Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 01, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE ffff**—'****" .. -3S =S ——— I INACOM, A., OCT. I. l**. mi,mm ■'—-—■"■■ jiwy •— ll j ruiuiHiu mvKitv itvitmwa ' LINES. WING A SMITH.' No. 10 UolUnicvworlh HiocV AU It I Ur* relating to SulmrriptUm tftould l# ml j IrtJU+d to Line*, 1 Vim// *!' Smith, Motor i, Wfl. C'txnmuD L'otion* forth* }taf*r should 1* ml dreuml to If# Ml dvr. Hi* cannot undertake to return rejected comm an leal Urn*. Well authenti rated ntuo item *, from all parts of the State, m licUed, W. W ATKIN 111 l hs, (editor. ■k nini ralli' Vl.-r-ll jij- Macon, Sept. .'JO, 1872. Mr. Editor :—Having learned Hint I lie Congressional Executive Clorntiiillcc have called (he Convention to noinlnute a can didatc for Congre** to till the unexplrod term of Hon. T. J. H|wer, at Forsyth, on Monday, October 7th. 1 hereby endorse said action and suggest to the counties in said District to act accordingly. I make this announcement os I had suggested Macon, Tuesday, October Bth. T. llahdbman, Jn, Clun'ii Ex. Com. Democratic palters in District please copy, , . ... ■ ■ Kvkut patriot should give one day, at least, to his country, in twelve luonths. To morrow you may secure one vote for law, order, peace, fraternity, and econom ical government. It is worth your effort. Jr you know of u weak brother, living some distance from the polls, make it your business, early in the day, to accompany him to tiro voting place, and secure his vote. Every votadclls. We cannot af ford to lose one— . . Col. Haiidkman delivered a stirring speech lost night. The hall was crowded, and the enthusiasm was real ami merited. What a miserable hole to speak in t It is enough to freeze the soul of nn orator to lie csmpellod to speak In such a place Theodore Tilton ia worried because nearly nil tlio orthodox clergy go for Grant Now, our tibcrnl friend need not vex his heterodox soul about that. Or thodoxy lias backslidden, that's all, and heterodoxy has lrccome sound orthodoxy in political matters. Theodore ia ortho dox for once. - Contrary to general Impression and pre vious history on the same lino, Mr Greeley M-cnis to have greatly aided the liberal i utixe in Ills extended tour. His speeches are model*. Every word Is clear cut, ap propriate aud sensible. There is no cx cllod appeal to public prejudice, hut plain talk to plain people. For onco a candi date for the Presidency, can bo trusted to speak Tor himself during a heated cam paign. Everywhere enthusiasm is on llie Increaao. You need not fear to go to the polls to morrow for llie purpose of voting There will lie no intimlilution tolerated, mid no muu who lias a right to vote will be lulerler ed with. Walk right up,calmly,ami quietly aud vote, theu retire, that others may do o also. Disturbances at polls begin by jostling, pulling, clamoring, uud arguing. Tills should uud w ill not lie tolerated A man makes up ills mind how to vote bo fore lie nutria. When any person begin* to Joatle aud flare about, he is a disturber and should he arrested. Wk are confident of our ability to carry the day tomorrow in a fair election, if every Democrat and Liberal will do Iris July—tliero can be no question about the mat ter. Duty! What la that. Ist vote your self. 2nd (jet a* many other* to vote witii you a* possible lie sure you vote the right ticket Tiro Walker ticket means untold calam ity, trouble, and tire roasserllon of radical rule In Georgia. The Smith ticket means peace, equal right*, economy, prosperity —and a contin uance ol those blessings which for a year have been falling upon us. ——• ♦ Tint Gothamite* intend to give Mr. Greeley a rousing reception on bis return from the canvass ol the middle and Wee tern States. This is well. Mr. Greeley lias contributed Immensely to the growth and enthusiasm of the Liberal cause. Croaker* croak, and false prophet* utter their wonderful prognostic*! ions .etc.etc., et. at., but Mr. Greeley, has proved him •elf more than equal to the great demand. He prove* himself a w ise, sagacious, and recollected statesman, who. cau open his mouth without put ling bis foot in it. Let him receive a glorious welcome back to the metropolis. NI.OWI-Y BIT t liKTAm.I. The Episcopal Church Convention is an occasion of moment iu N'cw \ ork. Many of the meet influential and wealthy not to say fashionable families of Gotham serve God after uo maimer laid down in the prayer-books and rubrics of the Epis copal Church. In the Episcopal address, by Bishop Hotter, before the recent Convention, smong other matters, bis lordship brought forward the subject of a Cathedral. He wanted a Cathedral, that is, if be could have * real one w ith *ll the uuity, power, pomp, amaze, authority and antiquity which so wonderful a Christian institution Is supposed to establish or represent His lordship was both tender and stern on this great subject, and poured forth his apo thelic spirit iu a niauner calculated to both win and repel, as is his method J However, a committee was appointed on Cathedral—with large powers (both Com mittee and Cathedral) iu the premise*. And so we are getting ready for the future reception and entertainment of the Holy Father himself when the veil between us and home is severed. oicisrit, umTixJinv, oitii:it: J. C. Swayzc, the editor of the Had leal Luton, came out yesterday evening with an *• extra," in which be says very bitter, and vve must believe, unjust things of Col Qmoii. This sort of political wat fare is ! dishonoring to the man who practices it. and compels us to think ill of those for whom we might he disp'med to have re- I spect. Now, we do not despise an honest Repub lican any more tbau wo believe in a fulso Democrat. A man can, in tbla country, think as lie pleases, and air his thoughts, too, if lie do so in the language of u gentle man, Rut liberty’ is traduced ami lowered and grossly abused when one is found to use it for slanderous purposes I Then it be comes the handmaid of villainy, and ia no longer the good and holy llilog we should esteem it. We are opposed to incendiary journal ism whether it he Republican or Demo cratic. No man serves liis country by such writing. He represents nobody— only ids own unworthy heart, lie assists no good cause ; defends no injured prin ciple ; farthers no noble mission, and rep resents no worthy thought, measure, or standard. 11c spits out his evil venom and (ire ! He is a human serpent hissing at lire innocent or the maligned! In the form of a man, yet Is he Ishmacllte, whose hand is aguinst every man’s, and who has no country. We have not all this to say of Mr Swayzu. We know him not! From his own “extra" we glean that he lius udlaughter, and that he has known domestic trial and sorrow. A man who has a daughter also has a heart, and there is a way to it I One who lias teen trouble lias a claim upon our thought and siluncc. Wo confess that claim in this case, and because of it, re mind Mr. Hwuyzo that to write a sheet full of bitterness, hate, malignity, and per sonal abuse, is a tiling that ran he forgiven, hut never mndc white ! We are ashamed for journalism I We arc knowing to a hotter way, and uro striving to set the example. We do not exonerate our cotemporary the Tele graph aud Messenger. We have called that journal to order, for certain unneces sary, wild, incendiary sayings , and we are plciuu i to note a decided improve ment. Let us have a decent exchange of thought. Let the mouth or pen that vitu perates, lie known as foul, aud let public conscience demund truth, honor, fair-deal ing. ami intelligence in those who assume to guhls public thought, opinion, and morals i:\TIttOIHHAAKI COV TIIMPT. A man known ns Jcrcmiuh Collins, u denizen of Ht. Louis, murdered liis w ife under circumstances of gient atrocity, uud was sentenced to hang by the neck, etc.— The Governor commuted tlio sentence to imprisonmeut for life. The following scene took place when the culprit wus brought before the Court to heur tlio commulitliou Well, Judge, have I nothing to say about it r Tlio Judge— 1 will hear whnl you Imvo to say Collins—l solemnly protest against it.— 1 will abido by the fust sentence. Tlio Judge—You have been convicted of mutder in the first degree for the killing of your wife under circumstances of iieculiar atrocity. The Governor bus commuted your punishment from hanging to Impris onment for life. Collins—That is against my wish. The Judge—You say you protest against itr Collins—l do. The Judge—Then I sav 1 will not, in view of the sanctity of human life, accept your protest. Collins—l say I have my right us well as you. The Judge —The clemency extended by the Governor, I will extend to you in spite of your protest. - DIPORT % Vl’ lAI'I.AX VI lOX. The tax collector is the busiest man in ton n. and will continue to be so until ills office closes this evening. There seems to boa mistake about the tax business. Any man who has paid liis properly tax for 1872, is entitled to vote, therefore. Those cannot vote who have {Y, no tar. The poll tax, we understand, is always added in the ordinary tax and is paid in n lump. This understanding will relieve many— aud probably, none more than the hard pressed collector, if you have paid no tar, the payment of poll tax alone will entitle you to vote gov. i u rn Has taken a buhl stand in favor of the Lib eral movement and its candidates. In a thrilling speech, delivered at Hollefonte, l’a . he administered a most scathing re buke to the present Aduiistratiou, and se verely handled tho Cameron gang of his native State. Forney, of the Philadelphia Press, says that Curtiu's advocacy of Buck alcw and the Liberal platform, will secure the State by 25,tW majority. We know Andy well, aud can readily believe that his influence in the Keystone Stale will turn it iu the way of bis owu heart. Executive I'osniultlcc ol' the Olh t'angre.alonal Dlstricl. Uuder authority or the Convention of delegates from the 6th Congressional Dis trlct at Milled geville, Georgia, Sept. 19th. 1872, the following gentlemen ate an nounced as members of the Executive Committee, for said District: Baldwin county. P. M. Compton, Jr. Bibb cottuty, Charles T. Harris Butts county, James Harkness. ' Jasper county. T. W. Preston Jones county. T. O. Bowen. Newton county. Gen. T. M. Sinn. Laurens county. T M Stubbs Pdtuani. U C. Uansber. Hockdale. J. H G'ittin Twiggs, 1> M. Hughes. Walton. II 1). McDaniel. Wilkiuson. K. J. Cochran. Tke committee will please meet in the city of Macon, on Wednesday, October 9th. at the Brown House, for the purpose of organization and the transaction of busi ness, B. F. Ward. President •! of the Convention. Hrtaras of Ijwl Electiva. iielow will lio found authenticated re turns of the last Gubernatorial aDd Sena torial election, which will be found to he of great interest in tire com *{ election : Z _ Congress I Govern’ r Resist'd. Ktasr Dibt Jh * 0 1868. I*o7. "< sj j -4 5 s ss g z K*n 5 3 COiNTI’S g. S o f . £ - i S Z ~ i : : •? s s &j : i Appling. . M'i 130' 238 5'.) 4.1.1 94 Berrien.. . . 540 2: 279 40 4io 65 8r00k5....; HI3 669 430 040 501 874 Bryan .... 279 201 101 300 247 8112 8u110ch.... 878 . 405 42 854 238 Camden,. 183 885 lift 511 145 550 Charlton .. 1 100 83 80 ‘.si 100 53 Chatham .. 3820 241)1 2782 4471 231)8 4845 Clinch 148 12 170 230 4<sl 210 Coffee 278 4 122 107 850 92 Colquitt... 170 1 01 42 173 17 Echols .... 252 87 155 60 161 60 Effingham | 410 283 248 228 404 331) Emanuel... 052 105 2145 106 554 270 Glynn 010 783 77 sio 160 592 Irwin 180 6 Noß't'n 194 38 Johnson . 353 0 233 185 273 147 Laurens... 7.52 650 380 510 077 (245 Liberty .. 280 232 145 711 320 8)19 Lowndes .. 082 740 355 611 520 673 Mclntosh 170 590 135 446 307 000 Montgomy. 422 . . 239 34 328 103 Pierce 309 180 95 99 1M) 201 Striven.... 704 533 28)1 083 054 916 Tstnsll.... 350 . 284 78 450 105 Telfair 800 10 Noß’t’n 339 103 Thomas... 924 It)SI 337 1221 780 1540 Ware 210 120 109 108 227 134 Wayne ... No El’in 02 34 157 09 T0ta1.... 15581 90)12 8148 12182 12559 14953 Majorities. MHO 4034 23144 A. A. Bradley, (ced'd) Ind. Hud. Cong. 2142 3 If 2so Dibt. | 3 Biker.'.'.'.'.. 747 "373 840 255 ’ 284 ’ 099 Calhoun. . No Ret. 371 431 324 09)1 rii’Uh'che' 579 341 551 277 438 508 Clay. 493 489 438 319 414 453 Decatur... 1191 1524)1 084 1038 1 024 1115 Dooly .... 855 532 740 4)17 8),7 791 Dougherty. 029 2230 1151 1608 383 2274 Early 416) 39; 597 355 339 814 Lee 413 1222 1 573 813 356 1079 Macon 87.5 1373 1183 10)17 039 1382 Marlon....' 609 358 781 353 o*l7 049 Miller .... 825 143 211 187 272 185 Mitchell... 028 .358 341 452 390 007 Pulaski 1080 519 702 809 879 1131 Quitman . 412 277 35*1 0 308 401 Randolph . 1102 290 1113 087 838 1100 Slcwurt.... 8-tl 1318 940 752 858 1510 Bumti-r... . 1972 1238 1355 1249 975 1 924 Terrell... , 940 533 853 332 , 001 804 Webster... 405 470 441 292 393 380 Wilcox... i No Ret. 28! 3 248 118 Worth | 332 90 243 84, 329 194 Total .. . . .14909 i4OBB i4252 i isyfMl i XS3I ittSGO Majorities . 881 2491 8009 , < 5 .. Id * 1 3ltl> DIST. j jq o j e* ; I Campbell..' 570 44* 477 539 1071 3112 Carroll I 751 509. *124 662' 144 8 214 Clayton.... I 373 857 349 320 555 230 Coweta....; 1165 1549 1021 1120 1283 1315 Crawford ..' *l5B 5531 535 514 , 548 755 Fayette 350 408 483 409' 780 380 Harris ; 90-J 925 j 975 1035; 1113 1267 Heard 495 373 444 435 753 382 Houston 873 3079 1800 1520 910 259)1 Meriwether 854 1190 728 1120 901 1272 Muscogee. 2IUI 1187 1170 1640 1133 I'.SX) Hell ley 443 437 374 389 329 501 Talbot 1000 1042| 758 1057: 778 1250 Taylor *2ll 5*18; 575 53*1 018 5)81 Troup 1574 1576 1215 1680 1118 1991 Total .i‘2649 14212 11591 L 2594 i 11410 M 927 Majorities . 'is63| iotKr isn i P" w. 4tii uist. c 5 2 ! P 7 ® | Baldwin”. 65U ii 47 7R4 996. 599 i“52 Bibb No Ret 1919 2192 1038 2329 Butts 5)11 412 499 382 543 42; Henry 804 453 780 014 1(>47 010 Jasper, 709 070 005 789 (101 <*79 Jones 705 792 559 718 473 1 070 Monroe... 1381 1098 1314 1340 1113 1063 Pike 800 419 850 589 958 833 Putnam... 753 1170 407 1082 558 1171 Spalding .. 8)12 897 801 070 731 MO Twiggs.... 229 820 2)11 1128 522 999 Epson.... 930 846 785 728 820 821 Wilkinson. 801 699 583 M 2 9tl 809 Total.! ” ” 10725iiiii iiiwisorr iisTsi-isis MajorVties” 486 'iBB7 2935 ' ¥ ? i 03 ® stii hist. o -■ : 9 .= Burke”!” iiii 834 492 2i22 71*i '“543 Columbia.. 1000 320: 457 1222; 003 1780 Elbert B‘.s.) 145 7lk) 221 795 8)91 Greene.... 893 1341 80S 1032 822 1434 Glascock .. 314 8 241 170 342 172 Hancock.. T'.M 2 525 1394 740 1545 Jefferson.. 789 557 428 1052 ; 093 1273 Lincoln ... 599 7 ; 39) 406' 294 588 Morgan.. 423 1071 455 1202 579 1231 Oglethorpe 089 365 >557 114 1 7(6) l(S,g> Rb-hiuond. 3)H)7 ‘2552 1749 3078 22)14 3202 Taliaferro. 4M 309 340 627 386 503 Warren.... 850 402 544 1124 727 1231 Washing')) 1618 941 1278 1075 1201 1338 Wilkes... 1598 382 , 0?2 979: 597 1849 Total””” i51163 9302 '{wa 17454 iieisj 20258 Majorities,i iVsli 7792 8649 otu Dist. 5- y, 8 4 ? Banks 442 207 266 314 523 141 Clarke 959 ... 836 1068 881 1119 Dawson,... 18*2 2i n 151 301 555 03 Fannin.... 313 3t>o 139 3**4 093 40 Forsyth... 563 152 580 386 1010 205 Franklin.. 709 116 477 350 815 <225 Gilmer.... 453 *2.58 *2*2B 374 ssO :U4 Gwinnett.. 1120 74 886 505 1604 340 Habersham 46J 47 277 380 723 155 Hull 573 215 554 4)ki IH*O -204 Hart 468 330 P.kl 426 683 216 Jarkson... 8'.)0 419 57)1 671 1000 OM Lum|ikin.. 198 211 885 “70 7.V) ]ls Madison.. 414 4.' 5)'.8 210 4.'al “39 Milton.... 219 58 509 91 610 tB Pickens... 195 371 212 .381 733 31 Rabun 344 9 330 ISO 459 33 Towns.... 215 182 193 209 424 35 I'aloa 378 345 449 282 758 17 Walton... 943 875 725 632 1947 673 White 347 86 273 219 512 86 Total. itUSB :si i M 39 7945 16170 4016 Majorities. 6447 494 11754 Weir Boyd, Ind. Dem. Congress. 823 ; 55 Ttu titst. S S 3 s * St Bartow 159(1 575 1484 754 1(5X9 65.8 Catoosa... 545 •> 438 xw 597 115 Chattooga. 777 IS 485 307 830 310 Cherokee.. 707 SO ('■!<! 889 14(4 319 Cobb 773 1-S7 1841 536 1648 573 Dade 401 1 384 *55 411 34 IV Kalb. . 1018 355 903 381 1053 433 Kiovd 1438 540 1233 864 1554 800 Fulton .... 3144 3:..'0 313,7 1944 i506 1 943 (lord, a.... 7SI 313 787 338 1303 31s llarabou. 30-4 340 AH 349 499 4- .Murruv.... 083 4 509 lljo 848 137 Paulding.. 481 413 439 1031 130 Talk. .... 035 357 601 337 7.4 595 Walker... 593 144 759 509 118* 398 Whitfield.. 995 S3l 775 657 1175 377 total::::: am 537,713354 soio ww & Majorities." SV-ii 5305 istßV IVm. Con. majority .33,596 Bullock** •* 1863 6,!S White'* Reg. “ 1807 37V The great attraction in Turin just now is a Prussian drummer who plays on sixteen drums Why was he not at Boston ? ’■ ■IK M4'll:i*PK C'AHK In the Catholic Mirror of the current week, Dr. Aikeu, whose testimony in the first trial ied to the conviction of Dr. Schreppc for the poisoning of Miss Stin necke, of Baltimore, by prussic acid, vin dicates liis position and answers the numer ous critics, medical and literary, who have been thrusting lances at him. His paper is scholarly, caustic, and presents the whole subject in a deeply interesting light. Dr. Aiken is evidently a man of science, and if bis narrative be accepted his critics will have to attack him on new issues We clip a paragraph from his able letter that our readers may eujoy llie Doctor's method of parrying If for the part I was required to take in this matter I have really been as near utter destruction as the editor of a misnamed religious paper in New York assures his readers was the case, I have reason to be thankful for my escape. If that wise Doctor who could have annihilated me before he left the country, hut thought he would'ut, had not changed his mind I never could have had this opportunity to suggest to the aforesaid editor that lie who propagates a falsehood is equally culpable with him who origiuates it, aud that even a mind overflowing witii legal lore may he bencfltted by a careful study of the Decalogue. A little learning is never so dangerous as when the unhappy possessor is emboldened to decide ex cathedra on questions with which he is so little ac quainted tiiat lie is ignorant even of his own ignorance. His respects to Drs. Reese and Genth are no less direct and satisfactory, and will change the attitude somewhat of those distinguished gcntlemeu. Much was said during the late trial of Dr. Aiken’s mistake (or worse.) hut, if we are a judge, he lias completely turned the tables on his critics, and stands to-day the ablest scientist of the three. On tlio vexed question he says: Among the opinions antagonistic to my conclusions in the Schasppe case were those advanced by Prof, lteese and Dr. Gcuth, who also held opinions opposed to iny conclusions in the Wharton case. Aud if a demonstrable error in the one may he cited as showing a probable error in the other the opinions of those gentle men may he fairly considered somewhat unreliable. In the Wharton trial the lawyers for tlio defence produced before the jury a wonderful discovery. This discovery, made by Prof. McCullough, was verified aud endorsed by Prof. Reese and Dr. Genth, and according to Prof. Reese seemed likely to revolutionize the Bcicnce of toxicology. They claimed that a com bination of remedies, chloral and gelsemi num, containing not a particle of antimo ny, when treated exactly as a suspected wixturo in which antimony was present, idol 1 give results so exactly similar that a skinful chemist might he deceived aud eveu misled iuto the conclusion that anti mony wus present when not a particle was there. But unfotunately for the and for liis friends who had repeated and veri fied his experiments, the claim when in vestigated proved to be a myth, the won deiful discovery vanished, and the revo lution in science has been postponed un til further notice The combination of remedies when treated in the same way as an antimonial solution uillnot gice simi lar results. The reagent that produce an orange red precipitate from the one will not give any thing of the kind from the other. By a very different treatment chlo ral and gelseuiinum will give a white pre cipitate that appeals orange red only while suspended in a deep colored liquid. The moment the precipitate is separated from the liquid, it is white. Aud the two pre cipitates also differ diametrically in chem ical character. In short, the solution of chloral and gelsemimmi, instead of resem bling an antimonial solution chemically, is in reality so different that tlicae is no possibility of mistaking one for the other. The one must he acid to yield a precip itate, the other must be alkaline.- The precipitate from one is orange red, from the other it is white. The product from one precipitate is perfectly soluble in tar taric acid, the same product from the oth er is insoluble in tlio same acid. When these facts were made known to the Attor ney General, he spoke very irrevalently of the wonderful discovery, and denounc ed it as either an “atrocious fraud on the administration of justice er else the result of the grossest ignorance.” I cannot sup pose that Prof. McCullough, who made the discovery, or Prof. Kccsc or Dr. Genth, who repeated and verified the experi ments, had any doubt on the subject at the lime, or entertained the least idea of fraud. Neither is it necessary to assume gross ignorance, mere want of proper care may account for very serious mistakes. Bat then such carelessness once demon strated iu one important case destroys all confidence in the opinions of such careless observers in other cases. Following the Voice. Editor of the Macon Daily Enterprise .- Dkah Siu—lt xxas with much pleasure that I read the obituary of little Louise K. in last Saturday's issue of your paper. Such pieces uro calculated to do great good; this one, especially, is (Ull of com fort and consolation to the Christian heart of the true believer and well calculated to encourage a lively interest in the unbe liever ; eloquently inviting him to inves tigate a system so fraught with the fondest hopes aud brightest anticipations. To find such effusions in a daily newspaper affords incontrovertible evidence, that the editotial control of a secular sheet is not incompatible with the highest claims and most rigorous demands of Ihe sacerdotal character. Your allegory of the little lamb, is truly touching. In the enclosed lines I have endeavored (rudely it may be) to embody in verse some of the thoughts which xvere suggested by the expression, "And xve xveeping aud mourning follow the voice," etc. LISES OS TUB OEATII OF LITTLE LOLISB K. # ** “ And we. weeping and mourning, fol low the voice of the lamb.’ [W. 11. 11. In Dal lt Kstkbi-kise. That voice which once seemed to float Upon the soft silence of even, Was hut a soft mnsical note, Just strayed from the chorus of Heaven. Borrow’d awhile from the storehouse of Cod! Where is that beautiful strain • It has flown to its native abode To join the full chorus again. In the bosom of God, you may grow Beyond our remembrance—so fair; But when we hear that voice, soft and low, Wc shall ibiotr that our Louise is Were. Schoolmaster. BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can be had by applying to W. D. Kainev on Walnut street. Macon". Sept, 13. 1i?73 137-163 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CARD OF THANKS. Macon, Ga., Oct 1,1872. In behalf of my mother, I hereby dealre to tender thanks to those gentlemen by whose timely efforts her home was saved trom tire on the 30th ultimo. Respectfully, octt-lt Geo. T. Habsk. Telegraph and Messenger copy. _ FOR RENT. MY VINEYARD, cm I 'racing six acres in Scuppernong and Catawba 5 ines. One who can give it proper personal attention will find it profitable. Also my Cotton Land adjoining the > tne yard. For further Information call at my residence, or at my law office, in Mncon. oetl2t. JOHN RUTHERFORD. SF ECIAL NOTICE. rpHK First Ward Democratic Club will meet A. Tuesday nitflit, October list, ut 8 o’clock, ut the Engine House of No. 3. Let the ut tcndunce be large, ft* important business will be transacted. Thus. U. Conner, President. W. Pop., Jr., Secretary. . NOTICE. rpHE Books for the registration of voters for X the city election will he opened on the first day of October and dose at Two o’clock p. in., on December 13, 1873. sep3o td J. A, McMANUS, Clerk. GRAND OPENING. ON or about Wednesday, October 2nd, we will open ut No. lU4 Chcray street, (the store formerly occupied by Collins Ac Little as a Ca riage Repository) a lurgeand well selected stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. The pub lic are respectfully invited to give us a call. sep3o fit •> ED IIEGGS. To Eease or Rent. SIX Room Dwelling house with necessary outbuilidngs on Second street, betweeu Plain and Pine. Apply on the premises to sept27-4teod J. S. GRAYBILL, Agt. MUSIC LESSONS. yCZURDA, Teacher of Music, Vocal and • Instrumental, would respectfully in form his many friends and patrons, that he will resume his private lessons on Monday next, Bcpt. 30th. Orders left cither at the Academy for the Blind, Guilford, Wood A Cos., or by note through the post office, will receive prompt attention. (sept 25-eod2w*j PROCLAMATION MAYOR’S OFFICE, l Macon, Ga., September 28, 1872 f The city authorities of Macon having received information to the effect that certain evil dis posed persons, white and black, have in con templation certain plans, the adoption of which would give to one or the other of the contend ing political parties the full and absolute con trol of the polls at the election to be held for State officers in this city on next Wednesday, This, therefore, is to notify and advise all parties at interest, that no such unlawful prac tices will be allowed, nor shall any improper or unfair means be resorted to at said election which in their nature would \ calculated to endanger the peace, good order and welfare of ihe city. The carrying of concealed weapons on that day, will be extra hazardous to the party so offending, as any man, white or black, who shall be'found with a pistol, knife, or other deadly weapon concealed about his person, will he promptly arrested and placed in the City Bar racks. This order is imperative, and I will have a sufficient number of armed police on the spot to execute it at all hazards. All Bar rooms within the city limits must be closed on that day. The keeper or proprietor of any bar room or drinking saloon, from which any liquor shall be sold or furnished on that day, will be fined live hundred dollars. W. A. HUFF, Sept. 30, 2t. Mayor. SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE! WE return thanks to the citizens of South west Macon for your increased patron age, especially in the line of prescriptions, and promise you that you shall have our whole at tention. ' A DKTJG STOBE: is greatly needed in our part of the city. You sliall have every advantage in CIIEAPXKSS, PURITY n Bltl bN. PRO.VIPT ATTETTIO.T. DAY OH NIGHT, That can be afforded by any house in the city. The ladies are invited to examine our Teilei Come all, and we wilt please you if possible. FRESH DRUGS RECEIVEDEVERY MONTH S. I>. EVERETT, Drugiiist, 134 159 Fourth Street, near Arch. At Seymour, Tinsley & Co.’s CAN BE FOUND Boxes White Bellies. 25 Barrels Pork Ribs. 50 Boxes Cream Cheese. 20 Barrels Early Rose Potatoes. 20 Barrels Red Onions. 100 Jars Snuff. 75 Kegs Rifle Powder. 300 Bags Drop Shot. 200 Thousand Water Proof Caps. Nuts, Raisins, Oysters, Sardines etc., etc. ALL FOR SALE at lowest Jobbers prices. Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. 147-190 J. CLARKE SWAYZE, 1 Bibb County Court, vs. -October Term, 1871. NINA SWAYZE. \Li be! for Divorce. It appearing to the Court that the defenclant in the above stated case, resides without the limits of the State. It is ordered that Service be ]>erfected in said case, bv publication in one of the public Gazettes, published in the City of Macon, once a week for four months. M B GERRY, Petitioner's Attomev. A tme extract from the Minutes of Bibb’Sn perior Court, A. B. ROSS, Dep. Clerk. •Inly 17,1873. 9>-law4m W* A. Con, Baton and Floor Emporin OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging*, Ties, . Sugar, Coffee, Etc. THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PRIDE OE DIXIE," The Best in the World, Always on Hand. t>*. I claim superior facilities in the purchase of COM, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ETC,, ETC,, And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on ine with their MONEY n or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A. HHFP, 97-tf REDUCTION! REDUCTION!! In consequence of the great reduction in juice of Groceries in the Northern markets, and owing to the Repeal of Duties on many articles in our line, we now offer the following goods at annexed prices : 7 Lbs. A. Sugar for SI.OO. 7 1-2 Lbs. Ex. C. Sugar for SI.OO. 8 Lbs. C. Sugar for SI.OO. MIXED TEAS 75c. Per Lb. SEGARS A SPECIALTY! --' Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors OF EVERY' DESCRIPTION. Fresh Crackers Every Week! If You Don’t see ivlmt You Want, Ask for it. PUTZEL & JACOBS, NEW YORK GROCERY STORE. 2d ST., DAMOUR BLOCK. 12S-14#eod fa:rc:hied c:offee.