McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, July 11, 1899, Image 2

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the McDuffie journal. J. E. WHITE, Euitob *xr Paor-moB 11..1.I 1 ..1. 111 1 . TUESDAY, JULY 11, IS9O. YYe are glad to state that our As j socialo Editor, Air Furman Pearce, : who has been quite ill for several weeks, is much improved, We hope he will booh entirely regain his health. Last week being a holiday we did not issue any paper, and our corres pondence has accumulated, so that we nro compelled to postpone and abridge much of it. We are very grateful to our friends for their lib eral contributions to our columns. PEAKING ITEMS—Dtmra. Ta CnnckponiUata, I wish to make a request of our oorrer poudeuta, both old and young. At prei.- eut we have not a correct or reliable lint of your names, which, all of you must know, is very important both to tho Tub Journal and to our Olub. During tho long illuess of our Editor lost year our Club heeaine aealtercd and disorganized, ao that now it la necessary to perfedt a thorough reorganization. *We wiah to know who are, or who consider them selves, members of onr Club. Therefore, I. will aak all of you (except those who liuve written to Tub Journal since our rencut Reunion, or who had articles for the paper in the hands of the Edit: r at that time; to write to Mr. White and infi rm hint wnether or not you wish to continue with our Club, I earnestly hope that all of you will prove faithful, mid retain your membership in our band, sending in the nows and gos sip of your in ighborlrood as often oh possible. But, in case you decide to discontinue your connection with Tub Journal, pleoao notify ns at oueo, SWEETWATER - Eumtsnra. T>-n Sabbath Bonoon every Sabbath afternoon at 4 (O'clock,,except the Third Bahbath, when ■it ■lee Hr-nt 1 10 o.clook iu the loreuloou. Vbutuactbu Hsnviciu wrtl# begin at this place ou Friday next, end will probably continue a week, if not longer, Our Pastor is expecting nn < inmiin'iit minister from Augusta to hi him in the church work—that of Reading souls to Ohrist, and working for of siuners- which in truly i11.,1 gi.-.i. ,i 1. that. in.a ChujDßkn'b Dai. We are beginning preparations for Children's Dny, and expect to Uavo an interealing Piogrammc and a large at tendance ; but, as no have not yet deed ed on the day, wo will announce that latte on. The loug continued drought has enue ed much distress, and the brethren in our prayer mcctinga and Hmulnv school are prayiug eaineatly for rain. And I believe tin hr prayers will be answered, Wo had a nice, gentle shower lust eve ning and good prospects for nnotlier this evening. I think it m right to pray for ’ both te&poral nod spiritual tileaninga if wa pray iu tho right spirit—the spirit of trust, contrition and subraissioa—mid I think prayer and protracted rolig'ons services are aiueli needed iu this com munity, as wo have quite a number out of Uio ark of safety, and others who should attain to a higher standard of piety, that they may make xenlonp, scl ive Christiaan. We know this is to tie gained by nurture and admonition from the source of all wisdom. We cordia'ly invite all who onn do so to attend. Mietes Ethel nuil Lula Johnston, two very popular aud attractive young Indies of Wares boro, are visiting rtlulives ami j friends in this community, and with their sweet and gentle manners are ronk jauy friends and winning many hearts. They were - honored guests at the home of the writer last eveng. Mr. G. Allen Johnston, a popular and talleuted young gentleman of Waresboro visited routines iu this community re cently, and was a gneat at tho home of tbe writer. With his happy, genial dis position, noble qualities ami affable dis position he made many friends, who wt 1 be pleased to see him when lie comes again. With best wishes to our tieloved Presi dent, esteemed K liters and correspond ents, aud hoping to a a> long letters from our correspoudeu s,|l will close. FAIRVIEW—O.-tlsk Joe. A MIST.OtK ConllKl-TRU, Tbe McDuffie Enterprise states that tmr Geueral Meeting will convene ou Friday before the fourth Sunday iu July. This is wrong. R will commence ou Tuesday, the first day of August. Tho many frier ds of Miss Wi'lie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. IVarre, will regret to learn that she is seriously 1 ill with malarial fever. Everybody busy eating and shipping cantaloupes, Jotui Hardy U getting fat: aud even this writer is beginning to j (well a little. Mr, J. N. IVarre aud bis daughter, Miss Mamie, spent several days iu Au gusta lust week. [Much of Ostler's letter will do to keep, and is, therefore, postponed until jiejt issue,—Er> ] ESSAY. OK SUNDAY SCHOOI, LKSSON FOB JUDY 2. GRACIOUS INVITATIONS, H'ISBi 1. 14. BY MU'. FRTKB KNOX. YOUNO I.ADIBs’ IIIIII.K CI.ASS, METHODIST t UNDAY SCHOOI,, In this Lr on we find Israel on the voiga of wreck and ruin, and the people looking to Egypt and Assy ria for help. Ten of the Tribes bad set up an independent government, over which Jeroboam FI reigned ns King They had also established Idolatry, and tho moral corruption of the nation was almost universal. r i he rest of the Israelites retained the name of Judah, with Uzziuh ns King. They, too, were steeped in Idolatry and wickedness. Hosea was a native of the north ern or Isrnelitish kingdom, and be gan prophesying when about 27 y.iars of ago, his prophecies being | embraced within the years 781 to 725 13. C., a period of about 59 years. During this period the Prophet boldly and fearlessly rebuked the wickedness of the people, and told them of the destruction that awaited them if they did not turn from their sinful ways. In the first verse of the Lesson wn find Hosea onlrealing the Israelites to return unto tho Lord with pray ers for forgivness for tlioir many and continued transgressions, and describing to them the many bless ings and groat prosperity that God would bestow upon them if they would harken to liis voice aud obey his urgent call. This return to God, for which tho Prophet so passionately pleads, re quired then, us it does now , tho re nunciation of all sin, au honest and full confession ami sincere penitence, followed by a consistent life. It had been a universal custom among tho Jews to atlouo for their sins by carrying burnt offerings and making sacrifices to God. Instead of these, Hosea urges them to take words, meaning earnest prayers ex pressed in words. Of course were formal words ure of no avail. The Prophet gives us God’s kind and merciful answer to the sincere prayers of a contrite people— -1 1 will heal tlioir muikslilii.g, I will love them freely; for mine anger if turned away from thorn." This Lesion is just ns applicable to us to-day ns it was then to the Israelites, and the sumo glorious call and promise will strengthen aud con sole tho many thousands who are to follow. God is just the same to day, yesterday and forever, and is just as anxious to forgive and nave all who will come unto Dial, In another promise Hosea com pares God’s goodness to tho dew of Israel. YY r e cannot, realize what the dew to Is'-nel whs unless we remem ber that Palestine had no Summer rain, and were it net for lhe masses of life giving vnpor, brought by the Weet wind li'otu tho Medetcrruuean and condensed at night into dew, vegetion would often wither and die. This dew was to the Israelites what our refreshing Summer showers uro to our own country. Hence the force and strength of the beautiful figure. When the pardon of God is graci ously bestowed upon the heart of the penitent, many other blessings always cluster around it. lie prom ised the Israelites universal proper ty il they would abandon their sins and return unto Him; and the prom ise would surely have been abun dantly fulfilled if tho people had not tui ned a deaf ear to the cry of the Prophet. Israel was never so great, powei l’ul and rich ns under the reign of Solomon, when the Mosaio law, in spired o( God, was strictly observed; and hi dory conclusively shows that the nations Hint have been most obe dient and loyal to God have been most highly favored by Him, The wealth of to day is in tho lands of Christian peoples. The Prophet notes the effect that restored Israel would have upon upon oilier nations. People of their own accord would seek homos and citizenship iu tho land where they would (ind new and vigorous life, liberty and prosperity. A truly Christian nation is lhe home of civil- ization and always attracts immigra- 1 lion, of which our country is a living i proof. Tho close of tbe Book of Hosea contains n number of beautiful illus trations of leading truths of the New : l’estament, among which tbe follow ing are prominent and important: He who sins against God is in the way to ruiu, because to persist in iu -1 iquity is sure destruction, i God does not leave wayward sin- I nrs to perish, but sends bis minis ters to warn them of tbe wrath to ! come, and to urge them to forsake ■ their evil wavs and return uuto Him. AVhile sinners continue in iniquity IJ is anger is kindled against them, hut v/hen they repent and seek Him his wrath is turned into love, and his forginess is free, bounteous and abundant. - 0 APPLING-By Ouida. It v. T. 11. Tliimmons will begin pio tracted meeting a! tho M thodiat church in this place oil the 4th Sunday ii st. I have been innl-.i ig iff irts to write to oar dear old paper ever since onr Picric. I c< ltoinly enjoy these Reunions of oars, for it is a great pleasure to meet aud | mingle with each othei in happy social j freedom, besides, onr Club meetings are | very interesting and ius'rnc ive to me. I tl i ik they ure the best feature of our Rennious. Wo should ever be grateful to onr Senior Editor for his untiiiig effor s to instruct and inqrovc us. I can most earnestly assert that I have r ceiv and wonderful benefit from his | atieut train ing, and with reucwrd'courage and de termination I will continue to strive for other and higher improvement. We all enjoyed and ap| reelated the humorous remarks and suggestions of our oor'respondent, "Graybear I,” in onr meeting. May lie live long to add sun shine and strength to whatever may np build tho Master's cause. Our Junior Editor is surely one of the 1 br glitesf, handsomest and most popular young journalists iu the Htate. We are glad to claim him as onr friend anJ co worker ia building up aud sustaining our paper. Then there Is onr President, “Bister Dumps." How could our band exist without her valuable services ? To see her beaming fnee and hear her cheering voice is iike a shower of sunshine on a ! dreary day. And how oould wo have a Picnic witlrour her? She is always just I where she should be, to greet and wel come each correspondent. We all love ! Sister Dnmpp. It was ivul naughty in John Hardy to offer to snrremler his office. We need just Bticb competent and faithful officers as ho and Dumps at the head of our band. I was glnd to meet n number of our new correspondents at the I’icuio I hope they will find our baud au ever iu- I creasing source of profit and pleasure. | I must eapecidly tliauk Bud oomph-: ment “Midget’ o.i her very creditable! write-up of our Piouio. But let me say i to her that there is nothing strango in j Jeanette’s objection to Bro. Walker’s j motion in reference to tho marriage en-! gagement* of correspondents, for is a cnitiuu luichclcr in our milkin': lug i■ 11-1- truti..lll t'dl Si |■. ml . , f'lniggAai I V. l! 't . and H neighbor. I am sorry to sla'e tl'af**©^ improveruout in Mr. (1. M. dilion. Ho is nffl eted with that most j dreaded malady, ooi sumption. Mr. Jerry T. Smith aud family nro up at their country home, Apple Grove, for the Summer. Mr. C. O. William* with his bride ir spending a n.onth a'. Ida homein Illinois. Mrs. A. 11. Gray has returned to her home from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Jolm Marshall. Mis. Clem 1). Bailey an l children, of Ilarlcm, spent this week with Alts. Lucy Malone. Miss Nellie Reese returned last week ' from Wilkes oouuty. Mrs. 11. T. Clary ia in Augusta at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Oliu Young, who is quite sick. Mr. Alvah Reese spent a few days with ; relatives iu Appling tl is week. Senator Matt Gross of Tluimto i spent Tuesday in Appling. Miss Grnoo Hulznnbake of Atlanta ia visiting Mrs. Lucy Msl >uo, Mrs. Frank Gray aud children, P. R. Martin and family and J. V. Marshall and family spent Friday at Rousseau, Messrs. Gene Averelt and S. Neal of Winfield spent the day Saturday with ; Reese Marshall. A match game of base hall was played hero today between the Marshall and Appling teams. The game was called at ! the sixth timing, the sooro being Gto 1 in favor of Marshall. Dbatu or Mil. Blount. Mr. K. J. Blonut, a highly respeoted citizeu of this county, died of cnucer at his home uear Urovetowu, ou Monday, July 8, 1899, aged ab int 58 years. Ills body was interred iu the Bailey burying ground at Appling, Rev. Ttios. H. Gib son of liariem conducting tbe services. Mr. B 1 uut l-aves a wife, a son aud two daughter'. He was a member of - the Methodist church, and died in thut faith. He was a Confederate soldier i brave ami true, and a goo,! aud useful i citizen, whoso death is deeply deplored by many friends relatives. SWEET HOME— Blue Belle. After having company forawhiV, 1 am all alone this afternoon, and foil like chatting with onr baud for a few mo ments. I was real sorry I eonld not attend the Joubxal Picnic, but sickness prevented. I had made every airaugemont to go but failed to oarry out my plaus. All report a most eujoyab'e dav. 1 was glad to | learn that onr President was reelected, j I do uot thiuk her place could be filled I with a more earnest a id competent work j or, or oue that is loved so much as “Sis- I ter Dumps.” Of all our hand she is the one for the place. The loug drought greatly injured this section. Gardens rre dried up, no cab bages or beaus, aud crops are looking bad for lock of rain. I WINDYKOOD— Kesiah Staixinb. j : I was so disapponited in failing to get to go to onr Annual Picnic that I have not been able to write. I don't think ; tbirc wav ever a time when I wanted to go anywhere so much. Bit the mncL- I needed rains had come and the mps had Ito be plowed right (hell. We had a mule crippled and another sick (In eanam -1 yro sick ; but they are right smart alike anyway ; they are so coutrary that they . always get crippled at the wrong time), and it s emed that cvi rything I apt cned ;to keep me away from the Picnic. My I better half, seeing that I was so at x’oi s 1 1 go, actually offered to stop a plow to cury me (o the station and meet me again in the afu raopn. But I knew that meant 10. i ,g a half day, and seeing how nice he was about it, I became very ami able and t II him that I could not think of putting him to so much trouble, aud that maybe mxt year the Picnic would lie earlier alien ail wool 1 not he so busy. So I hope the (.‘l.ib will consider Ibis aud try to arrange it that way. And I hope also that every member of the Cl b will be pa-sent nt our next Rein im. I felt peculiarly interested in onr Re union this year, because we weie not able to hold oue list yiar. Then we entertained giave fears of oar Edilo-'s recovery. It has been a year now since be was saved, not only from hope ess invalidism, hut the prayers of his many friends were answered, aud the lietter part was saved to work for the M.s'er ; and he is still going bravely and frailest ly cm in the right way. Our Reunion oertaiuly should have been a thanks giving to us ail. Our crops were considerably damaged by tho recent hail and wind storm. Fenc cs were blown down and email houses unroofed. We think the cotton will be all right and the sunshine will straighten up tho corn, and we may make funly good crops after all. A good crop of peas has been planted, i and looking well, Borne corn was plant ed ufter oats; but, a a geueial thing, I the oeru iu this otiou ii considered u ; failure. Chix.pbbn's Day at Pine Grove. Wo had the pleasure of attending the i interesting exercises of Children’s Day j at Pine Glove, where there was a crowd and plenty of good things to eat. ; The exercises wiru Vi ry good. The! cbildr -a 'acted their parts wel, and the j fiuging wai greatly enjoyed. They have j soma good .Hiugers iu their own sohoo l , ; and had some fiue voices to j help Ro> and Mr. Alvin and Messrs. Geo. : ■ 11 s interest in Sunday j school worj* The dayfwaa greatly enjoyed by ad, j and we hope to have the same pleasure ! with the good people of Pme Grove oft- j en iu the future. The Ei-couth Lf.aoue. The White Oak League lias not held I many mcctinga while the farmers were j so busy, but we held a short conference i Sunday, the 9th, and agreed to work more fuitlif illy for the League than ever before. All of the old officers were re elected. A committee was appointed to arrange r program for our next meeting on the j Gtli Sunday. Bro. Walker, onr Pres - j ileu*, wilt preach a League sermon that j j day, and we hope to have a good attend- ; anco aud a number of additions to our | | ranks. We are glad to see so much iu- j tercst manifested. HEPIIZIBAU ITEMS, -By R. L. R. Rev. E. 11. Wood filled his regular ap i pointmauts here and at Berlin to-day. 1 j Following the moruing service hi re the ■ Lord’s Supper was oelebrated. Rev. J. H, Oliver, who has 'aeon quite sick, is improving. Tho Misses Farmer left Saturday for Lawtonville, where they will speud lomo . time with relatives. Hon. W. 0. Sibley of Bath spent Sat urday in the village. Miss Lillian Clarke returned F.iilay from a pleaseut visit to friends Angus a. Messr, Will and Bruoe Long aud Rog- j es Staliius of Augusta are iu the village. ; “* Sunday Sohoo' Convention. Tha Sunday School Convention for the Me* en a Circuit will be held at Me- j sena on Friday, July 14th, proximo. A very interesting program of exer, iaes will bo presented, amt a large attemluLC expected. Everybody is invited. Glorious News. Comes from l>r. I). B. Cargyle, of Wash tab, I. T. He writes; “Four bottles if Electric Bitters have cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused he great suffer ing for years Terrible sores would break out on her head and face aud the best doc tors could give no help; but her care is complete and her health is excellent ” This shows what thousands have proved—that Electric Bitters is the best btood purifier huown. It is the supreme remedy for Ec zeiua, Utter, salt rheum, ulcees, tioils end running sores. It stimulates liver, kidaes and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up strength. Only lit) cents. Sold by Harrison A Hadley, Druggists. ! ; B Morphine- Rnd Whisker hat> II I'll j T llt * l * treat**! without paiu or I I 111 Ijl confinement. Cure guaran- II | I| I 111 teed or no pay. It. H. VEAL, 111 IU . Bl Maa'gr I.ithia Springs San- W 9 9fy 988 iUuriuui, Dox 3, Austell, Ga 1 African \ 3 — v„ % 6 1 I I Gotten Seed [ I==, = | 1 Free, 1 l 3 Anyone who sends one dollar J; for a year’s subscription to the * 3 Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal £ 3 can ffet postpaid one pound of the ® 5 celebrated African Limbless Cot -2 ton Seed without charge. J A pound of these seed will fr 3 plant one-fifth of an acre, and g, 2 with proper attention should 2 yield enough to plant a crop. The seed were tested in a list 3 of thirty varieties by the Georgia % j| Experiment Station and a bul- f; lctin recently issued by Director 6 3 Redding - *m. w-> that the African % if Eimbleas Cotton produced 70 J 2 pounds more per acre than any i - J other variety, and 161 pound# ( more per acre than the average \ 2 of thirty leading - varieties. * 2 The African Limbless Cotton t 3 produced 7SO pounds of lint per £ a acre, which is nearly four times % j the average on the farms of the g 3 South. This shows what high fr 3 fertilization aud thorough cult- £ 2 ure will do with these excellent j 3 Seed. The value of the product, ft % counting cotton at 5 cents and £ S seed at 13 cents a bushel, was j 2 over $45 per acre. The cost of f * fertilizers used was $4.77 per acre, f -3 The Journal does not guarantee £ J results, but the result of the test J 3 at the Experiment Station makes (• ! | it worth a farmer’s while to test f. i ?f these seed when he can get them * - J for nothing. 3 The Journal brings yon the f> j 2 Nkwb ov th r World Twica a | j w Wkkk, with hundreds of articles || ! w of special interest about the farm, ft I % the household, juvenile topics, % ! 2 etc., aud every Siiuthern farmer T | f should have the paper. 3 You don’t have to wait a week J f m for the news, but get it twice as c 2 often as you do in the weeklies, j S which charge the same price. | I 5 Agents Wantisd Evkrywhkhk. f ] 2 Bcud for a sample copy. | j 3 I j Address fr | THE JOURNAL, Atlanta, Ga. I h£i ¥ L, J J i L Ja < ™ f t ■ ■ ] i I 4k| "Jg 1 I R ■ 1 fl j| tv* marks. DESIGNS. ' COPYRIGHTS &C. AnyGno Bon<slßr n .*.koi.*h und deacrtptlon n a> qult kly iu>r?rt;Uii, whothor an Invention i* prot>Hbly <\*iniminicfttlonii atrtrt.ljr oonttdeiitfsl. Oldest accney forwcuriiiK patents In A merle*. We !'ivo a Washington office. I’atcntfl t.Tken tl roßh Muim A Cos. rcvyiTO special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrate \ inrirt *t etrrulntiou of miv acieutlfki jounml, wk!y, termss3.oo a year; 51.50 six tnonthn. Specimen copies suit Hand 800# OS i’ATKNTS scut free. AddTSM MUMN A CO., 301 IlrottUwav N**w York. Complete Tffiil, Sngino AND- GIN OUTFITS, And Repairs, Fittings and Supplies for same. Also, all kinde ol Machine, Boiler, Pattern, Foundry Blacksmith Braes, Iron and Stcc Work promptly aone with GOOD MEN and Tools. Largo stock ol material to select from. Have 100 bauds employed. GEO. R. LOMBiRD&OC Above rtepot, near Water Tower AUGUiTA - - GHO KOI Y GEORGIA RAILROAD. —AND— Connections : .toj information as to Routes, Schedules aud Rates, both Passenger and Freight write to cilhcT of the undersigned. Y'ou will receive prompt reply ! and reliabla information. A. O. JACKSON, JOE W. WHITE j Oea’l Pass. Agctt. Traveling Pass Ag't. AUGUSTA, GA. S. VY. WILKES, 11. K. Nicholson C. F. & P. A. G. A. Atlanta. Athens. \Y. W. llAcmvinx, S. E. Maoil, S. A. C. F. A. Slaeon. Macon. M. It. Hudson, F. W. C S. F A. S. F. i Pi 1 Millcdville.u A | T. A. SCOTT Announces to tbe Public that he is now ready toanovr the EEST SSD MOST iOSCTHE STOCK COP?' 1 He has ever brought to this market. .he Ladies are cordially invited to Examine his Slock ov duress • GrcocLs, Dress Flannels, Plaids, Rohes, Cashmeres. Ilenrettas, Silks, Yclveto and Velveteens and a handsome line of Trimmings. A Beautiful and well Assorted inoof JACKETS, BLAZES, CAPES and FURS IK Boots fiiul Nhocs I Carry a Large Stock. Come and Examine Quality arid Pur--' CL O'LJIJ'Lt My Stock was never be ter. Suits for Fat Men, Suits for Lean Men Suits for Youths, Sui 8 for 80/s and Suits fo- Children. I also have a Large Line.,: SAMPLES TO BE MADE UP, Fits Guaranteed. Suits made to order in ton days. ■H3I-A.T3 ajad. CLA.IFS 01 Men, Boys. Misses and Children A W KLL ASSORTED I,IKE OK ECshrd.' AND CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Kc.ver so Attrantive. flarness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Cover jiihl Lup Roben at very Low Prices. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. All Departments are now full and prices Low. T UPTIME FO RBU YIN c; Spring an,a Summer Goods fs here, an * * hode thatcctno first got liio choice* A’IIOHSAS. A. SC OTT. ✓ Nos. 1 hml 2 Brick Row. Thomson, Geo* , e;ir ■ Clbson Drug Compnay W E ro offering DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES at prio 'hat defy competition. Look at our prices aud judge for yourself, an-- w you need medicines, coruo trade with the people who tiring; > oa down. itegular Onr PricH. Price. SYRUP SARSAPARILLA $1 00 75c SCOTT’S EMULSION COD LIVER OIL.. 100 75c SS.S 1 00 75c ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER 50c 30c FOLTZ’ CATTIJS POWDERS 250 15c GILDER’S PILLS 250 150 CARBOLIC SALVE 250 15c ALLCOCK'S PLASTERS 20c 10 c HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA 15c 10 c SALTS 1b.... 10c 5e Everything else in proportion. GIESON DRUG Cos. MAIN STREET Thomson, Georgia. -''V bijauS i>CW hook g?**. REPUBLIC OK EMPIRE? UL*. */ THE PHILIPPINE QUESTION PUk , NW.WRIUMJ.Br ,<s f ▼ // -At** ,i<>Br * v **. Alien. Whit., (lor. * ' v’“ f* man. Hneon. Mksou. Daniel, * •‘fl’,!' ITov w J RnviN Chilton. Boiler, McLuoria, TUI- „ * . ni * n . Money. Turner. Teller, How. AXT>BEW CaRXEGIK. r.dmands clay: Hon H. V. Johnson. TTou. Che*. A. Towns, Hon. Adlai E. Steven eon RiAagntarv Oar. lula, R*r. Dr. Van Dvke, Hen. Ohae. Fraud* Adana. Prof. David Starr Jordan <ien I VYaavar linn Carl Schor*. 8 am’l Oompera. Pnt. Am. F. 1 of and otharu Jortlan - ‘ Hearer, Hon. tite •casATiua <jr C j. NTrjl V. IMPERIALISM AND ABSOLUTISM DEKGUNCeO. . S.nomlonUJ. ■ THK roou KA.VS u>Ar>." 4 osdmM Is MwCMMUtaMoB THE GOSPEL OF A HiCHfR Cl'/ILI7AT!f!M ANO FROADEH LIBERTY. THE ONLY HOCK ON THE SHWECT. AGENTS wanted. ton-penult, of Mr Prrn u tfc. Mkw con- PhiSST' T ii lil”. ‘" i; !!! 'K™* 't" rondllior, .tt4 mlm lath. Iliil.pptnw,. Nothin. Ilkait '-for- i ln book-pot 1 :.t;it;. a torj bon.m. for t.ta, j of s c ‘~i The first Edition, 100,000 copie*. A !anr* octavo trook. beautiful nrw typo. 1 °° “‘ h **™ sl, * *° 60 ‘"X** *a% ci*h I r, 7 TUT *** Wo mahe ne charge for the complete Pro.^rkectue Onffit. with biank*. etc,, but aa ench Outfit Ccwte n~. s lot of n-oney. (n order to protect onraelTce PV.Iro-t many who would impose npor. ne by rmdlnp for Outfit with no intentir.n of workinw but ; jacwlv rnt of 1.11 > curiouity. w re- .: .re the a, >uc .• u o* , T o.l fclth o-t i ,rt j lo J -*c to coeer pof-tasr- n 1 wrappini', title aaiani \p be reitindt and to mcaaiv receipt e* Qr order 10 book*. VV * P reiunata to •.(. upon our ; Heat Cloth Rindine , l.ust Half Husain Binding, with marbled edires7"**7” "’ v Beet Full Russia Biadirur. with cold edecs j W rite tnr onr laparnileled Term* te A ecu to. Aidrne— THE INDEPENDENCE COMPANY, Publishers, FRANKLIN 3UILDINC. CHICAGO, FINK,^T) DEALER IN Iffiics, Liqu.oi*s, Cigars# Tobacco, Etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION G.VEN TO THE JUS TRADE. liN'o- 847 Broad St*. A.uszusta> Ga.