The Expositor. (Waynesboro, GA.) 1870-187?, September 07, 1872, Image 3
THE EXPOSITOR PJJJI LI.S HK D W£SK It V .11 V JAM KB K. KROST. Subscription SIK) Pfr A muni, 11 Advaur Communiratioos niarkisl thus ■(■ aro to hr paid for as sthrrlisemrnls. -■ j—— w -■ , — y —= — m —- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1672 No remoiovs services at any of the. churches to morrow. There are no prisoners in the county j jail—but that ain’t saying there ought j not to be. Wk call attention to the notice of the Wavncsboro' Academy—Wn. If. Mm* leu, Principal. * KnrcATioNAT.. —Mrs. 0. 31. Davis | will open her school on the 16th inst. See npt/ec elsewhere. Caterpillars arc still at work on the cotton crop. Tho boll-worm, also, j occasionally saps a foundation. We hope the Chairman's call for a i meeting to-day, to send delegates to Blacksltear, will be as well rispoitded to as it should Be. Let all turn out. j : ' • - ■ -* ■— Rkokhani/.ation. —At a meeting of the Wayncfboro’ Baso Ha l Club, last Tuesday evening, Judge E. F. Lawson was elected President, and J. 11. Mac kenzie Captain of the first nine. The j Club has one or two match games in j contemplation, which will doubtless be played as soon as arrangements can be j perfected. The Farmer & Gardener.—This excellent semi-monthly, since the death . of Mr. E. 11. Gray, lias been bought by Jas. L. Gow, E-q*. Augusta, Ga.— j The Horticultural Dcpar'ment remains ' under thecarc of Mr. P. J. Berukmans. j We commend this journal to our plant- | ing friends; and guarantee for the pub- j lislier that “lie will do all he promises'’ toward furnishing a regular, neat, and altogether reliable A No. 1 paper. $3,40 Worth of New Music for 30 Cents. —The Scptempcr Number of J’elters Musical Monthly, price 30 cents, ! contains the following music, worth in : sheet-form, $3,40 : Father of All,sacred song; Lay me where my Mother’s sleep- 1 ing; Little Dan, song and chorus; Coronation Song, duet and chorus; Merry Insects Flying; Love Chase i Galop; School Girl’s Waltz; Millie’s: Sehottisehc; Laughing Wave Mazurka. Mr. Peters offers to send July,' August, and September numbers, post paid, for 75 cent-, or the nine back ; numbers for 1872 for $-. Address, J. L. Peters, 600 Broadway, New York. ' * Bather Mysterious. —On Tuesday morning last, a negro man. calling him self William Whitehead, was brought into town by some railroad hands, who stated that, lie had come to their camp. I"pon examination it. was found that lie had been shot, the ball entering below the left ahoulder-blade and lodging just under the surface, near the, left nipple, having passed through the lungs and in close proximity to the heart. -AN illia in stated that lie had been working on the | South Carolina Railroad, and was going to joiu his brother, who is employed ou the Central road ; That, he was walking ' from above Green’s Cut in company . with an elderly negro man, whose name he had not learned. About ten o’clock on Monday night they crossed the rail-, road bridge over Briar creek : and about a half mile this side, while walking in j front, his unknown companion shot him, and afterward robbed him of seventeen dollars. Dr. Wuiteukad, his attending | physician, informs us that his recovery is extremely doubtful. The negro has been identified by several persons here, who report him to be a boy of good character. Can any one throw any other light upon this affair? COTTON MARK ETS. ApoCSta, September s’—ilalOJ. , Savannah, September s.—lt>|. <’*aiu.estos, September 6.—l(*J. New York, September s.—2oj>- [communicated.] Mr. Editor? —rAs Mr. S. A. Corker has been blowing about army record, A Soldier is anxious to know where be was when the seven days’ fight around Rich mond transpired ? And why he did not get exchanged, when in prison ? A\ as it because lie was living on minec-pics, pojiud-ealyc, and preserves,? t A SOLDIER, [Krona the Chris linn Index.] HEPHZIBAH HIGH SCHOOL On the llSth August, the Fall Term of this Institute will open. Wn have an able corps of instructors. The Spring j Term numbered about one hundred . pupils. Could flic whole State, or the Jiaprtts-of Georgia, hare been present at. the late Comßiencement exercises,;il j would be altogether superfluous tor any public notice of the merits of this scat of learning to he written. The commencement sermon was do liverd on the third Hnbbath in duly, by Rev. J. 11. Kilpatrick, from Psalms xevii ; 'l. Dr. P. 11. Moll used the same text on a similar occasion, two years previous. Wo thOitglit Moll’s was the most able sermon we'ever heard. It is enough to say that Kilpatricks would suffer nothing by comparison. UoW! gratifying to know, that as our Crawfords and Molls arc passing away, we have j others—young men—competent to fill their places. The examination of the various classes, and reading of tho girls and the deviation by the boys, on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, were most satisfactory, reflecting the highest credit on teachers and pupils. The Concert, on Monday night, amply sus tained the well-earned reputation of the Professor of Music, and was highly gratifying to the friends of the twenty four beautiful girls who were on tho stage ut one time, ns w ell as richly en tertainin': to the vast concourse asseni bled iu the commodious chnple. On Tuesday, 11a. m., by invitation of the Ilcplizibali Alumni Association, Mr. Juriah 11. Casey delivered a most excellent address. His subject was, An inquiry as to the form of Govern ment most promotive of human happi ness . Mr, Casey is a young lawyvr cf great promi.-e, now practicing his pro fession in Thomson, Ga. If this, liis first effort at. a literary address, is but the auroral dawn of the coming day, we can confidently predict that, before his sun shall reach its zenith, he will find himself the peer of the ablest of his contemporaries. Tuesday, Bp. m., Capt. A. to. Rodgers, by invitation of the Phi-Phi-Gamma Debating Society, delivered an address purely literary, and altogether appropriate to the occa sion. Til's, too, was Capt. Rodgers' maiden effort at a litcrurY address. Suffice to soy, that the tune’ raised In- Bev. J. 11. Kilpatrick, on Sunday, and the acconpanimcnt by Casey, at 11a. m.. on Tuesday, were altogether equalled by the beautiful variations of Ruogers. His speech was a literary gem. Just such an one as might be expected from a man with a big soul, and a heart of gold. Capt Rodgers is a first class lawyer, located in Waynesboro, Ga. He deserves now to be in Congress, or a better place. On Wednesday evening, 3 p. in., Rev. James Dixon, D. D., the distin guished pastor of the Green Street Bap tist church, Augusta, Go., delivefd the commencement address. His subject was, “The Monarch of Thought.” It is enough to say that, belonging himself to the class of which bo treated, lie was fully equal to the subject and the occa sion. Aside from the merits of tin- ad dicss. which could only be appreciated by being well studied as well as heard, wejhave an amusing recollection pf the speaker’s complaint, t|i:it, having been appointed to speak at 11 a. m., ho was now expected, without his dinner, to speak #1 ;i p. luq—a jJHn# unheard of for an EMylithmun. Ho said the Heph zibah girls were the prettiest lie had seen in Georgia. The Doctor is, as yet, comparatively a yomv/ man. “Hence these tears.” Miss Rosa Rosier, of the graduating class, read a touching valedictory, and for excellence in class-reading, received the highest prize. Mr. Willie J. Cars well received the highest prize tor ex cellence iu declamation. Miss Elisa Newsom, of Washington county, Ga., received a prize from the teachers, for being, in every respect, the best pupil in school. Our teachers arc, Rev. \\ . L. Ivil-1 patrick, Rev. W. H. Davis, and Rev. J. J. Davis. Prof. B. Kaffdnbeigor is the accomplished teacher of music. It may not be improper to state that, al together distinct, from the Commence- O ment exercises, on Sabbath evening, at 8 p. ut., we had a celebration by the Tullic Band of Hope, a Temperance Society formed by the children of tho school,“between 7 and 18 years ot age. This dyjqirttnent is under thcojfie of opt Professor of Teuiporuuec, aud was pro* iiouneed ly Mrs. Gen. G. M . Evans, "a complete success." The Baptists of Georgia are not aware of the value of this jewel that grins so radiently the diadem of the llopzibah Association. With such ability in tho school room, with a live Sabbath school, anil an efficient Temperance Department, wo may confidently expect, our children to he prepared for tho duties, and armed against the temptations of the coming years. Send on your boys and girls. A Trustee. - - ♦ Tin: Jot of Li vino.—The vast mul titude of human beings enjoy existence and wish to live. They all have their earthly life under their own control. Some religions sanctions suicide; the Christian Scriptures nowhere explicitly forbid it.; and yet it is a rare thing. Many persons sigh for dentil when it seems far off, but (lie inclination van ishes when the boat upsets, or the loco motive may run off the rails, or the measles set in. A wise physician once said to me, ‘J observe that every one wishes to go to heaven, but I observe that most people arc willing to take a great deal of Very disagrccable.medicine first.” The lives that one least envies are yet sweet to the living. “Thjcy have only a pleasure like that of the brutes,” we say, with scorn. But what a racy and substantial pleasure is that. The flashing speed- ot tha swallow in the air, the cool play of the minnow in the water, the dance of twin butterflies round a thistle blossom, the thundering gallop of the buffalo across the prairie, nay, the clumsy walk of the grizzly hear; it were doubtless enough to re ward existence, could we have joy such as these, and ask no more. This is the hearty physical basis oi animat 'd life, and as step by step tin: savage creeps up to the possession of intellectual man hood, each advance brings with it new sorrow and new joy, with the joy al ways leading. Col. R. 11. IV hi tel y has again been renominated as the negro candidate tor Congress from the Second District. There is many an unfortunate one, whoso heart, like a sunbeam, always ap pears loveliest in its breaking assunder. The wound of coueicucc is no scar; time cools it not with his wing, but mearely l*ecbs it open with his scythe. No love from children is sweeter than that which follows severity : so from the bitter olive is sweet - soft oil expressed. , V —•• -* • - .JP- —A*-- The Atlanta Constitution estimates the loss to the South from the recent visita tion of t]ic cotton caterpillar at from $75,000,W to Frederick Kiipp, a former Noyv York lawyer, buA-uow a member of the Gor man Parliament, says the United States is a sluim Republic. Well, it has been for over force years.’ ♦ . Mr. W. 11. Parker informs the Bartlesville Gazelle* hat Mrs. Elisa Cox, of Monroe comity, .after supplying six in her own family, lias saved and sold him 115 pounds of butter witliin the last four months—the produce of throe eows. - : - There is a Russian at Old Orchard Reach whose fondness, for tine sea aruf everything connected with it is eccen tire verge of mania, lie drinks two or three gallons—it is said—of sea water daily, cats-s'6aweed by the hand ful, and bathes four or five times a day. He is very healthy and robust, fat as a seal and lias a round, red, jocund face, j Fx-Govcrnor Wise, of Vir ginia, in bis letter endorsing Ju'onl Early’s refusal to have anything to do with Blanton Duncan's proposed Louis- | vilic Convention, says; It can have no j hope, of course, of the election of a Demo crat, and the'only cnnstruction as to its motives will be that it is or was intended j to divide tli& opposition to. Grunt. ■■lßl IMIIMI!■!!■■■ 11l ■ I mmilllll l ■MWWBWr~iIXIMW~WWRBn—TTTI PREMIUM FRUIT CHROMO! We have made arrangements with the publisher of “Our.Oirn t'/’nsi<k” to club j our paper with his, and now offer both papers for SG.SO, and with them a I’reini • um Fruit Chrome which can not be bought for less than five dollars. “diu* Own Fircsitle” is a largo, handsome. 16 paged mdnthly Il lustrated Paper for the ptfbplc, full ol line ; il list rations, and the best, of serial stories A sample copy of this paper, n4 the Pre mium Fruit Chronio can be seen at our 1 office. Subscribe for your home paper , and for Our Own Fiies-ulc, and receive this haiulsbmo Premium C’lnotuo by so doing. JS|U‘t‘i;il Notices. Tun or Aiiaiiv are I)t spirin'. Ilian llie a rutin winch llii 1 fragrant FiSknhint linear! •> In tin* bnmtli. Nor I* tbo heart ol’ llie Ivory njt whiter tlimi the teeth that urn et#mi*iU daily.with that matehleM fluid. _____ To OwKNwa or Houses. No one who has ever nafil Dr. Tobins’ Ilorao Venetian I.lnlnient will ever J he without U; II la a Uertaill enre lor Voile, Sore Throat, Cut*, rturna, and Old Sores. Warranted superior lo any oilier; In jdut hotlleu, at 41. Sold by all drmigl*l*. Depot, 10 Park I'laee, iN. \f. , iIra.NKTT’4 jT.tanAIID KI.AVOIU.NU KxrttACt.' are neatly put up In nnpunnelled Z or, ft ox; and In o/ hot I lea, and are for sale hy the trade uenerally lo j every prpielpo) oily and tuwn In the UiiiteASt daa, Caii.idaa, and llrltDh I’rovlneeu, :m Well as maijy I oilier foreluli eomd rl a, llrt.r koh the HoPei.ess. Yvii are Vvea!;, de jected, miserable, and notliinu doea you any p'ood, you aay. Jion’t deapair, 'j’liere la halm In titlend., ilnVe you tried Vilieuar Olttera I No! Chen, why don’t yon? Whether } Our eolhplnlnl >e ifvapopaia, lilllloiianeaa, nervotia weakueaa, eoiiatltminual dr hillly, or any’ o.lher irouhle. Vinegar Hitter* avftl revive and renovate your alinttered ayatmtt, im* h tteulal rain refrealiea the withered llowera. j Kpit lltfapt t’MA, lndi„a‘tii.i>, dtprrasion of aplrlla, j and gtftiftnw debility in llieir varloua forma: alao, as a preventive a; amal Kever and Attae, and oilier Intermittent fevers, the "Kerro-phoepboruted 1!Ijy j er of Oallsaya," made hy OaaWell, llarurd A. Cos., Now Volk, ainl sold hv all UruifttM-'i ‘a it l " heat lortle, and aa a tonic for p itlhrtla rfeoWrltaf from I'evt-r or other aleknen. ii iw, n.. ,■ , Titeiasros' Jvoav I’i.akl I’ooru ISdvm:*.- The'! boat article known for eleailafna and preaCiAnut tb,. ' teeth and ittttna Sold bv all dniu-.-iat- I'rua- -Jj, j and ik) eenta per Inaile. K. O. Weiid j'4’ <!tu*Tnoio's II mu I>vk Klniuh uAhrH!4d \if ’ wofld. No lady or of dlaerlinlrtßtionStriea Htiy other ll he llie moat porfeot, reliable ami etlrr -li\ t- Imir dye In the world. Man ulaclury, IjS Maiden Eiute, New York. Oaiibolic bALVB. rooommeufled by I'hudfiNma na the ftreat llealinif Omnpoutnß l’rlei So eta. .1 olin K. Henry, aolo proji’r, S t'olletre l*lace7N. V. Rial.rt’s lleciu- ia a lollalde Diurelio and for all derungunie'ita of the urinary and genital orzana. TheKonuiue, s fontierly aoid hy HnYtlaiiU llan-al A UUnlevaud llieir hmtiches, lajioivJ'U'pitUal hy li. W. Ittaley. tlit* ( nuijatoQuiti I*rti^| - i*t#i-,tiiiX the .lr‘to-auriiSd by In a tuctocJeifrs, llefjntl .ktllif ley; New To A-. SvArxt.v, or opium pnrlded, the most perfect an ' dyne in tho market, made by prove** of l)r X. M. UlzeXow, Detroit Medical Collett*. I* a I way * uni form iu atr‘itzth, which is rarely the ease In oilier preparations of Opium. I’matt's Astbai. On,, liMiv>-orkl-.Wj'l4 reput.Jlm a* tho stireat and best iilninftiTtiity ail. Q\ cg (\o iMtlhtn irnHeii* haw been' sohiToi' I he jm*t twnHWCTT. from which no accident* of any deßcriptiort Inn u oc curred. Send for circular. Oil House cf Olios. Pratt, K-;ablt*fcofl If%,XoW York. We iiavk ntEQCENrhV tiE.tnn mothers say they would jiot die wit knot Mr*. Wiirslon* Soothing Syrttp, froitl the birth of the child uiiul it lia* fin ished with tlie to*lhint! siege, underway •onsidera tioit whatever. The Skcoet ok Hraptv. What is it? no loneer asked, ftr the world ol‘ fashion and all iiu* ladies know 1 hat is produced hy using a delightful and harmless toilet preparation known MS 14. W. Laird's “Bloom of Youth.” Its beautify hrt? egrets are truly wonderful. Depot, ft t)nM Y. apS ly EST. ISAAC T. URARD. O M. STD.N li. Isaac T. Hoard vv Cos, COTTON FACTORS, t’OR. RIFYNOt.DS AND M'l.VlAsß sfItEETIJ AUOUSTA , GA. ( oiniiMssioit Hedtirrd to $1 per llsilo on Cotton. Agfn(s for (il LLEI'S Improved and Ligltt Draft COTTON Gt-llsT, $$ L-. 00 J?ei* auzl7—lm AMERICAN TOOL CHESTS. I, •'OR HOLIDAY AND 111 RTIIDAY X T rj>JchVw Fitted tip with A No. 1 iju.'ility of Tools adapted for Ji'vr: milks, fr<iin 651* $ 5. Bovs, “ $ 4 “ IU. Youths, “ a “ t'L Hkxti.kme.n, “ 15 •J5 % - Faumeus a Pi.a.ntei;s,“ 5 o'J “. I rJX ' UAjtuiiNTi.usi, “ .H-lflf HJ Thirty ditTKrertt' varieties, dhff niosTeoiiqilFfc assortment ever e tie red in tha United States. Also, sole manufacturer of Smith’s genuino Nuw York Skatks. (JRuqL KT made in Maple, Apple, Box and Rose wood. Twenty dif ferent styles <, PIIIJfIAS STimi, Manufacturer, Warehouse and S.desrodm, tltl (Iha'mbers st,, N. Y. Illustrated prirfc Catalogue of my Tool Chests, and urjeos of ottjer gif'ds of my sent by mail o rodoipHd' teo-ceitt*. . mt"‘M ORGANS! 9EGANS! Fertile Parlor, Suh|.fy* f AliiJ ttn r-ffh|rrl. li Octavos ; “i sets of Keenslnvon'wmt j'Wt iWoj#-. Only SI ‘iH. 'J'he best organ in the world lor the money. Wo can supply Organs ranging in price from $65 to $2,000. and offer the most libera! inducements to the Trade, Teachers, Clergymen and othdrs, who will act as agents for dhe sale of our instruments. The “Pal lor CJvm” Piano, 7 octaves, full iron frame, overstrung scale, round ctners, carved ISgS; (he finest low-priced Piano tu*nliftcttired. Fully warranted. VIOLIN STJR.HNIC3-S, Wo import direct from Italy, Hernia tty and Fetuyse the very clioqaisf strings akd oan supply at loyreal j^talfcP.ikMi. Sample sat of elmicc Wilii>Cop(|u|ar Btrings 'mailed free for sl. Band livdrumeiits, >lieet iVfusiv, Music Booles, and Musical'' tMirlimdisc of every deserirtljoti, ( .. ; t. ... ! IVM. X. POND & (<>., 5 17 Hroadway, IWw Hfi.tto it. Orwri'.. 3(1 Lxtix Sqiiaiie. FOUTZ’S CfeI.EBKATED Horse ami Cattle Pewters T,lis P‘-P iir 3tiou r JQJ* atnJJjatjoraM; . known, "il( tl.OionfdiT.v rc-m igoriit. I i .aV.-sil S* broken down nwl low-spirited horse* ¥ i-rf iM '* by strengthening nncl cleansing tin If Y In stomach aml'fntestincs. -vJLjggjrt- It is a sure prod entire if all disease: i incident to this animal, such tat Jet** KRV l!Ii. GLANDERS. VEI.I.MV ,tT ‘ r WATER. HEAVES. COUGHS, BIS- - .A\ TEMPER, FEVERSJb’JiUM I>EB, 1 I.nss OK AC PETITE AND VITAE t , T*~STY ENERGY, ka. It* t’.s* ImnroyM ihs wind, iuctoases,. the) nq>|*tito— f \rv rives asiunoth and, KlOfSy si iii-urn) / tran-foinis ra* ■ S > K , ; '.i . > T-' , into a fir liokia ' and spirlte l i:o:‘se. r ** To keeper* of Cows tiijs preunro \-j> lion is iiivahml.Y. It It ft stni*jirc Hv*” ! ~ *1 ventlvc against Rinderpest, Hollow Ht jL.ii| Horn, etc. It .has I'eon pioytn bj \ I actual experiment to increase tin o,[ nil/? ooaotitv of milk and c; cam twciitj s?j r -**nidf*],.. r emt mid nt.ik " 11 rt‘ belter fine and. taei. 4* f*dti cattle, it ,'lvc' t'owflh*#' appetite, tfcodn.* make, them thrive much faster. In all til* litres of Swiii-s shell its Coughs. I'lecrs in tiie I,lings, I,lvor, Ate., this article nets is a specific. By putting from one y.- a nail a pn|M>r to a paper in a barrel ®f VwAVwiSt * .will the .drive diseases will b* irtoft t' sated or entirely prevented. If given Jy r y"> . n time, a certain preventive and sure far the Hog Cholera. " DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BABTIM O it Id . ,11 ,l. For sale by Druggist* and Storekeeper* throughout .he United States, Canastas nml South America. ( For sulo in W'uynesboio’ by S. A.jUimi. j SlJjiSC’lilDli TO " H T I l K K X FOH 1 T UK. Ni*\vspnpiTs,lVlagazmes,Ete, TOR THE CAMPAIGN. Tlio Savannah Morning Nows. rpilK ArrttOAOIUNO FREBIDENTI\L 1 canvas, judgin'; from the* extraordina ry condition of our political nllitirs, will lie the most iiiloresliiiir, exciting, ami holly contested campaign in the history of the Republic, and its progress will he watched with feverish anxiety hv thousands who have heielofon) taken hut slight, interest in elections. In order to place in the reach of all that widely-known medium of the freshest and latest intelligence, the Savannah Mok.nimi News, a liberal subscription schedule has been at ranged. From the tlrst of July to the first of No vember, or from t.l e lirst of August to the lirsl of December four r oiiths inclusive— the dill'erenl editions of the Ni w s will be sent to subscribers on the followin'; terms: Daii.v £2-50 Tbi-Wkhkly 1.50 Weekly 50 In the stirring times just ahead, the Nkms will be in tlio van of all its contempoiaries in the extent, variety, and freshness of its intelligence, and its renders will lose none of the salient points of the campaign. Money.may be scut by ex pi ess at tlio risk ami expense of the l’ropiietr.r. Address J. ZHT- ESTILL, jyU-lm Savannah, (in. .. , 1,.—" -. ■* -■ v . r pil E Titith Volume of Wann's IlocSKiioLn I M AdAr.ixi: begins with January 1872. ll|s odi ed by' (fail IfaSiiiUuf. tfOf. Wood, and IE Mef h'fnnil, amv incudes among Its rejjuhy |aittfl'iipits Iftrole flSeelfy, (!ail UainjlloK El'lips. K. DeeCbei*. Dr. Dio Lewis, Dr \V W, Hall, JmneiePafftm, etc. llarrfrt lieeeher Stowe, brick l’omery, J< bn fl. SWb H'Vl l’eiroUmm V Ufaflyf | 4th. \ri|t“tjd k de.i-aitionally. Terms, One Dollar a year. In clubbing tlipre lirst class periodicals are niven for the slice of one of ilioin. The most liberal Premium List eveu vnbifsirQtk /No periodical is more frequently or mvofifldy nteritnonnl by tbe Press. ‘Wood's llousabold Magazine is one of the business enterprise which mark the age. —Methodist Howe Jon null. Philadelphia ‘9t,kns|brfen iiiijifoti ii fc ever since we knew ft—a gooncrilei ion for Ihe fntlire. — Courier, New Market, Canada. ‘lt is a marvel of cheapness and first-clas qurlitA combined. Sew Yojk 'Jiiun.% tfpecitye*! copies sent free to gin- address. , p. S. WOOD A CD.. ,/. II iC! Newburgh, N. V. ‘Constitutionalist,’ A 1 lomocptitic Paner, ’ KTMTItD uv JAMES GARDNER, ESQ., jHCBD Daily, Tii-Wcckly, mid Weekly, AT AHCnSTA, GA. Tkkms— Tri-Weekly |f;.O(T: Wyakltl e<J<>f'irl^ai|umi ; Advertisements inserted at reasonable fciS. ,JjJ All business leU#r?should bo addressed to STOCKTON A CO., Proprietors. F.uiiiA m STtvv \vtfeKL¥ i\ mm\ \ a,x i r Ji; l i a:. , . , in.xs. v *; valuable instrufiji-jt f.u its. readers. SubscriptlOtVyriCc. £3 pr year, of jMicli ami every subscriber snares s?i our Annual J>fetrt4ntionll l-’icmiums. 2'iST’Scnd your address for Copies of the Paper and Premium List, with lull particulars. We send them free. Address, GUI! FIRESIDE FRIEND, Chicago, Illinois. £-.STWe want agents everyw here, and give large cash pay. leb24-3t ADVERTISE IN "TIIK EXPOSITO nr \ ■ Notice to Planters. rjMIF undersiguctl would JL inform the Planters, and others, ol Burke count)’, that he is now prepared to execute in the neatest manner all jobs in in his line with which he may le favored. 1 Plows pointed and made, and stocks manufactured to order. Carriages, Bug gies, and Wagons repaired. All kinds of wood and ironwork exe cuted in a workmanlike manner and at reasonable rates. 11. S. BEAL, janl3 Shop in rear of Court-house. T. MARKWALTEirS Marble Works, fSPJ j 1 /; ROA I) STItE E T ANARUS, Uuit&r (Near Lower Market), AUGUSTA, G-A±. Moiiiimeiits, Toombsloiics, Etc., (kept on hand, designed, and furnished to ordor All work for tho Conntry carefully boxed ah shipped. oc‘2‘2 -If jjOB PRINTING NEATLY EXECUTED AT Tlxis Office. New York AiivtMliscimtnlfl. n. Radway’s Heady Rkijf.f CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minntcfe. .N< Vi' ( ) N K IIOU R after reatliiig l!tis atherlttwmeßl tired any m MIFF F.U WITH PAIN. HAD WAY’S IIIIADY RELIEF IS A COUfc FOR H\ BUY PAIN. IT WAH TIM'. KIUST AN 0 IK Tlio Only 1*; in 1 Jometly 1 that instantly stops tlio must excruciating pains, ill lays 1 ulliiimmitioiis, mid cures Congestions, whet hoi <>f Lungs, stomach. bowel* or ether elands or organs, hv one application. !\ Fllim (INK TO TWENTY lIMITB,- mi matter liniv violent or o\ei dating the pain the RHEUMATIC, lied ridden, Intirin, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disvrso may suffer, RAD WAY’S READY RELIEF WILL AI'KOUD INSTANT CASK. Travolers should alwaya carry a bottle tit I’aimvay’h Hkaiiv llbi.ikf with them. A fett drops in water will prevent sickness or pain from change of water. P is bettor than French brandy or Hitters as a stimulant Ekvkii anii Aonn cured for fifty cents. Them is not a remedial agent in this world that will euro Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Kevins (aided by Rahway's Pills}, so quick a* Rak way’s Ur anr Rut ter. 50e. perbottle. IJuiltli! Beauty I! strum; ;\m> print rich mow im'rmsk of FLE.SII AMI WEIGHT— CLEAR SKIN AMI HI! TIFI L COHPLE.VHIS SECURED TO ALL. DR. RAHWAY’S “ B<i rsa pa ri 11 in a Resolvent has ,mAmi tui: most astovishim: cnnrs; ito Ul ICK, so luril) ABE THE < lIAXCEB THE BQDV rxctnuioES, i n'imui the inflccxce or tirts Till I.V WONnKI.rCL MKMCINK, THAT Every Day an ncri'ase in Firs and Weight is Seen and Fell. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER: Rcertt itrop of Me SAHSAPAUILLIAJ* /./■-• Slit, VHSTcommunicates tiiroui;li the lilonii,tivct, Urine, and other Jlnids amt juices of the system the vigor of life,J'or it repairs the irastcs of the hoity tnlh neir ands mud material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Con sumption, (r/undniiir disecse, Cleers in the throat, Mouth. Tumors, Sod's in the (Hands and other parts of the system, Sere Eyes, Strnmorous diseluirgts from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Eercr Soref, Scald Head, iting I tor ru , Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Arne, /Slack Spots, harms in the flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, ifnd all weakening ami painful discharges. Sight Sweats, Eoss if Sjici m and lilt wustes of the lift principle hre within -the rural ire range of this wonder of Mndefn Chemistry, vnd a few days' use wilt prore to auy person using it for cither of these forms of disease it potent powi r to cure them. ii the patient, daily becoming reduced by tins wastes and decomposition that is constant!/ pro grossing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made ftemi healthy blood—and this the Sahsai'AUll.liax will and docs secure — a cure is certain ; for when oneo this remedy commences its work of purifi cation, and succeeds in. diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will lie rapid, and every day the patient will feed himself growing better and stronger, the food digesting better; appetite im proving, aud flesh and weight increasing Not only dpcs the Sarsapauillun Resolvent excel till known remedial agents in the cure <*t Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, (jravol, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Tneonlineneo t Uriuc, bright’* Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick-dust deposits, or tlio water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like tlio white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, billion* appear ance, and, white b ine-dust deposits, nnd when there is a pricking, burning son sat ion when passing water, and pain in the small of the back and along the loijj*. L)R. Tt A OXV AY'S “Perfect Purgative Pills,” perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gain,purge.regulate,purify,cloanto,and strength en Rad wav’s Tills, for the euro of all disorders ol the .stomach, l.ivef, Towels, Kidneys, Tladder, Nervous Disease*. Headache, L'onutipation, Ces tiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels. Piles, aud all Dernpgemeuts of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, luineralr, or deleterious drugs. jpjf/ ’Obterve 1 he following sym ptomr resultiug from Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipation, Inward Tiles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the tfhimaeh, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in tho Ftoinacb, Hour Kruetittloas, Sinking or Fluttering at the Tit of the Stmnaeh, Swimming of tho Head, Hurtle l and DHftcnh Breathing. A few doses of Rahw ay's PLLLf p% 'lI free tho system ffotn alt ttfc above naitied dis opiers. Trice, 2.5 cents per box isoLn by DftlW gists. Read “False am> Thuk” .S'fcnd ouo lefter-sfanipto KADM'AT A 00.. N0.82 Warren street, cor. of (Miurch street, New York. Jufor. mation worth thousands will be sent you. i vfl l.v ■MOMUtAU'ir i- I ft'P’L:* 11 ■ ■* ■— l IUNUSOME PREMIUMSI TO CANVASS Elis. Fine Chroino Lithographs. FINE ALBUMS. FURS AND MUFFS. PIJKE CiOLD JEWELRY ■ • —■ •■■■ • Fur particulars call at our office. .J KTI IJ ? C> T 1 TOAI AHY IVP.ALF.It IW FAMILY GROCERIES; Dry Cxootls ami Clothing ( 0/tjhi.iUe Plant era’ Hotel), WAYNESBORO, GA. R hT BARR, DEALPH IN GROCERIES, LIQUORS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, luTU., ETC., WAYNESBORO, GA. _v _ Cj (Mi. Lee sil “tStonewali’s Ln; ■ \ 14x18 Inch Rngraving of five fardvfe of “Stone wall” .T ickaon in the Loglngton,\ a., eeifictery The noble Oort. Lee stands beside the llower-tt hewn grave over which hatlga a. weepfttt Willow’. Ip the dirtUifico in t<> bo seen a bcautitul hiihj&csjwQ nlHn ducked in verdure, clouds ns natural as real ones, and many other thirty*, whfoh make t bit. picture a pem ~f art; one which should hang in the parlor of vverv Southern home. It i.- wit.boat a. rN-W, the sweetest and most tonehingly beautiful cngraFhvg before thepublio. Heat t>y mail, mounted Oft a roller and post paid, on reoelpt of ‘2O cents, or it for 50 ets. Address .T. ()' As W. M. Burrow, No. 200 Main &, Bristol, Trim. - ■ ■ ('.ssif p.g- Agents wanted every Where to sell out pop ular Pictures, Books, Charts, .Vkotogrape, Ac.-- ('.it alogne* free, btS