Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, September 25, 1872, Image 4

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The Daily Enterprise, m iro\, %.. HPTT f ti, i*w. From the LotiUvllle Ledger] I.MMM *;>(T. ItV FICBI'HICA. M ii*i% heart*) ure their eloquence -Milton -aid ; Then ’tU from the heart, and not from the head, True eloquenc e Mown. Thl* tj true. I believe, for think you right Well Oi all the bright imiucn that in hintorjr andW 1 11, The brightest are tb >**<•., Who, disdaining wrong and honoring good, Have reared thomw l vet up Into noble manhood; Worshipping ?no**t Thone great, higher lawa which mean aOula deny, l'lioae eternal troth* 1 tint weak fool defy, And ftcorft to their cost. I can look from my window, tid* morning, On the rich, green foliage adorning The glorious hill * ; And Uie|r beauty throha In my very blond, And jHJur* o'er my Mild u rapluroua Uood, That inadch ns and frirtlla : Not a shade, not a tint of the ehunging 1! Id, Not a poling or dec pitting of colnni bright, But is a sweet appeal More eloquent far, than song, word or story, And makes me wonder ut the strange* glory Of all 1 fed hike the fragrance of flowers, fresh and fair, hike the rush of small wings through the ah, hike music of brooks ; Like songs of the Insect, and whispers low Of the long, lush grasses that lowly grow lu the shudy nooks ; hike wat tiling of bird*, and roar of tint eea, And nil tlie w ild sweetness and melody Of nuluiu's song, Is the music tiwttct of */ lift n',H Fulfilling the purpOM foi which it wu.< • t, All the yearlong. THBY SAY THAT A Missouri journalist having inwrieil I Iml k I<oui*villu *ci ilai Inn I juHl UimovKu il Ifiui liu cut,l<t tutu in* lull rnr, the Jailor retort* tlmt the Missouri mart has lilh nftnl nppiiiitogc* iiinior uucli control a* In In utile In Inn hiiiiM-U' will, them. The following I* Ihe copy of n lirtlrr written l>y n Michigan holy to u muln nr quaiutance "Dear , couiu mol > tit HiMin. We Imvc Jiint got it new lamp that will turn ilnwti, down, down, uml inn hr the room dullciouely dark. Vortr ntfoctlouato Old Scotch la<ly “ Take it Nnuir, hli (Iciitlcniuii (w itli huge nasal promontory; indignantly) “Ito 1 look like it mintlur Old Indy “Well, 1 ciimm'jist *uy y<nl do< though 1 liiuuii say yu Into grand accom uiodationa." An Indiana wumuu, Jimt divorced, hnu written h letter of udvlcu to licr nex, in which *lie *uy* “ I would *ay to young girls, not to tnnrry young, nnd when you urti innrrlud live ul lcuM llfly miles from your huaband'a relative*.” Air. I'ut.Dounu ofthe Lcxingti>n(Mo (Cun raaian, any*ol the leader* ofthe Hlrulglitout I limit movouteul, that J uiin- Iscariot Wn* n gentleman and u Christian compared with any of them.” Although wo haven't it very high opinion ol the ntroighlout geulleuten lu ipiuatlon. we can t help lldtiklng that In thil ease Mr. Ihinnii pityh hi* friend Col. laniriot n eoinplimcnt that ih Imrdly warranted hy the fact*. An eccentric young man who reaido* at n pnhtliitl In>in ding hnnsi* on (tnturio street, Cleveland, hnu invented a very method of auiniing hlinnelf hy keeping a hair ulburn. Kvury huir lie llnda In hi* victual* I* placed lu the album, and the incident* attending the lUacovcry, with the niiiiie of the dl*h ll was found in. are entered opposite the hair, together with a supposition s* lo whom It Ixilonged, nud whether it wn* false or real, ami other in tercating particular*. lie tilled I'mtyllvc page* of the album lu two brief weeks, llui* Improving Ihe *pare moments that so many devote to idleness. Lisjfl, the eelehraled pianist, fell In lore with a Jeweller's daughter. A l“i ague Jour nal thus desiTihed the courtship "One taoniing UK- Jeweller, wining to the point with Ueriaau fratikne**, sidd to LU/, 'How do yott ilka my daughter*' Shu i* nan gel!’ 'What do you think or umrringr V ‘1 think no well i.nt llmt I have the great eit Inclination to it.' ‘Wlmt, would you *y to a fortune ol three million franca 1' ■1 would willing accept it.' ‘Well wo mi derstandoach other, My daughter please you, you please my daughter . her fortune is rcdy--bu my sou in-law.' •With nil iny heart ' liie marriage wu* Cele brated the following week.” Janir* It Mann and Marin Little figure in the reornl list ol libode Inland mitrrln ges. “Man want* but Little here below " —ltalhmore OateUt "Nor wonts that Lillie long." The San Francisco Chronicle toys “Several days since n Chinaman entered the Western Union Telegraph oflioe at noon with the billowing dispatch to n friend at Dutch Flat 'Ah Jim Ah Kuo die ten o'clock he under ground now.' The ojierator seat Ihe message, and snt down lo umse upon the celerity practiced by tlio Celestial* who bury their ruin)lves In less than two hour* alter death." TO BE LEFT TO THE DECISION OF THE FARMERS. —:<* —— fPHK question of caterpillars *ud its terrible 1 destruction of the fiooey *‘tltlv hiving, like the RTe*t fltMxl of 4d, imMi h *ttU more mofnentoo* qucMiou involve* wqnjcud conald (ration st Iht hand# of the farmers. For mtt\y 1 tnir yoan* K. Imus has MU-iad to tin* wauls of the traveling public; and to tlio funner*, the very Ik me amt sinew of our beloved South, he has taken special pains to make them fret at home while in the city. Ilia tablet* arc tilled and the usual % ‘a!low*oclmr” la not “allow* bis.** Indeed you get what you call for uud that without sum. Now the question l* Will tie Farmers Stprt Him ? This question U propounded with the conti deiUM that will be announced with tlmt little hut expreuMSiVc mono* Gable which is so famil iar with vouiur people cntujiorvd of each other —yea! The sturdy farmer* knowa Us) well the cooihut that await hiiu at the ISAACS HOUSE. FT. ,Tt *3 fi. v.“. . r, ( Tn aurvrer oUtervrtse than fllrrualli*!y to the sbovi üßni.uw*t qui- Wlillc on tin' subject Mr. Inuu- wl*ki't> to ssy that his patronage ha* so incrvastHt ** to r >iu[,-i hua U> provitlt: tauru atutMv. au* oumio- Uim*. and Uml he lot* luaaod large uud *try ruout* of Hurt'* new building adjoluihg hi* own. A line tmr If attached to Hit* lu>u*A T. ISAACS, Proprittor Uisloo. Chmrrr Mr* >l. Wanted-.A HOUSE. ■f 17 ANTED a auml! 3 or 3 roomed house, 1 IT in the vieiiiit? of Uc EnUrprioe oflUx. Poasossion wanted October Ist Addnws BOX K. wrtf Mmcod. si. [SIMMON Si This unrivalled Medicine i warranted not to contain a single particle of Mr.n< cut, or any iniuriouH mineral Auiatlauce. hut m IM ICIIV Msllt Illsi:. For FORTY YEAKH it has proved it# great value, in all dlscaMoaof the Livrh, Bowki.m and Kiomhvh. TliouHatidn of the i;ood and nr eat in all purta of the country vouch for it* wonder ful and peculiar powrin purifying the Bi*oon. shrnul ttlnic tl. b-r|>ld Divfit and Bowms, und Ifnpnrtlftp new l.irand Vipm*to the wlmb #vs* tun. HiMMON’BLIVERKEOI LATOUlauc knowledircd to have no equal u* a M% in m:, It contains four medical element-, never uni ted in the name happy proportion in any other nrejmration, viz : a penile Lathartie, a wonder nil Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative And a certain Corrective of all Impurities of the body. r4( AMCeeen ban atletided its* Ul C, that it Ih now as tbu Creui C nflailin^ for Liven < owri.AiM nufl the painful < dir print; thereof, to wit: DYMi’KPriIA, roNVUIW TANARUS: iN, .laundlee,Milliour attack:', M< K II KM) /\ IIK, folic, !)pn-don of fcpiriU hOi ll HToMAC'II, lieart Burn, tVc., Vc. the Liver amij#re\ent 4 1111.C.S t M> I I t I.IL HIMMONH' LIVER REt.t LATOK I mnnufieinre<l b? .s. it. zi:is.i > A. hi., Macon, ha., *mi I’iiii.adi'.i.l'liia. Prli i' SI pi-r park*::''; *ai,l l>T mail, ]<*lagv piiiij, SI.“A I'ri'pa’rird ii-mlv for ii--.:ln holth ■: 1 Ml. hul.l) IIV U.l. IIKI 1,1.1. I. * jS“Hrwur** ul till Cumiti:rfrU amt ItulUtLlun*. ua sau KAILUO.VIt TIME M HEIM LK. Cniutv'rt of Kfihmln.o. ‘ I 1 • lit! I N I K> lIKNT'h Ok V II I', i r-oi ill Wi i i:i;s Baii.i:<u o ( 0., /• Macon, (hi., June IM, IH7J. ) (vN nnd After Sunday, MiUi ins! , BuHnenKcr / 'iiaiii on t?ii* Road, will run n foi lowa : DAY Kl KACI.A I'AMHISAOKII TIIAIN. Leitvu Macon .... a. m. Arrive ut Kufnula . . . *1:43 *. m. Arrive at Clayton . 0:1ft P. M. Arrive at Albany . . . 2:40 i*. m. Arr ive at Fort (iaines . . 4:40 p. m. Connecting with the Alimny Drancli Train at Binithvlllc And witli F(rt (iainea Branch Train At Cuthhert duily. i*eave Clayton . • 7:‘JO A. m. Leavw Kumiiln . . . H M) a. m. Leave Fort Ualnes . . . H:Mft a. u. Leave Albany .... 10:4ft a. m. Arrive at Mat-on . . . f:'Jft I*. m. rufaula moiit fhkiout and accommoia- TION TRAIN. Leave Macon .... 0;10 I*. M. Arrive At Ki.faula , . a. m. Arrive at Albany . K:(ft a. m. Arrlveat Fort toilltr.s . 11..YJ a. m. Connect st Binithvlllc with Albany Train on Monday, Tnemlny, 'rhuradriy and Friday niifhta, and at (-nthhcrl. on 'l’liceday mid 'l'huiisday. No train Ic-uves on Saturday nights, igcavti Eufaula .... f Ift P. u . Leave. All mbv . M 0 r. m. Leave Fort Caines . I iO i*. m. Ar rive ut Macon . . . f>;‘Jo A. M. coi.t’Mnm hay paa knoru twain. Leave Macon .... ft:4ft A. m. Arrive at Columhus . 11:1ft a. m. LeaVo Columbus . . 4:10 I*, m. Arrive at Macon O Jkftp. m YIlBilL POWERB, 00 1y ■cr and Huperin tend cut. Chant'd of Schodulc. 8C I’KUI NTEN DKNT'B OKKCK, j .M acon A llhi nhwii k Uaii.hoaH Cos., > Macon, (ia., June 18, I*7 J. ) (vN and aft l r Sunday Juno 18th, 1' . ’, trains / will run an follows : DAY ACCOMMODATION THAI N DAILY. Leave Macon s ‘.*d a. m. Arrive at JoHUp ft: r > P. m. Arrive at BrunbWlck .10:00 j*. m. l.eavu Brnuawtck I bO A. M. Arrive at Josup o:4ft a. m. Arrive at Macon ft:*X) p. m. Connects clonely at Jcaup with train a at At lantic and (inlf lhiilnuul, to and from Savannah ami Florida. HAWKINHVII.I.i: TWAIN DAILY, (Al NDAYH M CKPTBD. > Lomn r Maeon ? oft P. M. Arrive at lluwklnAvillo ♦::U> i* m. Leave liawklnaville 0 a. m. Arrive at Macon 10:80 a. m. \YM Ma KKA. ft**t tf (General Superintendent. Chnnjjo of Snhodulc. WKrtTKUN .v ATLANTIC KAI Lift •A1 >, I Atlanta, (Ja., April 17,1573. \ On and after Sunday, the Ulst Instant Day Train (outward) leaves Atlanta HHO M., Connecting at Kingston with TiIROUtSII FAST I.INK TO N K\Y ORLEANS Day Kassemrcr NEW YORK FAST I.TNK leave Atlanta 4:oft l*. w , Connecting at Dalton with FAST TKNNR9rKK TIIHOCOU LINK TO NliW YORK TIM K 4S UOl ICS 80 MINI TKB ! Niifht Vaaocmrer Fust Line to New Y r <'rk, leaves Atlanta 11:10 r* m., via Fast Tenmvsi-e and Hcorgtlh at i>albn, or * OffiCTTANOOHA VT 1 11 \TT VNOOOA TtMB 54 HOURS. Day Fassonter (Inward) through from New York via East Ti’une.ssi-c, Arrives at Athurta B:ftoiv m Posaencrr rtnvnurd) through from New York via East Tennessee or Louisville, Arrives at Atlanta 1 :>() a. m. K. 1L WALKER, Master T ranapiMwUotn. HOME MADE FERTILIZER I*OR - Wheat, Oats, Barley, Grasses, Etc 'I'MIK .xp. i.. iux' of U.o l*ul it tonllrm* 1. thi ,x)vlf>a i with Our Home KerilUnfr The prioo for the i-ouilng -’“ '.u will t>. j-iu Ut for onough tu make ouo Ton. lUuMfjtviu.x, Ua,, Sept. 1, l*7.\ ns. 11l XT, UANIiIN .V LAM.VK, flent* T u**d your Ilotn.. Moilc Vrrtillter by Uk* shlo of X 'Sni Fowl, ami SoluMr Pauitic. .ijuiU number of poiuiJ* to the raw. amt 1 biiuk the Home M.u’.e i* bettor than cither of U>e .>thci*. It i* my Intention to u*c no other aiKitlur cxr. Yoit'rs tttilv, J P. MoLscx. VYg will sell to I’iiUftcrs now at tho eu.ti prior 6j sixty day* time for aoeoptauce. HI NT, KAXKIN & LAMAK, ■Wholesale Droggists. ISATSfi I*2 and S4 Cherry Street. THE ENTERPRISE JOB ■ ESTABLISHMENT rf < ■ > N IS NOW I’kKPAUED TO EXRCUTH ALL KINDS OF PRINTING! SUCH AS CARDS, DILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, DILLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC., Ami ill a style isjual to any. Extensive additions are daily being made to our STOCK AND MATERIAL Win. . very effort will be made to render satisfaction unto all who nmy favoi us with their pataonage. PROMPTNESS! IN THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERV OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASON ABLE PRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINE. NEATNESS! OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHALLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Address, liim-s, ftVing; tV PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. ♦ PRINTING It lias been tin* custom heretofore, and will probably remain so to a great extent, for our merchants and business men generally to send North to have their printing done, simply because it can be done there at a little lower figure than here. If our people would discontinue patronizing such men, they would soon see the policy, if not the jus tice, in having their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured in the South, and hence the merchant must send where it is made, but here we have printing offices all around us, doing work nt a very small advance ou northern prices, and still the work is sent away. We hope the time i/ not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in terests and patronize home institutions. It is a wrong practice ami should bp condemned. i BOSTON •—AND— Savnnnali Strain ship Line. SAILING DAYS—THRIOTTI ‘iOTII ant. DOTH OK EACH MONTH. TOW rut*, of frel/ht nnd Insurance. Flr*t j (Ins* passenger" accommodation*. Order your good* .kimi'd by "Boston nnd Savannah SO urn-kip Line," and avoid all delay and extra handling. RIOUAUD9ON A BAKNAHD, Agent, Savannah, Ga. F. NICKHItSoN .V CO., Agent*, 181-20S Bob ton. j. A. ME* Commission Llcrchant, isa hay sTitrr/r. Bet. WLltaker nnd Bnriinrd St., Savannah, Ga. All orders will receive prompt ntt •• Hon Con signments of idl kinds respectfully solielted. lsi-aot) host & McKenzie, Cotton aal Commission MKBCIIAWS, lliw Itay Street, Saratinali, Ola. XBl-i9 MEYER, COHEN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, t> tSronjj Iston St.,ftiavannali, <*a Merehnnt* . applied ut New York Market 181COU Price*. a. s. ti.DiA a i:im„ COM MISSION MERCHANTS , -AM) — Ih*.tiers in Fruits, Fish nnd -Produce, No. 96 Bay BL, Savannah, Ga. ('mhitcnim*nth M>!ieitt*d. Orders promptly attended to. 181-2014 • ■ UfOKTHK <>!' ( KOUiGlir, GhiMSVYarr wwd 4 , liiusi, And Dealer in House Furnisliing Hoods, 142 Congress nnd 111 St. Jnlinn Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. 181-80!) KIRKSEY & SCOTT, COTTON FACTORS —ANI> — COMMISSION lIHKCIIAHTS, Kelley’* Block, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Liberal advancements made on consignments. 181-209 F. W. SIMS & CO:, Cotton Tactors and Gcitei'til Commission IVlerchants SAVAHMAII, ii IiOKUI.I. Bagging and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ment*. Money promptly remitted. 181-209 A. 11. CHAMPION. o*o. C- PItEIIMAX. K'SIYM !*!< A. VBJSEJIA.I, Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, GA, 181-209 L. n. winrrMe. geo. vv. gustin. wieixtiyi .v tii srm, ITTOIEMiYX, Ac... AT CAW, TVTO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, IN MACON, GA. 8:1-107 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA., J NO. W. CAMERON & CO., ' PKOrRIDTOIIS. A first class house in every respect, 181-209 _ ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE ono cent a pound aa uu*d. No rtoe in price now or hereafter. IV. T. CAItLOS, Wholesale mid ifetail Grocer, DGAI.EU IS FBI ITS, S’SStl, ETC., Mulheriy Street, oppooite lamicrHouse, 68-tf Macon, Ga. NOTICE. H AVING recently refitted the old stand of Geo. 1). Lawrence, near the Brown House, I am now prepared to furnish REFRESH MENTS to tho public. 100-177 Z. B. AVHEELER. ANNUAL" FA I R —OP THE— Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION or GEORGIA, \\J ILL commence at their Fair Grounds nt V\ Savannah, Guorgiuf MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1n72, And continue six days. The central Railroad passes by .the grounds. i For i’remium List or information, address .1. 11. ESTII.L, Secretary, 183-td Savsnuali, Ga. Arrival, nnd t ol* .llail*. Arrive. Close. Macon .V Augusta It. R. Waj and Milledgeville .7:401*. v. 7p.m. Augusta imd Carolina* 7r. M. Macon A Brunswick 2:25r. m. 7x. m. Macon and Atlanta and West ern States i Night Train)..7:Bo v m. 4:80 pm (Dv Train) O.IOr. m. 0:10 a m Musoogee R. 1L \Vay Colutn hus tip. M. 7p.m. S. W. R. K. (Day Train) 4:85r. M. 7A. M. . Amerieus iuh! Enfaula (Night Train) 7 p.m. C. R. R. Wav Savannah and Northern (Day Train) 4:51 p. m. 7a. m. Northern, Savannah and Ea ton . Night Train) 5:15 a. m. 5:20 p m Hawkinsville daily (Sundays excepted '. 10:30 A. M. 2pm ClintuH—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12 M. 12:30 pm Jeffersonville and Twiggs ville, Wednesday 7 a.m. Wednesday 3:25 p. BY BREAD WE LIVE. cpilE undersigned has established a first class X BAKERY where our citizens can obtain bread that is bread. My wagon will supply citizens at their residences. 1 use only the best flour and materials v. 128-140 MARK ISAACS. Building Lot For Sale. SITUATED near Tatnall Square, within a _ few steps of Mercer University. Address E. C . Box K.. Macon, Ga. AA MONTH easily made with Stencil ?PZ*)Uanil Key-Cheek Die*. SeeureClrcu lur and Samples, Jeee. 8. M. Spescem, Bnittlc boro, Vt. rpo THR WORRING CftiAtMl, JL male or female, t*in a week Is guaranteed. KeslK-etuhle employment at home, day or eve ning; no eapllal rvijuircd; full Instruction* and valuable package of goods to start with sent hy mail. Address with ti cent return stump. M. YOUNG A CO., 10 Courtlundt St , New V ork. RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS AGENTS, we will pay you ?40 per week in call), if yon will engage wiiliu* at once. Every thing furnished and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELI.S & CO., Charlotte, Mich. AOENTB WASTSD—• th Lit*, of Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN fflfc of all portie*. Over 40 Stool 4 ortraite. worth twice the cost of the boo!:. Wanted everywhere. Agents have wonderful success. Semi lor Circulars. Address ZEIGI.EU A McCTRDY, 518 Arch Street, Ehiladelphla, i’u. A f \ 17)'\Trpr* WANTED fur the An- A(jLlt lu toblography of HOR RACE GREELEY. ’1 he best and only Edition written by himself; and for our 1572 CAM -I’AiGN MANUEL, a book of the times fur all parties. Illustrated. One Agent sold SO in three days. Also, for Headley’s Life of Presi dent Grunt, and SpU-ndid Portraits of Candi dates. SBOO a month made. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, SOS Broadway, N. Y. THE RECORDS OFTESTB^ fi *t LOWELL, Mass., pkoves -3 Q- S'. BI’RSHAM’S NEW TURBINE, ” flj-i.periur to all i.tilers. It gave a ally other wheel Jpinon liiiish. Bp* Pamphlet and Price hy N. F. w BURNHAM, York, Pa. SI. CLAIM HOTEL Baltimore, RRd. This New and Beautiful Hotel is now OPEN to the public. Located on MONUMENT SQUARE, convenient alike to the business man and the tourist. It is the only hotel iu Baltimore embracing elevator, suits of rooms with bath* and all other conveniencics. To accommodate Merchants, Commercial Travelers and others, the rates will be $2 per day for rooms ou the fourth and fifth Hours, making the difference on account of the eleva tion. Ordinary transient rates for lower rooms, per day. Guests desiring to take advantage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator for tiic use of the guests is constantly running, from 6 a. m. till 11 p. m. HARRY H. FOGLE, Manager. 1 BLOODaPURiriEH 1 It is not a phvsic which may give temporary relief to theiurferer for the first lew doses, but which, from continued use brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the inval id, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the poptilartiaiue of “Bitters” is so extensively palmed oil'on the public us soveregn remedies, hut itis a !..<>*. t power In I 'l'oiiii- a lid alterative, pronounced so by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris, and has been long used by the regular .physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re sults. Dr. Weil’s Extract of Mela, retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be Liken as a permanent cura tive agent. In tlieirwant oi'action in your Liver and Spleen? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, (fee.. <fec. Takcthimbeba. to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you si Dyspeptic Stomach ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ferer. Have yon ftVeahness ol’lhe Idi textliieH? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrluea or the dreadful inflammation of the Bowels. Take to allay irritation and ward off tenden cy to inflammations. BBaive you u eakness of 4le l> lerine or I rinsiry Organs? You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the system in perfect health or you are other wise in great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New York, Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for Circular. NifOiHM SCHOOL, YA. Session 18T2-73 opens Sept, :10th, 1872. WILLIAM D. CABELL, (Univ. Va.) Principal. F. Key Meade, (Univ. Va.).lnstructor in An cient Languages. Ro. L. llauuison, M. A., (Univ. Va.) Instruc tor in Modern Languages, English, etc. Tlio*. A. Beddon, (Mathematical Medalist, Univ. Va.) Instructor in Mathematics. Ro. L. Brows, (Univ. Va.) Instructor in Book keeping, English, etc. Waller llolladay, B. Sc.,C. A: M. E., (Univ. Va.) Instructor in Applied Mathematics and in Analytical nnd Applied Chemistry. D. S. G. Cabbll, (Univ. Va.) Instructor in Law. Address, WILLIAM D. CABELL, Principal, Norwood, Va. University of Virginia, May 9, 1872. To Win. I). Cabell, Esq., Principal. My Dear Sir: I have n high appreciation of tho work your School is doing for the State and Country, and of the importance of send ing you the best inrn as yonr assistants. Yours, very- truly, CHARLES H. VENABLE, 115-142 Ch'm of the Faculty, U. of Va. Hvi/rmoKi: FEMALX COLLEGE Was incorporated ns a regular College in 1*43, with power to confer degree*. It was liber ally endowed by the state of Maryland in IS<O, and affords every facility for a thorough and accomplished Education. It enjoys the i*itron age of tlie Middle. Southern and Western Suites. Catalogues mav be hade at thisbffice, or of N C. BROOK. L.L.D., President, Baltimore, Md. THE "LIGHT "EOMESTICfTpr “DOMIfSTIC” s. m. co., 90 Chambers St., New York, or Atlanta, Ga, 128-200 MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WliolfMulc Grocer*, 4 V*. BURDICK BROTHERS, Third street, be tween Cherry and Poplar. tf "\ X f A HLi FF, ’! lid Mrecl., corner ( berry V T • street. t [ LAWTON A BATES, Fourth street, next to Lawton A Willinghams. tf "Vf A. MAGRATH, Hollingsworth Block, _L> • Poplar street, near Fourth. 80 if Urngglst*. CY EG. PAYNE, opposite Palace uf Justice, J Macon, Go. 50 Hi B. HALL, corner of Cherry and Cotton k * Avenue. tf HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, No. Bt> uml Si Chcrry-Btrcct. tf JNO. INGALLS, corner Poplar and Fourth street, Hollingsworth block. 30-tf litiicv Groeer*. \\J P. CARLOS, No. 86. Mulberry-street, V V opposite the Ijiuier House. tf HPMWttSgß——we. BX ——- - Hewing Muelilnr*. It J. ANDERSON, llowc Sewing Mu k • chine, Cotton Avenue. 08tf “V I frown house—e. e. brown a son, J Proprietors, Opp Passengei Depot, tf Spots woo i)—t. ii. Harris, Propnetor, Opposite Passenger Depot. tf House and Psiiiiterx. \\T YNDIIAM aV: CO.,; VV Hotel. if Aliomey* lit Luw* J OHN JL WEEMS, Office, RalhtoiPa block, over ltasdal’e. ti JL WOOTEN, Oflii*, ss Wa.-liington J • block, up stairs. tf ii. GERRY, Office, Court House. AO. BACON, Office, SO Cherry-street. • 00-tf rpHOMAS li. GRESHAM, office. No. VI4 Mul- X berry street tl WHITTLE A GUSTJN, office No. 2 Cotton Avenue. I*liy*icisiik*. HJ ft W. MASON, Office, over First National X • Bank. tf Jewelers unci Watch HlakerM. JII- OTTO, under Spots wood Hotel. •. & IS OHM' Fit rlliNit ilt •>- Goods, Stoves, &c, OLIVER, DOUGLASS * CO., Third Street, between Cherry and Mulberry. tf Shoe Draicra. A | IX A KIRTLAND, 3 Cotton A remit a (id , I*l Third Street. tf Fui-nilure, Ac, \\T 'V I- P. TAYLOR, corner of Cotton i * • Avenue and Cherry-streets. ■ ‘'^ liiururas, ,Vr. I TJEKND BROS., Third Street, between iJ Cherry and Mulberry-streets. tf IJookscllcrs, Slatioiicra, Ac, Dllisic, Ac. I* J. ANDERSON, Music, Cotton Avenue. Jf I ■ 63tf Ml Guilford, wood & co., si Street. Hardware, p ARIURT A CURD, No. 05 and 07 Cherry \J Street. 4iSlf J Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. *lO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook’s WINE TAR T,o It av c more merit tliau uu y similar prepura tion ever olTeretl to the public. It is rich in the medicinal qusil ities of Tar, and nnequaled for and {sens es of the Throat and Tung’s per forming the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Coughs, It effectually cures them all. Asthma and Bronchitis. Ilos cured so many casts it has been pronounced - specific for these complaints. For pains in Breast Side or Back Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or anyEivcr Complain It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic. Kestores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food lolDlSf'st, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Prevents malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your System. Tr- Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. FCKIFY YOUII BLOOD. For Scrofula, Scrofu 'v* Inus Disettses of the •> Eyes, or Scrofula in aL- nny form. Any disease or eruption of the Skin, disease of the Liver, Rheumatism, Pimples, Old ff-Ta Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down' ©$CuL Constitutions, Syphilis, or any disease depending on a deprav ed condition of the blood, try DR. CROOK'S QryQjE SIRI'P OF Root, It lias the medical property My of Poke combined with a pre- Poration of Iron which goes at once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Com pound Syrup of Poke Root—take it and be healed. DOWIE, MOI9E & DATIS, Charleston, S C., Wholesale Agents 81-Iy For Dr. CrowF’a Remedies. BOAR.IX IT will be to the interest of boarders to apply to this office, as reasonable board and pleas ant up staira roorna can be obtained for tha summer months in a delightfal portion of tha city. 9SH