The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, October 17, 1884, Image 2

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WASHINGTON UAJ2ETTE - ■l—Wl ,l——fiMa. J. W. CHAPMAN, Proprietor. ■r, ,'rv„ V!' "r"„rji , ;s ■"■■■ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1884. Ww Yuuukix went democratic last Tuesday, aa it always does. At ■ ' ■ ' -mOOfo W* have received a copy of the, sixth annual trade issue of the Au gust* Ctironiele. Typographically iij is one of the most exquisite products of the press we over saw, and in a business point of yiew it covers the field completely. Augusta ought to be very protttl ot the fact that she has within hier borders such facilities for sbowiug up all her business and in* dustrial enterprises, as arc possessed by that staunch eld paper the Augus ta Chronicle. Tuk great October contest twk place in Ohio last Tuesday. It la a republicsngtate, and vet it required a desperate Reggio bn the part of the repnblicans to win by a small majori ty. In a vof* of over 800AKX) the re public* paWed the slate by only alKpit4&Qoß v The democrats eleated ten kndprobably eleven eougressmon oat of twenty-one. The result I* very the democratic cause 4u view Of Mm great national contest m take place on the fourth at iitrt TO TMK PMOPJ.B OS WILKKB OOUNTV ' An 'now' presented to -thw prtifrlo of -the Union to * refiasßl'. < the Federal 'tritWoffliW,. wlNiti a more money will be wrung from the t>eo: Sle In the way*Mftx* <Uret ®r !• th*u UJibllc not-esnUy demand*. TJtr-rXfZjrs& pledged to such tb administration If Uis elected in Nowmbdr neatt 1 The rich have grown richer and the poor riduals tbaftavTfSKned on puW^ plunder do not desire to seo a change in thh alfinlnistration of the govern went whan It will be administered no longer to their interests, hut for the people of the oouutry, and are WMK The National Democratic Commit tee wire ana managing the campaign need fnnda in order u furnish the people in the doobtfal states doen- Hotels showing the rottonness of JSmSfe'BZSSfh’f featedas well os fo defray oth?t- nep- W&dmM te come forward and contrtbule as much as ctieeupuMnesa wIM and have named the Mom lat rick Walsh of Augusta,tla., AM* ittMkhof from Georgia on their oointtilttoo le receive and foaward such amonnti as and from foeie -rtbali Wnlnga nan end 4rlU#i*o sotheaxtent of their laragaar isisfe 9.m%: soon as the matter is egjilatiiso to them to_4fo likewise. Uontributlous mjy bo'made to f| W, Übapman, or iMe undersigned as may bh most con- Washington, Go., Oct. 10, 1884. Tf onriwa wav toyAMtos. A IlsnifooM'afoliSu-tas Hone, an* hu csvww^r King fctobbins, a reaUtenl of Mo lulosb county, harnessed Ma how* preparatory > ®' Jakrinff a drive la a- -friend a iiotiea' in auethvr wrt of 4toa wanly. leave H for the purpoee of geUiu* eome article* be deelred from the house. Tbe horee was reaU ve and sbssuastf rtfrs. bare* would attempt to walk off. Af ter several inffcctual attempts to quiet the liorMA get U to atiU, Mr. Bleb- We fleer , inta a terrible , passion, malted bud tbe lion**, triaed bis gnu and allot tbe hdrsd, Which fell to the ground MfcStebbln. was uudfli the impreeaUfn- that the gun eras loaded with tugiafi shot, but foil nd.-aft hie horaK Mr. 'Smbblna reloaded Rls gun.aadi.Ml .*o hems*. Hi* wife thought re-waa in o* of hi* Ufa of passion laiffi.'tasd -left home for the purpose of efeMf* °ff. aufi. 4hat be would return during. (lie attecuwn,. but tueb dinVot ftrovbfo be the case. He has beee ' absent now six days and hi* family have not beard a word from hj**3Neft>p*titloii I* that be became fivauaralifed at Ms fool hardy act and went out Imp one of the awaiitih’in tbe neighborhood aud Wear Ida brains out. UV. Stebbins was about *0 years old, and at times was subject to terrible flu of passion, and forhourt would rave like an in sane *•*, knocking down everythin# a: lathli. lie Igaves a wife and two children. *** WWOWAWIOAI OOTTOW ntui ■iwsnnik ium The Charleston News and Courier announces, apparently bv authority, that thegiuJmW-will have to curb iia impaticaoWMi regard to the Maeou Cotton IMryester, as U is not iuteuded by the company owning ike inveu to place any or tbe machines on the market tin ring the pretent season. A half doaen machines have been con structed ofdjtfei-eut siaesand psuerna and tests and Improvement* arc being almost constantly made. It appear* that the tests show that the machines ora yet far from perfect, and ill* wisdom of the company in notatleraoting to pul aav of theiii on SSUtIUS! iWBBKIS many imperfections in construction have been corrected, and that the picking apparatus is now working so •atisfartorily that 50 percent, of the open cotton is gathered without inju ry to the plant or green bolls in pas sing once over the row, and bv pas siug twico over the row sevcn-ciglitlis of the open cotton Is harvested. Mr. Mason now proposes ts con struct double machines, so that nearly all the cotton will be gathered by once going over the row. He claims that the picking machinery scarcely needs any fnrtner Improvement. The trouble lie encounters is the ap parently minor one of diaposlng of the cotton after it is picked, as tho machine persists in throwing a good portion of it upon the ground. In accordance with a suggestion of. Col. Mo rehead, president ef the National Ootton Planters’ Assecia- Uoti, ft tael will be mado, at some point in South Carolina, at an early day, beloro a committee of the asso ciation and other prominent gentle- men. The machine will probably not be on exhibition at the New Orleans Kx poaitfoti. It bran non need that if the test proves satlefactery a construction company will be organized and pre parations made to haveJ|re machlue ready to assist in harvesting next vtftrt chiton (trot). It is asaerted that ev-ry one who has inspected the machine has been convinced ofits ultimate success. It is deubt tul, however, even if U should be ox port men tally sneoessfur, wheth er it wMlb* so perfect and simplified as to stand tire test of every-day work in tire cotton Meld. ■o*ol PORTLY ÜBCCTBft. The Keeney value .of Attention sad the o>m>ols-Fi<rtwir-no Out. The mailer ot iovwmaklng among Kugllah noblemen and young Aroeri oan girls in search of rich husbands is quite often a very expen sive affair. Tito old itheory of boner and love for love, stiff When there is dtbhonor or a falling ot love, a fttfllng bask on one's prttnfil independence, it not the standard set: up in tbpwidays when ag Aipw’leat. girt,lt* found a WKm tbs pos sible fortunos hi tbem/H seems, and so Lord Garmoley finds that his loiter HXisSSEr WBro w “->% h4,f KuXAf fkngg ledy t hat lets at. high a value on h*r lover’s Irtteri, Some girts burn such loiters after they have bortie tbalr own message and conclude t tat the roeeergß was tho one thing they wore seutfur. IVlieu he was brought ftf the camp J not led that he- was heavily Ironed having* necklace and heavily dou bled shackles. I asked Mr. Bingham Who brought him, why ho wa# so heavily ironed, u he eajd that he re garded him as the meet despovata map lie bad ever duk 'With. I told Faulk ner thli, apfftold; nlm, alto* that I would knock the double shackles off and remove the mcklaee and let hint wear the single sliacghi like the bsl ance of the convicts- Me promised lie would work like a men ill every res pect, and would take no advantage or the liberty I thus gave hiu. About two weeks after he eamo there he planned an attempt to escape, It was to kill me, gal my pistol amt then take the guards, one at a time, and release the camp. There are njtte guards on duty duriugs the day sunoutiding the camp. This scheme was discovered. The uext plan was to fire that bwMhg some night ami escape In the esdnement. That was discovered and prevented. About a week after hettflM Wold plot, and one that wouhl hafp bqeu prett j easy ot oxscottou. tlhafowsi to kiifthc sngi neei ot the brick engine, spring on it and run it.oixrf iho yard am down Uii! iffti'K before anyone could prevent. As there was no engineer in the (ifotvd that (toatft have been very easy especlally'as the conviets- crowd about the engine When It conies in tor a load. It would h*vo been an easy matter to knock tfce engineer in tho head as he oiled his ongtijo, and to have run the ungtiio will before any ou could have proventfid It.” Hsttlk nsf wasput iiilofhoj,-tp.iU!allng. He is w e U connected, aha his prosecutor wfis his uncle, The Coroner’s jury is uncertain of a guard's legal right to fire upon a flcoing convict before commanding him W hall,s wa done in tliis case, and at laat accounts hd reached t,o verdict, Atlanta Cowstitutiom : In this country we do not need an organized anti-liquor parly. The most power ful forces of society are working against the liquor evil. I,et ns 1 >ok at some of them. First must ha mentioned Ik* clwgy. Not only are 4ha pfoipit ant ministers practically a unit in fla vor of trftal ahstinsnec.but tho Roman Catholic priests number soma of the most devoted tempertnioe advocate*. Our teachers and pr*fesdrf, number ing more than are nearly un animous. Nowspapcr H|on are large ly on the same l‘l<V *• * matter ot ex pediancy, They hava found 'hat they think more clearly andfi* better work when fees from alcohol. Tljo doctors are either again*' liquor or are very cautious .In prescribing it. The life insurance men are on the same side- The railroad men of the country are practically tmder bonds to abstain front drink. The bpdnoss men of the oountry, in selecting ana advancing their employes give the preference to total Bkrtsiuerjr If-aK the>e forces moral sooiaTaudbusiiwsMlo not suc ceed In makfttf DHWfifeHoan popple a temperate naliou, then nothing will. Ns political party under tihe leader ship or St. John or any body else can bonuy stronger.' Albany News aud Advertiser: “The fair grmud and Southwest Georgia Industrial Association have been advertised tab® sold at sheriff* sale to day to satisfy a Superior Count fl. fa. in favor ot Mr. Jaoob Ventulelt, and the property will cer tainly be sold sinless the fl. fe. is set tled tb)il morning. The original amount 1n judgment. I*, we betieve, 1375 but the Interest and costs now ran the debt up to about $430. Colonel Tift, president of ilie fair association, was going the rpunda yesterday after noon, trying to raise enough money among the stockholder*, to satisfy the debt and stop tire sale, but had not met with much turret* when (sat seen by this reporter. i‘ Tuirtkkx young ladles at one watering place are engaged on novels of American society. The announce ment is nut uecessarily a* dishearten ing as it appears on first sight, when we reflect that booksellers cannot be compelled to publish.—Be, ston Tran script. “Can you tail me." said a rich young fob to a |wor but beautiful girl.** why is it that ladies nowadays )ook so much to money ;u Ilie matter of marriage f’ Hhe looked him cooiy over aud answered t “ I suppose U is because they so seldom find any thing else in a man worth having." TILHEN ON THE PAETIES. DEMOCHACV BBS* ADAPTED PTO TK* WOBK Of BBPOKH. f Its Tradition and Prindplaa Ctttod In Provine ttw Pact. The following is Mr. TUden’s letter in full reply to the resolutions pre sented to him from tho National Dem ocratic Convention GRAYSTOitK. Oct. 8,1884. Mn. C’ItAIRMAV AND GrATLEMr* OP Til* Committk* : I thank you for the kind terms in which you have communicated the resolutions con cerning me, adopted by the late Dem ocratic National Convention. I share your conviction that reform in the administration of the Federal Gov ernment, which is our great national want, and Is indeed essential to the restoration aud preservation of the government itself; can only be achie ved through the agency of the Demo cratic party, and by installing its rep resentative in the Chief Magistracy or the CJniled State. The noble hlstor leal traditions of the Democratic party, the principles in which it was educated and te which It has ever been in the main faithful, Its freedom from corrupt influences which grow up In prolonged possession of power, and the nature of the elements which constitute all, contribute to qualify It for that mission. The opposite char acteristics and conditions which at tach to the Republican party make it boneless to expect that that party will he able to.give beUeagorerwetit thah the debasing system of abuses which during its aecendahey has in fected official and political life in this country. Tho Democratic party hail Ita origin In theefforuof the more ad vanced patriots of the revolution to resist the perversion ef...our govern ment from the ideal contemplated by the people. Among its conspicu ous founders were Benjamin Frank lin and Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams and John Hancock of Mas sachusetts. George Clinton and Ro bert K, iJvlngslon ot New York, and Gnorpe Wythe and James Madison of DEMoonxcr’a levo wow, From the election of Mr. Jeffeison a* President in 1880 for sixty years the Democrat to psrty mainly directed our national policy. It extended the bonndanes of tho republic and laid the foundation of all our national greatness, while It preserved the lim itations imposed by t|re mtustiitffion snd maintained a sfmuie and pure system of domestic administration. On the other hand, the Republican party has always been dominated by prln, uiplos which favor legislation for the benefit of particular ulaaaes at the ex pense of the body of the peeple. It has become deeply tainted with abus es which naturally grow up during a long possession of unchecked power especially in a period qfcivil war and false finance. The patriotic and vir- tuous elements In it are now unable to emancipate it from the swar of selfish interests which subordinate piibjic security to personal greed. The most hopotql pf tire best citizens ti contlons despair of il being amen ded, except through Its temporary ex pulsion from power, It has been boitstingly asserted by a modern Massachusetts statesman, struggling to rcconctlo himself and Ills lollowers to their Presidential candidate, that lire Republican party contains a dis proportionate share' of the wealth, culture and intelligence of the coun try. Tho unprincipled Grafton, when tnnntcd|by James 11. with Ids person al want of oonsoiohuA answered: “That is Into, but 1 belong fa u par ty I toil iiss a great Opal qj conscience. 1- Snuli run suite i'h forget dial lire same claim has been made in all ages and countries l>y the defenders of old wrongs against new reforms. USED AItAIN NT THE PATRIOT*. It was alleged by Ilie Tories of Die American revoltpiion aglu*t the patriots of Drat day. If was repealed against Jefferson and afterwards against Jackson. It is alleged by the Conservatives against those who in Fuglaud, are now omloavoring to enlarge popular suffrage. All histo ry shows that reforms in government must uot be expected from those who sit serenely on tho social mountain tops, otDoying the benefits of Die exis ting order of things. Kven the Divine Author of our religion found hlsfbU lowers not among the aelt-oomplacent Pharisees, but among (ho lowlymin detl fisherman, The Republican par ty la largely made up of those who live by their wits, auil who aspire in polities io advantages over tho rest of mankind, similar la Iboeu which their daily lives are devoted to soour- Ing in private business. The Demo cratic party consists largely of those who live by tho work of their hands, aud-whoso political action Is govern m| by thoif sjntin|ontsor imagination, It results that the Democi-atfp party, more readily than the Republican par ty, can be moulded to support reform measures which Involve the sacrifice of selfish interests, The indispensa ble necessity of our time is a change of administration In the great execu tive office* of the country. This, in my judgraont, can only be accom plished hr the election of tlie Demo cratic candidates for President and Vice President. J. TiI. OKS. To S. H. Unary, Ckiih'mnn) M. H. Smailtf/ and other qf tho Special Committee qft hi Democratic 2Yat ton al Convention. ASolao# to ths Xlootton Kxcltamant. 11l the Klectiou excitciiieut Wo should not lose sight of the next (iTth) Grand Monthly Drawing of TliLouisiana into Lottery, which will happen on Tuesday, November lltli.—full liitormaDon can be had of M. A. Dauphin, Now Orleana, L. The following is the reault or the Drawing on Hept. #lh,fast. No. 70,468 drew tho Capital Priae of $75,006 sold in filth ($15,000) by mall from M, A- Dauphin, Washington, D. 0. to Miss Mary ofiniU living at ser vioa with Kiw. ttaiipar, Esa-, kin- l. SOO Soruce St. Phlladelphlgj one to Mr. Thos, W, Cromer, 371 La Fayette Ave., Baltimore, Md. (oolle-ted through tho Drovers’ and Mechanics’ NaDoual Uauk of Baltimore) t one to Mr. Louis P. Amplemen, 3So Spruce *t„ St. Louis Mo.; another to Henry W. Rahlier, engineer U- 8 tow boat, “Win Slone,” at S'. Louis, Mo. No. 15,613 drew tho second Capital Prize of $25,000, one-flit U of which was held b) Mr, Bobt. Locke, Memphis Tenn.; another was collected tbre > Union and Planters's Bank of Memphis; one to Mrs R. 8- Duval, 8a Freneiaoo, Cal. No. 55,712 drew tho Third Capital Priao of SIO,OOO, two-fifths held by Mr, ft. A. Brow n, Bauk exchange, cor. Montgomery and Washington sis, Sau Francisco i two-flfths were lield by Mr. F. H. Rudd, Columbus Ave., Boston, Mast. Nos 21.451 and 46,901 drew the Fourth Capital Prize* (,$6,000, each), sold to parties in Pitis barg hail Francisco, Omaha, Neb.. Slid Suffolk, V, elfl., etc,, mr, ip hear £ : ;i I : : M ■ ■ ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tx* undersigned respectfully an nounces himself a candidate for of fice of Tax Collector at the ensuing election. Wa. Jt. Sutra. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiv er. In the pest I have endeavored to make an efficient and accommodating officer. How well I succeeded let the record say. Boyc* Fioelxw. I hereby respectfully announce to the voters of Wilkes county that I aas a candidate for the office to Tax Re ceiverer, and solicit their support. O. C. Sale. This name of F. L. SAYER D res pectfully announced as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver. The name of G B Bunch is respect fully announced as a candidate for County Treasurer Sow Tour Clover and Grass Seed Now BOYCE FICKLEN. Georgia RateetMtfe., Boyce Ficklen. You can boy a No. 1. Cook Stove for 112.00 with 62 pieces ware at W. T. Johnson’s. <■ I ‘ ■"*— You con buy Paints and Oils as cheap as Augnsta or Atlanta prices 4 W. TANARUS, Johnson’s. You can buy ft uleo French bronzed Hanging Lamp for 83.00 at W. T. Johnson’s, TV Cau. on w. T. Johnson snd see his now stock Ot Plated Ware, Crock ery, Glassware, Lamps, Ha rdwar and atovea. Baby Carriages and hoys wagons at yff. T. Jejiqaen, Prices guaranteed to boas |oqr gg Atlanta or Augusta. Yoq can find dho best slock of brooms at tbs lowest prices st W, T. Johnson’s. Thr best horses end the finest bug gies always on hand at the extensive stabjes of Wood * Jackson, 1884 OCTOBER 87. 1884 THE GEORGIA State Fair —AT MACON, GA, IN CENTRAL For Qiio Week Onlv, Oread dlaptsy I Horae Reef, es Octo ber lltith, Nth, Mtb sad Mel. Ho*, of the Flm et sad Vastest Koealaft asd Trusting Horace in the Sou b hare ea'ered. A Foot Race of One Hundred Yards for a Value ble Pries will alee lake pises. Tfie Ga. Railroad Company Will sell round trip tickets from all sta tions at FOUR CKNTB PER MILE, com mon, in* October tilth, 188 L Tickets good to return from dar ef issue until Novem ber Mb, 1080, taelueire. JOK W WHITE, I. ft. DORSEY, Trav. Pose. Ag’t. Oea. Face. A<*t. TAX NOTICE: I WILL fit trod fit thft followt ptffiOM oa ih dale* tYn Mow, for purpotw* ot olloot inu (bo otito and ooiintr for l*M. MLjUoig, V H 8 “l* Tyronft, *• warn" 4a' lfi tmE’a. “ Mpa" pm** Hpm Ceotmilto, “36 *• 4 *• IT LbMYtlla. *• 9Ya m•* Tam *' Ilia Mawlown. 37pm M 7pa *' lffpaa Malloryaaito, •• Dpm •• Warn ** 90 Dalbi, ** aoam- 10am •* 31 Daaboiw, M Bpm *• lopm** 35 Wmibnpnn, Oot.Saadll. Hot. Sla Hooka oloaa 29tb Novambor. mt WN. *, SMITH, Te 0. LASTNOTICE. AIX poraoa* ladablad to tba aataia of Patrick H. Norton, iWtMMmtt art bumby nutltod that uulrm their account u pmd by the lat day of Mo rombar. IM4. tba mmoVtU ha pUoed in tba hand* of an attomoy for co)le'tk>a. PoatUwely tba Mot aotlo* and no eiceptiou* trill be made ia favor of any one. Raapeetfully, JAMES HIMICS, Adrn r KaUte of p. B. Mortoa. .lACTFTTtMs rtOSiiyjtßs ” . tasmssMs^scMe- Wa orsst, s gcntnl re ealt suu*soms*. " * ‘ wo *uazs£* vow siibimy, con- Ilt'UU, (fl Ttglhlllluh'ij rjoaeft, and on oo B|TTW S SS£ b 7 Um win* that mat!* through their dA). or (Ms and Dffllrn gnaerall;. Spring Without Blossoms. Late la Life to Look Mr Joy—Wes Never tee Late to Neufk Rssfisrs of Hawthorns’* “Hens* of9yvon O.kU*,” will r*c*H the pathos with which p*nr Olitn.rd I'cnchcon, who had bcnunjust, l.v inPtUoaed siast his sarty msahowd, ssid. aftsr his relcsM i “Mt Ilf* Is gon, cd where itflaiy hsuplnes* f Oh I gt*# nte my hsppi nsss.” l)ut that could h* duo* only iu psrt, ss gleams of wsrut .unthin* occasionally fall asros* th* gloom of s !t*w Keglsnd autumn. Is s letter to Messrs Hiscos A Cos., Mr. L. R. Tilut, of Peunisgtoa, N. J., sart:“l hare suffered untold mree-y from childhood from chroaic fiisegse of the bowels and suffered groat pain. I sought relief at the hands of physicians of orery school, aud use* tr. try patrol sad dome tic remedy under the SUB. I hare et last found in PARKSR‘B TOXIC a complete spec fl*. prereutie* tad ture. A* your rsiusol* medicine did for he what nothing else could do, I* emitted to me credit of my getting beck my happy days, I cheerfully sad gratefully acknowl edge the fact." Mr. E.B. Welle, w>o need* as introduc tion to th* people of Jersey City, adds : “The teetimsar of Mr. Tit ji is genuine sad eel on -tICArtTAt FRI2SR, Ttoketi only •ft* Bhare# la proportion Louisiana State Lottery Company. "We do hereby certify thxt we raperrlse the ar rangement# for all the Monthly aud Heml-Ammai Drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and In person manage and control the Drawings tbemaefve#, and that the same are conducted with honeety, fairness, and in good faith toward all par ties, and we authorise the Company to nee this cer tifleate, with fac similes of our signatures attached in its adyertiaemeata." Cmmi^oH,re. Incorporated hi IMS ter M years by the Legiala* tore for Educational and Charitable purposes— with a capital of 91,000,C00—t0 which a reserre fond of over fMO.OQO has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vole its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 3d, A. D. ISTP The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any state. It never scales or postpones. I|e Grand linh Sunhsr Drawings take place monthly A SPLENDID OPPOWTIfITT TOWII Ai'OUT(IHE. ELEVENTH Gil AND DttAWIVU CLASS A IN THE A ADKKY 0* MU9IC. NEW ORLEANS, TL'Ht&AYtftovcmfeor 11 # M44- 174 th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Ticket, at Tirt Dollar* Each - Fractions, la Fifth* la proportte* * "• lu o raw* i capital ram rs/w 1 d<* dO *<• **•••<••*•• IIWI I do do 19,000 ! PB m <w to* mm *0 Jo M 0 100 So *M MP* too a. wo mm MO (to M 08,000 loot do n ,000 mumuna mm. 0 Appruxtuudon Prim *f PIN.. ...... 8.15* • do do 800..., t.Mo * do do 30*..., *,M liti Prim. amounting to lOM.BOO Application lor reus to elube ebould b* mod* tildrm. MU* Moser Ut* pa> Ui. eud ad drm* Registered Letter* to aw oatatm iatinu uin. JHw Otloimm, I*. FXT&BL S Express at our expense) te M a. DAvrant, •* Mew ftrhsae, I*n, or M. A. DAUPHIE, 407 Re went Is fit., Wsehlaglea, D. C Haying during IH* part weak tut celled considerable mope goods, I am now prepared to offer ao fine a etook Gold and plated- JEWELRY As can be found mo t anywhere, end at reasonable prices. I have also on band a number of Fine Patent Regu lator Quick Train Rockford Watches Something better Ilian was ever was brought here tie fore. Call In ami look at them, they will please your eye, and furthermore you will went one of Ihem. Welches of other makes and grades also on haod. *5 stock of SILVERWARE Is now compute and oaunoi be beat. MORE CLOCKS Will be on band in a few (lays ip large number* and fine styles. Please let me impress It upon you, that 1 have not merely a handful of good* to show you, but a stock that nobody need be aehamed of, and where you get the worth of your money everyllme. I leave again added a good slock of SATIONERY And ask my friend* to petronlie me in that line a* once they did. Respectfully, HENRY CORDES, Washinjtrton, Ga. “CLAUDALE!” Jersey Oalvmm, Essex PieTS, Bronze Turkeys, Plymouth Book and Brown Leghorn Chickens German Carp. All Pure Stock and well hred, 1 now *ffeh FOB SAL* Two Jersey Calves. Plymouth Rock ami Brown Lew horn Chickens. 93.00 per pair. Eggs from each, 91.50 per dozen. Herman Carp, 5c each. Broiiae Turkeys 95.00 por pair. , I am now prepared te take orders tor Essex Pigs at #IO.OO each or 915.00 per pair. S3. ~y. HILL. Citation for Letters ef Dismission. GEORGIA, WILKES COITHTr. \V r HEREAB, h. Clay Smith slid J. A. TV Ball, timion ofTbos. F.l'iott, rep mseatU the Court is theij petitioa, duff flaA, A*., that they hare follv administered Tbot.kUioU's estate. Thisie therefore tocite all pereon, cooceiuvd, heirs and crediters to show aausa, if any they cna.whr the laid an acatera theuld not ha discharged from their administration, and reeeire iettera of dia miaaion on tha Ist Monday in February, IM. This 0t Sth, lidd. GKO. DYSON. -** Ordinary W. C. Citation for Letter* Administration. OROHOtA, WILVKS COIMTT. rpo all whom it may eooeern s Jobs A. Bta- A phens. her in* ! n proper fern applied to •e for permeaeat Utters of admintwration an laa eaUte of Mina Ana Siopasn. lata of aH. A :js waists. Wttaaas my odlelal signature, this 1 Ilh O.'-. ISdd. GEO. PTSO.V j ■l* Ordipirr y, e. I BLOOD Anil it a ttaparaltellel ar# telly tad freely dteeaieed in # neat 31 page book, malted FREE to any addrea#,by Blood Balm Cos., At lanta, Ga. Drop a postal for it, a# every man and wo man need# it and will be delighted with ita valuable and entirely new revelations. SMALL VOICES them to action. Expression* similar to tbo following, from a w*U known Druggie! ot At pour Id from aMttou where B B. B. hu been used. (Turn, /on* jj, IMA. to ear Sou Mint that B. B. B. I* th* asm Blood Paris** on th* market. We * selling ram or nr* boltu* of H to OSR of up other prepoenliJß ot the kind It hu felled in oo toetonen far gtra entire entutwUon. Mult I* th* secret . P. SMITH A 00.. DrtlggJeU. Tbl* 1* the only blood medicine known that combine* eons rcm*. certain eoect, cheap priee and unbounded eoilefrctloa. WE PROVE Tli* on* single bottle of B. B. B. win do ns mucb work In curtug Blood Poteone, Skin Af fection*. Scrotal*. JUdnef Trouble*, Catarrh and Kb, umattam oe slg bottle, at on; other preparation on earth. On* *O-rear oM chronic ulcer cured; Brief ul* of children cured with one bottle Mood PotMM oured with a few bottle*. It oarer Mia. W bold bom* proof, la book form. Sand for It. Large bottler 11.00, sir for *S.O*. lUprree.d on reortpt of price. If your Drug gtot rent auppty yon. addraee BLOOD BALM 00., Attont*. 00. DRUG DRUGS! DRUGS! *• tbt rUloene ot Wilke* and Adjoialnt rowUa I her. tha pleaeure of annonncln, that 1 Bar* jnet opened In Waeklngton. Ga.. At No. 9 Green’s Block Hext Door to Postofflce. A Complete and Blagent Sluek of PIE. FISH IRE PATENT MEDICINES, Chemicals, Essential Oils, Ac., Als* Pure Wine* end Whiskey* &r Medicinal Ptuyto***. ■pmtol and cnetfal aifmrtion will bo gtrae to Prescription Work E*tr*eiw M Me. Purest and Best ot Drugs in*. I, anßSßsvmHlii “Sajftto. * -to by yarn w’iS' to* miSlrwrilJ cony, u addition to my Drag*, on eUgonl line TOILET ARTICLES or BEST AST) PUREST MAKES. Wt Completo Line of me COMBS and BRUSHES (Bute, Tooth, Clothes sad Blacking}; To Hat and Laundry Son pa, CoameUca, Tetlow'a Powtlon, Lubm'a Mactraota, Cologne*. Ciprs, Cigarellei. Tatecco & Si&ffis m'Z'XSCZSi? Uw ******** <* “ uoim STATIONERY And Fancy Articles, Or, Afa* B. R>he% office Is located to my store igww££srSKr-xrriS; to promptly when toft with mo. Tours to nit. JOHN A. H. HARPER, IVugglst and Ststioser, Washikotox, lilt tisnsou Citation far Letters Administration USOBOtA. WITJCBa I'OPim. VST lUIIS Court of Ordinary—To att whom It v T. A Uoooo. at mid state. e3S9i£RE&£35S* W-lm OIO* DYSOJt, Ortttoer, W. “ Notioe to Debtors and Credit*** OBORGU, WU4CBS COUNT*. All persons indebted to Baal. W. Fortum, do ososml, sre korohy require** to msk toiitso. dm*, payment, ad all minoas Lefts < denude me -tthtn £ .me, *>-* HISS*. Fonasa. Executor’s Sale. Uxpta authority rested ta me by the win of BerJ. W. Forteoa. deerased. I win eeU before me Court house door la Washington. He., on the SntTaMta in November mrt.rt pablli outera end within the least boar, ot eeh,. *u. ton„.u2 Mel eetete belonging to the eetete ef eeid deoeaned. One lMet of tend inert ee the Seyer piers, aa the east ride of the PrUrabnrg rol. eboul l* mdse from Washington, salt tnet contends* shout MS et'ire. Another tract ef about M acne, part oT ttie tend recently In peaseaatoa of Sti £•*>■ 'f*"* ■> <ho rtmd leading from Delhi to the Fetnsuoufg road. Another trert of shoot 100 scree on lead Petersburg road. Another tract ef about iS? riE riT,!r SsAraaaSu Baber e Ferry, beta* the home pUce of a Wjrntt. .h^! s r^jns^r.?'.v , Soir&^ each. Plate to be sees either vith me at Wash utaton. or oa the ptaee with Chae. J. Forteoa. who wtu also show the lands ta thorn triehiae to me them. Possession of the l.) sera wS Ua.L !•. hot purr baser he ellooli ” * sataß sratu and prepare for another crap Foeesertoa or other tracts stfen atones. Tam* One helf cash, balance payable la 11 msntae. purcheeera ginng note bearing a pee rent, interest from data and Meet nan hands tor Mum. This September ta, last. IBWtl & FOBTSOH, Ba'r of B. W. Forteoa. f SHILOII’BCOUGH snd Con*utup lion Core is sold by U n gsrsnlee. ft pores consumption, for sale by G. P- Lyutloit Washington Ga. No Honest man can con scientiously speculate on another man’s money. Pay your debts with your cot ton to enable those you owe to pay theirs. The honest men of Wilkes can, I say, be seen just as often in the fall as in the spring; no matter what may he said to the contra ry, notwithstandinfM^fl Cotton is ikying down ward. Pay your'MjtsLww'uhe it is bringing a good price. Don’t wait until it reaches 7 cents and then blame the market. Mena’, Boys’ and Youths’ Cloth* ing at Benson’s at unheard-of pri ces ‘ For Bagging, Ties, Salt, Meat, Meal, Flour, Molasses, Lard, Su gar, Tea, Coffee, Cheese, &c., go to PfUßnnft’a “Thft LftAffor LOW Prices.’’ For Boots, Shoes, Hats and Dress Goods, go to Benson who is selling at PANIC PRICES. For Tinware and Furniture at Bankrupt Prices, call on BENSON, The Leader. v : f /•• •* For a First-Class Wagon at a small price, call on BENSON. For a first-class set of Buggy or Wagon Harness at lowest figures, call on ■\l _ - . * BENSON. ' 4:• -? >l*. : *'■' . ■ ■■*. 1 J ‘ }• ... * — — ——~' For the Best Cooking Stove at the Lowest Price in America, call on BENSON, ‘The Leader.” Pay BENSON up in fall while he is paying such a big price on account for Cotton. The tendency is down ward. Don’t hold, it is certain to gc lower. Seme say it will go down before December to 7c. Hurry up and have your cotton ginned and hauled to BENSON while he in paying a big price on account If you wait mueh longer you will have tD sell at 7 cents. Cotton is gome down and God only knows where it is going Be rational and fallow the example <*foui moat soe oessfal planters, and settle in fall with BENSON while hs. is paying oxer Augusta prices for Cotton on account.