy, Dan forth A Willard's pitr* Ibivaim Olip plugs, made into* nud sold at 5 for 10c, at Peter Knox's. Dan forth A Willard’s Havana Clippings, G for 10c ut Potor Kuox’s r - Btill Knox your Cattle Hogs and Country Froduco. - ► •• Don’t forgot to call at Burnside’s for goods if you want the best and cheapest. “Seals of the East,” Danforth A Will aid a groat Go cigar, at Harrison A Hadley*. Do you know that every beef tlmt i Knox kills is stall-fed until round fat ? Dr. A. J, Mathewi will nr 11 you Pat forth i A Willard's H w.m Clippings—s f. r jOo. | Freshest, chapoet and best Confee ' ouvrica at Burad 1 .’i. ♦♦♦ [ Five Boxes choice Meseuu Lemons nt > Evans & Go's. For Uniat’s Prism Stock Early Rost* | Bounty of Hebron truth Potatoes go I | to J. L. HolsteudorPa. I Do You Want V Mule, n Oaw or aCW AtutOftlf? If yi u decal lon r write to John? E. Smith, Thomson, Oa. Nkw MiM.tM.uY llavhtg opened a Millinery Store on the corner of Main Street (Mrs. I, O Worrill'a old stand) I extend a cordial invitation to the l adies of Thomson and vicinity to call and examine tuv 5,t00k of j beautiful Spring Hoods. 1 earnestly so i licit a share of their patronage. Mrs. J.'us son. j Thomson, Oa., March 16, 1894. Wilbur’s Celebrated Stock Meal e hating a very large Mile. Every package is guaranteed. Dis sotil exclusively by Evans Cos. —• • ♦ Turkeys, Chickens, Ei.’s, Butter and ! Sweet Potatoes a!wins to be hud .U Evans A Cos. Catti.k Notice. I liny Beef Cattle, Milch Cows Sliotea and Lambs. X pay the highest cash price*. F. J. Paschalj. Thomson, da , April fi, ISIH. Th<* n m bool m cooing A AYER’S ! Jjl HAIR fSj VIGOR jSv ‘h?~- Prevents the hair from and xlor period of life, it cures Itching humors, aud keep# tin; scalp cool, moist, and healthy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumer*. fSTlia Thom cq Canning Co’s, goods have it trendy established a reputation for being absolutely the equal of any, an I by far the superior of many of the cann ed good* on the market. Their Peaches, P' ar<, Tomato*, and Okra to be h id at Evans A Co’s., 34 Main street, oori er of Mill. Wlmt a Drrftdfnl Mlitflk* You n*;*ke if yon go to Thoms m and don’t sec Peter Knot’s stores Toy* in profusion., Silverware and Jewelry snd in tect every j thing in abundance. But ih )ir 1 times i have made thi-ui cheap, very cheap. Now ’ it the time to buy Hliverwaro. Will pie se the moot fastidious—Dan. \ orth A Willurd’* Havana dlippings. Fish and Oysters every day at Knox’s- Merchants, of Thomson, if you want sonotthing that will win trade, order Dan forth A Widards Havana Clippings They retail 6 for 10a., and aro better than rotten cheroot*. Five for 10 cents Danteith A Willard’s Havana Clippings. Do not compare thc*c fine cigars with cheroots. Huberts Oblio Drops. The Baby* Fnciul. A anv, r-fttiiing ron.edy f r Col ho in infante, in well a* for all kindred "omplainte, and for tnethiniiig troubles. rtold by Dr. A. J. Mathew*, Druggist* rbuinKou, Oj t Peter Knox neven' permita Anybody to sell oh caper or lu-ttcr goo-1* than be does. If you doubt this call ut bis store and Hnmpte “Knox's Leader,” the best 5 cent cigar on the market. itemcinbor Kn>x i* a'so headcpiurteni fr Fancy (hodiStlwi, Cigars, Jowciry, Httver- Wnre, School Book*, Stationery, Crockery, Fins Cutlery. In all these ljiv n well uh Fresh Meat* ho d.-fios competition. Magnolia 11 inis, the world's greatest production in this lino, at Evans A CoV. They also handle Hie Louisville Fuokin Co’s pure Snow Flake Laul. Danforth A Willard’s liavana Clipping*, the best vßioke earth for 5 for 10c, at Dr Mathc\f*. Five for I0u —Dtuiforlh V Wdluid'n Hav aia Clipping*. A gentlemen’* tunoke. The Attorn-'y-GenerHl dee!nres that our Silver Certifleuteci, which have been so useful in the past, are not, legal mon ey. John L. Ibdzeudorf will not refuse them for anything you want in hi* line. Try hiui. Now i* the time to plant Irish pota toes, Evan* A* Cos. have some of the finest Etrly Bose ever brought to this market, wliioh they are selling low for cash, or its rquivuleut in produce. A*k Peter Knox for Dauforlh & Willard'* Havana Clipping* -5 for 10 cents. Buy your Fruits, Candies and Nut* from Burnside. All of the Standard School Book* arc for sale at Ki ox'* store. Jtnm>mlmr, you can got the > I'nnt ! Weekly i'm htilut: u nt-l iv, . E j JeiTOi oit V tr for f.? 5. T .ls i-. bu. j hill# more th u tl o price of o i inp. r. Chew “Billy" Toba.v \ It w Xi plea n ! yon 12 to the lb—XOo lb straight, So and . | oy Kyaus .V t; i. Mr. Joe. X’. Jones u.iiifli s iiis friends and customers that he is a'ill at bia fid stand and ready to furnish the beat Fer tilizers on the must liberal terms. In tl.ei.ext issue if The Joi-rxal bia an luvnimt fur the season will appear. Take the bull by the horns. Replant yonr garden quick. X’ho reo-ut -ever' w nther neivssit itea this. .Evans ACo have Eight ois m of Seeds—the crop of ISlU—from which to select. 31 Main S. set, Tiunnson. ! o> / COPYRIGHTS.*^ C'\ I OBTAIN A PATENT f Fora l fi - u ; V '*** oi 'niou. write t* A ! \. .V O.. bad ti-'ariv nflj rtr* fxin fioitot,- m tlut nhtont bu. uim CcmwontMu VA Handbook S it f rt.mun, t*n tem* or. 4 lew to ob 'J:.' 1 ; 1 *'s V v ."- mecliaa • Hfcrt.s vhon tbr- !Hunu * CVv. tttooiTa ,K t Amfrlcfn. rul ll‘il# axt* hrer.sht \ baiOTft tltO L'u’i iv'Tri h. out tvrt to tac Invoi.-* r. VaSum utiJt i JgSSi*raJSiffS*£s l) ' ka* w Acta. .n.tinjt l .1.0 ahlr. ,m. siotlo TV f.'*rr imari,..- ..r.a tmw. I t.x coitr * .vid nb<Mib;rar*hs of mw J • i- , ‘line fctttklurft to nho.v tN • >nj m It - V.TSTMC!”. Ac'.-r .tS , t\X Nlx tvr.B, 3**l Ruc.iuwaf. i . i\Jj AOVf.H'KhiEU K : r.'., Sales-F-r tn.: firat Tuesday in M y, Tne Oeim Norris pteeo, 384 acre*, and the Shower* place, 270 acres, adj.nuiug lnuds of Itenj. Harriwui, Thoe. Wiggins and otliers, ui der fi-fit in favor of The New England Mortgage Cos., v.s James Norris, Ex’tr of Celia Norris. *The Alethni Young place, 170 aces, 7 miles Ea-d of Thomson, adjoining lands of W. 11. Stone, J. E Smith and others, under Tax fi-f.t for 1893. A tract of 55 sere* in Bearing District adjoining land* of Jama* Harrison, Mrs. C. C. Kauford, W. T. Whitaker and mti ers, under fi fa in favor of Whan & Cos. vs W. J. Smith. Court of Ordinary. Ben. F. Johnson applies for letter* of administration with will abnexed on the estates of Joed Reese and Mr*. Nancy Reese. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Geoimua—McDuffie County. A hh PERBONB are forbidden to tres i\- pas*, by hunting, fishing or otln-rmise, upon the body of Lnd known >t the W**:!. nil and Tat ha in Mho**, under penalty of the Law. K. A. FBEIDMAN, Ag’t. March, Kith. 189 L J. M. Eeese. D.D S JItADOAI E OF The Dental Department, S. M. C />//>;*• i his ProftHHlona/ Ser ried* to the Veoi! of Mr itufjie unil n r il/ U bo r i 111/ Count id*. I omcK o v ejr | Harrison & Hadley’s V Drug Bto it, Xlronasosa. Cra. Dr. Wm. A. Martin HA mO LOCATi'I) IN 'f HOVISOM Offers bin |<rofeNHi<)uii! service's to tho iiub.iu. a1 • wi Li. 1 ’U<) si it i,v A'i'rr. sand Alt calls in the Town and Country. UEKIDF.NCE, IJU. J. W. QtHI,MAN'S houso, on Jackson street. I Thomson, Ga., September 20, 1N93. Z[3 Zt? It Is a Fact that iTmeyL Scarce, THEREFORE, have decided to offer unequelled u ADVANTAGES To my many Friends and Customers, FOR CASE - - ou willfind by careful personal INSPECTION That my prices are muc b reduced to suit THE TIMES. hive in store, and to arriro next week, A LARGE STOCK. 01 l adies Shoes,S Uppers, Dress Good Wash Goods, Trimming Silks aid Satins, and Trait's. si Full &mye Of Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Em broidery, Undervests and Corsets —the watch-spring Cor et a specialty—Window Shades, Curtains and Cornice Poles, Croc k cry, Glassware and Scissors —every pair warranted. Also Gents Shoes and Hats, 7 i Clothing, Shirts and Collars, Underware j find Neckwear. Trunks, Pocket Knives, Bread Knivesl (anew tiling), and Razors and Straps, all warranted. Ox Railroad Street 1 oiler a choice line of Groceries, Stoves, Hardware, Patent Medicines, Furniture, etc., all of which will be sold at the lowest margin for Cash. J.F. SHIELDS. THOJJfSOJf, - - GEORGIA. * "® / m* S <u Obtained by using the Arrow wunna Patent HAMMOCK. Ail sizes, styles and prices, at Peiidlfl'iw’* Hook Store. ECOQUET, BASE BALLS, BATS, MASKS, GLOVES 13<dts and (,'aos, 1 In every variety at I’eudteton’s Book Wfore. \ BLANK BOOKS And Office Stationery. Bushneis Perfect letter Copying Book, used ; vrith ordinary Ink, no Press re re and. FINE STATIONERY The largest and best selected stock of bine and Fashionable Sta-. tionery ever brought to Angus! a. School Books, always in stock at,'. it uU atore h'o4 Broad Street, Austa.t.. Ga. S. J. O’Connor, DEALKB IN illß EKUIU'a lilies, broad teet ( ! Ai.’uslat * Ga, iffcjlwgM*. 05 w 3j' laths South. flt ■ lit v, V’ 11 r. Gins Bums and Liquors of Kvertp Dcsi'.i ijiUon. 3>.Xa,1l Orders Kiscelve FiAittiuii n. T. a. coocrx 1 Annoanccg to the Publi# Iba! he is now ieady to show 16ESTIID I0S' ITTRiCTIVE STOCKII £OOOI He has ever brought to this market. The Ladies are cordially invited to Examine his Stock at IDre££:-;G-ood Press Flannels, Plaids, Robes, Cashmeres. Uenrettas, Silks, Velvets and Velveteens and a handsome line of Trimmings. A Beautiful and well Assorted Line of JACKETS, BLAZES, CAPES and FURS IN Boots mid Shoes 1 Carry a Large Stock, Come and Examine Quality and Prices CLOT III* Gr-^TCj Mv Stock was never be ter. Suits for Fat Men, Suits for Lean Men Suits for Youths, Sut -j for 80/s and Suits for Children. I also have a j Large Line of SAM L iSTOBF MADE UP, Fits Guaranteed. Suite j made to order in ton (lays. Ptnd C-A-OE-S For Men, Boys, Misses and Children ; CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Never so Attractive. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Cover and Lap Iloben at very Low Prices. A WELL ASSORTED I INK OF ZETa.rcL^ AND— - STAPLE AND FAECY SEOCEIUES. j All Departments are now full and prices Low. Fall and Winter Goods 1h hero, ami those that tome first get the choice. THOMAS’. A. SCOTT, Nos. 1 and 2 Brick Row. Thomson, Geo^gi* JAMEST). BAHNES SUCCESSOR TO BOYD& DAUNKS, Dry Goods, Mm, Eats, P n "ts nt Sloes axrorrxoiflrs*, odo., c*?o. also— Crockery, Hardware, Harness, Saddles, IRIKS ASS TOBACCO. ■■■■■■ QrHOC 3; S3 23 . j Flour, Shot, CoHob, Lori, trjj si Mm, Canned and Slit:lf (Hoods. M 111 Ul IL rwc*•<>-. •’'TKmr, ÜBV*. **■£ 'X -aW;?.<auTKMHrSSB. ■■ |Trr r , - iihim, ymiiii - . There Will He No Fijglt Ihe field is mil’s. Werclyu integrity of purpose to carry us through, :uid are never troubled with the cold sweat <d Tear Our strength lies in the won drous, dazzling Bargains in Goods, Siloes* Hats Clothing, Site M e have gained a BLOODLESS VICTORY, Andalhve ask’ >‘ 3 w i : < ( oineand get your share of the glory. The Al niighty Dollar is what we want. You want the best goods at the least money. The place to make this kind ola trade is with Jno. L. HOLZENDORF, Jiixili oatl Seet w - T <>:%, Oa,