Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 18, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE! nu IHT. i**- PI Mil-MM* EV HY I.VI MUi lines, wing a smith. No. 10 llulliii/ mrlii Ulopk. 1 IU litter* rrlatinn tu Sithnetpllm thouhl As ad- 1 1,. ,■// to /.!„*, It., -/ it- Smith, Moron, tin. ! i nininoii'coti'nin fur th< /e,/*, thouH hr ml ,t,fk*r<l lo llie IMilor. 0* rnnnol unitn ■!,,(, In return rejrrlrit • oiiiniitnn iitinnx. Will iml/nnli reilerl „< - item-, I'i"iii nil juirh of th' Sate, mo helled. W. WATHIN lllt Kt. editor. To the outsider—one who has not ihc facilities at lil* command In ucqnaint him- ; elf with the positions of the two conflict ing partic*—the sign? of Mr. (Irreley's election aie everything hot cheering- 1 he recent tied inns in Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio have unnecessarily thrown a damper upon come *>f our most sanguine nion, causing them to waver not a little Id i heir duty. 'I he well worn prognostication. used jcrliaps on cm ty election held in the Inion from the days of Jefferson lo lire present day, “as goes l’ouusylvntjia, so goes the inion,” I* shallow, or in common parlance, “ too thin " l<> be applicable to the result of the recent election. We do not regard tlic result as damaging to Hie Liberal cause, for tbo reason Hint them was on importation of 25,000 voters from a neighboring State, and the fuel that there arc numbers of Republicans who will vote for a Liberal in preference to a genuine Democrat. This fact alone should give it* good cheer, < It Is true, and ulus ' too true, that (Irani and his co-workers have Hie open sesame by which they control voters, but why lay so much slrcMupon this ? It w ill require more than Hie glitter of gold or I In; rich prospects of fat olllces, to swell their ranks wllli llie lovers of a good ami hon est government. The great strength of the Radical party lies la their ill gotten gains. This is the magnet that draws that party together Uutcan It lost f Cun the plethoric money bugs siisluiii the constant draining? Will the people, yes. wo say the people, submit to the wholesale ptos t i tut ion of Its treasury lo gain an object so terribly damaging to their Interests v Then taking a view of llie surroundings ns they now npprar, there is utterly no caiisß lo lent for the result of the Novem bur election. The gloom should not be allowed lo cover the picture If there is any gloom at all To win is to try. And to day we feel more confident, full of more hope limn evei We have only one duty marked out befoie ns, and ttint la wont, • HIM OH V lIIMII . Those wicked lines that sonic editor* de light lo pul ul the head of their editorial columns, In caps and small ( ups, have been denied by the Tribune, but now Mr dree ley write* the hdlowlng Irltei lo Mr Tel mu, of Alabama, which should sene to "iispcmt the circnlrilon of the cruel words Nm\ Yoiik, Octobci H, is?.' Vy Dear Sir . I. I nevur wrote, nor in - cited, nor imagined the matter you semi me. beginning “ H’Asa the rebellion/ tmi tor* are ilriren the field. etc " 2. It was w iltteii by one who is now ed fling a dinut piqwi ami bitterly hnaiile to me. I It was not published in Hthl.aslbn per's Weekly asserts, but May tl, I sill, af ter tin bombardtiieiit of Fort Sumter Yours. UouAcn dm ii i t \V R \i i son, Selma, Ala • Diymomib in Nova Sioiia flic Chronicle's representative on the Inter colonial isilnmil excursion lieni<l n dls mood story while lh patty were wailing at Rivet l’hlllp yesterday, on their way to llnlllux. Our informant, a very intelligent man, who evidently believed all he said, informed Us that a day or two ago, Mr, John Hanley, while working on his farm near River Philip. found in a ditch a dis mom) of oval shape, about three Inches long and two inches wide ; that Mr. llau ley took the precious jewel to Amherst, where a professional geullrmsn, after test lug it, offered $1,500 for It, ami that the lucky possessor, realizing that he hail a fortune, declined the otter and started foi Halifax lo aacertain what luslropolltan Jewelers will give ldui for his prize Wo shall probably hear more of this gem which is to far oulshiiic the glory of llie old jewels which the world has hitherto ml in I red —Halifax (.V. $.) Chronicle. Whisky Consini'tion.— For thcclmm pion whisky consuming State of the Fn ion. Louisiana can claim llie prize The New Orleans "Picayune" declares "We know of four pariahes in this (slate. with a imputation of about 43,0110, of all ages, union ami sexes, In which 4,000 barrels of Whisky art* required to meet the yearly demand. It lias been estimated, upon lair basis of calcubdiou. that the cons', meis iu these lout patishes pay half a million dollars y early lor liquoi and s<ix>;:> drinks—about three times the amount of their State parish taxes. The gross sale* of the cotton and sugar crops of the State since the war. usually do not amount to over 30.090,000 yearly. The "diiuks" of the people of the Stale, and the liquor bilis, amount to mote than $30,000 000 y early. Shut IfintU'.—On Sunday morning, nlxun the lime for the departure of the traiue. a colored mania section band! ac cidentally allot htiiuielf. lie was standing on the plalfurm iu front of the ticket office, and til attempting to tiff up his double barrelled shot-gun, which lie bad rested upon the ground, sliuck the hammer .*gainst something aud discharged nut barrel—the coateuts wounding slightly one of hi* baud* aud bulging iu aud im mediately around the right eye The xvouud was very severe and may prove fatal, though he was able lo seek bis home unassisted a few minute* after the acci dent,— Ttomoorillc tnlHfrin. Thk siege of Mr Fechter* ucw theatre iu New York will be a novelty. It i< to .1 icteb forward inlo the centre of the bouse . it* back will he in the ha[e of quarter-dome, with the concavity turned low aid* ilia audience Tbi* will lie (Honi ed blue, so a* to have as natural a sky as poasibte By an Ingenious device, cloud shadow* xx ill be made to pas* across it w hen the scene hr laid in the open air. The usual place of the orchestra will lx< tilled with fragrant flowers aud a stream of rutt&hrg water. The hand will play ii tuler the stage. Careful acoustic arrange ment* insure their Ueiug heard although thev will be wholly linseei; tiii: no it is or rm: 1101 it. To 11 1 * *se persona vvlio allow 1 I v*-s ' to become gloomy because >f Iho result of Hut Pennsylvania election, to- itimii mcml the following word* of waning front the New York Tribune Wlicn a roverso Ims been mu mii> i. soldiers sometime* liegln firing into their own ranks, lint we Imve never liesrt! that reverses were Hint way retrieved and We protest most enrnestly against any yielding to such temptation now. We ran throw away the I’lealdrntial election, or wc (an carry it Thu way to eitliei result is clear. Every poliliehm know s that it is in I lie power of the cards, fail ly played, lo win the Prcsidentul gatuc. Or, to resume the nobler figure, the forces in the field are amply snlllcieut to win victory. That the Liberal party is as certain now to rifle Hie country In Hie near future, us w as the coali tion called Hie Republican party, after in i spite of its great defeat in le.">(l, wo lake as oBC of the palpable facta of Hie situation. : Hut it lias in llie present struggle this great advantage ur. compared with the lust national struggle of the party it is to succeed—that it Ims an impregnable basis of one hundred and twenty-three Southern voles, on which to stmt, with majorities ut the late election* in enough of the oth ers to bring victory within our grasp. The campaign lor the next three week* ean tie so ordered as to put llie-c latter Stale* be yond doubt Shall vve not move unitedly to the work. ■ lit | |>N IN AOIt 111 4 ItO. i.n.i. A cot respondent of Hie New York World lias this to ssy of the election frauds in (he Old North Slate A enlled council, composed of the meiu her* of the Democratic State Fxecutivc Committee, some of the principal parlies in defeated interest, and several other prominent men of the party in the State, was held here lost week to decide upon the question of contesting the fraudulent election ol the Radical ticket in August before the Legislature, which convenes on the thiid Monday in November. The law requires tidily days’ notice to the adverse parties; but whether the thirty next lie ini'* the convening of the I.egidatuie or any other thirty during the re; .-ion seems not to hnve been quite clear. The point was much argued to-day in the council, by some of the ablest lawyers iu the State, to the final conclusion, without dissent, that any thirty days to run and expire be fore the adjournment of the session was Hie meaning and intention of the law. And upon this view It win thought advisable to defer the notice. Hut lind lids primary point been differently decided, the notice would liavc issued immediately, for the reports of fraud* to the Chairman of the Committee, all in the nature of evidence, allow an aggregate of more than 11,000 voles —4,(Mi1l iu excess of Hie gross Radi cal majority. And that side depend upon Grant s re-election alone to maintain them in it, either by intimidation, to prevent the conical, or by direct and forcible inter ference. ANOTHER DIAMOND SENSATION. X I'AKTY OK l-KOMINBST CAI.IKOHNIANS IICAVK THK I'ACIKIC UOAII AT Ill'll IIKSKHT ON A DIAMOND HUNT. [ Omnha.Urc October JO. Day before yesterday a large parly of diamond hunter*, Composed of prominent and wealthy thillfornlaus, came over tho Central I'acilie and Fnton a* far a* Red Desert. They travelled in a special train of four ear* of the Central I‘nciflc direct oik They were supplied vvilli a large and rich quantity of diituunid specimens, maps chart*, the latest Government surveys, ami . the most recent decisions of the At torn' y -General In referenced to entering mining tracts. Several experience iniucrs timl experts aecompaincd the party, ami the whole outfit, owing to Ilieir wealth and station in life, received the utmost courtesy from the official* ol the road* It was their first Intention to leave the iad at Rawlins, hut as the secret of Ilieir expedition hud leaked out. they took their departure from tin- Red Desert. Hi* said that their destination is distant from ten to lltleeii day*' travel on horseback from this point, and that they started in a direc tion widen would lead them south of Bridgcr's Folk. Their movements and Intentions vvete kept as secret as possible, but the conclusion is Unit Hie members of lids party compose the great California Diamond Company, about the organization of which there was so much excitement created by the San Francisco papers. It will be recollected that on the morning of August 1, ICdwmd Aruold, of Kentucky, arrived in this citywith a parly of colored men, and it was reported that they were going out on a hunting expedition It afterwards turned out that this Ar nold was a diamond discoverer, the secret having leaked out after and his parly Inal reached Laramie, from which place lie de parted for the land of diamonds as origi nally discovered by him, kut not until the Sentinel cf that place bad published a couple of sensations couceruing hitu Nothing more vv as heard of him until three or four days ago, when he passed -through tliis city on Ins way Fast The arrival of that Californian party at Red Desert and Ilieir mysterious departure just after Ar uoid had come Fast look* a little curious It Is claimed that a job has been put up on Arnold, be having been imbued by someone lo come Fast so Unit the Califor nian* could come iu dining bis absence and under mine him. \Vr look for further interesting developments concerning this matter, ami in u day or two shall proha bly obtain something more definite A Farmer s Experience. Unit or ll.iirlin.iritU Dispatch .-—As the lime is near when we should save our po tato plantings. I'll give you ray plan. After the viues are killed with frost, as soon thereafter as the weather ia warm enough not to chill the potato, plow them up with a small plow, aud pick them up careftilly. Round out a place in the earth about three inches deep, so as to make a small ridge around the circle Urge enough to hold thirty-five bushels, then sprinkle plenty of dry pine straw, place the plaut iiiKS on this bed. and cover over with dry straw to the depth of ten or twelve inch' -. then bauk completely over, the same day you dig At the same time ditch mound the bank so os to drain off the water. I do not think that I have lost one bushel in ten years, though we hud some very unfa vorable winters. The straw is better than boards or bark. You can also keep your eating potatoes in lids way. J !\ M**m t;\ Wilcox County, Oct 1872. w - - A Tiutiuwjt Accident— F.iixi.xu or x New M xkki t Mocsi —The walls and roof of a portion of the new market home m process of construction in Montgomery. Ala . fell on Wednesday afternoon last, in slant!)' killing Mr Win O'Brien, a gas titter and one of the must popular mechan ics in Montgomery Six or seven others at work ou the building were severely in jured *om Ol them having their legs' bro ken.—Dome Courir . Most Profit in Prompt Marketing. No producer should lie a speculator, not should a farmer, a* a rule, hold his crops, with the idea that he insy thereby influence the market. The effects of ull 1 contingent h ■ are discounted at the com mercial ''cubes that is, they ellect prices Into- before the produce is handled. Thus tiic conditions of crops are far better known to tlio*■ • whoso business it ie to ; market them and to the consumer than to j those who raise them. The former class have, in lluir course of business, the means of accurately ascertaining the ap proximate yield of all tho stuplo crops liy which their trade is effected, and they use those means in the most effective man ner. It is Ilieir business, and they suc ceed or fail in proportion as they manage well or ill. Farmers cannot compete w ith them in this, and generally suffer when they at tempt it. Asa title, it is true thul the sooner crops are marketed the better for the producer. An example muy be seen in the matter of wool, the present season. Those farmers who sold ilieir llceces as soon n they were shorn did well, while those who held on for higher rates, and tlio*i: who still hold on, have lost, or will probably loose fin with the pork market. The lirst hogs ready for Hie butcher, more especially those for the reluil trade, as fresh polk, rarely fail In bringing lietter prices Ilian those coining iu with the crowd a month or two later Hut it is in grain that the farmer 10-es most by delay. From the moment his crop is harvested it is the prey of enemies Rats and mice consume it, and the weevil silently and secretly eats out its heart, llovv much ire sutlers by these industrious enemies one cannot estimate. Every farmer knows how it Is himself to his sorrow, and vet year by year he waits, an I -vails, for Hie highest prices, which lately come, and when they do come they fail to caver his !o- > * To thrash early, and realize the highest price he may, is nearly always, if not always hi* best course, and the most profitable. It is his privilege to speculate, lint if he loses let him mil lay the blame tp , his own proper business. PERSONAL. Holla the actress, is quite ill. Victor lingo is about to marry. (iui/otand Thiers boast of never having i had a headache. Strakasch has managed to put #500,000 I aside for a rainy day. Little Raven hears a strong resemblance to Henry Ward Beecher 'll ie Milanese liavo presented Verdi a ! baton iu tho shape of a sceptre. Miss Kate Field is doing up “ Republi i cans in Europe ” iu a literary fricassee. Karl Marx has ceased to he an Interna | llonal in order lo devote himself to sol- I unco. It is now slated that Colfax is to be em ployed by Jay Cook iib an advertizing agent. A man said to he 107 years old is just dead in London. His name was William Highgnsou. The Ear! of Dudley has bought the great diamond known a* "The Star of South Africa " flic late General Hartman Uuchc was a great grandson of Henjamin Franklin, and not a grandson. Then' i* to be a monument to Janies Watt, the inventor of the steam engine, at Greenock, Scotland. Charles Francis Adams pays a tax of #2,700 ; John ljuincy, #3lO, and Charles • Francis, jr.. S2GB. One of the last pieces of Fanny Fern's | writing closed with " Oh, God, 1 thank thee that I live " " Tho Claimant ” nml Marguerite Dix blanc are being shown around England in Sardinian wax • ttiieeu Victoria has this year received very many parcels of lamb s wool yarn from loyal matrons iu Canada. Henry N. Smith, one of the boldest of the liroad street operators, inis cleared #I 500,000 within six months. The last thing Fanny Fern wrote was a pin for school children, published in the New York Ledger of date Oct. 0 The Grand Duke Alexis tells every American ho meets that lie will he present at our centennial celebration iu 1876. J. C. Hays, formerly known as leader of the "Texas Rangers,” is living on Hie income of over #200,000 in Alameda, Cal. Oliver Dalrymplc, whose little farm is near St Haul. Minn., lias harvested 45,000 of wheat, and banked #17,250 for it. Tho royal family (the president and Mrs. Grant! tivok a drive out Penasylva nia avenue In their new carriage the oth er day. Amadous' letters to the Spaniards, if published, would "make him the laughing stock of the nation, " because be cannot write Spauisb. The grave of the late Rev. Dr. Vinton w ill be made beside Hint of his Father in law. the lute commodore l’erry, at New port, R I. St Yalercs, near Bray, Eng , the seat of the late Judge Crumpton, has been select ed ns a suitable residence for ex Emperor Napoleon and family. - The Soap Dodge The Hudson (N. Y.) Register says " Our citizens who attend the various exhibitions from time to time at the City Hall, frequently ask themselves bow all tiic boys get in the shows, and are nt a loss for an answer. After a careful ob servation vve have g<ff so far into the ee Orel a* to be abie to tell how some of them do. • The capital needed to .start the bus incss in the iirst place is ten cents With this the young sharper purchases half a bar of soap, puts it in a paper and waits outside for a rush. With a rush he tinds 1 himself at the door, when the door-tender 1 stops him. and asks for his ticket The young sbiirgci says T just went out to gel this soap tor a mail on the stage and he's in a hurry. - Not suspectiug anything wrong, ihc door-tender permits him to pass iu. When inside tho lad takes his seat an ! pockets the soap lor tho next show w liich comes along. If the door- i tender i* changed through 1 tie evening the soap is dropped out of the window to an accotnpKce. and sharper No 2 slides iu on the 'soap dodge. " Mn.Tifi.vtso Koine— Our local eve fell upon one of the strangest eggs tire other day that ever was heard of. ~ It was a common hen s egg with two yelks In the first shell and a small egg inside. O u 1 breaking thie little shell it was fouud to contain Hie vv t ite of nu egg, also a still smaller shell filled with white. We sup p m this hen had concluded her offspring would be entitled to suffrage, and she would furnish as many votes for Greelov as possible. —lXiason Journal A subscriber wrote to the editor of a Newark paper to ask the meaning of the phrase < .or, omniiu, e.'mmuni, The edi tor said it was a French sentence intended ! to explain something about Morse * omni bus being of service to the community* Do People Read Advertisements? There Is now and then a person so stu pid as to believe that advertisements in uewspupers arc not generally read, and that money expended iu advertising is practically wasted. Even such will con cede that if a hundred men of polite ad dress. of lluent speech and ready wit were to call daily or weekly each upon an hun dred others and get the eats of caclt long enough to say J no. Smith, or Jones, or Thompson at such a place, has such and such goods at such prices, or would sell a farm, or house and ldt, or had lost a horse or pocket book, or would loan money, etc —vve say such men will concede that the services of this one hundred men would be of great value to Smith or Jones, and in some measure advantageous to the party to whom this statement was made This hundred men could not be employ cd to go Irom door to door and make this statement to ten thousand people at less than u cost of several hundred dollars each trip. All this is done by the newspaper ut a cost of a few shillings or a few dollars at most, and the visits arc made week after week, day after day. The messenger who travels addresses himself to the ear and takes the party addressed when he may have his thoughts absorbed in business or | other matters ; but the newspapers reach es the party through the eye, when the reader has his thoughts solely fixed upou I the paper before him. Hut those who affect to believe that j there is little use in advertising urge as an j objection that advertisements are not read. They cati be easily convinced of their er ror in tiiis respect by making inquity.— Let them insert an advertisement offering ’ to purchase an article that is tolerable plenty in the market, and they will be flooded with offers to sell before the ink of the advertisement is dry. An enterprising j weekly that has a circulation of one, two , or three thousand copies is in a position to the villuge merchant great good, and for which as a rule, the publisher does not get one-fourth of what lie justly deserves. In i its sphere the weekly is of quite as much 1 service to the advertiser as is tho daily, and oftentimes it enjoys the privilege of being the exclusive family visitor, a privilege the daily seldom has. — Union nod AiUertbcr, Hochotcr N. y. Thk nourishing little town of Thomson, McDuffie county, is raising funds to pur chase a fire engine. M. Lidot, a Frenchman, has invented a machine for stopping runaway horses instantly. Electricity at the control of the driver Is the means employed; the horse is violently shocked, and so much sur prised that he instantly comes to a halt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ItOIIKKT WAUUENSIEIX, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, MEDICAL COLEOE BUILDING, Mllbkkuy St., Macon, Ga., K’ EEPS constantly on hand, tine assort ment of CARES, CANDIES, TOTS, NOTIONS, etc. I’ARTICII.AR VST sin son ! given to supplying Weddings, Parties, Pic Nics, etc., with all necessary CAKES and CON FECTIONS. CRACKER RAKING. This department is my speciality, as I bake | Crackers every other day, thus furnishing my putrons with nice, fresh and palatable Crackers. The attention of the ladies is called to this fact. Oyster Crackers for Restaurants, Butter, So da, l arina, Sugar and every kind made. octlS-l w VERY CHEAP! APPCKS, Plenty of ’em. ONIONS, Lots wf ’em. Irish Polatos, Dead Loads of ’em. Ground Poas, Any Quantity. — t’a'a's. Any amount of Vm. At C. C. BALKCOM A CO.'S General Grocery Depot, Fourth Street. oclS Jit Notice to the Tax Payers of Bibb County. r fMIE TAX BOOKS for the collection of State L and County Taxes for is?j, are now open at the office of Collins A Heath, Real Estate and Instilance Agents, No. hi)Second street. F. M. HEATH, octlo tfcod. Tax Collector Bibb county. ! Spots-wood. Hotel, NKAltl Y OPPOSITE PASSE',(IKK DEPOT, (Only one minute’s-walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. (’. .1., Superintendent. JaYo- tV. Mi'akv, In the Office. I—if Paints & Oils \ TTENTION i< railed to my large stock of Paint* and Oils and the very tow figures at which they are sold. WESTS EXTRA NO 1 KEROSENE Oil,. The Cheapest Cigars in the City. Pure Holland Gin and 111 VIF.K'W MOIVTAIN BYE WHISKY! THE NEW STREET CAR TICKETS. Have become very popular. FOUR FOR TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Prescriptions are Accurately Com pounded. Earlr JENNY WAKEFIELD, LARGE El AT nVTCr. *nd LA ROE DRUMHEAD l at>- bgc good just received. NEW CROP ONION SETTS ROLAND B. HALL, OKIGRIST, ICI-tf Cor. Chenr St. nd Cotton Avenue. DRUGS, DRUGS. JUBT RECEIVED At No. 3 BROWN HOUSE BLOCK, A SIW AND Will. SELECTED STOCK OF Pure Drugs, Medicines, ])HARM \CEUTICAL Preparations, Chem cals, etc. Also, a full line if all the po| ular Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, inclu ding Brushes of all kinds, Combs, Perfumer Toilet Soaps, Coeuicti'-s, ;e. KeroseneOilb. the barrel and at retail. N. B. Particular attention iriven to the Pre scription Business, snd nonk err pcrf. medi cines used by competent hund- AII of the above Stock bought in person f" '•ash at the lowest market pric sand all will he sold a* cheap as by any house in the city. The public are earnestly Invited to ■ ome ut 1 buy. 1)U. P. 11. WRIGHT, octlC-4t Druggist anil Physician Siilc of Livery Stable StocL WILL be sold at public outcry at Holmn i Clay’s Livery stable, at 10 o’clock a. m., on the lirst Tuesday in November next, (20) Twenty liead of Ilorsea, Carriages, Phictor.H, Buggies, Hacks, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Iron fciufe, Desk, etc. Sold for division. For further particulars, imply to C. aMABTEKBON, Receiver, octlo-tds At tiic Stables. Fresh Arrivals. i '2,) Cases Fresh Peaches. 25 Cases Fresh Lobsters. 50 Cases Fresh Tomatoes. 15 Cases Fresh Salmon. 100 Boxes Cream Cheese. 200 Packages Mackerel. 75 Boxes Layer Raisins. 25 Ivegs Gilt Edge Butter, New lot of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Come and see ns, or send your or ders to Seymour, Tinsley & Ci. Ull-100 COL. BLOUNT S APPOINTMENTS! C'lOL. BLOUNT, the Democratic nominee of J the Sixth Congressional District, will j speak at the following places, to-wit: Dublin, Laurens county, October 15th. Irwinton, Wilkinson county, October 10th. Milledgeville, Baldwin county, October ITth. Eaton ton, Putnam county, October 18th. Nlonticello, Jasper county, October 19th. Monroe, Walton county, October 22d. Social Circle, Walton county, October 23d. CoviDgton, Newton county, October 24th. Conyern, Rockdale county, October 25th. Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, October2Bth, and will speak in Macon, Friday evening, No vember Ist. Col. Hardeman will join Col. Blount and ad dress the people also, at Monroe, bocial Circle, Covington and Conyers. At his other appoint ment, Hon. James N. Pace, one of the candi dates on the electoral ticket, w ill be present, and speak likewise. octl2-ti!l2* lew Raisins NEW FIGS. NEW PRUNES. NEW CURRANT J. NEW CITRON At .S. S'. SURITEIJ) A t O‘ , No. 4 Brown House Block. oetll-lw Marshall Hohsc3 SAVANNAH, GA., A. It. LUCE, Proprietor. BOARD PER DAY $3.00. 121-209 T. SI. ( 01, ATTORNEY AT LAW Kiilklou llnll SlulUliii". CHERRY STREET, MACON, GGORGIA. 123tf M. H. 4WKKSCI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. CORNER OK MULBERRY AND SECOND Streets, iu Court House, Macon, Ga. 29-104 Akmanu L. Butts. Edgar A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. VA7E are ready to fill orders at reduced rates It for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKF. and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK ar.d HICKORY WOOD. Orders left nt the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Win-hip A Callaway, or at yard M. & W. R. R., w ill receive prompt attention. 114-189 BUTTS & ROSS. FOR SALE. -QQ (HUNDRED) BEDSTEADS. too (Hundred) Mattresses. 290 (Choirs,) Dry Goods and notions. Hardware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, and also a large lot of Secondhand furniture, Car pets, etc., by O. E. BESORK, sepl9-lm Auctioneer. THE I'KIMUM WEEKLY. IT is universally conceded that advertising- is a necessity to success in business; it is also conceded, b> the shrewdest business men, that newspapers are the tiest medium tor reaching all parties whose trade is desired. THE MONROE ADVERTISER reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published in the country; it is, therefore, the hot medium of communication with the plauting intere-ts. We will be happy at any lime to furnish rcter ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties’who r, ad their cards in The .tdierfwcr Iu fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that its value exceeds that of ali other journals in which they are represented The Adiertieer has the freshness of vouth a id the ripen.-ss of age, and is therefore deserve Iv successful. CHARACTER OF ADVERTISEMENTS. No adiertisements are ad. ,itted which not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the readers of The Advertiser will be safe in ordering them from any distance. To our readers, toe fact of its appearance here has all the weight of endorsement and authority Address, JAS. F. HARRISON. ' Forsyth, Georgia EDWARD SPRINZ. N'OTAP.Y PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS TICE OF TriE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the dav at my odice adjoining the law office of A. Prouddt, over the store of Jaqnes A Johnson, Third St, Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 11S-S3O. w* A. HVtt'B Com, L icon aid Flour ipim OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. - THAT CLLEBRATF.P BRAND OF FLOUR. “THE PRIDE OF DIXIE,” The Best'in the World. Always on Hand. j ' . | :o: j 1 claim superior facilities ia the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOOR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. ¥. A, HUFF. 11l DOUGLASS k CO., No. 42 Third Street, Macon, Georgia* AOEVTS FOR THK Great Benefactor, Stewart. Cotton Plant* AND rariona other patterns of Cooking Stoves ; also a large assortment of Ueatiag Stoves, Large stock of Grates—the finest in tke market. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers .j ?, n ?P- P ro !, s . cd J iu Ware. A full line of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Padlocks, Steelvards, Hollow VN are, \\ ood aud \\ illow Ware, Brooms, Crockery, Glassware, etc., embracing a com plete line of House Furnishing Goods. Also, dealers in Steam and Gas Pipe, Steam sad Oaa t ittings, all of whioh we sail at low figure*. Prompt attention given to order* 137-188e<xi OLIVER, POUGLASB A CO, IISURE YOUR LIFE! - Provide for those depcndentpipon you, beyond the exigencies of ordina ry business transactions. Insure Your Life in a Company under the management of reliable business men, who understand their business, and whose previous suc cess is a guarantee ior future safety. Insure Your Life in a Company that selects its risks carefully, and seeks no increase of business without that regard to safety. Insure Your Life in a Company whose mortality and expenses are small. Insure Your Life in a Company whose extent of operations covers a surface that secures the advantages of average mortality. Insure Your Life in a Company that makes no distinction between risks taken either North or South. Insure Your Life in a Company whose operations are regularly sub ject to the strict investigation of State Departments, North, South and West. Insure Your Life in a Southern Company „ that can give you every advantage offered by either Northern or Western Companies, with this addition, that :t is truly a Home Company, and makes its investments in the State l’> a which it derives its revenues. Insure lon Life in a Southern Company, whose terms areas mode rate as any go and Company, whose management is economical, invest ments safe, rt rve ample, surplus abundant, and who always pay their losses prompt i ■>. Seek such a Company, and you will find in toe PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of \ irginia, fdi that you need to secure the benefits desired for yourself and your dependents, therefore, Insure For?- Life in the Piettoiii & Arliigtra Life Insurance Company of fa.. Branch office 92 Mulberry Street, Macon Ga. T. STANLEY BECKWITH & SON, General Agents. ocieod3m JOS. A. ROGERS. Local A*ent.