McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, October 24, 1899, Image 2

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the McDuffie journal. J. E. WHITE, Kditc* awe PnoPuiiroa TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1899. Oar a lamas arc so much crowded thi < week that wo are compelled to pobtpuno a unumber ot iuleroving articles. Onr goctl fiiinda, Mr. and Mrs. Si lm Bseso, of White Oak, paid as a visit thin weak which we very much enjoyed. Governor Candler’* Messngo to the General Assembly !* one of the ablest, strongest and most sensible public docu ments in the history of the B ate. With this issue will be found a hand some Supplement representing the ur -at mercantile establishment of J. B. White ft Cos., of Augusta, and recommend it to the consideration of our readir*. Tho member of the pres mt General Assembly who returns to his constitu ents without having made at least an lionet,t effort to reduce the present bur densome taxation, had butter hide out in the woods. Pensions are intended not for tho rich but for tho destitute and lielpleas; and the ex-Oonfederate who, having a com fortable income, clriw* pension money much of which ho knows it taken from the scant earning* of the poor, degrades bis manhood, and disgraces the cause and tiro flag for whiuli ho fought. After a rousing welcome and a sword presentation to Brumby, and a visit to the State Fair and tho Midway attrac tions, the Legislature has got down to business, and is facing sonic very impor tant matters. Among other measures which call h r prompt ami energetic ac tion nru Taxation, the Elcotivo Fran chise, tho Australiad Ballot, an Auti- Trust measure, Htatc Prohibition, Ap propriations for Schools and Pensions, and n Constitutional Convention, if the members do their duty they will have very little time for auylhiug else. Mr. Tompkins, who has tlio contract in build the now Cotton Factory, low contracted with Mr. Filter Knox to build ten tenement hotiaea on tho Mill prop erty, anil ho could not hove (elected a better man. Mr, Knox haa unbounded industry, energy and koikl judgement, and tho houses will not only go up promptly, but tho ooutraot nil Ibo faith fully and satisfactorily perf or mod. Several year* ago our Town Council pained an Ordinanoo forbidding barber tsbops to bo opened on Sunday, and the law in rigidly enfoioed ; and yet, every Sunday our streets nro thronged with half-grown negro bootblacks, who ply their trado and gather in the nickels without interference. Now, wo would like for our City Fathers to explain why they forbid the violation of tho Sabbath iu one instance aud permit it iu the other. FAIRVIEW ITEMS. JOE. I nm surely grateful for the improved fl nanoial condition of our country. Cotton Wn* injured l>y tho drought, but the price i much higher than hint yens, and tho corn crop in tins neighborhood is good. Mr. Wilson Johnson is still quite sick, but we hopo ho M ill soon be up again. Miss Elite Hall spout several days last week with Mins Future. Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Wiggins spent sev eral days iu Augusta this week. Mrs. lfallio Wimburn, of Bearing, and Mm. C. A\ Prather wore guests of Mr. J. M. Wall Sunday. Found Pkai>. John Henry Marshall, colored, wn found dead iu tho woods near Mr. S. It. Weathers place. Ho was evidently murdered, and was horribly mangled, apparently with an axe. Jerry Taylor, Deloach Evano aud one of old Joe Kitts boys, all colored, have been arrested char god with the crime. DEARING DOTS- By Vivian. Hero I ara again, after an absence of two weeks, not with a great deal of nows, but to keep our Hand from forgetting me. Wo arc having nice weather now, and beautiful moonlight nights, Mrs. J. H. Wimburn spent Saturday with Miss Nora Wall, who a quite aiek at her borne near Thomson. Mr. *ui\ Mrs. J. It. Print,ip, of thin pluoo yisitod Thomson on Thursday hist. Miss Daisy Watson paid s short visit to Augusts ou Monday lust, to see her oousiu, Mrs. T. C. Culpepper, who lias boon very Bick, but, wo t glad to state, is now im proving. Mr. Earl Cody, ono of Thomson’s bright young men, sprat Sunday last in Denting, Mr. W. S. Clarke made a business visit to Augusta on Friday. Mr. S. T. Watson and bright little neph ew, Master Jimmie Harris, spent a vory pleasant day iu Augusta Friday. Mis. Fannie lteeves is visiting at the home of Mr. K. Culpepper this week. Mrs. TANARUS, E. Phillips is visiting her sister, Mro. J. It. Priutup, tu our town. Mrs Evans and Mrs. Johnson, of Augus ts, were up to eee their father, Mr. I). S. liodo, on Sunday last. Mr. Philip McN ir paid us a short visit text week. — "I**! : IN MEMORY OF A BROTHERIDEAO. On the 2d day of November, 1821, in tbe county of Lincoln, Sate of Georgia, William McCorkle wu> born, the elde t of seven brothers, all in *nced£ioo, In tlix county, and near hi# birthplace, he ent aim oat hi* entire life, departing thi* life September 2<>, 1899, by renno n of strength, sealing four score years. Coining of old Methodist stock, in young manhood he j fined the church. Hi* gran father be ug a OiftMj-leader after the old typo and his father a local preacher, it woe natural that bo should join and lore the church of bln fathers. As Steward. Class' leader, Sunday Hchool Superintendent and Trnetee, he gave in those stations the best of his life. Ho served his State and country in the Civil War under that matchless soldier and states man, Hubert Toombs; and here he was true to his country and his comrades. In 1847 ho was married to Miss Juliv A. Covington, and two children were born to them—Mrs. K. W. McCord, of Lincoln comity, and W. A. McCorklc, of Augusta. The wife who for more than forty years shined with him his joys and sorrows, a few 3 ears since died in his absence. This was one of tho sorest trials of his life, yet he bore it without a murmur, looking soon to a happy reunion. Soon after her death his health began to fail. He was partially par alysed and flinally was unable to walk. He spent more than two years in a roller chair, his only means of locomotion, and here ho showed some of the pa'ienoe of Job—cheer ful all tho way—no charging of God fool ishly. Nursed by Ins loving daughter aud granddaughter so tenderly, his only trouble seemed to be that to them and his good neighbors he was too much burden. I vielted him often during his affliction, and he always assured me that he was ready, and willing to go or stay. On my last visit before the final end, in bidding him goodbye, though his tongue was silenc ed, ho grasped my hand aud w ith the other pointed Heavenward. And thus he died, surrounded by his children and grandehid ren, two brothers and one sister—all t hut aro left of a family of eleven. Hin life to ns was a blessing, and hi* tri umphant death a boned lotion. We buried him at tho old Ariinathea church near his homo. Our beautiful burial service was im M il I in cry # Tho Public is invited to call and in spect my line of Fall Millinery, which is up to date in every particular, and cheaper than the cheapest. Bargains in every line. Get my prices before buying; I auJJ| save you money. -M •1. jfi 5. K main street, next door above bank, THOMSON, GA. Fall Clothing That’s Right. The attention of tho Public in in viiod to our magnificent display of MEN’S ani BOY'S CLOTHING fir Fall Wear. Every now style, every favored weave designed for this sea son nro embraced in tho assortment. The collection is certainly one of the largest and finost ever Bhown in tho City, nnd tho prices asked make it possible for ail to wear good and sylislt clothes. FOR THE LADIES- Lot us fit your boys in the very bsst stylo at most raoderato expense. Also, if you aro not interested for tho boys, wo havo most select stock of Novelties, such as Scarfs, Bclti, Buokles; tho latest in Hats, Driving Gloves, nnd other ideas ot Fashion that wilt charm, II ATS. A Superb Stock of lIATS for Gentlemen for Inspection. ,T. WlUilE ItETY. 844 Broad Street. Augusta, G f ESTABLISHED 1887. THE OLD RELIABLE LIQUOR HOUSE SEED YOUR ORDERS TO FINK,^) DEALER IN If fixes, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION GiVEN TO THE JUG TRADE. Liquors of any kind, from £1.50 to £S.OO. Six year-old North 'aroiina Corn at sd.oo per gallon. All orders must bo accompanied by tbe cash, N*o. 8-47 Broad St.* -A.iigu.sta, Gkt. pressively read by his Pastor, Bro. Bears, J alter an appropriate discourse from the last 1 words of the great Apostle Paul to Tim otby, ‘T am now ready to be offered," etc. j On short notice a largo number of his J, friends and neighbors was present, showing how they appreciated his life and labors among them. “*! How fittingly appropriate tbe text, “I have fought the good fight, kept the faith, 1 ' i. and has now gone to w*a** 4 he crown laid up for him. No heathen lament at h s tomb, but tears for his true life, and vic tory over death aud the grave. H. iIoOoBKIX Thomson, Ga., October 17, 1899. Gnomoua News. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargyle, of Wash tab, I. T. He writes; “Four bottles of Electric Bitters have cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which hod caused he great suffer ing for ye rs. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face and the beat doc tor* could give no help; hut her cure is complete and her health is excellent ” This shows what thousands have proved—that Electric Bitter* is the best blood purifier known. It is the supreme remedy for Ec zema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils end running sores. It stimulates liver, kidnes and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up strength. Only 50 cents. Hold by Harriaou & Hadley, Druggists. Notice to Tiiachkiw and Path ns. Tho Public Schools of McDuffie ?ouu- j ty for 1000 will open on the first Mon day in Nowmbot next, and continue for five scholastic months. By order of the Board of Education. M. W. Gross, C. 8, C. Thomson, Ga. Oct. 9, 1809. For Rent or Lease- A Three Homo Farm in hip'll slate of cultivation, auil extending up to the cor pora'e limits of the Town of Thomson, McDuffie county, Ga. For particulars drop a card at Thomson PostoQlo, ot ctdl at iny room* at the old Knox House Mit*. F. A. Pasciiaju. Thomson, G.i., Out. 12, 1-99. IHMfciend:; and Patrons; i RiETircrGr n sss "Vi *’T Tm jour hin !i cis in the wo it youi r Our stock of Clothing is indeed handsome, Stylish fed Serviceable, Our Prices are lower than ever, and will ple^you. SUITS, from $6.50 to $23.00. from $3.00 to $12.00. and FURNISHING Dc-f.artr'.cii'n are complete. 1) I! KN'3 DEPARTMENT CI.O I 111 N J is hotter Wo extend a the | Suits $1.73. SPECIAL SCHOOL Suits $3.00. ■jf. t come, write ns. l'romjit attention [mid to nay the to sex & €O, ■jailor-fit Clofbiers, Old Stand, 838 Broadway, Augusta. Ga* — 1 * PWprs Need Net Sell to meet their obligations Asia Is 111?. Best Market. are Buyers all the year. Par ties to hold tlieir Cotton can store it close rates and draw within a few dolliXi per bale of its value. F\pe & Fleming CattcuJlvtors, Align-ta. 6.1. Algous for both Town and Country Risks. Representing leading Companies. Barber Shop in Hotel Yard. PETER KNOX Thomson, Ga. WARREN WALLER. Brmi F.iLCTom. $37 Reynolds Street, Ga. Standard Fireproof Warehouse. S 'ersonal attention to every detail our business. JNO. a. SMITH. T. A, SCOTT, J. T. NEAL, J. T. WEST Viee President. Cashier. Attorn# K OF WHOMSON. ! THOMSON, GA. {°Tr i STOCK $25,000. SURPLUS $7,000. finking Business Transacted. tl FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. -BOARD OP DIRECTORS }. R Printup. Tnos, A. Scott Jwo. L. Holitndokt Tons T. Wrar J. T. Niu, T. A. SCOTT 0 Announces to tho Public that he is now leady to snow the URGES! lID lei! llillllltt STICK GOPR f * "le has ever brought to this market. .he Ladies are cordially invited to Examine his Stock o\ G-ood.s Dress Flannc-Is, Plaids, Robes, llenrettas, Silks, Velvets and Velveteens and u handsome line of Trimmings. A Beautiful and well Assorted ineof JACKETS,BLAZES,CAPES and FURS IN Boots and Shoes I Carry a Large Stock. Como and Examine Quality aud Prir IN cm mm Mr Slock was never batter. Suits for Fat Men, Suits for Loan Men Suits for Youths, Suits for Boys and Suits for Children. I also haves Large Line ot SAMPLES TO BE MADE UP, Fits Guaranteed. Suits made to order in ton day's. TIuA-TS and. CAPS For Men, Boys, Misses and Children A WELL ASSORTED LINE OE 2ZsLrca."wsi,re AND CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Never so Attractive. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Cover and Lap Robes at very Low Prices. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. All Departments are now full and price? Low. THE TIME FOR BUYING ' Fall and Winter Goods Is here, nnd 'hose that come first get the choice! THOMAS. .4. SCOTT. Nos. 1 ul(1 2 Brick Row, Thomson, Geo-gb Fine "Wines and Liquors. I beg to intorrn the people 1 f Ma j Duffle and neighboring counties, and the publio generally, tbat I i have, at No. 019 Broad Street, a j splendid line of L.qnors consisting lof all grades of Whiskies, Bran j dies, Gins, Rums, Wines, and Bot tled Goods of all descriptions. I ! have as fine an assortment as can ■be found in the South; and, with ;an experience of ti,cn - y years in Thomas P. Fagan, No. 919 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Complete Mlil Engine AND I GIN OUTFITS, And Repairs, Fittings and Supplies for same. Also, nil kinds ol Machine, Boiler, Pattern, Foundry Blacksmith Brass. Iron and SteeL Work promptly aone with GOOD MEN and Tools. Large stock ol | material to select from. Have 100 | hands employ cd. GEI.I.IIIIIIDUC Above Ropot, near Water Tower AUJUfTA - - GEORG I V the business, can guarantee satis faction. I will sell in any quan tities, from 5 gallons down to half p nt. 1 make the Jug T ado a speeiaitv, and guarantee t .at cus tomers at a distance shall receive as go„d bargains as if they were here to trade in person. All orders will have my personal attention. GEORGIA RAILROAD. —AND— o nnections Tor information as to Routes, Schedules and Rates, both Passenger and Freight, write to cithoT of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliabla information. A. G. JACKSON, JOE W. WHITE Uen’l Pass. Agent. Traveling Pass Ag’ AUGUSTA, GA. S. W. WILKES, 11. K. NiCHOLSONt C. F. & P. A. G. A. Atlanta. Athens. W. W. Haudwimj, S. E. Maoil, S. A C. F. A. Macon. Macon M R. Hudson, F. W^j.C S. K A. S Millcdville