McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, March 23, 1900, Image 2

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the McDuffie journal. i. E. WHITE, Ei.itos akc Pkop..u.;res Tke OStlal Organ of MrKufH- Gounty. FBIDAV. MARCH 23, 1900, Affairs fn the Philip pirns end South Africa are not of nufllcuuit interest tliis week to require comment. Onr people aiv t< joined to learn that OjnffreMmnti Fleming linn neitrly regain •l bia health amt strength. The Baptist Htnte Oonvenijon will con vene in Griffin next week. About 800 delegates and visitor, will be in attend ance, and the good people of the loam and vicinity will entertain them with geoerons hoapitality. Admiral Dewey and wife were the hon ored guests of H .voiuniili yesterday end of Macon today, At Hivaoufl'i the Ad miral had hid (list t'Xperienoo with Ar tilhry i’unch, and it punched nearly all of the Admiral out of him. Ho hoau'l been so seasick in twenty year*. A WHITE PRIMARV. Tire Slate Democratic Executive Com mittee met in Allnntn on March 10th., •ml orderid a geuerel primary election to be brld ou the 15th day of Muy in ev ery county in the State, lor Governor aod atale house oflici re, two Justices of ♦be Supreme Court and two Prison Com- Biaaionea, Alan Juclgea . f the Superior Court and Solicitor -General, whirr the mine arc to be elected thin year. All officers are to bo voted for direct and at the same time the voter may express hin choice for Uuitcd Slalea Senator. Under the rules governing the primary it Will be necessary for voters lo register in order to be qnulided to vote. All white voters of the State, who will agree lo snppnrt the nominees of the conven tion, are invited to take part in the pri mary ; this regardless of pas parly nflili ntions. To the Executive Committees of each oonuty is intrudled the duly and the re sponsibility of prescribing ll.e method of selecting candidatca for comity ofllo •a. They may oall a Democratic prima ry, or no primary at all, as they see tit. Tbe Slate Demi erntio Oonveidion was railed to meet in Atlanta ou the 14th day of Jane, to nominate the successful cm didaUis of the priraury, and to truusaot tbe general biiaini si of tlm party. MR. JOHNSON WITHDRAWS. Khitob Journal : Having mill iv<) the nine for Solicitor Oorani of Augusta circuit at n !uto day, aod tlie Kjrcutivo Committee having or dered tbn primary on Wny lßtli, X 2nd Ibat I will be miuble to make nuoli a can wwaa of tbs olronit na I Retire, and hereby snonuncu that I nm no longer in the mco. I appreciate tlie generous offers of Hip port from many friends und their kind worda and will ever remember tlieui gratefully, P. H. Johnson. LUTHER ITEMS BY 11EED, Th Pinging Convention mot at Mt. Uo. leb church on lent Him,lay mid Saturday l.e fore. Quite a large crowd attended and a great deal of interiat wan inunifosted. let everyone taka an interest hi the convention, and do i II they can to aid In this grand and r.oh'o Work. I am glad to announce that Mr. S. J. Purvis, who was ipiite ill at my hod wilting ia Home better, but not aide to lie out yet On account of lon illness, there was no school at Bums Academy lust, week, .Mesara. J. D. and Hubert Mc’fjiero made a bnainesa trio to Augusta Uat week. Mr. A late Wien has pureiiascd him anew buggy. I know some of the girls are pre paring to take a ride in the near future, Mtssis- 0- V, Palmer and T. J. Knney viaited Mr. S. ,1. Purvhi on Sunday hist. The farmers of our community have not planted any corn yet, hut most or them are going to plant this week it die weather is luitahle. Match 111, 1900. AUTNEY NOTES. BY CLYDE. TTglt! Don’t tlie Match wind* blo'T? But | *bat do wp o.tre. if out hearts nro wnrtn ? And they bhcuKl i ver bo kept warm. It is may to do if will, nul it is pleasant not only to na, but it is doing the good LorctY Let the wind* Wow again, for they driT ovi the froit nod awcop in the flowera of spring and all the world i glad and fra grant and beautiful. This fcT the hrat Fpri* g months Her. A. J. Laxenby filled hb* regular ap pointment nt Fort Creek Siitorday and Sun day but. Mr. nud Mra. G. E. Smith apent SuudaY at the home of the writer. Mr. G. V. McUuhx-e, of iieai Wren a, Ga„ ! rpeut a abort while at Antuey Sunday after noou. Mr. and lira. L* H. McK ir passed , through Audit? Snnday afteruoou, ou their way to Deariug. CITATION. GEORGIA, > . . .-s . Mciinffle Oounly., Co,,r ' of Mr. France a V. hnnwg made ap plication for twelve luontl a aupport out of the e*Ute of U L. Ueevea. deed, und Ap pndaeiH duly H|vniuted to set apart the • tine baring filled their return, all petsoua concerned are hereby required to allow ohime before thn f Ordinary of said A • MHo! * xl.l eu. luit* i4a Uuj oi I'.'tKi. C. H ELLINGTON, Ordinary. Tbe Dixie Creamery By E E. West. Dear Editob ; ! I promised to write an article thin I week ou the D.xie Creamery; so here it j,e. Bit first I want to correct an error 1 made in Jn#t week’# letter, I #aid there wire tuo Devon cows at the Station, ilicy mtc not Devon but Durham. The Dixie Creamery i* a model build ing of it# cIuHH, though the equipment# not entirely up-to date, yet thoroughly efficient. It in a neat building and ha# the appearance of ft cottage, and won id bo mistaken for one* were it not for the engine’# #raok< -.stack. I'* equipment consists A a 15 horse power boiler and aueugiu** of less pow r, milk and cream vats, a Del-rival sep arator, 200-jallon churn, power butter worker, ice machinery and refrigerating room. A# to the ownership T am not inform ed ; Mr. Wallace, its manager, and Mr. Wing, the Btaiion dairyman, probably owning the gr atey inter Toe labor required consist# of two men, Mr. Welsh, the butter maker, who get# a good salary, and Bam, the negro all-service trfta. This i# all the labor re quired, and at preHMit they don’t get enough milk to keep them busy half the day. About an aveinge < f 1200 pound# of mi k is brought to the Creamery every day, and tbi# would turn out about 70 pound# of butter each flay if it were alt made into butter, but a great part of the milk in poatemieed and #oid a# poatem ized milk and cream. The order# for butter, milk and cream can not*be filled, and people nro waiting with pitcher#, Cftiir, etc., to buy llie but termilk as noon as it i* churned at 5 cent# per gallon. The plant i# capacitated to handle 0,000 o 7,000 pound# of milk per day And get# only 1200 pounds. No obceve i# made— indeed they hnvo no cheese im{ 1 uuentp. Mr. Wing ho# Hiioeecded in getting ex* Governor Northen to apply to the rail road# for transportation for a party of reprcß ntative dairymen and bimiue## men of Thomson to Griffin to inspect tlm Dixie Creamery, and the pause# will no doubt be scoured. A.l person# engaged in tho dairy bUHimsi or interested there in, men end women, who want to join this party of inspection should givo their name# to Mr. E. B. Wiisou no that he cau Bond them to ex-Governor Northen for the pafSi H. In my next letter I intend to write an article on Griffin, tlii# plucky, progress ive little city that can boi#t,of four cot ton factories, an oil mill, pant# factory, chaii factory, hose factory and creamery. Experiment, Gu., March 7, 1000. IH MEMORY —CP Mbs. Kora Dcbibb Gabdnkr. Casting no Hhadow before as do many mid ! event*, this bright young life went sudden j Jy out having a loving circle overwhelmed by the shock und inteimity of their sorrow. It Wan like the hl.istiug of a beautiful garden iu Spring by the breath of a Hi moon But ns the flowers will unfold again in their beauty and fiagrnnce even so this j pure spirit wtll live again und be more per-' fcctly developed by the light nud warmth permeating Paradise. In the frouhnoH'i of grief it is difficult to understand why alio should bn called in the morning of life to come up higher und rest | from her Jabots when tin* duties of mother ; hood were pro sing cloaley on her heart m.d ! ciiUiug for the beat c(Torts of her entire na ture; hut aoino sweet day we shall son clear, ly that God's plans are wiser than our plans. ’Tie true that live little hearts will hunger evermore for the emh r mother love and five littlo souls will miss the wise, watchful care they have received, but they will not be forgotten. God who cutes even for the little sparrows will remember them tender ly nnd supply their needs. These little children have a rich legacy in the record of their Mviet yo ng mother’s life nml chaiuc ter for she was good nud true, unselfish und * bravo. With a hopeful, sunny nature that o ndd ! see the silver liuiug to every cl >ud, slie was ! ever cheerful and patient, bearing bravely whatever of disappoiutuicut life, brought her. Unselfishness, however, was the moat : prominent characteristic of her nature and 1 it was this that made her lift* luminous with { words and deed* that were kind nu l help ful. She counted uo sacrifice of self in her < ff<>rts to minister to others Truly “kind hearts are more than coronets” and Mis Gardner hail a realization of this fact in the joy that came to her from deeds that wore kind, noble and true, making her “.ife one gaud sweet song. ' Q. H. Jv, Id=*t of Letter*- If not called for in dU days, the following will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Mr. Granville Ayers Mr. Frank iteas, Mrs, Mary Bentley, Mr. 11. It. Itive*. Miss Sadie Bryant, Mrs. Tommie liiee Miss Hattie Battles, Miss Shark t Boss Mr. J. 11. Huberts of Gtdlaher A Roberts Willie Bab ton Ol.orer Sktper, Miss Anne L Bentley, Mrs Mary Slaiuburg W M Coker Miss Emily Story F M Devore Kev .1 W Harp MisN Satali Green Mr David Um v Alt* lleudiVAou Mrs laiviuia Williams of Geo Bell Mr W II Hodgo Vis* Bettie Woodnrd Mi*s Wii'io Harper Mrs Son nthu Wilson Dexter J bnsou Mr Jim \S’at*on Mia Emma Ln usher Miss Cora VN diianas Miss Pit B Low Mr Nathan Watkms Mr <■ 0 McAllister Mr Otis Wurr Mrs Fannie Oiioeu W L Parker ForuTß-CLASS Matter. Mrs Mary Ad.iuvs Ella G Presley Wanted- An Idea Ss!i Pttneri v ar en: they may hrlag y u \vo!ih. Write JlSrtS W V.l>l>UUßtfKN A CO.. Pnient AUoV b>K \VRhlngti>u. I>. C.. fi*r their priU offer sad lUt vf two busUvsa *'Vtatk>u3 waute-J. COURTHOUSE AFFAIRS. MISS PANSY PEAKCE. Editor. The Ordinary, Judge E bngton went up to SmitTT’H Mill# ou the 14th, to meet and consult with the Wilke# county oflicid a# to re building the biiige over Little river, ! which was carried away by the recentj j high waters. Herat oft ra the expense# i for these inter-county i ridges have been borne, one-third by .McDuffie and two- J thirds by Wilk<#, according to the j r p -erty valuation of tlio two counties. But j our Ordiuary succeeded in cl< sing a con- ' ( tract whereby McDuffie will jay only ! | oof -fourth of tbe expenses of the ne w bridge. Hart# creek bridge above Haniitou’sj Ores# Hoads ims been replaced. Tho bridge across Bi; Creek, near Judge Murray’s old place which was ; moved by tho high water, lias been it - paired. The Ordinary ha# instrunctcd the j Road Overseors to fill the holes call ed by recent iiigli water**, and repair tl e road# a# soon a poasib-e. Ami lie n-, que* t# citizen# to n p< rt all l al places in ; tlie road#. The Ordinary request# us to announce j that the pension check# for indigent ami wounded Confederate s ddieis urj ready ; for distribution on application. Tub CitAiKrfANo. At tlii# term of the Superior Court our chaingang was reinforced by six i.ewoo- - victs. viz t Will. Hell, We# Hull, Ed Luke and John Henry Daniti, each fori 12 month#, ami Henry Baldwin f-r 81 mouth#. Iu addition to these two con victs who were jdreny In the chaingang were tried and received additional terms ; —Josh Ilohb#, 12 mouths, and John At.- . d< I*4oll 8 mouth*. Tho chaingang is now at TJnion. but j vill move iu a few day# near the Printup place. The o flic era are C. (\ tiokey, or* eiHeir, E. L. Bailey, machinist, H. H. liuddock, teamster, and Ed Reese tem porary guard. A good male cook is wanted for tbe chaingang. George Hobb# was discharged on Monday last. Tuis have# 11 in tho cang. Our Ordinary i# having (he roof of the juit and the observatory ou the Court house painted. Tax Collector Worrill, who has been seriously ill. i much improved. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For HohimToß Gkneual I hereby announce myself u candidate j for tbs office *f Solicitor General of the ; AugtiHta Circuit, ooruprwu-d of tbs counties of Burke. Columbia. McDuffie Rod Uich nioud, subject to such Primary an Khali be ordered by Jtlis authorities of the Dem ocratic party; nud I re.-pcctfully solicit the | aupport of Ike members *f the party Hknhy C. llammovd, j To THE VOTSIIB OF THE AIHHJVTA CISCUIT ; Under n recently enacted liar, the Judgea And Solicitors will horcaftor bo elected by | the people and not by thO LcgiHlaturo ns ! formerly. I acuouoce that Inm a eatidi 'date for the position of Solicit* r General of the Augusta Circuit, subject to the o tiou of the Executive Democratic Com mittees, end respeotfully sup | port for the position. If elected. I pledge ! myself to conduct the office with thorough lie.**, irf pari.dity and vigor. J. 8. lleiKptDi, j l l PATION. OEOBfiU, > , MoDti/Bf) County, i (,mlrt ol Ordinury. j Whereas. Thomas 11. Paschnl. Ex'tr of j Mih. Myra A. Wilson, represents to t! *• GuUrt in Ids Petition duly tlbd and entered on record, that lie has fully administered on Mrs. Myra A. Wilson’s estate: This is therefore, to cite nil persons concerned, kiu drett or crediting, t * show causa if < au, why suiil Lxcoufor should not be dischar >d from his lulmiuistrution, and rweive lat -tm-8 rf Dismission on tin* first Monday in June, 1 !HH>. C. H. KLLINGION, March, It) 1000 Oialiisarv, WtfATS VotTR FaxK Wol.TI? Horneti joes a fortune, but never, if you have n enllow complexion, n jaundiced look, i moth patchcft and blotches on the ski;*, nil j siguH o( Liver Trouble. Bui Dr. King’s | New Life I’illA give Clear Skin. Rosy 1 Clocks, Rich Complexion. Only 25 cents t lUvrison Jt Hadley 's Drug Store. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK RICHARD A. McCurdy President STATEnCNT For the year ending December 31, IS9O According to the Standard of the Insurance Dcparimcut of the Stale of New York INCOME Paired for Premiums • • $44,524,519 Ci I ruiu all other Sources • . 1 |.St>o,oS7 91) jiaS, 890,0 77 21 niSDtfiSEXEXTS To Folirjr*hol<lers for Claims by lN*th ..... $10,G20.019 43 To rollry.hnldert for Endow ment n, Dividend*, etc. - 10.f.19,057 12 For all other account* • . 12,225, 44 413 ~T35,607,480 SS ASSETS tnitad State* Bond* end other Securities - - - Si;S,ISS.4€I 74 rirst Elea Loans oa Bond r.nd Berthage .... 74,794,821 C3 Leant on Ronds anil other Sc carltlex r. 330,000 09 Loan* oa Company's Policies • 4,374,030 60 Ueal Extate: Compaay'ti 12 Ofßro m Raildlngv, and other Proper- w tie* 23,15C,620 0C Cash in Bank* and Trast Com- . *.\. /. • - 13,012,455 C 2 Accrued interest, hot Referred Premiums,ftc. - . . 0,000.037 41 $501,544.537 12 LUSILkIirS Tolky Reserves, etc. - • $-51,71 I.SSS fl Continernf Uuurantec Fund - 17,052,548 81 Available for Authorised Olvi- J*nd* 00 $301,844,537 62 lasoranco aad Annuities in ljrce - - . . $1,052,005,211 61 I have carefully examined the foregoing State ment and fmd the same to be correct; liabilities calculated by the Insurance Department. Charles a. Prellek Auditor fIOSCRT A. ORANNIS3 V.CC-Pru*cnT Walter n. Gillette General Manager Isaac F. Lloyd sJ Vice-President Prkdi kic Crovxvfll Treasurer Bmouy Actuary A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Coll ier of Cherokee, lowa, that nearly proved fafahjgwrTTcame through his kidney#. Hi# 'back got so lame he could not #toop with out great pain, nor sit in a chair unless prop ped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Electric Bitters which effect ed such a wonderful change that he writes he feel# like anew iraa. This marvelous medicine cure# backache and kidney trou ble. purifies the blood and build# up your health. Only 50c art Harrb&on <fc Hadley# Store. CLOSING OUT Bemoval SsJ.©. Will bo here only 15 days longer. Call and s;> i - bargains. Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing 2 5 percent less than Cost. Large Stock of Men’s and Boy’s Sin gle Pants at less than cost. Big bargains in Embroideries and Laces on Mondays for Ladies. Call at once, for the stock must be sold in the next 15 days. Thomson, Ga. A. OHLMAN. To Qur Frieads and Patrons:. Appreciating your kindness in the past, we solicit your pat ronage in tlm future. Our stock of Clothing is inJced handsome, Stylish and Serviceable, Our Prices are lower than ever, and will please yon. MEN’S SUITS, from *6.50 to *23.00. BOYS’ SUITS from $3.00 lo *12.00. THE HAT and FURNISHING Departments are complete. OUR CHILDREN’S DKI'AUTMSNT hus bean refurnished, and the stock of C’LOTHIN 4is better than ever. VVc extend a special invitation to the X,ailio3. CHILDREN’S .Suits $1.75. SPECIAL SCHOOL Suits *3.00. If you cannot come, write us. Prompt attention paid to Mail Orders. We pay tbe exprgsage to you. I. C. £MVr’& -WAV t£* €Q, j Tailor-fit CloMiiers?, Old* Stand* S3B Broadway, Augusta. Ga. Planters Nfsi ';! i their Cotton to meet their obligations Aigusia Is tie. Best Market. Our Mills RK.e Buyers all the year. Par ties desiring to iiold their Cotton can store it with us at close rates nn<l draw within a few dollars per bale of its value. PftPE & Fleming Cotton factors, Augusta, Ga. — 1 a 1 ire! - ■ Instirnnoo Anxious lor both Town nnd Country Bisks. Bopresenting leading Companies. . Office, old Barber Shop in Hotel Yard. P HIT ELI IvINOX Thomson, LGa. JNO. E. SMITII. T. A, SCOTT, J. T. NEAL, J. T. VVKs-r President. Vice President. Cashier. Attora< -. Bank of Thomson. ; } THOMSON, GA. { or sr CAPITAL STOCK *25.000. SURPLUS *7,000. General Banking Business Transacted. DEPOSITS FROM FIRJIS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. isuAKD OP DIRECTORS. John E. Shits. J- E Pkintup. Taos. A. Scott ff*. M, PtTU L. lIoUINDOItr fOHS T Wwr J. T. Banker Hours a . R. Garrison, Cashier of the bank of Thornville, Ohio, had been robbed of health by a f,<ujote> lung trouble until he tried Dr. King’s N'ew Discovery for Consumption. Then lie wrote: ’lt is the best medicine I ever naert for a severe c M or a bud case of long trouble. I always keep a bottle on b..nd. ' Don’t tuff-r with Coughs. Coida. or nuy I'broat, Chert or Lung trouble abeo yon ciin be curel so easily. Only 50c and St.CX). Trial bottles free at Harrison A Hidley’a Drrg Wirre. \ FMICANA V;i!l curt Rlieunjatam and Scrofula to Stay Cured. T. A. SCOTT Announces to tbe Public that he is now ieady to snow largest ud most attretike m\ He has e7er brought to this market. .he Ladies are cordially invited to Examiu - bis Stock IDressG-oods Press Flannels. Plaids, Robes, t/ashttercs. Ilenrettas, Silks, Velvets and Velveteens and a handsome line of Trimmings. A Beautiful and well Assorted ine of JACKETS,BLAZES,CAPES and FURS IN Boots and Shoes 1 Carry a Large Stock Como and Examine Quality u’ad Pit. IN CL OTIi My Sleek wa never o'ter. Suitß for Fat Men, Suits for Loan Met; j Suits for Youths, Sui lor Boys and Suits fo-Children I also have : 1 Large I/no ol SAM,’LiiS TO BK MADE UP, Fits Guaranteed. Suite i made to order in tun days. a.J3.d. CAPS For Men, Boys. Misses and Chi A WELL ASSORTED LINE OF lEEs.rd.^TT'eLre AND CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Never so Attractive. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Cover and Lap Rohes at very Low Prices. STAPLE AND FANS! GROCERIES, All Departments are now full and price* Low. -—THK TIME FOII BUYING Fall and Winter Goods Is hero, and * hoso that oc me first get tt choice riIOULIS. A. SCOTT. 7 Nos. 1 hl(I 2 Brick Bovr, Thomson, Geo-gi Fine Wines and Liquors. I hog to inlorin the people < l Me- the business, can gnaiaolee Batls ®nd '>*'<'boring counties, faction. I w ill sell in any quan and the public generally, that I lilies, from S gallons down to half have, at No. 919 Broad Street, n pint I make the Jug T nde a Bploinli ilini.i t Liquors consisting sjieeiaitv, an ! guarantee t'mt eu ,^ 1 ' ‘ ‘“' KU *> touiers at a disvance shall receive dies. Gins, Rums, Wines, and But- „ , , , , U 1 f ,| , , as °‘l bargains as if they were tlod (iooGfl of all dot riptions I have as fine an assortment as can ; her6 '° lr “ d0 in !,or*''n be found in the South ; and, with '" l er ‘* e ‘’ s w '*' have my personal ,an experience of twenty years iu abortion. I'uoaiAS P. Fagan, No. 919 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Complete Engine and Gl-N OUTFITS, - And Kepatre. b’ltting* and Supplies for nif Also, I1 kin dr of Machine, Boiler, Pattern, Foundry Blacksmith Brass, Iron and St>! \Y T ork promptly oone with GOOI , | MEN and Tools. Largo stock ol i material to select from. Ha v ** 180 j hands empioj ed. GiO.R. LOMBARD &0C i Abovo Tlopot. neat Water Tower j AUGUSTA - - GEORGIA GEORGIA RAILROAD. —AND— onnectioiis for inform at’on as to Houle*, Schedules and Kates, both Passe ngfe a oil ('•fight, * j write to either of th# nndersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliahla information. | A. O. JACKS'>*. JOE W. WHITE Gen Agent. Traveling Past Ag’ AUGUSTA. OA. ‘ V\ ILKES, H. K. Nicholson 'c. f g. a. Atlanta. Athens. W. W. llaodwwk, S. K. Maoil, S. A C. F. A. Maeon. M R. Hudson, F. W^.C S F. A. S 1