The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, November 14, 1884, Image 2

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210 is the lucky number by which Cleveland will bp Jfi the electoral college.‘l f x f§ Mb. WjiJT*t*wfll®w wig not rA reeeut the people at tft mart of St. fcnic* ft* theJhxt Dow. years, that anybody knowaof. r W in s the Georgia legislature electa meu to flic highest place* within it* ■gift without any reference to their character, what can be expected when it come* to filling miuor posibpu*. 1864 Is also the lucky number by which Cleveland carried the slate of Ken York. W believe thi* is the closest voto fn a presidential election ever cast in that state. Tfhe closest vote ever cast hcretoferc in that atate was in 1844 when Polk carried it against Clay by five theusaud. i- ij- yrrn u ■ Ex-paymaster Wasson, the ctnbez *ivr*Wi aJiH’i‘.pwm # tl,t! aoiicilailen ol Gei). Grant, Wasson and Fred. Grunt having been class mates at West Point. It turns out that Wassen teenrod his pardon by the personal solicitation of Col. Fred. •Grant. Yet. the Grant# sjm.ti net l* care to secure the release of their last friend and partner. Ferdinand Ward, who Is still in jail. Thk next election* which will ii| (cr est the people of Georgia wj) f t be (hose tty the General Assembly for Sena tor, Ju'ge* aiid' Solicitor General*. Electioneering, and log rolling art now the order of the day la Atlanta, and ranch valuable time of the legis lature will be consumed by these flections, No donlu a strong effort will be made during the present *#• jeu t# amend the Constitution so a* to give the appointment of Judge* and Solicitors back fo the Governor or make these office* elective by tbe people. , ... h t ; • 'TMfc combination of the associated press and th? Western Union fele gvkph company in making fal*e re turn* from the election In New York •fate, lkH week,bat brought down the contempt of tlip country on theae two Despicable Institutions. If the mob Which t bran toned to tear down the Western Unioii offices in Yew York city, had accompli abed their threat, the company would not have lost a* much a* it swindled the public out of by neces.ltatiug special telegram to correct th? lie* that were being refallod all over the country by the company. A Tklioram from Richmond say that tame of tlx Republican election official* In Virginia havo refused to sign their name, lo returns which jive Democratic majorities. There la no doubt that It waa arranged be forejupd br tha Blainc-MaUono man ager! to rnako a desperate effort to •tea! the electoral vole of that State tn oaae the vote should lie close. The moat puerile point* were rained by tiie Republican official. At tile State Returning Board is composed of three Democratic ami two Republican of ficial*, it is not likely that any more technical quibble will prevent the prompt and honest couutmg of the vote of Virginia. Thkkk mon stepped into the electric light wo ks of the city ef Syracuse the other ovaning. One of them was observed to casualty stoop over ami reach out his hands towards a thirty eight dynamo machine. Instantly ho wits drawn close to the generator, ■without noise and tv thout tillering a sound, lie had unwillingly ifasp;d the positive aml negative rods and Wnsdoad. A moment before ho bad becu boasting of his electrical knowl edge. When It was attempted to re move the buly, pieces of skin ad hered to the rods. The contraction of the muscles i*f the body was so great that bis legs and arm* ware drawn out of shape, amt his head drawn forward so that the chin pressed tlghlle against therhest. A Xkw You. letter says: -The Tammany people am really deter mined to cont*-t Mayer-elect Grace's eligibility tolako hts piece a* Mayor of the city on Jan 1. eu the allege tion that he is not * ehiaeii. and to that end they have engaged counsel .to manage their Case. The proceeding will b# in thf form of a quo warran to, brought by Mr. Grant, the dnfeht od Kelly candidate, uoiup- ltibg Grata So prove his title, The basif of the action is an iivycancnt ofdadr Don ohue, tobs suppomdbr affidavit, that Grace came to him in 1860 aid privately aduimittcd that he was bn atisu and liad committed perjuryfitn the matter of his naturalisation ; but this allegation is looked upon by Democrats outside of Tammany as o preposterous that they do not be lieve it will serve its purpose, though it may b productive of sen-] satiotia! effects for a b;icf peril d.’ WHEES A CHANGE IS GREATLY tan 1 Wo If*vc opposed die pres ent ayljem St elect ipg judges tad (stgtcfs HttorncSL and every electjßn lif the WgijUuiilf. heaps up tip ifn mewt# igeinit *hii system. LTHHf or no responsibility rests njpon a legis lator In the election of a Judge or so llciter-general, especially outside of tLia circuit in which hi* comity ■ huy*- pens to he, and the idea of power without rcspousiblily ia antagonistic te all good government. The tra ding and bartering that ba* been car ried on openly in the present session ef the Georgia legislature in regard le filling office* great and small, is enough to disgust the people of the state with their legislature body. The old system of appointment by the governor and confirmation by the senate Is tho only way by which we may return to purer methods in se lecting judicial officers. A governor would rarely ever be so lost to thp public weal as to refuse to recognize bis responsibility to the people. A governor is responsible to the whole people, but to whom is a legislator responsible except to the little hand ful ef Ids own constituency. Elec tions of judges by the legislature is had enojgh, but may the good Lord deliver ue from popular elections. Georgia will never hare Judges who will he known of all meu as men of ability ad Integrity until she returns to the old way of electing them ; and such meu will rarely accept the offleo until the state turns from its parsi* ntonv and pays salaries In keeping with the dignity the office should earry with it. Daabnrg’o Wajolotn* To-nlghl Danburg is having the biggest demonstration that has os ft hose soon . hro About sundown Hie crowd began to gather and by dark the streets were a living watt, all bent on having a big time. Many and vigorous were the shouts that went np ter Cleveland and Ken dricks and the old Democracy. Fully 250 men are in Hue, and with fife and drum and torches are taking the plac e by storm. After parading all the streets the crowd halted in front of Mr. J. L. Anderson’s residence and called tor him. Mr. Anderuon re sponded In a duo and well-worded speech and ended by throwing open hie dining room doors and Inviting the crowd to slipper. The table wni loaded down with good things and the crowd partook of as dne a repast as was ever spread In this count*’. Danburg has ever been noted tor her hospitality, and last night Mr. An derson more than sustained hts well earned reputation. Mr. Anderson I* one of those big sotiled patriotic citi zens of whom Danburg may well lie proud. After supper several youttg men were called upon for addresses and acquitted themselves very well indeed for inexperienced s|iafccr*. Mr. <T. A. Muss returned the thanks of the crowd to Mr. J. L. Anderson for hie bounteous hospitality, after which all disbanded, every one ex pressing themselves as having had fa huge time. The night will not soon be forgot ten by the good people of Daubing. Long may our President live, and may Danburg havo many More such causes for rejoiciug. SratTATott. Danburg. Nov 12,84. Life is too short to try half a dozen different kind* of “Sura Cure*,’’ when one suffers with a cough dr cold stick to the best and nse Dr. Itnll’s Cough Syrup; It will cure your cough and never disappoint you. All druggist* sell It at twenty five cents a bottle. Unfortunate for Venus. Venus the goddess of love was so beautiful that Motuus, god ef mirth, and a great satirist, found no defect ju her person, and only complained that she made a noise in wnlkiug as jho retired from his presence. Hsd She lived in the present age when tit* art of Photography is brought so Such perfection and had just dropped Into our attelter for photo tha sileut picture would have recalled the beau !y without the noise. Now do not KoeraatiuaU, you who are more ti ered, buteeuse and sit for the best, photograph, you ever had, and bring tha daar woe onos to the artist, who Strer ftets the one who never scolds; but takes aprida in the dear little children, doing away with that lw>r ibl* head rest. We are prepared to copy and enlarge, and also to trans fer from old pictures, finishing up jn oil by the Italian process, giving nat ural color to the eyes and hair and dress, any color or shade desired- Call and see for yourself. C. IV. Saltkk, I’lioCo. Artist, Washington, Ga. iftsssi I Thl medidne, combining Iron with pare vegetable ton lee, qOLckly and completely i'ttrrn I>r*peT>*trt, Indigent lon, tVeakneea, Impure HI nod# aularktCblikaid Fevera* •m Neuralgia. It la an un fill ling remedy for Dlseasea o/ tha KMneya and Uvar. U la invaluat.l# for Diva** peculiar to Women, and oil who lead sedentary live*. Itdoea not 1 njure the teeth. cao*e headarhe.or produce constipation—-<Aer Jr*m ntrtmnr* da. It enriches and purifies tbe Wood, animilatea the appetite, aide the assimilation of food, re* lievea Heartburn and Belching, and strength* em the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Farm. Lassitude, Lack or Saergy, Ac., It baa no equal. 49- The genuine haa above trade mark and aroeaed red line* on wrapper Take no other. **fwrr wMHra eMaicaa cai. aaunaoßa, Mb We call thuslteiiliou of the plan ters and alt others having cotton for sale, to the very full cash price* now being paid in onr market. Washing ton is now in the front rank among the best Interior markets in the state. Mr. Car/, otir ncfr buyer, is always ready and anxious to pay Augusta, Savannah and Charleston prices for cotlolf less the freight. Me I* buying for direct shipment to Europe and Nortboi n uiill*. geH your own /cot ton in your nearest home market and save laetofi ‘ charges, commissions and loss?* in weight. Wood A Jackson can serve y#u with a* elegant o<l satisfactory turn outs as you oonhi wish to drive. You can buy Orates cheaper than over before at W. T. Johnson’*. The best Corliss engine OU and cylinder Oil for gins and machinrrj at Johnson’s. Planters look te your interests and tiring or send vonr cotton to Carr, tbe sotton buyer who le always willing and ready to buy It and pay you the highest cash price. Dr. Famous will be in town next, week. r j. We call the attention of ali planters in Wilke* and adjoining counties te the advortisemeut of John W. Carr who has become a resident of Wash ington for the purpose os buying cot ton. The advantages of shipping direct to Europe, and Xothern spin ners, enables him to pay planter* bet ter prices in thi* market than they can realize elsewhere. Mr. Carr nas largo experience in his especial busi ness, and hi* gentlemanly atraigut forward manners will make his ac quaintance both pleasant and profi table to all sellers of cotton. Ar a recent meeting of the citizei • of Sharon, Prof. X. R. Ware was unanimously elected president of Sharon Institute. Wanted. 5000 Bushels Gotten Seed. Highest price paid. Taken in any quanity by 11. O. BtUtPAU. i Yeung men prepared for any class in college at X. E. Ware's Business and Literary Institute, Sharon, G*. Spring term opens Jan. ill. 1885.45-3 m. A Bonanza the Politicians'loet Sight of Whilepoliiielnns everywhere wore quarrelling on Tuesday. October 14th, :1884, the 173d Grand Monthly Draw ing of The Louisiana Stale Lottery [came off. M. A. Dauphin, New Or leans. La., (to whom all Inquiries -should be addressed). Ticket No. 74.455 drew the first capital prize of 475,000. and was sold In whole ticket 40 a well known business man of the jCreseeitt City, and paid in to E. B- of the l-on?siana Natl Bank there. No. 7T.05C dfew the second prize of fSy.OOO, sold in fifths at one i foliar eatlt—vitfe-fihb each to Mr. fit fry Jfistlee ef the Pear* ttml Wm. M. Kennedy, planter, both if Greenville. Mis. : one-fifth to W. 2. Briggs of Ghieajo; another tb E. 3. Bennrtf. No. 510 9edgwn?fc St., Dhlcago. Two-flfths of the third prize of SIO.OOO— tljket No. 47,554 Was won by O. C. Fox, Portage, Wie. tTlie fourth prizes of $6,000 each were Avon by Nos. 13,388 and 54,631, sold In fifths at ptte dollar oach, and scat tered very promiscuously, North, Fouth, East and West, to parties in Memphis, Tenn.; Columbia. Tenn.: Philadelphia, Pa.: and Noiv Yor city. JvC., &c. But it will ever go on, and if yon invest it may make yon. but will not break you. (To be -.•otiliaued indefinitely.) ANNOUNCEMENTS. ge- met : W f S=apSs===i The name of Major John F. An drew* is respectfully announced as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Wilkes eounty, - -*—V*. The undersigned respectfully an nounces himself a candidate for of fice ofTaxjColldPior at the eh-fnlng election. Wm. It. Smith. I resneolfally aunonnee rarself a candidate for the office of Tax Reeeiv er. In the past I have endeavored to make an efficient and accommodating officer. How well I succeeded let the record say. Borcjc Ficklkn. I hereby respectfully announce to the voters of Wilkes county that I am a candidate for the office to Tax Ke ceiverer, and solicit their support. ~ o. C. Half.. The natna of K. X. SAYER is res pectfully announced a* a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver. The name of G B Hunch I* resjieet ftifty announced as a candidate for Odunly Treasurer post omcß .. OKNXSSL osuvrsv. Opens * a. M. Cloiss . P. X MOSSY OsUXR ASD aculaTßY WICKET. Opens JA a A. >. Closes.., loai) • ties a M. " * lo S:IJ r. a. orosou a. s. hah.. 6|W*S r p. m. Closes 11:4* a. H. Ei.sxsros Stas socte, Arrlrss Mon., Wed. Aid Fridays . •. r. as. Lesves Tisei., Tburs end fist. . T. A. at. DAKKI'Se ANI> mstoa *tas tom. Arrives Tnst. Thnrs end fist I r. u. MkAjmwh r bnd s no* r . gg The sfetira srhodnls Is msde in tSeerdsno* with th,loss clock. Gas. Wsua, I*. M. DUDLEY DuBOSE, Attorney at Law. WASHINGTON, : GEORtIfA. BEAD THIS 1 offer tor sale a FRESH stock ot DRUGS. Good locality. Fine store room with lease from *ne to five ficart. G°‘i established trade, in oue of th* beet towns in Georgia. Address T. BURWCLL GREEN, AYashlngtoh. Ga. or, LAMAR. RANKIN & LAMAR, 45-tf Atlanta. Ga. SOLID SILVER STEM WINDING FUU- JEWELLED GENTS' BIZE WATCH FOR $12.50. Ft 1-t.V tit ARAVTKKD Thin offer mad* for 0 <Uy only* Ooao* m*ol b j Kspr*MC\ O. D.,f abject to lap#rtton before pbiyhegittf. J r. nti'.venn * c®.. iiwtim. AXI4 JNO. A. WATKINS. House, Sign & Fresco Fainter ▲ll work done in the most worknunlike manner, and natisfaetioa guaranteed. All orders intrusted to tft w.ll renaira prompt attention. I refer br permission to Mr. C. K. Irvin and James Aitchell, Contractor and It'iilder. Washington, Ga. If not in the city, address ck box 29, Sparta, Ga. 33-6 tn PROF. E. A. HITCHCOCK, Teacher of Piano- Highest testimonials tu to ability. Lessons at seminary or at pupil's residences. 43-1 m “CLAUDALE!" Jersey Calves. Essex Pitrs. Bronze Turkeys, Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn Chickens German Carp. All Pure Stock and well bred. 1 NOW OFFFII FOB SALS Two Jersey Calves. Plymouth Rock and Brown Leg horn Chicken-. $3.00 per pair. Eggs from each. $1.50 per dozen. German Garp. 5e each. Bronze Turkeys $5.00 per pair. I am now prepared to take orders for Essex Pigs at SIO.OO each or $15.00 l>er prir. JHj. TT. H 11,!,. WHY High Prices lor Northern amt Western Mills, when you can buy as goad Mills made at Home ? Wo make the Cloud Creek Portable CORN MILLS, And Guarantee Good Meal. Price, 30. $100; 32, SIGS: 36, $197.50, and furnish Mill Rocks and Mill Gear ing at Lowest Prices. AU kinds of Mill Machinery ami Eugines and Mill Supplies. GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO GIEEI’S ILOEE! ::e=no 2-, — Dress Goods, BLACK CASHMERE SILK WABP HENRIETTA CLOTH TRICOT Plaid Cashmeres from 25c to $1.50. Black anfl Colored Velveteens, Silk Velvet, Black and Colored. Brocade ~V elveteens. FLANNELS, FLANNEL SACKING, FLANNEL SUITINGS. ALL COLORS, Satins, Taiise, Dress doods-aU Styles, FROM 6',jc TO 42.00. Quilts from II lo $lO. Glevcs, Hosiery, itrmlkcrchiefs. in endless varl ety. Gouts' Hslf-Uose from 10c to 42. Ladles’ Hese from 5c to $4 per pair Corset* from 25c to 44. Beulavads and Cloak*. Zephyr Sacks and Hoods, Mother Hubbard Zephyr Sacks for Babies and Misses, Milh Slfk Yokes. GenU' Merino Vents and Drawers. Ali Wool Medicated Undervests and Drawers. Ribbon*, Laces, Illusion*, Wash Blow, Brussels, Net Hoop Skirts, and Bustle*, Red Flannel from 15c to $1.25. White Flannel* from 15c to 41.00 Cissfmer* from 75c ro $8 per yard. Gents’ Dress Shirt* and Collar*. Hat* all th* latest Block*. Trimming Silk* and Satins ali shades. The finest lo* of Ladies’ and Gents’ Handkerchiefs la the city. The largest an 1 best line ef Ladies’ and Gents’ Hand Made Shoes Ever brought to Washlngson. Print* from 3c up. Saddles and Harness Hardware, Glass and Croekeryware. Call and examine my goods before buying. 40 T BUR WELL GREEN. NO- 2 GREEN'S BLOCK: 1884. COTTON BUSINESS SEASON. 1885. W. N. MERCIER, COTTON FACTOR. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. RESPECTFULLY cU*U* J*mm Cottai*ninents. WvU make liberal advances on Cotton in store. Paj atri<?t attention to orders. Make sales promptly at good prices with good weights. And refolt proceeds of sale an soon as the Cotton is shipped, 18-8 m A.ppalling TDisaster ! TRAINS RUN BY UNRELIABLE WATCHES. "There is no excusei if you had carried a Rockford WATCH THIS ACCIDENT WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED." ROCKFORD WATCHES or ALL GRADES. FOR SALE BY CJOIRIDEIS MOYEMENTS FROM SIO.OO to $35.00. CASES EXTRA. FINE POCKET KNIVES FOR LADIES. SLYER SPECTACLES. NOT* PAPER IN BOXES. FROM 10c TO $5.00 A BOX. GOLD PENS, [With and Without Holders.] About tw weeks before Christmas I will receive a very large and Superior stock of Cliristmas Cards The like of which was never seen in Washington before. Please call and examine my stock of Jewelry, Clocks. Silverware ami Watches. KlElSrPirx- CORDES,