The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, January 23, 1885, Image 2

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PBrUABY 28, 1884 Ho*. Wm. M. Kvabtb ha* been elec ted United State* enator froth Near York. He i widely known a* tit* moat word) pubic ntan in the |Union. lfii plead Hay**’ cause before the high joint commission, and was reihnnera <d the position at secretst of state under that fraudulent admlnisira aion. ‘ Th* British column in Egypt on it* march to Khartown, lias iteeu at tacked by a force of Arabs that largely onto umbered the British. A hard fought battle took place io which the Arabs were rcpulsod with a loas of 800 killed and 800 wounded. The British loss was about 160 killed and wounded. The lUimoi* legislature is about to take Logan’* sensnioral scalp. That body is politically very dose, and oue republican wilt not vote for Logan. 'Morrison, one of the democratic lead er* in the house in Congress and the great apostle of tariff for revenue only, is said to bo coming United State* senator from llllinois. GENERAL NEWS. Senator Cameron was re-elected in Pennsylvania. The Central Americans are again at tvur ami pillage. 48 men were killed in a colliery ex plosion in t^;ai|ce.. There has been a broad riot in Bir mingham, England. Joseph Eloyd, the richest negro in Alabama, it Insane. St. Jobn bitterly denies that he sold out to Uio dcmeerul*. £ The bank of England now coven three acres of ground. A misplaced switch caused severa] deaths near Easton l’a. A young man and Ills wife were drowned while fishing in Fl*riila. Ono brother fatally shot another during a dispute in Now Jersey. Divers in the vicinity of Gibraltar have so far found 102 largo gnu*. A Virgiiiia murdoror was sentenced 4° 0,10 tit* -te in jail and a tine of (6 'flie number of men employed on tbe paiiama eanal work are 18,000. terrific explosion occured I u po me jßtaosk rft near tij’iToUio, fij. "Y,, uring eight men, tw oi themtfalal >y- Three of the largest iron uiapufao (oricsiii Pittsburg have luspcb.ided, A big New York bunking house also goes up. Barnum paid ovor 872,000 fior ad vertising Ills clivus iu the newspapers last yoM'. Pinohback has 120 shares or Lou isiana Lottery stock', which pays him • SO,OOO per annum. Mrs. Limlsay Donley, of LaFayette, broke lior log while trying to get away from a mad cow. More than $15,000 has been spent on improvements in Klbertuu within the two years Just past. Burglars opened five safes at Lock port, N. V., the other night and ob tained only (55 in cash. There was about a half million rdoliars worth ofgoodt sold in Fiber .ton last year, including fertilisers. The general tax net enacted at the late session of the legislature fixes the rale at three mills for 1885 and 1880. Voting Mr. Blaine bounced on an inkstand on the head of a Boston dude who spoke disrespectfully of hla .father. Atßrooklyn scientific gentleman,has convinced himself that in about 8,000.000 years the earth will be one gigantic iceberg. At Goldsboro, N. Cl. woman pre vented two desperate criminals from .breaking jail by threatening them with a revolver. Vanderbilt has insurance on hie life Jor (600.009. Why should a man do ibis who lias an tucotne of at least (8,000.000 a voir ? In Florida, the Governor appoints all the eouuty otlleers. The white people hold primary elections and the Governor follow* their actions. Mr. Moody’s meetings in Richmond wore so crow ed that on Sunday tickets bad to lie used to avoid a dangerous jam. AH the Protestant ministers of the city had seals on the platform. Mr. Moody's dental that no ever spoke disrespectfully of Gen*. T-ee and Jackson appears to have been very effectual in openiug the hearts of the Richmond people. The Georgia railroad and banking company have declared their regular of 12.50 per share of the capital stock. The privilege to sell liquor this year In Sparta costs 11,000. David Lipfleld of II am burg. 8. C.,ls the only one who has taken out licenac. • At least oue hundred barrels of whiskey were sold in Albany during the holidays to supply the jug trade in prohibition comities. It is stated that there 1* a mar bed near Mon lemma which if prop erly developed would yield a million dollars worth of good guano. Tha river and harbor bill, which will pass the house in a day or two, gives to the Savannah river 89,000. It gives the Savannah harbor 885,- 000. The records in the office of the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary show that the list of convicts Is con stantly increasing. The number of telous inches up by year*. A clock which has require! neither winding nor regulation for five years, wa* placed by the Belgian govern ment in a railroad station four years ago, and has kept perfect time ever since. The average cost of each day’s ses sion of congress is about 845,000. a* congress meets one hundred day* a year on the average, the total cost to the count ry of congress for ono yea* is 84,500,000. A Texas county Judge roccntiv do delivered a farewell address which excited the admiration of all his triends until same officious person dis covered that Washington had deliver ed (lie same address many years ago. The question of branding cattle Is again being considered by Montana stockmen. A hide not branded will bring 81 lo 81 50 more than one branded, and the present custom ■is estimated to Cost Montana breeders alone 81,000,000 a year. Augusta News: It is now under stood that Gov.McDaniol la laying the wires for another term asGo)*rnorof Georgia. Shis fact has been known |o a select few for several weeks, and has within the past few days become an open secret. Cue of the latest London society custom*]* for ’■, owners of little dogs to leave the at -U’eanl with their own when they make‘calls. The cards are about an Inch lung and three quar ters of au inch wide, and bear the an imal’s name In full. John B. Gllsson, of TsH"*t **mn-' ty, went to milTssveral day* ago to some corn/when In attempting to start a wheel his foot ailppec and he was caught in the wheel and hi* thigh crushed tp atom*. His physi cian say* Ms wound Is fatal. On* of the narrowest escapes oute cord occurred at the rccout by completed Washington monument. A man fell from the scaffold into the shaft 500 feet shore the earth, but caught on a nail about ten feet below the scaffold and was saved. Peter Akin, of Griffin, a 16 year-old son of David Akin was rabbit hunting Thursday afternoon.when ho met with fatal accident, lie had shot a rabbit and was getting over a fence with hi* gun to go toward it, wlicu ;n some manner the second barrel of his gnn was discharged and the contents en tered hi* bead, blowing out hi* brains. The total voting population of the United States is 13.792,897. Of these only voted at the late presi dential election, leaving 3,754.478 who did not vote. That is twenty-seven persons out of every hundred entitled to vote refrained from doing so. In Loul iana, the non-voting percentage was 55; in Georgia, 01; Mississippi, 56; Rhode Island. 62; South Carolina 62,and California 51. These states showed the greatest Indifferente. A diabolical attempt to wreck a train on the.Kast Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad.near Rome, Ga. Sunday night, failed only by a mira cle. The miscreauts tore up several yards of the track and drovo piecies of rails into the cattle guards. They then piled cross ties between the rails making an obstruction which would dash the train down a frightful abyss. Just before the train reached there the engine boxes became hot. The engineer stopped tho train to cool them, striking the obstructions just it slacked up. The pilot was torn off, but no other damages was done. Are you ruptured ? If so get otto of Fry’s patent trnsses at Dr. Russ’. If you are weak and debilitated get a bottle ot Iton Bitters from Russ’? We are glad to see ihc face of Mr. F. T. Small in Washington again. Ho is well known here as a man who sell mules that are worth every dollar he asks tor them. He has two car loads of very excellent mules at T. Burwell Green’s stables. A, WtOTTNTAIW OV SILVER. Whs.t Chihuahua Has Bent to be Shown In Uncle Sam’s New Orleans Baxanr There has arrived in this city from Chihuahua an interesting exhibit for the New Orleans Exposition. It con sists of a cast of a mountain, mad# of silver, resting upon a base about five feei long, three and a half wide and eight incites thick. This has e is of solid silver and bears upon eaek *We a medallion of Hidalgo and the words, in Spanish: -From the Stale of Chihuahua to the New OrleaneEx* position.” The cast of the mount aie, which is hollow, hut nevertheless massive, is about three and a half feet high. It lias two peaks, is quite natural in appearance, is covered with cacti and other Mexican vegeta tion, and has a baud of soldiers seal ing ita aide and Indian shooting a deer with a bow and arrmy at it* base—all cast in silver. wfiobj thing weighs adout and is valued at 892,000. Wells, Fstrgo & Co’s’Express arc doing the forwar ding. It was to leave here for Vw Orleans this morning.—Ei Faao Lone Star. axixa aglow at midnight Perhaps a* strange ail aerial phe nomenon as ha* ever been et|>enen ced or observed In the Northwest wa* that in the Missouri slop* Tues day night. At about midnight .he en tire heavens were brilliantly illumina ted with a bright, warm light. The experience *f the |>cdesirian w* rim iar to that of a sudden liglititfPuf a lamp in a darkened room. It remind ed one of standing beneath an light-lower In the evening Justus the llgli's first throw out their bijlliant rays. One solitary sword-like' ray reached out from Aurora’s northern light-house, and, as if teaching Vine magnet set firmly m the zenllll of connecting with another eitctric |tr reut in the very rentre of the stmrv dome, a perfect ocean of fiicker|ig light was produced, with a snill circle of daazttng brilliancy in tje centre. The phenomenon lasted abojt twenty minutes, during which Ini: a Newspaper could be read with pel feet ease out of doors or at a windofi in an uniighted room. In the case of Dr. F. A. Thomas vs the Ga. B. 8., before the superior court at the October term. 1883. the verdict of the Jury was for The case was carried .to the suprmns court amFoulv reached a hearing last tveek when the decision of the court below wa* sffirmed. The railrosd ! will have to pay the Doctor sbottf 85,- 800, as there is over one vest 'a interest, due on the judgment ami cost*—Spar ta Ishinsoiile. Books Giron Awav. Ladle*' tialde to Fancy Werk. Containing over W) handsome iliu trattons, <M large 3 column page*, nicely bound. It is the drly practical illustration in Taney work. Wttb It m a ?olde you can make hundreds of beautiful things or adorning yonr b un®, or i>reeeot* tor y*>nr friends, at a trifling ripens®. Every lady la de lighted with It, aa that® ta no fancy work but that ah® can accomplish by ita aid. I.ariles’ Private Com pan lan .—A complete work on w-manhood. It touch*® upon ®r*ry anajeet of interest to wit®, mother or danb tor. CM vet the adric® and information ao many times desired by ladies, but vhich modesty pre rants her ashing a physician of ih® opposite set. Worth ip weight iu gold to ®rery one ®u dr ring ’ from any of tbors weaknesses of the sex. Illu®trat ed and bound in cloth. (Itegular price 91-0 O) Fan and t’amly -A b*ndom® t boofc.tell ing bow tomak® over OEM* hundred kind* of esu diet and other sweat things at home. Should be iu ®r®ry American household (Regular price 60} Tht HoiisfWiff An illustrated domestic Journals devoted ta "What to Wear.*' ‘*How to Cook." "Fancy W’ork.’’** Household Matters,"* and • every subject of liiteraet to au Aimruon lady. fiend AO ( O, and receive The Houaawiiaoo ♦rial tor st* month*, and any on* of the above books krkk, orfiffQ and receive it for one satire rear, and Ai-b of the al>ovw books fbkk. This is tor mkw subscribera only, who send now. Ad dress. Thk Housswir*. Nwada, N. Y My hurae is all right. I have been using Buss’ stock powder*. The lar gest package fur the money in the country. Dr. Russ has Hermauces asthma cure—the best remedy nog kuown. Bovb and Girls \ Tfce loHih. A hiudtoM* !U lußtratod •-{*# pp*r. briru fall of int^reptjluj Ato rim for bojn* and girla. will be *nt rts far oofc entire year fa every one who tend* u* at one*, the name* of I*2 ooy* and girla of different ffcfaftim. and 13 fwa-ceut etarnpa for pontage, ho. Thie pop ular publication both old and youug.aud is acknowledged by ail aa th® beet youth's paper In America.. Hcgular price. sl.oo per annum. Send naw, no a*fa teeure next number. Addrwae. Th* National Youth. Buffalo, N. Y. Fine soaps and toilet artfees at Russ.’ Tooth brushes of all grades at Russ.’ Free to Farmers ! The >l,lionet Agriril tin riat.— An Farmer'. Journal, will ba .ret mi roe OKI v** to erery firmer who solute na AT one*, t.u nareoa of ten farmer, ud 12 two-cent .temp, for, Ae. Ittetk. oe.t firmand horn.-pa per iii Uu> United State., and this o*er ia made only to eecure name, to whom we ran .end speci men copies, aa we know erery Internment farmer who once eeea The National Agriculturist wilteul scribe forlt. Regular price, *l.uu p,w anonm. (tend to-day and secure thla offer. Adureea. S.TtoKaL Anuri.TriT. Nnda, Jt. T. You can buy paints aiid oils as cheap at W. T. Johnson's as you can in Augusta or clswherc. Prices 1 guaranteed. Send to W. T. Johnson's for your kerosene oil, his increased trade in oil confirms the llict that ho is selling good oil. k Marvelous Stort TWA m two lotos. f FROM THE SON: "22KS: ff " Qatitemtn: M j father resides at Glover, Vi. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof ula, and tb uietoemi tatter will toU jo*wha* a marvelous affect Ayer’s Sarsaparilla bn bad ta bis ease. I think hts blood mast hare ygntgined th> for at Mat ten jssn; Vot It did not show, except In ih* form U t scrofula** so*s os tbs wild, until shoes Ore jm sfo. Pram *ln spot, which p -pesred at tbet time. It gradually tgrawil so s* to aorcr his entire body. I *ssu yoe bs ws* terrtbly sSleted, sad SB object of pttj, whoa be begui using yaarmedletiM. How, there are <ow men of his Age who enjoy os food health Of he has. I could easily name arty persona woo would testify to use facts in his csss. J> Tours truly, W. H. Paium." FROM THE FATHER: a dAy for me to SUM to you the beaete I tpy derived from the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Bis months ago T was completely eorered with a terrible humor ud ecrafuioas sores, the humor it*ti*sil an SncMiut intolerabin and the skin cracked ao a# to nos the Wood to Sow la amsy pieces whenever I moved. *y eagerlng. were greet, asd my IH* a burden. 2 commenced the use of tfop •ABSArABiIAA to April lost, sod here used ft -easterly slues that time. My ooodltiou hg* to Improre at once. The sores hers ell heeled, mad I feel perfectly well In every vefieot—haftHt awnr shlo to do • (tod day* wrtfcAlthough 7fW * age- Many inquire wumt has wrought such • cure In my case, and I teß I horns hare tried to tell yea, Aries'* ftuMAPAmnuA. Gtorer, Vu, OH. 21, MS. Team (rstefully, J UISAU PUIU4M." Arm’s SsasAPAaiiAA easts Scrofula Blue, NeseßW, Blsyworsh Blotches. Soree. Nolle, Tumors, and KruptWus of the Mtta. It eteura the blood of ell tmpu rtu. Bide dtgeotios, sUmuletee the nation of the bowels, mid thus restore* vitality end strengthens the whole system. mtVABso it Dr. J. C. Ayer A Cos., Lowell, Max. Sold by *ll Druggists: l, sis bottles for (3. #|f)hat or Homestead. Obdi***V* Orvto* or IVn.sts Cocnrr, Dee. Slat, 1,-fU. QIMSOT RHODES hue applied for Eiemp Cr lion ol Personally and netting snarl of rn'.nstion of honren'teed, and f will psss upon the same st 11 a’eloek on the 10th day of Ismtey, HWS. st my office. Witooss my hand soJ ofHcisl *-fnaliir. ra's Dee. Sis o*o. DTHoB, u. l-2t tirdicary. Executor's Sale. GKOUGiA, WILKEB COBNTT. TJY virtue of lt. tuthoritv granted me A> under Ami by ih last wilt of Job* C. fMummrr, lute o' Wiikge count/, decetgcd, I FfugMlgk public mUf*y before tbs Court. \ Wm-buigton. O* , * the blgHi Jbldder, roif c'*sb, during legs! .. rA, oo TtbMiy U Febru*rv nit, (the noten end tccouafs 4a to *id John 0. tdttmmor’neatnt*. end no*’ in iuj hsitd* nn ooliectvd A schedule of the sstuc esn be seen at fh® store of Irvin, Csilsn k C .. and at tbsofllceof W. M. A M.F ••*<►. This Jtn. 10th, 1995, JOBS M. CALLAV r Ks'r Jna. C. Stummer. Citation for lietteni Administration. GEORGIA, WILKES COUTTY. NO ICE is herebr given to all persons concerned, lhat Geo. W. Terr/, nomi nated and qualified executor upon the last will of Hnm’l W. Wvnn. late of aai I count/, deceased, k*ving departed bis lifo, leaving a considerable portion of the assets of said £*m’l W, Wvan's estate nnadmi istered. and that no person has made application lor administration on said "arn’i W. W/no’s estate, that adminisUatiun on ftaid estate with said will annexed will be vested in the Wfcrk of the superior court, or some other fit person tube •/ me selected after the publica tion of thU natation, unless valid objections tre made to hts appointment. Git o under ’mv hand and t ffieial t igna’ ore, this SOth De cember, XBB4-. GEO. DYHON, J-4t Ordinarv. Another Surprise to thw Pmbllc, Having jnat purchased the stock of drugs at the stand recently occupied by .1. A H. Harper near the post office, I beg leave to Inform the public that 1 am prepared to serve them with pure drug*, chemicals, llie heat wines anti liquors formedicinaf purposes, perfumery, toilet articles, soap and ! every thing Went in a first etnas drug j store. Cigttrs and tobacco of the best brands. Stationery. Ac., always on hand. Nothing will he left undone to merit your gcod opinion and pat ronage. Prices always very reasonable Simpson Hits". M. D. Gill at W. TwJohnon' Hardware store and buy Plow stocks. Plow Hoes and all kinds of Plow Gear cheaper ban you can get them elsewhere. W. T. Johnson keep- Farm Bells. Blacksmith Bellows. Anvils and all kinds of blacksmith and carpenters tools. It will pay you to see his stock. If you arc building or expect to build go to W. T. Johnson’s for nails, hinges amt all kinds of hardware and he will save you money. uu I’win” raion.,4 Pinner Strengthening, improved, the best for.backache, pains in chest or side i rhett m rtism. neu raligia. Thin People. ‘■Wells’ Health Reuewcr” restores health aud vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Headache, Nervousness, Debility. sl. Wboopins Cough and the many Throat Affections of children, promptly, pleasantly and safely relieved bv ■•Rough on Coughs" ITo rhes. 15c.; Balsam2s, c. • REMEMBER! BENSON LEADS, BUT J>EVER FOLLOWS. 30 000 Lbs Bacon j 3,000 Bu. Genuine Rust 10 Tierces Lard. Pi oof Oats. 500 Sacks Salt. 75,000 Lbs. Bran. 200 Packages UMackei el 50 Bbls. Sugar. 50 Sacks Coffee. AND ALT> THINGS ELSE IN THE GKOCEBY LINE AT BRICE* WHICH DEFY ALL COMPETITION. To Be Sold Within tie Next 30 Bays Regardless of Value, to Cash Purchasers, 150 Pr’s White and Grev Blankets. 36 Lap Robes. 10,000 Yards Sheeting and Shirting. 10,900 Yards Georgia Checks. 2,000 Yards Osnaburgs. 2,000 Yards Georgia and Kentucky Jeans. A large lot cf Mens’ Hats, Trunks, Valises and Um brella a Dread Sacrifice. STOVES. 100 Stoves with all Fixtures complete, at less than Atlanta Prices. " Awni if J FURNITURE. Just call and see the greatest bargains ever of* fered in Georgia. OIL PAINTINGS. 75 very Handsome and genuine Oil Paintings and 200 Beautiful Chromos, on almost every subject. OXE FIRST-CLASS 15 HORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, FOR SALE OIV EASY TERMS. BUGGIES. WAGONS ■ HARNESS LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN GEORGIA. It will pay every man to call and knoiv what th Leader’s prices are before purchasing. You will al ways find it ivill be money in your pocket if even you do not buy from him. BENSON needs every dollar that is due him and the only way to shun these hated duns is to pay at'onco All debts not settled by the 25th of Dec-, will b& placed for collection in my attorney’s hands. BENSON * is patient, but it must be borne in mind that he has debts to pay. No honest man can conscientiousliy speculate om BENSONS money by holding his cotton and not pay ing his honest debts. Pay your debts so that those ijoui owe can pay theirs.