Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 04, 1872, Image 4

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Tfio Daily Merprifse] nil'Ol, /<%.. 0( T. 1, 1*73. From the New York llcruLLj BOSH HASH AN AIL The Jewish New Year—M Origin and Observance. The Kcliglou* New Year of the: Israel ites will be mlicrc<l In on Wcdueatluy eve ning next. (Oct. 2d) and tbll festival as well uh that of the Atonenieut which fol low* ten. days Inter, U observed rooro generally than any other days In the .Jew- calundai - Ihe yuugoguc* aro usually thronged with devout worshippers, iud those who during the rest of the year pay very little attention to devotion will, on those days at least, put oil the aeinhiance nf piety and iuiUiftilly attend to all the outward ucl* of a religions Ufa. iVnyers are recited with trembling fervency, and the words of admonition uud of cncour agetucut uttered by the rabbles find a rest ing place in the open hearts and docile minds of the waiting congregations. The New Year and the days that intervene to the Atonement are spent in jugs and the performance of many spirit ual acts which in some sense answer for pennm e. and which are designed to arouse i!i< pi opln to a xeii e of then* k• i ot iahiLi tv iu cor., mid make way tor the reconciliation • ; a ►iulass C unitor and a shitting eieamre I lie seholur, or cornet, U soniuh-d nittfoal ly du< ittg U*o*<| ilay sto itankm the *i * less from theii spititual rlet p and to h mind them of the thunders and mn < of the hiuai snd of the judgment of an iit coui (oid upon their sins. The uuitipi t blast tells the people that their c is eplietnernl, their life lmt n dream or a vapor, which pa.eth ijulekly away, it ml that the thines ol this life, upon which the ftfl(*ctfoiiN so centre, aro as lh-eting uh the life itself. It teniiiids them that Hie soul in of infinite value and 1s designed to nil eternal duration, because U is fiod horn and cannot ecu e. It. v ll Un-h nmli ti lls tSuin ng .iin they aie accountable to God foi nil t! ii ways, but it reminds them that God is gtacioUK and tiicrciful, long sutleiing and ol great kindness , that Hu wllleth not the death of a sinner, hut rather that lie should lui n from ids ways and live, and as tin nibbles and Hebrew editors say. “us Jong us Israelites observe Kosh Huahanah in Its true intent they remain worthy and faith ful members of that religion which lias the Creator for its father and mankind lot its family ” Hut as very much of the tie volinti called foith by the annual return of this day springs Imm auperdition, the Jt Irish 'l'inicH warns Israelites that in such ease it were bettor that its observance were left unfilled, since form alone, without idea, is a laxly without soul—a c tutor cr of unseemly sight, defiling and corrupt ing, and that the sounding of tin* sliolar heroines idolatry and the recital ol prayer blasphemy. TItK ORIGIN ol HUM I l-.s |l\ *I. i round in IxtvUlctm xxiil. mid Numbers , which provide llmt 'in tlu; .scwiilh r.mill, in tlic first day of tlie inouili,' ilit-y should keep a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing liuuijic'lsi. a Imly convixnllou in wliich no servile work ilinuld tie done. Hence just Imrely tlic work that Is needed to keep life going smoothly and clearly Is performed during tins Uolyday i And \cry much of this work In wealthy Jew Idi families is done by (XirNlun •ervanw, who liaro no sneli scrtfples This h-sti Mil has been obsei veil by Israelites through out tlic world periKtuiilly sineo the law was given on Mount Hinal, and that event ilHi'lf is supposotl by tradillou lo have been commemorative of the time or season in which tlio croutlon ol the world look place. So that Israelites bdljj'w In a lit teal six days' creation TlienMa, bow over, some dllfk'ivnce of opinion turning rabbinieal eomuioutulors oil that poi lit. some msiiifaliiiug that Hie ereaiimi look place at the vernal equinox and soldi) at the Autumnal equinox. The former is tlic most generally received opinion. The names of the months In the Jewish calendar are Persian, the Hebrew know mg no other division of time than those found in Scripture, ns llmt, second, tblid, etc. And the w ord Tishri, the name of the moutli which licglus on Wednesday evening ic|, means simply "first” or "lie ginning.” Connected with this festival is an Idea that <\ New Year's day the "ah solute coiiseiiuencos ol men's actions and the fate of nations ale mi led out and weighed,'' uud their laic deckled Ibr the coming year. And the "blowing ol the trumpets” on this day Is in m inpalliy w ith lids ides, and Is a part of the awe Inspiring service which is to cause all the inhabl lants to tremble at the approach of tin* day of the land. It also denotes Til K FI St AI. UKSTO STATION OFISItAKI. The services of ttds lestival Comprise pray era of a threefold kind, namely—"of homage" to Invoke the speedy approach of the kingdom of God when all mankind will arrive at the tine knowledge of the Creator ami unite in His worship , second, "of reuiembertmee " of Hod's supremacy and man's dependence, Ac., and thirdly, "of sounding " the cornet to celebrate that future Jubilee when man w ill be freed from the fetters of error and w ill acquire perfection in tho knowledge of the true Uod. The annual sale of po.w uud sit tings in the synagogues Utki* phiCO at tld* season, and tiiere is a giant rush to get tho choicest. The synagogues are crowded and many arc tumble to gain admittance , hence the Jewish paper* for a couple of week* past have warmly advocated open lug temporary synagogues lor the |Kior w hcM they can have tho ministrations of the Jaw and the benefits of this i-cusou without bclug debarred therefrom by the eonvenUonalitics of fasliiouublu temple* u*d synagogue worshippers. Tho congre gations yesterday were comparatively small,ow ing to the necessary preparations for the holidays. REGATTA SALOON on rkahix; room. ■ H. STEIKN WrH(, Projiriftor. CITt'ATKI) in the !>•. nuiil of fUilTa new O Miihlinj.. Ctiorrjf Mjv>t. Twenty-five or thirty Illustrated, literary mid Political ompinw, both Knjfllsh and Herman. constantly kept on bund. I. I At II nt nil hours ever day. US M# INM AN LI N E . . UOIAL .YIAII. STL’AI!MIII'.i. I>UK )„• rnxiol, \’c>v York and Philadelphia i (steamship Company diapalch two steam j era pur week. Ttaa |uiekeat Uuie ent made j aeroas Uie AUauuc. fcriry comfort and eon x enteric*' For further information apply to tf U. C. ItTP.VEXSOV, A pent MACON Piffle lies lie, V HAVE l ull BAI.K THKONI.'. Reliable (ins Machine SNOWX Together with gas rinc, FIXTURES, BURNERS, SHADE)'. GLOBES, ETC., ETC. { - | 'ill VA< 1 ' li ' : I.• .. ii ill - < i !>'-• .• mid 1 nihiilriMi tnpt.,■! to hel I’ng To*fi \ It! 11..1 I- < 1,1 r. ... I! I ■ .tr ‘i'll. t. ", //..,/!,!/,'■ bile 11, t> Ik, n,'.vk.„ ltu cld'Mlt with 11,,'111 111-llrHlu*' 1 • film :i„„ ■ m ,i |,t rink, without liMT-, cl i-li , LOOK AT OBI! Ei?S!iESSE L it,v. w. Catkin hicks, i .1 : ■ ■ M, 11,,> list ( liurch. M,- ,r. J. W. Bt’liKt A < o Hcv. j. w. iiritK i ; . VIRGIL I" >W I'.lf. I . . ft ' •I. ‘ ■ I imrlnl, udeuk V ISAACS. .i k. guiit jnaco. J 8 SCUM ll'.l.l) ,v < o LESSEES OK DININO ll \!.l. ,'MMUI! HI Ill’ll, Ventral City 1'.,:: . < tiLLINS HEATH. K. .1. BUSSEY, 1' ,| , IV .1 in,i, Cotniuti i*, OA. J. It. MCI 1 OL.''. K- i , Narconolice. J. ||. JOHNSON, M. I>., (~ M. I A. M., Talladega, Alit. CIIAS. K. WAKEITE,,D, .Satannull, And numerous oilier*, who-c t"f-timniiiu]H limy hr seen ut thr office of the C'lmp.iny \o. Oil Sil'4 >l> NT. tl ll OA.Oii. All communications must be addressed to CDWMKI) hows:, 11,,\ 95, IV I>. Agenl. wanted In r\rt \ r,,.t:tlv in tin* Stilt,-. I-I.Vleod Marshall House SAVANNAH,HA., A. 11, LK'lii Froprlflur. 15 0A HD PER DAY 83.00. i-ji-aon It 1 I 1.K0.V 0 II . Hi. SCIIKIH I.K. Ciniuc of Schedule. et'I'I.KIN IK> HUM'S OFFICE. j sm hi Wksti.un Uaii.iioad i'o., Macon, (.1,, Juno 111, 1871. ) /V N mid after Sunday, Htli in't.. I’ mild ; \ / 'iUii.i in UiU Bond, will Ik* run h." fl lows: DAY 111 l U H I’A --*r.NOKK TRAIN. I si'll Tk* MrtOtUl ' A • Arrive it Kufuulu IJ r. m. Arrive tit Ulu> ton . . . r i*. m. Arrive lit Alf>n> *-* l (> i* m. Arrive ut Fon (tulut s I: W r. m Connecting with th Albany Him eh Tialn ot SniithvfUc hiul with Fort Gaines Brunch Train ut Uuthbcrt iluil> LcftVO Cluvtoil . . T JO S, M. l.cftVC Klimulil > •<> A, M. Leave Fort Gaines . . > :i.‘ a m la*uvc Albany .... iD. t' a m Arrive ut Macon . . . l*. m. eunn i ni di r runouf *\i MTo\utcit* T 1 > N TRAIN ' Leave Macon .... 9.10 r. m. Arrive ut Ki.fuula . 10:'A* a. m. | Arrive at AUmnv . *> *' a m. Airlvuat Fort Gullies . ll .VJ a m Connect .1 Smlthvllle with Albany Train on Monday, Tucmlhv, Thuradn> anil Friday nights, 1 mill ut Cutbbert on Tu mlu.v ud Thuasday.— No train leaves on Saturday nights IstitT* Kufttuta ... :U> r. m. ! I,i’uVo Alhnin s P r m. i*eHve Fort Galtu* . . Fid r. Arrive at Macon . . . * r ‘.*Jo a. m. COM’II HUH DAY PAH-1 NUKU TRAIN. Leave Macon . . 5 U a. m. Arrive nt Oolumhu* . . 11:15 a. w. I care Columbus . . *4 10 p. m. Arrive el Macon . . OrHft p. m. VIRGIL I‘OWEUSv f.\ ly Fnjdm'or and BBporintrmlent. Ciinitgo of Schedule. WPSTEIIN A ATI.ANTH KAII.UOAH, . Atlanta, Ga., April IT, IST.’, i On siiil utter Sunday, llie "Ist Instant i>,Y Pass, ngvr Train (out want) leaves At hints sgu) a. M , Connecting at Kingston with TlttlOVim V AST IJNK ro MV.W OKI FANC Oiy passenger Nt.WYOKK F AST I.INK:k o. VOantn 1:0% r, m , Connecting at Onltoitwith BAST TKNM ssrKTUKOFe.iI 1 INK TO M W YORK TIM 4* HOI HS BO iII.NUTKs! Nt tit Passenger Fml Line to Mew York, leave* A1 hints tl ID r. w., via KnstTcniuvsiw slid Georgia, at Dalton, or nvmivilu: a ciiATTAaooOA at cuattanooiia TIAIK 54 HOOKS. Day Puss, nter (Inward) through from New York via Fast Tennessee, Arrives at Atlanta B:,V c, H. Night Passenger (InvrurdY through from New York via Fast Tennessee or JuOnisvittt*, Arrives at Atlanta 1:80 A. m. E. h WAI.KFK, Master Transporatiotn. WOOD AND C OAL. 11l AYR eataMlabcd, near the Macon A Wd urn Kuilroud Depot, an ample jard with Fairbanks’ best scales to supply ull k: io Wood amt Coal, iu any quantity, at the low-cat market rates. WRIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY <-L AoAM KEIV A share of public patronage la resraylfnllv solicited. Or,! ra left at the otßcc. of Messrs, 11, J, Jewett, Greer. 1-nko ,v Cos , Turpin k Ogdon, throe I’oatofllee, or at Uic Yard, will have prompt attention, Como ands isa-aa) MIU) 6. fkkkman. FOR SALS. a complete outfit of iiorkniou 1 l KMITKK. A FAMILY designing to break up It, uso koepniy on ti c tirst of October, now oiler a complete ant lit of furniture for the or six rooms, together with all necessary kltctien utenacle, for aalc at half original cost. It con sists of Mohair IMrior Chairs, Mahogany and Flack Walnut liedatewda. Bureau*. Dining To Me, Pining. Rocking and common rh.ii>. t at pets, Dinner ami Tea Setts, and in short, almost every urtieia Ucruatided iu a house of live or six rooms The furniture has not boon used over j one or two years, is In perfect repair, almost as good a* new, oust fl,ooo and vili now be sold for fCkX* cash. Address Box r'i Macon, or apply at thla THIS OFFICE, sop loif THE ENTERPRISE JOB * m % W ZZftG ESTABLISHMENT ■ ' " -•****£-, fe ISi* 1H NOW PREPAUED TO KXBPIITK Aid, KINDS 01’’ PRINTING! SUCH AH CARDS, HILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, I£I.LS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ' ETC., ETC., Anil in ;i stylt* hju iI to any. Extensive additions are daily being made to our STOCK AND MATERIAL Wlii, • very efVort will be mad- to render satisfaction unto all who may farm ns with their j>ataonag“. PROMPTNESS! IN THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE BRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINE. NEATNESS! OF R WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, ATT.D Y . t T. CHAT THE if CEE TKI STATE TO EXCEL US. Address, 2 iiuc t .V Siniih, PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. PRINTING It Ims boon tin* custom lieu: !'d. uud will probaWy remain so to a jvit'at extent, tor our morehants uni business men unerally to send North to have t!;eir print in*; done, simply bt'oause it ean In* done there at a little lower figure than here. It iur people would discontinue i patronizing such men, they \v> uld s.kui s e the policy, it’ not the jus tice. in havin': their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured in the South, and hence the merchant must send where it is made, but here we hare printing offices nil around us, doing work at a very small i advance on northern prie- and still the work is sent away. We hope the time is not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in terests and patronize home institutions. It is n wron? practice and should be condemned. BOSTON A.KU — Savannah Steamship Line. BAILING DAYS—THE 10TH 30TH and JOTH OF EACH MONTH. IOW rates of freight and insurance. Firsts _j class passenger accommodations, ureter your good, shipped by “Boston and Savannah Steamship Line/’ and avoid nil.delay and extra handling. RICHARDSON .V BARNARD, Agent, Savannah, Ga. F. NICKERSON & CO., Agents, 131-300 Boston. J. A. MZ^CIER, Commission Merchant, 133 IIAV XTEOIET, Bet. Whitaker and Barnard St., Savannah, Ga. All orders will receive prompt attention. Con signmrnts of all kinds respectfully solicited. 131-309 boit & McKenzie, Cotton an:l Commission MERCHANTS, ION 15ay Savaniialt, *a. 131-309 • _ _____ MEYER, COHEN & CO„ MUOI.ESALS DIIAI.RIt* IN Boots and Shoes. 3n Rronglilun N, „Sin annals, <Ja Merchant, supplied at New York Market 13130 b ' ITicrs. A. S. A3,DENI A !Slt., COMMISSION ME RCIIA NT S Denlers in I ruifM, Fish ami I’rodiice, Nt. 95 Buy St., Savaanah, (la. i 'oasiirmucnts solk itcd. Orders promptly attended to. ID 1-209 E.D. SMYTHE ItllMtltl MR <>C (THICUHRV, Glassware and Chinn, And Dealer in House I'lil'nishiii!? Goods, 143 ( V.neivss and 141 St. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA 181-309 f. w. sms Sc CO., l otion Ear tois and General Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Bagging and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. 131-309 A. u. CIIAMI’ION. GEO. c. FREEMAN. CHAMPION A FREEMAN, Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, GA, 131-309 L. X. WUIT-ri.E. CEO. W. OFSTIN. UililTMl .V t.l Sfl.Y, ATTOilil liYS, Ac.. AT LAW, ATO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, M ICON, GA. 38-lft7 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA.. J NO. W. CAMERON & 80., PROPRIETORS. A first class house in every respect, 131 tiUU WET ICE! ICE! ICE one cent a pound as usual. No rise iu price now or hereafter. \Y. P. CAS?LOS, Wholesale a*sd Retail Groeer, DEALER IN ICE. TUI ITS, ITSiI, ETt., Mulberry Street, opposite Lunicr House, list tf Macon, Ga. NOTICE. H AVING recently refitted the old stand of Geo. 1). Lawrence, near the Brown House, l am now prepared to furnish REFRESH MENTStothe public. 100-177 Z. B. WHEELER. ANNUAI! FAIR —OF TlfK — Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCMTIO.I OT GEORGIA, A A 7 ILL commence at their Fair Grounds at \\ Savannhli, Gnorgia, MOXDAY, DECEMBER 2ml, 1872, And continne six days. The central Railroad passes hv the grounds. For Premium List or information, address ,1. 11. ESTILL, Secretary, I:S2-td Savsnuuh, Ga. Arrival, anti Closing ol' Mails. Arrive. Close. Macon A Augusta R. R. Way amt MilledgevUle 7:4or>. M. 7p. m. Angusta and Carolinas 7p.m. Macon ,v Brunswick 2:25p. M. 7a m. Macon and Atlanta and West ern States (Night Train)..7:3oA. M. 4:"opji (Day Train) 6:I0r. m. 6:loam Muscogee R. K. Way Colum bus.' 6 p.m. 7 p.m. S. W. 11. K. (Day Train! 4:35 p. m. 7a. m. Amerieus and Eufaula(Nlght Train l 7 p.m. C. R. 11. Way Savannah and Northern (liay Train) 4:31 r. M. 7a. m. Northern, Savannah and Eu ton (Night Train) 5:15 a. m. 5:20 p m HawkinsviUe daily (Sundays excepted . .10:30 a. m. 2P M Clinton—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12m. 12:30 pm Jetfersonville ’ and Twiggs ville, Wednesday 7 am, Wednesday 2:25 p. BY BREAD WE LIVII r unde reigned has established a first ulus'- 1 BAKERY where our citizens can obtain bread that i> bread. My wiuron will supply citizens at their residences. 1 use only the best flour anti materials renerailv. IJB-14S MARK ISAAC S. L T. WHITCOMB, At t.. 11l POUTER AND DEALER IN test India Frails, Teplaties, II IV, GU UK. HAY. UT!'.. 99 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 107-ISS Building For Sale, Qiri’ATED near Tutnal! Square, within a few steps of Mercer University. Address £. C., Box K.. 9Ntf Macon, Ga. MONTH easily made with Stencil ?sZoUand Key-ChcekDies. SccureCireu lar ami Samples, Jive. 8- M. Spencer. Brattle boro, VL ____ rpo TIIK WORKING CI.ASS, 1 male or female, *OO a week is guaranteed. Respectable employment at borne, day °r eve ning; no capital required; full instructions and valuable package of goods to start with sent by mall. Address with 8 cent return Imran M. YOUNG A CO., 18 Courtlandt St, New Yorlt. lIAKE CHANCE FOR AGENTS AGENTS, we will pay you S4O per week in cash, if you will engage with us at once,Every thing furnished and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELLS <k CO., Charlotte, Mich. AGENTS WANTED—far >• Lltm of Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN iu.,, ol all paitiM- Over 40 Steol Portrait*. worth twice the cost of the book. Wanted everywhere. Agents have wonderful success. Semi for Circulars. Address ZEIGLEK ik McCTRDY, 518 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. i i'\ T]-> \vrC WANTED for the Au j\( jIVII X O tobiograpliy of HOR KACE GREELEY. The liestand only Edition written by himself; and for our 1873 CAM PAIGN MANVEL, a book of the times for all parties. Illustrated. One Agent sold 80 in three days. Also, for Headley’s Life of Presi dent Grant, and Splendid Portraits of Candi dates. S3OO a month made. E. P,. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. THE RECOR HS OK 1 ESTSmJ ~t LOWELL, Mass., ritovES Q <i> M. S’. II SI 11N HAM’S NEW TURBINE, fjsuperior to all otliers. It gave a higher-©' JV percentage than any other wheel ofcom-Q. finish. . u Pamphlet ami Price List, Uv N. F. r BURNHAM, York, Pa. St. CLAIRH OTEL Bait!more, IVSd. Tliis New and Beautiful Hotel is now OPEN to the public. Located on MONUMENT SQUARE, convenient alike to the business man and the tourist. It is the only hotel in Baltimore embracing elevator, suits of rooms with baths and all other conveniencies. To accommodate Merchants, Commercial Travelers and others, Hie rates will be *2 per day for rooms on the fourth and fifth floors, making the difference <.n account of the eleva tion. Ordinary transient rates for lower rooms, $3 per day. Guests desiring to take advantage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator for the use of the guests is constantly running, from (i A. M. till 11 P. M. HARRY 11. FOGLE, Manager. pw JLOODPURmERj It is not a physic which may give temporary relief to thesutlerer for the first few doses, but which, from continued use brings Files and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the inval id, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of "Bitters” is so extensively palmed oll'on the public as soveregn remedies, hut it is a most powerful Tonic and alterative, pmnouuced so by the leading medical authorities of Loudon and Paris, and l.ns been long used by the regular 'physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re sults. Ur. Well’s Extract of Mela, retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must he taken as a permanent cura tive agent. I* Hicirxviunt of action in your lavee and V pS ecu *7 Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin dis ease, Blotches, I'dons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, &c„ &c. Take Jnrnbrba to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Slav c you si Ityispeptic Mtomach ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ferer- Blare you IVeakneKsolTlie In testines’? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful inflammation of the Bowels. Take to allay irritation and ward off tenden cy-to inflammations. IB arc you weakness of tlic I ■ tcrine or Urinary Organs? You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the system in perfect health or you are other wise in great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New York, Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for Circular. NORWOOD HIGH SCHOOL, VA. Session 1872-73 opens Sept. 20tli, 1872. WILLIAM D. CABELL, (Univ. Va.) Principal. | F. Key Meade, (Univ. Va.) Instructor in An j cient Languages. Ro. L. Harrison, M. A., (Univ. Va.) Instruc tor in Modern Languages, English, etc. Tnos. A. Seddos, (Mathematical Medalist, Univ. Va.) Instructor in Mathematics. Ro. L. Brown, (Univ. Va.) Instructor in Book keeping, English, etc. Wat i eu Hoi.laday, B.Sc.,C. & M. E.,(Univ. Va.) Instructor iu Applied Mathematics and in Analytical and Applied Chemistry. I*. S. G. Cabell, (Univ. Vu.) Instructor in Law. Address, WILLIAM I). CABELL, Principal, Norwood, Va. University of Virginia, May 9, 1872. To Wm. D. Cabell, Esq., Principal. My Dear Sir: I have a high appreciation of the work your School is doing for the State and Country, and of the importance of send ing you the best men as your assistants. Y’ours, verv truly, CHARLES H. VENABLE, 115-142 Cb'rn of the Faculty, V. of Va. iitMiito li i: FEMALE COLLEGE Was incorporated as a resrular College in 1*49, with power to confer degree*. It was liber ally endowed by the State of Maryland in 1800, and affords every facility for a fhorouffh and accomplished Education. It enjoys the patron age of the Middle, Southern and Western States. Catalogues mav be hade at this office, or of N. C. BROOK, L.L.D., President, Baltimore, Md. THE ''LIGHT “DOMESTIC ,, rT “DOMEFTU ” S. M. CO, iH) Chambers St., New Y'ork, or Atlanta. Ga 122-200 MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WholeMUle Grocers, Ae. BURDICK BROTHERS, Third Street, be tween Cherry and Poplar. tf WA. HUFF, Third Street, corner Cherry • street. tf lAWTON <fc HATES, Fourth street, next to Lawton k Willinghams. tf ■Vf . A. MAGItATH, Hollingsworth Block, XV • Poplar street, near Fourth. 3(i-tf ——KWMW— ■ I -to*-*. Druggluts, GEO. PAYNE, opposite Palace of Justice, Macon, Ga. 80-70 RB. HALL, corner of Cherry and Cotton • Avenue. tf HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, No. 83 undw Cherry-street. tf JNO. INGALLS, comer Poplar and Fourth street, Hollingsworth block. 30-tf I y Grocers. WP. CARLOS, No. 86, Mulberry-street, • opposite the Lanier House. tf Mewing .VI ii elli ill's. RJ. ANDERSON, Howe Sewing Ma • chiuc. Cotton Avenue. 03tf ■Pl ajMBOWWWTUMII— m—l 1 1 Hotel*. I)ROWN HOUSE—E. E. BROWN & SON, ) Proprietors, Opp Passenger Depot, tf Spots woo d—t. ii. Harris, Proprietor, Opposite Passenger Depot. tf ■ Souse uud Sign I‘iiißtee*. TTrtNDHAM A Cos., under Spotswood VV Hotel. tf A(torueys he s. -m . J OHN B. WEEMS, Ofliee, Rnl.ton’s block, over Rasdiil’s. tl CB. WOOTEN, Ofiiee, 8s Wasblngton • block, up stairs. tl B. GERRY, Office, Court lie use. AO. BACON, Office, 86 Cherry-street. • ' 36-tf rpHOMAS B. GRESHAM, office No. 34 Mill- X berry street tf WHITTLE .t GUSTIN, office No. 3 Coltnn Avenue. Pliysieiaus. r l'' W. MASON, Office, over First National X • Bank. tf Jewelers nntl AYateli Makers. JIL OTTO, under Spotswood Hotel. • tf Rouse I'urnisliiiig Gnuds, Stoves, Ae. OLIVER, DOUGLASS & CO., Third Street, between Cherry and Mulberry. tf Shoe Dealers. 'll IIX KIRTI.AND, 3 Cotton Avenue, 66 lvi Third Street. tf Tairniture, Ac. VAT" & E. P. TAYLOR, corner of Cotton TVs Avenue and Cherry-streets. tf Blames*, Ac. BERND BROS., Third Street, between Clierry and Mulberry-streets. tf llookaellers, Stationers, Ac. BROWN & Cos., 40 Second Street. tf music, Ac. RJ. ANDERSON, Music, Cotton Avenue. • 63 tf GUILFORD, WOOD & CO., 84 Mulberry Street. Hardware, CARHART & CURD, No. 05 and 67 Cherry Street. 4Stf Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. §lO YEARS —OF A— PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook’s WINE TAB To have more ■it er i t tiiau any similar prepara tion ever ofleretl lo the public. It is rich in the medicinal qual ities of Tar, and uncqualed for diseas es of the Throat and Lungs per forming the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Coughs, It effectually cures them all. Asthma mid Bronchitis. Has cured so many cases it has been pronounced ? specific for these complaints. Tor pains iu Breast Side or Back Cravel or Kidney Diseuse, Diseases of the Uriuary Organ*, Jaundice or any Uivcr Complain It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic. Bestores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Bestores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes tlic Pood to'Dip^st, lieniovcs Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Prevents malarious Fevers, dives tone to your System. Tr" Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. t For Scrotnla, Serofu lons Diseases of the ’l* Eyes, or Scrofula iu (£" any form. Any disease or eruption of Zjtf the Skin, disease of the Liver, Z'k'Q Rheumatism, Pimples, Old 0.1(5) Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down F* a Constitutions, Syphilig, or any disease depending on a deprav ed condition of the blood, try DR. CROOK’S Cr-tgiH STRIP OF ' sgJvPoke Root. jS Jy ft hi lß the medical property jjrf' of Poke combined with a pre paration of Iron which goes at •/ once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook’s Com pound Syrup of Poke Boot—take it and be healed. DOWIE, MQISE & DAVIS, Charlestons C., Wholesale Agents 81-Iy For Dr. Crook’s Remedies. BOARD. IT will be to the interest of boarders to apply to this office, as reasonable board and pleas ant up stair* rooms ean be obtained for th* summer months in a dehghtfal portion of th