The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, January 30, 1885, Image 2

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A&IUKGToft GAZETTE J. W. CHAFMAM. Proprietor. FRIDAY, JANUABf 30, 1884 *•-' -a The King cotton t|ilt Iti Augusta Guts Just m-ue a very healthy oh# wing. Tr i IJlinoj# Uigislaiure is most in tore i ugly SloM, anil Logan’s re-elee nlou iq Uc- United Slates senate still bangs In great doubt. —>" „ n— . THapanncr-Watehniaii Is making i* very determined fight for prohibi tion in Athens. It looks notv as If 8t will win the flglit, and we sincerely teepeU will. BionT.r.DßmiKK, of Virginia, is bringing himself into ridicule in the fjnited States senate about as fast as -.any man ever did in so short a time. On several occasions be has cast bis single vote against all the votes of <oftbs-others tenstors. The British, foreos under Gen. iStewarl, who fought a severe battle with fho Arabs, in the Soudan, two weeks ago. were not heard from since (Jie battle till Wodceiday. Groat an easiness was ieit throughout Bug- Sand. It was feared they bad been •evatqrhelmcd and every man killed. Emory Bfek.ii hasn’t, the moral •support of a respect aide man in Oeorgla, ami yet lie has the effrontery -of the notorious carput-bagger* oi itie reconM ruction era, and is the willing tool in the hands of an administra tion llnit h always been antagonist ic t*<<liebest interest! of the South. There Is a faint possibi 't,' that the eenato will refuse to confirm, and that lie will not bo foisted upon us. Three terrifl| eCpioslous of dyna mite occu rrert In Louden last Sat ur dav.and great destruction was caused, (to Jives were lost though a number -of perrons were Injured. One explo sion was in the Parliament house, another in Westminister hail and the ether in the historic tower of I-o in lon. Those>yxploaione were caused by the enemies of the, British government, ami while humorous srrests have been made there is no satisfaetpry •clue to the perpetrators of the crimes. Tlicse dastardly attempts at Iho de •etruoti-on of the lives of innocent peo ple, have aroused the indignation of ithe wholo civilized world, and the denunciation of thim has been almost universal. Tliey are perpetrated by a tit <rf fanatics who imagine they arc doing tlie nan so off rotud a service but they are groatiy deprecated by the Irish as a people, who recognize the fact that this use of dynamite is of detriment to the cause of this down trodden people. England's Irish policy is oppressive in the ex treme,'but the remedy can never be brought about by dynamite. &ON. JEFFKIWON DAVIS' He K&iea a Short Addrese over the Old Liberty Sell. Du Monday, tho old Liberty Hell was stopped for t short while at the home of Hon. Jefferson Davis, while in transit ts the New Orleans Exposi tion. A delegation of the citizens of Beauvoir, went after Mr Davis and brought him to the station, 'ftie fol lowing is Ills address: “I feel most deeply complimented by this reception, and the expressions that accompany it. I wgs sick iu bed when this notice reached me,and I im anedialely rose when I hlard that that .glorious uiiA bell was at the sta tion. “1 thank you and your associates, wud trust Hint your anticipations of the Marmon’zlug tendencies oi this jour eicy of the old bell across tho states of the union, some of which had not prung into existence when its tones dm tilled tho air, may, in every re spect, bb fVjily realized. T think the time lias come when reason should b substituted for passion, and when tneu who have fought iu support of their tioueat couvictions should do justice to each other. .“You sacred engiiti that gave voice to the proudest declarations that a handful of men ever made when they faced the great est military power on the globe, when A handful of men declared to all the world their inallenablo rights, and staked life, liberty and prosperity in the defence of this declaration, thou it was with your clear toues you scut notice to all who wore willing to live or die for liberty, aiul felt that the dav was at hand when every patriot must do a patriot's duty, “Glorious old bell, (be son of a revolutionary soldier bows in reverence to you, worn bv time but increasing iu sacred auditories. "Mr. President, accept my thanks, which are liearfelt aud sincerely GEORGIA GLEANINGS. Kloyd county will vote on Hie pro hibition question Feb. 3. 11. Franklin, of Burke county, has this season bought 500 coon skins.. It is reported at Athens that Mr. It. K, Reaves, of that city, has cleared (30,000 ou cotton tbia season. Something over 50.000,000 feet of square and scgbthnber were measured at the public boom in Darien last year. At Daniiesville. Saturday, a pocket book containing $lO4 was stolen from J. W. Bragg. A man of high stand ing is suspected of the theft. John Morris, on the farm of W. H. Courteney, near Plesant Retreat, While county, last year made 1808 bushel ot corn with two horses. N. ,P. Anderson, a car coupler on the Central Railroad, was seriously and probably fatally hurt at Atlanta Tuesday night while working in the Central Itoad yard. The bar-room in Harlem is to close again in ten days and the license was raised Monday again to $3,000 and the mayor and council pledged not to issue any more licenses. A voung man named Deloach formerly of Columbus, has skipped from Macon after passing a forged note and living at a hording house three weeks without paying a cent. D. M. Wilson will mote las shoe factory from Jefferson to Athens, and will occupy the old stand of Hum phrey A Smith, on Clayton street. He will work eight hands and turn out 10,000 pairs a year. Rev. Charles TANARUS, Clark, Of Perry, rapped a negro over the head with a small stick as the latter was advan cing on him with a knife. The blow proved fatal, but the minister’# act was justifiable, as the Jury found. The residence ef Willhm J. White, three miles north of Spring Place was consumed by tire Tuesday. The family was away from home on a visit to a neighbor’s, and the entire oontents of the house were destroyed A negro was found dead by Hie roadside in Henry county. A mole was grazing a short distance off, but the coroner's jury iu order not. to have too muuh said about tho matter, brought In a verdict iu tavor of n congestive chill. James Newsom got drunk * few days ago iu Hensleo's barroom, in Doughasville, and laid down before the ire for a nap, whero the barkeep er left him and went to supper. While he w gone Newsom’s cloth ing caught fire and ho was burnt almost to death. A prominent commercial man of Athens says that his business, is on Its last legs, owing to tho large num ber of cheap men on the road, who aro running the trade. The large New York honses are reducing com missions and salaries, and the days of big pay are numbered. Drum mers are now working for fOO a year and expenses. Cumming Clarion : Dr. Little, near Sheltonvllle, Forsyth county, has beon raising mlllo maise for the past threo years. Ho is Immensely pleased with it. It is superior to any thing ho has ever tried as a forngo plant. It can bn cut twice a year and then furnishes a fine seed crop. The •eedsare white and make a beautiful flour. One pound will sow an acre. It will be remembered that somo time ago a negro bought a drove of cattle from Booth Bros., of Athens, carried them to Charleston, sold the tame and skipped to Texas with the money. Both Bros, employed a man named Nix to go to Texas after the negro, and furnished hint money for that purpose. Nix went to Texas found the thief and started home with him, but before ho had neared Georgia he says that the negro jump ed off the train and got away. Both Bros, are of the opinion that they have baen duped, as they have written to Nix to either write them or come dawn aud make a statement, which ha docs not seem inclined to do. The Banner-Watchman saya: "The liquor healers of Atlanta and Augus ta say they do not intend to let Athens go for prohibition, as it will ruin the state, and their cities are sure to fol low suit; that they will spend thous ands of dollars before tho law shall be carried here. There is a great leal of excitement over the contest in our ci ty, and tho result will be watched with great iuterest. Our voters do not intend to be bought up with for eign money. We have always argued that when Athens made a break that the other larger cities surely fail into line.” If you want the best cigar in town at five cents call at lluss’ drug store. Photograph albums cheap at Buss’ a FKKiLoua position “If Too Move, I’ll glow Your Brains Oat,’ Ws have bad related to us an in cident that itotiotea ,tbe danger that accompanied,* highly wrought mind| Over tho prt|pe<;|ive yisitilion#one'f residence. Tire bnrglaries had been discussed in various phases by Ihe family before retiring for the night’s slumber. The husband it somewhat given to somnambulism. Before retiring, he placed a pissed-un der the pillow on which hi* bead re posed, kisacd his wife good night and lay down to pleasant dreams. But were they pleasant? In the middle of the night bis wife bad occasion to take a silting posture. To her horror her somnambulistic husband quickly grasped Ins pistol and placing it to her temple exclaimed : “If you move, I’ll blow your brains out!” She realized hsr imminent danger. She knew to touch her husband or at teptjo explain his mistake, that he wottlAsend a bill Ist crashing throngh Iter (train. She patiently wailed until Witnorrfble nightmare might release its grasp up on his slumbering sensibilities and dispel the hallnclnation that she was a burglar. In a few minutes he awoke and saw what he was about to do. He was horrified and trembled like an aspen leaf. From that moment, he declared, he would never sleep wtlh a weapon of any kind In his reach. He made secure his eaetle to protect the loved one ones Irom the entrsnee of intruders, belieying rhst there was mors danger to his family from hi* own hand than from burglar*.—Mari etta Journal. The Inauguration Comipitlee in Washington is vigorously at work and all tho branches of the great un dertaking evince a remarkably de gree of activity. The preliminary work at the new Fenaion building it being pushed forward, and every thing is almost ready for stretching the great cable which is to serve as tho ridge pole of the temporary can vass roof. The canvass which" is to comprise the roof is now being sewn by sail makers at the Navy yard. The hall in the new Pension building, iu which it Is proposod to hold the in auguration ball, i# three hundred feet long and will form, it is expect ed a hall room which for spaciousness and elegance of appointments will bn iu keeping with the impm-tapco of the event celebrated. It is csljAgtnl that about twelve thousand people’ can be accommodated at the bait without discomfort. A luokjr "Memphis Ledwer and Appsel Ca rrier Lite 150.000, the Second Fraud Prize in The Loufkiana Stale Lottery diawn yesterday at Now Orleans, Was partly hold here, and partly iu Cincinnati and San Francisco. Among the lucky men is Mr. Gus Phillips, a route carrier on the Ledger soil Ap peal, Ho has ene tenth of the ticket and ia entitled to 15,000. He will visit the New Orleans Exposition and present it to M. A. Dauphin, In New Orleans, to eb cashed In person.— Memphis (Tenn.) Lodger, Dec. 17. Books Given Awav. I,a<l im' is u idr to Fancy M • rk.~ Omit Mining over w hatuteom** ilfu tinthm*. M large 3 column page*, nicely bound. It it the only practical iUuatrntkm in fancy work. WithK *• n guide yon can make hundred* ofbnautlful things for adorning your home, or presents for your friend*. at a trifling exyeuM. fcverj lady ia de lighted with It. a* tnere to no fancy work hut that aho can arc<>tn|iliah by it* aid. l.adlrO Prlvntr Com pan lon.—A complete work on wumankood. U touch#* upon every sngjeot of interna* to wife, mother or daugb ter. (lives the ad vie* and information to many time* doeired by Indio*, bui which modaily pre vent* her ashing a physician of the oepcdte net. Worth i>* weight iu gold to every one auSering from any of thorn wakne*aea of the sex. Illustrat ed nod bound in cloth. (Kegnlar price sl-001 Fuii aud Caudjr A handwuu* *a hook,teU ln how to make over one hundred kind* of can die* and other sweet things at home, should >• in every American household (Hagular price 801 The tloiiaewife —Au illustrated domeatio Journal* devoted ia “What to Wagr,’’ “flow tt* Cook." "Fancy Work.'* *• Household Matters.” and emy subject of interest to an Aiuerienu ladar. fiend •Ml V l*, and receive The H-msewlfe on trial for *ix month*, ami any on* of the above book* nt*K, ors-1 AX* and rtxwitw It lor one entire year, and am. of the above book* rate*. Thi* ia for saw subscribers only, who send now. Ad dress, The Horsnwme. Nunda, N. Y My horse is all right. I have been using stock powder*. The lar ge.-t package for the money in the country. Bovs and Girls! The National Youth, -a handsome IU lustrated H-page paper, brim fall of tßbrrMtlng ato ne* for bojra and girls, wtU be sent nut far one entire year to every one who tend* ua at ones, the name* of 13 ooya and girl* of different (kmdies, •nd 13 twe-ccut stamps for postage, Ac. Thto pop ular publication pleases both old and young.and is ecknowledged by all a* the beat youth * paper in America.. Regular price. SI.OO per innam. Send uow, ao as to secure next number. Addrem. The National Yorra, buffalo, N. Y- Fine soaps and toilet art Ices at Russ.’ Tooth brushes of ail grades at Russ.’ _______ Free to Farmers! The Nattaaal Agriculturist,—An Am arl tan Farmer'* Journal, will be sent free fob ONE YEAS to every farmer who sends us ay oxo*. tu name* of ten farmer* and 12 twtwent stamps for postage, Ac. It i* the oeet farm and home pa per in the United State*, and thi* offer i* made only to secure name* to whom we can aeud speci men copies, a* we know every intelligent farmer who once see* The National Agriculturist will sub scribe for H. Regular price, s*. per annum. Send today and secure this offer. Adar***, National AomcrxTmiST. Nandi, N. Y. For fresh sausage, call on F. A. Bland. A FEW HINTS fob not ou or vCTIS DOSS—7b man the tew *• 7 to 4 IHllt! fboroxgMg, 4 to B PUU. f Experience trill decide the PA proper dote in tack cate. tor Constipation, or Coottveaooo, no remedy Is so offootin ss Ans'i Pills. *hoy lasers regular dally action, and re store tbs bowels to a healthy condition. for Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ana's Fills are Invaluable, sad a sore care. Heart-bom, Loos of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency,, Head ache, Muasbneae, Hanses, an all nltered aad eared by Aran's Fills. In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, end Jaundice, Arab's Pills should bo given Id doses large enough to sxette tbs liver sad bowels, aad remove constipation. Asa cleansing medietas is tbs Spring, these Fills am unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled by these Pills. Eruptions, Skin Disseise, and Piles, the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the esa of Arri s Fills. For Colds, tabs Area's Fills to open tbs pores, remove iadammatory secretions, aad allay the fever. For Diarrhoea aad Dysentery, caused by eaddea colds, indigestible food, etc.. Area's Fills are lbs tree remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, aad Sciatica, of tea result from digestive derange ment, or eoldh, and disappear on removing the earn# by tho mo of Alta's Fills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, aad ether disorders caused by daMUtj or obstruction, are cured by Ayxk's Fills. Suppression, and Painful Menstrua tion, bare a safa and ready remedy la AYER’S PILLS. Fail directions, la various languages, as. company each package. nerasßD ar Dr. J. C. Ayer A Cos., Lowell, Mata. •aid by an Druggictc. Application or Homestead. Ordinary m Oppiok ok Coukty, Dee. Ut, I*B4. OJMKON RHODE?* ht applied (Hr Ksemp- U Imn ol Ptjrtonally mid rt>injt tif yaTnfttion of homefttead, and I will pus* itiana the Mine at 12 o’clock on the SOth day of January, 1885, it my office. Witness my hsiid snl official s'gnstiirc, tV* Hoe. Sis A- I)** 1884* GKO. DYfION, I-2i Ordinary. Executor's Sale. omrnau, wilkrs county. BY Tirtire of II e authority fronted me undue nodi by the last witi wf John 0. Stammer, l*ta>o* Wilke* county, deceased, I will eell it pqblic mitrfy before the Conrt house dour at H a-bingtnn, Ua., to the high end IMt bmer, for cash, dwring legal sale hoars,on rst Tuesday in February neat, the note* and account* due to aa*d John C. Shimmer’* estate, and now in nay hand* nn collectcd A Mfeedutc ef the seme eaw be seen at tb>- store of Ireia, Callao A C<>w ami at the office ofW.M.IM.P. Reeae. This Jan. 10th, 188$. JOHN M. CAM.AN, £jt’r Jno. C. Stemmrr. Citation for 1-utters Administration, GEORGIA, WILKES COtJNTY. NOl'tCE is given to *M persons concerned, that Gro. W. Terry, nr.mi nated apd qualified executor upon the last wlil of Benrl W. Wynn, lift* or aaid county, deeeased, haein* departed thia lifo, kutvinc a considerable portion of the assets of *aid Bm*l W. Wyna> estate iinadrol n itered. and that no person has made application tor administration < said M am’ W. Wynn’* estate, that ndmfni*t-i*tion on Mid estate with said will anoaxed will be rested >n b< werk of the superior court, or anme other fit person to be or me selected after the publica tion of tbU eitatinw, unless valid objections are made to hit appointment. Gir i under my hand and *ffieini signature, thi.n.tSth De cember, 1884. GKO. DYSON, 2-4 t Ordinary. Another Surprise to tho PuAUo. Having Just purchased tho stock of drugs at the stand recently oernpird by J. A. H. Harper near the post office, I beg leave to inform the public that I am prepared to serve tlrem with pure dfngs. chemicals, the best wines ami liquors for medicinal purposes, perfumery, toilet articles, soap and every thing Went in a firat d**a drug store. Cigars nnd tobacco of the best brands. Stationary. Ac., always on hand. Nothing will be left undone to merit your good opinion and pat ronage. Prices always very reasonable Snirsox Riss, M. I). Gall at W. T. Johnson's Hardware store and buy l*!ow stocks. Plow Hoes and all kinds of Plow Gear cheaper ban y on can get them elsewhere. "W. T. Johnson keeps Farm Bells, Blacksmith Bellows. Anvils and ait kinds of blacksmith and carpenters tools. It will pay you to see his stock. If yau arc bnilding or expect to build go to W. T. Johnson's for nails, hinges and all kinds of hardwire and lie will save you money. Ros|h on Pstn" PoroauA Plaster Strengthening, improved, the best for backache, pains in chest or side rbeumrtism, neuralisia. Thin Pnplo. “Wells’ Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Headache, Nervousness, Debilitv. ♦L W hooping Cough. aud the tuauy Throat Affections of children, promptly, pleasantly and safely relieved bv “Hough on Coughs” Tocbea, isc.; Balam2s. c. REMEMBER! BENSON LEADS, BXJT NEVER FOLLOWS. 30 000 Lbs Bacon 10 Tierces Lard. 500 Sacks Salt. 200 Packages ZMackei el 50 Sacks Coffee. AND AIX THINGS ELSE IN TUK GROCERY LINE AT PRICES WHICH DEFY AIX COMPETITION. To Be Sold ffiti tie Next 30 Dais Regardless of Value, to Gash Purchasers, 150 Pr’s White and Grev Blankets. 36 Lap Bobes. 10,000 Yards Sheeting and Shirting. 10,000 Yards Georgia Checks. 2,000 Yards Osnaburgs. 2,000 Yards Georgia and Kentucky Jeans. A large lot cf Mens’ Hats, Trunks, Valises and Um brella a Dread Sacrifice. STOVES. 100 Stoves with all Fixtures complete, at less than Atlanta Prices. FURNITURE. Just call and see the greatest bargains ever of fered in Georgia. OIL PAINTINGS. 75 very Handsome and genuine Oil Paintin ; 200 Beautiful Chromos, on almost every subject. OKE FIRST-CLASS 15 HORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER f FOR SAFE ON EASY TERMS. BUGGIES. WAGONS; HARNESS LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN GEORGIA. It will pay every man to call and know what th Leader’s prices are before purchasing. You will al~ ways find it will be money in your pocket if even you, do not buy from him. BENSON needs every dollar that is due him and the only way to shun these hated duns is to pay at once All debts not settled by the 25th of Dec-, will be placed for collection in my attorney’s hands. BENSON is patient, but it must be borne in mind that he has debts to pay. No honest man can conscientiously speculate on* BENSONS money by holding his cotton and not pay • ing his honest debts. Pay your debts so that those you, , * can pay theirs. _ 3,000 Bu. Genuine Rust Proof Oats. 75,000 Lbs. Bran. 50 Bbls. Sugar.