The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, October 19, 1866, Image 3

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JfEW F ILL m WINTER J. t FITZPATRICK IS dow receiving at his New Store, corner of i'xbfic Squi-e an<l Main street a spkmli<l iStuck of Dry Croocls Fancy C*oo<ls 5 Notions &c. WonlJ eall | >artioular ftttenti<»n to his beauti ful line of • Dress Trimmings, embracing Ribbons, Plain and white edge Velvets, A'ilk and Velvet Buttons, of all shades and colors. Chendle Cords, Braid, «fcc. ALSO, Clothing and Gentlemens Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Has on hand a good assortment, of the above articles, which he is ottering on the most reasonable terms. Thanking my friends and ac quaintances for former patronage >a continuance of the same is solic ited. •T. H. FITZPATRICK. Oct. 12, 1866, 25 If mmi AFRESH supply of everything in the GRO CERY line just received. Alsu, a good supply «us Hardware, 1101 l ow-ware. j Wooden-ware, Shots, Hals, Crockery &c. The nlxive GOODS will l.c Pol.l low. I in vito llu. speci.d fttU-ntion of ctfeUmicrs to tny .Stock of • Groceries, Shoes & Hats. They will bo sold at Augusta ju ices with frieghts added. P. IF. NORTON. Ocl. 12. 1566, 25—If 3%> Sacks /S'tocall’s Excelsior "Mills Flour. Double Extra, Extra and .Super fine, to arrive on .Saturday next. P. 11. NORTON. Oct. 12, 1866, 25—ts. •Inst Arrived. BEAUTIFUL assortment of DkLAINES and a fine lot of BEADY MADE CLOTH. JXU, w hich 1 am offering very cheap for Casli j. T. HARRIS. October 12, 1866, 25—ts, KEui SENE' KEROSENE ! ! 'TP-UST RECEIVED, two barrels BEST KER UX OSKNE, for burning purposes, at One Dol lar per gallon. Warranted good. J. S. EDMUNDSON <fc BRO. Sept. 28, 23 BUGGY UMBRELLA.S', FOR SALE BY R. H. VICKERS <t CO. Aug. SO, 1866,10—t5. SHE HR l»l MB m. JUST received a good supply of STOCK and PADLOCKS- R. H. VICKERS A CO. Aug. 23, 18GG, 18—ts. IVILkES SHERIFF'S SHE, U, T ILL be sold on the first TUESDAY in No vember next, before the Court House door in Washington, W ilkes county, within the legal hours of sale : One Tract of Land contain ing two hundred acres, more or less, on the wa ters of Pistol Creek, adjoining lamb of James Htiling, B. F. Jordan, and others, levied on as the property of Thomas Sutton, to satisfy the costs on two fi. fas., one issued from the IJon. Wilkes Superior Court, March term, 1859, in favor of O. Wingfield vs. Thomas Sutton and J. L. WynD, and oue other from the same Court,March teim. 1801, in faqor of D. J. Aycock vs. Tlioma9 Sut ton. Property pointed out by James Huling. Also, one four horse Wagon and two sets gear. Sold us the property of Henry G. Thompson, un der an order of the Honorable Superior Court of W ilkes county, September Term, 1866. Also, at the same time and place, one House and Lot, containing two acres, more or less, lev ied on as the property of Henry G. Thompson to satisfy three h. fas. issued from the Honorable Superior Court of Wilkes county, one in favor of Trances Colly vs. Henry G. Thompson, one in fa vor of Cozart llogue vs. Henry G. Thompson, ami one other in favor of Bradford Thompson vs. Henry G. Thompson. Said house and lot lied on the Augusta road one mile and a half east o i Washington, known as the Thompson place. J. M. DYSON, Sept. 21st, 1866. 23 Sheriff W. C. Will be sold before the Court House in Wash ington, on the first Tuesday in November, 1806, within the legal sale hours: Two tracts‘of Land, one containing 505 acres, more or less, known as the tract deeded to Ann H. McLendon. Another containing 482 acres, more or less, known as the tract deeded to T. C. McLendon—both of said tracts of land lying in VS ilkes county, on Newford creek, between Dan burg and the Libert Line. Levied on as the property of Frances McLendon, by the Constable of the 180th District G. M , satisfy sundry fi. fas. iu favor of Isaac A. McLendon against said T ranees McLendon. Levy made and turned over to me by W. T. Anderson, Countable of the 180tli strict. WM. A. QUINN, Oct. fi, 1866. 24 Dep’y Shft FMTROMZE HOME EMUISE! FURNITURE STOKE iw ■ » W. L. KEOUGII & CO. WE RESPECTFULLY beg leave to in- our f. iends and the public that we are now prepared to dv> all kinds of Cabinet work to order We solicit a liberal allure of the public patronage. We keep cons autlyon hand a supply of COT TAGE BEDSTEADS and CHAIRS oml we are also, prepared to repair all kinds of FURNI TURE, such as : CANE BOTTOM CHAIRS, SPRING-SEATED LOUNGES. SOILIS, BUREAUS etc. All work done in the neatest and best style at short notice, and on reasonable terms. CARPENNERS’ WORK. We d«r all kinds of CARPENTERING by the ■oh or contract, to suit persons having the work done. We will keep constantly cm baud, and make to order, DOORS, LUNDS, SASH Ac. October 12, 1866, 23—3 m. 27 i -A.sEi:xc>3xrs, i§««. J- W- BRADLEY'S Celebrated Duplex elliptic (OR DOUBLE SPRING) HOOFSaiRTS,^ “■-r f : I. H-. 1, I■ ■ I" '■ invented, the >k it t iim-i- u 'They are not equaled in Elegance, Elasticity, lightness. Durability, Comfort, or Economy.— They will not bend or break like the Single Nprrng skirts, but will preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring that has ever been or can bo made. TJiis invent ion conristfrof Duplex, or I wo Ellip tic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible elastic, and durable spring ever used. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced partic ularly in all crowded assemblies, Operas, carri ages. railroad c rs, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirc can be folded when in use, to occupy a small space as easily as a rilk or muslin dress. For Children, Misses or Young Ladies they arc superior to all others. Inquire f„r the Duplex Elliptic (or dcu ble) Spring Skirt. At Wholesale by the ExclusivVManufacturers and sole owners of the Patent. WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, WABERnOMS AND OFFICE, Nos. 9*7 Chambers and 79 and 81 Reade sts. NEW ::::::::::: YORK. For sale by COZART &. HOGUE. Oct. 12, 1866, 25—8 m * i If C. P. McCalla, Enos A. Tate, M. T.McOrec i k Cos., •COTTON T&GTOR3 AI6X) FffllSM IMS, Parlicnlar Attention given to Suit’s of Country Produce. JACKSON STREET, [Near Ellis Streei J AUGUSTA, GA. Liberal Cash Advances made; Ample Clo Storage. P. 3.—1 hare been associated with the above firm since last winter. We will sell all Cotton entrusted to us free of storage, and will furnish Bagging and Rope to the Planter at his depot, at Augusta prices. ENOS A. TATE. July 12, 1866, 12—3 m. MODS. WfE WOULD most respectfully inform the public generally, that we have and are re ceiving one of the best stock of goods, we have ever this market, consisting in part of the following articles : All Wool Merinos, DeLaines, Empress Cloth in great variety, Silks, Alpacas, Bombazines, Poplins, Plain <fc Dotted Swiss and Jaconet Muslins, Irish and Pillow Case Linen, Opera and Common Flannels, Fine Be4 Blankets, Shirtings, Sheetings, Towels, Napkins, Doyles, Ginghams, „ Pacific DeLaines, Calicoes, 'Ribbons, Flowers, Bonnets, Knit Shawls, and Soutags, Ladies Cloaks, Gloves, Hosiery, Hats, Clothing, Cassiraeres, GROCERIES HARDWARE, D nig’SjOils &c. R. It VICKERS & CO. Sept. 28, 18G6, 28—ts. NEW GOODS. CHEAP STORE. T HAVE just received a supply of Fall Good*, consisting iti part of the following articles : Calicoes of various styles, grades and prices, Del .nines, VVorsted and Dress Goods, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. Bonnets and Hats, of various qualities, Crockery, Clotbii g, Boots nnu Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, cotton and wool Cards, Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, and a greal many Notions too tedious to men tion: iufuct everything needed in a well regula ted family. I will sell any of my goods at the smallest sort of profit, ns I want money, and am bound to sel 1. Friends nnd old customers will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere, I am deter mined not to be undergold. S. 11. CRENSHAW. Oct. 6, 1860. 24—ts JUST OPENED? J. T. HARRIS, AT P. FITZPATRICK’S OLD STAND, ’ S T\TTjArLL keep constantly on hand a variety vi/ Goodj, consisting of Dry GooSn, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Candies, Almonds, Nuts, Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Fine Cigars Also, a fine assortment of Gents’ Hats, and ev erything usually kept in u Dry Goods Store. I will take great pleasure in waiting upon any one who may favor me with a call, aud will offer them goods on the most reasonable terms. Oct.s, 1860, 24—ts J. T. HARRIS. DRESS TRIMMINGS?. 3 OUR stock of DRESS TRIM MINOS In the most complete ami full we have ever had. A.X.SO, Jfqd Qirwm, frips &c. Call and see for yourself. R II VICKERS & CO. Sept. 28, 1866, 23—ts. Confectionery. ■'VJEW Confectionery and Family Grocery now 11 opening in the rooms next door to our srote. The public are invited to call. Oct. 5,24—ts R. H. VICKERS <fc CO. Trimmings. Tlf-NFANTS’ Waists, Jaconet and Swiss Tnser vLil tion and Edging, Coventry and other frilling Edgings, <fcc. R. H. VICKERS it CO. Oct. 5,24—ts clothlngTclothing. JUST leceivcd, a lot of clothing. Over Coals Frocks and Sacks, Pants, Vests, Geotlerat n’s fine Hosiery R. H. VICKERS it CO. Oct. 5,24—ts Just Received. Real Moltere, Valencene and imita tion Lace Setts, Embroidered, Hemstitched and L. O. Handkerchiefs, Ladies’Silk and Merino Under Vests, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, <tc, for sale by R. H. VICKERS it CO. Cct. 5,24—ts LUMBER! SLUMBER of the be»t qnality by the wagon load, delivered Id any part of the village on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. R. H. VICKERS & CO. Sept 27,1866, 23—ts. W. HENRY WARREN & CO., grams %mmm y • AND FOIIISSIi IIEMM Fire-Proof Storage. L OFFICE 175 AND 177 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA. GA. Cush advances made on shipments of Cot - ton to New York or Livirpool. Oct. sth, 24 If. heir! imm to., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN p&CEMES* HXVg|. amr.n Nos. 175 and 177 Broad St., I W. llksuy Warres, ( AUGUSTA, GA. W. B. 11 Annin, J John W. Wallace. ( Oct. 6th, 1860, 24 T IW ILIIIERV STORE. TniS will inform the friends of Mrs. M. R. HARRIS and the public generally, that she is row prepared to do all kinds of wmx In the most fashionnhle and latest styles. She will also keep constantly on hand, BONNETS, HATS, HEAD DRESSES, NETTS, nnd everything usually kept in a first clftßs Mil lifterv Store. Cull and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere Oct. 6,24 —ts ROBkOCKHART & DEMPSTER, "■COTTON 'FACTORS • LIVERFOOL. ’•ASH ADVANCED •□n i cdtton CONSIGNED jTO US BY MES S RS.MAIJ D E & WRIG H T. AUGUSTA, GA. MAUDE & WllllillT, a©TTON FACTORS}. AUGUSTA, GA. (f|ASU ADVANCED ON COTTON CON signed to Masers. UOBT. LOCKHART dr DEMPSTER, I Livkupiku. Mjstm.n 11. BALDWIN *k CO., New You* ' ™WR*ffOBERT PATTERaVON ,C CO., I Philadelphia Itepresenting (he above Wealthy and Respon sible Houses, we arc ulwcys prepared to make advances on Cotton consigned to them for sale. We beg to call the attention of Planters and Holders of Colton to our unsurpassed facilities for Jmndtmgthe same. We arc at all times in funds to advance <m Consignments. Cotton for warded with dispatch (at Low Rates of Freight) tonny American or European Port. We offer the same inducements this seasion which characterized all our engagements during the past year—namely. Dispatch to Shipments, Moder* Charges and Quick Returns. if Is uot necessary to pay the goverinment tax on Cotton at points of shipment. Planters may phip to us, tax unpaid, by giving bonds for the aaine to the Revenue Collector of (lie District in which they reside. We take charge of Cotton in andmrt of Georgia, South Carolina and Ala bama, paying taxes and all necessary expenses, thereby saving owners from all care ar.d trouble. Ailnrge stock of Bagging nnd Rope constant ly oi> hand at market rates. Clone {Storage for Cotton. MAUDE <fc WRIGHT, Kipt. 28, 23 288 Broad street. ■— ■ IF-AULIL, Sc WHITER NILLIIIY GOODS. MRS. H. F. ANDREWS yfcUjiAS just received a full stock of Fall nnd ''L£U) Winter Millinery Goods,consisting of and dverytbing usually kept in a first clnss Mil linervestablisliment. Her goods are of the mwst elegakt et.yles and latest fashions. Prices very moderate. Terms Cash. Sepi 28, 23 NOTICE, MRS. M. BARBER JUST RECEIVED BONNET AND HAT BLOCKS^ Direct from New York, and is now prepared to Shape, Pres and Trim Bonnets and Hats in the latest style and at the most reasonable prices. Sept. 28, 22 :e\ horsey, 1 JIUCCISSSOR OF HORSEY, AUTEN A CO. RATS, CAPS MR STRAW (iOOIIS. NO. 25 UAYNE STREET. / CHARLESTON, S- C< Sept. 21, 22—lm ALL THE GO. Hawley’s Solidified TOOTH CREAM. J. 9. EDMUNDSON & BRO. Aug. 23, 1866, 18—tfi NOTICE. WE will sell BAGGING and ROPE to our customers as low as can be bought io Au gusta or Washington. J. J. ROBERTSON A CO. Oct. fi, 1866, 24—ts WATCH-MAKER, WATCR-MAIER HEIMRV COR I) !•: i, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER WASHINGTON, C3-A., Atthe Old Stand Two Doors below Mr. Crenshaw. ESTABLISHED 1860. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Musical Boxes and jTf\ Jewelry repaired. Particular attention ttfct am paid to Frencli and English Clocks, and fine Watches. I would respectfully state to the public in ad joining Counties, that I have been a practical WAICH-MAKER, for the last sixteen years and during that time have had experience in new work, as well as in repairing, in my line of busi ness. A good stock of Watch KEYS and GLASSES always on hand. These articles I sell cheaper than anybody in to\yn. April 26,1866, I—6m. C\EORQIA WILKES COUNTY.—Whereas J Wm. G. Turner. Executor on the estate of B. W. Tuck, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my offiee within the time prescribed by law, to show cau e, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given undormy hand and official signature, at Washington, this 4th dav ofOctobkr, 1866. G. G. NORMAN, Ord’y. Oct. 6, 1866, 24—lnmCm (GEORGIA WILKES COUNTY.—Whereas \Spir R. \\. Quarles, administrator on the estate of Elizabeth A. Hamrick, late of said county, de ceised, applies to me for. Letters of Dismission from said trust: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditoisofsaid de ceased, to be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand at offioe in Washington, this 4th day of October, 1886. G. G. NORMAN, Ordinary. Oct. 6, 1566, 24—lanKiiu EGRGIA, WILKES COUNTY WKerens sWr Reuben Kendall applies to me for letters of Guardianship of Sarah Jane Danner, Abraham M. Danner, Benjamin F. Danner and William 11 Danner, minors of Franklin W Danner, dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should uot bo granted. Given under my hand at office in Washington, this Ist day of October, 1866. G. G. NORMAN, Ordinary. Oct. 6th, 1866, 24 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. TVinILL be sold on the first TUESDAY in yfy December next, before the Court House door in the town of Washington, Wilkes county, a Tract of Land lying and being in said county, on the waters of Broad River, adjoining William Cade, B W. Fort son and John Andres; contain ing SLJVEN HUNDRED ACRES, more or less. There are some 40 or 60 acres of excellent River bottom land on the Tract. Sold ns the property of Dinnah Pullen, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Raid deceused. Terms of sale on tho day. E. T. SMITH, Adm’r. Oct, 3,1866, 24 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ON the first TUESDAY in December next will be sold before the Court House door in Washington, Wilkes county, the following tiaut of land, to wit: a tract containing Four Hundred and Sl*ty More or less, lying in said county on the waters of Long Creek, adjoining lands of Biune, Lunce ford, and (fillers, sold as the property of John H. Norman, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Ternn made known on the day of sale. JOHNSON NORM AN, Adirif, Sept. 28, 23 - ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE /W\N the first TUESDAY in December next. \Li? will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Washington, Wilkes county, the fol lowing property, to wit : one tract of land con taming FIVE HUNDRED ANI) THIRTY ACRES , more or less, lying and being in said county, on tho waters of Clarke’s Creek, adjoin ing lands of Hill, li ufF, and others. On said tract of land are two settlements, raid will be Rold in two parcels or together, ft 9 may best suit purcha sers. Fold as the property of Elijah Norman, neceased, for the benefit of creditors. Terms made known on the day. JOHNSON NORMAN, Admr. Sept. 28, 23 Notice to debtors and creditors. All persons having demands against George Baiiy, late of Wilkes county, deceased, will pre sent them for payment, and those indebted to* said deceased will make immediate payment. GEORGE H. DAILY, Ex>. MARY J. HARRIS,Ex’rx. Sept. 28, 23—Ct r MONTHS after date application will X be made to the Court of Ordinary of Wilkes county .for leave to sella portion of the Lands belonging to the estate of George Gresham, de ceased. NJNCY S. GRESHAM, Sept. 35,1860. 23—8 t Executor. A, WILKES COUNTY.—TWO Vpp months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ol said county for leave o sell the Real Estate belonging to tlig estate of P. Fitzpatrick, late of said county deceaied, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decease . ELIZABETH ETTZPATRICK, Adra’x. September 0, 1860, 20—2 m. /gq,EOKGIA, WILKES COUNTY—TWO >4yr months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the lieal Estate belong to the estate of T. J. Wall, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of said deceased. WM. R. CALLAWAY, Sept. 3, 1866, 20—2 m. WILKES COUNTY.—Whereas vjyr George Dysdn, Administrator on the es tate of John D. Ba ly, late of said county, deceas ed, applies to me for Letters of Dismibsion from said trust: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grant ed. Given under my hand at office in Washington, this 4th day of October, 1866. G. G. NORMAN, Ordinary. Oct. 5,1866, 24—lam6m Georgia, wilkes county.—two months after (late application will be made to the Court ot Ordinary of said connty for leave to sell a part of the Real Estate belonging to the estate of A. T. Holliday, dec’d., for the bena fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ELIZABETH HOLLIDAY Admx. JJAug. 30,1866,10—2 m. Notice to debtors and creditors All persons indebted to the Estate of Fran cis S. Sutton, late of Lincoln county, deceased are requested to make immediate pay merit; and* those having cUdms against said estate will pre sent them, duly attested, within the time pre scribedby law. JOHN M. CHENAULT, Sept. 21,22—6t* Executor. Geo. R. Crump, W. B. Davison , Wm. A . Wright [Rllll DAVIDSON k (O', AND Cotton Waotore, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, BACON, FLOUR LARD, GRAIN, BAGOIXO, AOPS, and PURE NO. I, PERUVIAN OUANO. Consignments of Cotton and Country Prou.»ct Solicited. 200 BROAD STREET* GVXJ STA. GkA_ Rkkerences.—F. Arnold & Ca, Fettua it Cnl- Invay, S. H. Crenshaw, Jus. Junkin, Washing ton, On. Augusta, flu., A tip;. 23, 1864 18—‘2m. THE SUPERB DRINKING SALOON, AT CLEVELAND'S OLD STAND I WASHINGTON, UA. WHERE everything; usually found in uucli nil establishment can be procured such ns SHERRY COBBLERS, ■ CLARET PUNCHES, WINE SANG A REES, “WHITE LYONS"Ae. ALSO, ICED LEMONADES, and COOL DRINKS of every description. K3T Families supplied with ICE every day on the most reasonable terms. J. M. LOVE. July 18, 1866, 13—ts. FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. Fine WHISKEY nnd Blackbory BRANDY. Fine Cooking WINKS nnd BRANDIES. All of which we nre offering voiy low. J. S. EDMUNDSON <k BRO. Aug. 23, 1888, 18—ts. LATEST RECEIVED. Sulid OIL, OIL BERGAMOT. J. S. EDMUNDSON A BRO. July 12, 1866, 12—tt NEW GOODSi CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Hats and Shoes, Hardware, Crockery and Groceries Os overy description are now being received br ARNOLD, GREEN A CO.. Stfrt. 81, 22 J-- S. COLES,. FACTOR AND FORWARDING MKRCIIA IT TV 144 Reynolds >3t., Near South Carolina Depot, -A.TJGtrrSXA, QA. EF Will Sell Cotton and Produce generally, or receive the Bnmo on Storage. Will furnish or purchase Planters’ Supplies. Augusta, Uii., Aug 28, 1866 18—Sin. Read! Read f l TWO do2on bottles only, of DRAKE’S PLAN TATION BITTERS. For sulo by JOHN S. EDMUNDSON <k BRO. Sept. 28,28 TO ARRIVE rripjTVE HUNDRED bushels BLACK OATS iff; 1 for Full ami Winter sowing. Be wise and put in oats now to supply the place of corn next Spring. W. Ie EDMUNDSON. Sept. 28, 22 Schedule Georgia"! Railroad. Dav Passksoxu Tuan*. Leave Augusta nt ----6 16 am Arrive at Atlantaat - • • • t ts) r x Leave Atlanta at 615 am Arrive at Augusta nt- - - - 8 00 r u Niuht PASSEXUEn Txain. Leave Atlanta 6 46 r M Arrive at Augusta- - - - -3 SO A M Leave Augusta 000 am Arrive at Atlanta 7 09' a m E. W. COLE, Superintendent.. Juno 29, 1806. JUST RECEIVED I . Babbitt's B M Saleratus* J. S. EDMUND/SON A BRO. July 12,1865 12—If. JUST RECEIVED, Five gali. Balsam Copaiba) and a lot Morphioe, very low. J. S. EDMUND/SON A BRO. Aug. 81, 1866, 19 $250 LOST, on the 3d day of July last, between Washington nnd my residence, THREE BONDS, one for 81,000 on the South Western Railroad Co,and two on the Georgia Railroad A Banking Cos , one for 81,000, the other for 8600. Notice having been served on these Companiea to stop the payment of both Coupons and Bonds, they cannot be collected without detection. The above reward will be paid to any one on re'um ing said Bonds to me, or to Dr. J. J. Robertson, at the Bonk, in Washington, and no questions asked. K. W. FORTSON. Aug. 29th, 1866—19 AMERICAN HOTEL. OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT. ATLANTA) GEORGIA. RECENTLY renovated, furnished and placed in complete order. Every effort will be used*to render the guests comfortable. Splendid Bar aud Billiard Saloon attached to the Hou^. WHITE* WHITLOCK,Prop’rx. Bavso!* <k Wilet, Clerks. . * Aug.3l, 1866, 19—