The Expositor. (Waynesboro, GA.)
- Title:
- The Expositor. : (Waynesboro, GA.) 1870-187?
- Place of publication:
- Waynesboro, GA.
- Geographic coverage:
- Publisher:
- James E. Frost
- Dates of publication:
- 1870-187?
- Description:
- Began in 1870.
- Frequency:
- Weekly
- Language:
- English
- Notes:
- Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 1 (Sept. 7, 1872).
- sn 85034213
- 12548036
- Succeeding Titles:
- Holdings:
Check OCLC WorldCat for more information on this title.
- Record
James E. Frost published the first issue of the Expositor in September 1870 in Waynesboro, Georgia. The paper circulated weekly at a subscription cost of two dollars per year and supported the Democratic Party. Frost operated the paper alone until April 1873 when Frost, Lawson, Corker and Gray became part owners. It is around this same time that the title of the paper became the Waynesboro Expositor. In 1875, W. A. Wilkins and W. S. Hubbard purchased the paper, but Hubbard was only with the paper for a few months. H. A. W. Palmer replaced Hubbard as editor in 1876. E. L. Brinson and R. O. Lovett bought out Palmer and Wilkins in 1881, and the new owners managed the paper for the following four years. The Expositor ceased publication in 1884 after the recently established True Citizen proved more popular in Waynesboro.
Provided by: Digital Library of Georgia