McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, December 07, 1894, Image 2

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r I lie McDuffie Jour” I FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1894. * J. E. WHlTE.j*www Am raor*mxj O'Mr, Berk Johnson, Attorney at li!W, Thomson, (in., i the authorized Basinets Agent of this paper. Hie con tracts for advertisement* and receipts for iwjlicj due are valid at this office. To Correspondents. Reioemboi the call for a meeting in Thomson on Friday, Dec. 98, and make your arrangements accordingly. We are compelled to omit several letters this week. For the prefect, pleat* condense your letters and make them aa short as poss.ble, to give this Editor time to pre pare for our meeting. No doubt all of yon will read with pleasuro and gratification the following kind and complimentary words from the pen of Bro. Atkinson, of the Columbia Sentinel; “Bro. White, of This Mel, orris Jouhhal, has called a meeting of his numerous pen oil-pushers on the 2Rth mst We sre con fident that the meeting will be one of real enjoyment, for there is not s brighter set of correspondents on sny other weekly pa per in the Klein. They sre noted for gatb wing up spiny news items." ltr.v. U. F. Erals. The reoeut session ef the North Georgia Conference returned Mr. Eskes to the Thomson circuit, and his ninny friends are more than pleased with the appointment. Ife did good work on this ciumit during the (hinferene# year just closed, and now that he has a heller knowledge of his peo ple and bis work, lie can accomplish muoh more. His vigorous mind and liberal edu cation, and his zeal and earnestness In his Isbon will yield a rich harvest of good if the members of bis church will give him a united aud hearty support, CAMACK ITEMS J>* Dow. Dodo find the plenum roof vißiting Bone ▼ilia on Sunday and Monday, gue*t of Mr. and Mr Lavoiguo, and, While there, met our “only” Bill Hiuarty, end, it is need less to nay, fell In loe with him. We hud a long chat, and I hope to be uccordud the n un*j uUimiire again noon. I atlon ’ed prenehiug at the Bone villa Sunday Mohool building Hutiday night, and heard a good Hemivii by Mr. WarftUani, Mr .l ick Hubert and family are visiting Mr. A. I). Hogcre’ Wc regret to chronicle the illness of Mr. J. P. 11. Leeenby. end hope be will be fully recovered by next writing. Mi Armic Bogerfl, of this place, la vis iting Miss Eva Larkin, near Harlem. Mrs, 0. E. Davis ftr.d Miss Lulu McCarty visited relatives at White Oak and Bona villa last week. Hmsi'y, did you notice a widower smil ing unusually bright around there the otb er <ky f Can anybody tell us what mokes Bob McCarty smile so It It is something that happened Sunday- Thu £Bth is not far off, yet it will seem Jike an age, as Dodo is so anxious lo meet all of onr correspondent* It will bo no much more interesting after he is acquaint •>d with all of them. As it is, he has met two of them. tfAMAOS ITKMS BV I>ODO, ait. FAIUVIEW NOTES—OsTh*B .Toe. Well, Thaiiagiving Day is past and very UttSo turkey and cranberry sauce. I guess the old folks are Haying them for Christmas m you must come down, Mr. Editor, and share Christmaa with us. (Thank you, Joe] A delightful entertainment was given last Tuesday night at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Uartveil Lokey, but 1 will not Httompt to write it up as Hiuarty always does such things in elegant style. A young lady.who was present said that Smarty wns the handsomest young man there. She should have remembered that Dr. H*i>en was present. Miss Kate lingers, of Dearing, is visiting relatives iu Fuirview this week. Marshall Kunday school is steadily im proving. All preparations arc being made for the Christina* Tree, aud we hop© for a large (lues* the two young men who rode fif teen miles to sc© their girl* and then didu't get to see them. Try it, Smarty, Guess til© youug man who had his horse hitched up to take Little Girl to rid© and she hacked out. Try it. Panaie Wonder If Bangum has gone into winter quartern. or Is he caught iu the briers and can't got loose? Fire Last Sunday night. Messrs. Walter and Churli© Norris's store house was burned to the ground. How the Are occurred no one know*. Everybody should sympathise with these £Ood citizen i. Whuu wanting Shoes and Hut© call on he Hicc A O’Connor Shoe Cos,, of Augusta. They are the lenders. Mr. Win. T. Wright, of our town, is now’ with the Rice h O’Connor Shoe Cos. Call on him when iu Augusta. Ho will be glad to sea his frieuda Two Lives Saved. Mr*. Pbosl*© Thomas of Junction City 111., was told by her doctors she had Cow sum ptiofi and that there was no hope for her. Out two bottles of Dr. King’s N< w Dis covery completely cured her and aha says h-ws l *' tfe. Vjr Ti * ivi a Kggers, l.'O Florida St. S*n suffered from a dr*?*dfnl ©old approaching Consumption tried without effect everything else then bought one bottle of Dr King’s New Dis ooverv and in twe weeks was ottr©d. Ho is naturally thankful. It is such roanlts, ol which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this tuedi ine in Colds and Coughs. Free trial bottle at Harrison k Hadley’s Drug Store. Regular size 50c End SI.OO, Itch on hmuau and horsea and all and male cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This] Sold Harrison A Iladlev fLiberia Colie Drops. The Baby’ Friend. A never-failing remedy for (Vi no in infanta, as well aa for all kindred complaints, and for teethiuing troubles. {Sold by Dr. A. J. Mathews, Druggiat' Thotusou, (L‘* Mnrri'd olßN~ HVHHKY. At the home of the bride’s parents, on Monday afternoon, Dec. 3, 1891, by Rev. ft. F. Fakes, Dr. Sterling Gib on, and Miss Ola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11 T. Bussey, all of Mcxmfß© county, 6&, \\ idle not altogether unexpected, this marriage was somewhat of a surprise, aud was very quietly consummated. But the congrafnialions of many friends are none the less hearty. The bride is a very handsome young lady, possessed of many graceful accomplishments, while the bridegroom is one of our most influ ential and popular physicians and citi zens Their union is certainly most aus picious and happy, * O'KRTAEt- PITTS. At 8 o’clock Tuesday forenoon, Dec. 6, 1894, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. T. B. West, Mr. K. E. O Kelley, of Atlanta, and Miss Fannie, daughter of D . W, M. Pitts, of Thorn eon, Ga. There were no attendant", but Miss Florence Ilfuoy, of Augusta, was maid of honor to the bride, and Mr. McKT don, of Atlanta, was the bridegroom’s beat man. A large number of relatives and friends witnessed this impressive marriage cere mony. The house was most, tastefully decorated for the occasion, aud the deep interest of the witnesses, the earnest voice of the minister, arid the associa tions and sacred presence of the old home and its beloved Inmates, blended into a blessing upon the new life of the beautiful bride, and a harbinger and a promise of love and happiness through years to come. The bridegroom, who is a successful aud popular young merchant of Atlanta, has won a Bride of whom he may be justly proud, and their lives and destinies, now blended into one, arc full of hope aud love and brightest promise. After the ceromotiey the young couple hoarded the train for Atlantu, their fu ture home. HAMIT/rON—HUNT. One of the most beautiful marriage ceremonies ever witnessed in Thomson was solemnized at the Baptist church on Thursday evening December 6, 1894. by which Mr. Tboma* B. Hamilton aud Miss Lilia, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac 8. Hunt, all of McDuffie comity, were united in marriage. The church was most tastefully dec orated with wreaths and festoons of ever greens aud flowers, and was filled to its utmost capacity by relatives and friends who were anxious to wit ness the consum mation of the happiness of this popular young couple. Messrs, Elbert Evnns and Peter Knox officiated as ushers ; and, to the music of the wedding march, most skilfully rendered by Mrs. Lilia Johnson, the bridal party entered. G. W. Vlolzon dorf and Miss Gertie Jones j Hamilton Phinisy, of Augusta, au.l Mias Ethel Htovull ; H. S Palmer and Miss Mattie Stephens, of Atlanta; Ira E. Farmer and Miss Bessie Usry; Clyde F. Hunt, biother of the bride, with Mr. T. B, Hamilton, the bridegroom ; Miss Anna bel McLean, sister of tho bridegroom, aud Miss Lilia Hunt, tho bride. Grace fully arranged uromul the alter, the bridal party presented u strikingly hand some appeamuoo. Tho bridegroom nev er looked so proud and liuudsomo, and the bride, fumous for ber beauty, wuh never so lovely. Tbe marriage oeremny by Rev. J. W, Ellington, was impressive aud ap propriate. Mr. Hamilton is one of the most worthy and popular youug men of our town, and his bride, with her peerless grace and beauty, ia worthy of his life ong devotion, Everybody is congrat ulating them. A CRYSTAL WEDIiraO. After the ceremony Mr. Hamilton and his bride and the bridal party, with oili er guests, were most hospitably enter tained at flie residence of Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Harrison, at the oi lebratiou of their crystal wedding. Here tho decora (ions were most beautiful and artistic, and tho hospitality lavish aud elegant. Everybody loves Dr. Harrison, and re spects and admires his beautiful wife, ami the congratulations of their friends on this happy oocaaion were heart-fell and sincere. Tho presents received by the bride amt bridegroom and by Dr. and Mrs. Karri son were numerous and valuable, and attest the respect and esteem of their mnuy friends MONTOOMEKY - LAZENIIY. On Thursday, Deo. 6, 1894, at the res idence of Mr. Kmchen Hughes, by Rev. A. H, Thrasher, Mr. Charles G. Mont gomery and Miss Enin, daughter of M\ L. Q Lnaenby, were united in marriage, all of McDuffie oounty, Ga. Anv one who has child v-11 will rejoee willi 1. B‘. Itulford, of Phonfild, N. I lt.s little boy, five vnws of nge, was siik with croup For two days aud ii’ghta he t.iud various remedies recnniaiendhd by friends and neigitbora. He says; “I thought sure l wou'd I lose him. I had seen Cht isle lain' . Cough Remedy advertised nrd theaght l would try it as a last hope and aui bapny lo say that after two doses Iu slept till morning. I gave it to uim m-:.t day aud a cure was effoted. I keep this remedy in the hvfiise new ami as soon as uuy of ui> children show signs of croup I pjve it them ami that is the Isst of it 2.i any 50 cent bottles for side by Dr. Mathews, it is strange tlist seine people wilt suffer for years from rheumatism rath r than try such u approved standard remedy as Ayers SarsvpariUa; and that, too, in spite of the aasenioo that it has cured so many others who were similarly sitin'led. Give it a trial. Ilurkleii't Anile# Salve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cats Bruises, Sores, Dicers, Sslt Rhrum Fever Sores, I'etter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains corns, and all Skin Fruptions. ami positive y cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, or | money refunded. Price e per box. For Bah by Harrison A Hadley, ON THE WING J?v j>zufo. Dear Friends, Got and looking Women and Ugly Men : “inc our Editor his given my territory to the fair sex I have been just bobb ng arc and. But 1 don’t blame the Editor. It is a good idea to keep on the good side of the girls. I prefer that way of doing also. Whenever I auj in Jo ibt about anythi: g I always consult hi y friend. Dr. Brock. He is a remarkable men in many different ways and knows things which I have not space to enumerate. He is cot appreciated eh he should be. He has been much troubled by a strange dream in which he saw four big ttiter hills, and on each hill sat ft Yarkcv Doodle eating taters at the rate of a peek an hour. He has been riding day and night to find the fair Doodles and pull them away from the hill*. He says that if that tab r eating isn’t slopped there is going to be se rious trouble. I have consulted Dr. Brock about those complaints which Joe Bowers says toffs epi demic in his neighborhood. He says that backache and pain across the misery are nothing hut big ugly Lying to work out. Remedy--Fill a cat’s Hurt* with pigeon milk and take a quart every five minutes. Co’- ie cotiii s from stuffing up on bad grut. snob as slop buckets, sour dish rag*. s* p gourds, etc. A dozen shingle nails in a tumblerful of tar wft r eating will cure the man or kill him. Headache Ss a cane of Kwel’-'tead gone to seed. Suicide is the only remedy for this complaint. Speaking of possum hunting, Foss Wil liam* says he has caught so many this fall and given them around to his neighbor*-, th t soirio ho could name are beginning o look like possums and to act lit© them, to*. ; Dr. Brock ways that if they don’t slap eati g p hhuiu it won’t be long before they will be j grinning at each other; and when a dog comes along some of them will run up a tree and tie their tai’s ; <>und a limb. Be sides possums, Mr. Williams has captured a number of fragrant ikuiiks, and he and Dr. Brook have started a peifurne factory, and arc turning out some strong aud vigor ous odors. Mr. E. ff Williams says be is getting ding tired of smelling the stuff be fore they get it bottled up, and he wants them to move their factory out of 'own. PINEVILLE Kkmah T thank our*Editor very much for his in vitatioii to the correspondents' mru-iing. Me is very kind and thoughtful to arrange it for tin to meet and know oicb other per sonally, and T am sure that all who possibly can will be there. All the boys around here nr© bird huti ig. and a good many birds are bagged daily, though our shooting grounds are poor on account of the swamps. Mis. Oliver Boston Ims the bent bird dog iu ltd* section. He was given to her by Dr. Itoge *, and is being (ruined by Mr Boston, wlio says he is fine for single birds and coveys. While Messrs. C. B. Ava. y, Joe Anderson and Willie Button were out hunting hist week, Mr* Anderson shot ut n lord that was ff fing.towards Mr. NnHoo, end auroral shot struck Mr. suiton on the face and neck, but we are. glad to Male that the the hurts were not eiioiis, A day or two afterword* Mr. Hum Boston wo* shot I>y Mr. Cliff Whitaker, it asems that some of them get excited when a coy<*y is fl >hed, and it is dangerous to be iu range of their guns. We didn't h v© any Thanksgiving turkey this year, but wo were thankful that we had hog and hominy. Oerlustu© i a lively place the early part of every week. Mr. Anderson goes to An gosta on Thurtday withal! kinds of pro dace, which th people bring iu from cve.y direction. lie always can ios 500 pounds of sausage and frequently too pounds of butter, and has no trouble iu selldig It. I think t saw John ILudy at CeiliusUo not tong since. I hud the pWsune of speuding Sunday Iwst at the hospitable home of Mi. and Mi* 8. F. Morris, iu Thomson, only the pleas ure was arred by finding their bright little *o,i. J. J., bo ill 1 Imp© he is ini proving ere this. While there I h*+d th ploa'ti!* of meeting Miss Lizzie White, of MBledeviilo. and 1 c**i>not fiud words to ex presH ujy admiration of her. M s Cue Morris, who is >ti:l at I e .Hug, bn* improved wonderfully under the , ir Ktment of Dr. Keg©'*, who is one of the best physicians iu the Htate. Wh*n we go to Dearing now we ml b Leone’s blight, oh ©my face, and bop© ’ e will soon return home. Mrs Lv’zi© Hnrliu has r *t and the (' liuspheeh 1-v HiUm \ and wil V til C next 1 ar Bhc i* it good neighbor, and wt. dislike tor her to leave us. Mrs. A H. (iray hns returned from a pVas.-int visit to her daughter in Columbia county, aud reports Ouida as looking as lovely a* ever. Messrs, Joe Billion and It. A Sutton vis ited Mr. 0. D. Avary ln*t week. They came up from Augusta for a bunt. Mr. Willie Howell, of Appling, and Mir* Ronnie Bust on, of Knysville, yisited Pmc vilio last Sunday. Someone's heart was glad and sad at the same time—glad beans© Willie came, and sad because she had an other engagement. Mr. Ah Bailey visited Eaperuuxa Sunday afternoon. Mr. Guy 0. Hamilton, of Augusta, paid a flying visit to Esperauqu lasi Wednesday. Miss* Mary Chappelear, charming young lady, of Buddy, is visiting her faster, Mrt* J U. Pruitup. ut Bearing, bits week. Mrs. John Clark, of Deft, mg ivuit to Aq> guxia hist week. Miss A tnie Rogers, of Cnmak, is visiting Miss Ola Larkin ties week. Mr. Wesley Day wood killed four fine porkers last week. Ou da. what young lady in yonr neigh borhood received m album from ft young -edtenmu last e, kus a “phiop lia 1 ’ pres ent? English Spavin Liniment removes alt Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps aud Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Boue, Stifles, all Swollen Throats, 1 ' ugbs etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warrunte the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known old by Harrison Hadley. SrKcimen Cases, S. K. Clifford, Mew Cassel, WK,*was troubled with Neuralgi** and Rheumatism Ida SUmach was disorded, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elcc trio Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., hnd a miming aor® on his leg of eight yeais standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bittern and seven boxes of Bncklen’s Arnica Salve and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., bad five large Fever | sores on his leg. doctors said be was incur able. One bottle of Ekctrio Bitters and one box Buoklcn'g Arnica Halve cured him entirely. Sold by Karnsou A Hadley. Freshest, ohapeat and ost Cmfec jtoai rieb at Burnside's. fill's THE BEST EMERGENCY MEDICINE fob th* curb or Croup, Whooping Cough, LaGrippe, Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Al> THE VARIOUS Throat and Lung Troubles Tkmtenmg Eni, Household. Prompt to act, sure to euro We et onr Meat* from Knox, because lie kills nothing hut the beet. • CeutN. I am prepared to gin and pack Oolton io the best and moat gnbetaulial manner, my pi ice being only 25 I'enn per him dred pounds. A 1,15 c. H. Cojitis. Tiiomaon, (ia., ‘dept. 5, 1894. M. /* 90W*Er. Liquor Dsalor# 916 roadway, Augusta, ba. Special attention given to orders from the country. Satisfaction Guaranteed. V TBS SLAUGHTER HOUSE —o ip — FUfiMITMMEt Just read these prices and he convinced. Pin di I’arlor Stiiwi . |tS 50 Former price SOO 00 Tpe try Purler Suits •22 00 “ ' 35 00 ilk Plush Suits 22 50 *< “ 35 00 Silk Plush Tuposlry Suits 30 iM) “ “ 15 01 “ “ “ “ 40 00 to 15 00 '< r,;, (io “ “ “ “ 50 00 “ 5S 0) ,< “ 75 to 80 Oil Lovely Oak Bed Room Snlts, Big 0!a-, only $22 00. The boat 10- Piece Soil in iho market for $25 00, Suit nil oak. We pr s ilinp onr Stock at Slaughter Prices, nd if yon dm.’i tome H*.r#y y m ill mis* the < jijiortunity of your life. One doiiai now is worth two later on. Fleming &• Bqwzes. Angusta. Ga. OD TIMES! Once upon a time a young man named COBB m (■: 1 0 idiiul young lady named Yl EBB and it is related that he'j.l in love with her 1 > soon as lie SFIED-IIEJR. Our tale is told. We,ve caught ymr eye. Theaext ti meyou want CAIN, pronounced “Bargains,” they are always to be ‘ 11 1 at our store. Friend Cobb and wife areamong >ur eus tomers- AYe are al ways hewing away in the interest id our friends. We sell cheaper than any other firm in Thomson. We handle no trash. We have the goods Ilia twill please you. Wc have big drives in Shoes, Tobacco, T.nwarc, Needles, Note Taper, 3i;‘ ] < 111 .( 11 ?y- Combs. Slate Id iih. dt., dc. Jno. L. HOLZEKDORF, Unihoafl Street 3 t Thomson, Ga A QcAititß Liiri‘ y Test. For a quarter o„ a century Dr. King’s New Discovery bns been tested, aad the mi bio im who have recpived benefit from it* use testify to its wonderful eurative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. A remedy that has stood the test so long aud that has given &• universal satisfaction is *o experiment. Ech bottle ts positive ly guaranteed to give relief, or the money refunded. It is admitted to be the most reliable for Coughs and Colda. Trial bot - tles free at Harrison & Hadley’s Drug Store I Itegular size *oc and SI.OO. IF.A E. FARMER, Attorney at Law, THOMSON, - - a GEOR iIA WILL practice in tbe Stalo and Federal Court*. j Dr. Wm. A. Martin Having located in Thomson Offers hia professional services to the public. HE WILL PROMPTLY ATTEND All calls in the Town and Country. KEHIIiFNCE, DK. J. W. QITLLIAN'S house, on Jackson street. Thomson, Ga, September 20, 1893. T. A. SGO'Z'Z Announces to the Public that he is now ready to snow the IRBESTINp MBS'tlTßinff STOCKGIIB& He has ever brought to this maiket. The Ladies are cordially invited to Examine bis Stock of Dr©ss:-;G-ood Dress Flannels, Plaids, Robes, Cnisbmeres. Ilenrettas, Silks, Velvets and Velveteens and a handsome line of Trimmings. A Beautiful and well Assorted ine of JACKETS, BLAZES,CAPES and FURS IN Hoots and Shoes 1 Carry a Large Stock, Come and Examine Quality and Price! cl orant Mv Stock was never belter. Suits for Fat Men, Suits for Lean Men Suits for Tooths, Sni .8 for 80/s and Suits for Children. I alee have a Large Line of SAMPLES TO BF MADE UP, Fits Guaranteed. Suits mad# to order in ton days. HATS and. OAFS For Men, Boys, Misses and Children CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Never so Attractive. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Cover and Lap Robes at very Low Prices. A WELL ASSORTED LINE OF lEECsLrd^TT'a.r© AND STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. All Departments are now full and prices Low. THE TIME FOR BUYING Fall- :-and-Winter- :-Goocle. is here, and those that come first get the choice THOMAS. A. N(Ofl| ■ Nos. 1 m.d 2 Brick Row. Thomson, m JAMES I). ItAltfl SUCCESSOR TO I*OYD *V IIARNM Dry Ms, Mil Hals, Bools HMI ujo. ALSO Crockery, Hardware, Harness, Saddles, TRIMS AM TOBACCO. GHOOBRIBS. Mi Sbebt, CoSes, Lari, Glsssa ail Hclassea, And a Full Lin# of Canned and Shelf Goods. —l, , IM - Mr tr— —n-rf-—■untL-LJ CHANCE OF BASE I ITavo mr,v?d ln N lar S e . GROCERY and HARDWARE Stock to my Dry Goons Department) No . 3, I lit kßow, J Bought a large Stock DRY OODS, expecting to movo to my GRO* OEIIY HOUSE. Having changed my mind, I find I have too larg# J Stock for the House. 1 Will, therefore, make S)>ecial Prices for Ca\ in order to make room. I have in stock and on the road quantities of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, JLANF-S, and so Complete, and by far tho prettiest, Line of C RQCKESI Ever brought to Thomson. Also af> II Line cf Groceries Hardware, ITiir nitvi re an<l Stoves. Ail of which, aud all other lines of general merchandise, I am offering at gratly reduced prirtg. T new Tariff Law having considerably reduced the Cost ot Goods, I will give my customers the advantage of the lowest possible figures. /. r, saiMLm.^ THOMSON. - - GEOKGijff