The Expositor. (Waynesboro, GA.) 1870-187?, January 04, 1873, Image 1

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RATF.S FOR l.l'.GAl. ADVERTISING: *i 4|w. P*f W* f 8 £ (irfe J!i l/'it */', per 4 quart ..•.!••• *■' •DaxiMlmir'i mist. V tr ay uteres 300 < . ' ifcpi /*• /*Wr<* Admi>H*lrtdi<m kml *£?JiraßPw/ifp. ■ • IT. • • • WO Application for letters dismissory from Administration anil Executorsh’p. .. 650 Application for letters dismissory from Application for Uoc to sell land, per :jr 400 Notice mkbfbtln anti creditors o I*nd MhM'ip 9* r ; Sales of verfehobl property, per square .00 B*rsmti*sT**y<i“'J* 8 " Notice to perfect serene Rules ni si to foreclose mortgagee,per sqr iUO Rules to establish lost papers, per square 5 0 Rules compelling titles...... Xfl Rules to perfect strrice in dwvrce cooes 10 UO Apylicnmnfor homestead,.... 2 00 '■ V.’! sntc.s of Artvertisinfl: TrnlontalvurtDomcntti, first insertion..? 100 Snbiequeut insertions ™ Announcing Cun 1 Mutes, in ndvanco lU-0U No mlrortisement taken for lass than ouo dollar. Monthly or surai-mon Wy lulrortbcim'iit* inaert t, i at the same rates fis for new inlrsrtMCinoßts, each insertion. ... , liberal deductions will bo male with those ad- by tlKtfqaartct or year. Adi ArauMent .idvnrtlscuionts must be pant tor when handed in. ’ Payment for contract advertisements always due after the turst.inScrtiou, unless otherwise stip- U, “ tß © <Tmus of Subscription: qL/cdkv, in Mvintafoop year 92 00 HfcflWtyy, irfndvance; six months 1 00 One copy, in ndvaneo, three months' club .of six will l>e allowed on extra copj. H frofci?.sionnl guverttsifwcirtsK A. G. WHIEHE AD, M. D., WAYNESBORO, GA., (Office at oil stand of B'.hdkm. A, Whitkhkad. liejideneo, corner Whitaker and Myiic sts ) Special attention given to Accouchement anil Surgery. TlmAktng the public tor past, patronage, solicits a continuance of the same. janl3— lv ___ DEN’riSTI'IY. GEORGE PATERSON, B. D. S„ OFFICE SR XT TO PLANTERS' HOTEL, WAYXKSIIOItO’, GA. F AMILI FA de-irimr bis services at their homes, in Brke, or adjoining counties , can address him at ibis place. decLd-ly NOT r OK. DR. THOM \S IIURDELL OFFERS his Professional services to the pub lic. Office at. the Drug store of Messrs. Wilkins & Little, during the day ; and at night can W loumi at hi- pLntatmit. two miles from the village. -l 111 *'* U “aous n. ASIITO*. I IIOMKUC (O.ISSON-. ASHTON & GrLJsSSOISr, attorneys at law, Vi A YNESCOItO’ G liORGI A. Will practice injthe gupcr'inr Courts rt the \ui(sta, E isteru, an 1 Mid lie Circuits, the Srnlene Coil t of the State, and in the District and Circuit Courts <>t the united States, at Savannah. Claims college l and iens oiifoic •1. noYIO-ly p W li 1i V eN BKI nil KN, atto'ux kys at law, WAYNESBORO, GEORGIA. QJi c . in Court irons-- hasem-nt -northeastromu ” A M L'OlXrKh'S, atto ny e y A T L A /r > WAYNESBORO, GA. OFFICE AT THE COURT TlOC"’l. ,77r7tt™r T ' Kr KS OAW,N‘!R -HOOK 8s Or A.nXO3STEIb, attorneys at law, will uraatic* in the Aug'asm Circuit and in the Uaiud States District and Circuit Courts Or tnc State of Georgia. Cases attended to in other counties and in South Carolina by rpecial l con tract j:r.l t-tini__ Hodgson Institute. MALE AND FEMALE. rrum EXERC.LSE3 OF THIS SCHOOL L will bo resumed the Third Monday in January. Board and Tuition reasonable.— Building lots for sale. Address L. A. MURPHfcY, Principal, Girard, Burke County, Ga. December Btli, 1872 —lt-2ni ___ NOTICE TO FARMERS! Plows!! Plows!! The undersigned has on h and a Fine Lot of lteady-made STEEL and IRON PLOWS, wpkty will be sold at very I reasonable rates. mown The material from winch these lI.GWh aremamifact and was selected with great caie, and art well made. ~ , Persons who have been annoyed by having | work badly done, as well as material wasted, : will tind it to their advantage to call and ex amine mv work before making their arrange ments. J"<>. liVA.^S, Cor. Bav and Centre streets, decU i_ j Augusta, Ga. _ LOOK HEBE, WEARY WOMAN! There Is Rest For You! The steam w tsiiEß. or woman s FRIEND, is the latest, the cheapest, the best! No rubbing, no pounding, no turning, no tearing! STEAM DOES YOUR WORK! The Steam Washer will wash sixty shirts ill thirty minutes, without labor. It will wash anything, trom a Lace Collar to a Bed Blanket] perfectly. It is simple; can not get out of order! Nothing like it in use. Price, SIO.OO, Cash. All orders addressed to me, at Green’s Cut, A. & S. R. R-, will be promptly at tended to. FIILCHEIt A IIATCHER, Agents for Burke, Richmond and Sumter counties, Green’s Cut. Ga. N. B.—Certificates as to merits can be furnished if desired. oct!2-t>m By .Tames IT Frost. II VOL. 111. i Burke Sheriff Sales. N/N/V/V/N/' nilltUE SHCKIFI*' SALE— -13 Will be sold before ibe Conrt-honse door, if the town of Waynesboro, Ga., on the FIRST TUBSDA Y /.V JAX(JAII YNEXT' between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Two hales of cotton; lev io<l on ns the property of J. II Walsittgham, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa., issued from Burke Superior Court, in favor of S. A. Gray vs. J. 11. Walsingbam. J. W. 11. BELL, TANARUS). S. B. C. October 30, 1873 —nov2-8w Burke siierife saee- Wlll be sold before the Court-lu.nse door in tiie town of Vavnesboro’, Ga.. on the FIRST TfJESDA YIX TAX FA R YNEXT, between the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property to-tvit: One while mare mule, with a black spot in her breast, about nine years old ; also, one sorrel mare mule ; ievied on as the property of David Young blood, to satisfy a mortgage li. fa., issued from Burke Superior Court, ia favor 1 Ilill Sandeford vs. David Youngblood. JOHN L. SMITH, Sheiilf. Nov. Ist, 1872—2-8 w Burke sheriff sales— Will he sold, befuie the Court-house door, in lhe town of Waynesboro', Ga.,on the FIRST TUBS DA YIX JANUARY XFXT, between the hours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: Oqe tract of land, sit uated in Burke comity, containing seven hundred and ninety-three (7 y3) acres, more or less, aril bounded by lands of J. J. Gres ham, T. I*. Branch, estate of Thomas Neely, Gideon Dowse, and Briar Creek; levied on ns the property of Jeanette A. Allen, exec utrix, and Robert 11. Allen, executor, of Elisha A. Alien, deceased, to satisfy the following li. fas.: One issued from Rich mond Superior Court in favor of Alonzo Sherman vs. Jeanette A. Allen, executrix, and Robert H. Allen, executor, of Elisha A. Allen, deceased; one issued from Burke Superior Court in favor of Hill Saudeforil vs. Jeanette A. Allen, executrix, and llobt. H. Allen, executor, of Eiisha A. Allen, de ceased ; and one issued from Burke Supe rior Court, in favor of Thos. R Rhodes vs. R. 11. Allen as executor of Elisha A. Alien, deceased. Property pointed out by plain tiffs attorney. Legal notice given. AlO, At the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit: One tract of land, situated in Burke county, con taining twelve hundred and twenty-three (1223) acres, more or less, bounded on the east by lands of James Rowland, soutl bv lands of Zecliarialt Daniels, west by the D Auilgiiac plantation, and on the north by the Savannah liver; levied on as the pro lie. ty of William S. Hills, administrator of Isaac S. Taut, to satisfy a mortgage fi. Tn., issued from Burke Superior Court, in favor of John P. King vs. Wm. S. Hills, administra tor of Thos. S. Taut. Legal notice given. Also, At the same time and place, will be sold the following property, to-wit: One tract of land situated in Burke county, con taining four hundred and sixty-eight (4oßj notes, more or less, bounded by lands of Ezekiel Godhee, C. T. Herrington. Franklin Burton, Samuel B. Sapp (colored), estate ot Ibmlv Bell, de eased, a.d tie estate of Henry Hargroves, deceased; levied on as the property of Hardy C. Sapp, to satisfy a ti. fa., issued from Burke Oourt of Ordinary, in favor of John C. Sapp vs. llar lv C. Sapp. Property pointed out by defendant. • Al*o, At the same time and piace will he sold tiie following property, to-wit: One hay mare, about seven years old ; thirty-five bushels of corn, in the shuck ; one thousand pounds of fodder, more or less; levied onus tiie property of Peter Ward, to satisfy a lien li. fa., issued from Burke Superior Court, in favor of B Stubblefield vs. Peter Wade. Tins December oth, 1872 —dec7-4 JOHN L. SMITH, Sheriff. SS LOGGIA, lU KKi: COUNTV— V 7 Whereas. W. J!. Diiiskm.i. h;is applied for letters of administration upon tho estate of Mrs. Sarah White, late of said county deceased: Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to ho and appear at my office on, or before , the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1873, to show cause (if any they can) why said letters should not be granted* Given under my hand and official signature, at Waynesboro’, this November 12, 1872. nov23-4w E. F. LAWSON, Ordinary. /•'t EOIIGIA, IIURKE COUNTY VT Whertu W. R DitisKii.t, applies to the Court of Ordinary for letters of guardianship of tho persons and property of Augustus. Joshs, and Jack White, minor*children of Sarah White, late of satd county, deceased : These arc. therefore, toeiloaud admonish all persons interested to bo and appear at mv office on, or before, the FIRST MONDAY'IN JANUARY , 1873, to show cause (if any they can) why said letters should not be granted. (liven under ray hand and official signature, at Waynesboro’, this ivcmhcr 12, 1872 nov'23-4\v E. P. LAWBON, Ordinary. Georgia, buiike county— Whertas, RomstiT A. Ai.t.Kx applies tome for letters dismissory, as administrator, from tho estate of John C. Templeton, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all persons intereste l to he and appear at my office on, or hofore, tho FIRST MON DAY IN FEBRUARX , 1872, to show cause (if any thoy can), why said administrator should not be dismissed, as provided by la w. Given under inyhand and official signature, at Waynesboro’, this November 4th. 1872. nov9-to E. F. LAWSON, Ordinary. /A EOItGIA, BUltkE COUNTY VT Whereas , Wm.lL llAncnovns, as execu tor of Henry Hargroves, deceased, applies to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters dis missory from said cs!ate : 1 hese are, therefore, to c ito and admonish nil persons interested to be and appoarot my office on, or before, the I'lh ST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY, 1873, to show cause (if any they can) why said applicant should not bo dismissed from said estate. (liven under my hand and official signature, at Wavncsboro’. this November 4tb, 1872. uov'23 id ' E. F. LAWSON, Ordinary. “SA-TiTTS POPIJXjX SITPBEMA X.E3C EBTO.” WAYNESBORO'. GA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1873. Augusta Advertisements. Boots and Shoos! 30 CASES;FIRST-CLASS GOODS FROM A XjKAHIN'CtBI lOUBE OF PHIL VDA. M IN ORDER TO COUNTERACT THE EFFECTS OF THE HORSE (linense, I spread before ,my friends and the public the following inducements, and assure them thatjjthe work below mentioned is of fine finish, and manufac tured from the best material, viz: 4SO Pairs Ladies’ 18-thread, Double S< le, Lice Gamers, at - B*2 50 per pair. dfiU Pairs Misses’ of same quality Lace Gaiters, at - - 2.2") per pair. 320 Pairs Ladies’ Pebble Goat Double Sole Boots at - - 2.50 per pair. 240 Pairs Misses’ Pebble, same quality Roots at - - - 2.25 per pair. 280 Pairs Misses’ Pebble Foxed, Silver Tips at 1.85 per pair. 140 Pairs Child's same quality, Silver Tips at - 1.00 per pair. 200 Pairs Child’s same quality, No Tip, at 1.50 per pair. DO Pairs Ladies' Cloth Top Pebble Fused Roots at - - 2.05 per pair. 90 Pairs Ladies’ Cloth Top Kid Foxed Routs at - - - 2.5(1 per pair. 90 Pairs Ladies’ Cloth Velvet Tops, 1 to 3, at - - - - 0.50 per pair. 180 Pairs Child's Extra Fine Velvet Top, Kid Foxed, 7 to 10, at 2.15 per pair. Which isjan average REDUCTION of alout 13 per cent, cn fonner prices A greater varictyfof Gentlemen’s Ilacd-Slitched Work than can be found in any house in the State. Every article in the above list equal to all thut is claimed for it, and reclamation made in every instauce when it fails to give sat isfaction. The ONE PRICE RULE, as heretofore, will be strictly adhered to, and every effort made to accommodate and please customers. 2SL33ESINr^LI^r 9 *1 226 Broadlstreet, (TIiMK DOORS BELOV THE CENTRAL HOTEL) Augusta, Ga. Iff O 3T 43 3OT <> y r I > nANKFI L for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me by nty Berko friends, I take greu 1 pleasure in announcing to them that I have enlarged my etor’o, v. hieh will enable me To KEEP A STILL LARGER AND BETTER STOCK OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., Which lavHl continue to sell at astonishingly low prices and, in spite of all opposition, will endeavor to M IKE THIS THE 111-11 l BIN! sill! Being Convenienty Situated near the Lower Market, No. 13(5 Broad Rtreet, Augusta, Grit. IfT None of my Burke friends should fail tn give me n call, ns mv goods will be cheerfully shown, and comparison in pricea and quality is respectfully invitee! PRICES ARK MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES TO WHOLESALE BUYERS A LIVING DISCOUNT ALLOWED. OVIIDES. CAREFULLY EXECUETB! N. B.—A large stock of NEW FALL GOODS has just come to hand. O. J. T. EALKL, 136 Brotad tree, Near the Lower Market, Augusta, Ga. PLUMB & LEITNER, DRUGGISTS, 212 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. p ADDITION TO THEIR LARGE STOCK OF OILS, PAINTS, rfSBS, PURE MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BriTTSHBS, PERFUMERY FISH-HOOKS and LINES. Have now on hand, and will continue to keep a large and well sassorted stock of both NATIVE and IMPORTED ari cx P (!r 'ence of the last Fourteen _rW/*G ■ Li£[j Years, we have no hesitation in recotn -I,fflMilt'll iCii Y mending these justly celebrated Garden Seeds as fully equal, if not superior, to any C , t 0 i’ * n Gic United States. Our ariangementa arc such that we can supply Country dealers on more advantege °us terms than they can buy of other ! PLJUMB &ILE!TN ER. AUGUSTA, CIEORGIA. jao2o-ly II $2 a year, in advance. Waynesboro’ Advertise i/ts. rami fresh iii 111 AM) OM()\ SETS. SOMETHING NICE, NEW AND USEFUL: The Warren Hoc', SOLD AT AGENTS PRICE, $1.50. J3TTIIUSE SIZES CA LI, AND SEE THEM. Great Sensation!!! Terribly Exctted Crowd AT MOSES’ TO SEE OPENED HIS SECOND SUPPLY OF fall and winter I — f°> — Ladies?’ Dress? Goods: Supor French Meriuos, Magenta&l3lue. Silk Plaid Poplins, Silk Luster. Alpacas, Black, White and Blue. Hand Embroidered Poplinets. Coburgs, Lead and Red, for shawls, D Lain?, all wool. Net and Worsted Shawls. Wolseys, all prices. Stripes and Check Cottons. Bleached and Unbleached White Goods. Ribbons—Belt Sash aud Narrow, all Varieties. 1 lOSI KR Y: Black Silk Stockings, Ladies’ and Chil dren's Cotton and Marino. Men’s and Boys', White, Striped and Colored Socks. SHOES: Ladies’ Drew aud Common Cloth, Calf an 1 Kip. Boys’ and Men's Sewed and Pegged Gaiters and Shoes. Children's and Infants Shoes, all sizes. CI.OTIIING-, KTG: Mcu and Youths’ Ready-made Cluthing. Gents’ Underwear. Linen and Paper Collars, Suspenders, Gauntlets. CU PLERY. Rodgers’and other makes. Leather and Shoe Findings. Family Ufi oceries: All Kinds. Jollies, Nuts, Raisins and Almond-. Fine and Common Whiskeys, Gin and Brandy. Fine Mackerel, sc. each. MEAL always on hand. AT MOSES’. dec7-ly oc?G “ mlEßliflm - I HAVE ASSOCIATED MR. J. M. OUT LAW with me in business, under tile nameand style of' WILKINB&CO. Thank ful lor the most liberal patronage extended me, a continuance of the same is solicited. \Y. A. WILKINS. Waynesboro’, Ga., Nor. 22,1872. J no. D. Munneilyn, A GENT FOR THE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS Insurance Companies: The New York Life, Cash Assets, $18,500,000. Liverpool and London and Globe, Cash assets $21,000,000 gold. “ (America) 3, *OO.OOO. Andes Fire, of Ohio $1,000,000. Georgia Mutual Protection. .—— -r- • - Clerk's ('Hire, Cocit-house Squaie, je‘22 Waynesboro’, Ga. - 111 Cl EORGIA, BURKE COUATI. X In Suu’k Court foh said County. DARLING P. DUNCAN ) v*. > Libel for Divorce. ROSA DUNCAN. ) It appearing from the Sheriff’s return in the above stated case, that tho defendant was not to he found in his bailwick, and it further appear ing that, the said defendant resides out of the State of Georgia, it is hereby ordered that cita tion issue as required by law, in such cases, to the said defendant, requiring her to be and ap pear at the noxt Term of Burke Superior Court, to he held on the Third Monday in May, 1973, then and there to make tier answer, or defensive allegation in writing, to the Plaintiff’s Libel for Divorce; as in default thereof the Court nil! proceed according to tbe statutes in such cases made and provided. GEORGIA—BURKE COUNTY. ) Clerk's Office, Summon Count S A true nUaut from tho minutes of Burke Su perior Court, May adjourned Term, 1872. Witness my official signature and seal of [seal ] of office this November 19th, Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-two. JOHN D. MUNNERLYN, C.S.B.C. nov23-mlm RULES FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING: Sale* qf land, etc., hy Adniiuit/ratnr*. Executor*, or liuimtinn* arc requir' and hy tine to be held on Ifie ,/i rot Tuctifny in the month, h> ween the hour* of ten in the forenoon nnd thier in the (\fternoon, at the j coml-humt in the conniy in which the firvpeily u i nitwitted. Notice* of three milt-* inner be given in a jioti'ic gutetti in the county where the hind lii*}(f ! therein mny. Notionfor the tale of pertunal properly I mutt be giren in like manner ten tiny* preriout to .Hill day Nollies to Debtor* nnd Creditor* of an | estate mael he III! hi is hi 1 1 forty day*. Nntiee that an i plication will he made to the Court of Ordinary for I have to sell hind, etc . mutt tic imhlish. il one. a week ' for four week*. Citation* fur Del ter* of /and mini* trillion , Guardianthip, etc., inuet be puhll heil thirty day*. Far din.i**iov from Administration and ft erut r*h ,i, three men!hi -di*mi**itn from Gdird ianthip, forty day*. Huh * for Foreclosure of Mart, gave mud he puhlithed monthly for four month*. Ff rttahliehinr lo*t paper*, for' the full */are qf ; tin et month*. For compelling title* from Admit fa. , trulor* ir Krerutirr *, where hand hni Iren given by i reenned three month*. Application for Uoivitrnd rnu*i he puhlitheil hrire. f PnhHcntian* trill gave /|/ ntiniml according to these requirement* unit** olTwrwite ordered \ KT One inch, or about eighty ward*, it u equare; fraction* counted a* full tqunrtt SNO.IB. Augusta Advertisements. At Mrs. N. Drum ( lurk’s AUGUSTA, GEORG Switches, Braids, Curls and Puffs, Chignons, Frizzettes, Rolls and “Rats,” Lncc nnd LinenNlollars, Cuffs, Velvet, Straw, and Alpine Hats, Ermine, Swan’s Down, Capes and Muffs, Ribbons, Flounces, Feathers, Mats, Cords nnd Tassels, Fringes Braid— Everything in Fancy trade. tic Remcrnncr Best Assorted Stock in the city at 251 BROAD STREET, Handkerchfs, Hosiery. V, ils, Velveteen, Silks, Satins, Gilt Braid, Tassels, Stars, &c. Crape, Crape Col lars, Crape Veils, &c. Fancy Dry (ioods and Millinery AT CI^AR.K.^S. oec2l-tt PLANI ERS REAR IN MIND THAT THE following GUANOS, for sale hy us, are un surpassed by any that is now upon the market: ZELL’S SUPERPHOSPHATE, Cash, $00: Time, SOS. COTTON STATES GUANO, Cash, $00.00! Time, SOS. STERNFEI/S DISSOLVED CONE, Cash, $00; Time, SOS. PLANTERS SOLUBLE GUANO, Cash, $55; Time, S6O. CUMBE RLA N D SUPERPHOSPHATE, Cash, $55; Time, SOO. STONO SOLUBLE GUANO, Cash, $55.00: Time, SOO. STONO ACID PIIOSPIIATT, Cash, $:!0.00 ; Time $35. * * ■ ..■ JENNINGS, SMITH k CO., COTTON FACTORS, Augusta, Geohoia. —o — R. H. MILT,EDGE, GENERAL AGENT, WAYNESBORO, - - - GEORGIA. dec2 I-3m IMPORTANT NOTICE TO Hotels, Boarding Houses, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. r pHE UNDERSIGNED ARE, NOW PRE -L PARED to supply Hotels, Boarding- Houses, and private families with the Choicest BEEF, Veal, Mutton. Lamb, Fork, Spare Ribs, Pork Sausage, Roasting? Rigs* CAM IE, Kte., Etc., IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. All our Meats are warranted FRESH, and of the BEST KIND. OUR CORNED BEEF, Put tip by our Mr. Lawbexce, is superior to any front New York Fulton Market. ALSO, we keep a FIRST-CLASS Family GFrooery, well stocked with all kinds of Family Sup plies, including CANNED FRUITS, FISH, MEATS, PICKLES, JELLIES, Etc.' t%T Send your Orders or Baskets to us, and wo will fill them and ship bv earliest train direct, atj theJJLo west Market Frices. Wo will, also, fill any order from custom ers for articles that are not in our line such as Fish, Oysters, Vegetables,‘Bakers’ Bread, etc. We are confident of giving satisfaction and ask only a trial. LAWRENCE & RIGSBY, 114 Broad Street, And Stall 10 Lower Market, nov3o AUGUSTA, GA. THOMAS RICHARDS & SON, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND DEALERS IX 263 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. ESTABLISHED 1827. KEEPCONSTA NTLY ON HAND a LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS <fc SIZES OF BHi-A-IsTIEt BOOKS. Foolscap, Letlcr, Vote, and all other Writing Paper and every article of Stationery used in Counting Rooms and Public' Offices. a r,so, A great variety of Fancy Goode to meet tho wants of Country Merchants Any Book will ho sont bv mail, free of ox ponse, on receipt of Publishers’ price oel9-3m trt per (,i W' Agent* wanted I A1 " olaseea of working people, of eltiter sex, young or old, make more money at work for ue in their spore moments, or all tbe time, |h*i at anything else. Particular* free. fj. Stinson t* Cos., Portland, Maine. „ov9 -t*