Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 16, 1872, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT. W< 4. MI FF, Mny*r. ALDERMEN: i J n*r A. T.MU.I, t I wit burn, E. WoopuWi fc J r,X£Xk S-5-SSST dAt R WaOOMTBIS. LO. J. WIUIIARSOV, TrC “c'u'rk; ■' A Attorney. ; a O. Bacon, city Phyican. I UK. G. N HOLM bn ...chief of Police. ' James Martin, ,Pirt Lieutenant. H- c - Second Lieutenant. {° u * &'- ■' • •'; Third Lieutenant. p Vinsky' ■ ■ ■ llouse Keeper. '*• 1 ’ F ‘n CuVrry .. .Street Overseer. “ ’ "w'harman City Sexton. i, r' Hodgkin- Magazine Keeper. . jgjjg:::::: ■ ■ .<*••* r, f the M*rU 'l'llirt Otiler i prepuresl to n ,.< !.• Job rrloilnu ut prleeai® ui< tin* limes, •*• 1“ “ “J l ' .ulUlaetory Jo hH. *.!“* made a oprclialty. vour orders, and will do “ r besiyo please you. IHi * IIOMH AFFAIHS. HACO.H, <.*.. OCT. 16, IM J \Vantkd7—A boy about fifteen years of age to carry papers at this otticc. Situation perma nent. Dblaved.—The Central train wr> delayed this morning. Situation Wanted. —Look in another col umn and sec advertisement headed as above. Social Hop.-The young men of Macon give a social hop at Ayers’ Hall on the 18th instant. a TniAL OK Taos. l’v*.-The trial of Thomas Pye, for carving Hal Gates, will come lip ho fore .Tustice Spring to morrow or Friday. To Printers. —If any printer in the city do siaes a good situation in the country will ap ply to the editor of this column, he can hear of a good place. Good’Un. —A man in our city, noted for having a very large mouth, says he has the easiest face to wash of any man in town. Ho opens his mouth, and there is very little face to wash. Editors on the War Path.—Mr. Ben. 15. Russell, of the Bainbridgc Democrat, and Mr. j. S. Mathews, of the Albany Central City, called on us this morning. They represent their respective papers as flourishing. Personal.—Hon. Clifford Anderson will be one of several distinguished speakers who will address the people of Stewart and surrounding counties at Lumpkin ou the 23d inst. Mayor’s Court.—But two bases were up be fore the Mayor this morning. One case of two gents from the country for getting tight, and the other of a root doctor for public indecency wi re disposed of in the usual method. Twiggs Superior Court.—The fall term of this Court commenced yesterday. Many of our city Attorneys are absent in attendance up on it. Although that county has hasabad habit of rolling up a pretty heavy radical ma jority at each election we belivc its morals are otherwise very good. KEKOfeKNE Explosion.—Our friend, K. B. Harrison, Esq., who attends to the book de partment of Greer, Lake A Cos. came very near being blown sky-high by the explosion of a kerosene lamp in his room last week. Moke Frost.—-We had another light frost this morning on low grounds; it did no mate rial damage, nor did that of yeaterday, although of four-fold severity. We cannot hope to pre serve our vegetables a great while longer, how ever, and even now the price of somethings have advanced considerably at the market house. Refreshing.—Th# city is enlivened by a tooth-paste vender who extols the astonishing merits of the same every night to a Joseph’s coat crowd, while a monger of the best lini ment ever used (so he says) hawks its curative powers from thestreet corners in the day time. Commendable.—ln looking over the huge stock of 8. Waxelbaum, Bro. A Cos., we find that they extensively patronize home factories. They have the productions of the Eagle Mills, at Columbus, and the Kespess Mills, in Upson county, besides many other Southern mills.— We are glad to note this. Ho! for Florida.—We ask the indulgence of our readers for the lack of spice and editorial matter iu our columns for a few days, as our Senior left this morning for Florida, where he will be gone until next week. The Dr. needed a few daya of recreation, being a hard worker, and we take it for granted that our readers will give the indulgence. Ilia pulpit will |bc filled by Dr. J. W. Hinton during his absence. Concert. —The spacious and elegant Concert Hall in Huff's new building will be inaugura ted on next Friday evening, the 18th mst., by a Musical Soiree to be given by the Mozart Con servatory of Music. The programme and tiek *t will be found at the stores of Messrs. Guil ford, Wood A Cos. and Messrs. Brown A Co.— The event promisee to be one of the grandest of the season. Prices of admission to the Con cert and Ball are fixed at one dollar, children half price. The performance commences at precisely 8 o'clock. Mant wells in the city are failing iu conse quence of the long continued dry weather. Seven out of ten of them are not constructed properly, as eight out of nine profeasional well diggers are the veriest botches, knowing little or nothing about the business; but they are not always to blame, for many men are pciny wiso and pound foolish on this matter, and they refuse to inenr the necessary expense in constructing wells properly at the out-set. Dr. P. H. Wrioht.—The reader will find the besutiful drug store of this gentleman ia Brown's Hotel Block. The Dr. lias Just re turned from New York, where he hs person ally superintended the purchase of anew stock of drugs, chemicals, and such fancy notions as we are all In the habit of going to such places to purchase. The Dr. is a worthy gentleman and excellent physician, and we are glad to know that his success, both ss a physician and druggist, is well sssnred. A Prolonged Drouth.—We do not remem 'tX* precisely, but fire or six weeks have ehtpssd since any rain in sufficient quantity to lay the dost baa fallen. We do not, however, -speak of this cotnplainingly, for it has been the finest fall for gathering the cotton crop we ever saw. Providence has given the planters a splendid opportunity to secure every pound mmic iu most excellent order, and we are as sured that it has not been lost, for they have sad sre now taking advantage of each moment of sunshine, to pot their crops Into The ginbouees. Mistakes in the Names or Electors.— We notice that many of our cotemporarlea of the Democratic presa differ about the proper Initiate of several electors. For iustaucc, one or two papers print W. I. Hudson and many others have it W. J. Hudson. P. F. Smith occurs in some, snd H. F. Smith In many oth ers. There may be more errors of this charac ter which have not come under observation. Our reason for calling attention to the mat ter is to warn our friends against letting any mistakes occur upon the ballots. Congress would not hesitate five minutes In throwing out such ballots, If the result depended upon them. Grand Ball.—A grand ball will he given under the auspices of Malachl Lodge, at Huffs new building, on the evening of the 24th inst. We remember witli pleasure the pleasant asso ciations with our Israelitish brethren lust win ter. We attended their halls und sociables for tho pleasure and harmony that prevailed throughout, for there is no class of people w ho so well understaHd how to make a success out of anything they undertake. The committee of arrangements for this hall is composed of Messrs. George Roscnfeld, Emanuel Isaacs, Jacob Siesel, H. Spritz and S. Blauenstein. We wish them a very pleasant time. Gold and Stock Indicators.—The West ern Union Telegraph office in this city bus re ceived a lumber of gold and stock indicators, which arc now ready for being placed in Buch counting-rooms as may desire them. We un derstand our cotton warehousemen, and par hapa several others, have subscribed for them. The indicator is the most curious machine we have yet se-n in connection with that still mar velous invention, the electric telegraph. When a dispatch is tcoeired at . the office here from New York quoting the cotton, gold and stock market, it can instantly and simultaneously be sent to those, parties having indicators, the electric ity revolving their machinery and print ing the words and figures so plainly that any one can read them. It is certainly a vast im provement upon the old system of writing dis patches upon manifold paper and sending them over the city by messengers. The Dancing Academv.— Gentleman's <-la* to-night; afternoon class for ladies’ and child ren on Friday at 2’ j o’clock. Make a note of this. Oysters on the half shell at ITlmsnn’- I Mines House Saloon. The Great I)rv Goods House ok 8. Waxelbaum and Brother.—This mammoth Dry Goods House is truly one of the greatest in all the Southern country. We doubt if there are many which arc mere extensive on the North American continent outside of New Yorl: and Philadelphia, aud even in those cities there are not many carrying heavier stocks or doing a larger trade. Occupying the centre of Triangular Block — running through from Second street to Cot ton Avenue, and from cellar to roof, there arc five grand divisions to the establishment. The cellars or ground rooms are used for packing and unpacking goods for all depart ments and for the storage of Domestics. The right hand floor above ia the chief whole sale department, and here we find a ship load of Prints, Domestics, Alpaecas of all colors, -Janes, Blc-achings, Bhirtings, Stripes, Checks, Ginghams, Fancy Dress Goods, Red and White Flannels, Opera Flannels, Tickings, Brown Coods, Corsets, Linseys, Poplins, aud ho on, running through the entire catalogue. On the left is the general Retail Room, and a busy scene it always presents, morning, noon and night It would be much easier to tell what ia not in there than what is. It contains among other things the largest stock of silks in Georgia—some of them running as high as SIOO per pattern. Onr ladies can Und anything there from an inch of ribbon to a cashmere shawl. The two floors above are set apart for ready made clothing, boots, shoea, hats, shawls, hosiery, gloves, linens, shirts, balmoral skirts, cloaks, blankets, quilts and notions ad infini tum. But it is useless to call every article by name, it would take up half the space In our paper. Dealers must go and Bee for themselves. A su perficial glance makes one think there is enough on hand to supply the whole trade of Macon for mouths to come, and yet so great is the trade of the house, it is necessary to send off new orders for fresh supplies almost overy day in the week. Scarcely a steamer leaves New York for Savannah without having con signments for “3. W. & 8., Macon.” The Senior requests us to make the positive statement as a fact that they tell at Yew York prices. We found the house tills morning full of country merchants and citizens, and every clerk just as busy as he could be; and no wonder, for such a stock as that will attract people to it the dullest day in the week, and at thla season no one wishing to purchase will go by it. A large capital, industry, the most scrupu lous honor, and a long series of years devoted to the business, has placed this house in the front rand of Dry Goods Dealers in Georgia. It is known far and wide-as such and will continue to he for a long time to come. oet9-3w tiINM'.R Alk at Ullmsnn’B Isaac House Ba loon. Fresh evert Morning. —A few lino Ter.- nesse shoat-, superior pork sausages, made from the same. The finest of Tennessee beef, mutton, Ac., in fact every thing that is found in a fresh meat market, ean be had K. L. Henry A Bro’a., a few doors at.ove the Enteki-kisk office. Call on them and satisfy yourself. ootS-tufri. Oranges at W. I*. Carlos’. ■* ♦— — Rhine Wine at Ullmanu’s, Isaac- House Ha loon. Faurak's Electric—Warranted to cure the following diseases or money refunded: Dip theria, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic, Headache, Diarrhoe and Rheumatism if not of too long atanding. Fakklh’s Agce Clue —Warranted to cure in three days or money refnuded. For sale by all Druggists. Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, KJ-171 Wholesale Agents. Cineinnati Beer at L'llmann’s Isaac House Salooon. Carlos has Florida Oranges large and sweet. No moke blowing about your Ferreotypes. Brown has just received the beat and largest Ferreotype machine that ever came South. — Call at No. 8 Cotton Avenue, if you want good pictures. Old Cameras for sale—different size*. tf Progress Saloon, Mulberry Street. <Frnrgnfe ©tbratint <@nr<s i*t riut <£ole @abt £ stirs. From to-night this saloon will be prepared to furnish the beat of Goose, Dcck, Picelss, Holl. Herring, Balla pa, etc., etc., by the plate. Coipe and try bow nice It la. octlVSt E. SraiNz. CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, meets overy Ist aud Oil Monday night, at Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue, Mi/pah Lodge, No. 47, meet* every 2d and 4th Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantine Chapter, No. 4, R. A. M., meets every 2d and 4th Monday night at Masonic Hall. St. Oaier Commander) , No. 2, Knights Tem plar, meets Dl Thursdays of each month at Masonic Hall. firemen. Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tnesday night in each month—House Poplar st., comer 3d. • Oeuiulgee No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in each month —House, ou Cotton Avenue, near City Hall. Young America No 8 meets Ist Monday night in each month —House fldst., corner Mulberry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in each month —House corner Hawthorne and 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month—Housed in City Hall. Hook aud Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Friday night in each month—House Poplar st., cor ner 2d. ODD FELLOWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs day uightatOdd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 39, meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hail. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 2d and 4th Mondays of each month. , knights or PYTHiAS Meet every Wednesday night at < Idd Fellows’ Hall. GOOD TEMPLARS. Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday night at their Hall in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every Monday night at Progress Cluh Hull. Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every Thurs day night at their Hall on Windsor Hill. SOCIETIES Progress Club meets every Sunday night at their Hall on Mulberry street. Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday in each month at No. 2 Engine House. Malachi Lodge, No. 14*1, I. <). B. 11., meets second and fourth Sundays iu cacti month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wednesday night at tie- Passenger Depot. Visiting Brethren welcome. CHURCHES. Hpiscojml —Christ Church, Rev, 11. Johnson, Rector—Walnut st., between 2d and 3d. Ser vices 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 p. M. St. Paul’s Church, Rev. It. K. Rees, Rector — Yincville. Services II a. M.; sp. M. Chil dren’s Service; op. m. Evening Prayer. St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ Church, at SP. m. Near Macon A Brunswick Railroad Freight Depot. Catholic —St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. D. Bazin. Mass 7a.m. ; High Mass 10:00 *. m. ; Vespers 4 1-3 r. M. lVcsbyterian— Mulberry St Church, Itov. C. B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 P. M. Windsor Bill Church, Rev. Wm. McKay, pastor. Services semi-monthly. Israelitish Synagogue —J. 11. Hertz, President Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve ning and Saturday morning. Baptist—M Baptist, Rev. W. H. Mclntosh, pastor—2d Street, between Cherry und Poplar. Services 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 1-4 p. u.; Sunday school 41-3 P. M. Second Baptist, Rev. James Mcliryde, pastor —near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 101-2 m. ind 8 p. m. Mission Chapel, Windsor Hill, supplied from the city churches. Methodist Episcopal —Mulberry Street, Rev. J. O. Branch, pastor—Mulberry st., corner Ist. Services at TO 112 A. m. and 8 p. M. First Street Church, Rev. W. W. Hicks, pas tor —Ist street, between Oak and Arch. Ser vices 101-2 A. M. and 8 P. M. Vineville Church, supplied from the city churches. East Macon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, pas tor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 4P. m. Jones’ Chapel—Windsor Hill—services at the usual hours bv the Pastor, Rev. R. A. Cain. To Dentists Generally, and Minister* Particularly.— Dr. W. W. Ford is not going to move, but will remain in exactly the same room that he has occupied ever since he came to Macon. His many friend* and patrons will find him at all times in the front room at the head of the stairs, in Dr. Emerson’i building, ready and willing to serve him. octlO r r he ‘CHARTER OAK’ --IS STILL A MOVING. TRUMAN \ GREEN, TRUNWI LAIt HLOCK. filgu of the Golden "Charter Oak." 146-304 SOUTH MACON DRDS STORE I THE PROPRIETOR Superintends the pres cription department in person, and cures the PUREST and FRESHEST inedleinca that can be procured, and would say to every one in his portion of the city, that they shall have Drugs and Medicines as fresh and as cheap as they can be bought in the city. He would ad vise all who are laboring under chills and fever or Liver derangement, to use his "Remedy for Chills anil Disease* of the Liver," and will warrant it in every case where the directions are honestly followed. Lamp Chimneys, Cigars and Tobacco always on hand. H. . EVERETT, lira* Ist, 151-169 Fourth Street, near Arch. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. - . - -- - Itaily Kci lew af llk* Hiirkel, Office Macon Daily Entehimiisk, - October 16—3 o’clock, P. M, i The State op Trade. -Taking advantage of this bright and beautiful weather, the plant ers with all their hands are iu the fields pick ing cotton. It is of the greatest importance to gather the crop liefer- bud weather come*, and well knowing till*, f-i oi them can spare the time to come to town. And this afford* a full explanation of the dullness in trade in comparison with oornspondilig periods of other years. There was an uelivo demanded for middling cotton tills morning at 17} / cents a fancy ar ticle bringing 17"i. To day’s western dispatches quote bacon scarce, firm and holders with lofty ideas about the future price of wlmt little they still have on hand. We quote clear ribbed sides at 13 cents Shoulders 16 disposit ion to shade these figures. A private telegram from New York says bulk meats have advanced there. In others we have no changes to make. Cotton.— Report for 24 hours, sinee 3 P. M. yesterday. Hold 175 bales ; shipped 209 hales. Received 588 hales. statement. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 hales 4 111 R-Jcelvcd last 24 hours 58S Received previously 12,454—13,042 Total receipts 18,454 Snipped last 24 hours . 409 Shipped previously 8,228 8,037 Stock on hand this evening— 3,817 Market stiff 17a17?1c. MACON IMCII’K t’l KKI -Vl’. OSNARURGS- No. 1 16 No. 2 14 MilledgcvillcNo. 2 14 MACON SHEETING V'S Seven-eighths Waynumvilto Sheeting H Houston Sheeting 11M Houston Stripes U’.Vulo Colnmbuß Stripes l.ialS High Shoal Stripes 16 Montour Shirting —% lOj-tf Factory Sewing Thread itiO YARNS-.... 160 GRlTS—per bushel 1 85 OATS—per bushel 00a65 FIELD PEAS—per bushel UA Y—Northern Tennessee 1 9Ja2 00 Clover 1 90 PEA NUTS—per bushel 150 POT A I’OES—Planting Table use 5 SOu-l 00 APPLES—Northern BUl’TEß—Goshen No. 1 peril- 43n44 Goshen No. 3 per lb 25 t Tennessee No. 1 “ 3J : Tennessee No. 2 “ 20 Country 85a40 COFFEE—Rio per lb 21a35 Java per lb 28a34 CHEESE—Best Cream per lb.. 18 New York per 1b... 15 MOLASSEH—N. O. Syrup per gal. (15 "Georgia” per gal.. 70 Sugar House 35 SYRUPS—GoIden Drips, per gal... 60*75 - Medium per gal 05 Ordinary per gal 55 } SUGAR “A” per lb 13}<ji White Extra “ C ” 13a . New Orleans (bhd-).... 10:03} Yellow C 12>/a Demerara . 12}$al3 Port! Rico lU fal2'f POWDER—Hazard per Leg 7 25 Orange Mills 7 00 PROVISIONS, GRAIN, GROCERIES, Ac. BACON—Clear-ribbed Sides (smokd).. R 13 Shoulders 9}£nlo HAMS—Magnoliaß. C., canvassed... Uo.jatiP Fitch’s U.ljjpigO Tennessee, plain-cured 18al8}£ White Bellies Wall PORK- Pickled, mess 18 00 New, mess 19 00 Pickled, rumps ... 15 00 BULK MEATS—Cask Sides Shonlders Bellies LARD—Prime I.eaf, Tierces 1 lallW Kegs 13 Puckuges 12u13 FLOUR -Low superfine per bhl . 700 Standard superfine.. 8 60 Extra 9 00 Choice extra —— Family 10 00 •*Wyleys XXIX’-i Georgia Mills ) 11 50a12 00 llyacintho 11 00 “Domestic’' 12 00 Star of Beauty 1100 Belle of Georgia „ 1100 Pride of Dixie 12 00 Silver Lake 10 50 CORN—White per bushel 95 Mixed per bushel SBa9o SHOT—Per sack 3 00 CRACKERS—Butter per lb 09 Soda Bao9 Cream 13 Sugar 13 1-2 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps PicNic 10 Fancy 17 CANDY—New York per lb 18 M. R. Rogers <fc Cos 18 BLACKING—No. 1 per gross 5 00 No. 2 6 00 No. 3 7 00 SODA—Bi-Carb. per lb 9nlo POTASH-Per lb lOull SOAP—Turpentine per lb 0 1-2 Laundry 15 Toilet per doz 75al 20 Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS—Preston and Merrill’s per doz. 1 75a2 25 Ilorsford’a 3 tK> TOBACCO—( hoice Chewing per !b 75 Medium BO Ordinary 40a50 Choice Smoking. 1 85 Medium. i 75 Common 40 ClGAßS—lmported per thousand 75 OOaloO 00 Domestic 15 OOaCO 00 SNUFF—Scotch per lb 78 Macaboy 78 PIPES —Per box 0 50u4 50 MACKF/REI. No. 1 kits S 25a3 SO No. 8 bbls 10 50uM 00 No. 8 kits 1 75 No. 11 bbls'—isrge. .11 50Eil8 (X) No. 8 kits 1 50a1 70 WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 50 CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 81ka82 Sperm 48a45 Paraffine SOaHH STARCH—PearI...-. 7';ußK EGGS—Per doz 80 CHICKENS—Per doz 8 00a5 (X) SALT —Virginia per sack 8 10a8 15 Liverpool 8 50 FEATHERS 80 HIDES- -Dry flint MalO Green 6a7 BEESWAX 88u00 SWEET POTATOES 75a 1 00 WniSKY—Common Rye 1 05al 10 BAGGING —Bengal 18 Lyxm Borifio Gnnny Dundee 1 7 Patched 17 TlES—Gooclie Arrow Oj^alO Eureka 10 Allgator..., ah ; ; COME! COME! COME ONE! COME ALE! r) the VEGETABLE and CHICKEN and EGG market of tl. C. K iI.KI On A CO.’S You can also get the beat Sugar, Coflisc, Teas, Rice, Flour, Bacon, Sausage, Black Fish, Mul let, Fresh Oysters, Crabs and Shrimp*, Canned Good* of all kinds, Candles, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, also a splendid assortment of Notions. asp 26 tf C. C. BALKCOM A CO. notice. Macon and Brunswick Railroad Oince, Macon, Oa., August *d, 1873. ( ON and after August Bth, Excursion Ticket* to New York and return, can be had at this office S3B 00 for round trip. Tickets good until Oct. Ist, 1872. W-tf K J. YMRTIN O T. Aft Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN I!. It. CO., T Mvi on, Ga., June 11, isir. f (AN and after Sunday June 16th. the bilhitv / ing schedule for Passenger Train*, w ill be observed on this road DAY Leave Macon 5:5U a. M, Arrive at Macon .... ~. . 7:30 a, m. Leave Atlanta.. 3:00 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta... . .. 3:15 r. M. NIGIIT PASSENGER. Leave Macon 10:00 r. M. Arrive at Moron 9:35 P. M. Leave Atlanta 4:00 i*. m. Ai rive at Atlanta 0:00 t. m. .7:20 m. and 9:35 r. M. Train* make close connections nt Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and will: South western Railroad for points in Southwest Geor gia. 3:15 p. m and 0,00 h. m. train* aotinoct at. Atlanta with We-tern and Atlantic Railroad for points West. \. J. WHITE, 55tf SuneriiUemlent. TAX! TAX!! TAX!!! rpilE attention of eitv lav payers are most .1. respectfully called to the following reso lution passed by Council at a reel'll l meeting with the request that all subject w ill comply, thus avoiding trouble and expense. Whereas, At tho regular meeting in August a resolution was passed, giving those owing taxes for the year I v l '.’ tho privilege ot paying one-fourth their taxes on tiie lOlh of Septem ber, und it being not generally understood when the balance fell duo, therefore Resolved, That on the 10th of each month one-fourth will be called for; all persona fail ing to pay the second instalment, which fulls due on the 10th of October next, that Ilia Trea surer Issue executions for the full amount of taxes. Passed. CHAS. J. WILLIAMSON, sopt 21-tllloctll. Treasurer. CROP OF 1872. (-lover and (Jniss Needs. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, I HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, Arc., &<*. Just received, j HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, Mb- 15b 82 and 84 Cherry Street. To the It II si Ik.-KS 51 ell of tlliean THE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively in Dougherty. Mitchell, Lee, Baker and Worth Counties. J-vy" The wealthiest < ’otton seel ion of Georgia. TIIK TV KWH Ih the best Advertising Medium In fcfcmlliwest ern Georgia. ADVERTISEMENTS SOLICITED. CARET W. STYLES, Proprietor. 89 WOOD AND COAL. JIIAVE established, near the Macon A West ern Railroad Depot, an ample, yard with Fairbanks’ best seules) to supply all kinds of Wood und Coul, In any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the offices of Messrs. 11. L. Jewett, Greer, Lake A Cos., Turpin A Ogden, through Postofllee, or at the Yard, will have prom [it attention. Cotneand see 122-200 MILO H. FREEMAN. FOR RENT. ONE of the most deslruhlc places on Troup Hill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nine acres of land at tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, etc. Parties wanting to rent a good house can se cure one by applying to the underHigncd, or to M “.srH. 15. 11. VvrigleyA Co.,W anotW Second strort, Macon, On. ing-tf JAMES W. KNOTT. FOR SALE. A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITTRK. A FAMILY designing to break lip house keeping on the. first of October, now oiler a complete outfit of furniture for five or six rooms, together witli all necessary kitchen utensels, for sale at half original cost. It con sists of Mohair Parlor Chairs, Mahogany and Black Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining Ta ble, Dining, Rocking and common chairs, Car pets, Dinner and Tea Setts, and in short, almost every article demanded in u house of live or six rooms. The furniture has not been used over one or two years, Is In perfect repair, almost us good as new, cost SI,OOO and will now be sold for SSOO cash. Address Box 433, Macon, orapply at this THIS OFFICE, seplutf NOTICE. I>JDB will be received for (450) four hun >dred and fifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestnut Posts, (5 feet long and (7) Severn Inches square, delivered at either depot in this city. Address communications to ocW-tf WM. IIAZLEIirTtRT. NOTICE. vpilE Books for the registration of voters for JL the city elsctlon will be opened on the first day of October and close at Two o’clock p. in., on December 13, 1872. sep3o td J. A, McMANUR, Clerk. BERND BROS. HANUrAOTUBEM OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DKAI.BIUI IN Harness,Saddles, Collars, Horn) Equip* meat* and Clothing Generally. ALSO a full MBortmentof LEATHER of a! klnda, Enameled Cloth, etc. aaddlws and Karimas Makcre Hardware and Tools. Cash paid for HIDES, FURS, SKINS, WAX, WOOL and TALLOW. 5-162 ■~C. W. nOWAKV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Offlc at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry street fcS*jr“A)l bnmDMft will receive prompt atten ti/Sr FllliNH STOCK ! 1 i BURDICK BROTHERS SIGN OF THE “COLDEN3HOC.” DEALERS IS Grain, Provisions and Groceries, Have now In store a fresh Slock of Goods, and Invite the attention of the Public. WE OFFER 100,000 pounds BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, direct Jfrotn the Packers. 35 tierces of the genuine "MAGNOLIA" HAMS. 20 tierces PURE LEAF LAP,I). 5,000 bushels WHITE AND MIXED CORN. 2 CAR LOADS FLOUR from NEW WHEAT. 560 Rolls BAGGING, weighing2Xll'ound to the Yard. •‘AT* I*o W” TIES, IN ANY QUANTITY. 33 lings Choice KK> COFFEE. Mi Übls. MUG All of various greeds. Choice WESTERN HAY, flesh Water Ground MEAL, WHEAT BRAN, LIVERPOOL ss.l VIRGINIA BALT. We have now a good Stock, and respectfully iuvilo the attention of all who desire to par chase, goods in nnr line. Entire satisfaction Is rnuirantood to our customers. Please cull on us si 63 Third Street, Macon, (la., Sip of the ' Golden Hot” BURDICK BROTHERS. 110-13.) a I) Y October Ist the undersigned will remove I) to intersection of First street and Cottos Avenue, Dixie Works side, where he will be pre pared to supply his customers, und the publt everything ln*liii line, such as myself that I can und will give entire saUsfse my old stand on Cotton Avcnnc,^o^XMlU^Tri- TO EVERYBODY AND HIS CHARMING WIFE! f I MI AT all-important event, the election, having passed away, and the “ times that tried men* JL souls " have merged Into the “piping times of peace” ; und Winter has been ushered in among twitter of birds and music of the leaves as they foil to the ground ; and the Summer hav ing faded away and the weather reduced to something agreeable, I have to announce to my nu merous and beloved patrons that I have recently returned from an extended trip to New York, Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie and Wceliasean, and other celebrated markets, where I purchased, and have now In my store, the largest lot of “GOODIES!” Ever brought to Mucon, coiiMating In purt of Bnear, Coffee, New York Canvassed Hams and Breakfuat Bacon, Lard, Butter, Canned Fruit, .lollies. Pickles, Haisina, Nuts, Apple**, Lemons, Cabbages, Onions, Potatoes, Crackers, Cheese, Spiced Hams, Bologna Sausages, and—well, it would take me all day to write what I have got, and It would fill this paper so full that Smith wouldn't have a local for a week. It is almost unnecessary for me to mention the fact that lans prepared, as ever, to supply Oysters and Shell-fish of all kinds, from a Crab to a Grecleyoystar. The finest Fish, fresh ami on ice, Is kept by me, and sold at living rates. In view of the fact that the people of Macon, and those visiting Macon, are determined to eat what her they get anything good or not, I have prepared myself for the emergency, by making ample arrangements to have my DINING TABLES Supplied with the very heat this arid other markets can afford. That popular dish, “Bird, oh Toiutt” being my own Invention, the people can always find the lime at my restaurant. To gether with my polite corps of waiters, this branch of my business will receive the natronsge of all of my old customers, and, 1 hope, many new ones. My restaurant is, as is well known, supplied with the very best y* g EATABLES & DRINKABLE'S that could be found. Therefore, gentlemen and ladles, having laid before you wtjlat I have on hand, arid wishing you all tlic beat luck and that I can suit you in your purchaser from ms I must close this letter. If at any time I can serve you, you have but to commamH me or my corps of attentive and obliging clerks, and you will be made happy. Tbankiug you for past favors, 1 am tenderly yours, W. P. CARLOS. PROSPECTUS ' Bacon Weekly Enterprise, \V. WATKIX HICKS, Editor. ON or about the first week in October, we will b-sue from this office the first mmi-- La®, Live, Weekly Paper! It will contain all the the Telegraphic news of the week, and the latest reliable information on all subjects and from all parts of the world. In its editorial department will bo found dis cussions of all the LIVE ISkI'ES of the times. Particular attention will be giv en to the advancement of Science, Art, and Literature; wl ile all interesting events and authentic progress of the political world will be faithfully presented. SUBSCRIPTION PRIOR. One Year Six Month* • 1 00 Invariably In advance. *ar"N subaeriptlon taken for less than six fcjr.Now Is the time to suhtcrlbe. Speci men copies srnt on application. Change of Schedule. ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. j FORTY-ONE MILES SAVED IN DISTANCE Opfic* Macon and Augusta Railroad, ) Macon, May 18,1872. j ON aud after Sunday, May 19, 1872, and un til further notice, the trains on this Rosd will run as follows: DAT TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS JSIIEPTEII). Leave Augusta 11.00 a. n. Leave Macon 0 30 A. n. Arrive at Augusta 2.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon “• fjjrPasscngers leaving Macon st 6.30 a. x make close connection at Caraok with day pa* *enger trains on the Georgia Railroad for At lanta and si) points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, amt all stations on the Georgia Railroad wy-Tiokcta sold and baggage chu aed to all points North, both by rail and by .tcsinshijs 1 from Charleston. 24-lv S. K. JOHNSON Sun’t. J. J. ABH.4JIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 151 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, OA CTSSSSSSHTSS TSiS SS 131-809