McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, April 06, 1900, Image 2

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the McDuffie journal. J. E. WHITE, Emm* *r P*op„i/o < rT-r.: jssj-: —: r~— r=r: The Official Orpa of Mflluffie Oouitty. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1900, The report of the special committee, appointed at September term of Superior Court, which was not included iu the published Present memo of the March term, i* iu hand, but rmo.t be postponed until next iaaue because it ia Ho length; that it would crowd out man; of the ar tlelca already iu type for this isa 10. The political sensation of the week is the auuouuceincut of Admiral Dewey that he ia a candidate for President of the United States. At ilrst be declined to claim nfflii ation with any political party, but later he ha* stated that he think* be ia a democra*, Whethi r he expects to supplant Dryan or to rnu' as an independent it not known, but it ia sur mised that be is being put forwurl by the Easter i goldbng Democrats for the purpose of defeating Bryan. Whatever may be ins own motive, orllie power be hind him, it ia Very certain that.hi* an nouncement is silly, even childish; and the htro of Manila, who was the idol of the American peoplo a few months ago, ia onw the subject of nnivi rani ridicule. It is exirami ly peiilous for a brave but aimple-miudod old soldier to marry an ambitious young widow or to tamper with artillery piinoh. Visit te Harmony Grove- I. *. WK-T. Mesi-ra. E. It. Wilson and J. J. Mor ris and the writer mode a trip to Har mony drove this week, to inspect the Creamery of Mr. W. L. Williamson. Harmony drove ia a town of about 1,600 inhabitants. Il is a progressive place, having a cotton seed oil mill and a SIOO,OOO outton factory that pui 1 SOO,- 000 dividends last year. Mr, Williamson's One Creamer; and Dairy are worth traveling twice the dis tance to see. Ilia herd oonsists of sixty nowa, fifty belug constantly in milk. The Creamery lumdloe about 1,000 |k>uiuU of milk per day, half of this amount being fnruitbe t by hie own herd and the other bought from outside patrons, Mr. Williamson showed us a JOncre field that lie gathered 20 bales of cotton from in 98. The big yield was due lo tbo fert 1 sera from his dairy. Several dairymen met in Thomson on Thursday, and it is now pretty o -rtain though not absolutely so, that a Cream ery will be put up io this place, and be in operation by tbe middle of May. Tk VtUrui. In iy sponse to tbe mil of Commander J, A. Wilkeraon, o oouaideralde number of th member* of Heramoi Camp No. 882 U. 0. V., met *1 the Ceurtbojse in Thomson on Tuesday. After roll cell Comrade H. MoCorkle in a tew brief aud appropriate remurke intiodnoed Mr*. M. A. McLean, Freai ileut of tbe Ladies Memorial Association who wm rco< ired with due liouor ami reaped. H > nleo introduced Mr*. Myra MdL an, Vroeideut of the Daughter* of the Confederacy, who explained tho pr eeutati iu of the Crow of Honor to tiie Vetera la, whldh will lw done with appro priate ceremony on Memorial Day. She aleo nnuonuoed that Mr. Thilip lirciteubualior, of Atlanta, had been se leotod for Memorial Orator and has ac cepted. The following named Veterans were elected ne d< legates to tli© IVeuuiou in Xonisrille, Ky., and eaoh wae gireu au thoii'y to appoint hia alternate. Q. W. Grenade, J. F. Falmer, W. H. Stone, C. E. Knox. Every Veteran iu McDuffie and neigh boring oounties is oordinlly iuvited to at tend and participate in Uie Memorial aer- Xioeß on tlio 20th instant. LUTHER ITEMS BY REED. of tli young men from oT ooip nimiilv attndol Sunday school at Edwards Im-t Sunday. Mias Janie Wien n> visitor in our community duriug lut work. Among the homos visited by hot were Mcmm. Napoleon Purvis', U. L. Landrum's, aud Lawis Wren's. Mr. H. J. I’urvi. hoe resumed his work Ju the echoolroom, after an illness of about three weeka. Mr. P. H. Purvis paid Mr. BUI ward Av rett a visit last Sunday. Mr. Arrett ia one of the normal trained teachers of Jefferson county, end reports hie school to bo in a ftrarishlng oondittO’. The writer had the pleasure of meeting the teaeher at K (ward. (Mis# Farmer), on Mat Sunday, and the few hours apeut in bar company were very pleasant, indeed. Meeara. O. 1* laaudruin aud Na|mleou Purvis are attending Superior Couit at War ren lon this week. Both are ou the grand Jury. The farmers ore about through planting corn in our section, hut the last few days been a > cool that they hare very littlr ta aay about plantiug cotton. April, IPO. Miudoua Givis Away. It ia oevtainlr gratifyiug to the public to know of one concern which is not afraid to In generous. The proprietor* of Br. King's New lliaoorerr for Consumption. Oougha end Colds bare given away oret ten mill iuu trial ta) tie. aud tiara the antiafaetioa of '.nosing it baa cured Ihouianda of hopeless aaea. Aatbwn, Broncbltia, LaUrqq a aud ■'l Throat, Cheat aud Lung diaeaaes are sly enrwi by t. Call on Harrison A llaii , liruggists, and get a fie# trial bottle. V gular *ixe Wj and *!.nci Every botUe | mriinte?'!. DEARING ITEMS. B* VIVIAK. After a long alienee I will again be beard through tbe columns of the dear old Joub . mai* l received the zneaMtge from oar Edi tor through the President and appreciated tbe compliment very much indeed. I will try nod have my letters in time hereafter. We have a veiy nice Sunduy school for so small a plate. We have between fifty and sixty scholar a and eight officers and teacb err Iter. Q. L. Morgan ia our Superinten dent and extehds an invitation to all wi o will come to pay us a viit. We meet at 2.;30 Ga. IUI. time. Mr. Raymond L. Ayres, a prosper cm man of Ga., is visiting our little town. lie is stopping at the home of Mr. A. H, Adams. Of course tbe girla are always glad to see a handsome young man around. Miriam Harris, one of onr prettiest end young la<lies, spent Tuesday last in Augusts. Mr. Philip McNair paid a short vi*it to relatives and friends ia Jefferson county lust week. Mr. 8. M. Haywood paid a busii es visit to Thomson on Monday last. Mr. Julian 8 Harris, a prominent clerk of the C. A W. C, lilt., spent Monday night last at home with bis father, Mr. Jack Har ris. Mr. Hanry L. Thomas, <t Augusta, paid one of onr young ladies a short, but pleas ant visit on Hunday last. Mrs. Alice O’Neil of Charleston, 8. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John B. Harris, of this place. The latest talk is that Mr. P. E. Harris, a popular young man on the Ga. lift., U to he mm tied soon. My greatest desire is to kuow the young lady. lam sorry to say that Mrs. HaiUe Me- Nair it not so well at this writing. Miss Daisy I. Watson entertained a few of her friends with a crokiooie party one night last week. Three boards were used. They played until 10 :0, when dainty re freshments were served. Everyone who had the pleas ire of attending report a very nice time. Mi w Watson was assisted in re. eviving her guests by Mrs. Auuie Sullivan, a wry sweet young woman, who ia at her homo for the Spring and Summer mouths. Died. Mrs Albert Huff died Tuesday, April 3, 1000, and was b tried in the Paul graveyard ltev. James Pennington conducting the ser vices. She was a consistent member of Iron Hill ehuroh, and was u very popular young woman. Bho leaves a ’devoted bur band and three little children, who have the sympathy of many friends in their be reavoment. OADLEY DOTS BY DOTBY. Beautiful Spring hat cotne ai last. O, how I do enjoy the dear Journal tv* ery week. It doet not matter how bu*y I ana, I always lay everything aside until I perune its oonteute. I hope Blue Bell will write often. Her lettera are always iuUrestiug, and I enjoy them very mnoh. My better half and I spent Revere 1 days with relaiivet iu Hharon last week. The new nohoolboune at Fountain will toon be completed. A number from thiw place have asi>ted with their labor in Un building. Mr. O. L. Cloud has repaired and painted hit dwelling, and it it now one among tho prettiest building l * in our town. Mr. J. L. Guillebeau baa recently placed a wire fence along hit frout on Broad street which add* much to the appearance of the place. Minks have been playing havoc with the thickens in this neighborhood. They have killed a number of mine, and among them wan luy little Bautaui rooster given me by my auut, Mrs. Kendrick. I brought him all the way from Sharon in a bandbox and thought much of him. I oovld not help crying wheu l fouud him with his head cut off. Our Pastor, Itov. J. L. Guillebeau, being in attfudauce on tho Baptist Convention at Grifftu, we had uo services at Providence on Saturday and Sunday last. A good wauy of our people were at the school exhibition at Union on Thursday 1 Ast, and ull nrononneed It a most gratify, tug success. Mist Susie Overton, the teach er, certainly deserves much oredit foi such a delightful entertuiumeut. Misses Mamie and Maude Bentley, who have been spending sometime with their sister, Mrs. J. L. Gnilh beau, have returned to their homo at Amity, Ga. Mss Auuie Dozier mid Mia. Jennie Miles and her two litttle girls, of Harlem, spent several days receutly with Mrs. J. H. Mor ris. Mrs. Lula Guillebeau and little Sample spent Tuesday night at the home of the writer. Tho candy pulling given at t!e home of Mr. aud Mrs, J. T. Aaaley last Tuesday eve ning was a decided success. With best wishes for our Editor and Journal band, I will close. Warren Oouuty. April 3, 15)00. Tuat Tuaoumso Hsadache Would quickly leave yon. if yon used Hr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suf ferer* have proved their matchless merit for Siek and Nervona Headaches. They make pine Mood and build up your health. Only “J cents. Money hack if not cured. Sold by Harrison ,t Hadley, Druggists. SHERIFF’S SALK. GEORGIA-MoDnrri* CoutvrT. WiH be add before the Georgia Railroad Drpt in Thomson, said eonntv and stale, on the first Tuesday in May, I'JOO. within the legal hour* of ait* to tba highest and heat bidder, the following described prop erty to wit: A patcel of land Tyhig in said county and atate, bouuded South hv lauds of W. H. Stone; East and North by lands of H. 8. Hauibrick, aud Weal by lands of Jerry Ams ley. containing Fourteen Acres ij 1 Acres;, more or leas. Leriod otbaa the property of Mrs S P. Hutcherson to aatiafy a Tax Fi. fa. issued by t. G. Worrill Tx Collector of said coun ty, t a said Mrs. S. P. Hucheraon. E W. HAWES, April lOOtv Sheriff. A TRIBUTE TO PAPA. With crashed and bleeding hearts, we afjod by the new made grave of our faiber, Mr. D- A. Stanford, who died in the fifty, thlid year of his age, March 19th, 19U0. Just as the meridian is reached gone out. The Angel Reaper has removed from earth ly cares to tbo realms of everlasting bliss, the son! of onr much loved father; God has called and he has entered into the Gre*fc Beyond and is now resting at tbe feet of the Master. It seemed to us that he might have been spared, that death lies on him like an un timely frost; but some sweet day, we shall see how God is keeping from ns now life’s sweetest things because it seeioeth good. Tbe summons was sudden, without a mo ment’s warning, but f<uid him ready; death had do terror for papa, he tnly hated to leave us, that was all; for truly it has been said, “There is something in the parting hour Will chill the warmest heart, Yet kindred, comrades, lovers, friend-*, Are # ated nil to part; But this I’ve seen and many a pang ltas pressed it on my mind- The one who gcs is happier Thau those he leaves behind*” There is a v&< a it place iu our hearts and home that can never be filled ; of coyirse God does all things bent, but our bereave ment j s too recent for us to feel it is well. Thou art gone, dear papa, to tbe land of rest — Gone from this world of toil and csre ; Thy Father hath called thee-He knew it was best— Hath taken thee home its hi Jght glories to share. But Oh! how we mine thee and grieve at thy borne— Thy footstep aud voice fall no more on tho car; Alone as it were in this sad world to roam No husband, no father, tocherish us here. Bo aith grief.stricken heat tv mourn thee wo we must; But in meicy a hopeful assurance ia given; Tho’ thy form lies sleeping--.dust unto dost. Thy spirit's at rest in Heaven, sweet Heaven Thy hands lie ho still, thy work is all done, Thy toils arc ul> ended—the narrow path tn and - battle is fought, the victory is won, And thou art safe iu the city off God. We ran not forget thoe, but bid thee adieu, •Till we meet thee again on that raUiaul shore; And join in the singing of songs ever new, Iu praising our God forever evermore. We thy loved ones are grieving, hut across the oold stream, Thou art watching aud waiting to wel come m home. When we’ve wrestled and toiled and thro with life’s dream, Thou wilt tenderly, lovingly, say to ns “Como,” Ilia Children. ANNOUNCEMENT!. Fob Solicitor Gbnbbal I hereby announce mjeelf n candidate for tbe office of Solicitor-General of tbe Augusta Circuit, composed of the counties of Burke, Columbia, McDuffie and Rich mond, subject to anch Primary aa shall be ordered by Jthe authorities of the Dem ocrutic party; and I respectfully solicit the support of the memberj of the party. Henry 0. Hammond. To THI VOTBUH OF TH* AUOUhTA OIBCUIT t Under a recently enaetd l law, the Judges and Solicitors will bereaftor be elected by the people and not by tho Legislature aa foimorly. I announce that lam a candi date for the position of Solicitor-General of the Augustu Circuit, subject to the ac tion of the Executive Democratic Com mittees, and respectfully solicit your sup port for the position. If elected. I pledge myself to oouduct the office with thorough ness, liupuriality aud vigor. J. 8. Reynold#, CITATION. GEORGIA, \ n . , . Mol)u(He Count,.f °° nrt of Ordinary. Whereas. Thomas H. Paschal, Kx’tr of Mrs. Myra A. Wilson, represents to the Court iu hi? Petition duly flUd amt entered on rooord. that he bus fully mluiiuiNicred on Mrs. Myra A. Wilson’s estate: This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred or creditors, to show causa if can, by said Executor should not be dischar.od from his iidmiuistrution. and receive Let tera of Dismission on the first Monday in June, 1900. 0. H. ELLINGTON, March, 10, 15)00. Ordinary, Wanted-An Idea S3 tr ot * ct -J ronr thpy m*jr bring y*u wonlttL Write JOHN WEDDCKMUHN ft CO.. Patent Attor n#n. c..for tbeir si.a priae offer and Uat vt taro hundred •nventkeua wanted. TEE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK RICHARD A. McCURDY President STATCHCNT Tor the year coding; December 11,1899 According to the Standard of the Insurance Department of the State of Hew York most Koeel re lfhr Premia mi - - $44,R:4 t R10 53 From ail other Source; * * 11.36t.ii1 83 ”$68,800,07 721 I)ISIKJBSEEXTS To PolieT-holdera for Claims by Death C1u,G29,0:j 43 To folley-holdera fbr rndoir raeau. PiTldendi, etc. - 13,?39,051 13 Tor all other account* • • 13,238,441 13 ~CCS,W7,4SO Ci A:>srr3 Vnit Ml States Rond3 tad other Uecurllk* - 71 Tim Lien Loona ca Bond cud Hortpwra .... 71,734,£26 C 2 Loam on bonds cad other G> curltle* C,r,30,000 0 > l ->an on Company’* Tollclei • 4,814,639 Ci moI Krtatei Company’* I?OQre nailding*, ami ether I’roper tiea • • - - * • £3,156,526 C3 Cash In Ranis tnJ Trust Corn panlei .... - 13,013,455 C 2 Accrued laterest, !ict referred rremiunikyoic. ... 0.060.937 4t $501,844,637 C2 LU&1U757.3 Toliry I>*erre, etc. - • $251,711,083 f 1 Outincmt (<UAiant.'© I'nnd • 4,1)62,548 Li Avaitaotn for Acthoritcd Ehl* Crnd ..... f.iso.orn Of) $301,844,637 6 2 erd Anaaltict In urea - - • - S 1,032*666,2 tl 61 I hare carefully examined the foregoing State* nt and find the satnc to be correct; liabilities .culatcd t/ the Insurance Department. CUASU3 A. Trullcr Auditor RO3C3T A. ORANNISI Vtci-PKCMOCNT rm R. CrttrrT* Oenernl Manager r i\ Lloyd ti Vcc*Preaidetl .ntaic CROtmtu V remoter ..ony McC-:;Toci Actuary BARGAINS ON Tnesday and Wednesday of next week, I will offer all pattern hats left from my opening, at a very great reduc tion. Now is your chance to get nice hats cheap. Miss Mag' Knox. To Out 'Friends ani Patrons: Appreciating your kindne-s in the paif, wo -olici* your pat ronage in tho future. Our ste> kof Clothing i* indeed hanosome, Stylish and Serviceable. Our Prices are lower thuu ever, and will pleaHo you. MEN’S SUITS, from $6 60 to $23 00. BOYS’ SUITS from J3.UO io $12.00. THE HAT and FURNISHING Departments aro complete. OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT has been refurnished, and the slock of CLOTII IN } in better than ev-r. YVe extend a apodal invitation to the L*die*. CHILDREN'S Suita $1.75. SPECIAL SCHOOL Suita $3.00. If you r.innot come, write ua. Prompt attention paid to Mail Order*. YVe pay the expissage to you. /. (7. Levy's Sqjv & co. Tailor-fit Clothiers, Old Stand* 338 Broadway, Augusta. Ga. THE LARGEST And MOST COMPLETE LINE OF MIL.I.INEHY Ever brought to Thomson, now being shown by M iss Nina Edmondson, two doors below Bank, ]\£rs Lee’s former place of business. Ladies Are cordhly invited to make my store head • quarters when in town. Miss Hina Edmondson. SPECIAL SALE. oi 1 Slioes r J have purchased the ei tire stock of Shoes of Wilheit & Kitchens of Warrenton and the Ladies can now purchase t their low prices. lam cspecinlly prepar-j edtosupply Ladies who wear small sizes and narrow' widths Sales to continue for 30 days. Come at once and examine my stock. B. A. Ku.mes, Manager. 13. KUNNES, Main Street, Thomson, Ga. NONE BUt THE BEST IN SHOES, Is Our Motto. We aim to sell the Best Shoes that money labor and expense ear secure. We make every effort to keep Shoes that suit the people both in City and Country. we want the trade of McDuffie, Colum bia and adjoining counties, and if selling Shoes at fair prices will secure that trade we will surely get it. All we ask isa trial. Hundred* of people in ibe nbote named Counties can speak from experience of tbe merits of tbe Shoes sold by us, and to them \ve confidently refer. When in Bagusta cenne and see us. We will treat you right, HT AGENTS FOR HA NAN & SON’S FINK SHOES CASHIN, GOULEY & VAUGHAN. 826 Broad Street, Augusta, 6a. T. A. SCOTT Announces to tbe Public that he is now ready to snow tbe uacEsr iso rai iraicim stock ’Io baa ever brought to this mat kct. .be Ladies are cordially invited to Examine bis Stock 0, IDress Q-©ocls Dress Flannels, Plaids, Robes, ua?lin.cree. Ilenrettas. Silks, Velvets am Velveteens and a handsome line of Trimmings. A Beautiful and well Assorted ine of JACKETS, BLAZES, CAPES and FURS IN Boots and Shoew 1 Carry a Large Slock Come and Examine Quality Pi IN €LQWmmU^r^ My Stoek was never j ter. Suits for Fat Men, Suits for Lean Me Suits for Youths, Sut . tor Boys and Suits fo-Children I a| Bo hve Large Lino o! SAM I, iS TO BE MADE UP, Fits Guaranteed. Suit made to order in ton days. and CAPS For Men, Boys. Misses and Children A WELL ASSORTED LINK OK— -OBtSMi am mb AND CROCKERY DECARTMEMi Nver *o Attractive, harness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Cover and Lap Robes at very Low Prices. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, All Departments are now full and price Low, THE TIME FOR BUYING Fall and Winter Goods Ta here, and * hose that cc me first got t jboice nnniAS. A. SCOTT. ✓ Nos. 1 aL.d 2 Brick Row, Thomson, Geo^gi* Fine Wines and Liquors. l beg to intortn the people c f Mc -1 (.ffio and neighboring counties, and the public generally, that I have, at No. 919 Broad Street, a splendid line nl Liquors consisting of all grades of Whiskies, Bran dies, Gins, Bums, Wines, and Bot i tied Good* of all descriptions. I have as fine an assortment as can be found in tho South; and, with an experience of twenty years in Thomas F. Fagan, No. 919 BROAD STREET, AUGUST.., GA. Complete 4&lil; Engine AND GIN OUTFITS, Auvl Repairs, K'lUingg and Supplies for same Also, ull kind* ol Machine, Boiler, Pattern, Foundry Blacksmith Brass. Iron and Stei J Wo *T promptly aone with GOOI Mt -N and Tools. Barge stock ol material to select from. Have 100 Hands empioyed. iEULIIIIIDMC Abovo Ltepot. near Water Tower AUSUrTA - - GEORGIA the bu-iliess, can guarantee sutis— faction. I will sell in any quan tities, from fijgallona and wn to Lali Pnt I make the Jug Trade a speoialtv, and guarantee t iat cus tomers at a distance shall receive as go.,d bargains as if they were here to trade in person, AH orders will have my persona' attention. GEORGIA RAILROAD. For information as to Routes Schedules and Rates, both ’ Passenger and Freight, write to eithoT of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable information. JNO. FERGUSON, A. G. JACKSON T. P. A. G. P. A. AUGUSTA. GA. s. E. MAGILL, C. D. COX, Gen’l Agt. Gen'l Agt. ATLANTA, ATHENS. W. W. HARDWICK, W. C, MoMILLIN, Gen’l Agt. C. F. A T. A. MACON. M. R. HUDSON, W. M. McGOVERN, T F. A P A. Gen’l Agt. j ATLANTA, AUGUSTA