Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, September 30, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE 3IACOX, UA.. NBVT.M. !<• l-CBl.l.liau vliv KVKMIMI BY LINES. WING A SMITH. No. 10 Bollings worth Bkx*. AU leUmre ratal lug to Hubmrtftton thould be ml t"fwl to I Alton, Hi utj rf Smith, Marini, (til. UmnmuHleatUmt Jar Hit p-ijirr l ihonltl he ml tin nmol to tilt Editor. Hi cannot undertake to return rrjo-t/.1 cotnmnnn'lOunm Writ lint/iintl mint nr>• tlirnn, frmndt part < of the Stall, mi liriUtL W. WATKIK Ilil'KN, i:dUor. Ilrmurrullc lli'i'llnii Macon, Bcpt. 30, 1H72. Mr. Editor Having learned Unit the Congressional Executive Committee liuve mill'd the Con root lon to nominate a Can iliduto for Congress to (111 the unexpired term of lion. T. .1. Speer. at Forsytli. on Monday, October 7tlt. I hereby cudorae said in lion and suggest to the counties in said District to act accordingly. 1 make this announcement as 1 bad auggialed Macon, Tuesday, Octolter Btb. T. IJ.MIIIKMAN. Jll, Obm'n Ex. Com. Democratic papers in District please copy. 'rut: i*oivr If our readeis examined the figures we ]irecntod on Haturday, they will have no ticed Hint, by tliiwregislralion of JBtj7, the colored registered vole in IJlbli county exceeded tbc wlille by but tiltl votes. Wo presume, Iho difference either way, at present, cauuot be great. It now remains for us to overcome it whatever it may be We can do this try union among ourselves, and by fostering the liberal feeling among our colored fellow-citizen* Our Ctindl dales for tbu legislature have slrong claims upon llm sulfrage of both white and colored. Mr. Macon did valuable work in Iho last legislature. Nome per sons arc fast to censure him, and do not seem willing to accord to him the merits I hut can never lie taken from him. This Is sheer prejudice. If it can he shown that he made mistakes, even this would be no good reason for wilhoMing sulfrage from him, who served so well, notwith standing. Hut we think, that a knowl edge of Mr. Bacon's labors, an Insight into the rcul dutlrs of a legislator, a glance at the thousand ami one difficulties that beset uu honest rcpicsenistlve, would have a tendency to make some folks ashamed, and bring them to a more reasonable point of faith and action if Mi Bacon be not returned, Bibb county will deserve Hie so vinsl punishment, which will sure to comu In such an event. We have no patience to reason with those who allow their foolish whims, and the baseless charges of designing uion, to mislead them against llie interests of their State and community Defeat Mr. Bacon, and elec t u Itadical' Defeat Mr. Bacon, and pronounce for Clews !fc Company I Defeat Mr. Bacon, nud stultify yourselves, and prove Ilia! volt urc Haeticale at heart, whatever your outward professions may he I No, men and brethren, do your duty toward the man, who aimed to do his duty toward you—and did it! Ingratitude, prejudice, and inability to appreciate the devotion of u public servant to Ills work, must forever attach to you if you allow tills gentleman to lie defeated! CItARLKS A. RtmiNll stands before you the generous friend of all uien. if there is a man iu Bibb coun ty, white or colored, who cannot endorse Mr Nutting, and who docs not consider him ids friend, we have not met him A man of long experience, sterling inleg rlty, patriotic impulses, just and fair to nil men—the friend of the poor and Iho peer of Hie rich—Mr. Nutting has Ills place in the depths i>r the popular heart. It is a pleasure to vote for him. ami we hope to see him elected by the biggest sort of n majority! A M. is HI T is our third candidate for the Legislature, a man who is universally kuuwn and t s teemed lu Bibb county, lit* election is not considered doubtful, and when elected, all know that a better worker, auil a more cnpuhlo Representative will not report from any couuty iu the State Now. we beseech our citizens of oil shades oi political opinions, to give this ticket, together with the State Senator. Hon. T. J. Simmons, a cheerful, hearty and adequate support! Elect them, not spariugly. but triumphantly I lA-t tlioir majorities attest the high place they occupy iu your confidence To allow them to be defeated, will dis grace us. ami deservedly— for vve can elect them if we will. -w~ ■■■ - WHO I.OTEN III!* STATE. Aud desires her prosperity, will see that she mails bis help on Wednesday next.— To slay away from the poll* w ill be cquiv aleut to aiding the enemy. To trust to ntheis, and say, •• we cau carry the State anyhow," Is to pul iu jeopardy w hat should be sacredly sab- We must uot be surprised by the enemy. Our duty and our safety are to bo found in active labors to secure Hie triumphant elec tion of Gov. Smith and the State ticket. We must uot count on Uie apathy of the Radicals. They are up and doing. Their organisation is complete. Their money hags arc full. They intend to overcome us. Every man must do his duty if so ter riblc a catastrophe must be averted.— Give one day, at least, therefore, to your Slate, as a matter of the greatest moment. It is highly important that we carry Hie Slate by 50,1KK) majority. CoU>KKl> citixcns go and l.eai your friend Col. Hardeman, who will speak to night at City Uaii No man is working harder or more effi ciently in this campaign thau Col. Uarde yuan, lie will speak to Bibb couuty to- Bight. And there will lie a crowd A N 4 IS A.XXOI -M l; VI I! VI . By a dispatch from Aincrlcus this morn ing, the ku4 intelligence reaches us, of the sudden death of the liev. J Blakely Smith, Presiding Elder of the Amcrieus District. He died this morning at about six o'clock. There arc no particulars iu the telegram but we presume that this servant of God filled Ida appointments yesterday, in the country beyond Americus Who that knew Blakely Smith, will grieve for him. Our loss is In* gain A more devoted friend, a more faithful minister—iu labors more abundant —a hap pier Christian, than was he, it lias not been our lot to know. His prayer at First Street Church lust Thursday evening, was powerful with the fiower of faith, and Ills last conversation with tfie writer was full of the marrow of Christian love and truth. Mr Smith's funeral will take place to morrow (hour to he announced) from the Firat Street Church, where lie so long lu hored as a faithful f ailor. Well may ills brethren in the ministry exclaim with the poet of Methodism " Ob, may 1 triumph so, When all my warfare’s psst; And dying, find my lutest foe Under my feet t last.” —— <-oi.oiti:i> t om: xrnix. The colored Liberal Convention, held at Louisville last week was lespcctable in numbers and character. Great harmo ny prevailed, Hud Hie platform announced, is in correspondence w ith the Libi nil Na tional platform. If the colored people could he induced to think sciiously on the Issues now pending, Borneo Greeley would get ninety nine hundredths of their votes. The Tribune, spuuking of llie Louis ville Convention lias this to say The National Liberal Convention of col oreil men lit Louisville, Ky , yesterday, seems to have been above Hie average of these conventions iii Intelligence and pa triotism. The platform, of which we have a synopsis, Indicates a clear know ! edge of the present situation in national politics, as well as mi intelligent valuation of the Grant Administration, which prom ises so much and performs ho little. ■— — 4 ♦*• ■ MATOK 111 W Bus done u w ise tiling iu his proclamation (see another column) audit election day. The police force will he ample to secure and maintain order, and his Honor w ill he about in person to facilitate mutters In the interest of pence, goiJ will und good order. It is hoped that all classes of citizens will o# operate willi llie authorities in llie good Work. Tim Funkrai. Beiivickh of ltev. J Blakely Smith, will lake place to morrow nl 4 o’clock l’, M. at thu First Street M. K. Church. The remains of the beloved deceased will arrive from Amcrictisou the 5 o'clock Ail Train lo morrow. To MOlir Col. Tlios Hardeman will speak at the City Hull. All citizens white und colored me liivited to attend Wit cull special attention to Colonel Hardeman's announcement of convention at Forsyth. —w *- Down in Fulton county, Georgia, all the Mark mill white Radicals have pledged themselves to support llie Bourbon couu ly ticket, iu exchange for llie noble work which said Bourbons propose doing for Uruut in the Blale at large.— St. l.ouie Hip Anything to beat Greeley, you know. Even foul more years of blood, and spoil mid poverty. ♦ m- Messrs. Graunissand McElroy Decline Kilitor Unity Enterprite: Having seen our names suggested in your paper as can didates lor the Legislature wo lake this occasion to thank our friends for the evi dence of preference, assuring them that vve do not approve of the Hi nt lleiolution, hut we very respectfully decline to enter lor thu race. E. C. Gh.vnniss. Wm. J. Mi Li.hoy. The New York World says The • cot ton caterpillar." wre need scarcely inform our readers, is thu otfspring of a moth which deposits its eggs where the new born larvae can find plentiful nourish ment before they lake the nap from which they wake into winged maturity. Evi dently, therefore, if Southern agricultur ists would save their crops from the rava ges of these voracious pests, It is better for them to endeavor to destroy thu uioth be fore its myriad eggs are laid than to tin dertake the futile husk of hunting out the nascent larvae themselves. To this eud an ingenious planter route years ago ad opted a plan which, we were informed at Hie time, was as efficacious ns it was sim ple, consisting only in placing about bis field elevated torches, to which at night the mollis wfe attracted, and in the blaze of which they inevitably committed self destruction Whether this device Ims been tried and found to full in other In stances, or w hether it is unused because unknown, vve cannot say ; but wo give it new publicity under the latter supposition. The N Y. Sim telU the fallowing Touching Ntuhy ok a Litti.k Ukn Wiper,—Yesterday sprightly little girl, aged 10 years, who had been uollct'd sitting modestly on a buck bench in the Jefferson Market I’olico Court dur ing the discharge of the watch, stepped up to the bench when the rush ofbusincss was over, and bashfully told Justice Cox that her mother had beeu Rrrested the previous 'evening for being intoxicated on Seventh avenue. The family consist ing of herself and little brother, aged 8, aud her father and mother, reside in a tenement house in West Thirty-first street She and her little brother support the father and mother, who are both drunk ards. The littie boy makes pen-wipers, which she sells in the evenings. : She wauled to get her mother out and had no money. All she had was a pen-w iper, which she presculed to the urbane Justice, whlb listened attentively to her artless and sorrowful story. He took the wiper and di rected the clerk to mako out a discharge for Hie woman, w hose name is Francis Doyle, lie then gave the little girl a bank note, lolling uer to buy something for herself aud brother, but uot to give it to her fattier or mother lest they should procure liquor with it. With gratitude aud joy beaming from her eyes she thank ed the kind-hearted magistrate, aud prom ised to bring him some pen-wipers. Then taking the hand of her pareut she led her out of Iho coart room. LETTER FROM D. H. HILL. An Earnest Appeal. The Battle Cry and Victory. To the J'eojile of Georgia ; Our Btutc election is approaching, and it would lie impossible to over-estimate its importance. After years of wrong, losses and suffer ings which nil of us felt, and with strug glings and sacrifices which sonic of us can never forget, we succeeded in dethroning Radicalism iu Georgia, and regained pos session of our government. From that day order lias been established ; crime has beta punished , law lias been supreme , proper ty and life have been sale , prosperity in hiiHincHH baa increased, and not a alngle Ku Klux outrage inis been heard of. In view of these great results, I bud hoped that we should never again kcc au cljprl to reinstate Radicalism in Georgia But, encouraged by our Democratic divisions, which I have believed und still believe urc more apparent than rcul. and stimulated witii llie hope, ami aided by llie appliance of Federal patronage, this evil of evils—Radicalism—Is bold enough lo make another organized effort to re possess the places of power which it des ecratcd and from which it Ims been ex pelled Do not commit the folly of sup posing there is no danger. Inside Hie Btnle there are secret plottings which seek to take you by surprise. Outside, gigantic powers are at work lo reforge your chains. On whatever other points we may differ, I beseech you by every thing wo can prize, that we make a cheer ful solid fight against our deadliest com mon enemy—Radicalism in our Stalu al lairs. The day after the election in Octo ber, if Radicalism shall triumph, every man in Georgia may estimate his proper ly, of whatever kind, as depreciated fifty per cent iu value, ami the depreciation will continue to rule. But if Radicalism shall be defeated—thoroughly defeated ev ery man, the day after that defeat may esllmuto his property us increased fifty l'r cent, in value, and llie appreciatiou will go on until Georgia shall rank with the richest uud greatest States on the con tinent II limiters not if our best friend were President of the United Slates we could not prosper If Radicalism ruled in our Stale. It matters not if our worst enemy lie President, vve shall prosper, more or less, if Radicalism shall uot rule iu our State. All we can get, all we are entitled to, nnd ail wo desire from the Federal Government is non interference willi our domestic affairs, and, this much being granted, wo shall find iu ourselves all the springs of sure nnd ever growing prosperity and happiness Then let all difi'urences and jealousies and iicrlmonles lie hushed! Elect Gov ernor Smith by 50,000 majority. Do not lie content with less. Judge Walker is no thief, but lie is the candidate of every thief who has despoiled you and slandered you that lie might despoil. Judge Walker is no carpet bagger, but he is the caudidato of every carpet-bugger who has made you poor in llie push und would make you poorer in tlie future. His nomination was suggested ami urged by men in office at Washington. I know this fact, lie was preferred because lie was conceded to be perfectly honest and capable, uud because, in this way, your feurs might he allayed, yourselves might he rendered indifferent, and thus, under cover of his personal worth, Hie monstrous coalition of tlieiving carpet-baggers and misguided negroes hope to regain the power they have lost iu Georgia. Governor Bmilii is us honest und cupu lilu us Judge Walker, uud lie represents, nud will continue to represent, you uud your interest. But above all considerations—Slate or National—make sure of your Legislature. The Democratic nmjmity must uot be u small one. Carry every county in the State, and make the Legislature unanimous if possible. And it is possible. Let Georgia boas solid for the right—her rights—us Vermont is for the wrong— Georgia "wrongs!”’ Let us have a thorough, complete ami overwhelming victory in our Blale elec tion iu October,and Radicalism will never again attempt to raise its hydroliead again in Georgia From Hie foulest of political leprosies wo and our children shall be free atul forever free! l’ardou mo for my earnestness. Inin in a iiositnm to know the damages I would avert. I know, too, what it imS cost mc cost from friends ns well ns foes—to help rid my State of the foul domination of Radicalism . aud the very thought that it may regain that power is horrible aud re volting. I dread auolher ordeal of Kadi cal rule iu Georgia, os the already exhaus ted patient dreads tlio return of a paroxism which his feelings assure him must take Ids life. 1 will forget nil the personal wrongs of the post, uud agree to regard every man us n friend who will now help to avert such a dire calamity. The preservation of order, peace and prosperity in our Btate, and the assurance of these blessings to our children, are the great results to be secured by success in our October elections. But these are not the only results. A majority of fifty thousand for our State tickets in October, will give us an oasy and still greater success in November. It will also add one hundred thousand votes to our Littoral and Democratic tick ets in the Not them States. It w ill settle the result in many doubtful Congressional Districts in these States It will be glo rious inspiriting news to our struggling friends in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, whose State elections come off a few days after our Georgia State elections, it will help to make Hendricks and lluckalew Governors in their respective States. It will add Democratic strength to both the Senate anil House of Congress, and may make the Liberal and Democratic nomi nees President and Vice President of the United States. Money, force and fraud made North Carolina s|H-ak a doubtful voice. Money, fanaticism ami fraud made Vermont and Maine speak a voice of cheer to our eue mics. it is the glorious privilege of Geor gia to speak next iu order! A thrill of joy electrifies every fibre of my frame w hen I feel, as 1 do feci, that neither mon ey, nor force, nor fanaticism, nor fraud, nor all combined, will be able to stifle the voice of mv own dear old commonwealth! I-et her speak—nay, she will speak—the first clear, ringing, sounding note for her own and the nation's redemption! Uknj. 11. llxll New York. September 21, 1572. We h ive got it at last The elegantly classic lloston Journal calls the Liberal movement “not a harmless marsupial, but a full blown ophidian of the copper head variety." Now. if somebody will only denounce said movements as a right angle triangle, we see nothing to hinder the tri umphant re-election of Grant.—Nf. Loui* HepUewt. Just so, with a geometrical straight line ] to the right, uniting all the angle) in a hollow square. TEAT. The following article, which we take from the Savannah Republican, strikes a keen blade between the joints of certain men's satanlc harness. It is well de served : The Political Undertaker ok the Period. —Venom and froth in equal pro portions, with au insolence equalled only by the Theriitei of Homer, that "——Don In forehead But at heart a deer.” have always characterized the ravings of Wendell Phillips. Asa partisan of the I/earned Leather Dresser—Ulysses Grant, L. L D.—and the “Natick Cobbler" —he lias gone down to the headquarters at Lynn, Massachusetts, and there relieved his system of so much poison, that it is wonderful that lie could have carried it and live. We cannot blacken our page with the utterances of this foul-mouthed und black-liearted railer, and give only one short specimen, to justify the severity of our comments. That the creature has power to do mis chief is undeuiable, but so lias a serpent —and hissing and stinging have been the great business of Wendall Phillips' long and mischievous life, devoted to stirring up strife anil maligning every promincut public man in America —his present idol, Grant, included. Here is the extract to which we refer : The reason why I support the Republican party is Hint, to my utter surprise, to my inde scribable delight, to my relief, I have at lust found a party that is willing to execute all the luws that are given them, it is for that reason that I soy "Long live Ulysses Grant.. May he continue to be Preside!]t of tlie United States until every white man over forty years of age who lives south of Mason and Dixon’s line has been forever put into the ground.” [Loud and continued applause. j Wo do not wonder so much at these driiellings of dotage, as at the " loud and continued applause ” which greeted this statement, at once so inhuman nnd un-Re publican. The spirit it breathes toward the South, wo will not comment on—but us the Psalmist allots three score and tea as tlio dnys of man, thirty fire year more us the reign of Grant is an aspiration for that Imperialism to which his followers are paving the way. Buell is Grantism—such is Northern Re publicanism ! “Oh King, live forever !” is the Orien tal prostration of spirit, from slave to mas ters. "Oh King, reign forever!” is the Phillips parody upon it; but the sentiment and the inspiration are the same in both. That Wendell Phillips assails Greeley with frantic ferocity—us the friend of the South—is but natural and proper. The only thing which could injure the large hearted and large-brained man who offers si’clx a contrast to his own narrow bigotry and sectional hate, would he his praise. Whenever the whole Southern population over lolly desire in-decent burial, they will know where to find as cheerful uu undertaker us llie grave-digger in Hamlet. Wendell! Wendell! think of your latter end, anil pray. If your venom strikes in it will kill you. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICE. rpilK Flr*t VVurd Democratic Glut) will meet JL Tuesday nLrht, October Ist, at 8 o’clock, at the Engine House of No. 3. Let the at tendance be large, as important business will be transacted. Thus U. Conner, President W. Pob, J r , Secretary. NOTICE. rp([E Books for the registration of voters for 1 the city election will be opened on the first day of October nnd close at Two o’clock p. m., on December 13, 1873. aepSO td J. A, McMANUS, Clerk. GRAND OPENING^ ON or about Wednesday, October 2nd, we will open at No. 104 Che ray street, (the store formerly occupied by Collin;* Little as a C’a riago Repository) a large and well selected stock of St&plc and Fancy Groceries. The pub lic are respectfully invited to give us a call. gep3o 6t QBO. BBQQS. SWEET ORANGES. J UST received by J. F. Barfield * Cos., k large lot of Ilavanna Oranges. J. F. BARFIELD & CO , scptSOtt Brown House Block. MACON Conservatory of Music. \PP LI CATIONS for instruction can now be made at the Conservatory Rooms, corner Mulberry and Second streets, over Boardman’s, between the hours of 9 and 12 a. m. Those who desire class tuition will please apply us soon as possible, as the Principal wishes to form the different degrees of classes before October 7th, at which time the Conserv atory will open. (i. A. GNOBBPELIUB, Principal* scp3o tf PROCLAMATION MAYOR’S OFFICE, I Macon, Ga., September 28, IS?2 ( The city authorities of Macon having received information to the effect that certain evil dis posed persons, white and black, have in con templation certain plans, the adoption of which would give to one or the other of the contend ing political parties the full and absolute con trol of the polls at the election to be held for State officers in this city on next Wednesday, This, therefore, Is to notify and advise nil parties at interest, that no such unlawful prac tices will be allowed, nor shall any improper or unfair means be resorted to at said election which in their nature wonld be calculated to endanger the peace, good order and welfare of the city. The carrying of concealed weapons on that day, will be extra hazardous to the party so otlendlng, as any man, white or black, who shall be louml with a pistol, knife, or other deadly weapon concealed about his person, will be promptly arrested and placed in the City Bar racks. This order is imperative, and I will have a sufficient number of armed police on the spot to execute it at all hazards. All Bar rooms within the city limits must be closed ou that day. The keeper or proprietor of any bar room or drinking saloon, from which any liquor shall be sold or furnished ou that dav, will be lined five hundred dollars. W. A. HUFF, Sept. SO, 2t. Mayor. it Spoor, Tinsley & Co.’s CAN BE FOUND ) Boxes White Bellies. 25 Barrels Pork liibs. 50 Boxes Cream Cheese. 20 Barrels Early Rose Potatoes. 20 Barrels Red Onions. 100 Jars Snuff. 75 Kegs Rille Powder. 300 Bags Drop Shot. 200 Thousand Water Proof Caps. Nuts. Raisins, Oysters, Sardines etc., etc. ALL FOR SALE at lowest Jobbers prices. Seymour, Tinsley 4 Cos. Brick House for Rent. A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, at head of Cotton Avenue, with yard, stable und good well of wuter. Apply to VALENTINE KAIIN, sept 28-31 Cotton Avenue. WANTED. A NURSE that can come well recommended .can obtain a good situation by applying at once at the STUBBLFIELD HOUSE, aept 27-It FOR RENT. VBIX ROOM DWELLING, with nil neces sary outbuildings, on S emid street. Con venient to the business part of the city, sept 28-3 t E. C. GRANNIS9. FOR NALIS. MACON & AUGUST A It. It. endorsed Bonds Montgomery & Eufaula H. K. “ " City Macon Bonds. Macon & Western R. R. Cos. Stock. Southwestern R. R. Cos. Stock. Eatonton Branch Central R. K. Cos. Stock Macon Manufacturing Cos. Stock, sept3B at By I. C. PLANT. - * SON. I’. M. HOWAKIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Offlc at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry strccL All business will receive prompt atten tion. 95-173 .VI. H. GEItKV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. f VORNKK OF MULBERRY AND SECOND V.y Street*, in Court House, Macon, Ga. 29-104 OFFICIAL NOTICE. ANY and all parties having claims against the city of Macon will please present them to the Treasurer on or before the first day of October. The money is now in hand to pay all just claims of every kind and character, and I call upon all parties to send in their accounts and have them settled this week. It is the de sire and intention of the city authorities that no unpaid bill, note or account, shall be in ex istence against the city after next Monday. sep2s W. A. HUFF, Mayor. DWELLING FOR RENT. A LARGE four room, well finished house, with double kitchen, splendid well of water, large tfurdeu spot, beautiful front yard, with all necessary outbuildings. Possession Ist of October. Apply at sept 26 3t THIS OFFICE EXECUTOR’S SALE. -ITTILL be sold at public outcry before the V v Courthouse door iu Macon, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Oc tober, 1873, lots Nos. 3 and 3, in square No. 18 of the city of Macon, ou the Vineville branch, with a two-room house thereon. Also a part of lot No. 8 in square 91 of the city of Macon, the same fronting 03% feet on Third street, run nine back 105 feet, with three small stores thereon. TERMS CASH. Sold by authority of tlie will of Mrs Jane Rogers for distribution of her estate. Full information may be obtained as to the above propenty on application to Whittle* Gustin or the undersigned. VETER HARRIS, Executor of Mrs. Jane Rogers, deceased. The dwelling house of the iate Mrs. Rogers, with large garden, out houses, etc., is still for rent Possession given immediately. 1 J4-4twtd FOR SALE. M Y interest in the SIX BRICK STORES, three stories in height, with basements, fronting on Poplar street, composing part of Hollingsworth Block, in this city. For terms, etc., apply to F. L. GROCE, sep 38 tf Hollingsworth Block. Rkfkkence—Lanier & Anderson. X. 11. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Itnlnton Hall Ilulldiiiif, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GGORGIA. 133tf m COME! COME! COME ONE ! COME ALL ! TO the VEGETABLE and CHICKEN and EGG market of V. C. BALKCOM A CO.’S You can also get the best Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rice, Flour, Bacon, Sausage, Black Fish, Mul let, Fresh Oysters, Crabs and Shrimps, Canned Goods of all kinds, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, ulso a splendid assortment of Notions. sep3f> tf C. C. BALKCOM & CO. SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE! IITE return tlmnks to the citizens of South VY west Macon for your increased patron age. especially in the line of prescriptions, and promise you that yon shall have our whole at teution. A DBUC STORE is greatly needed in our part of the city. You shall have every advantage in (TIEAP.YESS, PI RITY IX UKI UK, 1* KO 31PT ATTEST I OX, PAY OR NIGHT, That can be afforded by any house in the city. The ladies are invited to examine our Teilet Article*, Come all, and we w ill please you if possible. FRESH DRUGS RECEIVEDEVERT MONTH S. I>. EVERETT, ■lras it Ist, 134-159 Fourth Street, near Arch. J , KS H. 111.01 ST. ISAAC IIAROEMAN. HI.OI XT A IIAItI>F.3I AX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hall, Cherry street. 49-360 FOR RENT. ONE of the most desirable places on Troup lUU, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nine acres of land at tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, etc. Parties wanting to rent a good house can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to Messrs. B. H. Wrigley * C0.,96 and6B Second street, Macon, Ga. 133-tf JAMBS W. KNOTT. w* a. som. Com, Bacon aid Floi Eipii 4 OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. :e: Com, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging*, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PRIDE OF DIXIE,” The Best in the World* Always on Hand. l claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOOR, BAGGING TIES, ETC,, ETC,, And I will inukc it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A. HUFE. 97-tf REDUCTION! REDUCTION!! In consequence of the great reduction in price of Groceries in the Northern markets, and owing to the Repeal of Duties on many articles in our line, we now offer the following goods at annexed prices : 7 Lbs. A. Sugar for SI.OO. 71-2 Lbs. Ex. C. Sugar for SI.OO. 8 Lbs. C. Sugar for SI.OO. MIXED TEAS 75c. Per Lb. SEGARS A SPECIALTY! Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Fresh Crackers Every Week! If Yon Don’t sec what You Want, Ask for it. PUTZEL & JACOBS, NEW YORK GROCERY STORE, 2d ST., DAMOUR BLOCK. 1'33-149e0d pa.*rc:hied:ic:offef.