Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, September 26, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE RiACO*, GA.. HKVT.H#. IM. rvSI.UMIBIt IVKHT t>MH ■ LI ES . WING A SMITH. No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. All letter e relating to Snlnirriptton ehouldbe ad ireetrd to JAue *, Hlw <1 Smith, Macon, (la. t bmtaunit'at tone fur the jeipti thoulil l* ml itrrwnl to the he lUur. W’ cannot undertake lu return reiecteil comrnunLnUione. Weil nnthentl mini m item*, front all part < erf the State, to UetJetl. W. WATHH HICKS. Editor. ■lninncrullr lltrllni; Macok, September 23. Gen. H. L. Henning, tUc doctor for Mate at largo, will address Hm citizen* of Bibb county at the City Hall on Friday wetting 27th Instant, at 8 o'clock, P. m. As lliore will la; a nioeting of tbo Third Ward Deinoc rat it; Club at ssino time and place, they will take due notice and ar range for the same. T. Haiidkman, Jr. Chin'n. Kx. Com. the PATHEItN. ••Old men for counsel," ii the ancient advice of wisdom. lu walking our atreeU, one is luipreiiaod with the niiinhcr of hale old men, to lie Keen, at almoat all reanonnblo hours. at tending to business, or discussing the issues of the day. Thoae are starting their sons In the path of honor and of wealth, and tlime arc wishing that they could com mand the strength and vigor of the paat, that they might lake a vlgoroua hand in the event* of thi* day. We are fond of heating tlieae Nestors discourse. They are full of rich memories They tako one hark to the old daya of Whiggcry, and “Tippecanoe and Tyler too," and bring up, freali and exciting the iHKiiea of •• log cabin and hard elder ’’ time*. They picturo with vivid reality the political giant* who then divided the opinion* nod the auirrngea of men, and with pardonable guato, praise the almdowa of the mighty. "What do you think of the present content?" we ventured to ask one of tlieae grand old veturana "Mr,” he answered with excitement, "this Is tho greatest campaign Hint ever stirred tlic country. These Hines are thrilling, and 1 wish 1 werti twenty year* younger." "But you have not given ns your opin ion f tho issues ?" “Well, sir," said lio, “I liaurd Hen. Hill’s |H-och Hie other evening, and he struek the key nolo of my convictions. The safety of this country depends on Hie ro concillalion of the different section* and laces. Peace is not yet declared. We lire yelin Hie thick of the fight, and must con tlnuc to buttle away until Hie basis of reconcliiaUou, os laid down lu the Liberal plaltonn, nnd adopted by Hie American Demoomry, is ratified by tho whole peo ple." "What is your opinion of the prospect ?’’ we ventured to ask. " I am an old man, sir, ami am not cer tain of my ability to interpret the present status of the people, hut it is my conviction Hint tbe people—onr peojilo— sre ready for Hie reconciliation, but I must believe Hint some of our lenders Are unwilling, nnd 1 fear they will defeat llio plan In my tiones, I feel the fire of hope, nnd If I could speak to be board, 1 would earnestly urge upon all tbe people, to rise in their might, and throw off the galling sliackies of un worthy leadership, and unite on the Dem ocratic-Liberal basis." “ Have you formed nn opinion of Hor ace Greeley ns n leader in Ibis movement ?” we nsked. Our old friend straightened tip at thi* question, aud. in substance, said "1 bate loug known the character of Mr. Greeley, and have a slight |>eiannul acquaintance of him, having met him in Washington many years ago. I do not hesitate to trust Mr. Oreo ley, though I used to think Hint hanging was 100 good for hiiu. I lieliovc him to tie thoroughly honest aud incorruptible, nod one who will die before violating a single pledge lie has made Asa Southern man, I have been oppos to Greeley all my life, and have been out spoken iu that opposition . but, iu the contest now raging nnd yet to come. 1 look U|xm my old opponent as the fittest leader on the conservative National side, aud arrange myself uuequivocally under his banner, lie will not betray us—if bs is elected. He will be Just to all, aud parti san to none. Like myself, lie is growing old, and can have no amhillou to blot the close of a long record. He will rather desire to undo what lie may have wrong fully done in the past, aud leave the rough world In which he lias been sufficiently hiimlled. wafted out to eternity by Hie ap proving breath al all good men," The aged wrinkled face of our old frieud became radiant with the glow of ether year i when hi* eloquent seuteuces struck tire iu every soul, aud the forum trembled with ap plause. We left bis side withan inspiratlou sufficient for tbe remainder ol this campaign That brave old Homan, leaning on liis staff waved hi* wiUicred hand after us, and a tbiu tremulous voice followed the wuphal- , ic gesture, and these words were the but den It bore "God bless you and Hie work in which you are engaged , 1 wish 1 was twenty years younger ! " It was as though a baud, a brave baud, waved its encouragement from out Hie shadows of eternity, and the voice let down a tieuediclieu from tbe skies. Se rene old fathers of Georgia! may your closing days be goldened by the rising suu of peace and reconciliation, and may you tie gathered to your desired rest, beneath llie quiet shades of a bappv. prosperous, redeemed nnd united commonwealth! And we, beneath tbe spell of your noble examples aud words. will eudeavor to prove ourselves worthy to walk in your until we meet for aye in tbe re tarici of equitable repose I VOTER MIT HI IT'IT. Our friend Han* l level in hi* head and politic*, lie < t much given to talk. He quietly attend* to id* buHlnc**, and 1* rapidly unaasing a handsome fortune. Here i* what lie ha* to ay, and, we ask bis pardon, for endeavoring to reproduce Irrokca dialectwe' think all the more of what he say* because he cannot get hi* good old fadcrlaud tongue, to twist itself aiound our üborniuable Knglish, “Veil, I vaa told you Ven I coind to dot bluee und di* Macon, vo vos uix. Mon ish, uciu I Hrcns, neln I Vorick nein I Mien got, vc vaa von unhappy—mail you call um I Veil, Meester Nullin', voii goot man py— ' Ho vo* not brout, an van kind to me. Vorick, lie gief. Monish, von feefty 10l liar, and kind vordt* I MIK.N HOT I VOTKS MIT NtJTTIM I" Our friend Han* is not alono in his esti mate of one of our candidates for the Leg islaturo. The biggest sort of a crowd will also VOTE MIT NtJTTIN'. Kvery mechanic, every laborer, every poor man, every self made man, every property-bolder, every merchant, and all who love their, country, and desire peace, prosperity, union and fraternity, will vote for Cliurles A. Nutting He is the friend of ull. Hu is the bunsfaclor of all Hu is approachable to all. Hu will be true to the interest of ull. He believes in the right* of ull Charles A, Nutting is the man, and the ticket on which his name is found Is the ticket to vote. ■ —-♦ ♦ THAT ■KNOMITIO.T. The Democracy of Jiibb county repudi ate* the resolution which was offered by Mr. llcst, at u recent meeting, when dele gates were chosen for the Congressional Convention. Wo knew It would be so, and therefore, in the name of our brethren, condemned and repudiated It us soon as we saw it The resolution moved by Hon. Thomas Hurdcmau, and seeouded by lion. Clifford Anderson, at a largo meeting of the Hibb county voters, on lust Halurday, puts the whole matter at rest, und affirms Hie true Democratic doctrine. Ills as fol lows Unsolved, That every person who now affiliates with, or will act witli tbo Demo cratic party in tbo approaching election, without reference to previous party asso elation, tie cordially invited to participate In lids meeting. ’l’lie Dlcctliin l,uw. "All election* hereafter to lie held in Ibis .Stale under tho constitution and laws thereof, except fur member* of Congress, Presidential elector* and county officers, shall l*i held on tho tlrwt Wednesday in Oc tolH-r of tlic particular year lu which, un der tbe constitution, election* nru to be held nt the place e ettabliehed by late, under the election hurt of this State.” Approved Aug. 30, 1872. Tbe election here ordained will be held next Wednesday, and will be for Govern or, Henator*. nnd Representatives Time Is short. Every man lias a duty—lot him set about it in time. —— The l,ermre, Wo hope our readers w ill bear in mind Hint an opportunity will lie given thorn on Saturday evening next, to bear tho great est living American orator—Dr William K. Mtinsey, of Baltimore. It is said Hint Dr. Munscy’s powers of analysis aud dis cription exceed those of the ablest think ers and speukers of modern time*. Hi* subject for next Saturday evening is : Man, —a subject well calculated to bring out Lis peculiar abilities. Tho lecture will be delivered at First Street Church, tlic trustee* having tendered tliut tine building, freo of charge. Tickets may be obtained nt all tho Book Stores. Tine Election Next Wbiinksday 1* not for Congressmen, but for State officeis only, namely For Governor , for Sena tors . for Representatives. Our candidates for llio offices, brought before Hie people by duly authorized conventions ami meet ings are .- For Governor—James M. Smith. For Senator—Thus. J. Simmons. For Representatives from Bibb county— C A. Nutting, A O, Bacon, aud A M Lockett. Every Democrat and every Liberal, it is hoped, w ill vote for Hie whole ticket. No one can foresee tbe disasters that may fol low it* defeat, and its defeat will lie chargeable to the Democrats and non af filiating Liberals. If your sense of duty tails to arouse you to action, we have no excitnnts to employ. You must save your selves. An t’lear um Mini. A drug establishment, applied to for au advertisement for this ‘paper, declined peremptorily to patrouixe Hie Entkumusb because we published Mr. Jeff Ding's an swer to tbo Telegraph and Messenger, yes terday. This is very tine indeed—remarka bly fine. It shows Umt our drug friend is a genuine patriot, and does uot allow him self to be physicked by truth, honor, fair dealing, or charity. He belongs to tbe “whit* man'* party," and that party is who sell* drugs on street. Next we shall expect to hear that onr pa triolic friend refuses to sell snuff' aud tliiugs to "niggers" because well, lie cause they have the right to suuff if they choose. We don’t know whether the Entkk phisk can survive so great a ’drug’ or no. Hut tbe editor is hopeful. We dou't pro pose to build our house on that petra or pet roe The World say*. A too-uiuch married Georgia gentleman is Involved in a little legal difficulty ou account of having cow hided his mother-in-law and ail her daugh ters. including his wife. Who is he ? FROM WASHINGTON. Homeward Bound—Preparing for the Winter Campaign—Prospects of the “Third House"-Th* Credit Mobilier Swindles and Bribes—Caning Ed itor—Etc., etc. From Oar Own Correspondent. J Washington, September 2.1, 1872. After a long season of enjoyment at the sea side, our good President is announced to return to Washington this week, to re main for the season. The tradesfolk liuvo struggled through the summer, con tending against hard times, the result of the Executive exodus; the hotel and hoarding house keepers who have had their establishments closed for many months, and who seriously contemplate removal to Long Hranch, and the office seekers, as well as the host of persons from every section of the country, who always have business to transact at the seat of Government when they cun find any officials here to communicate with, are, in consequence of the uunouncemcDt, beginning to get ready for the time when they can again otrer their goods to cus tomers in the hope of securing purchasers ; to place their establishments in order for the reception of their winter guests ; and to con over their briefs and papers w ith reference to an onslaught upon the strolling Cubluet and the peraimilutory President whenever they shall swing rouiql in this direction to become station ary. Hut it cannot bo said that Wnshing ing is yet tilling Tip to any considerable extent for the gay scusou. The autumu winds at the various summer loitering places do not yet begin to chill the hot blood of indolent youth, or to impart gouty twinges to the limbs of health seek ing age. Two weeks more, however, will bring about a notable change iu these re gards, ami we shall then comuicuce the season of winter enjoyments with that rel ish to which long repose for recuperation is so condusivc. The coming Congressional term prom ises to lie every whit ns lively In social circles, iiikl us exciting in the political arena as on any previous presidential year, for a long time to say the least. Ho far us the lobby is concerned, or in technical phraseology, tbo “Third House,” the indications do not develop anything special us yet; but doubtless before the close of the Christmas holidays, the traps of Hie Jobbing Agents will have been well baited, when we shall have the usual se ries of qucsliouuble legislation. Huhsidics will slip through ; tariff interests be strap ped ; dubious claims doctored ; Hie wheels thoroughly lubricated, and the last days of the session will he a repetition of the loose legislation in the iuterests of the few, and against the interest* of llio many, by which, during llie last decade, the American Con gress lias won a notoriety little to he ad mired by those who stick to the oid-fash ioned ideas of honesty and patriotism, ami still adhere to the old Democratic dogma, " the greatest good to the greatest num ber." The charges made by M. Coomb against certain Uadleal Senators und members of congress, of a reprehensible connection with the Oakes Ames Credit Mobclier Bcbemo, although partially denied, still possess sufficient interest for the partisan press to comment upon litem with no little three. It is remembered that tlic disclaim ers put in by the parties who have so far denied llie charges, are suspiciously open to the further charge of duplicity. When a man is accused of anything discredita ble, lie who is unjustly so accused, indig nantly refutes the cliurge, and brands it us a falsehood. He does not resort to subter fuge, us in the eases referred to. The fact is that the entire history of the Credit Mobilier und of Hie connection of those parties with it is most discreditable, and unworthy of men having preteusions to honor—whether a mail receives so ma ny thousand dollars value in stocks, or whether ho Ims his name put down us representing so many shares und receives large dividends from the connection as compensation for votes in (lie interest of a rich monopoly, makes no difference in the end, either view of Hie ease is repugnant to nil ideas of high integrity and is dis graceful and brands Hie recipient as a cor rupt and untrustworthy public servant. One good street of tills damaging ex posure of Mr. Oakes Ames and his ac complices, comes to us in llie announce ment that it is proposed to dissolve the credit mobilier; let it bo done by all means. Tbo editors of the Sunday Capital, one of whom iiad ail encounter recently with Judge Louis Dent, in consequence of an article quoted from the Now York Sun, charging that member of “the family" with having sold a consulate for S3OOO, promises to give the details of the manucr in which Hie dodder little brother-in-law was thrashed in the corridor of the Senate Chamber, last winter, by an indignant client, who, it is rumored, bail paid for an office which bo failed to receive and whoso fee was not returned. Dent made a mistake in his bludgeon business at tbo Capitol office, and the editors of Hint paper will uot lose sight of him for some time to come. The story of that caning operation has not been properly told yet. Dent went to tbe residence of Mr. Piatt, who is a person every whit as plucky as liia editorials indicate without any weapon whatever, and finding that gentleman was absent, and that be bail only to deal with Hie associate editor, who is an invalid, be posted oil' and procured the club with which be made the attack on that sick man. Those who profess to be familiar witli the laws of chivalry, would perhaps construe llie act as not coming w ithin Hie perview of that code. Etowah. Men of the 22d District, do you hear ? Tbo Atlanta Constitution lias this to say about the business that every honest man is called upon to discharge next Wednes day : We trust that our Democratic friends in the Macon Senatorial District will make unusal efforts to return their nominee, Col. T. J. Simmons to llio Senate. , lie made number one member of the General Assembly. He impressed himself on the legislation of the last Assembly to an extent not surpassed by any member of that body. Apart from his merit, however, there is a special reason for his election. It is un derstood that the Clews crowd have sent money out to defeat him. As chairman of the Bond Committee, lie I* specially odious to the boud ring that so heavily swiudled Georgia. Let our people stand up to the man who exposed the robbers. It would be a great triumph for them to defeat Simmons We i appeal to our friends in Dike and Monroe | to spare no effort to thwart the macklna i tious of the boud ring and to return Col. Simmons triumphantly to the Senate. The Jewish Messenger suggests anew field for Stanley in the discovery of the tcu lost tribes of Israel. Imperturbability of Greatness. We use the biggest sort of a word to represent the indifference of J. Quincy Adams —tbe man with a pedigree too straight for the "Straights," which is thus shown up by an inquisitive Herald in viewer : Boston, September 18, 1872. John Quincy Adams, the lineal descend ant of tbe old line of Adamses, takes bis nomination by the Louisville body witli a philosophical coolness characteristic of bis renowned futnilv. When tbe nomination was made he was away from home on a visit to friends, and since his return be has settled down quietly to the duties of his profession, evidently curiDg more for law and for clients than he does for poli tics and politicians. In view of his silence since the convention, your correspondent called on him to-day to talk over Hie mat ter of bis nomination and see what he proposed to do about it. I found him at his office in Pemberton square, quietly seated at a table, going leisurely through a conglomerated heap of legal documents. Except tbe presence of his messenger, be was solitary und alone. "Mr. Adams, I bclievo,” I said, on enter ing. "Yes, sir, that’s my name. Take a seat.” "Mr. Adams,” I observed, after being seated, "I have called to make a few en quiries in regard to your position with reference to the straight-out Democratic Convention at Louisville?" "Thank you, sir. 1 shall be happy to answer any questions you may be inclined to put to me, but really I have nothing iu particular to say." ••I understand, Mr. Adams that a Mr. Moreau (I think that's his name) has ad dressed you a letter recently that was cal culated to call forth a reply from you that would exactly define your position ?" "Yuh, 1 have received a letter from that gentleman, and just sent him my reply." “Could you favor me with a copy of that correspondence for publication ?" "As for my owu letter, I have no copy of it " “Might I learn its purport?" “No, not unless the gentleman to whom it is addressed should see fit to give it to tbo public, which, 1 think, lie will do in a few days.” “I infer then, from your manner, Mr. Adams, that you decline tiie honor ten dered you by tbo Convention ?” To which Mr. Adams smilingly re sponded, “You are at liberty to make whut inference you please ; I shall say nothing.” “Do you think it possible for the move ment to attain such prominence as would make it worth your while to lend your name to it in an outspoken way ?” "That ull depends upon tlic managers." “Might I inquire, then, if you have had any communication with Mr. O'Couor ou this matter?” “None, whatever," replied Mr. Adams. "I don’t sec, then, as there is anything else that I cun learn from you concerning this matter iu which the public are likely to be interested?” "No, I don’t, either.” “Good day, sir.” Exit Herald correspondent. Tlic Baltimore Gazette truly says: It is gratifying to notice the wonderful amount of vigor that is being infused into the pen ding campaign by the Democratic and Lib eral-ltepublican leaders. The necessity of thorough and complste organization has become so apparent that every possible step will now, we hope, be takeu to ac complish that desirable end. Our friends everywhere are active and vigilant, and the prospect of a glorious victory grows blighter and brighter every day. The contest in Pennsylvania promises better tilings than the most sanguine imagined when the fight began, and the election of Bnckalew iu October will be the certain defeat of Grant in that State in November. In Indiana the gallant Hendrix is making a vigorous canvass J and our friends there are entirely confident of an overwhelming triumph. In New York the nomination of Francis Korlian placed the matter in such a shape that the only question now dis cussed is how large his majority will bo. In fact, the political out look generally is of a character to fill every patriotic heart with joy. It is clear that the people have risen in their might, and are fully deter mined to shake off the Grant inculms that now hangs over Hie nation, and restore the Government once more to its purity und prosperity. Shakspear was married at 18 ; Dante Franklin, and Hulwer at 2-1; Kepler, Mo zart, and Walter Scott at 26 ; Washington Napoleon 1., and Byron at 27 ; Kossini, Hie first time at 30, and the second time at 54 ; Schiller and Weber at 31, Aristo phanes at 56, Wellington at 37, Talma at 39, Luther at 42, Addison at 44, Young at 47, Swift at 49, Button at 22, and Goethe at 57. A wife asked her husband for anew dress. Ho replied, “ Times are hard my dear—so hard I can hardly keep my nose above water ; " whereupon she retorted, “ You could keep your nose above water easy enough if you’d a mind to, but the trouble is that you keep it too much above brandy. ” It is absolutely necessary, fur the purpose of Hie musical managers, that their respective pritua donna should frequently refuse offers of marriage from enormously rich counts and barons. A Prussian nobleman, of colossal fortune and mustache, is tbe latest victim, and tbe fair victimizer is Kellogg. Blessings uuigiiten as they take their flight. —The chiel of blessing is good health, without which nothing is worth the having ; it is always appreciated at its true value after it is lost, but, too oft en, not before. Live properly, and correct ailments before they become seated. For diseases of Hie liver, kidneys skiu, stom ach, and all arising from impure or feeble blood. Du. Walker’s California Yine oah Bitters arc a sure and speedy rem edy. It has never yet failed ill a single instance. 116 142. .ti. b. ta:ititv. ATTORNEY AT LAW. /"NORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND Street*, iu Court Uouac, Macon, G*. 29-104 OFFICIAL NOTICE. ANY and all parties having claims against 1 V the city of Macon will please present them to the Treasurer on or before the first day of October. The money is now in hand to pay all just claims of every kind and character, and I call upon *1! parties to stud iu their accounts and have them settled Oils week. It is the de sire and in*, rtiou of the city authorities that no unpaid bill, note or account, shall be in ex istence agsiust the eitv after next Monday. sepdS W. A. HUFF. Mayor. NOTICE. OrriCßtiKK. Tick’t Aot., M. A B. R. R. Cos., 1 August 13, ISJ2, f ON and after the at Hive date, return tickets to Savonuab and Brunswick can be had at the Ticket Office at General Passenger Shed, tickets good until Ist November. 106 U E. J. MARTIN, G. T. Act. DIED, This morning, Loctss Kino, infant daughter of Bayne and Ida L. Ellis, aged one month and seventeen days. NEW A1) V K ItT 1S KM KN TS. Barber Shop For Rent. rpilK Basement room, formerly occupied by X Mike Napier, In Brown’s Hotel building is for rent. Tills is one of the best stands for a Barber Shop ill the city. Apply to seplttlf BROWN’S HOTEL. DWELLING xOR RENT. A LARGE four room, well finished house, with double kitchen, plendld wsll of water, large garden spot, beautiful front yard, with all neeesaury outbuildings. Possession Ist of October. Apply at •eptSß-St Til I-l OFFICE COME! COME! COME ONE ! COME ALL ! rpo the VEGETABLE and CHICKEN and X EGG niurket of C. C. BALK COM A CO.’S You can also get the beat Sugar, Coffee, Ten*, Rice, Flour, Bacon, Suusaire, Black Fish, Mul let, Fresh Oysters, Crabs and Shrimps, Canned Goods of all kinds, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, also a splendid assortment of Notions. sep26 tf C. BALKCOM & CO. FUHSr IT ÜBE AUCTION I ON Friday, September 27th, 1872, at 10 o’clock a. M will be sold at Jones’ Cot tage, next to Singleton's Spring Garden, an as sortment of PARLOR, DINING ROOM. HKD ROOM und KITCHEN FURNITURE, CARPETS, PICTURES, ETC., ETC. SOME CHOICE CROCKERY. Among the articles u FINK WALNUT PARLOR SETT, as good as new, MARIILE-TOP TABLE, WALNUT SIDEBOARD —and a— CHARTER OAK STOVE, new and complete. Also, u line lot of BIIAUMA FOWLS. It O. E. BESOKE, Auctioneer. REMOVAL, I) Y the first of October the undersigned will j remove to the corner of First and Poplar streots, where he will be prepared, us hereto fore, to supply his customers, and the public generally, with everything in his line, such as fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausages, etc. Giving my personal attention to the business, witli a thorough knowledge of the same, to gether with a disposition to please, I flatter myself that I can and will give entire satisfac tion to all favoring me with their patronage. Until the Ist of October, I can be found at niv old stand on Cotton Avenue, opposite Tri angular Block. K. W. B. MERRITT. sept26-tf * INM A N LINE KOVAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. rtflHE Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia X Steamship Company dispatch two steam ers per week. The quickest time ever made across the Atlantic. Every comfort and con venience. For further information apply to sep2s-tf H. C. STEVENSON, Agent. B. H.* WRIGLEY. Wlf. A. CHERRY. B. H. WRIGLEY Sc CO., General Commission Merchants, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS 66 & 63 SECOND SRTEET, 123tf Macon. Ga. L. T. WHITCOMB, Agt., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN West Mia Fruits, Vecetahies, HAY,, HAY, ETC., 99 BAY STHEET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 107-185 MERCER UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL, MACO.Y, GEORGIA. • OBJECT. IN order to enlarge the sphere of usefulness of this Institution, urn! to secure the advantages arising from uniform methods of instruction at school and college, the Board of Trustees have authorized the Faculty to establish a suh-Fresli rnan Class, aud a Preparatory School. INSTRUCTORS. Both will l>e taught, until fully organized and in successful operation, by the Faculty of the University—now consisting of six professors — and always afterwards by competent tutors, ap pointed ’by tlic Faculty and under their direc tion. ORGANIZATION. The sub Freshman Class will be composed of such youths as the Faculty niav judge- capable of being prepared to enter the freshman Class of the University in twelve months. Into the Preparatory School will he received ai.i, lads wishing to be prepared, either for College or for business. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. Pnpils will be taught in the studies that are pursued in the beet schools; and special atten tion will be given to instruction in the various branches of a thorough English Course. PERPETUAL CALENDAR. The scholastic year of uine months will be divided in two terms. The first, orshort term, will always begin on the first Wednesday iu October, aud end at Christmas. The second, or long term, will tiegiu on the first day of Jan uary, aud cud on the first Wednesday in July. PRICE OF TUITION. The tuition fee for the short term will be S2O, for the long term f4O; to be paid in each ease invariably in advance, aud no pupil will receive any instruction until the fee is paid. APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION. Poreuts and guardians wishing to secure the advantages of ties ■ arrangements for their sons and wards are requested to make application at one* to the subscriber, cither personally, or through the Postotßce, box 426, or at Messrs. J. W. Burke <fe Co.’s Bookstore. JNO. J BRANTLY, Prof. Belles Lettres and Modem Languages, ll>B eodtlloctl Mercer University. REDUCTION! REDUCTION!! In consequence of the great reduction in price of Groceries in the Northern markets, and owing to the Repeal of Duties on many articles in our line, we now offer the following goods at annexed prices : 7 Lbs. A. Sugar for SI.OO. 7 1-2 Lbs. Ex. C. Sugar for SI.OO. 8 Lbs. C. Sugar for SI.OO. MIXED TEAS 15c. Per Lb. SEGARS A SPECIALTY! . - ——w Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Fresh Crackers Every Week! If* You Don’t sue what You Want, Ask for it. PUTZEL & JACOBS, NEW YORK GROCERY STORE, 2d ST., DAMOUR BLOCK. 133-149c0d Gnemsey, Bartra & Henirii, BUILDERS SUPPLY STOKE, Blake's Mock, Poplar Street, (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, Sasli, Doors, Blind*, Frames, Ilrnekets, Newel Posts, Hut listers. Itlantles, Etc., Etc. Carpenter Tools, Locks, Nails, Hinges, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Etc. CONTRACTORS for BUILDING. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, CHERRY ST. I2S-tf JA*BS H. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARDEMAN. It COUNT A HARDEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hall, Cherry street. 49-360 NEW COTTON PRESS. WE are now pel-pared to pack and overhaul cotton, and pay the highest prices for cotton, hides, tallow, rags, etc. Place, oppo site Hollingsworth Block. sepl9 6t* CONNER A BOSTICK. FOR SALE 500 (HUNr,RED) bedstead - 100 (Hundred) Mattresses. 200 (Chairs,) Dry Goods and notions. Hardware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, and also a large lot of Second band furniture. Car pets, etc., by O. E. BESORE, sepl'J lm Auctioneer. New Goods! We are daily receiving large ad ditions to our already immense stock of Groceries bought lately at low prices. We have now in store every thing needed in the Provision or Grocery business, and invite the attention of the retail trade to our stock. W e mean to sell our Goods. Sepnr, Tinsluy & Cos. 122-190 FOR SALE OR RENT. 4 DESIRABLE house, nearly new, situated on Troup Rill, with four rooms and two basement rooms below, with kitchen and a good well of water and half acre of land. If sold, the terms are part cash and balance in monthly instalments, also a Three room house with kitchen for sale on same terms as above Apply at the warerooma of Guernsey. Bar truni A: Hendrix, Blake’s Block, or at the Dixie Works. T. GUERNSEY. V3HU THE PREMIUM WEEKLI'. IT is universally conceded that advertising is a necessity to success in business; it is also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that newspapers are the best medium for reaching all parties whose trade is desired. TITE MONROE ADVERTISER reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published in the country; it is, therefore, the best medium of communication with the planting interests. We will be happy at any lime to furnish refer ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their cards in T/u Advertiser. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that its value exceeds that of all other journals in which they are represented. The Advertiser has the freshness of youth and the ripeness of age, and is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OP ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisements are admitted which are not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the readers of The Advertiser will be safe in ordering them from any distance. To our readers, the fact of its appearance here has all the weight of endorsement and authority. Address, JAS. P. HARRISON, Forsyth. Georgia. FOR RENT. rpwo comfortable four room dwelling houses JL with out buildings and water on the lots. Neighborliood good as could be desired, the lo cation healthy and a pleasant distance from business part of the city. Possession given first of October. The subscriber desires to show applicants the premises in person, and will make repairs to suit tenants. Apply to A. L. CLINK3CAX.ES, sepUo 2t No. 23 Cotton Avenue. TAXTAX!! TAX!!! THE attention of city tax payers are most respectfully called to the following reso lution passed by Council at a recent meeting with the request that all subject will comply, thus avoiding trouble and expense: tVhereas, At the regular meeting in August a resolution was passed, giving those owing taxes for the year 1372 the privilege of paying one-fourth their taxes on the 10th of Septem ber, and it beiog not generally understood when the balance fell due, therefore Resolved, That on the 10th of each month one-fourth will be called for; all persons fail ing to pay the second instalment, which falls due on the 10th of October next, thattheTrea surer tissue executions for the full amount of taxes. Passed. CHAS. J. WILLIAMSON, sept 21-tilloctll. Treasurer, 1 WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. WOOD AND COAL! Coal Creek Coal! IIEST QUALITY OP UPLAND WOOD. I AM prepared to deliver genuine Coal Creek Lump Coal, and the best quedUy of upland Oak and Hickory Wood, in large or small quantities, to suit purchasers, at bneest market rates. All orders will receive prompt attention. scp2o-3t MILO 8. FREEMAN. Press for Sale! AITE have for sale a large size GORDON VV PRESS (Aligator) and a RUGGLES’ PAPER CUTTER in good condition. To be had at a bargain. Sola to make room far lar ger and faster machines. Address LINES, WING & SMITH, I_tf Macon, Ga. Horse and Dray for Sale. - I OFFER for sale a first rate horse and single dray, together with harness and license. — Warranted sound and good. . Apply to a. McKenna, Comer Fourth and Oglethorpe Streets, for two days. scp23 2t PARCHED COFFEE.