The Georgia clipper. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1860-1875, March 15, 1860, Image 3

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OUR AUGUSTA CORRESPONDENCE. Augusta, March 2,1580. Mr. Editor : It affords mo great pleasure tp learn that your little vessel is so nearly completed that it will soon be launched in its proper element; and, therefore, in resuming my pen for the purposoof at least attempting to ftirnish your readers with something from this city that will interest them, and keep them posted in our local affairs, let me renew my good wishes for the success of your en terprise^ TIIE MACON RAILROAD. Your readers are doubtless aware ere this, that the question of “ subscription,” or “no subscription by this eity” to the Macon Rail road has been decided here in favor of the “subscription” by a large majority. The vote was taken on the 15 th of February, and resulted as follows* In favor of subscription, 823 Against subscription, 13 Majority in favor of, 810 This vote authorised the City Council to subscribe to the capital stock of the Milledge ville Railroad Company (or Macon and Au gusta road), the sum of $500,000. The Council assembled subsequently and adopted a resolution subscribing this amount under certain conditions, which are contained in the charter of the road, and also with the proviso that city funds be taken in payment of the subscripts g). In addition to this amount about SIOO,OOO of private subscriptions have been raised in the city; and if Charleston and the counties along the route, and Macon, will act with the same enthusiasm and liberality, the road will be built at an early day. If the people of War renton wish to share in the benefits of this important enterprise they must be up and doing. We live in an active age Mr. Editor, and dreaming over projects of importance will not accomplish them. Then, sir, urge the people of Warrenton to vigilance and • activity, and they will reap the reward of their exertions by having another outlet and inlet to their country town. POLITICS LOOKING UP. As the municipal canvass opens, the poli tical parties are burnishing their arms, and putting on the panoply of war—indeed all “ eager for the fray”—or “ fry”—as Capitola, in the “ Hidden Hand,” has it, and which seems to be more approprite, inasmuch as the -political cauldron generally “ fries and hisses as its contents reach the boiling point, and every one seems to be in a stew. Be that as it may, however, we now have some prospect of lively times ahead, in fact, a triangular race for the Mayoralty. Thus, the ultra Americans will probably rust Mr. May as their candidate, while the conservft- Jpves will adopt (Mr. Blodget; a meeting of the (Opposition is called to night at the City Hall, and it is not at all improbable that Mr. May may be “ thrown overboard”—to use a political exprosson— and Mr, Blodget be taken up ns the party candidate. The* Democrats appear to be holding off, watching as it were, for a “ tide in the affairs” of city politics, of which they can take advantage and elect, if possible, a Mayor from their ranks. Os course, your readers shall be advised of the progress of this race. WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY. This national anniversary was not forgotten in this community. The day was celebrated by the Augusta Independent Volunteer Bat talion, in an uppr<j>vlate manner. 1 have already given you a list of the couipoumit composing the battalion, but as I may refer to them in’ future. I ask leave to give a correct list which will answer for reference: the field officers are Lieut. Col. J. B. Campbell, commanding the Battalion; Maj. Wm. 11. Wheeler; Adjutant, E. V. Sharpe; Pay Master, A. Hatch. The companies are the Richmond Hussars, Capt. T. P. Stovall; Washington Artillery, Capt. D. Kirkpatrick, with two brass field pieces; Montgomery Guards, Capt. T. B. Weems; Irish Volun teers, Capt. J. 11. Hull; Oglethorpe Infantry, Capt. J. O. Clarke; Clinch Rifles, Capt. C. A. Platt. Among these are some well drilled companies with a fine soldierly appearance, and when parading with full ranks make a fine display. FIREMENS SEMI-ANNUAL PARADE. On Saturday last, Feb. 25tli, the Fire De partment were out in full force for their semi-annual review and parade. The Inde pendent Fro Company is composed of two divisions, Georgia, No. 1, and Mechanic, No. 2; Hamburg, our neighbor across the river, has a fine company also; the August Fire Department is composed of Pioneer Hook and Ladder, No. l.and the following Engine Companies: Washington, No. 1, Clinch steam engine, No. 2, Vigilant, No. 3, Fillmore, No. 4, Augusta, No. 5, Columbia, No. 6, and Richmond, No. 7. (This latter is a newly •rganized company, using the old engine of the Clinch company. All these coinpanies were in procession with their engines and hose reels, and made as usual a line display. There were about 300 firemen in the proces sion, exclusive of the negro reel boys. You see we are well prepared for the firey ele ment with watery weapons, and the boys seldom give the fornior much chance for a FIRE ALARMS. While I write, past 10 o’clock, Friday night, the engine bells are ringing near by, and the cry of fire! has just been hushed. At 9 o’clock an alarm of fire fire was given; but as it was beyond the city limits I did not ascertain its location. At 10 o’clock another alarm was given, a small shed in the rear of Washington Ilall, corner of Broad and Mc- Intosh street* was burnt. MEDICAL COLLEGE. Tho Annual Commencement Exercises of | the Medical College of Georgia took place at | the Masonic Hall this evening before a very I large audience, a considerable number being of the fairer j*fetion of creation. Quite a graduated and received Prof. and. Johnson, of the Athens, delivered an to the occasion, which was wen received. Previous to the address prizes were awarded for tho best medical theses and reports. The exercises were con cluded by the valedictory address of Dr. J. M. Turner, of this city, and of the graduating class. MORE POLITICS. Since I commenced my letter the Opjiosition party have held a meeting this evening and nominated Foster Blodjet as their candidate for Mayor. Mr. May’s friends, it is said, did not attend the meeting. AMUSEMENTS. We have recently enjoyed several musical treats, as for instance, the eoueerts of Madame Anna Bishop, the Italian Opera, and the French Ope 'a, in addition to which, Mr. Fleming, of die Savsifnah Athenamm, gave us a dramatic- entertainment, which was something good its way. The charming Miss Joey Gougenheim—an odd name for a : pretty woman by the way—is an excellent comedifcnne, and made a favorable impression on her audiences. But all the amusements have stopped now, with the exception of the man who “ swallows the sword 23 inches long and no deception!” His little blue and white stripped tent is located on Broad street near Monument, and some flaunting pictures of what is going on within, together with dulcet tones of a hand organ are the in ducements to enter and see the wonderful show within. CHARLESTON CONVENTION. The prospeetn, are that there will be an immense gathering of people at Charleston next month to attend the Democratic National Convention. Board and lodging will be diffi cult Jo find there, perhaps; and if any of your readers are going, I would advise them to make preparations for their accomodation at once. The steamboat John A. Moore, I understand, is to take a party of gentlemen over from this eity, and board them while at Charleston for $25 each the round trip. The hotels in that eity, I am told, have put their price up to $5 per day, commencing on the 15th of April, and some of the delegations from different sections of the country have made arrangements at that price, commenc ing on the 20th of the same month. The Democracy of this county have returned the Delegates to the fleccmber State Convention to the March Convention, and endorsed the action of the former convention, which was favorable to the nomination of Mr. ’ColVra, But I have already spun my yarn to a great length and must break off with a little commercial nows. COMMERCIAL. Cotton. —The demand through this season has been principally for the better grades, while the lower qualities are not much sought after, and are dull sale. The market closes rather quiet to-day (Saturday noon), with the following quotations: Middling to Strict Middling, 101@10.Jc Good Middling, @loje Middling Fair, @ll c. Groceries. —During this -week bacon has been dull and declining at tho following quotations: Hams, new, 12@14c.; clean sides, 12@12Je.; rib sides, @lle.; shoulders, 9@9Jc. In Flour the demand has been good, at somewhat easier prices. We quote (Feb. 29tli), from $7.75 to $0,50. Corn has been steady at a tendency to lower figuers, say $1,10@1,15, sacks included. Rambler. Note— Owing to tfie delay of our paper, the new* above has become stale. Our correspondent will hereafter mail his letter Tuesday noon—Ed. CLARK & CO., HAVE RECEIVED BY STEAMER, WATCHES, i Jewelry, Silver & Plated Ware, j AND FANCY GOODS, I and offer them at lower Prices than ever. Their Stock of WATCHES Comprises the finest Watch now made, as well as the better class of Watch, known to be faithfully made, and honest Time Keepers; Cooper, Jurgenson, Tobias, Bccsiey, Johnson, and others figure extensively. Fine Silver are is a Feature, and a prominent one, comprising full Setts, without cases, half-setts and pieces; Cups, Forks, Spoons, Ladies, and, indeed, almost every thing in the line. Wedding Presents in Silv.vr, In great variety—many of them exclusively their own patterns. Silver-Plated-Ware—every Description. FANCY GOODS, GUNS, PISTOLS. GUNNING APPARATUS, CUTLERY, Ac. They also have on salo the Finest and Largest Stock of JEWELRY in the Southern Country, in Diamond, Cameo, Pearl, Coral, .Voeaic, if- all Cold. SPECTACLES AND THIMBLES, of every form and fashion. GLASSES fitted in Spectacles, without fear of Oeculists or Professors. Jewelry and Watches Repaired I>y Competent Workmen. feh2o—3m BURKE HOITSIL Corner of Broad & Washington St, Augusta, Cia., 11. D. BELL, PROPRIETOR. ’ Transient Boarders $1.50 per Day. TIIE PROPRIETOR, from his long experience in House-keeping, feels confident of giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor hint with their patronage. Omnibuses and Carriages attend the different Railroad Depots tc, convey pa’ ‘ongers to and from this House. V TO THE MERCHANTS. of Tint L SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST.! We, the undersigned, Importers and Jobbemi. in the city of Charleston, iu view of tST present excited state of the country, deem it to bring to the notice of the interior the claims we have to their patronage anti The majority of us have been long business, and from our experience, are well uip quainted with the wants of this section of counlrß All of us hold sentiments in common on the agi? - ting question of the day—slavery; and all of is desire, as far as practicable, to become commercial y independent of the North. We have no desire a underate the energy and enterprise of the Me - chants of Northern cities, but we claim to be ah j* to supply goods in our respective lines, on as ia-] vorable terms, both as to price and credit, as the | merchants of any city in the Union. We have , facilities for obtaining goods from Europe surpassed by any, and our importations froina abroad are very large, notwithstanding the reports to the contrary, circulated by those whodmve no knowledge of what they affirm, or whose interest prompt them to mislead. , American goods wo obtain from the manufac turers on as favorable terms as any Jobbing Mcr-, chants of.the Northern cities. Why then should we not be able to sell on as favorable terms asjjj others ? \ We are able and determined to do ,so, we ask of you is, to try this market, lay aside prejudice—for it is only a prejudice—that yUM customers prefer goods from New York to from Charleston, and build up and encourage yourJ own Seaports and your own Merchants. JLf jam cannot do what we profess, you will be ermijeciSß to very little inconvenience, for opportunities oil leaving by railway or steamer arc offered every : twelve hours. Our Stocks will be complete by Ist February* next, and it remaius to be seen how mauy of those ( who have heretofore purchased all their goods in northern cities will give Cliarlostou a trial this Spring. Charleston, S. C., December 12th, 1859. Dry Goods. (iillalands, Howell k Cos., Hyatt, Mcßurney A Cos., Johnston, Crews k Cos., Crane, Soylston k Cos., John G. Milnor k Cos., Kerrison <fc Lciding, Chamberlain, Miller A Cos., J. S. k L. Howie k Cos., Robert Adger k Cos., Naylcr, Smith £ Cos., Cadow, McKensic A Cos. Direct Importers of Plantation Goods. Andrew McDowall, Ravenel, Huger k Milliken. Hardware. Courtney k Tennet, llyde, Gregg k Day, Graveley <t Pringle, Wilmaus k Price, 11. F. Strolieeker, J. E. Adger k C<n Shoes. E. B. Stoddard k Cu„ Force k Mitchell, Hasoltiue k Walton, I). F. Fleming k Cos., Dunham, Taft k Cos., R. A. Pringe it Cos. Clothing. Waldron, Egleston k Cos., Edwin Bates k Cos., Cohen, Willis A Cos., Mutthicssen, O’Hara A Cos., Pierson, Smith A Cos. - Grotn les. S. S. Farrar, Bros, k Cos., Launeau <fc Whildcn, J. A. Burck mycr, George W. Williams k Cos., T. J. A C. IU Moiso, Farnum k Dotterer. Crockery and Glassware, Brown k Palma, Webb <t Sage. Drugs and Medicines. Ilaviland, Stevenson it Cos., John Ashliurst, Ruff it Dowie, Nelson Carter. Silks and Fancy Goods. Bowen, Foster it Cos., Thayer, Dewing it Cos., Albert Lengniek, Marshall A Burge, J. i W. K:...X. Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. Hurscy. An ten k Cos., D. It. Williams it Cos., F. D. Fanning. Saddles & Saddlery Hardware. Jcuuitig.-s Thomlinson k Cos., llastie, Calhoun t\T Cos. Books and Stationery. McCarter k lb; •.., A. Carter, St B. Jon?*, A' i Methodist Book Concern. Carpets, Oil Cloths & Window Curtains. Lambert it Howell, James G. Bailie. Paper Commision Dealer. Joseph Walker. Importers & Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Segarf, Tobacco, &c. Chaffee, St. A maud t Croft. mar—3m Livery and Sales* ST4BLES. i m s T? CONNOR Still keeps It - tUL. up the Livery business ** T?T [ aPj rtfc ,e Stand, will be /inYyyy happy to accommodate all who nr. 1 iu wautof anything in his line. lie also Carries on the HARNESS business next door to the stables. marll LUMPKIN LAW SCHOOL ATHENS, GA. Hon. Jos. H. Lumpkin, W. H. Hull, Esq., T. R. It. Cobb, Esq. — Professors. THE next term of this School will commence on Monday, 2d day of February, iB6O. J Circulars, giving full information, can be ha a on application to cither of the Professors. /. / Every newspaper in Georgia will give the abof / four weekly insertions, and send the bill to j , fel, I—lw WM. 11. HULL, Athen/7 A V ANTE D THE Subscriber will pay the highest market prices, for Dried Fruits, White and Cow Peas, Butter, Eggs, Ghiokcus, Ac. Bo suro to give him a call before selling, J. CODY, Agent. J. B. SPENCE & CO. MANUFACTURERS A DEALERS IN Carriages and Buggies WARRENTON. GA., THANKFUL for past favors, would respectfully ask a cuntiuuanco of public patronage, aud do hereby pledge their best effort* to give satisfac tion to all their customers. All branches of Repairing, Painting, Ac., tlono in the bust style, and at short ootieo. marO J. M. N E WB Y, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BEST GRADES OF r READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. \ .A.T HIS UNTZEW STORE TSTo. 238 BROAE-St; r- ‘ _ _ AVgusta, Georgia. ! J. M. NEWBY will pay strict attention,to his Business during the year 1800. | Gentlemen wishing to buy CLOTHING, or have Goods made to order, will find it to their interest to call and see him. TRY IT. fob 3nt Remember the .door, 2!ls Broad street. v SPRING STOCK! i m ,m ‘ • tti c/tvl/E would most respectfully call your alien lion to oi.r very large and jr** y Ibll Stock of GOODS, for the SPRING TRADE, consisting, ol’ every I thing that is usually, kept in a Retail DRY GOODS STORE, iDBESS CS-OOIDS of every variety: Ribbons and Laces of all colors : I Embroidery ofy every description ; Gloves and Hosiery, large assortment; pVhlte Goods of every style ; e Mantillas, Shawls.J&e. ■loop Skirts, for Misses and Ladies; Child's and Misses Hats, ■tuunets, trimmed and untrimmed; HOOTS amt SHOES, ■ oW a ‘large variety of READY MADE CLOTHING: CROCKERY, GLASS am. HARDWARE; BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. i SADDLES and HARNESS, &c. All of which we will sell at the Lowest Market Prices, amt most respect fully solicit a call, ami careful examination before purrhasiug elsewhere. NiISIII,OS. SMITH & (O. Warrenton, Ga; “ marltf JOHNSON & DRAPER, “ DEALERS XIST STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods and Groceries, &c. IN returning thanks to tlicir numerous friends and customers for their past liberal pat ronage, would also hi form them that they arc NOW OPENI at their well known Brick Store, the largest and most complete stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Clothing, I Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, Saddlery, Ilardtcare, fr., ever brought to this market. t Gome and See Our Fresli Arrivals of French, English and German Dry Goods, Silk, Tissues, Foulards, Grena dines, Organdies, Jaconets, pluiu and printed feereges, Ac. ■* French and American Calicos, Ginghams, Chintz, Ac. Also a beautiful lot of gibbons, Laces, Embroideries, Mils, French Lace Points, Mantillas Shawls, Parasols, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. } OFB FINE BONNETS t are of the latest importations and newest styles, also Misses’ Hats A Shaker >Hoods. 50 dozen HOOP SKIRTS of the latest shape and best mahe from 25 cents four dollars ami a half qgpli. l All those who want tine goods for a little money will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Warrenton, march I—ts JOHNSON A DRAPER. SPRING GOODS! WHERE is NOW OPENING, at 279 Broad Street, Augusta, some new X and beautiful designs Kiiwery fabric suited to the j&esonk season. And as there are in town so many stores having on hand large quantities of Goods, (the residue of last [Summer's stock), the advantage of selecting in a store but lately opened, | must be apparent to all who may desire the • . NEWEST STYLES IN SPRING GOODS. [Of this, a trial cannot fail to convince; and by a uniform system of ONE •PRICE, and marking all Goods in plain figures, T can, from long expori- Vucc in business, guarantee to the public such value iu every description of DRY (J()01)S, Vs cannot be equalled elsewhere! SAMUEL DICKEY, mar 6—3 m 279 Broad Street, Ga. SPRING CLOTHING ’ RAMSEY & LABAW, 1 No. 308 BROAD STREET—opposite the Union Bank—AUGUSTA. J. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Manufacturers of [FINE CLOTHING, arc now iu receipt of their elegant and extensive stock of Men and Boys’ Clothing, ■ OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. Also, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises Carpet Bags, &c. Also, an elegant lino of Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Stocks, Money Bells and Gloves, Cravats, Suspenders, Ties, &c. tOur Stock being entirely New, and having ample facilities, we will sell cm at prices to DEFY COMPETITION. marl—2iu &isr coJsrsxoasrSnEiiTT TENNESSEE CORN. Bacon, Lard, Flour, &c. ( Jfe undersigned, is now receiving and will keep for sale, all the nbnvo allftrt, and others not enumerated, which he offers at the lowest market IV&Im cash or city acceptances.!” He will make it to the interest of every ! FOWLER, JONES & HARRIS, IK 1 RRLWTON. UK OR UlA\ DEALERS IN buy ee©Bß, Bonnets, Ribbons, Dress-Goods, Laces, Edgings, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY. GLOYES. CRA Y i TS, dV. READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS. ROOTS AMD SHOES. Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery CJIIXA and CLASS irj'/,'/:. d'v. 1 Yetis, Ink. Paper. Envelope ’. TVijM. Yankee ant SmtinnoVyTJ I And every other article usually kept in a retail store, would resp. ei fully call the attention of their customers and the public generally a splendid Stock of* Spring (toods,&c. JUST RECEIVED at their old stand, and which they will sell upon the usual terms to Cash or reliable credit customers.* Call and see—no charge for showing Goods. mar 1 = w. WSdSSy Dealer in Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishing Goods. Cooking’ and Office Stoves,&c. GRATES, Ilaml-iron, Shovels and Tongs, Stew-pans, Coffee Roaster*, Tea Kettles, Waifcr and Waffle Irons, Ironing Furnaces, Smoothing Irons and Tribits. Phnin and Patent Coffee Mitt?. Ae. PLAIN AND JAPAN TIN WARE, such as Waiters. Sugar and Cake Boses, Bath ami Foot Tubs, Fancy Trunks, Cash Boxes, Spire Boxes. Spit toons, Candle Sticks, Molasses Cups, Toilet Setts. <Vc. All varieties of Fruit Cans, Glass, Porcelain and Tin. BRITANIA WARE, Ac.—Water Coolers, Steak Dishes, Pitchers, Tabl# and Tea Spoons, Ac. Patent Egg Whips.—Kerosinc, Find and Oil Lamps, Reflectors, Ac. j IV 001) AND WILLOW-WARE, such as Baskets, Cages, Tubs, Buckets, Trays, Churns, Rolling Pins, Biscuit Beaters, Steak Malls, Wash Boards, and Ice Cream Freezers, Ac. Ttn nml Glass Lanterns. Coal Snaffles and Shovels. Wood, Brass and Brittaniu I'AUSETS, Ladles. Skimmers. Soup Dipper*, Tea Bells and Match Safes, Door Springs, Tack Hammers. Ae. Cocoa Gourds, Cocoa and Grass Mats, Feather and Corny Dusting Brushes, Spring Balances, and everything else in my line. aH of which I will sell as cheap as the same article can be bought iu Augusta. I ALSO KEEP ON HAND and Manufacture to order, all manner of Tin Ware. ;£*©*“’ Ruffing and Guttering Executed with Dispatch,*and on the most reasonable terms. I sell for Cash or good account. Postoffice Corner, marl WARRENTON, GA. tV. W. PARGET. AGENT FOR LADD, WEBSTER & C 0' s SEWING MACHINES. A SAMPLE of which may be seen at the post office corner. Warrenton, Ga. march I—ly spm into- goodsTh 11 OR A, WISE & CO. (Sft'eESsonsf'fn J. M. 3ft.t Cos.) \ . HAVE now ill Store, anil will l>o constantly rcr.f.vring,Muring the Spring Mouths, tlie most Fashionable anil iil'pfoved Styles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, ENTIRELY OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. Which they claim to equal any brought to the Southern Market. Also, a large and carefully selected stock of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bays, Blankets, and Shawls. They also keep constantly on hand an assortment of YOUTHS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, Os the best shape and material. Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings, of the Newest importations AND GREATEST VARIETY, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER, in styles tu suit Patrons. Also, Cheap Clothing for Servant*. Short Profits and Quirk Sales is our iribtlo. Call tiud look through. IIORA, WISH & Cos., marl—2m Under U. S. HoteI—AUGUSTA. ~W. X. I>l OKEllSok, DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES. I IQ TORS, Segars, Tobacco, Ac., next door to Shields, Smith k Cos., J Keeps constantly on hand and will continue to receive fresh supplies of articles in his line, which he offers to his friends and customers on the most reasonable terms, for cash or good account. XVb- He is also prepared to serve his fricud?, as usual, iu tho watch and Clock and Jewelry Repairing business. JOS. B. THOM isox, •DEALER IX FAMILY SUPPLIES, Such as Sugar, Coflcje, Teas, Bacon. Lard, Flour, Molasses, Syrup, Starch, Soap, Candles, Cider, Ale. Porter. Wines. Liquors and Cordials. Segars and Tobacco, XailjMmd CONFECTION FRIES, such rs Cindies, Nuts, Ae. All of Wtfcidi will be sold for cash or good account. Call and see before