McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, June 12, 1897, Image 2

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The McDuffie Journal i. E. WHITK. BditoS Awr PhuMtiW BATURDAT. JUNE 13, 1897. OUR JOINT PICNIC. Tlie join! P.cnic of Tin .1 .itrnal and Tli<’ Euterjr , 1 ith came off at Bom - ♦die on Saturd jr, waa, iu every rt-zi>ec', • splendid sneces*. The attnnlsnoo ai ■lmply immense, (food imoh ami good tilings to rat were in lavish alum lance, the la( of orili r and a general f polemic of j lily good humor prevailed, and more pretty women s' and beautiful girla were there than were ever reen oil ah<'li an ie ca ion in the B'ate of Georgia. The ajieakera selected for the occasion failed to appear, hilt, al tlm solicitation Of the Editors, Mr. Henry J Fnllbriglt', a talented and rising young attorney of tViiynealsiro, entertained Hie crowd for g aln rt while with a v-ry appropriate impromptu address, Mr. Fullir'ght is a native of this county, and has many tula'- tives and frienda In rc who note With pride and gratification the enviable po sition be is winning iu his profession. Bnt, as liur gifted correspondent) Mias Nellis, has been eelecied to write up the big Pionic, wc wdl not. trespass further hpnn her subject. We i spent to give full partionl r<, together with the pro ceedings of the Club moeting in our m xt bane, Commencement comes but once a year, and we always devote a large space lo its eti raises. On that account we out t k tatgß number of edilorii It and l ><a' lids week. Onr Picul: coming on i sue day, ha* delayed the issue of Tub Jourhal tlii* Week, Drath or Mb E J 1) zikr Mr. B. J. V it r did ai 1 Bear Martinedi Columbia con I v. n Tiles, lev last, tlic 8 b Instant. H* an In the 77ib ytnr o! bia itge itud turn burn in Columi it oonnly. though much of I in life wan aoent in Augusta. For several years lie wit* member of the firm of Jlnxier A Walton. He lma n number of lelativrsawl many friend* in this county. For many years lie bait been a membui of Bt. Johns Mutbodiat eliarob, Augusta. He was a get i,', warm-hearted gentle man uuivursn ly esteemed and popular. At the hon e of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mis Hal H. Johnson, in Amen ciis, Go., 01. W 'liioßiliiy, . Tuue 23, 18t>7, Mia* Ale> T ,hiison, formally of Thom •on, ami Mi .film H, Hudaoii will he tiiiiUKl in Biarr'ago. Tue Editor and wife •r* under oldigit 1 ions f>r *a Intitiutiou 'll’ the happy union. In behalf of the 'many friend* and admirers of the beauti ful young bride, here at her old home, tfb tender her and the lucky hridegroofff many oongratulations ami gooit wishes “lor their happiness and prosperity. ji i 1 " Bibo* Institit*. The aery iutcnmting csoroisca of the Bible luatitnte will begiu at the Baptist oburoli on Thursday night of next week, and ooutinue through the following Mon day night. Mev, U. D Ragsdale, D. P.. Pusiyern, tin , will il rent (lie excreisos. All are cordially iuriled lo bring tlieir Biblea and attend these exercises. The Pastor, lluv, T. H. Timmons, ro porta services „f nnnaiinl interest at White Onlt on Huudny last Nine elnfd reu were baptised, and many penitents came forward for pvayer. We regret to leiira that Mrs. Woi. A. Sturgis is quite siok. Rer. B. A Timmons, P. I), Presiding Elder of the La Fayette Pistiiot, North Alabama Cold, renoe, has liceii in Thom son this week. 011 a visit to his brother, Iter. T. H. Timmons. He also attended (Vmmeuoemcut exerocses of Pieroe fu atitiitc. He rvtiirued home Wednesday Sim his has the prettiest line of Lsdica Shirt Waist sets lu town. Shield* says that all of hi* Wonted Goods must go at cost. Now i* your time’ Electric Bitters. Electric BiUera i* a medicine suited for any Heart.n, but perhaps moro generally needed when the languid exhausted feeling prevail*, when the liver is torpid und slut; gisb snd the need of a tonic aud alterative fell. A prompt une of this medicine has ftrn sverled long slid perhaps fatal bilious evers. No uiedioins wilt set aiore surely in counteracting aud freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, ludi geation, Oor.stipatioii, Diaxines* yield to otrio Hitter*. SOo. and #l.g per bott t Harrison snd Hadley Drug Store. Ilu.sleii's A rule* waive. The Beal Salve in the world fo Cats Braises, Sores. Dicers, Salt ltheur fever bote*. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains <a>rna. an t ail Mm Eruptions, and positive y enraa Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to giv* perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pi .re „>ft* per box Fo aal# by arrtaon ft Hadley. Peter Kunx lias utoved Ins Moat Mar ket to Ibe Morn room uhioli he formerly occupied, uext dot rto Harrison A Had le; s Prug Store, and i* (teller prepared than ever to supply the public with the best ,/f Fresh Mia’s of all kinds, Fish Oysts.l-, Vegetables, eld. I)EATH or Mb (‘irM'l'S.t.ESK. When The Juobxal came B*tr r lay, witlt Ihe eail intelligence of the death of Mr. llenben C'happe'ear, my heart was sad and heavy, and fit l of tender sym | a liy for Ihe bereaved Tand y. I have known Mr. dappclear for a number of years, and liked him v< ry much indeed. Not more than lliree months ago I was at Hearing and had the pi aura of ac companying him to visit Ids daughter, Sistei Dumps, the In loved Fr a dent of our Cinb, and I am very glad that I met lirra then, for I never saw him after ward a. He seemed full of ife and good humor, and was very hopeful. Although lis fft.t. ly have been ve y anions concerning his heal (•, I kuov; what a shock it must have been io ilnrn when they found that their Worst fetus had beeu r..-1 zed. I do not know Mr. Olutppeleat’s age, but he was fjitite ;it elder y gentleman, nor I do not know what his religious sentiments sere, bin I am convinced that lie was a good, up right mao, and know that lie* waa noi verai 1 y loved nod re-pi cted tl.r uphold the sectiou in which he lived. Ho ass Certainly a fond father and a good hn band, and his love a>d affeeiimi for Ins only gta-idclHlilren, Mastera B Hie Reu beu and Earl Printrip, were indeed very strong, and I hey were never so happy as when Willi ■‘Gia idpa." He 1 aVes an Invalid wife, two dang - ler , Mrs. J. It. Printnp and Miss Maty Olitippelcai) and one sou, Air. Alex Ohappelcar; anil I have never known mote affectionate and devote Icl i!dr n iu toy life. His wife being pe era ly too unwell to accompany him on Ins visits lo his daughter at Di tiring) ur else win re, I is yotinget Untight i, Mury.uevsi ail and lo he with him, a 'ays unticpi no 1 is evi ry wish, and never peatulitii g o;.< to go Uiigintifl, and. The ia ee tiioiiglitful!- le k-, and tender ci re characteriz and tin love ol his diiilgnter, Mi . It etnp. With her tin re was no o,e like 'Papa, ’ end she was never I ,i|,y utile a s <■ a tvith loin in could hear from loin i-Vt i slay Tiu'y do my warms.. hi s nrt patute go out to llio be-cavi u dangiders and th s iiiw 111 g riofll ives Mr 0 '•( peh-at wm , f i a niiitiher Ii y. a-, a contributor to The Jn.ria.aul our paper never had a truer friend, and now both nl his daughters nro valued members of our Club. In his death wo feel that we have lost one of our Journal fam ly, whom to know wt s o 1 ivo and esteem. Therefore, iu behalf of our Club, I tender our sincere sympathies to our beloved President and our dear sit ter, Trixy, and to It!! Hie relatives of o tr deceased friend, and pray God to bless and snsfaiu (hi min tin it- sad uftholioti. May llis love aud His promises support and console them, a id teach them to tay with faith aud resignation, “The I.oid givstli, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of tho Lord.” Kkhiah Stallinb, Wimlyrood, June 9, 1897. Scaly eruptions on the hesd, chsppsdhands end lips, cuts, btuises, scalds, buriis are quick'y curad by UeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve, It is st present the sfticls meat used lot piles, Slid slWitys Cures them. For sal by the Uihsou Dnig Cos. The old lady waa right when she said the chid might (tie if they waited for the doctor. She Haven the little one’a life with u w dusts of Une Mpiutc Cough Cure. She bad used it for oro p before. FOl sale by the Gibron Drug 0, It ia not neoersary to write the letters P. O. after tlie uamo of llio Posloffloo. The fetter, if it readies tlie town, is not likely to go to the ooerihuußs or jail It is not neoi Ssary to inform yon tliat Juo. E. H< laeudori's goods anil prices have made bia store fautons. You kuow that. Harrisnu & Hadley servo at thoi Fount the geuuiue Cioou Oulu. Latest style Straw Hats at Shields’, pi ices reduced. Come now. When yon are h snd thirsty aud wan something to drink and do not kuow what it is, go to MatheWß’ Soda FoautHiu and you will liud it. Highest cash prices paid for Cotton Beed. I. W. oiIIKLDH. ► ••4 The most delicious aud refreshing druik for the hot weather is the Initiated Oiuger Ale at Harrison & Hadley’s, it is pure l.ilhia witter dun ged at tlie oelt brateil Uurtia Litiiie Springs. Shields White Goods are lovely, aud go at a prioe (or u eh. Shields is selling his Ginghams at ft couta a yard, worth 10 ceuts. Hot Wbsthkb Ci tnxo. After tlie first of June I will kvep a ("Oil ‘ staut supply of ioe at my 100 House in Thomson, aud will Le prepared n> htlp evoiybodv to cool. Frioes will bo lower thuu the lowest. A liberal patrouago is solicited, J. w. Shikliri. May as, —— SCMMXB CtsiTHINO. Wo know you want to keop rwl during the hot suinuior days uud so have provided for your comfort. Black and Blue Sergos, Crash Suite, Alpacas and Dr ip D’Ete coats and vests. Also the coolest negligee shirts ever worn, together with an elegaut line of Underwear. I. 0. Levy ft Cos. tailor-Fit (’loUiier, August,.. Gn, Yon can now get a l Hie iat< at and most delightful drinks ami ices, flavored with pure fruit juices, at Hsrriaou A Hadley’s. CONDITION OF THE CITOP3. Cotton ntnrt* Off fairly Small Vtrt tlu Bd*in—OhU aud Wheat. COTTOS. Planting has beeu riuished abont t vrr weekK in ihe upper part of the atute, and this late planted cotton i ja*£cotn itiß up, germination having been re tarded by dry and cool weatiu-r. Alosi of the crop has been put to aKtaud. am; the field# are clear of grass and weeds. The Htaud as a rule is good, btit ou sailclj lauds the plants have died out to some extent on account of the cool weathei ot May. On the whole tho crop atart; j off fuirly well, the dry weather of thf past month enabling, the farmers t< catch up with their work, aud get ic! ffood shape to meet the grass-growing mouth of Jane, i have estimated thf j increased acreage at from 5 to 10 pet cent. The Wushiugton places it at 8 per cent, and 1 hope then estimate is more nearly correct, l * j CORN Is small for the Reason andV^ s t! pe r Color, but t)ie stand i ! reported good, aud needed rains wilH booh bring it out both iu growth and color. The delay iu preparing corn iamb caused by continued rain;* iu Feb* | runry and March, indue *d imny ffirm* j era to plant their corn iu ground not j properly broken. This has been rem edied. however, daring May, and now in moat ciiMes, the middles of the corn rows have been W 1 plowed cmu‘ 1 wi<h I could report the acreage . ; : <s crop at least 10 per cent eater than last year, but I regret t iy it is ony übout the same. Many ot our farmers I are now buying Ohm, much of it uo | doubt damiigod. and I fear their stoett j will suffer in consequence Oar correspondents report that more fertilizers have beo.i used on corn this year tlnn usual, ami with goo<i seasons and work tho state should make a suffi- I cient supply. Oat* Fall oats ars unusually fine all over the state, but unfortunate ,y the urea planted to this most valuable rood crop was not as lurge as it should have ; u Spring oats as usual, are reported light and poor in most counties. It 1* my opinion tpat tins will lie tlie usual re port ronr years out of five as long as we piant outs after January, Let us ail return to the --1 old way of plant ing tnem 111 the .•nr fail aud take the Chance* of win* r killing; 1 am sure that by this plan we would do much better than we arc now uoittg with tin* the best of all feed crop* for tuuieg and horse*. WHKAT. This crop wa very promising up to the early part of May, when rust ap peared in many !' Ida If thi* ilianase southing itself to the blade* tlie damage will not be serious, but should it attack the stalk* tlie cron will bn a very pour sum At present the prospoof ia for a fair orop. lUOAItOAME, BOBOnUM. ObOONM'K iS,BTC. TIIO acreage of these valuable crops is * little larger tliau last year. As a rulo the stands are fair and the prospects for. props promising. 4 ronr. Peaches at Ills pir'v varieties are now boiug shipped from South Ueorgtu. Tlie orop will not be a large ouit, aud the fortunate growers who havn made any peaches should realize excellent prW*. The dry May injured the strawberries Grapes, blackberries aud apples promise a flue yield Acreage in melon* at least lift per cent less than last year, aud crop backward STOCK. Stock reported lu good condition, ex sept that tu a number of localities chol era is killiug the hugs. Much lnaaoum plaiut of glanders among burses aud murrain among cattle than there was a year ago. Sheep doing well except for the miserable curs that abound in every county, nnd prevent the growth of an industry that, but for thorn, would he very pruli table. Fes.ttus Veins of Sweet Pc,tnlims and Corn. QnrSTtON.—What is the dilTerence in the feeding Value of Sweet potatoes aud eoru? Answer.—As the sweet potato is over two-thirds water. It takes about 8 pounds of potatoes to make one of com—that is of dry matter, nnd the dry matter of the potato, the weight lacing the same, contains about half os much protein nr muscle food as the dry matter of corn. Corn is therefore the moro valuable food, but the potato gives the variety so necessary for healthful feeding, and as potataes 011 sandy land will generally turn out a far better yield than corn, we would advise every farmer to cnlti- vato every acre possible in potatoes State Agricultural Department. U.r.u.u Millet. Qurstion.—How late can I sow Ger man millet, ami is it iujurious to tho land? Answer.—German millet may be sown as late as July or August, amt with good seasons will be rearir to cut in October. It should be cut when iu bloom, before tho seeds form. If this is done there will be no complaint of injury to stock by feeding tlie hay or of exhaustion to the land. This crop re quires rich land, bat will fully repay the time and labor mid manure in vested. There is no better feed, except ing oats, for farm auimais. State Ag cultural Depart menu Raising Turkeys. QntSTtON. —I have poor success iu raising turkeys, most of thorn dying be fore they are a month old. I think I feed them improperly, and would like some information on the subject. Answer. Ooufine the hen after hatchiug for at least three weeks in a perfectly dry coop, with openings for the little ones to run iu and out. By that time they will be strong enough to follow the mother, who should be turned out daily after the now has disippeared. Feed the little ones four times a day, for several weeks, with well cooked corn bread, mixed up with either but termilk or clabber, aud with chopped onion tops libetally added to the mix tore. After they are as largo as half grown chickens a feed morning and night will answer, and by that time the food may be any of the grains aud un cooked. By feeding us suggested, care fully keeping off all vermin and pro tecting the little turkeys from hard rains, you should raise at least three fourths of those hatched.—State Agri cultural Department,, r* r Here! ) In Thomson. *, J J 511 having a big sale on acconnt of ■* Great Attraction '-y ,n the r> Kfi rence in mode to ( V ' pdze gwds 1-1 the iJicnaid lCk.pts*i Cos., if At- ? 5 V ? ' : -' u * lo * * n b; g t the pnblic t > try nemo, in 4* VJ 'dßlri'.-iting p /-s from one cent t-. five lawn- ’ /y ' died dollars, in eveiv paekege of gnods'Kent out \ itomi ihtir fuctory th* retail h|oi>'.h m thi - town. ( MBgmMzrr 'j b'vvn- tbrongiiont th.* St-it * wherever they J* pl**ved on th ir si.d have otel lidu <1 \ r t : ' H hliM< use trail** s h tin r*-,-fi!t. arid yon m:tv hi- sure *■ . Swffiffii 111/I 'h.qhave Itt-eo doing that very thing ai.d Uiwt’ ihe prizes are i l -IM Isi ,v ' ,r auil " ,ifl J aid |>r< ti.ptly, m. he verified by any d*a'.*r 1 ; f *" ! h** g*e>d'therefore, why n.t 'try y<t-r luck'Mn a package of ) 1 < llKWrmr GUM- POWpFU *1 ll 1 11 9 FI.tVOK. Sr, EX’I KACTS—I-.FMiIKU wifi CAS|,Y ' AN'i ISKI* 1(0 * |L.j| For yon get 11 11 .lily rrjnal to any other g oil* rtt.ll H tf** 1 * #/ il'll ' t '.he H.iiiij pri .e; and be.*-idee, a present of .some , y r g /i/fli'*' 'fi! rsllie end one dime* t“ for n*t ling % r kio c.isb. *v j[j !/ j 4 ot some of the SI,OOO in ca*h prizes off r and fa- • nj || I u\*\ the pnbnc to try their goods tl 1 ill lip or Hale Ever.v>vltere. r,'j ll'lllS \\l| MAM rai rt-tKo sv j ' lyj THE IHCHAHD IiFPEBB 00., 1 atlabta, oa. / * ~ V-' ''o.' 1 -i.' ~*z"zi '-*Z~z x ~c"C' -o' v'— •- ncDir Mn Thew ° nderfui Ilf JLVIUnjIH, Blood Purifier .. Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old . Sores, Constipation, (iout, and All Diseases caused by impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED Africana Has Never Failed Iu a Mingle inatanceoutof the hundreds treated. Therefore, wc offer it to the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake the most desperate case on which other ao-called infallible cure* have failed. Africana is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever dis covered for the above uamed diseases. Write for further particulars, testimonials, etc. Africana Cos., Atlanta, Ga. For sale by Hi&nraorlladley. * TUB ui#l Only NJBW dnoo tbi oauiunbli ti at * NO OU) an 4 WO* THUaSS BUOOB fuISU sud BCBT i. tW ~ rf |D S“„ U £? * nd p ATENT MEDICINES *** Ff * lur v VThIU I*Wfcd and AfUad Faiuto Ghoim* TutUt Hoapa, OsnLn sad Fwld Bed, also Oil* ol at! kinds Eto Etoi LEA a DSSs tO IN ÜB oSS LlN™®' WE ARE ™ DR. A. J. MATHEWS, (Successor to DR. J. W. QUILLUN,) MAIN STREET, THOMSON, GEORGIA I’ICITXO SeASvOJN* I NOW in n., the Ladies will want their Picnic Dresses. And Shield’s is the place to £et them! I have (he Latest Styles and Lovliost Patterns' of Dress Goods that can bo bought. My Lino of Ducks, Piques, Suitings, O- gadies* Dimities, Muslins Linen Kfleets, that ia going to be so much worn, and 'A hite Goods in Swiss. I.inon Lawns, Lawns ami Nainsooks is Varied and Complete. This is the Largest stock I ever had, and to help them move I have marked the prices Low Down. My Slaw Hats are Stylish and np to date they are selling well come at once to get your choice. I Dandle Warner's, Wa'.chspring and Ft & G Corsets in nice goods, and several stylos of lower grades. 1 have a large stock 01 Embroideries and Insertings in Mull a„d Hamburg; sloo the latest in Laces, Tan, II Hirer, Cream and White, of any width and quality Cheaper than I seer knew them. L A DIES’ Collars and Cuffs, Belts, Gloves, Mitts, Handkerchiefs Hosiery of all kinds, Perfumery, Face Powders, etc. Shirt Waist sets Link limtons and Single Studs for Ladies’ Collars and Cuffs, and Shirt Buttons for Gents. A dandy line of siugle Hair Pins in dif ferent styles. Shoe Polish in Black, Tan, Russet and Ox Blo.d. Now in store a pretty Lino ol SHOES, and just the Handiest Line of Slippers you ever saw for Ladies, Gents and Children. NEW stock of SOFT HATS, Black. Buown and Drab, latest shapes and colors. I will open Straw Goods in a few days, and some of them are pretty enough for anything. I have just rvoeived a lino of BICYCLE SUIT’S, LINEN SUITS and Coats mid Vests, neat and up to date. LAI NDLIiEI) SHIRTS, in Silks, Percales and Chev'ots, Puff ed Bosom and Pleated, with aud without Collars. Collars, Cuffs One-lia f Hose, Handkerchief*, Suspenders, etc. JEANS, Cassimcres, Kerseys ami Cottonudcs; also Domestics such as Bleychings, Sea Islands, Homorpuus, Drills and Checks. Be sides a large Liuo ol NOTIONS, embracing nearly Everything in that line. ALL of the above will bo sold Low for Cash. COME to see me! My men will treat you ritjht, and give you Close JYice.t. They have my instructions To Sell and Sell (fuieUy. Expecting you to give a chance to prove words, lam Very truly yours, / jr, Smt'iPS, NO, 3 Brick Row, T. A. SCOT.T Announces to tbe Public that be is now teady to snow the URGES! lIID MOST ITTRiCTIVE STOCK 89?” Te has ever brought to this market. he Ladies are cordially invited to Examine his Stock o, IDress G-oocLs IH-ess Flannels, Plaids, Robes. Cacinr.rres. Ilenrettus, Silks, Velvets an. Velveteens and a handsome line of Trimmings. A Beautiful and well Assorted ineof GKETS, BLAZES, CAPES and FURS IN I iootw and Nlioes I '.’arry a Large Stock. Come and Examine Quality v.,d P,„ €£ OTIIIA Qyy-n M.v S oek was never -o'ter. Soils for Fat Men, Suits for Lean Men f, ’ r Y,,uth - Or Boys and Suits fo- Children. I ,t!so h-ive a Large Line of SAM ’L r iS TO BP MADE UP, Fits Guaranteed. Suite made to order tn t';n days. HATS and. 0-A-i=s For Men, Boys. Misses and Children CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Never so Attractive. harness, Saddles, bridles. Horse Cover and Lap Kobes at very Low Prices. A W ELL ASSORTED LINE OF— STAPLE AND FANCY GEOCESIEL All Departments are now full and price.* Low. THE TIME FOR BUYING Spring and-;-mm 3c :.d pgr. Is nere, and *,ose that come first get tbe choice THOMAS. t l. SCOTT, Xos.l iu.d 2 Brick Row, Thomson; Geo^i, A FFW FACTS FOR THE FARMERS Jno - L * Holzendoif can save you dollars Oio. L. Holzendorf can make your pro duce return old-time values. 'Jno. L. Holzendoif can sell you what you need m return for what yOu wisi. to sell and these facts arc worth a multitude of theories about “hard times” and “dull trade.” II you can make a dollar go as far as it used to* do there is no such thing as hard times. The principle fact is this: John L. HolzendoJ has adjusted his trade to the new condi tifinicltj]] 1 - ] telligenee au.t thrift to help him along. John L. Holzendorf means business. Sewa e > i ; > ; , 21b Can Cert Htb Can Apples , 80 Pages Memorandum Books s'^ 25ct P’k'g Writing Paper etc.. j oas Curri Combs Nix Papers Needles & ( School Slates, I.orge Size g Sir Rubber Pencilgf Rubber End y cu Two Quires Writing Paper 5eU Two Packages Envelope* lOcts Plug Tobacco 2 Qt Coffee Pc's ™ 3 “ ” > 12cts. ” ” • Iscts. Pint Dippert. 2 Qt Dippers * “ Milk Bucket. loots' : ’ • . • iscts Lowest Pi-icos ErcT’Knomn in Thomson. JNO. L. HOLZENDORF.