Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 08, 1872, Image 1

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ilia con oaili) ntetpr’ile. Pines, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, Terms <>*' SuliNcripllon: 1* .. $ s on Six Months ■* Three Months ® Wjiwnriabl y in advance. wTo city subscribers by the mouthy Seventy-live emits, served by curriers. fcllipral Republican Democratic Ticket ■•'or I'renldent: HORACE G-REELEY, OP NEW YORK. l'or Vice President : B. G-RATZ BROWN, OF MISSOURI. Slate Electoral Ticket. FOR STATE AT I.AKOB, Principals. Alternates W T. WOFFORD, A. 11. COLQUITT, II L HENNING. ELI WARREN, JULIAN HARTIUDGE, A. 11. HANSEL, WASHINGTON POE. GEO. D. RICE. DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1. 11. G. TURNER, . LJ. RIVERS, 2 R. N. ELY, 2. A. L. HAWES, ; i. W. J. HUDSON, X P. E. SMITH, 4. JAMES M. PACE, 4. T. F. NEWELL, 5 N. R. CASEY, 5. A. M. RODGERS l! J. N. DORSEY, I). L. J. ALLRED, 7. E. D. GRAHAM, 7. R. A. ALSTON. For Congtress. JAMES H. BLOUNT, SIXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Mr. Frank J. Herrington is our only authorized City Agent, and lie is duly em powered to solicit work for this office, and subscriptions tb the Enterprise. Mr. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer. is our authorized agent in Dawson, Ga. Mr. W. S. Deidrick, Southern Express Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Smithville. J. L. Tucker is our authorized agent at Fort Gaines. I. N. Seymore, of Byington's Hotel, is our authorized Agent at Griffin. Mr. Ed. T. Byington is our agent in Fort Valley. Mr. W. W. Laney, is our authorized Agent at Colaporchee. C. W. Brown, Railroad Depot is our authorized Agent at Baruesvilie. BY TELEGRAPH FUOM ALL THE WORLD. PENNSYEVANIA. Great Speculations. Fraiidnlcnt Vetiiig. ■lie., Etc. The Star (Republican) publishes the following this afternoon : Philadelphia, October 7.—The elec tion to morrow is tlio only thing thought of or talked of. There is a general stand still in business, and every one is prepar ing for to-morrow, so far as this city is concerned. The canvass of the Republi cans is tlio most thorough aud systematic ever made. lam sorry I cannot say the same for the State. It is generally ac knowledged that the Republican State Committee is a very inefficient one, and its canvass has been a series of blunders. This, with the unpopularity of Hartranft, the Republican candidate for Governor, has had a disparing effect; but fortunately all was understood early in the campaign, and effort was made to counteract it. There are few Liberal Republicans in the State, and if an unobjectionable man had been placed in nomination for the Governorship, the Republicans would sweep the State by at least thirty thousand majority. There seems to be no doubt, however, of Hartranft's election, aud in the pool sales ht,|is the choice by one hun dred to eighty. Even bets are made that lie will have ten thousand majority in the State. Buckalew is expected to come to the city with 5,000 majority, and Hartranft, it is said, will carry this city by 15,000, Some put it as high as 17,000, and none lower than 10,000. Thesearethe calculation of the Republican Committee. The Democrats, on the other baud, claim that Buckalew will come to the city with 20,000, and that the city will not give Hartranl't over 10,000 majority, thus elect ing Buckalew by 10,000. The indications are that the Republicans’ estimate is the correct one, and betting men are using it as their basis of operations. The total registration in the city is 1G2,- 000 —an increase of 30,000 over last year, when the State ticket had 12,000 majority in the city. The Democrats have been de moralized in the city, and have aimed all their efforts to the State. The Republicans have taken advantage of this, and their work will ceriainly make Hartranft suc cessful. The Democrats have colonized a large number of men from Baltimore and New York in the mir’ng districts. There is no doubt that the Republicans, however, have organized a strong detective force which has been set to watch and prevent spor ting men from voting Sporting men from all over the country are here, with John Morrissey and John Chamberlain at their head. There are regular pool sales established the same as horse racing, and it is estimated that $250- 000 will change hands in the result. A. special session of the Supreme Court was held to-day. Judges Strong, McKeen an and Cadwallader on Jlie bench. The following question growing out of the re port that fraudulent issues of neutraliza (Son paper, purporting to have been issued out of the proper office in Philadelphia, which paper is known to be fraudulent, a|her in consequence of his not having been at Philadelphia during that time, the Deputy United States Marshal can arrest JMh person so offending and endeavoring ’toiwte, upon the spot and lake him before States Commissioner V Judge —the other Judges concurring— eighth section of the act of Con iflUßF February 28, 1871, defines very cloarljfc the duty of the Marshal and Depu ty Marshal. and 1 know no authority in this court, by which I can instruct them ■ ’ ♦♦ NORTH CAROLINA. Fifty Citizens Arrested. Gbf/OSBouo . N. C., October 7.—To-day fifty* llS of Pit* county. North Canali ***•brought to this place in charge OfUßitod States Deputy Marshal Pranks, before United Slates Commissioner Robin- son, on the charge of obstructing United States Commissioner Cox, and United States Deputy Marshal Roach in the dis charge of their official duties. After a long and patient hearing, the cases were all dismissed by United States Commission er Robinson, who characterized the cliargoß as contemptible. While the citi zens arrested cannot but feel thankful that they found a United States Commissioner who would give them a fair trial, they can not hut regret that men, like Cox and Reach, disgrace the Government of the States and prove a source of annoyance and sometimes of terror to the unoffend ing people of the country. NEW YORK. Iton<l Piii'cliase. I.egiil TriiiiiT to t>‘ Issued. Dead. Tweed’s Trial. Another Veteran Gone. News|>:i]>er Dentil. Money. A Stir In the Gold Market. New York, October 7. —The Govern ment bought *5,000,000 bonds at *1 Id 74 to sll2 99 and accepted live millions gold at sll2 74 and sll3 05. It was reported on Wall street that the Government will issue $20,000 legal ten ders at an early day. James Hayes, who was shot aud robbed by highwaymen, in Central Park a few evenings ago, died this morning in the hospital. Tweed's trial commences next Monday. James Morris, a soldier of 1812, is dead. John C. Thompson, the horticulturist is dead. The Church Weekly, an Episcopal newspaper of the high church persuasion, has deceased. There were some forty bids for the $5,000,000 of gold, aggregating over $17,- 000,000 at slll to sll3. The offers of bonds aggregate nearly $7,000,000 at sll2 74 to slls. Tbe announcement from Washington that the Treasury Department wouid sell $5,(100,000 gold, to-day, and buy $5,000,- 000 of bonds, created a stir in financial circles. Last evening a large crowd of Wall street operators were congregated at Fifth Avenue hotel discussiug the gold question. The Times says it is now un derstood, upon good, well informed au thority, that the Government will place at least $10,000,000 in gold upon the market to be sold for the benefit of those needing coin to pay duties and transact their for eign business. GEORGIA, The State Fair. Another County Heard From. Fatal Accident. The Tricks of the Hails. Atlanta, Oct 7. —The Georgia State Fair oilers the largest anil most varied pre mium list ever proposed in the State. The Exhibition opens October 14th and contin ues six days, and promises to boa signal success. The number of entries is unpre cedented. v One hundred and eleven counties have been beard from. Seven of them only have given Radical majorities. The 111 counties give Smith a majority of 55,522. Twenty-six counties are to be heard trom. They will increase the majority. Mr. Samuel P. Carley, of DeKalb coun ty, was driving bis wife and three children to church yesterday, when a tree fell across the wagon and killed his wife and one child. The other two children are expeet ed to die. Savannah, October 7.—The Radicals have been hunting up witnesses to make affidavits that Republicans were prevented from voting at the late election. So far two negroes have been found to swear, and warrants have been issued for the ur rest of oue magistrate and one freeholder under the enforcement act. WASHINGTON. Ill'S. D. P. 15OHITS. Important Decision Kcndcrcd. Washington, October 7 —Mrs. Bowers commenced her Southern tour at the Na tional theatre to-night to a fine house. William E. Spaulding is manager for Mrs. Bowers this season. The British Commission has decided an important principle in two cases for to bacco burned at Richmond. The claim anti,. Scotch merchants, alleged themselves owners of the tobacco in question at the outbreak of the war; that the President, by the proclamation of blockade, and the Congress, by the non-intercourse act, of June, 1861, prevented their removal of the same; although, under the non-inter course act, the President was permitted to deense special and limited trade with the insurrectionary districts, and, as the claim ants allege, such licenses were given those willing to take active part against the re bellion in preference to aliens and neu trals. The claimants charge the subse quent destruction and loss of their tobacco to this prevention of removal by the Uni ted States and claimed the United States liable therefor. On demurrer to the memorials the Com mission decided against the claims, hold ing in effect, that under the proclamation of blockade, the non-intercourse act and the practice of the United States under the then lawful act of war, within the law of cations. If this claim could have been sustained, the United States would be made liable for an immense amount of property in the South, owned by aliens, at the outbreak of the war. The Southern Claims Commissions com menced its sessions to-day. VIRGINIA. Accident on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. New York, October 7.—Mr. Sharpe, acting Master of Transportation of tire Biltimore and Ohio Railroad, gives the following facts relative to the accident: — About 12:30 a. m., Saturday, locomotive No. 19, attached lo a* freight train, explo ded her bailer at Frankvillo, on 17 mile grade, 84 miles west of Piedmont, West Virginia, killing the engineer, Jos. Lockcy, and tho Ilremau, John Duckworth, nnd in juring brakeman Lynch so severely that ho Ims sinco died. A watchman standing by was scalded, hut not dangerously. The explosion is unuccouutcd for, as the engine had been failing lor steam and was taking a side track lo allow trains following to pass by. SOUTH CAROLINA. Tin* I’afrons of Husbandry. Tlio State Fair. Columbia, October 7.—Tlio Masters and Past Masters of the Patrons of Hus bandry meet in convention here on the 9th instant, to organize a State Grange for Soutli Carolina. They will organize with seventy-eight subordinate Granges, mak ing tlie largest Orango now in existence, except that of Ohio. ■> Great preparations are being made by the State Agricultural and Mechanical Associations for their annual Fair, to open here on the (itli of next month. The ex liibilion will bo more extensive and the attcndno, no (loubt, will exceed any pre vious year. MARYLAND. Tlio Annual Euir. Mr. Greeley will Speak. Toreliliglit Procession. The Kiowtts to be Present. Baltimore, Mil, October 7.—The fourth annual Fair of the American Agri cultural and Mechanical Society com mences to morrow at their grounds, at Pimlico, adjoining the city, and will con tinue for a number of days. Entries in every department, including stock, are greater than at any previous exhibition, lion. Horace Greeley will deliver the an nual address Thursday, 12-30 p. m. On the same night Mr. Greeley will witness a grand torchlight procession by the Demo cratic Clubs of all tho wards in the city. The delegation of Kiowa Indian Chiefs aud squaws uow in Washington, will vis it the fair grounds oil Wednesday and Friday, Jesse Uppercuo was arrested to-day for tho murder of his aunt aud pleaded not guilty. He was arraigned ior trial. THE .111 NINO DISTRICTS. Indian FigJil. San Francisco, October 7. —Three companies of soldiers, supported by friend ly ludians killed forty and wouuded and captured many refractory savages in Ari zona. The Arizona Diamond fields are pro nounced a fraud by returning miners. FOREIG N. SPAIN. 'Mic Fire uf Hit; Fseiirial. Madrid, October 7.—The damage to the monastery and palace of the Eecurial by fire last week is not as heavy as was at first supposed. A thorough inspection of tho building shows that the loss will not exceed $125,000. V; Volcano Bursts Forth SANDWicn Islands, October 7. —The great volcano, Mauna Loa, is again in a state of eruption. ILLINOIS. Striking Brirklnycrsin Chicago. Court House Burned. Chicago, October 7. The striking bricklayers have sent men to other cities to prevent workmen from coming, and re solved not to work for any contractor who refuses to sign an agreement to pay $4 for eight hours. Kankakee, 111., October 7. Tlje Court-house in this city was burned to day loss $50,000. Records saved. BERND BROS. MANUFACTURER# OF A Nit WHOLESALE & RETAIL DBAI.EKB IN Harness,Saddles, Collars, Horse Equip ments and Clothing Generally. A 1,80 a full assortment of LEATHER of a! kinds, Enameled Cloth, etc. saddlers and Harness Makers Hardware and Tools. Cash paid for HIDES, FURS, SKINS, WAX, WOOL and TALLOW. 5-162 THE BENT AND CHEAPEST. SODA WATER MANUFACTURED BY W. P. CARLOS Wtl .11 Ml berry St., tlaeen, (a. I AM now fully prepared to furnish pure hot tied SODA WATER in any quantity. Ord ers hy mail or telegraph promptly attended to. I have in store and am constantly receiving ; every description of Fancy and Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUIT, FISH, GAME, and every delicacy when in season. Bar anil Restaurant up stairs, supplied with the very beet in the market. Parties purchasing goods from me can always rely upon them being fresh arid first class in every respect. Will. P. CARLOS. 1-tf MACON. GA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER s, i;s72. TO BE LEFT TO THE DECISION OF THE FARMERS. f pilE <auction of cuterpiliars niui its terrible l dOßirnotion of the tloacy staple having, like the great flood of old, abated, n atlll more momentous question involves especial consid eration at the hands of the farmers. For many long years E. Isaacs has catered to tlio wants of tlio traveling public; and to the farmers, the very bone and sinew of our beloved South, lie has taken special pains to make them feel at. home while in the < ity. His tables me tilled and the usual “allowancing” is not “allowa ble. ” Indeed you get wlmt you call for and that without stint. Now the question is: Will tie Farmers Support Him ? This question is propounded with the contl dcncc that will be unnouneed with that little but expressive monosyluble which is so famil iar with young people enamored of eaeli other —yes! The sturdy farmers knows too well the comfort that await him at the ISAACS HOUSE. To answer otherwise than affirmatively to the above mentioned question. While on the subject Mr. Isaacs wishes to say that his patronage has so increased as to compel him to provide more ample accommo tiona, and that he has leased large aud airy rooms of lluirs new building adjoining his own. A line bar is attached to this house. E. ISAACS, Proprietor. 1115-160. Cherry Street. Wm, M. PaUbLUTOW. W M.TU.u T. UOB . PENDLETON & ROSS, (Successors to J. M. Board man.) Corner Mulberry and Second Streets. <a., WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DEALEUS IN SCHOOL ROOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAR, LETTER, nnd NOTE RARER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS, WRITING INK, COPYING INK, CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CHALK CRAYONS, RUBBER, WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BRUSHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, CIIKOMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., Ami in fact everything usually kept in a ilrst class Book and Stationery Store. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. Prices us low as any other house in the South. Orders for printing solicited. a itoss, 113-524 Macon, Georgia. BYINGTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, IS TIIE im:aufant iiooisi: For the Train from B a van null, Auguntaand Ma con to Columburt. morse: For the Train from Eufaulu und Albany to Macon. kijppfk uoisi: For the Train from Columbus to Macon, Sa vannah and Augusta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 112-lUO Spotswood Hotel, Nearly opposite the Passenger Depot, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GA. fT'lliS House is centrally and conveniently lo- I rated, with large airy chambers, Ladies’ Drawing and Dining Rooms, Bath Rooms, Barber Shop, and organized in every respect for the comfort of families and single gentle men travelling through, or making a home in our city. The tallies are second to none in the South. Rates of transient hoard *3 per day. T. H. IIARRIS, Prop’r. C. .1. Mac i.m.j.A n', Caterer and Superintendent. ,1. 11. Harris, In the Ollleo. 1 lf . MO. B. WEE US. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE QN Or. STREET OVER E. W. It ANl> A I,’H STORE. 2!) 1711 . EYING TON HOTEL. GRIFFIN, GA. rpillS HOTEL ranks second to none In X Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, It Is unequalled, the nights being remarkable cool and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. G. W. BYINGTON, 110-1171 Proprietor. INDIAN SPRINGS. ELDER HOUSE. EI.DEH A MON, Proprietor. rpHIS well-known house Is now open to all | X who wish to visit the far-famed Indian Spring. The Hotel is nearer the Spring than i any other, with pleasant and shady walks lead- ■ ing thereto. Ranis or board. Per Day t 2 00 j One Week Hi W fine Month 65 (XI Children and servants half price. 03tr elder * son: MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN STORF, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR H. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, all grades. 500 ROLLS 2.1 BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, and are ollering at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLB. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a full stock ol all all <too<lh in our line of business, uu-tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON, CA. (F long experience, and a thorough knowl edge of the business in all its diversified branches are essential to the keeping that which the public has long heard of but Hadom nce?i t a <-ooi> Hour, the undersigned flatter themselves that, they arc fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; hut they arc not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would hare It sit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT AND ADJACENT TO • THE J'AHHENOEK DEFOT, where travelers can enjoy the most mOtjj and less liable to be Oft by the perplcxingly constant departure, of the trains. To all these important advantages is added a TABLE that is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes tho city and country can afford : nor would they oukMr to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For the truth of these state,merits, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every Btate in the Union. K. E. BROWN <fe HON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 15, 187& 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (SucccHKor to the lute rirrn of Hrnith, W<*teott. & Cos., and of Smith, MeOlahhau A& Cos.) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, BIDDLES, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Fiddlngs, Children’s Carriages, HUB BE It, GIN BANDS, ETC',, Together with every article usually kept In a saddlery house. JO* EHEKItY NT., MACON, GA 130-15(1 NOTICE. Maook and Brunswick Railroad Orricc, I Macon, Gu., August 2d, 1872 j ON and after August Bth, Excursion Tickets , to New York and return, can he had at this office, *3B "h r,,r round trip. Tickets good until Get. lit, 1*72. ,rs-tf E. J. MARTIN, G: T. Agt 1 FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE LAWTON Ac BATES, Eon ft It Street, (Next Door lo l.nwlon A Williu£li;uu,) UK prepared to furnish tlio trado with Id ROUE KIES, I’KOYINIOYS, IM.ANTATION M PI’IJEK, IMG IN<d, TIES, ETE., <>•> as rottsonablo terms us any house in Georgia. Wo will keep constantly on hand. BACON LAUD, CORN, <>AI S, IIA Y\ SUGAR, COFI EE, RAGGING and TIKS, and a general assort ment of sueli goods as are kept in a llrst class Grocery House. Give us a call. We are running tho EACJI.E I'LOI KI.YG MII.LN, direct-special attention to our “CHOICE,” “EXTRA,” “FAMILY” Flours. Thoy will Re foutul exactly adapted to tho trade, and wc guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction Our prices are us low as those of the same, grades can he bought In tiiu South. CORN MEAL, bolted and unbolted, always On hand, of our own mako and of the best '■■‘"'“y- 130188 "" 1 - 1 I- 1 - ■" . ■■■' . . 1. J H. BAND Y & GO., TIN AMI SHEET IRON ROOFING, GiltwiU. PlmMu ail Bepaiiw, f j y TIN AND (IALVANI/.F.1) IRON CORNICES \ tlwp [l p| V Executed ill short notice and satisfaction V j V y I guaranteed. D / I j l No. IO 'lTiii-al .Street, Illaeon, Ida. l | Particular attention given to Guttorlng put up \ V with \ ' WOODRUFF’S \ PATENT EAVE FASTENINGS. IMPROVED GH GEAR. S< >MIISTfI I I>’<r INEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG !! r FMIE settling of the Gin House floor Ims no effect on tho Gearing. King Post of Iron and all A the work bolted to Iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. ('all find see for yoimsclf, I build a Portable Horse Power that challenges all other MAKES, but it will not do the work with the same Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery made and repaired at CKtOCItlVJ'l"* IKON IVOieiiS 108-185 Near Brown House, M.ueon Georgia. THE COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPAM, OF MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICERS : WM. B. JOHNSTON, President. WM. H. HOLT, Vice President. GEO. 8. OB 10Alt Secretary Cl IAS. F. MoCAY, Actuary. JOHN W. BURKE, General Agent, JAMES MERCER GREEN, Medical Examiner. W. J. MAGILL, Superintendent of Agencies. DIRECTORS: MACON. WM. 11. JOHNSTON, JOHN W. lit'RKE, A. 1,. MAXWELL, JOHN J. GRESHAM, JOHNS. BAXTER, HAVI.) FLANDERS, HENRY 1,. JEWETT, WM. 11. ROSS, JOHN'i. BOIPEIULLET, VIRGII, POWERS. WJ 1.1,1 AM S. BOLT, E. J. JOHNSTON, GEORGE S. OIIKAK, PETER SOLOMON, L. N. WHITTLE, K. W. CUBBJSOGE, O. A. NUTTING, SAVANNAH. A. It. LAWTON, ANDREW LOW, AUGUSTA. JOHN P. KING, JOSIAII SUiLEY, ATLANTA. RICHARD PETERS, V. K. TOMMEY, T. J. SMITH, MmiHoeMo, (in.; WILLIAM JOHNSTON, Oharlottr, N. (!.; C. <4 MEMMIN GEB, Charleston, 8. O.; 11. P. HA.VIMET, Greenville, 8. C. Akni'ld .luly I Hi, IH7ii, Over (ISHW.OOO WM. BicpiMitcil Ntnli! 4'win |f roller for Ncenrlly of I-oliry lloiilrrn, I 50,000 00. o This Company insures on all approved plans of Life and Endowment Policies—both stock and rnutuul rata. Kates of Premium as low as any First Class Company. All Policies non-forfcltablc. Investments made In localities where premiums are received. Good reliatile parties desiring to become agents for this Company will upply to Geo. S. Obear, Secretary, or to J. tV. Burke, Gflneral Agent, Macon, Ga. 90-I*2 W. & E. P. TAYLOR. Cor. Cotton Avenue und Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FIMTHRE, CARPETINGS, MS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metalic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. Orders by Telegraph promptly attended to :;!) KM liS HOWARD CUTTER. ELLIS & CUTTER, Manufacturers, Contractors & Lumber Dealers, WHARF STREET, MACON, GA. WE manufacture and sejl cheap Doors Sash, Blinds Mouldings “" u 7t“ "id Building material. We contract for erecting all kinds of Buildings, and ““ of quick and cheap its any one. We deal in Rough and Dressed Lmuocr of all •“■***“? us . Laths, Shingles, Posts and everything that it takes to build a house or fence. C 1 ’34-1411 - Volume I. —Xumbhr 153