The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, October 24, 1884, Image 2

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bam been laid again. f There lave bmtvimx-iWI ©ftotTflsfc In McDuffie comity Sir# ft, fAisft fey carelesshunferfLft sfipftie. ’ Farmers are Ah thft crops. Cora wkcrift j* aft lit ovft •ad a very flftwwpTOl bgßrltouSKr Cotton, a hort horse apd about cur. toobtfK[TSr sowing °ggnoji i toll if ;3*n dry •'welther ha* drlrefaup *ll the yoatto people, or the ctrli hare ms(to ..poor . **• of leap year' front tile n*efo7fbWt!e 9 , . . -Mr.OJ.'U Paschal has boon nor - B#<i %l room for several nioullis * mntir ‘Wl(leh &M*i „ kW KrMp CnatA. ,1 S —:• l ,J-, <m ■■aHfcHhbad efOetton Burned at Orawlon ttoito * lfolnif loaded os, j U>J m Attorn > feritritti when the . eighth car wai aiearijr loaded; the wheel* of tho truck* ■ wi,i f iu T* wtty gtA 6n flic floor pf Hwt*r*vTh> WktfhrfK Are, whfehi oaugMtithf bttie ori the (ruck*, and from that t > Mh ¥?L Ipmedialplyi Hurt* feh* ' dfelb at,once t|ar<ffrn (row tho ear oe <tMr Gre dfifpb ,*4ll Abo cot *®> on,fire,, .the door* Wore -loied. Enough eirtaoito art lived to jiuth the seven ear*,, a I read TtWflfd, Itjuatlflr of a wile iraw toh i depot and the burning car waa ah* * safe dUtapi*where It b*M*s K*otom.t *$ great, y* over.a Jujudredr bate* mr< then pn tho idatfwm of the dejo| fn/1 i4. U, caught, It would ha* uriicd tho whole wet ld* of the tpws* ~flr>dh*re4Ui to id aw the *trt sat)" *nd i-'ieoiaUy iwme negroes who worked nobly; One ear and load e notion wa* all the damage. TV' wit tn>pplb|* to Fare retort Store or lr . Any wayJewbned ihedaritagb done: ‘ ** - - ■ L _l •~a tfltfttl I hi* yrerlvhabif, hHak-! Iqgjthg wliter* Ragntz. Hare Itf those. alga* w.hich mint accompany M year* offige—ho haring'heon’ born oh! pet. 2t>, J,feOt> — 1* present* no apeelkl' B/iiyitouwof decay, while hit intelleol 1* c}car, bright and ianlmpa*vo<l. A howed, wfth a pugged faatykenu.deepset teytea. *vw- Itung ly hi(*y mill* ilve nfibhcAj. and a firm trpad; he grooUl be thi eonapiCunu* man among 4fhou*|u4 euusplcttmis men. Horo tlreii aml.rUe* vary aimple in felaJkflWta* at*l rcry taciturn. He is an exceedingly ifrngal eater ; wine he •itdduf tqalhaif, Wf‘hi# afid thin takes* tittle heer.ltb tsV good’ filter ati. bat walk* bon tsllghHy forward, nwd his hMiftfrlrt AMitodfet-M* hands hnliemf him. Wh*u the whtemcfi of thin SfM MBiovo'the firtirtou-; value I of a v fift gtv’s- vote from thoirvboafbtihtrya ftlroi' *wd brigfchrday-wlll tfiivn upon iiKrWiMmiwfckfe nietf Itkrti that thr# sficlkl equality of* election 1 tfthA fannljta fora-rtMincr-ofi rtvat which thisiaferiof rare hop* to pave their wy’ to a toSmm social union wltli themselves and IhOlr'lhmßies It will ,be 100 late to full the terrlflo alarm that will lie brewing. ta-t the negro <vote ai he pteaMSutbe IdVr'alliwa hint ibis prtvllogo; hnt in the name of dtwncy and aelf-raspro* do not Inly hit tout and till lit* I brain #ith the false idea that. huholdW "the- balance r power/ and end' inliferfly rule and control the poiltW and'destinies of Newtonvownty and tho jlHdtirt old *te of Georgia. Tlmhlt the fjftid, thlfc Is yet- a white -tri*n> vtouirtryj although some poIttGH ft"Wp|TtaiF' W Ignore nr forgot the ht\ -XAvingtbtt Htrterpidae. il ,n<eU ,vh .>! **tv< ,t/ ‘ ■ La. . j ■- Via ■ . (Ml lit it cnahlM Irlm to pty planters bet ter prices in |h|i c j than they can realize jolhrfv Mr. Carr has large expei fence in his especial busi ness, and )ils gentleiuatiljy straight forward minum* will make Ids ac quaintance’ both plealatjt %ml jglfi tahle to |el!ers of l£fi STA tsT?A la'aCT* ACTJ (' tMtc ; yjr . in,.’ • i Finest raring ever in Georgia. lautgeM display t .lorsny*. „m. The most Exciting Walking Match. Tho finest Skating Bluk. % ■ Theflargbsl display of Miehiiiri v. Most Axtmisiv* display,, Aiurwved Imptemebts. J * . Displays of Hogs, Cattle aiul Poul try. von- large. rare only 5 vis. nomid Trip.' v:>- JI.J. Ha remit. '< • General 1 mm iitri -1, [ Notice Is hereby given that applica ble to the next Jtoper •llVrsftibly'Sjnr|he pfttage ft a ileal llll,k Jendlßt the Jhkrtci* of fte tawfl Was AgtonftHk.,~W“mlo jigale fte oiiceftj' IwoilcrL Jt>- i ftj ii ft illfeiiii t iajft‘ l *alm Tml the manner of his election or appoint- A. Franklin, L Geo.y, y, W. aimi/sun T. si. tireen, Jas. A. Benson, T.iMbis*/™ bjt? ifiiiM. slitßsPreen, m>AF, tihapHßm, ' . O’XeltofeWo., H? f. Tjbti; G.,E. Undffn.. F /T.. Jpitoseo, . H. M. Siuas, ,i,i „,() , ftCorgp.Warc, BmW, .* , .nymmfr*'* i '‘‘FerhtrtS had a greatiVnnrpTehjent i* the health of enf tWfJrehby'(hetfs* ■OPShrift's Spccfrtc: •'We had Unong IhetfWfldten some wh* hat! ttotabiy one cato'in it was 7 : in* .n-tso Mn 'lilt ntnrgm<t**iil’ | . tran.srxKAßLT J Ts r m t , 8 - !w *w K*ve to this case, ,gtjd in g ifopri #ji!)e lt was,cured sound *#4 well. If Was as bad a case, ithink, M# wi er,saw, and had been tJn<V* r e*cellnt tl "MiF n fe? w * l*f ( r W; nd iWlfwM ess, who, f*r year* hay* fi su(rere-| luteusoly everjr spring rf&tmhff >4*. and though they had been taking Swifiygpcdtlc oply lu small doses as a health tonic, they all, withont ex ceptjpp passed, through this, taring Without a tou,ch of thg,epo^]Uilnt. Hi A r°m iad r of Uto iMtiintlort who has been with us for year*, ha* ,j>een troubled with a most aggrava ted rash ever si m e %' a ebtld., ohe tried all the known remedies that Me prescribed for it with beneftt, but sho has been cum! bv taking [bwlft’a Specie* and has bad no retunr (*t the trouble. , 4ti . s ,> , i<? lV ,1 Xtlw speh an oxceliont tome, *nd| keep* the blood ao pure, that the aya tenr is loss liable to contract disease- Ail of the teachers and children who are old euough to know, agree with me in belle Ting U is the greatest medidue known, taith In It Jo, unbounded, and, I and my assistants take great pleasure in recoratnendiiag one. I can at all time*'be founuat Um Homo, and will take, iji toebm or cortcspautUijg.wbhiAny quo who i* inte''*i<i i the H*. iu H. FAIh'E, Orphans' Home, *i .; <( I Maook, Qa. Our Treaties on Blood and Skia Diseases mailed free to applicants, a SWIFT SPECIFIC (JO.. Drawer 3 Atlanta, (la..-.(. . YA office, 159 W. 23d Sk. bt„fttU. snd?7lh Ara*. Philadelphia ofllco, 1205 Clicsaut St. i *"! Tin? November Klectie, made up of tho cream of tlio ourvent foreign mag aiincs, sustains ltd high reputation. Tba selection Is good, giving th* road, or a ptensailt alternation of light and grave matter. Anton# the more solid articles to which apodal, attention maty he called,'aro “Mbderti Mvtfl otarai,!’ hy W. S.LIMv }“What Dreamy are Made ©(.’’ by Dr.? Antliww WIN son; “English Bupwraavy In the Hast,’, by FjißilHceley Johnson ; MlVotee tlon from tho Wockehan'* Point of View,"-by WiHtam 4r Harris; and “The Dt#S4idih ; 'WiidSl^d# r ldstinct,’’ by ti. fb Romanes, article on “The OoiMiet with the capital study of a &\e lion iio<Y excliitig njtfcn aitiSflmf iu Koglaiul. .''‘FLildtersis*i'-fiat thetlc story troth' Blaek 'wti the ‘ilgbtcj- iuif Wiltf*/? eel variety!’ ThWiflh 'fine wWi oldest VqblreMlAfe 1 Ameylea, Tile Scl&'tW® l&sihl ! lli high rank among Its mcu!’ : atirtiifidu^ brclhVrp: ““* Published by k R. Street. New York. ‘ Terms. $5 pef 'ear; single numbers. 45 'cents': tViap’ sulwerlptbin for 3 mohthjs, |l. 1 ■ - . * :•. yi A Moat De.trabla 'Hi* 1 t&r Sals. =W I offer my place hear WashtAgion for sale verv elieap, pavlnehif %h<k. 1 1 7 41-ltn. ■ijff.'llrrr. I .luopc.i; nu(. .;(l po;r-ss evFTt hUioa j Sbjfi advertisement ort*ortnhle Cfire Mitts fttr sale pv Geo. 1?. Lumbanl A Cos., Adghsta.'Ga. tf _ • :-t-wrw ■ , Yorcan fluid the prettiest aeaort imentot New SlplA ifaanipa. ever of n s You cjtabuy the Old Betyablc. Ex', eeleiop caob i stove at 4V. S'. Jobnaon's. ' ‘ ’e? TJtF. jiKY. GEO. H. TiUYET?, of Bobibbn, rnd-i.9 savs; “Both mviielf mid wire owe otar lives to SH IT.OH'S (iXiNSCMPIIONCVKE." For sate by G. E Lyudou, Washington, Ga, HI 1 3c - hi %sa3o 1 ij^'i nr /tKEAAaV \ & O ® V * -A,/*j5^AaKS--ty-.5 ,! , v* ■ B£ST Tmwp-'g This medlcln*, eacsUntns Iron with pure Itdom noitnjuro th tiitt, nra*sSipS,r TSSSBS!!%Z£S& IM. srw MUSS MMK.k to, u.Trf,har It is Mid that Mila Ellen Tbronee. 4 ATBetSs.lis reedyed an offer offOjMft a year by a musical dlrectorin Jfew York. Fle_ gusran feetfhbr tMs artronnf thfooh theiipgr and sing for ffFb'yeaW.' : W t v-ijn . v ti '*■ * [ d, *We call the .plan* ters mul all Oliver* having, cotton for gale, to the very,full cash price* now being paid in on*ijnarknt. Washing ton is now in the from rank tlWSnf thfrlrest ifi:c’r!hr markets In the >< Mr. Ca •f, oni* new buyer, 1- ready ami anxlon* to pay Savajiuab ami Charleston cotto* less the freight, Hettbuyftg for dlreet shlpmrtit to Eiirope ''and MdHhtM'h biß|s. Sod pour own jet ton lit your nearest homo rnaykut and save iactor'* charges, cewotiaiioas and losses iu weight, sentotton ■ *■,.'*■* e lll -w t uw ,r' *' Brocade Velveteen at T. Burwffll ,ore*aflhu* ims I •.< <>■" | mesas Walksr. ' Press-Making Corofr Patat build ing. All prdcr# yglllrreeivi? prowpi tteution gatisfactiou Guaranteed. ... j “i^ Dont fail to tree the new atnefe 01. Plated Ware M W. T. Johnson’*. Prices JoweP than usual. . Woo* A .TAfcSeV* ■swe on AaSJn, splendid 10l m broke horses/ aid mules wliieh (ley wl)’. sell tow Ibr cash.dritoiihno* rtltolltew treaW. ’ I, ~ _ .Ml • ,*l I I, - Worm fe dosjKSBN, eaa torveyan with as elegant and satistactoiy turn outs as you oseM wiels-to strive. vn-ii'i.r-rsu.t, irvt-v SMITHS' Wpmi 1 the best. x q ; T 11-lyii You can hay Grates cheaper than over bcl’ore at - W>. T. Johnson’s. ; , The best Corliss rouble CM and cylinder Oilfisf du and nwurhiner) at Johnson’s. •<-’ vt Hut, mis Bp> Cure Mouth -Wash ad n is an uifalllblft cure tier Uiderated gorpt t Throat, Bleeding Ugms, Mtith gad L'loara Clean tbe Teeth and keeps the Gama be*Hity and purities (her braalli/ Pataeoil solely by Drs. J. J\ & W. R. Holmes, Dent ista,, Macon, Georgia. Used and reegmmeiidod by leading denthita. For Sal* by Dr. iJUBI Kemme, Wasli ington* Ga., and all Druggists and Dftutistr. 36-tf. "■ r . Vfihnt k Mississippi Mot Says. Cap! W. fl.’nfrfg*, who Is well known aVNSwXWeansTiifd aftmgthe Mississippi mer, says, "I bave been sulleri ttg tiqiu dvspegsia io the past tlre from brpijtyi . rast. by eVctt> pa(hs Tft the. Ikhvcls and kids' neyif IXrlfiß every Tftedifi he reeom- Hieaiiivl Iter these 1 aiseasrsi without atieoess. At last I used a bottle of Brawn’s Biyoys, wh/ h proTwi a herfecl .success in mv Ce.i’kjfc eiiras alf'liver; kldnfiy and malanaf diseases. Nerw goods, new styles and new priceii, at W. T. .Jahusott'a. Prof. Harris' Pastile treatment -ft>r nervoiprdehilitr-has cured thousands. Tlie. proprteleva;having coutldenco in lIS merit efleVrftetf itriall Address Harris llemvily IC(p, St- liouits. Mo. • *—'T- *~ 1 ~ lie X, : WagUd. < t 5000 Bushels Cotton Seed. Highest price paid. Takeu in any qunnitv by •< :t ! cr BiO. Barksdal*. . ■ Sco advertlsemont of Portable Corn Mtlfj, fbr safe bv Geo. Lombard & 00., Anghsta, Ga. tf r. i!)i (■■■;*•—uwk a ■ ■< : r. dv Dwd.'<jl. Hf is complete.; Give him a trial whin you p*ed anything >a his line, ud be assurevibc will treat you alright, { The purest AYines. I.iquors All Brandies for fb'miiy and medicinal use at Dri J. A. A. Harpers dihig tore. { Every man in Wilkes county to try fmyltfßlcamn CWbr4Bil.Lt ■gnar-j I ahteirsatisftctionlamiftvaifantj yoJ [ will never A- an#othft oil' <m ; you® I wagons, butoit* lA.I. Kbi4b. m I atwrlioeStMt DWliaWhotherCHtw of (I air Brushes, Combs, Perfumeries on tiie W aijiiagion markMk AN* (t*f ®nticwAn/Lf*rlb. J. A. 11l, ~T ifftisfnflPWy'stallonpiSr?" ' raaiea, Pbouwraph and ABtofrap! ‘ Albums to make room for nty tat ■aßd Wlntbf irtßdt. These gonilti 'I? new ami fresh, latcsPatyle.s, call ear ly and secure bargains, I, offer (ben lower th# eve*. 3. A. lf. Ha*pM(. Uemember that at Dr. Harbor' drug store there las splendid line gall Damps. Hanging lao|P*- Ham uins and Stand Gamps cheap*! thair ant where else. He will not b undersold by auy houW ttr this o any other market. Call and look 4. •!#&■ hefotft huying,, elsewhere. .If you wat pbeifi MUdjT #nd tin U>sttod m the market yon win find them at T. Bur well (irtW*. If you wairt cheap goods and th* best gosuto In the irrarket you wig tttl there at Burwell Creen'e. Drcsa Goode at 4-4 ttocetleg Hfic,3-4 Sl/ecting Af at, T. BunwcH wrMtiV. ,**i n m P'i4MMim i ti-"n.*i f {r .-. : VoUot. -f?t ' /hlUftrf’ All persons are hereby warned against employing Charte* Uulionl (colored,) as he is under ecu tract with tne. Anyone doing frill be held responsible according to tow. *,; * / | , Oct. 2. 34 W. B. Ho*hak; Just arrived anothe* lot of nobby hats at T. Burwell Green’s, , | —l_—i ~fto .*' * i* 1 j the (Hole* Shirt, the best In Amer ica, at T.‘Burwoll GraeMV ‘ 1 1 \ White Knltflifg Wool at T. Bur-j well Green's, tnoililw i- , | .h > "f! nrtii*T>..Hi , l'* j WAftDO. H t etifnhc ftuttd If R ft depot" daTlv. Company expects prtoinpt fUtVmetft. , ii Bon'* 8 Smith, vl pel lo^'roS" 1110 **• ' ANKO K.Mills IS, . vyi*"'**" r- I*— 1 *— "■ ■* The name of 3. F. Ahjlrews is respectfnliy announced a* a candidate for the billed of Treasurer of.,Filkea county. i, ‘. v -—->— mm- ■, x ••’ - + Tax undersfjfned- respectfully an noitnccs himself a Cailitidato for of- if tfie ensuing election.™ Smith. ■>** sairouatiU a I respectfully announce myself a (be er. Tn the past Ihave endeavored to make an ffle(entand'hfccom l toodaititig offlfierc' Hbw 4el( t snceeedtid let the reiordfray. Boren iv- f-- :'r\ softi.-'lm.t •"I hereby respeeflfttlly anftioanco to Hi* vktere-of Wllkdi cottnfr (hat I am a eendidatefor the oifleb tb Tax Re oeirerer, ttnd solicit their support. U.O.riAI.B. ..p_, ...... I. Thr namJof F. li. SAYEft is rtsi peot/ully ad non need as' a e*hdidate ; foptka oUfeenflVli Rei elttC."’ ! 1 1 The name of G b Bimucli isrespeotc fully announced aa a candidate far .County Treasurer, * ,it -to • >r if PROF. E. A. IIITdK OCK, Teacher of Piano., j - Highest tostimoidals a* to aMlttyr Lessons at seminary or 4t pupil’s i , esldt4noes.,!c)c 1 --p rA i tl-lm t JOHN McPOLAND -! dataann vnw i.-dtur* n>* Contractor & Guilder, i K and estimates furnished a (hurt notice. Strict aUentian given to all orders entrusted to me. AH orders lor stone and brick work in any part of the country promptly it* tended to. Aadreas I*l VAHRIB ST.,COII. MILLER Acocm. oEorou. DenlisiryjnCreflit. DR. KEMME, D^TIST I will work ibr responsible parties on time, with no extra qharge or time price. Work guaranteed, and guarantee of somo value,-as lam al ways In any office. ' FARM FOR SALE. 190 aerds, move ovless. near Dan burg. Ga, Good framedwelting and other-houses. - Price 1600, *2OO cash. Balance on one and two years time at 8 per cent interest. Apply to 39-1 mj .loux D. Heabd, Fort Payne, Alabama. Or T. V. Heard, Danburg, Ga. WMWhi imKU Six .JOV* fw I Mmt 8m It if Xww Prices 3ITA * aa Win #o tie Work* U 8 SH llis.-nq * ior’ I*! irto! iO enT J llw .kill,sev Hi eltred nvnili lure hosiuv-llow A TIEO. 1 GREEK. dt tots : vti**- ret fJOß.ntti ivo /<f I .nußiistb •! yu - -*nw u nnareil DRESS GOODS I.v Gbeat Vahiexv Ase Qou>n*. Cashmere* in all the .new shades froip 25c to 75c. , 't • h Blaek Cashmere frem> 30c to $1.25. J, All wool Cashmeres in all coler*. ; . Pacifto Drees Goods fcoiafiet# 18a. Sebl hint soasoH atk&e to ttlc. -i I Dres* goods from hut season at 50. Bc. and.lie- Kually worth 10,15 and 20c. (,'osi double the money but they must g 0.,, jV j . \ r . ~ - .f' lii ■ , to .It TOWELS At a Great Sacrifice. . J(k) Tyunk- tsQc,7s<iloolaß 00 '2,Saratoga* itoosf,- ■ ,h i„,i , White Colored ta ll 00 io 400. Balmoral Shirts 500. 75c, SIOO to 3 00. 7 !tiVf Tie mm Hats EvM'bronfht Io town find "tort-' mll real chcap. ' ; W sfAlk br tlgbf ttAs]e immense. A good Boys'lla(fi>f 25c. J A splendtdVfau’- Hat for 50c. Come before they nre wjld- Ca{is for Men and tl.dy i* from 25p to a good Scotch'tap for *7sq to lOQ. ~t Will jiiivtt Von $5 00 in every S2O do bought M HRKFJtV' Ladies’ Undervests Uti a# STze* and JjCitiddl ? „Indies’ UndorvesU 750 and Ijl-OO per pair. ~ lf -„ u -. 0 t* CnJcvestsat $1 50 per pair 5 (i jiiiluU’,i;itdcr*|dtto iu Immense lots Gyito’ Hpdgr-ahi?** *>, 10 mnl 50c. Gouts’ Mylicatcd Shirtp with draw match at SIOO, 150 .and 250 for Uio best. . Gents’ Ib'<l ■ ait wool drawers, at .<1 fli) worth 1 50. OVERCOATS. -Overroats fbr Boys WOO.' : e*v Owrboats for Youth* |4 00 to 0 00. i Ovetvoata foi Meta. tX hanr By aottaal count 150 Over coats and they ate just that many morethan I want. ' 1 ' ’ -Overaoats at 00i AfX> and 4 00. ' ©veteoats at 4<t 00. 800 and TO 00. ? UU'era at 43 50 to 16 00. Reversible Overcoats W M to I6 00. tfPrth need an Overcoat I will make the price lit. 'Thave the be*t selected r sfdck Of CLOTHING Ever bfought to Washington, 'and T f intend to aril them if pHews -< t -oO ' it 1 will dOeiMf edt i 200 Coats bought Ih a Job and will be sold the • "•” Cut-awav Coats It f7 00 really Worth 15 00.’ ' •’ " Chesterfiefrt TYocks r at 7 00, 800 ,andlOo6. " r - ■ A splendid Bk. Coat at $5 00, 600 and 7 00. • 200 Vests bought In job* 77c, fl 00 and 41 25. ’' Boys’ Suits |3 00, 4 00,6 00 and 800 Youth*’ Suits*4 00,100 aud 8 00. Mens' Suits $3 50 to 35 00. t*am heavily Overstocked in Cloth ing and Will cat the price to begin' jwfth r l',' ' ;"' ' fnts’ Black Cloth Coats all sires pffdes.' *' u "• ' Gents Black Cloth Vests and Pants, t am oyef6tocked in Send in your Cotton before it goes down to Bc, and pay me up while 1 am paying Augusta prices for Cotton on account. Don't hold, it wiU certainly go lower and you will be the loser. i Yours respectfully; T. M.. GKEEN ! filer Prsof Wle FiJtk. 5Gt. lied Flannel all wool 12, 15 and 20c. 20 pair* White Blanket*, $1 20, l jo and 2 00. 20GraTH[ankets..$1.00: 1 25. 1 SQ. I ATI wool Blankets at $6 00ami7()0. 50 piece* of Beautiful, new and el egant Deliaze, Tricots, Cashmeres, &c., from 6c to ft 00, , AllWavs find where the most got>ds caß be bad for the least mpnev aqd that place will! be at .. T. M. GREEVci. Ladies'JCollars 5,10,15 and 20c. Ladies Handkerchiefs .5,10,15. 20c. Gents’ Handkerchief*, layge, 5, U), hnd 25c. Gents’ Silk Handkerchiefs 25c (o $2 00. Cloaks from $1.25 to $3.00. . Cloaks fi 00, 500 and 6 06. j Circulars and Dolmabs, js6 00, id do ami 12 0l). Biacbf V elretecn, ode, Hrocide Vctvetccn- 7ac fo $i.25. Velvet Ribbons for Trimnaiugs /tx ail widths, re ,veteen i .h Jeans, Cheeks, ffle., ! I’laotor* sn need of Jeans arid Do mestics by UtebpU; cat), buy it,of me at. Factory Prices fpr my stock is .reduced. „pU. and m roe and I uriU ftin you, tj)p9f- ;," w * 50 piecas Jeanfi. 1,0 pieces of Satinetf* 40 and 00c..,, 10 pieces or real fine (iasairaore 60, 7Scandsioo, Gennine AUien* Jeans 25c, CoKrmbtis, (in., Jcaiys, g6od. 30^ 50 good saddles, with Blankets and Bridie* to match trom $2 50 to. 20 OQ. 20sett* Buggy Harness si ,50 to 1500 2 -cits of Double lliiggi' Harness to sell a( cost. sl7 50 and 22 50. Ode Double sett. Mjm too ]>oor to take time prise sso 00— absolute cost, I Intend to thrift selling Harness whch I can clbsc ont ibis lot; *o it wlli pay ’to call. 8 HOES Fov every body and at auy pviee. They must go, 1 I have got more than I can store and they will bo sacrificed, so conic aud got your sharv. ( Milos’ Wosnetis’Covllnvt tseaseCalf Sboes.-Low Heels,broad sole and good Last her. ,-ir ,;*t - : Miles’Qliooa for Children. i-v/, Miles’ dimes fbr Youth*. t Miles’ Shoes for Men. * > - )■ t Elites’ Shoes in all styles and fin* ish lor Ladit*. • A', :■ Handsome Buttoned Shoes M 25. Good oyery-day Shoes for men 750 aud 4100. Good Brogans 41 00 to 1 25, Beel-Gakßrogans 1 50 and good. Old Ladies’ Shoes ilt all nmnbers at 7i to 8 00. f i Boys’ Shoes 1 00,1 25. and 42 00. Boys’ Boot* fl 60 2 00 and 2 50. Mear Calf Boots 42 50.3 00 and 7 50 Gents' Hunting 800t5,4 00 to 7 50. Childrens’ Calf Shoes, 40 to 75c., ilisses’ Cajf Shoes 60c to 100. Women’s Shoes In Calf 1 20 to 2 00- Gents*Boots2 25 to 2 50. I have several thousand Ju, Shoes and must realize on them, and my bouse is the place to save money, T. M. GREEN. Kid Glove, at Cost. 25, 50, 75c, 100| lam bound to clean, tbept out, . - ; I keep a splendid stock of Fancy Groceries And you can buy thorn cheap, 10 Bbls Sri 5 Sacks Coffee. And a full lino of Jleavy Groobricss