The Washington gazette. (Washington, Ga.) 1866-1904, August 07, 1885, Image 2

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XjUtKWiOAt. EDVOaTIOW tecfirilrtil schools are of too much ■* IrepWGWU M WiTifnifftvy WWftrtWm toftiator town* there i* * ,ocement looking 10 ward establishing tliehi in various part*Of tiic country. The ‘ ,ow 4 ia * %W/i df oncfbi* Oootjrh uimlm c&fatfj atioii. A recent wmff accftrdiqg te! flu* THWb-TWrtu'a ststemeht, i reference to the grojclhof Kl/odf* of UdtrreibgY. ijt England laf V ttiaf at the wHW Jrsf ji Mwm'fte. iafim j She. ♦mWttf#i'’ripk® oT {.{iff HEbne* MW nixcbliterv. When (Tie vflfflfc. ssss: jehßml ipfflrCcTEs likejj’ Jo uc foliuwe£faPa avrtilmod. The same wriif rays, Mu-ooKtHt 1 sJl&isr SniiSrS ffislsl' iJfefflt ssiSwafevras' twite GHjdto,' WiSMUfl&ti ih ttene •*! and fito technical schools, m a* the spl nJli lfi.lltu- Woolen to ttieTfiiennoefiieht th^BHh - * inju*- Wr. >T t ' iu i ft li 'tacf that until rorhaityV In ' tW rnlfftd fyafes, *v have .hecu .laMMtataUy IndifferenJ to tog advreretoffie of a leehaft ai educa ted ©ve# a. Kupuifigialy lifWnUy*eiu eptlou f<*r,th*|t>aiM**.'rhe SpH Dem ocrat thinks “the present aiJMUir i I Uiakavcaur such ttwtumhm u ; hiobieil , to private ptunitUence for bt eslab lishtnenl, and that as a 1 rule some *hpig fpr jnstftmtiau i Heeotoary for ygafos** of .maintenance. Un the fS|twrj, techuiral am) nnuatcrflu; ing jc-bopta woufel he maintained fn •very state and at aver* industrial centre, as lu Aha countries of the Old carta inly at put#. *- Tbfl akonld di-plane, ami re. !*<*> the present simply Ulernry schools, perhaps 1 strictly ag. xlctjituro lociUUlies—audihe policy of tvsqthnl exception be questionable, lagititni e object of estate education is to 111 the yoreug fur the duties and responsibilities of produm WA Gf**suttninlng citizenship. The system almost lialverial in the rtiiied States feftvto-droHutt tn more than n mlnton* drigtWW.lWejftiffi It ignores, the-prppar and probable career of sev en-tenth* of it, bonertclarlev, which at*, or should be, in the pursait at hOttoraUo trmV* tailings. Our bellss letter* ftee school* have turned n enough clerks, letters carrier*, kocJfk nepers, indifferent lawyers, pby sfehns, teachers, and so on, to ftir alsb the next two decades with all the talent# of tlfil? h'ffrd reqftlred by the eemtnunity. It would seem to be 1 vreir how to }rive manual training school a trial, and to see If we could ot Ibei'etniv stock up withs fresh million orrso-of educated, thinking a \mcrlean mechanics, miners and en fiucer, to cooetUute anew army of ntolligont and progressive Indu-try. Vt least such a policy might be a gwnd thlnp W the now smith.— Co lnmbsis Enquirer-Snn, A horrible story is circulation about:two well-known men in Clark comity' ruining then- sister-in-law till leaving' for parts unknown. One of the parties '* highly connected, and the victim Is a beautiful girl, just budding Into womanhood, and related to ode Of the first families in Georgia. The Wife will enter a stilt #r divorce, whcti all the horrible de tails will bo made itbllc. She moved into a house with n relative Tuesday and left her sister in the home site had blighted. fctbtr.catrwl uUi bU woond prni dentiai term and when the New York sharpers crazed him,* accotjjing jt family gdr head” and lasi* rated a good deal of hi# natural sim plicity, wlrlcii, however, very i>athctl e*Hy topped ont i*' hU last .days. * dnt now the people who bare charge Of hit fo liersl ceremonies are overdoing the matter ia severalparfT chlgrsf They are shaming the very sllnblhstfy boasted of by theatrical pro lohgstlbnt’df th# obsequies, and not a few papers, voicing this dlgu*t, ex pre* the liope that tl,e tuneiat will W,t Mat ’jtl!*hmmT. ‘'There la," say* W fllrffird f thn*, “Mcb oteidoirtf this business o' pompons and elaborate display, shew, and newspaper Mineral work; It was dragged nut foo long, In Ltncolu's ease; the mistake should net’be re peited ln the ease of Oram, lest it tend* Mlc prod notion offkr oihet feeling* on the part of tit# public than tlie rtlcct lnttmdod.” There U also a manifest infant ton ujvbw ifi'b piH rif some cunning ms-1 iillftlflftofS to rtise more money, from Oitfgren'pr the jieopts, by false ute wicht* as t# their financial position, 'few.' UfcCfWve, who Is loyal* euotigb. o.d ! *db'frham • halt re this lmre- SWley, ’wiilch ! Ik wrong to Grant's memobV and id Hl* bereaved fttrftlly. ‘The fotbind shows that Mrs. Grant is ttfcoWfdependent ef ftoii Grantee tale or income.flic has had no expense it arwtftfir Jit *<H}reirfr, and will hIW fteit*'connected with the 'ftfnersl. She 111 the assured Income fi-otn |2W,OOOofths trftst fund,and the •asii fed Income of from 1900.000 lo •*,OOO from Grani's book, with a "VHdW Congressional anmltty of V ’WW. ifet* iftita are all msjr.ed and preaftmably able totskecai4“hfMiem selvea, and her only daughter is mae flcd and comfortably provided for. Mdr Income will be more than atnpla for ail noasible Wants, and She should not be paraded in the newspaper as a medicant. } " ’ll Is sad enough that evdn In this hour, which ought be a Klittiii one Uen. Grant’* shade is seen- through a tog of spectacular display and vulgar money grabhf ftg.Peor ohl CMBabney used tow?: "fsanawd*lngthing ihdt onhead never fWnk e#* Ufaut now-a-days without an eternal dfcg dong of •money’-‘money r It Would be a melancholy attacbment of so touch human glory, If Grant Is to be forever associated with’ the JxMt of when craving the gold of Jews, Wta attain bp a stream ot the precious metal poqred down lil* throat. • ftl* s pity that Grant should| not h yv .baft, bmjed hllb ceremotiies mure Iwkeeping wilh hia battor char rctet, Ja bis laststagcs, at JaasV. the ioaatic of ptutu* should not rtw mock tug ami triumphant, over the grave of Valor and Success. MtauMioiiuuaooD otvi OKM. ~j ’Hie Na-livilie t'nlon has addfuss ed Itself to this lmborb|nt snhjeetin fcw pithy paragraphs which lekvisj notldug tnore 10 le said. As it is a mnlltr tliat deeply Interests Geor gians we do not know (hat we call do Jfctfef slian to adopt the views and lah|liage of the Union as Our own. li Mrs: 1 ®The public never makes a greater mistake than when It by rduclfi£ or fixing low salaries. The average politician In Slate affairs commences Ills canvass for the teM race by offering a hill and making a speech on reducing ihe judges' tala arise or some other salaries and his idea of economy never reaches be entting salaries. Stteh men are abso lutely to ba pitied. They really up pose this is eronotar. “lliebcst economy in the world is an attractive salary. Men tengtrain ed to the management or important business, and who have shown their qualifications for business on a large scale, cannot and will not entertain a proposition to attend to other people’s business at a low salary. Nothing btlt first rate salaries will get first rate men. and first rate men cau’t be had without first rate salaries. - ’ w Chicago has an 100-cream factory. lU'cipe calls for 5 gallons of skim milk costing 20 ecu a: 6 ounces of oleomrr gerine oil, 16 ounces of corn starch and V, ouuce of gelatine. Boil in a copper vacuum pan. The suety flavor is bc-t concealed by the use Of vanilla flavoriug. ThJfcond*km flf thf treasury and the jf:itei a| tiitgttici:*! status of the St to# arc iSw laeirig made the *ab jecyof ayipellal^n tb commntee of the Finance Committee of the Senate and House of Represen tative*, Assuming that the ftnahei •l eoatßiion Of the Skate will be KfcWd toMmiMmkPjt. mmm* Hs& Comptroller General, and Treasurer, h seem, that the alternative is offered tfifc General assembly of either levy ing an extra tar for the purpose ot providing for the payment of demand that will come against the State be fore the meeting af next General As sembly, or meeting the sllftclt that appears In (fie estimate* by a tempo rorv loan by enacting a law that will insure an approximately correct val uation .of property for taxation next year. There are many reason why the latter plan should be adopted. Ills plqiost universally conceded that the greatest Injustice is done houqrt and conscicutous taxpayers in nearly every county in the Slate un der the present system of assessing taxes. The taxes of sucji persons are onerous, because a very large propor tion of taxpayers give in their property or hare it assessed "at much less than its real value. Tiros the corrupt and unscrupulous pay less taxes than they sould pay, while the better citizen* pay more than iheir har< • An iacntgte in the rata of taxation 1 under the present system of assess ment only Increases Jhe burden oft tlm honest tavpayers, injustice. There is no reason why toe General Assembly should not en act an assessment law tbit will equa lize taxation, and be put In operation next spring. There is scarce ly a doubt that such a law would in sure such ait increase in the sutu re tal of the returns of taxable property that the deficit would be easily payad after peying all the expense* of the ■State government and the interest on llte public debt, without ?n increase in the rate of taxation. It would kb much bottey lor the State to pay the interest on a temporary lona lor aU r twelve month* than to un justly ami unnecessarily burden ftt best citizens. If an .Increase In tb* rale of taxation -lionld be necessary after (fie new rq-eegmoqt law go** Into effect, it win theft be equitably borne by all the citizens of the Slate and injustice will be dene to no one. Hu: the probabilities are that the in crease In the rate woutd not then be nece-sary.—Savannah News. I’ahson NavvMAX has some of the inrttocta of a lawyer. Mr. Burr, who ia getting up * book on Gen. Grant sytvmriy wrote t? Hr. Newman atk- Ing Ailiß to. turnish an account of the Grant death-bed scene. This requeat was made before Gen. Grant tiled." Mr. Burr supposed a matter of course that the doctor wutihl be present. He tnefoaed a cbeek for 1950 as a Fberal payment for the work. .jTJte doctor replied to this It*for. He said he wrooM he would begtodto da the whrfe, and that U would be tint# enough to talk about the pay where to* work wa (tore*. This blared •*- sumption thret tb* chock was a more retainer staggered the jifiijector* of 'toe- Grant book. Stoce they h**d toimed that Dr. Newman was not* proaeret at the death wen* they are not particularly anxious to hayp tore imaginative Doctor recount tbaiftqi idoftt* of this histories) scene, hr. Newman ha* not pet nsatle any sign of returning tha citeck advanced itim to do tlie work.—Macon Telegraph. At the request of Mrs. Goant, Prei ident CleveUad appointed the pall bearers tor Gwteral Grant's funeral Tliis lady suggested to the President that In ease any premi cent Union of ficer* Ilk* (let). Sherman and Lieutrn tenant Gen. Sheridan be selected, a leading confederate officer like Gen. Johnston or Gem. Buckner be l*o in eluded in the Ilet The President then appolrtcnd Gen. Wra. T. Sberma.i, U. 8. A : Idem. Gen. Philip H. Sher idan. U. S. A.: Admiral David D. Porter, U. S. Sir; Vice Amirai Steph en O. Rowan, U. 8. N.; Gen. Joseph K. Johnston, Virginia ; Gen. Simon. B. Buckner. Kentucky; Hamilton Fish, Gew York;. Geo. 8. Bout well Massachusetts ;{C.eo. W. Childs, Penn arlvanai; John A. Bogan Illinois; Geo. Jonea, and Oliver Hoyt, New Y ork. Tut: Prorideueo Journal says: We believe it would be grateful to the spirit of Grant, and ought to be to the country, if representatives of the men who received his magnanimous terms of surrender at Appomattox shor.ld express their regret by taking part in the funeral, but they will uot come without invitation.” A locali ties a* a cylojpt, titc<to|£farrld, Tslnsylflhnia.CDcllis'sp' and jpew Jersey, fed ihaS <ffher pnflfts, woftdayafferooott, itnd aT'ast amount of damage was done by rain. Atone time that aftefnoon the IVes terri/V*ifn T|effr#p| t|n|)a#|*tH but a single wire working front Wash ington to New Yotk. Atfiftoew from Tvftkious point* throughout Maryland show the storm to have been the most disastrous that brs ever visited that section. The cyclone swept a path two hundred yards tn width, through Cenilcouftty. Houses, mill*, and bridges were tar ried away. Tree* were blown half a mile, and a loaded freight train, with •II the brake* down, was blown a mile along fhetrack. Two men were badly injured by being struck with the dying debris. In Hartford coun ty the damage to dwellings and crop* is estimated at 110,000. Frederic!; 1 City was inundated at an earty hour thir mvntlug. The people bad re (lee for their lives, and many narrow es cape* from drowning was reported. Through Middletown valley very heavy damage l reported. The loss throughout the *tat it roughly esti mated at 1150,000 arid may be consid erably ia access of that amount. John Dialogue, of Camdeft. whose woVks were dettroyid *av*; 'Looking down ft|ort the liVer. I saw th# tornado approach. I eouldvecifteFno*yfyaitlU salt Work* oft the Pennsylyania side ' going off like chaff! Thift the storm struck the steamer Major Reynold, which Was partially abreast of toy place. Ims (ton* of hef upper wftm were whirled fnlry 400 feet in the air. A t rsutend ods rowr proceeded. The titOvirtg fury resembled • dense smoke,told b’fruT eled’ within a foot of the surface of fito water oil toe nvev. A efogular phenomenon tofta not teed, no* onlr I by mv*etf, bu* by all my nan at the Wank Thts ws* a hagu baHof (Ire, tolly ten ten to diameter, which ‘swiftly -aceunqi—tod- the storm etoad*. After playing mi hat or with toy itoWitosyk >Aaft)t (All of lire vxpt.xto about titt yard* north ot roe, with a report to turiffe as lo shake (to whale foundation* of the building in mv yard. Following this came a number of expiosluns, hut of less force. AH tbe *ky to the east ward was unusually bright, end had a sort of rainbow appearance. In fact this was one af the most rnawsrk *bb> tight* of too ktod that I hod ever root*. The bail of ft re which ana ex* ptotlftd, I am aatmfted. played mischief a* the Amorican dredging company's place, ot*--- ■— the ATLAtt* ratrcaa worker * l*> ■Hasfwoiy BssaOstlH of the rruram ATlu*l*lMur sa re VIS, Bssrf, 1 the prelimlrerry trial of Chrrley Uoare George Rose, J. A. Nolan and Juie Wyly, in Atlanta, charged with robbing *ha Richmond Sfkd DanviHe pay-car. a severance was grantmt as to* Jnto Wyiy. A sensation was created lir tha.appereranee o' Carrie Jtopa,xhe mistress a* Juie H'yly, who hed ueder tier at m a pineboajd, six by cighhecu lrec%Bs long. Site areid that oy SumUy night before the train Charley Bose, Nolan and \Vy 1 v met at her house. On Tues day morning the pay car robbery Oc curred. On Tuesday uigbt Wylv ro turued •? her house, and getting the piece of board described, wrote upon it and it- When he left she se cured it. It contained the following : ••Dear Cha*. Rose. Kirkwood, Qa.: We got away with the Richmond and Danville par car ?H right, Imt could hot gat auy naoaey from it, be causoit was getting too light. I hear they have gol Nolan. l*u#r fellow. They are calling tree now, *o I will see you soon. Very respectfully. “Jul* Wylt.” The ffrlting is fully identified, and a?tajilUhea the fact that Wyiy wa* with the party that stole the traio, while Rote, with another parly, was in wailing up the road. Paymaster Groaer identified Rose aa one of the men who was at the wreck. Other developments involving men higher up are expected. A Reaaaarkiable Ewape. Mrs. Mary A Gaily, of Timkhan cock. Pa., wa* afflicted for six years with Aathtni and Bronchitis, during which time the best physicians could give no relief. Her life was despaired of. rtfitfl last October she procured a Bottle of l)r. King’s New discovery when immediate rclierwas felt, and by continuing its use for a short time she was? completely cored, gaininp in flesh 50 lb*. In a tow months. Free Trial Bottles cf this certain cure of all Throat and Lung Disease at Dr. G. E. Lyndon Drug Store. Large Bottle tfl.OQ. j THx vjxvve prophet* ewann Tito ftjpmrt of the doato of |iie Maitoi i&cnerally arceptoAt* tie. 1 Eryny of its truth arq At wdht- IngS Tfc only reason for tooubtotg It it that previous repons proVcato be false. These were not much more than rumor*, however, and were not by any evidence worth considering. TfteHribd. had a s;reat career. It is said that be was both at Dongola and that he spent much of hi* youth at Berber and Khartoum. There is o doubt that he was a carpenter, and that he worked at hi* trade in Khartoum. It 1* not known at what time he became a dervish, and retir ed to a cave nn an Island in the White Nile south of Khartoum. He won a vreul reputation for piety In that, region. Tlie attention which he ex cited by Ws piety first suggested to him the idea, perhaps, of proclaiming himself to be the long-expected pgo pbet. It wae in August, 1881, that he assumed his new character. His fame spread very rapidly. Being a mao of marked character, and much more titan ordinary ability, and being aided by the farir that he proclaimed himself the expected prophet jtrtt at tb beginning of anew Moham medan century, he had little difficulty to getting follower*. Being accepted a* the looked-for-prophet he wa* ex paetod, ot course, to ewtquer the worhi. The success with which he met In war tended vp confirm his otoiuwi, aud re befog the doubters to ftta standard. Hi* victory at Gadit, Who** ho destroyed Pasha’s tuny, and at Obeid, where Hicks Ftoha’* army WM*wutt out #C is tence, aroused a strong Mohammedan feeMng, aud spread his ft me through out a great pari of the Mohammedan world. 4 ■■ at .4 , X When Gan. Woiaoley undertook re eel ova Khartoum Ux* Mahdi was prepared toogipew Mini swell known. ThofaHof Khartoum, th death of Cion. Gordon, too fail ore of Gen. Wolseley to aocoaspßeb Ms Object, and Hie disasters of the Soudan e*|n paton are matters of history. ("The Mhdi was a romarkabie man, ad ie had a remarkable career, ■to* Id* adherents now, lowers • that ha waaan mposter. They know that be did not accomplish, and they expected a troth pyopbot re accom plieb, point to a divine tUMsion.^VSavannah News. a*Hxr?T OATTLEWEX Fhe cattlemen of the Indian Ter ritory are making oxtraerilnary ef ftirta to get the President to rescind the order requiring them to get put of the Territory within forty to*.- Already several delegation* have ar rived at Washington to explain (he •ilnatiou. They have talked ffift'i Secretary Lamar and with the Presi dent, but they haven’t succeeded in getting the order either wfcinded or modified. In fact. Secretary Lamar •*y that the order will not lie erKfc drawn, but that to re few days it will be so enlarged to It* scope that it will include all the cattlemen in the Indian Territory. Tbe administration will Ims unstain ed in forcing the-e companies to get off the Indian reservation*. They knew when they tempted the Indians to give up tbo comrol of their lands for a small annual ten til that trouble might occur at any time. They had reason to think that, notwithstand ing the tact that their lease* were sanctioned bf the Interior Depart ment, they had no legal right iu the Territory. ft seem* that much of the money that it invested in the cattle business in the Indian Territory was supplied by New York parties, and that these New Yorkers thought they bad in fluence enough to retain their hold on the* Territory even if there should be trouble of a serious ebareeter. They have found out that the class of men who are at prevent in charge of the government are gauarjing the interests of the people rattier than those of monopolists and speculator*. The' cattle companies will have some trouble in determining what to do with their herds. Pasture lands have suddenly become scarce and valuable. The probabilities are that these cattlemen will hare to go out of business. They have put up thou sands ol miles of wire fence In the Territory. All of this fence will be ordered cut down as soon at the forty days' limit expires. The companies which expected to make fortunes quickly by utilizing the rich lands of the Indians will find themselves very much worse off than when they began business. They canuot, how ever, blame the government for their misfortunes—Savannah News. Thousands of colliers in Wales are idle, owning to a depression in trade. Warren Leland, tohom tosrjbodjr know* ss th ssooewfat Lirstst Hotel Enterprises of Awories, says that whits a pasaongar (row New York os board a ship foist around Caps Hors, ia tbo earWdaaof oot**aU°a toCat- Uorata, ko tiarsS* Iks* oao of Ao oAewa of the tomol kad cured hisisolf, duriax tb* roy- Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. atiMO Aon MV. t*LSB tos fooMuaosdcd Avss-s SAMsrskiSL* is sumr similar easel, and bo bao sober yet hoard of Da faU re to effect * radical cure. Some year* so one of Mr. Letaim’s faro laborer* fcralaed Ui tef. Owtuf to tbo ha* state of bis blood, as ugly terpfaloa* •wolltnff or lump appeared on tin, injured limb. Hor rible’ Itching of tbo skin, with haralfo amt darting peine through the lamp, made lit# almost intolerable. The leg became esor moutly enlarged, and muitlnf stein formed, dieebsirftaf great euantitM ef eztreaielv •ffeoai re matter. No treatment was of ear avail until the mau, by Mr. Lahavn’* direc tion, was eupptte.l wHIt Area'* B*R**ra aiLt*, which allayed ike pala and Irritation, healed the lores, rsnmvod the swelling, an* oompletely restored the limb lo ase. Hr. LahSJtxr baa personally used Ayer f Sarsaparilla for Rheumatism, wftb entire efeeeee; and, after earefat okrsmtiow, daolams that, ta hi* belief, there la no medieiua tu the world •dual lo It lor lira cam ot hirer Disorder*. Oowt. too effect* of high living. Salt Ahwam, fforws, Rw|llina. nod aU too faa y 14?a of AbAxtogfß We bare Mr. Lsiaao'a perumaioti tolnrtto all who may dual re further orueaee la regard to the extraordinary ramies powers of Atm's tiutresuu to am him pemoo alty either at hit mammoth Oeean Hotel, at the popular Leland Hertol, Wa- 1,-- |- ,-amow ——a y—— ' T„to oMwrtrwAy # mgwrt tool** tolmra aUrN. Mr. Lm.asd'l •ftffimirffi knowlodf* a i Uw* |M Jom by this HBftffimthNl • radio*tar q| Vt<>4 pftiftoni ffijiftMoff hiw toffffe l&qdiren I MXPASKD DT L ?) Of. JjC. Ay*r ACo., Lowell, Mm. •oMky ell Druggist*; #l, ft*bottle* for *. A Belgian tnannfactutvr aanied Bey, who cfKptoyad tifHß people, ro laia* 3 per cent, of titeir wages and agree* n> provide a p'trtteian when they are taken tick. While nimbi eto work from ilineas. the eropiopcs get half pay, ami meat and wine, if nec eeaaarv. If a workmen die* bis wid ow geta one-third of hia wage* if ever be ha* be?n at work over ten years. A pension for Hie is given *o all invalids wtw have hero fifteen years hi hi* empltyy. Dlßixti a thunder storm which .passed Ml. McGregor, lightning •truck tlie cotjage in which the re mains of General Grant are reposing, knocking off a number of ahingics, tearing out plastering, etc. The elec tric light suipcndcd over the corpse was put out. Tin ee or the officer* in command of lb* troops at that point were stricken down, and 100 ft J them ••rerely stunned. A Miani* U rox, —— A recent dispatch from Elroy, Wi*.. say*; A box was shipped by express from Black River fails to Chi cago Saturday night. The Uie g-uger became suspicious of tjiecontents, and telegraphed the authorities here. On the arrival of the train at this place yesterday the box was opened, and jn*itl was fouuJ a man armed with a 37-calibre rerolvei. billy, razor, bot tle o;f chloroform and bunch of coni. He r-fuaes to give hia name. The box wa* shipped to Sidney L. Bar card, Chicago. Two more persons, supposed to he confederates, were ar rested here, aud all three are in jail. It is supposed that, they had planned to rob the mail express car. Nothing is known here regarding the Identity of the man. roc mw ma am* bm bats The so-called dog day* am so named from the ancient* who be lieved that the great boat of summer to come from Sirius, the dog star, whose rising and setting in eastern lands coincided with the year’* warm est season. The name was given to the forty days between July 3 and Augustll. But the time of the rising ot that king of suns depends on the latitude of the country. Owing to the precession of the equinoxes t grows later, year by year—while lordly Sirius itself has ben for many thousands of years receding, anil increasing the andi italic* between him self and our world. at a rate which bewilders our imagination, and makes it one of the marvels of the Uuiversc that his light should still be sogrest. Dogs days begin about the 25th of July and last torty days. Farmers and Mechanics. Sate money and Doctor bills. Be lieve your mothers, Wives and Sis ters by a timely purchase or Dr. Bos-* anko’s Cough and Lung Syrup, bo-t known remedy for Coughs, Colds. Croop and Bronchial effections Be lieve Children of Croup in one niAit. may save yon hundreds of dollars. Price 5° cts.. and <I.OO. Samples lice Sold by Simpson Buss, M. I>.