The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, November 29, 1867, Image 2

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_THE WASHINGTON GAZETTE. J. H. ALEXANDER, Editor Washington, Wilke* County, Ga. FRIDAY iIOUNINQ NOV, ts, I8«. Bear ff f.v Mind.—ExeDvtorv, Atluiinistrators and Guardians, wlto soinetimes scud advertisn meuta though the Ordinary, have entire control over the same, and can publish them in the pa ]>er of their choiee. General Pope’s Order does not nor cannot interfere with this right. Our friends will bear this in mind. Extract* from the Old Guard* Tin* following brief article* are copied from the Oi.o Guard for December. We ran find n«> . dippings more likely to intercut our reader#, and cmfld t»of better pay a well merited tribute to I hi* excellent periodical. A general and thor oagh reading of it* page* would improve oui morula and our politic*. The Southern Opinion, an able weekly paper pt»Wi-l»ed in lUdim-nid. gives f.ho following ad vice to gbs white people of that wftbß : “Men of Richmond, turn off every negro who Voted the Uadieal ticket* Give employ tnent and rapport fm longerto tb<»*a who banded together with llunnicutt. and hi* pa-ty to degrade and destroy y*w" ‘till perfectly juM. and wise ndvice. The negro has to In* met on tint plan o i bread and butter. J!u must t*« treated, not am « creature gifted with brain*, but clitfly a* one huv i»g a rtmnnch lire Conflict mn>i comic, and tin nearer the twit or f.*r the white people. Jf the negrne* Attempt violence, the Fr undent will, of course, ipioll tiieir m«4w with the army. The Akmalitutinn mokes that hi* duty ; mid the Con *f if utinn is clean above the acia of Cougre**.— The white fioo|4* of the North are not bile vj'catato/a of the unimu *of the Dcgfoe*. Within three month* they will lie more or le«* organised in every county of the North, for the pnrponnof protecting their own race in America from the abominations of negro rule. A tire is kindling that will not much longer l* suppressed under these bold efforts to A/ri white American society. It is not a vary rare thing to see southern pa- J> *rs speak of tint “gentlemanly and liberal com niander.of lias district*** meaning the tools of UnnKressimml tyranny. Wlmt him subservien ■cy ! No men hut a scoundrel would ever consent to be tho tool far enforcing such horrible oppres Aiofuß and hnupliations upon Ids own race. In fttoftd of teaching the people to respect such moii *tcrs. tltey should bo made to aldtor them.— Jhdlets lather than #*/T words are the deserts of f»ll such scoundrels. At any mto, let them be dinted and despised by every man and woman. A great many minds are at work to bring ffurth a plan for the roftorntiun of our material prosperity. Here if a rather desperate sngges thin wlilett wo copy for what it is worth. WMTiiur rua ooitox sjcKDwruicotn.Y srau kkuk DT toil 111 K SOUTH. Memphis, Tknm.,OcL 80, 18117. Editor* Appeal*. I wish, through your puper, to propose to the men of the cotton grov ing States a novel, but sure, remedy for the ills that t lit eaten to overwhelm u*. It is short and east ly umieistood. I propose to ©very planter to tUt.trojr «utt<m re.«i axc-pt ,ix l>u«halx, «, *H»t «** ">«<> «*« P ! ““l over two ecru next year. W|>». tU.ii. will agree, nficr fw,lit>K wlmt hi» wwk wilt flit, tu Uoetroy till ht» MWi uwiept MIX TtM» promrnt rrop ba* abenrbml, or let, ono of the capital of, .ml atmlber crop »t pro.nit rate., will reduce our whole pltiutiuir iiitirrf t*to lNt U|{ ii». Ihwtfrii capital**, who control the price of Ci'diit), lihvuy. facre (ho price on the eve of product lon, Mini do j i«r» the price wtin cotton come, to mm Lot Tlwrn let 111.: ehmifr/o furtli from every Southern lull, rtotroy your clton .ceil I Ixtt It lie echoed fmek from even* valley, de»troy your cotton eeuill Reaped fully, • * ’ ' • "** Joint D.vie (*Ni|oill{UOlTlP.] Dias Emrott: —tt svcnii that nothing cun thftpeoplo al Wilkes lon sense of duty Jhit golnsf upon the principle that a small sound kw(mutinies hrtrd when loud ones sre not, I have concluded to speak to them hi my humble V'Y* It does sectn that threo ysars experience in nny positiun ought to satisfy us whether or not such ft potdtioy is tenable. W r t: have tried oar system, so called* of labor three years, nud are nil bank rupt that were not bankrupt before, and our task masters have made ns make brick Without straw long enough. Still there is a stolid iiuliiToronce widt h uipkcs me fvel like I am always living nt frh» dead hour of night. Truly the sun rises and sets on a nation of slaves'—-slnvcs to a petty ty ranny which needs only that we be men to over lbrow. The country now reminds me of tho two men who lived in prison together so long that tiny not only became sstrungei),but actually ha ted each other. Kvvry one is p!.tying his own hand, and selflshuft* is the glass which reveals the numW t>f trumps. This will never do, tbl luw-ctibett« j W* m nst come together—we must lokit a common interest in on* country, or we, in stead of negro, is the doomed race. Let us then meet together at our court house and talk about the itfl'nir* of our country—w e are surety con viiu cd in this that it is nceetmary to oiganixe.— Let us not bo too narrow minded to micriflco a litilo to «cc*quplidi something gn*at. We can at feast control some of our county affairs nnd m-k (»ur neighboring counties to ik* likewise Tim fiew year fs upon us, and wo nil see, unless some thing L done to control labor, tho tmu workers are going to cat us out, ami wc’lt ull perish. It fs as plain as anything can Im>. My plan is to meet in tVavhin .ton, every white niuii nml good IH j'i o 100, if nuv C.o ho found, end proM-nlxt the lexJilig mdten! U.okr mid foiee them from our mi lrt by not employing them, end then pledge uur»-li>et tu pay only to much wugc.—ruche, we cna lire hy—and we ceu ountrel the labor. They do ft at the Kurth, even to the liouiw they ,h ill work, 10-t every mini oomc to W»rl,log ton el your np|iuintinent, mid each lutighUolmotl Can tell » hat llegi oe« oliould nut have our .up |“>rt. 1 can .|»H Mane here whom I know will not find any whit, hearted man to defend their incendiary ami murderous characters Youra, Litre* Bait Tna Olb Ouaan roe Dtcxuexa.—Til. Herein, her nuiuberof Tu* Out Vlcapo ia now ready, Ouutaining the concluding chapters of ll’m. Oil more Minim’s »tory of “J.ieccdyn " TU* Uagagine .aeon* with an article hy t|ie editor, entitled, “Wliat the Sootl. has uat Loet hy the War;* '•Tim Battle, of Virginia," by John KiO.i, Cooke wilt he concluded in January, the present num. her eofltaiuiag an account of Early*. Campaign in krbetiaodoah Valley. “Spoils, by a Keoeiver,- I‘Specnlative Inquiry into tho Old Prtndplo," a,” and the Book and Editor’s Table., complete aver v readable number. The Janua ry number, now in press, will contain the first chapters of one of the tgost thrilling |iopuUr hia lorirnl novels ever pnhlisticd in this cuuutry. Covering the Uetory of the fall of the Itaban Statpa, under rule of Osar Borgia. The next volume ofTflK Oyp (if sap will also contain a M riw (ram the pen of Dr. Van Evr e, on the Kacxs or Mr*, vrliich Will he illustrated hy beautiful pistes of «i* different types of mankind. Single copies, ?se. t>c |Wospcctus for 18SS. Van iEn ic,Horton A Cos, puUirbvri, Ko. ICS Nassau atreet,::»tw York. [COVMCKfCATEP.] Ebrtw*—ln reply (o yonr enquiry, “Whet can »f MTonI In pqy fpr lnbnrl'' I ee.wer onp peck rnftal ami three Iba bacon per week, ami no more. Now U* the proof The average crop ot • ■ hi. county due. nut exceed 1000 ILalint cotton per hamt,.t lOct*. 1100 00 *0 beeheb com • *1 60 00 tO - wheat • 160 15 00 10 * oate “ 16 760 10 “ peaa « I 10 00 to “ potatoes “ SO 600 10 gallon, .vrup “ 60 5 00 ♦JO worth fodder nodeliucka 10 00 |2ot! SO cxrreu For rent one f.wtii gma* crop, *6O lliree lifiln hire for hurae aud plow, 21 00 tTirce-filth» feed • S6 00 Oaedemh ?u[aoiiitMalriit«Wage. (0 Os) 12 ba.liel. meat 12 00 160 j.'Un.l-. bacon at 26 cent* S‘J 00 Total expeime, tu‘i MX4 Total pi.cecla, *“4 12} Thu» you per cel* i: the ixpcnaee are in cxceea of proceed. 12A cent., nml not a dollar allowed (fir w *Sf**, except meat nnd bread. Truly la the cnr.e fulfilled—"ln the .went of thy face .hull thou eat bread.” Your friend, M. O ROBERT. I*. S.—l would rather pay a hand One Hun drtd nnd Fifty Dullara and hia feed, with cotton at the hint jeoia ptice, than to give him ilia feed alone, will) cotton at pretext price. [cnuurxtc.iTXD.j Jfa Ein-mx—Tlii. State now, I, at a en*i» which demand, the attention of every putridt Tim alternative i. Imfere in, eitimr to to tho dnmnehle curie of negro eutfregeor the peo ple of the iVtat* must manifest a different spirit in regard to the relief of tho debtor close. This may socm strange to those who have never thought of these two quest ions in connection with the I’iqei menagerie which is scon to meet in At lanta. 1 have dreaded this question for some time; for I have heard the people talk. It is now currently talked that negro suffrage ia far pre feralda to a bondage to a few capitalists, Mr. Editor, does this not present a tteriona question to tho white people! 1 hate to fay it, but 'tis nev ertheless true, that if tho con vent CM) inenrpurates in the new constitution a substantial relief to the people, there is no (lower under heaven tu defeat its ratification. Soma may any I ought not pub lish fitch thoughts. But 1 think every one oiigth to think of the matter, and we might not to run on ecylla while avoiding ‘-Chnrybdis.'* The ques tion Slices, What can he done I I will etnlo what I think ought to he done, and hope that others will study the matter nnd becorno as much alarmed as I have been; perhn]is there I. a bet ter plan than 1 propose. I believe it is in tho power of (lie people to avert the great calamity, if we will go to wbrk immediately. It hi time for the people to becuma united on local mat ters especially. Tho oredilor nnd the debtor -hould get together nnd compromise theif mnt teie. Wo ought nil to meet each ether a. breth ren of u common cause nnd nmko nt least one more stand fur our eountry. Let old debt, be settled up aoina wny, before Ibis great tempta tion con cs before the people, then no one will have sn excuse fur dwhnnoring himself. 1 know men who stand as high in society «• any men, who say they had rather have their property confisaatyd than have the sheriff sell them out of their homes. When you talhof takings man's home, what cares he who votes in the country ? Ilia love of country ia gone, Aro we to ecu tho day when the best men will linve to aay, (buy have stolen my patriotism! Ootl forbid. Will a wanderer in the land care who votes I Where then ia a prospect of the Northern popple lessens, ing our burdens if the Southern phoplo come down with something worse—where is the differ unce! There has been a great deal said on the "object of relief, enough to put the question fully before (lie people, nnd there is no use in speaking of it any mure, /have no personal interest in tho relief matter, but the quostion presented is of vital importance to all. When I think of my countrymen being driven to compromise their dignity by th.ste who ought to be their friends, I grow faint, nud almost wish,»ilh one of old, that iny days were ended. Mona A sox. The Perjury Cate Savannah' KovrmW 23. Ye»tcr4*y nfternoon llm grand jury of tho United Stale* DiatiicL Court, a* reorguniml tin dor tl»* rulling of Judge Krvkine, commenced the invttKtigAtkm of the Hlodgott perjury ca«e Mr. Jttmo« A. IWniMtt. formerly of the Vol unteer*. and now of your city, tvac the nr»t wit no** called, (tenoral Wright and Dr. M. J. June* followed Mr. Bennett. The examination ofthetft gentlemen occupied several hour*, nnd it wm t* o'clock ere tho jury cUmoU the session. It meet* again on Monday, holding no so *ion to day. Mi-ny witnesses have been .summoned who have not yet arrived in thi*city. Mr. Nallianiei Wray i* here, also Mr John L Ells, formerly of the third Qaorgia Volunteer*. The witncKse* to arrive are Hon. Jamus T. Gardiner, Dr H\ S Jones, Caption Alex Philip and .Mr. U. A. Fill gum,ofJugust*. Ex-Oomnrr Brown maybe culled on to testify relative to the eagerness of certain volunteer captain* to get in the field lie fore tho “fight wasover” in April, 1807. Joseph could if he would: but will he f It was enough to excite the pity of tho hard est heart y«Merdny afternoon to witness the tin easiness of lilodget . tul hi* friend Philput.— IPbilc. the grand jury was in «e**ion they were impatiently jauing at*»U‘ in the ktbbv of the court room, anon stopping fra inomeni’s uoti veraatiuti with the tmiliff in charge. This was kvpt up all through the examination of the three witnesses named from your city. The tw*. re maiuod ••hanging around'* the jury room until after tlm District Attorney »md the witnesses in waiting had retired. Yuur .Military Mayor ha* discovered hi* line t*f defence by oxhihitkm <»n the street* of this city curtain atuHiymous l«ttera, which, ha *ay«, were received by hiiu in ’Cl, threatenii g hi* safety unless he went into the sorties. One of the letter*, I tun informed, is signed “Fanny/’ and states, in the body of it, that it was written in a house of ill tame I What a ctmfossuon for a brave mant It would Us bad taste to mention these things, but for the publicity given to them by B’odgett in the first instance. Blodgett left the city this morning for Atlanta, having been sent for by Pope. Will his who /»*#lies* grant the little* Captain absolution, or permit him to pas* through the purgatorial tiro* to the United State* District Court f That’* the question and auother one i* Wliat’* to be come of the convention. Colonel Fl'el». tho District Attorney, i* giving the case of Blodgett much lime and *tudv, in view of tlte fact that other* now in Federal po* siti-m*, who were once valiant aiders and • be tor* of the rthctlitm —as the law and Jo* Brown term* it-—may also ho called upon t»» jpreee who scoiod them mto the e«u*Mwi of Urn crime of treason Ike more I Colonel Fitrii the more am I iurpreraed with hi* honesty of pur|w*e and U»© catholic* spirit which (tervade* hi* patriot ism. I *ot acquainted with Judge Erskine but with tlie exception of hi* ruling in accordance with the wishes of Joe Brown in the of challeng ing jurure, he ha* made a favorable impro*si«ai ou me. A* to Id* eonfederate unteceilonts I learn th»« : HTieti Governor Brown ordered *ll so: eign cr* into the sen ice of hit State, Judge Krskjne, a foreigner, was placed by Joseph on his *tnff—a purely ornamental position, and which made it exceedingly difficult for one occupying it to aid ox abet anything but the vanity of Joseph, in feci Joaepja was only screening a man from tlie operation* of one of hi* own order* (bull* I. So I fail to perceive that hi* honor is "in tlo* same b«»at" with Bl idget,as there i* no evidence that he ever “set *qu:ulr<>ii9 ill the flehl/* or eveu com manded n battery. Judge Krskine cannot prevent the present gtwnd jury doing it* duty, even who he so in clined. But let us are Ih-fore we cotuh iuu.— more anon.—CW Const it utio*uditi. Masonic Notice. FHE mamt«re «t Cf.luml.ian LoJge N». 9,mre requerted to Meet eo (tie First TuesAtjr m D* eember, at 7P. M. By request of the- Action Hiffh Priest. Nov 29, It ■ —■ - LOOK OUT FOE gT. MAUR. THE CELEBIIjITED VoHlrilwimst ajJ Majiciaa. DANCE of FAIRY CHILDREN ttJK.TL.Ts- Wasiiington, Dec. sth and 6th. Kov 2f», It MANURE, Pknir Gaano. ImPOIITED direct from McKean’s Island, >outh l’ticific Ocetn. Price, per ton of 2000 ft*. mßavtumuii, affd sfif) in Angiwta. Wilcox, Gibbs A Co’s Manipulated Guano A muture of BUiKBiX and PE/2UVIsdN, iuepnred under our personal ♦mpci vision. Price i7O per ton in Savannal), and $75 in Augusta, PURE PERUVIAN GUANO direct from IVrnvfam agent, at lowest market price in A'avannulrmnd Atigualo. Wo keep * largo stock of the above Guanos always on hand. > Orders m licifcd and promptly filled for CASH, bend fur a circular containing analysis and cer tificate. Addre** WILCOX, GIRBS & C 0„ iMPoilTEiisoF and dealers in GUANO, NO. 91 BAY STUEET, SAVANNAH, or No. 241 Broad St., Augusta. CT" Our Agents throughout the country will •ell at shii e prices with COZABT & HOGUF. Nov 22 Washington. Tanyard. I HA VK estnhlhhed a Tnnyard at my place on the Skull Shoal road, |ph mH«* west of w»iMhing tnii, and am prepared to do complete work-in that lino. Patronage solicited—siitinfactuai guarao R«d. AUDKN KVANB, Nov 22, 82* Notice. Ar.t indebted t«. T. Ct'rhin. fnr Corn, Uncoil nnd Lnrd, will phmse call aud sattl., as J. L. Anderson says It nm«t be settled. Fin- the benefit ol tie-so that nmj have f»ij(o(ten th, V are due any tiling, next week I wilt [Hlbliehtheii names nud thu amount dun. Nov 29,_ T. COHUtS, Arrsot. JUST RECEIVED AT THE CASH HOUSE, 75 *nrkt« Halt 1 tierce Kicu 1 case Prints, at reduced price* for Cash only. JUST RECEIVED AT THE CASH HOUSE, 20 canes Canned Fruit* 2 Cares Jellies 1 barrel Orange* 1 barrel Cocoa nuts, Lemons, and a full assortment of good tiling* for house keeping, for Cft*lt only. NOTICE. A t.T. rmrtiea nro rcq.pel fully requested tnenll and settle their hill* immediately. We are clos ing our Bookai for the season. Good* for C«»l» only. ARM)LD, GREKN,d 00. Nov 22, 32 EMPORIUM OF FINE ART. Miis Glass and Picture Frame manufactory < Old Oil Paintings Restored AT NEW YO/.K I’ItICEA J. J. BROWNE, Nov 5?, Bm 133 Broad Nt, -lugusta. NOTICE. AlI. persons indebted In Pettus .1- Callaway or to .S'. Cl. Pethw or S W. Callaway either by note or account must come forward and settle. Nov 29, 22—at Dissolution. *FIIE firm ofW, Henry H'nrron A- On. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons lias ing claims against said firm w ill present them immediately, and a’l persons indebted to the firm w ill make immediate settlement and save them selves additional expense. IK H. IKarren or Jno. IK. Wallace are alone aulhoriied louse the name of the firm in settle ment. Nov 22, 82 Special Notice. I^HK Copartnership between Drs. Lane A Kieklen expires on the 3]st day of Dec, 18d7. Ali persons indebted to them for the years ltos, ’OO and *67, are notified to come forward *nd pay their .accounts. All neeounts romniniuj; unpaid after the 15th day of Junior;, l*«g, will be placed ill the bands of an Attorney foroolleci *<>■«• LANK A KICK LEX. Nov 29. 82—3 t JUST LOOK HERE. Everybody wants Drv Goods and Xotir su to K«l them ciisap, just oome to »*P* 77 CRENSHAW 'VTOTICK TO DKBTORE. IN All persons indebted to the estate of O. O Nortnau, deceased, are request,ol to call at the office of Messrs. Toombs A Dultoee and set tle their indebtedness to said estate immediate If* Nuv !5, Seething Worth Reading! CAU AI the ciSH HOUSE o F ARNOLD, GREEN & CO., And secure y<Hir bargains before too late. We are offering oar re maining stock «f ball Goods at reduced prices for cash. NO obODS SOLD WITHOUT THE CASH. Gentlemen ncerfmj fmetliing Warm for win ler can get tlte Laftiof Cassimeres, Kerscvs, Tweeds, (tc.,at the . CASH HOUSE. A superior lot of,’Mile Linen, Towels, Oil Cloth, Ac., at eorLta fth only, at the GASH HOUSE. A superior lot of tXes’ Dress Goods, RiK bons, Gloves, and Drci ghm;. made to order, for Cash only at the Jty CASH HOUSE. A fide lot of (:l„tfe 1(f . Jlats, Boots, Sh<*s. H * d House —f- 4 Dozen BrnoL* 8 r>)zei» Optim hirkeia 2 Ihusen B B R ck«<« 2 Dozen Covert j Bucket* 2 Dozen Tulw, dnten Sifter* 2 Dozen IPell fliekct* for Ca«h only at ‘J® CASH HOUSE. __ w.H.wi rn ; J.KKX mnuoi r t( «wn,. Au.u.i. m W FIRM. f ii ~~— WARREN, LANE & CO., ,’i svcctasoas to ■W. WAEREII Sc CO. Cotton Factors, Warehouse and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS. If . i 11A VINO , ; , under Hie name and style as above mentioned, we nre prepar ed to give our I bRsOXAj AI 1 EXT ION and herl eor-rylea to 11* interest of any tmeinee. that may be rati noted tuns. We live cutumodioas FIRKI’A’OoF STORAGE for tXJTTON and such Fro (lueena tnay, u.; and w.are prepared to make Uheral Cud. Advanceso„ shipments to our frien L m /1 v<-rj>*#L Now kork, Bo*t«»n and Bnltinutre. . I tus£2%S iil . nnilßm,th CArw, ‘ ,w t"* colebrated KETTLEWELL’S OUANO and the A RROW llh, f«<ftmling cotton. g ov 29 ABMfflJSfltATOlt'S SALK. 1!R the Comt //.mu. door 111 IKusliingt™, IKllkcs cainty.i.n the Ist Tuesday in January next, /l^rcoolly to an order of the Court of Ordinary, the Real Kelatu of William llngidy, deceased, consisting; of the following lands, vix : The tract of land in sold county, on winch said deceased Jived, containing 301 ACRES, more or lean, *uhjoct to (he vulow’* dower. Alao, two I**4* of Lintl in Bakor ctmiy, eon tniniug Two Hntulrod nnd r*ifty nerc* each one in 9th District, No 2i»tH nn<j the oilier in the 10th District, N«>, of raid «u|nty la-t »lores.kid. Term* cash, |mr»*hasirr Id pav for title*. WILLIAM W.’ UUQULY, Nov in, 1867 Adui’r. LOOK AT THIS. Tho Express OlKoe has been removed from I)r. Chase’s old stand to Judge Wylie’s Jt uw, No. 4. Call aud see Agent, he will shake hands with you up to the elbow and shoty you a great many “little trieks” such as: Su g.-tr, Coffee, Molades, Stilt, Can dy, Reasons, Cigar?, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Oysters, Sar dines, Blacking, Pickles, Matches Soaps, Crockery, Water and Well Buckets. Also, a little red eve and that is not all. Call at the Express Office and see for yourself Don’t forget the place. TANARUS, CORBIN, Ag't. N«v. 7 —»(. ENGLISH AND FRENCH Boarding and Day School, Under the Superintendence of MRS. 11. B. 801 NETHEAU, (Formerly of (Tlmrleston, south Carolina.) FfllllS Southern Institutiui is intended to nf A ford every op|>ortuuity fkr the complete ed ucation of YOUNG LADIES. Teacher* of the highest capacity are employed in the several Department* of English, Frenoh, Ancient Umguagis, Music, Drawin«f ami rainting. Avery limited number oftioaruing Tu pi Is can be accommmlatcd. For circulars apply to the Principal. 172 Greeue street, Augusta. Kov 15, 4t Rock Potash. Three hundred pounds, F.h- sale by l>. H. NORTON, N«»v 15 Just Arrived. NkIP Georgia Rice, Goshen Butter aud Fr**b Buckwhoat, F«*r sale bv PJ U. NORTON. Nov 15, 1§67 1 Bale OnalKirga 1 Bale Shirting 1 Bale Thread For Cosh only, at the CASH HOUSE. 1,000 ilavanna Cigars 2,(MW American Cigars 60 !b* Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco 100 lbs assorted brands, at the CASH HOUSE. 6 Boxes cheap Tslscsi 1 Box Extra fine Tobacco 8 Boxes Medium Tobacco, at the CASH HOUSE 16 Grindstones 4 Dozen Xpades and Shovels 2 Coils Well Rope, at the CASH HOUSE 2 Bolts Carpeting, 1 dozen Mats, 1 do*. Kugg@, at the CASH HOUSE. Bridles; Baddies, Hat ness, Trunks and Valises at the CASH HOUSE. ADMINISTRATOR’S f T ILL l*c sohl nt the Court Ilou.«e in Waah ingtmi, IF,lkes county, oq the Ist Tuesday in January next, A grcenbly to an order of the Court of Ordinary ofeilid county, tho following pro|H'rly, being Ihu Itenl Estate of Th*imas A Heart!, deceased, vis ; One tract of land lying anil being in said coun ty of Wilke., on the water, of Fishing Creek, known an the lame place,containing 616 J acre., more or lee*. Also one tract containing #BS acres, more or lea*, known »* the Anderson tract. A Ist* 200 sore* of land, more or lean, known as the (Itiffin place. To lie wild for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said estate. Terms e mit, purchasers to pev for title, Rev enue stamps, tire. JOHN L ANDERSON. Nov 13, 1367 Adm’r Administrators’ Sale. w r ▼ ▼ ILL l>e Bold on Ike Ist Tuesday hi Do ectittar next, at the usual place of Public Sales for I Hikes county, Oft., holwt-en the legal horns of safe, the following tJeoiluti land, to wit: the tra?t of land to the estate of A. J. Ashmore, deceased, lyiug on the waters of Pistol Creek, in said county, containing 320 ACRES, more or less—bounded on the north by Muse and Button, on the west by Ttioe Sutton and James Huling, • n the south by the Greensboro road, and on the east by IF. I), llutford. containing the tract formerly owned by Joseph Jackson, ami a part of the tract formerly owned by Dexter Ho* nv. Sold under an order of the Honorable Su perior Court of \V ilkes county, <Sept. term, 1867 Oct 11, 25—f»t W. D. QUINN, Auni'r. Executor’s Sale. i) ft URSUANT to last will and testament of Richeeon Booker, late of lHllces county deceas ed, will be *old before the Court House door in Lincoln ct»unty, on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next, all that tract of Land lying and Ix ing in said county, whereon Tho*. J. Booker resided, containing One Hundred and six Acres, more or I 0 * 1 * Also, the MILL, (saw and grist) with Thirty Acres of Land attached—known as the Lamar Mill tract. Sold separately for distribution among the children of rime. J. Hooker, late of Lincoln county dec’ll. Terms Cash. SIMPSON BOOKER, Sept 27, 23—? m Ex r. Administrator’s Sale. he sold at the Court House door in Washington, Wilkes county, on tl»e Tuesday in December next, the following prop erty, viz: one tract of land belonging to the es tate of John MfOorkle, deceased, lying and being in said county of Wilkes, on the waters of Little River, adjoiuing lands of W. IF. Hill and others, it beiug the undivided half of 208 ucres, more or less. Sold for the benefit of the heir* and cred itors of said deceased. Terms cash. Sept 27 W. W. HILL. Adwr. EXECUTORS SALE WiU be sold before the Cburt House Door in Washington Wilkes County Georgia on the Ist Tuesday in January next the following property, one tract of laud belonging to the estate of Mrs. Judith C. Blakey, containing 500 Acres*moreor less This land is lying within eleven mile* of the town of Washington on the water* of Newford Creek i.i taid county and bounded by lands of William Sutton Jas. Haling T. J. Bowers, Mrs. Aminda Heard and others sold for the benefit of the heirs and Creditors of said deceased Terms of Sale Gish. BOLING A. BLAKEY Ex’r Nov. 2. PLUMB & LEITNER, Druggists and Apothecaries, 21J3 BROAD STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE CORNER, AUGUSTA, GA, RESPECTPULI.Y invite the attention of Merchants, Planters and Physicians to their large and well assorted Stuck of UNADULTERATED MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DRUGS, PAINTS. OILS, And all other articles in their liae. No house in the South can offer a stock superior in Genuine ness- and Purity. All Officinal Preparations being made in strict accordance with the Formulas of the United States Phai inacopcei*. with the best material, and by the proper Heights ami Measures They respectfully solicit orders, and pledge themselves to till I hem with fidelity and dispatch If any article should not prove to be precisely as represented, they shall feel thankful to have it returned at their expense, and the money will he refunded. Sept 21, 12m PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, Porcelain Pictures, Ferrotypes, I AI.\TINGS in Oil, Postal and Water Colon of every variety of size and style, at GEO. J. GABLE’S GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, 206 Broad Street, Post Office Corner. .11l work warranted satisfactory, ami at prices to suit the time*. The public are lespeotfully invited tocalluud judge for themselves. Oct 23, 27 —3m COOKING STOVES. I INVITE the attention of the public to my well selected stock of first class COOKING STOVES, which I will sell at A tigusta prices. I mention the names of some of the heat stoves made : Tho “Mutual Friend,” a first class cooking stove, has largest oven of any stove made—has no superior. Also, the excellent stoves, “Live Oak," Dixie, Good Will, Confidence, Southern States, Ac., Ac. Any of the above stoves will l>o warranted to give satisfaction. Ask for any of these stoves, and you will be sure to get a good one. Also keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stuck of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Pe tro Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Burners, Ac. Hoofing, Guttering aud Spouting done at the shortest no tice. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. J. C. STUMMER. Nov 13,80 Tie Genuine and Improved BRINLY UNIVERSAL STEEL PLOW. Patented July 3, 1366; July, 1367; and August, 1867, BRINLY, MILES & HARDY, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 130 ami 132 East Main H reet. LOUISVILLE, KY. 164 Premiums for their very Light Draught and Strength, Durability, l Fork manshift, Good Muteiinl and grunt adaptability to every variety of Boil. Even the lightest loom, the *lickt, putty like roil of Alabama and hog wallow Undu of Tex.u», the Ixick-nhot noil of l)i*rr (/reek, Mississippi, aud that of the vicinity of Helena, Arkansas,do not clog, bat slip easily over the mold board. It now, liowever, comes before the IManter iu a Greatly Improved form and much cheaper The fmprovod Plow Mr. Brinly designates ns Brinly’s Universal. Because of its adaptation to all soils and ]>urpotieft, mid being ro construct ed that by havmg its several attachments, the Planter,in three minutes, can convert the culti vating. Turning. Fallow, or Bedding Plow into n iirtd rate Gnat Iron Plow, a Sweep or scraper, •hotel* half shovel, or scooter; thus making six fir#t rate implement* of one, nt a small cost (Be© price list ) All who have used them are enthusiastic iu their praise, nod decl re that it is “THE PLOW." We warrant these Plows made of the vary best Flow steel. lIUIXLY, MILCH Sc H ARDY. ISO and 132 East Main st., Louisville, Kv. Nov 1. 28 Fniillaml Kurserics. AUGUSTA, GA, F RUIT TREES comprising Apple, Peach, Pear,Gherrv, Plum, Nectarine, Figs, Apricot, etc. Qraj>c Vines of all the cultivated varieties.— Large *tock of Beuppermoug, Cluster, Concord, etc. Strawberry plort\ Ornamental trees. Shrubs, Evergreens, Knees, Bedding plants in very large qantitles. Catalogues mailed free. Address P. J. BEROKMANS, Oct 11, Augusta (la GOOD NEWS FOR THE Farmers and Planters. 1 IIAt E just received a fresh supply of GROCERIES, which I propose to sell as cheap as they can be sold in this tnaiket, consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Syrun, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Cigars. Tobacco, Confectionaries, Sardines, «»yster», Pickles, Matches, Notions am! all other articles usually kept in a first class family Grocery store. The public are invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. JAi. J UNKIN. Oct 9th, 1867. “Cut this out and keep it.” —. And when you rone to Augusta andvr o want a Cheap and Durable Suit of Clothes/, | »r a Cheap Bat, or anything in the Gents'f “Furnishing Goods line, call at B - KD3EL Sc BRO’S} | 250 Broad St . under Globe Hotel | O AUGUSTA, GA. ® c? Quick Sales and Small Profits,—oar mot-,3 s to. O * Suits of Clothing at from ?5 to S4O. *5 We are sure to please you in style and s «price. * c pc Oct 11,25 —3m KUSEL d* BRO. a LIFE IN A PILL BOX. EXTRAORDINARY EFFECTS FROM ANTI-EJLLIOUS PILLS! ONE PILt IN A DOSE. ONE PILL IN A DOSE. ONE PILL IN A DOSE. \v * ! » v ▼ HAT one hundred letters n day says front patient* all over the habiluolo Globe:— "Maggiel, your pills has rid me of all billions ness.” “No more nnuseou* doses for me in five ten taken at a time. One of your pills cured me.'* ‘•Thanks doctor. My headache has left me.— send another bux to keep in the 1 owe." “After suffeiiug tortures from Billious Collie, two of your Pills cured me, aud I have had no return of the malady." “Our doctors treated me for chronic consump tion, as they called it, and hist said I was incura ble. Your Maggiel’* Pills cured me.” M I bad no apatite; Maggiel* Pills give me a hearty u«e.” “Your Pills are marvellous” “I send f«*r another box, and keep them in the house.” “Dr. Maggiel hag cured my hcadaehe that waa ehionie” “I gave half of one of your Pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day.” *\My nausea of a morning is now cured." “Your box of Mflggi«r»Balr«cure me of noises in the head, i rubbed some of your Salve be hind my ears and noise left.” "/fend me two boxes; I want one fora poor family;’* “I enclose a dollar; your pri<*e is twenty-five cent, but the modicine to me is worth a dollar.’* “send me five boxes of your Pills." “Let me have three boxes of your Salve by return mail.” FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNFYN, RETENTION OF THF URINE, A, Maggiel’s Pills are a perfect cure. One dose will satisfy any one FOR FEMALE DISEASES, Nervous Prostration, Weaknesses, Lassitude, Want of Appetite Maggeil's fills will be found' an effective remedy. MAGGIEL’S PILLS AND SALVE Are almost universal in their effects, and » cure eau he almost always guaranteed. EACH BOX CONTAINS TWELVE PILLS ONE PILL IN A DOSE. tW Sold by all respectable dealers in medi cine* throughout the United States an > oanadas at 26 rents per box or pot All orders for the United States must be ad dressed to J. Haydock, Na 11 Pine st_ New York. Patients can write freely about their com plaints, and reply will he returned by following maiL Write for “Maggiel's Treatment ol disea see. COUNTERFEITS ! COUNTERFEITS !! All readers of this paper are warned not to purchase MAGGIEL’S PILLS or SALVE, unless the name of J, Haydock, Proprietor, in addition to the name of Dr. Maggiel is on the engraved slip surrounding each box or pot. J. H. ZEHJN & CO., Macon, Ga. Agents for the State of Georgia. Aug. SO. 19—ly. Take Warning, PERSONS owing us accounts for last yea* are eery earnetlly requested to come forward and settle ini mediately. Nov 15, 30—ts 'ft, JJ. VIC’KA’iiE A CO