The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, October 19, 1866, Image 4

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LIVE JOE BCKETHIHO tire tor something, be not idle. Look a boat thee for employ 1 Sit tot down to nselos* dreaming, Ijibor is the sweetest joy. Folded handi are erer weary, Hellish bearta are never gay, lib tot (nee bath many duties— Aelita be, thou, while you may. Scatter blessing* in thy pathway. Gentle worda and cheerng llpilea Better are than gold aud ailver. Walk their griof-Jiopelting wilea. Aa the pleasantaunohine falletb Erer oa the grateful earth, Bo Jet sympathy and kindness Gladden well the darkened hearth. flearta there are oppreated and weary; Drop the tear o! eytnpalby, Whisper worda of hope and comfort; Gif*, and thy reward shall be Joy unto thy soul returning, From tin* perfect fountain head. Freely, aa tbou freely giveat, Bball the grateful light ba abed. A TaUut Physician.—A certain phy eiciaii, at sen, made great use of tea water among hie patients. Whatever disease came ou, a dose of nauseating liquid wan first [brown down. In process of time the doctor fell ofer hoard. A great hustle consequently ensued on hoard, in the midst of which the captain came up, and inquired the cause. “Oh, nothing, sir,” auswered a tar,‘‘only the doctor has fallen into bis medicine cheat.” A gentleman who was relating an acci dent be had met with in Cambridge from a fall, was asked hy a surgeon if it was near the vertebra: he had been hurt ? “No air,” was the reply, “it was- the near the observator)’.” Tim editor who wrote his editorials with stolen chalk; on the soles of his shoes, and went bare foot while the boys sot up tbe copy, has purchased a ream of second hand envelopes, and engaged a girl to turn them inside oat. I - Strong Propensity—A ludy seeing her lover run in' great haste to meat her, ob served to him I hut he must ho in a very great hurry to run bo fast. “Madam, 1 ’ relpied ftiff lover,“l was following my in timation." What a auspicious monster the mnn must have been who first invented a lock, but what a ujisfing creature the woman who first allowed a latch-key. A wag says it is " folly to expect a girl to love a man whom everybody speaks well of. Get up a persecution, aud her affec tion* will cling so fast that a dozen guard i ans can’t begin to remove them." J'HA.NE. ARNOLD.' ■ JJUItWEbI. GUKKN F. ARNOLD & CO., a, f .;<£ „ DEALERS IN GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &C., AT CLICVF.I.AXIV9 OI.D STAND. "VE desire to cntl the attention of the pub w T tic tu our eoniplele Stock of GROCERIES, -which we offer cheap for CASH. Our assort .men t uuusists of iSUOATti COFFEES, TEAS, PICKLES, VIN EGAR, LOBSTERS, OYSTERS, SAR DINES, MACKEREI,. SALT, CAN NED FRUITS, JELLIES, FINE. WINES. BRANDIES, ALE, WHISKEYS, PORTER, GANDIES OF ALL KINDS, SOAP, 1* 1 P IJ3, INK, PAPER, CURRANTS, FINE CHEWING AND SMOKING TO liAUCO, FINK CIGARS, cotton and Wool cards, blacking, almonds, raisins, HARDWARE. HOES, TUACECHAINS, BUCKETS, TUBS, SHOVELS, SPADES, ! Ax*% lUt dicta, File*. So row a, Nail*, J>r»w knives, SifUMs, 1* a U lock a. Brooms, Irons, Shenrts Bvthe Blades, Knives, Forks, Pocket Knives, j AUuttiro*, Shot and Caj»s, i GMSSWMS CROCKERYWARE, TINWA liE, &C. . OT Produce of all kind* taken iu exchange far good. »t the HIGHEST market price*. ... , 1-. ARNOLD A CO’S. _ w aahmgloii, April g?, lyee, 1-ts EJCudmuteiu, lAMoaHM*. JtU JUromeUmjL L. J. GIULMARTIN & 00., CQTTON FACTOTS , Skipping and Commission Merchants, liS Bay St- \\ vet of the Fauhange, SaVaNNAU, C.A., Consignmiuts Solicited, upon tehich Liberal Ad vances mil be made. «r TVr.M-id.r ptintion given to the SALS ■of OOTTO.V and MBKCRAXWSk and to >Wi«tl Orders for JIUBLS LVSILER. i YOOL, HIDES, <tc. lOel.S, ISS6, Sl—2m. COLD! COLD! COLD! Itt&Mli At Chase’s Old Drug Store. e have just received, and continue to receive Large Supplies of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Groceries, Which we will exchange on the most liberal terms for Gold, Silver or GrreenlDacliS. AMONG QUli STOCK WILL BE FOUND: Figured Poplin*. Pure Mohair Lustre, Ladies Drea* Trimming*,of all kind*, Perfumerv, of all kinds. Bum Mohuir, Sitk tinuffi, Blftck I)ret* Silk, Ladies* and ili&aet’ WMU CoUon Jl< «e, J.adits’ Cud* and Collars, E ttr ?t . P 2 . U J« re ’ ** ure Alpacca, Coburg Ciotli, Domestics, Umbrellas, Umbrellas, Bonnets and Hats, latest styles, Lngn«h Merinos, Flunuels, Calicoes, Kinsey, Ribbons, all kinds and qualities, Cloths and Casaksereß, lialmoritl Skirts, Hoop Skirts, of tbe latest and moat improved style, Gentlemen’s Clothing, Kurijisfiine Goods, U*dies Cloaks, of line quality and styles, Breakfast Shawls, A large stock of Embroideries, Bools ami Shoes, ffals, Sootag*, lloods and Nubias, Jaconet and Swiss and checked Muslin, Trunks, Valicea axd Carpet Bags, Crockery, Hardware and Groceries. Gents’ Clothing and Furnishing Goods. All of which will be sold lower for Cash than can be bought elsewhere in Washington. Call and pi ice our Goods and we are certain you will he suited, both in the quality Os the goods add the price. MARCUS & FRANKLIN. C Bland* for Clothing when fashionably mad* L For Light Fabrii* to *uil the spring trade 0 Our establiahinent, where please to call; T Tidy garments should be worn by all; H Hot wealljer, coming rapidly without far; i Invite you to buy youi clothing here N Now stylo, we aie reoeiving every wee* ; G Olsd lo nee you when our establishment you seek. K E M I'm B I It L SIMON & CO., fashionable Clothing Emporium 224 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA GA. May 18. 18« rt. 6—tr weight! maim MON COTTON SCREW May be Furnished to the Planters of South Carolina and Georgia , < from August WHERE ONE MAY BE SEEN IN PRAC TICAL OPERATION. IT is a Georgia invention, combining sim plicity, economy and durability, with a Ww application of the Screw power by which levers always swing in the same horizontal plane, at u convenient height for ap plying hand or horse power—and, also, great* ly fnoilitatmg. the filling of the cotton box by turning back the follower block entirely from over the nnmih of it. The timbers arc light nod small—the circle described by the levers being but 22 feet diameter, Libera) arrangements made with agents for Couuties, or in sale of County Rights. Cosh price of Irons. SIBO, at Augusta. Send in your orders at ouce to \ F. PHINIZY A CO., Loesl Agents. Or, L. I>. PALMER, General Agent, Fept. 21, Bm. Augusta, (Jo. Gko. W. Evans, fc?u. J. K. Evans GEO. W. EVANS & SON, Warehouse and Commission Merchants AUGUSTA, GA. SPECIAL attention paid lothe Storage and Bale of Cotton, and all other duce. The usual facilities and accommodations will be afforded to ottr customers. Office No. 14 Mclntosh Street, near Georgia Railroad Bank. Sept. 2’, 28, 8m ISAAC T. HEARD & CO., \\T AUKIIOUSK and Cootmi#aton Merchants, v i corner Reynold and Mclntosh Street*, Ga., will devote their strict personal attentiou tu the storage and sale of Cotton and all other produce. Orders for Bagging, Rope, Ac., promptly* attended 10. Liberal Cash Ad vances made at all times on produce iu Store, ISAAC T. HEARD. O. M. STONE- Sopt. gl, 8m Jams* W. Norton, Robert IfWfow, Jr. WHOLESALE GROCERS. HORTON & WALTON, Continue Business at Store No. 287 Broad Street , Augusta, Go., (Next below old Union Bank Building.) WITH increa»ed facilities, we are prepar ed with a full STOCK to sell at the lowest, market prices, all goods usually sold in oar line, suited to Merohant. trade, Plantation and Family use. Augusta, Sept. 4, 20—Srn, It. A. FLEMING, lFarrAomr and Oemmitsion Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA.. TXTNTINUBS to give hie personal attention !V. to all buaiuesa entrusted 10 him. Will occupy the building opposite hi* old stand va cated by K.|P. Clay ton after Ist September. Sept. SI. SS-Sm. R. A. FLEMING. PLUMB & LEITNER, druggists anti CVpattjccarics, 212 33road Street, NEAR THE POST OFFICE CORNER, AUGUSTA, GS3On GI A , RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Mtrehant*, Planter.-, aud Physician* to their large aud well assorted Stock of UN ADULTERATES MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, And all other *rtiolc* in their line No boose in the South can offer a *loek superior in GENUINENESS and PURITY. ALT. OFFICINAL PREPARATIONS t.einu made in atriel accordance with the Fotmula* of (he UXITEI) STATES TRAP if A COP Gil A, with the licit Material, aud by th* PROPER WEIGUTd and .MEASURES. They reapeclfully solicit orjers, and pledge tkentcelvea to fill them with fidelity and dia patch. If any aiticle altouhl not prove to tmprcei.ely a* represented, they shall feel thankl u ) to have it renrned at their capcruc, and the uioney wdi lie r. fuu<icd. ’ [Sept. 21, ]Sin. -J. J. HOBKHTSON, A. V. BOGGS, WASHINGTON, GA. t | AUGUSTA, GA mmm pes® i ■ J. 0. ROBERTSON & CO. WILL COJrFISJUE THE WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS In all its branches at their larsre and cominodiotH fire-proof close store NO. 9, WARREN BLOCK, AUGUSTA, GA. PERSON AP ATTENTION given lo to Btarairc Mi l Sale of Cotton anJ Prodnce of all kinila. We will furnmlt our euatofnera with BAGGING anJ ROPIC, and arrange the payment vs the Revenue Tax on all Cotton fffljlawned to ua. Cotton wild by ua for piraont iu this aeetlon of the State will be paid by Hr, ROBERTSON, at the Bank iu Washington aa heretofore. f 4 Thanking our friends for the very liber#) pftironage extendep to ua during the paat year, we respectfully solicit a continuance of thfir confidence, Scj»t. 24, 1886, 26-ts / \EORGIA, WILKES COUNThares#! Moaca H. Arnold, Executor on tbe eataC# j of Allen Arnold doe’d., applies to for letters of dismitwion from said truet; These aie, ihafefore, to cite admonish, all and singular the kindred and > «d‘«r»rs of sad deceased, ts> he and appear at my v ffice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have why letters should not be graß* teu. Given under my hand and official signature, it Washington, this sth day of June. 18t>6. G. G. NORMAN, Ordinary* June 5, lGfifi, 7 —lm 6m. EORGIA, WILKES V_l Arden Evans, jr., Adminisirator on tie estate of Arden Evans Sr, lata ol said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of diamissicn from said trust ; These are, therefore, to cite and admonisH, all and singular the kindred and creditors &f said deceased, to be and appear at my offiw within the time proscribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have why letters should #ai be grauted. Given under my hand and official signature,at Washington, this 7th day of May 1866. G. G. NORMAN, * Ordinary. May 6, 1866, B~lm6m. iVk l) R G IA. VII t'Ol'NTY —Two vT months after date appiientien will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell a part of the Real Estate belong ing to the estate of A. T. Holliday, dec’d, /Sr the benefit of llie heirs aud crediiois of said deceased. ELIZABETH HOLLIDAY, Admit. Aug. 80, 1860, ID—2m &EORGIA, WILKES COUNTY .—Whereas Garnett Andrews has applied tome for Let ters of Administration with the Will annexed on the estate of Samuel McJu kiu late of laid county deceased. All persons £oneertied are hereby notified to file tbeir objection*, if any they have, uq or before the first Monday in October next, else Letters will be granted said applicant, as prat ed for. G. G. NORMAN, Ordinary. Aug. 23,1866, IS—4m. loil sos i Cos, DEALERS IN STOVES AND GRATES. PLAIN and Japan,-, 1 Tin Ware, Biitamjk, Wood and Willow Ware, House Furnish in* Hardware, and Manufacturer, of Tin, Cop per and Sheet Iron Ware. 2SS BROAD ST, AUGUSTA, GA. At tile Old Stand of W. H. Salisbury A Cos SepL 21, *2—3m. THE AMERICAN HOTEL, h Opposite the Depot, ATLAXTA . GEORGIA, 1 RECENTLY renovated, furnished ard p!s- V eed in complete order. Erery effort will be uaed to render the gueet* comfortable. Splendid Bar and Billiard Saloon attached to the Houee. WHITE A WHITLOCK, Pro’o. Bnvsox A WiLKT, Clerks. [Aug. 29. J. SIBLEY & SONS, General Commission Me rchants , No. 6 Warren Block. AUGUSTA, GA. HAVE excellent and commodious alose Stor age room for COTTON, and will give their personal attention to Us sale or storage. Liberal CASH ADVANCES will be made ou all produce in store. They alao otf*r for aale: 100 bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 200 coila beat Machine Rope, 8(H) half coda heat Machine Rope. 600 pounds Bagging Twine, 500 racks Liverpool Salt, 50 bbla Refined Sugars, UK) boxes cunuuou to choice Chewing Tobacco. 10,000 “Itobt. 'Bum*” and “Puff” Segart, 10 bbla choice Old Rye Whiskey. Sept. 21,22 —3m. E. P. CLAYTON A COT Warehouse and Commission Merchants , At Phinixy »fc Clayton’s Old Stand, corner Campbell and Reynold Streets, A U GUST A, GA. EP. CLAYTON will continue the Ware !• house and Commission Business in all its branches, and U prepared to Receive, Store, Sell or Forward Cotton and Produce entrusted lotus care, llis strict personal attention will be devoted to the business. Major JOHN H. JONES, of Elbert county, Ga., will be asso ciated iu the business from this dß**> and so licits the patronage of his friends and those of the late Col. L. 11. O. Martin. Tbe address of the eoucern will be E. P. CLAYTON & CO. Will receive aud forward Merchandize con signed to us. Affcnta for Mapes* Superphosphates and Wilder’s Fire Proof Safes. F*. P. CLAYTON, JOHN H. JONES, of Augusta. of Elbert co., Ga. Augusta, Sept. 21, 22-Soi. A. A. BKAE.U i. H. SI’LARM, W. U. PVTTML beall, mm & C 0„ Warehouse and Commission Merchants, Fire-proof warehouse. x<>. 6 Camp bell St., Augusta, . Ga, will giva stnet personal attention to Storage and Sale of Colton, Grain, Bacon, Flour aud other pro duce. IST Order* for Raging, Rope and Family Supplie* promptly tilled. The usual Cash Advances made on Produce in Store. Solicit the Patronage of their friends and the public generally. Sept. U, 21,8 m 7 S. B. HMHB, Warehouse and Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. . Sept 21, 22—Sm. 1)IW fPMfl® I im'.t ul _1 sU -,.i [liJ 1 H. F. RUSSELL & CO. H. F. RUSSELL. W. DANIEL. J. J. RUSSELL. ARE NOW OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC A.T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF DRY GOODS IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. No Louse .South can offer greater facilities in Variety, Style * or Prices than ourselves. TO COUNTRY MEItCIIA^STTS We would specially call attention and invite them to examine our .our .Stock before purchasing. in dress emm YVo offer— . Moostin Def.aines, jF'igareff and Plain, half cotton, Muuslio Del.Hiuea, '* - o all wool, PopliM, JngnreG and Plain, Plaid and Striped, Ileal Jtisli J’opliua in lllack, Colored and Uep , S t and £ i, Plaid, Striped itttd tiep Silk Mohair, “Milanji” and De Bege*, Goods for Travelling fJresge*, French Mcrinoa and Cashmeres, English Merinos and Tbibbett.Clotlia, Cobarg, Alpaccas, and Canton Cloths., Lupin’s Super Black Bombazine, Turin Cloth, anew and beautiful article, Empress ami Krmin ,Cloths, Plaid Uoubai* aud Greoalle Poil B’Chois, White and Colored Hep. and Plain Silks, While Alpacca, ltibbons, Trimming*; Buttons, sic., m great variety. WHITE GOODS. Jaoonet Nainsook Mull Muslin and Swiss Muslins, Striped, Plaid and Colored Muslins, French, Swiss and Pearl Swiss Muslin for party dresses, French orgondies and Tarletons, warrant ed to wash, for party dresses, Cambria Dimity, Linen Cambric and Linen Lawn, Pure Irish Linen, undressed. Bird’s Eye and Kussia Diaper, HOSIER Y, Men, Women and Children’s German Hose, ” “ “ English Hose,* • “ “ “ Gloves, in every variety, Real French Corsets, Hoop Skirts. COTTON AND WOOLEN GOODS. 8-4, 10-4 and 11-4 Bleached and Brown Sheeting, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Bleached and Brown Shirting, Striped and Plain Cotton Osnaburgs, Marlboro Stripe* and Plaids, Bleached and Brown Jeans, Plaid Linsevs, Plaius, Kersys and Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Satinets and Casstmeers, Calicoes in every style, English, French and American, Tbe public are invited to call amd examine for themselves, S3 we hope, by politeness and attention, to continue the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us ns truly Southern Merchants, Oct 12, 3m Cotton Diaper, Undressed Cambric for Ladies skirts, Percale, a French article for skirts, Uudreased Cambric for skirts, Huckaback and Damask Toweling, Damn*k and Huckaback Towels, 8 i to 4,2 4 Damask Table Cloths, Table Damask, by the yard, 10 4, 11-4, 12-4 and MarseillesQttilU, White and Colored Tidies, Damask Doyles and Napkins. White and Red Flannels, Opera Flannels, all colors, French Broad Cloth, Doe Skin Cassitnere, Brown Linen and Corset Jeans, Ginghams, dec., 6 4 Cloaking, for Ladies’ Clcacks, black and colored, Black and colored Merino and Caakmera Shawls, Breakfast Cape*, Son tag* and Nubian.