McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, December 07, 1900, Image 2

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the mcduffie journal. 1. K. WHITE, Editoi m Puoruttnm Tilt oarlai Organ ol MtOnlSt bounty. iLl.'-UI . " " "!! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1900. Up to this date tlie present Legislature lias killed more lulls limn any of its pre decessors, for wliioli the people should be duly grateful, Edi'or C. E. Atkinson, of The People’s Causa, Harlem, was in Thomson this week aud gave us a pleasant call. Congress met and organized on Mon day last. The i’ri aident’a message is an interesting doenment, but entirely 100 long fur even a synopsis in our columns. The bill to amend the charter of Thom son has passed the House and is now before the Senate, It gives lo the Town Council the power to establish Water Works aud Electric Lights. Rev. O. W. Duvall, the new Pastor of tho Methodist church, has arrived iu Thomson, and will commence his work for the current year with an introductory sermon on Hu inlay. He stands high as a preacher in the Nortli Georgia Confer ence, and bears the character of an earli est, Ecalona laborer in t lie Master’s vine yard, and a consecrated Christian min ister. If the church will give him a hearty, prayerful support liis labors in this charge will accomplish much good. The U. H. peuaion roll now contains nearly one mil ieu iiaiiiia, to which ad ditions are ooualsritly being made, not withstanding the fact that it is more than thirty-five years since the close of the war, and many thousands of pensiousra have dieil and are dying every year. The plan in, when a pensioner dies, to con tinue bis pension to his family or next of kin to the thitd a ud fourth generation. The estimate for the ensuing year culls for 8142,000,000, which is an iuoreaio of about 84,000,000 over the last appropri ation. Connty Elections. Elections for Justices of the Pence and Con tables were hold in all the Dialriola of McDuffie county, exoept Republican, on Saturday last, with the following re sult i Thomson, W. 8. Sfovall, Justice; Jn*. M. Wall and 8. J. Smith, Constables. WmonTHnono. Bam W. Jonß, Justice ; J. M. John son and J. H. Kendrick, Constables. Mr. Atmtins. A. J. Adkins, Jnaioo; T. L, Story aud E. W. Rhoden, Constables. Df.bino. Robt. U, Crawford, Justice; Barney Clark, Countable. Festival at Appling. Editob JornNAL: On tbs 24th day of Dooembcr will bo held in Appliug* Courthouse, Columbia county, an Entertainment nnd Festival to raise money for repairing and furnish ing the ohuroh at Appling. Mirß Susie Neal’s sohool and the Ap pliug Sunday Sohool will nnito in Christ mas exercises, with music by the Stroth er baud, of Liuooln comity. Bill of Fare at Festival : Turkey, Partridge, Barbecued Shote and Hash, Fiab, Oysters, Coffee, and Cake, Fruits, Nuts, eto. Musicand supper will begin at 4 o'clk P. M. Exeroises will begin at 0 0 o’clock—more supprr and musio—more snpper, etc.,— aud uioro supper. All are cordially invited to oome. Deo. 3, 1900. \V. K. Jones. The good people of Appling always make a success of au occasion of ibis kiud, and, from the foregoing program, wo are confident that this will surpass any entertainment they have heretofore undertaken. This, with the good cause for whioh they are laboring, will attract a large attendance nnd a liberal patron age. With many thauks for a kind in vitation, we heartily wish the Festival übnudaut auooees. SUMMERVILLE NOTES. Dr PaNnt. Thiuikagivlr.g day hn. pruned end wee pUuantly spent by many. Mr. J, W. Beet le; and the writer spout the evening at Ibe home of Miee Etude Wiley, on lower EIIU atreet. Miss Wiley ie a moat popular young lady, aud enterteiue her gneete royally. Mr. W. Bleueherd end hie ehenning daughter, Mine Ethel, visited the city the peel week. Mina Blanchard ia one of White Oak'a moat loveable young Indies. Come again, dear Ethel, yon are always welcome. ltev Mr. Hudson preached hie Urst eer. ruou at St. Luke ohurch list Suuday. He ia an excellent precher. and we hope he may accomplish much good during his atay in Augusta. Pansy waa complimented with a surprise party last evening. Among those present were the Miaara Beuuing, of Cobbhain ; Miaa Sima, of Tennessee, and Misers Vaughn and Stamps, of Augusta, and Messrs, Over street, Stamp* and Laaeeler. Wa had a Vary pleasant evening, and hope these friends will repeat the compliment at an early day. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Martin of Columbia county visited In the city last week What has become of John Hsidy and 80- 1 ao, and others of our correspondents f Augusta. Dec. 3, 1900. Mrs. W. P. Danfortb, of Auguata ia visit ing Mu. W. E. Shields. PIERCE INSTITUTE NOTES BT MAHIOH OBOSa. On Friday evening, December 21st, the pupils of Pierce Institute will pre sent tho play, "The Turn of the Tide." We are anxious to bsve a large crowd present, ns the entertainment will lie for the purpose of adding to the Pierce In stitute Library. This play is one among the best tem perance plays, and no doubt will be well rendered, as those who have taken parts seem very much interested. A small ad mission fee of 15 cents and 25 cents will be charged. The Principal wi.l appre ciate a largo patronage. Music will be furnished by local taleot, and a good se lection of pieces has been made. The desks for Miss Burnley’s room have arrived, mid uow all pupils have comfortable seals. The enrollment conlinnea to increase, and now we number 237 pupils. The debate which took place last Fri day. proved very interesting; and, though only a lew visitors were present, they seemed interested, and all seemed to enjoy thedisounaioo. The decision of the judges—Ools. Ira E. Farmer and M. W. Gross—wai rendered iu favor of the affirmative, the question beiug, "Re solved, That It. E. Lee wss a greater soldier tliau George Waahiugloti." Examinations are stilifike order of the day. Wo often havo|K examination when we least expect itflf Hon. M. W. Gross, <XS. 0,, gave us a pleasant call one day last week. We are glad to have him come, aud hope ho will repeat his visit. Bniv* Mu* Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidndy trou hies ns well as women, nod nil feel the re sults in loss of appetite, poisons in tbs blood, backache, nsrvousuusa, lieadaoho and tired, listless, run.down feeling. But there’s no need to feel like that. J. W. Gardner, of Idaville, Ind.. says : "Eleotrlo Bitters are just the .hing for a man wheu he don’t care whether he lives or dies. It gave me new strength and good appetite. 1 can now eat anything and hare anew esse on life ” Only 50 cents at Harrison A Hadley’s Drug Store. NOTICE TO PATRONS. There will be on incidental fee of 50 Cents oolleoted for the Spring Term of Pieroo Institute, beginning Monday, Deoembi r, 31st. All pupils must pay ibis fee to Mr. J. F. Shields, Secretary cf the Board of Trustees, before they will bo enr died as pupils. By order of the Board of Trustees. Ei>. L. Bat, Principal. Paio Dxab Fob Ilia I,eo. B. D. Blanton of Thaekerville, Tex. in two years paid over 8300.00 to doctors to cure a Running Bore on bis leg. Then they wanted to out It oil, but he cured it with one box of Btickleu’s Arnica Have Guaran teed euro for Piles 23 ots. a box. Sold liy Harrison A Hadley’s Drug Store. PROF. P. M. WHITNAN, 209 7th Strut, Augusta, Ga., GIVES FREE EYE TESTS (b, ,11 detect, w Bight, grind* Msg prop#* (Uumm sad Will KANT* them. cut iato year from. wUU yes waft. FREE OF CHARGE. Wanted-An Idea 2333 1 0k Hflll m Morphine end Whiskey h*tv mTiTTT II fl I** 1 ** without pain or II&# II I llf| confinement. Cure Rt-Aran li ILJIVI sn&m i±s& VI li 111 iUriurn. Box ft. Austell. Ga. fierce ||o[fcgiafe Institute, FOR BOYS and GIRLS. Thomson, Ga. Opens Monday September 3, 190(h ONE OF THE LEADING SCHOOLS in this section of the Stats. PREPARES BOYS and GIRLS for tho Collego Claass., ALL CLASSES earofuMy graded. EXPERIENCED and Thoughtful Teachers. EXCELLENT ADVANTAGES in Mugio, Jtloontion and Book kocning. LOCATION lloalthy and Pleasant BOARDING Pupils solicited. Instructors— ED. L. BAY, Principal. MISS LUNA JOHN&TON, MISS BUFOKD JOHNSON, MISS LAURA JONES, Assistants. MISS MAMIE HARRISON, Muslo. IXeke Again To offer you some specials at about Oue-lialf their real value. Wo have never offered such great fttfjSG.itl ’AS. All those Tsc Walking hats at 49c. Those SI.OO, all-wool Walking Bats, 09c. Still have some of those famous Ribbons for 19c. Bargains in every line. Come quick or you will get left! Mss. j. a. aoro. Masonic Notice. Monday night, Dec 17tb, prox., the lost regular meeting of Miller Lodge, No. 204, F. A. M., for the current Mason ic year will be held, and officers for the ensuing year will be elected. Members will tAke due notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly. Not. 29, 1900. JT. Neal. W. M JuhtJSaved H*i Line It wan a thrilling escape that Charldß Da vis of Bowerston ,0., lately bad, from a frightful death. For two years a severe lung trouble constantly grew worse until it seemed he must die of Consumption. Then he bagnn lo use Dr. Kiog’e New Discovery And lately wrote: “It gave me instant re lief and effected a permanent cure * Such wonderful cures have for 25 years, proven itj* power to cure all Throat. Cheat and Lung trouble*. X’rice 50c aud l .00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Harrison A Hadley ’s Drug Htore. A Wonderful Offer to Women. Wo h*vo received word of a most remark able offer which is to be mado to women by The Delineator , of New York. Taking the fact that next year begins a new century, The De'intalor offers to distri bute $17,600 among J9OJ women. Tho plan is so cleverly arranged that a woman living in a small town or village, haw just ss good a chance to win one of these 1901 prizes as a woman living in a city—because the prizes aro given for the number of subscriptions secured in a town in proportion to the popu lation of that town, instead of being given simply to those who send the largest hut of subscribers—which, of course, are most easily obtained in big cities. Another clever feature of the plan is, that all the cities and towns of the United States and Canada have been ar ranged in Bovon claasos. The cities of tho greatest population aro grouped iu Claw 1, and as these cities are not very many, the prizes offered aro twenty-eight; tho high est prize being S6OO, and the lowest $6.00. Tho total amount of prizes given sway in this Class is SI,OOO. The remaining smaller towns : and villages fall into six other classes, and as j the uumber of towns in a class increases, be- I cause, of course, there are more aro ail towns I than large ones, the amount of prizes given ; away to a class increases, so that in Clasa 7, 1 there will bo $4,000 distributed among 001 winners. Furthermore, to ovoryono who fail* to win one of the 196f prizes there will bo paid an extra commiasion on subscriptions, provided they equal one out of every two hundred in habitants of the town from which the con testant sends them. I Thia is altogether a very liberal offer, and ono which the famous old Delineator is woll able to m&ko good. From our point of view, we do not soo why such an offer needs to be made by tho Publishers of The DelmeaUrr, for wo believe it already has nearly half a million subscribers. Its strong hold upon the affuo tions of American women has corao iu the past generation, from its practical advice about dress details and homo matters. A Keek Clear Brain. Yottr bent feeling, your soiul position or bnsluesH success depend largly on tha per fect aotion of your Stomach and LiverJ Dr. King’s New Life Pilla give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition. A25 centjbox will make you feel like a new being. Sold by Harrison A Hadley Druggists. Complete 3&lil, ,Engine AND GIN OUTFITS, And Repairs, Fittings and Supplies for sarat. Also, all kindt ol Machine,Boiler, Pattern, Foundry Blacksmith Brass, Iron and Btec Work promptly aone with GOOF MEN and Toola. Large stock ol material to select from. Have 100 • and* impio) ed. GEQ. R. LOMBiRD&OC Above I'cpot, near Water Towei AUGUSTA - - GEORGIA ffegiaf j'urnihire. IRON BEDS $3.75 UP- To ihe People if AleDoffie and Neighborin'? Counties: We liavo the largest and best stock of Fnrniturc ever brought to Augusta, and onr prices are as lew as tho lowest. Elegant Parlor and Chamber Sets, Secreta ries, Beck : ouches, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washstands, Rocking Chairs, Straight hairs, + Mattings, Bugs, etc Each Department in our business is full and comp'ete, and every article is the very best that can bo had for the money. We do not hesitate to assert that no otbor Furniture House is quite so full of beauty, elegance and style as ours. When in Augusta be sure to call aud see us, FLEMING & BOWLES, 904:13 r0ad St-, Augusta, Gku Walker & Walker, Cotton Fac s , 827 and 841 Reynold St., Augusta, Ga ——■■■■■■* The most modern end complete Fireproof Warehouse, Lowest tnsutanee and Storage iu the city. Liberal advances and Low est possible terms. Bagging and Ties always on hand. Personal attention given to all business aud satisfaction guar- JOHN M. OUKTIH. GEORGE C. ATKINSON. CURTIS & ATKINSON. —MAxrxiorrxt* ato dkaijh nr *c*> xnroi gf— rURMTCIU! m BOMMHINC GOODS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, StC. All Repairing Promptly <Uae and at Reasonable Rata., Blaokiaithiag is all iti branches. UNDERTAKING. t4vttr;vy*Sfc.-.'. d' ■ j I have a Large and Elegaal JMEI HEARSE A-X/ whit* till be seat to aay part of lb* Town nr Country at Reason - BURIAL EOBFS, Suitable For Male, or Females, Old or Young, BLACKSMITHING. OUa SHOP IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED, AND, HAVING ONE OF TIIE BEST BLACKSMITHS IN -TIE STATE, WK GUARANTEE THE VERY BEST WORK. Main Street, Thomson, Ga. Hla.Tre Your Machii ery repaired before the Gin ning season begins. I have in Thomson a Shop thoroughly equipped for this business, and am prepared to repair all kinds of Ma chinery. I also carry a complete line of Engine and Steam Fittings, Pipe, etc. W. ffl. WILLINGHAM Thomson,Ga July 1,1900. TOO. E. SMITH. T. A. SCOTT, J. TANARUS, MEAL, J. T. WRT President. Vic© President. Cnehier. Attorn© f . Bank of Thomson. °fsssr } THOMSON, GA. I °v,r CAPITAL BTOCR *25.000. RtTRPLUH #7,000. General Banking Business Transacted. DEPOSITS FROM FIRMh AND INDIVIDUAL SOLICITED board OF D'RECIoRS John E. Smite. J. R Prixtu*. Taos. A. Soott Wm. M. Pitt- Jbp. L. Holiindoat tens T W rurt J. T. Neal. T. A. SCOTT Announces to the Public that he is now xea dy r , HUGEST IKDM9ST JTTMCPE ST He has over brought to this market. .he Ladies are cordially invited to Examine hia >ck ev HDress G-oods Dress Flannels, Plaids, Robes, unshmeree. Tlenrettas, Silks, Velvet* an Velveteens aod a bandsomo line of Trimming*. A Beautiful and well Assorted ine of— ACKETS, BLAZES, CAPES and FURS IN Boots and Shoe 1 Carry a Large Stock. Come and Examine Quality aud Pr. CLOTMtSW^S My Stoek was never bolter. Suits for Fat Men, Suits for Lean Me Suits for Youths, Suits for Boys and Suits for Children. I also bare Large Line SAMPLES TO BE MADE UP, Fit* Guaranteed. Soil made to order in ten days. HATS a,jQ.(± CA.PS For Men, Boys, Misses and Children A WELL ASSORTED LINE OF AND CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Never so Attractive. liarness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Cover and Lap Robes at very Low Price*. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. All Departments are now full and price* Low. THE TIME FOR BUIING . Fall and Winter Goods t * s liere . * nd f * o e that come first get the ohoicei rHOMAS. 4. SCOTT. ✓ Nos. 1 and 2 Brick Row, Thomson, Gen- K i. NEW GOODS Having opened a Complete and Select Slock of General Mer in our New Store on Railroad street, we cordially in vite the public to call, examine Stock, get pricee, and be con vinced that *o can save you money on some things. Every thing new, no old Auction stock or goods to work off atcost(?) Our Geode have loen bought close for cash, and will ho sold at the lowest possible prices. Our Stock oonsists in part of Domestics, Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Not ions lotliing, Underwear, ] , sier c. Iloar, Meal, Meat, Sngar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, C h Hams, Mackerel, Canned Goods of all kinds, Confectioneries. Etc. TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, LAMPS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, Eto. Respeotfully, J. W. Boatwright & Son. THE LARGEST And MOST COMPLETE LINE OF MILLIE ERY Ever broughtto Thomson, now being shown by Miss Nina Edmondson, Lewis’ Old Stand, Brick Row. Ladies Are cordialy invited to make my store headquarters when in tow n. Miss HIM Edmondson.