McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, September 13, 1902, Image 3

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<£})c iUcDuf&c 3. uitual. PublihiitHi at Thomson, U. Every Saturday. | ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE ‘ POSTOFFICE IN THOMSON, OA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1902. ! LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Mrs. IRA K. FARMER, Editor. Miss Agnes Watson spent the day in Warrenton Thursday. Mr. William E. Scott, of MiUen, spent Sunday in Thomson. Mr. Will Sturgis, of Augusta, was the guest of Mr. Frank Neal this week. Rev. and Mrs. Z. Speir, of Mesena, were in Thomson Monday. Mr. E. T. Shurley, of Warrenton, was a visitor in Thomson on Monday. Miss Etta May Barn side *ill leftve to morrow for LaGrauge Female College. Mr. W. S. Lzeuby, Treasurer of Co lumbia county, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. W. M. Hawes, of Warrenton, was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. John T. West Sunday' last. Master Harry Oates, Jr., of Augusta, is visiting bis cousin, Master Parker Hamilton. Mr. W. P. Dauforth, who has been ' upending the Summer in Thomson, has j moved his family back to Augusta, Miss Ammie Delia Scott has returned ! to her home iu Norwood, after several j weeks with relatives in this place. j Miss Annie Wicker, a very pretty young lady of Sandersvilh*, is the guest of Misses Irelie and Mag Shields. Mias Muriel Lamkiu, of Columbia] county, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. I Bennett, iu Thomson. Rev. G. W. Duval has been quite ill I this week, but is now much improved,! aud we hope will soon bo restored to I good health. Mrs. H. E. Davidson aud children, of! Augusta, are visiting the families of I Messrs. T. C. Wilson and G. C. Atkin-1 sou this week. Rev. R. E. L. Harris and Mr. H I OTywon attended the General Meeting 1 which held its session with Hepbzibah J Baptist church this week. Mr. John G. Wiley, who has been on 1 a visit to his old home, relatives and 1 friends in this county, returned to his 9 home iu Texas Thursday. Miss Leo Giles, daughter of Dr. and I Mrs. C. R. Giles, of Atlanta, is visiting J her uncle, Mr. E A. Williams, and oth-1 er relatives iu Thomson. | Master Quinn and Miss Ava Went, loft I Tuesday to enter college for the Fall I Term. The former goes to the Military I “School at Stone Mountain, and the latter I to the Agnes ncott Institute at Decatur. I Mr. Myer Bteine has anew advertise-1 ment in this issue, to which we call the! especial attention of our readers. He is I offering some fine bargains to the tradrgfl as you will find if yon will call at hfl etcre, next door to the Bank ofThomsoi^B The Police Court- Marshals Adams and Scott booked two! cases this week, charging Alma LukeH and Ellison Diamonds, both with selling whiskey. Both stontly pro* claimed their innocence. Messrs. J, Tl West and M. W. Gross defended Aim* and J. T. West and J, Glenn Stovall dtfl fended Eliison. In Alma's case the Mayor conld not | see his way clear to accept her claim of ! innocenoe in the face of positive testi- , mony of her guilt. So he reqnired her to deposit 825 or do 30 days street im- • provement. His Honor had doubts of Ellison’s | guilt but not enough to release him en-1 tirely. Tho Town case was dismissed, • and defendant bound over to the Supe rior Court. Our Marshals are wide awake in run ning down crime, aud especially in de tecting and bringing to punishment the blind tigers which have long afflicted our town. A PAHson's Nobi-E Act. “I want all the world to know,’’ writes Rev. C. J. Budlong, of Asha way, R. I. what a thoroughly good and reliable medi cine I foun in Electric Bitters. They eared me of jaundice and liver troubles that had caused me great suffering for many years. For a ‘genuine all-around cure they excel anything I ever saw ” Electric Bitters are the surprise of all for their wonderful work i in Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles. Don’t fail to try them. Only 50c. Satis faction guaranteed by Harrison & Hadley. A Jtiig Campineetiua;- The colored people had a campmeeting at Mesena Sunday anil a large delegation went up from Thomson. From all ac counts it was a red hot gathering aud a record breaker iu revelry, defiance of the law and flagraut desecration of the day. It is reported that the blind tiger was not even modest enough to hide away to the woods, but was to be seen out in the open, and the evil spirits were dealt out in shameful bolduess and contempt of the law. Gambling, shooting and scraps of every 6hade seem to have been the or der of the day. It is said that the Mar shal of the town was forced to release a prisoner whom he lmd taken in charge, and was powerless to control the dis order. The better element of the colored peo ple must regret such disgraceful cou duct, and should see to it that the au thorities of Warren county shall have the names of the guilty parlies, that they may be justly punished, as a warning to oth ers who may be inclined to do likewise. They should be severely taught that a Sunday campmeeing is no place for blind tigers and shameful carousals. Missionary Mooting- To be held at the residence of Mr. P. B. Johnson on Monday evening next, the loth inst., will observe the following Programme. 1. Opening Bong - “The Kingdom Coming.’* 2. Scripture Reading—Mrs. J. B. Richards, Pres. 3. Prayer. 4. Roll-call aud Minutes, i 5. Reports. ! 6. Reading—Miss Hattie Belle Kill, j 7. Bong—“ The Cross Is not Greater.” • —Misses Edith and Mary Curtis. ! 8. Missionary Drill. 9. Unfinished Business. 10. Bong—“ When the Roll Is Called. Prayer, iu concert. Ginhouse and Cotton Burned. Mr. David Norris, who lives about 8 1 miles from Thomson, lost his giuhouse by fire on Thursday. There eight bales of cotton on the ground, ginned and packed, most of which was burned. The fire broke out about 2 o’clock in the morning, and the suspicion is strong that the fire was the work of an iuceu diary. Not Doomed fob Life. “I was tieated for three years by good doctors,’ 7 writes W. A. Greer, McCounells ville, 0.. “for Piles and Fistula, but when all failed, Buckleu’s Arnica Salve cured me in two weeks.” Cu es Cuts, Corns, Sores Eruptions, Burns, Bruises. Salt Rheum, Piles, or no pay. 25c at Harrison <k Had ley’s Drug Stare. LET US TALK to you about Poors, Pash, Blinds,Mould- InRR, Lumber, SblugleH, and all kinds of Ornamental Woodwork. Write for Cat alogue or Kstlmate. Ask us questions; wa ll answer cheerfully. AUGUSTA LUMBER CO., “Buy of the Maker.” Augusta, Ga A Boy,s Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die and a son riding 18 miles to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, lad. endured death’s agonies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instaut relief aud soon cured him. He writes; “I now sleep soundly every night.’’ Lik marvel ous cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Coughs, Colds and Giip prov its matchless meiit for all Throat aud Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 500 and $ 1 00. Trial bottles free at Harrison & Hadley's Drug Store, A big line of New Hats at Shields. Anew lot. of Lace Curtains at Shields. Come and see our Rugs. Shields. GO pairs Lace Shoes at. soc at Shields. A few paias of men’s shoes at 500 at J. F. Shiels*. 100 pairs of Button Shoes worth $1.50 a pair, selling at 50c at J, F. Shields. Just received at Boatwright’s the finest iue of Neckwear iu town. During Court week briug in your soiled clothes and have them cleaned, dyed and pressed at shortest notioe by J. Wesley Hur lis, workman, at West Hall’s. A 22-pound goose just received to press aud crease your i pants. Ask for Harris, Thomson’s enterprising dyer, cleaner and presser, aud bring iu your clotbiug during Court week. Thrarher & Wilkerson have reoieved a Car Load of Furniture of all kinds, undare prepared to sell at lower prices than you can got iu any city market To reduce stock aud muke room for Full goods we have reduce prices on Shoes, Hats and Cloth. Look out for bargains. J. W. Boatwright & Son. No. 1 Timothy Hay at reduced price. Boatwright’s is the only place you can find it in town, MONEY MAKES THE MARE GO ! And I can secure for you all of the Cash Motive Power needed to run your farm or any other business on real estate collateral, and on much better terms than ever offered before. I alßo have a number of Good Farms nd ther valuabi j property in McDuffie and eighboring counties for sale or rent, and m furnish some good bargains. JOHN T. WEST. Thomson, Ga. K'urnit ui-o liq>tiir cl. Have your Furniture repaired and refla ted by 11. L. ."cott at Masonic Building. > rices reasonable. Work first class. Ring P.iono lAVE YOTJR HOUSE SCREENED. .1. Leave orders for Screen Doors and Vindows and anything you want in the Vood-work line with H. L. Scott, Masonic XKtgo Building. Ho will do it light and is prioes are right. BUILDERS’ MATERIALS. I have a full Stock of South west Geor ia Ceiling Flooring, Shingles, Lime, lathes, and Building Materials geueally ?l my Lumber Yard in Thomson. Give mo u call before pi* ring your orders. A. F. ADKINS. Thomson, Ga., June, 1901. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR COTTON SEED. High Grade Acids and Guanos, Cot iced Meal and Hull*. J. P. JONES. hoarding ilausc ;uul Restauram. Mrs. Bessie Shields has rented the 'Viley residence on Journal street, where she will conduct a boarding louse and restaurant. Permanent md transient boat dors will receive ixcellent meals and lodging and the jest of attention. Brices very moderate. FOR SAFE OR RENT. The new Residence ol J. B. Boyd on White Oak street. Apply to IRA E. FARMER. DO YOU NEED MONEY ? If so call at myjoftice and learn the terms upon which I will supply yon. On real es tate or other approved collateral my term* ire by far the heat to be obtained, J. D. WATSON. Thomson, Ga. FOR SALE. One Second-hand Buggy and Harness in good running order. Will exchange for good Milch Cow. O. R. LASETER. Thomson, Ga. For Best Fertilizers Call on J. W. BOATWRIGHT, High-G ade Guano, Acid Phosphates, Kainit, and Cotton Seed Meal. ATLOWJEST PKICE PROF. P.M. WHITMAN, 203 7th Street, Augusta, Ga., GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defect, of sight, grind* the proper glaeii and WAR RANTS them. Lenses cut into your frame wnile you wait. FREE OF CHARGE, C. 13. G A BRETT, B. B RUSSELL, Jk. Garrrstt & Russell, Colton Factors ul Cemsio irM CORNER REYNOLDS AND McINTOSIL STREETS, AUGUSTA, GA. Personal attention given to all business. With two largo >Vare honees, we have every facility for handling Cotton to advantage, and wo guarantee satisfaction to the trade. Liberal advances on Cotton in store. Bagging and Ties at market price. Walker & Walck, Cotton. ZF’o.ctors, 827 Reynolds Street Augusta Ga. 1 ‘Quality will Tell.’ | ( -‘ § ft !) c i> More of Danforth and Carter’s Cigars and f* e| Tobacco sold in Thoms m than all other jji Brands combined. •j UPMANN’S SS&3&H g GARCIA—TIIU FIVE CENT GIGAB. (->) J D. & (J. RESAG O S—CLEAR HAVANA. (,| ALL OP DANFORTH <fc CARTER'S FINE CIGARS. (I A. J, MATILEWS, Progressive Druggist, Thomson , Ga. | Danforth & Carter, f, P WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST;:ANOZCIOAR JMANUFAQTURERS. U H 918 Broadway, Ga. <i i Ksfe fc D 4 v G nn iniiimaw wnmniaiiiginMi (BARGAINS! BRASS BAND GOODS! PIAINOIS, Organs, Violins, vg r WASHBURN Guitars, flandolins, Banjos, Wy Autoharps, Harmonicas, Accordeons, L J String*, Bows, Caaes, Trimmings, etc. Hymn Books, (I /A\ Instruction Booksand everything new in Sheet Music. ff 'M Write for wliat you want. /w\l THOMAS Sr BARTON CO.’S //OW •~SLr) : Great Mail Order House, AUGUSTA, GA. CORNFTS avMf-iition this paper when ordering, and get a souvenir. DRUMS ~i rTu~Tiri~nnn iTiTTTri¥iTiTriTiiiiMifn~T —TiTriiniiiiiiiiMirtMßMiMi SPECIAL NOTICEII PUBLIC. A Semi-annual Clearing Sale at El las Kunnes* Stoic will commence July 14th at 9 o’clock and continue for a limited time only. The entire open stock of Pecale Goods will be closed out regardless of cost; also Low quartered Shoes, Slippers, Lawns, Dimities, Scrim, Laces, Embioderies, {Sateens, Muslins, Percales, and etc. \\ r e mention here a few of the manyborgain to demonstrate thatii we mean business. 6,000 yda. latest designs Cali-“ ooes at 2 fe yd 8,000 yds. Standard Percales, a yard wide sc. White Lawns, worth 12£ and 15 c at BJc White striped Dimities worth 10 to 15c at4Jc and 6J Corlored Diinitios worth 12} and 15c ut Ojc Fancy Solio Sateen wortn 10 and 12 at 2 7-8 c I,6ooyds. yd.-widc Bleaching, 7 toßc at 4 7-8 c 18,000 yards Scrim yd Arm and Hammer Soda at cents, 6-cent Potash at cents A Handsome Line of Ladies' Shirtwaists at likewise prices. A strong line of Linens, such as Towels, Table Cloths, Doilies, at pricoH that will please you. Our values are too numerous to mention. Please call and convince*your solf. YOURS TO SERVE, E. KUNNES, Main Street, Thom Goods, worth 12e at 2Jc “ 600 yds. 4C-iuch wide I. Cush mere, worth 15c at s}c “ 1,000 yds. 10-4 Sheeting, l^ worth 22|c 14Jc 1,500 yds. yard-wide host quality Sheeting, worth at 4;o “ Drills, worth 6}c. at 4j. c 6(10 yds. Fancy Organdies worth 12 to 18e. at 7Jo “ Linen Collars, wortli 12 cents, at sc. 150 Low quartered Shoes t 79c 100 Low quartero! Shoos at 47c T. A. Scotn Announces to the public that he is now ready to show the largest and most attractive stock ever brought to this market T- LAI r ABE COhDIALLY INVITED TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF Drens Goods. SyKtiWv I>LAIDS > BOBES, CASHMERES, HENRIEI IAS, SILKS, \ ELVETEENS, AND A I Lmdsomc I jiiio ol" Trimmings A BFAUTIFUD and well assorted line of Jackets, BlazeS, Cape Sand Sand Furs 1 BOOIS “ and SHOES WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK. Come and Examine Quality and Peices. - In CLOTHING my StockVas never better Suits for t-'at Men, Suits for Loan Men, Suits for Youths buds for Boys, Suits for Children. I also have a lai- 'e lino of Samples to be made up. n Fi.ta Guarantee. Salts Made ts Order Ira Tan, Pap.; Hats and Caps For Men, Boys, Misses and Children. A WELL ASSORTED LINE OF 3HTs„Pca."W'a,:r , e AND CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Never so Attractive. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Horse Covets and Lap Kobes at very Low Prices. STAPLE AID FANCY GROCERIES. ' ALL DEPARTMENTS ARE NOW FULL AND PRICES LOW THE TANARUS! VIE FOR BUYING SPRING AND SUMMR3 GOODS . rs here, and 'hose that eemo first geilhe ohoicef ’(THOMAS. A. SCOTT, Kos. 1 and! % Brick Row I NORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY, lAt ijj 1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and. $3.00 jier gallon Eye Whiskey at 82.00, $2.50, $3,00 and $8.20 peb Gallon. Direct to consumer,>vlng middlemen’s profits. All express charges paid by me on packages of two gallons or more to limits of Southern Expros Ctmpany.. (nth with cider. Write for descriptive ciiculai of Wines and Brandies with your first order. Reforonco Cwnmcrdul Agendas or any merchant here. JNO. E. SMITH. T. A. SCOTT, J. TANARUS, NEAL, J. T. WEST President. Vice President. Cashier. Attorn® Bank o® 1 Thomson. } THOMSON, GA. { ° r K ea Capital and Surph?soooo Metal VaulL Look Safe J Jepomitw Holicitefl vT_ Slilelcis. Corn, Meal, Meat, Molasses, o nr*, i ; —FOR the TRADE I havo several hundred barrels of Hour bought beforo the recent advance and will givo my tms- € tomors tho benefit of it. ° AOAR.IL.OAD of MOT . a Mp-kviJ -Tost in from New Orleans Think of a first-class 2s 14 cents* O<;UtH per gallon - 1 havo i(i “ 8 low OUR STOCK OF o HARD w ark o is complete and anything you wish iu this lino wo havoattholow