Newspaper Page Text
Wi %. intf. y #r '
1 I (’1 Li A R ' T,NBM:Y
I 'T ‘ ’ .1 KI-SBEIX,
£ n ' ,u R. \V.%oobntein.
i 1 ’ v Truaimver.
C. J. Williamson .clerk.
■' A - *>***, icitv "Attorney.
; ..
ST. Chief of Polios.
James Martin, tiist Lieutenant.
H C. Taylor Second Lieutenant.
John .....Third Lieutenant.
" ' v'Jiev' ..Guard House Keeper.
J. !. V inney, ... ■ ■ ....street Overseer.
fan uai<i> C 'tKin city Sexton.
A K. Harm a? • [ , z j n i- Keeper.
r.ioit FRiWWO.
This is prepared •<* <*■
iferule Jl l*rliii*K '* P' U "**
f K „il the times, and in a s.tjl
f:! UtUetor, *o all. Pinewerk
f ~.gitle,..gitle a -aerially. ' e MO IV It
, e.f order-, mid ,l, 1 ’
| Co>4 IO .><>**• i ■ 11 ‘
UAt’ON. 6>A., OCT. IS 1 h7-j
PoStPOBED —Tin* trial of J. .1. Simons for as
sault on Mr. 0. E. Besore, will come oil' Mon
day st the office of Justice Harman.
As Usual.—From the K.ufaula Times
learn that Alderman Clay was awarded the lint
premium on his tine horse, Grey Eagle.
Very Low.—The negro, Charley Jordan,
i Mho was shot by Mr. 0. P. Heath on Tuesday
is said to be very low. and it is probable that
be will dis.
Dancin'! Academy.—All the old put roll* of
Madame DeLunanagn and Prof. Allmon who
have not as yet visited them since their return,
will please meet them to-morrow evening at 8
o'clock, at Ayres’ Hall.
New Lodge pr Odd-Fellows. —District
Deputy Grand Master, J. H. Otto, and Grand
Herald, B. Lowenthal, will go to Atlanta nest
Monday to institute a German Lodge of Odd-
Fellows in that city. Two better men could
not have been selected for llic work.
Crackers.—Mr. Waggcnstcin sends forth
greetings to cracker and candy eating people
of Macon and vicinity to-day. We all know the
excellence of Mr. Waggenstein’s cooking to
give him one word of praise. Everybody
knows that too well.
For thb Ladies.—By putting a little change
in your pocket,and stepping around to Brown &
Co’s, you will find on their counter two_ maga
zines that you will be sure to buy in preference
to everything else, especially if we tell you that
Frank Leslie and Demorest contain more useful
hints and a greater variety of patterns than
The Concert To-Night.—We hope to he
able to reporta rousing attendance on the Con
cert to-night. The artists are now and they have
been striving hard to make the inauguration of
Isaacs’ Concert Hall a success. Wecanpromisc
those who go a first-class concert, and a musical
treat. Let everybody turn out and encourage
our home artists. They arc worthy and deserve
Mayor’s Court. —Sam Arnold, G. Smith
and Webb Simons, fighting; *2 and costs,
Julia Goolsby, drunk and disorderly; So and
Sain Chapman, drunk and disorderly; 85
and costs.
James Sweet, public indecency; $lO and
New Buildings.—lt is said that Chicago is
being rebuilt at the rate of one house finished -
every hour. That's pretty rapid work. It
beats Macon considerably, but still we arc
putting up new residences on almost every
street iq the c.ty At no time since the war
hsTe there been so many going up.
It is gratifying to see modern architecture
displayed upon them in ulmost every instance.
We noticed onptliis morning, two stories high,
six rooms on the first and second floors, two in
the basement, with closets, pantry and green
house—a wide hall, and a verandah running
around three sides. The rooms were 18x32 feet
vptli ceilings fourteen high. It will not cost
over $4,500 or $5,000 at the outside. It looked
very like a man of sense was putting it up.
Little “sweat boxes” arc no longer in oi der.
This climate is too hot for them. They arc not
healthy and cost too much money to build.
Tub Consumption of Coal:—Within the
last few years the trade in coal in our city has
become quite large. FiWe or six years ago but
few houses used it; now it is universally
burned in our counting rooms and a large per
centage of residences. It is much cheaper,
even at ten dollars per ton, than wood, ten
limes more convenient and makes a great deal
better fire.
Macon is now fifty years old, and in that
time all the wood within four or fivo miles
around it has been cut down and burned, or is
now reserved for special purposes. Hence, in
the future, wc will be forced to use coal almost
exclusively. Nearly every new house now
going up has gratee put into them instead of
the old fashioned fire places. These old teif
foot wide fire places look very well in poetry
and will do very well in the woods where the
owners of them have nothing else to do in the
winter season but put a cord of wood into
them every hour, but they won’t do in town :
they don’t pay.
The Appropriation to the Wesleyan Fe
male College.—At its last regular session the
City Council appropriated the handsome sum
of $5,000 to the Wesleyan Female College.—
But in accordance with tho new charter, it will
have to be ratified by a regular vote of the peo
ple before it become* a law.
la all the Southern States we know of no In
stitution the equal of the Wesleyan Female
College. It never had an endowment, it has
none now, but has been sustained from its
foundation to the present day by its own exer
tions, deriving no revenue of any consequence
outside of that obtained from its scholars.
An effort is now being made to enlarge its
buildings, improve its grounds, and place the
whole institution upon a better footing than it
has been before. It has our best wishes for
TnaLaw of “ProvisionsFurnished.”—A
new decision has recently been given this law.
It has been supposed by mechanics and others
that their wages could not be attached under
any circumstances, but the recent rendition al
lows Grocers who have furnished them provi
sions to stop their pay bv garnishment or
such other process as shall be legal. This is
however only strictly allowed for debts for
provisions only, and we understand one of our
railroads have quite a number of such docu
ments served upon it, the other day, much to
the disgust and contusion of all hands in ar
rears with their green and dry grocery shop
Heavy.—A young friend of ourehaa furnish
ed us with the following note. We don't Know
whether it! a challenge to fight a duel or a
wash bill. We give it to the public, and if they
can make it out they are a huckleberry over
our persimmon:
Pet ur gifret alt liar Gad skapado Jorden
och satte incnnlskau dbrpu sasom lierre och
ma-tare med privilegin' att. odla den till win
ford'd, att ban ej unmade att lion yniemiiskan)
skulle hnllu sig till ett och suinuia stulle. Del
ur vlsecrligrii sunt atl ban gaf at du olikit ru
coma sarskilda lander,Europa och Atneiiku till
den hvita, Afrika till den svurtr, o. s. v.; men
kau nagon forestulla sig hvad tiilslaiutet skul
le ha(Va blifvit i den gumla verhlen mu
ej Auierlka hade uppfunnits. Fast manga
af dc sagor out Amerlka och det herrliga till
staudet 1 detsaimna arrf nagot ofvtsrdrifmi, sa
ar det visserligen saut att detta ar for naturliga
osakers skull, om ej annul, ett hen-light land.
Till den,som geuoin sin lagre staUning i lifvet
nr forluudrad att utofra de talunger med
hvilka ban inaluinda ar beg-afvad hsr Amerlka
varit ett forlafvadt land.
Jag rader alia, sade en stor man, som onska
sig saun alyekaatt soka det land dir den iottige
liar sumtiiu lagliga rattigbeter som den rike,
och der den som bar nagon sarskild tulang, Uan
ft tlllfalie alt utofvadensaimua Ett sadant laud
ar Auierlka. Hbinolts.
Itruwn SSoU-t Arrivals.
I'm 'JI //mini precediny 12 J/. ifo-dio/
J O Stewart, Griffin; W A Ferguson, Mrs C
11 Cabling, Hawkinsville; C 11 McCall and
wife, Marion co Gu.; W E Frunklund, Mil
ledgeville; T M Norwood, Wm P Hunter,
Sav.; Kilcv Drett, Griffin, Gil; J F Howe,
Screven co.' Gn.t J S Mathews, Putman co. Gu.;
Henry Patterson, Coffee co ; Geo AV Bryan,
MeDonough; C E Solomon, Houston eo ; 11 C
Grayson and wife, Miss Mattie Grayson, Gil.;
W S Lozier, Mayfield, Gu.; Henry C Pike, E I)
Johnson, N Y.; K Hanson, N Y.; Wm Cole
miin, lhindolph en.; ,1 A Robinson, Sanders
vill,; Geo lliihhell, Cincinnati; W W Wood
mil, Griffin; it G Morgaft, Dooly eo.; A\ G By*
rom, Bartlesville, Ga.; J G Morgan, I)r J Ste
verson, Amerieus; Henry Sharp, Campbell eo.
Ga.; F M Chappell, Baliimore; P M DeLeon,
Sav.; D H Pope, Albany; F F Mathew, Upson
eo.; Wll Reese, Marsliallville; E A Higgle,
Augusta; II McCall, Ala.; A J Orme, VV A
Hemphill Atlanta; J B Moore, Richmond, \ a.:
A Bass, Rome, Ga.; Mrs C H Calding, E J
Henry, MrsCaklen, Hawkinsville; W W Mur
phy, Culloden, Ga ; W F Fleming, Blakely; J
I* Jamison, Ga.
Tin: Dry Goods House oe S.
Wa.yfxisau.w and llß This mammoth j
Dry Goods House is truly one of the greatest
in all the Southern country. We doubt if
there arc nihiiy which are more extensive oil
the North American continent outside of New
York and Philadelphia, and even in those
eilies there are not many czrryiog heavier
slocks or doing a larger trade.
Occupying the centre of Triangular Block— j
running through from Second street to (lot- j
ton Avenue, and from cellar to roof, there are )
five grand divisions to the establishment.
The cellars or ground rooms are used for !
packing and unpacking goods for all depart- j
inents and for the storage of Domestics.
The right hand tloor above is the chief whole- \
sale department, and here we find a ship load j
of Prints, Domestics, Alpaecas of all colors,
Janes, Bleacldngs, Shirtings, Stripes, Checks,
Ginghams, Fancy Dress Goods, Red and White
Flannels, Opera Flannels, Tickings, Brown
Goods, Corsets, Linseys, Poplins, and so on,
running through the entire catalogue.
On the left is the general Retail Room, and a
busy scene it always presents, morning, noon
and night. It would be much easier to tell
what is not in there than It contains
among other tilings the largest stock of silks
in Georgia—some of them running as high as
SIOO per pattern. Our ladies can find anything
there from an inch of ribbon to a cashmere
The two floors above are set apart for ready
made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, shawls,
hosiery, gloves, linens, shirts, halmoral skirts,
cloaks, blankets, quilts and notions atl Infini
But it is useless to call every article by name,
it would take up half the space in our paper.
Dealers must go and see for themselves. A su
perficial glance makes one think there is
diiough on hand to supply the whole trade of
Macon for months to come, and yet so great is
the trade of the house, it is necessary to send
off now orders for fresh supplies almost every
day in the week. Scarcely a steamer leaves
New York for Savannah without having con
signments for “S. W. & 8., Macon.”
The Senior requests us to make the positive
statement ns a fact that tin'll sell at A 'em York
We found the house this morning full of
country merchants and citizens, and every clerk
just as busy as he could he; and no wonder,
for such a stock as that will attract people to it
the dullest day in the week, and at this season
no one wishing to purchase will go by it.
A large capital, Industry, the most scrupu
lous honor, and a long scries of years devoted
to the business, lias placed this house in the
front rand of Dry Goods Dealers in Georgia. It
is known far and wide as such and will continue
to be for a long time to come. octO Bw
Call at S. T. & B. F. Walker’s tills evening,
if you want such things as choice Tennessee
Beef, Fork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap
ples, Oranges, Bannanas, Malaga Grapes, or
anything else in the fancy or family grocery
octlT-tf 88 Cherry St.
That’s So. —If you want a suit made to or
der in the best style, you will save money by
calling on (tfj C. 11. Baird.
It Is True.—lf you want to buy Rea
dy-made Clothing or good Underclothing, etc.,
it will pay you to walk up to first door above
First National Bank. Clieri v street.
tf 0. 11. Baird.
Carlos still keeps the freshest fish, the finest
oysters, the coldest ice, the yellow est oranges,
the reddest apples, the Irisliest potatoes, the
genulnest cigars, the sweetest French candy,
the goodiest groceries and the best place in
town to buy your groceries at. tf at W. I’. Carlos’.
Farrar's Electric—Warranted to cure the
following diseases or money refunded: Dip
theria, Neu-algia, Crump and Colic, Headache,
Diarrhea and Rheumatism if not of too long
Farrar’s Ague Cure—Warranted to cure
in three days or money refunded. For sale by
all Druggists.
- Hunt, Rankin <t Lamar,
93-171 Wholesale Agents.
Carlos lias Florida Oranges large and sweet.
No more blowing about your Fcrreotypes.
Brown lias just received the best and largest
Fcrreotypc machine that ever came South.—
Call at No. 8 Cotton Avenue, if you want good
pictures. Old Cameras for sale—different sizes.
—s :
J. CLARKE SWAYZE, i Bibb County Court,
vs. October Term, 1871.
NINA SWAYZE. ) Libel for Divorce.
It appearing to the Court that the defendant
in the above stated case, resides without the
limits of the State It is ordered that Service
be perfected in said case, by publication in one
of the public Gazettes, published in the City
of Macon, once a week for four months.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
A true extract from the Minutes of Bibb Su
perior Court. A. B. ROSS, Dep. Clerk.
July 17. 1872. 95-law4m
Wealth For Ireland.
Coul in Ireland t The report seems al
most too good to be true, yet is muderir
: cumstum tally, and on what, seems to lie
sufficient authority. An immense coal
bed has. it is said, boon discovered two
miles from Waterford. The seam is de
clared lo run ten feet thick, and it lies so
near lo Hie river Suir llml the carriage of
the mineral will be a matter of ease. This
search for coal beds lias raised so many
l’ulse hopes, and the signs of tiic deposit
are so often treacherous, Hint wo wait for
thriller information before crediting the
glowing lale of blnck-diamoud digings in
Erin, And yet. according to Mr. Ed
ward Hall, of the geological survey office,
Dublin, there is scant room for doubt,
since lie estimates the quantity of ooul in
Ireland available for use at 182,2911.00(1
tons, mid nearly half the quantity lies in
Queen's county, Kilkenny, and Carlow
Alluding to this precious discovery, the
London Telegraph says : “The matter af
fects England as much as tiie sister island,
for we Saxons shall be right glad to re
venge the wrongs of Ireland by perchas
ing as much 'best Waterford’ as she will
sell as a reasonable price. In England
tho prospect for the winter is made dark
l indeed by coal famine, strikes for wages.
I and enormous prices all round. W lien
! the tiiought or the suflering poor comes to
mind, we wait eagerly for confirmation of
this report from the Sttir. lint it is to Ire
land herself that the news brings the most
glowing promise. Let her lind herself a
dozen coal-beds, and her political griev
ances wi!! vanish. Mr. lfuft would be
tendered powerless by an army <>t pitmen.
The wealth of coal-fields would kill dis
loyally, and English statesmen will fer
vently pray that Waterford may become
another Newcastle.”
The man who advertises shows not only
a business talent above his neighbors, but
he may at once he reckoned among the in
dependent. generous and public spirited ol
tiie community. lie who hides It is light
under a bushel when such advantages ns
those at present allbrded are so freely
ollered him does not deserve success.
Ma,..,,1, Lodge, No. 5, meets . vciylst and fid
Monday night,at Ma.'-onie Hall, Cotton Avenue.
Ml/.pali Lodge, No. 47, meets.every 2d and
4th Thursday nights at Masonic Hall.
Constantine Chapter, txo. 4, K. A. M., meets
every 2d and 4th Monday night at Masonic Hall.
St. Omcr Conimandery, No. 2, Knights Tem
plar, meets Ist Thursdays of each month at
Masonic Hail.
Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in
each month—House Poplar st., corner fid.
Ocmulgee No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in
each month—House on Colton Avenue, near
City Hall.
Young America No fi meets Ist Monday night
in each month—House fid st., corner Mai berry
Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night ill
each month—House corner Hawthorne and fid
Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday ill each
month—Housed in City Ilall.
Hook and, Ladder No. i meets Ist Friday
night in each month—House Poplar st., cor
ner 2d.
Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs
day night at Odd Fellows’ Hail, Cotton Avenue.
United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every
Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Germania Lodge, No. 89, meets every
Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at
Odd Fellows’ Hull on 2d and Itli Mondays of
each month.
Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’
Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every Tues*
day night at Progress Club Hall.
Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday
night at their Hall in Hollingsworth Block.
Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every
Monday night at Progress Club Hall.
Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every Thuvs- j
day night at their Hall on Windsor Hill.
Progress Club meets every Sunday night at j
their Hull on Mulberry street.
Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday in each
month at No. 2 Knginc House.
Malachi Lodge, No. 140, I. O. B. 8., meets
second and fourth Sundays in cacli month.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets
every Wednesday night at the Passenger Depot.
Visiting brethren welcome.
Episcopal —Christ Church, Rev. B. Johnson,
Keetor—Walnut st., between 2d and 3d. Ser- I
vices 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 p. M.
St. Paul’s Church, Rev. 11. K. Rees, Rector
—Vinevillc. Services II A. M.; sn. m. Chil
dren’s Service; op. m. Evening Prayer.
St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ
Church, nt sp. m. Near Macon <fe Brunswick
Railroad Freight Depot.
Catholic —St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. I).
Bazin. Mass 7a.m. ; High Mass 10:00 a. m. ;
Vespers 4 1 -3 P. M.
Pi-esbyterian — Mulberry St. Church, Rev. C.
B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and
8 P. M.
Windsor Hill Church, Rev. Win. McKay,
pastor. Services semi-monthly.
IsraetUish fiynrtt/ogne —J. 11. Hertz, President
Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve
ning and Saturday morning. ist —lst Baptist, Rev. W. 11. Mclntosh,
pastor—2d Street, between Cherry and Poplar.
Services 10 1-3 a. m. and 8 1-4 p. M.; Sunday
school 4 1-2 P. M.
Second Baptist, Rev. James Mcßrydc, pastor
—near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 10 1-2 A. M.
and 8 p. m.
Mission Chapel, Windsor Hill, supplied from
the city churches.
Methodist Episcopal —Mulberry Street, Rev.
J. O. Branch, pastor—Mulberry st., comer Ist.
Services at 10 1-12 A. M. and 8 p. m.
First Street Chnreb, Rev. W. W. Ilicks, pas
tor—lst street, between Oak and Arch. Ser
vices 10 1-2 a. M. and 8 p. M.
Vineville Church, supplied from the city
i churches.
East Macon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, pas
; tor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 4p. m.
Jones’ Chapel—Windsor Hill—services at the
; usual hours bvthc Pastor. Rev. R. A. Cain.
rpju; Books for the registration of voters for
: J_ the city election will la; o|>cned on the first
day of October and close at Tw o o’clock p. m.,
i on December 13, 1872.
j sep3o td A, McMANCS, Clerk.
Treasurer’s Office, t
Savannah, Griffin <fc North Ala. R. R.
Macon, Ga., Oct 4, 1872. j
nPIIE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of
II this Company, for the election of Presi
dent and Directors to serve for the ensuing
year, will he held at the Court-house in New
nan, Coweta county, on Thnrsday, the 7th day
!of November next. MILOS FREEMAN.
oct4-lm Scc’y and Trcaa’r.
Bui ding L' t For Sale.
SITUATED near Tatnall Square, within •
I O fewateps of Mercer University.
Address E. C., Box K.,
i 9Stf Macon. Ga.
Dully Keihoi •fibs Ilnrkei,
Orro K M u’on Daii I.m i upio-i , ,
October is—2 o'clock, P. M. ,
lx riioin i Tory. A few tlcivv clouds were
on the horizon this laornlat ail the ten o’clock
sunlight driving them uw.iv, the day was as
bright as any preceding ii I lie business of the
hoar has been ah.att as usual; If there has been
any Improvement we utterly lulled to see it.—
la Bogging and Iron the’denmnd is a* much as
could he expected, hat competition is so fierce
no margins can he realized. la Grain, Bacon,
liny and other articles of Western Produce we
have no changes I > note. Clear Ribbed Sides
Hi cents ; Yellow Corn fill; White It), with only
a local demand. Bacon was a little weak this
morning, or at least expressed a want of con
fidence in the prevailing rales.
Our friends in the West insist that they have
lit To left on hand, and we in turn reply that we
want little or none at all; both being right,
transactions are consequently small.
Cotton.—The staple continues to fiow Into
town quite lively, and almost every hale is up
to tiie fnll measure of good middling. It is
lapped up by our buyers as fust as ollered, at
full rates, their friends in northern and foreign
markets being in the finest humor over the ex
cellent shipments from Georgia this season.
We quote it at IT 1 ..., tills morning.
Cotton.—Report for 24 hours, since 2 P. M.
yesterday. Sold 442 halos; shipped CUl.bules.
Received 821 hales.
Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872
bales 413
Received last 24 hours 821
Received previously Ill,(117 —11,208
Total receipts 14,020
Snipped last 21 hours 891
Shipped previously 8,950 — 9,847
Stock on hand this evening.... 8,073
Market ‘•till' 17!.7c.
—♦ ♦—
iiit ot i>kht: ciikkrnt.
No. 2 14
MilledgcvlllcNo. 2 14
Wavimmville Sheeting 11
Houston Sheeting 11V
11 oust an Stripes 13%u15
i olamhua Stripes 15al8
High Shoal Stripes 10
Montour Shirting—% lOJrf
Factory Sewing'thread ;00
TARNS—... I 60
GRITS -per bushel I 85
OATS—porbustvel OtktfiS
FIELD PEAS—per bushel
Tennessee 1 !Oh2 00
Clover 1 90
PEA NUTS—per bushel 150
POTATOES—Planting -
Table lise fi . r >ou4 IK)
BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 per lb 4fia44
Goshen No. 2 per lb 25 j
Tennessee No. 1 “ 8J
Tennessee No. 2 “ 20
Country 35a40 !
COFFEE —Rio per lb 21a25
Java per 111 2SuB4
CHEESE—Best Cream per lb.. 18
New Y'ork per 1b... 15
MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per gal. 05
“Georgia” per gal.. 70
Sugar House 35
SYRI’PS —Golden Drips, per gal... 00a75
Medium per gal 05
Ordinary per gal 55
SUGAR—“A" por lb lilj^a
White Extra “ C” lfiu
New Orleans (hhds) 10,i12]7
Yellow C lfi’-ifa
Dcuicmra I2}snl3
Porti Rico I! 1 Jill
POWDER—Hazard per keg 7 25
Orange Mills 7 00
BACON—Clear-ribbed Sides (zinokd).. 113
Shoulders Oj^alO
HA VIS —Magnolia S. C., canvassed... 19 1 „a20
Fitch’s , 10Ua20
Tennessee, plain-cured 1 SalS 1
White Bellies lOiill
PORK—Pickled, moss 18 00
Now, mess 19 (HI
Pickled, rumps 15 00
LARD—Prime Leaf, Tierces llallJ-J
Kegs 13
Packages 12alfi
FLOUR -Low superfine per bhl a7 00
Standard superfine.. H 60
Extra 9 00
Choice extra
Family 10 00
“ Wyleys X XXX”,
Georgia Mills ) 11 50n13 00
llyaclnthc 11 00
“Domestic” 13 00
Star of Beauty II OiO
Belle of Georgia 11 00
Pride of Dixie , 12 00
Silver Lake 10 50
! CORN—White per bushel 95
Mixed per bushel 88a90
SHOT Per sack 300
CRACKERS—Butter per lb 09
a i„ U..1W1
Soda Bao9 |
Cream 13 I
Sugar 13 1-2
, Lemon 14
(linger Snaps
PicNlc 19
Fancy 17
CANDY —New York per lb 18
M. R. Rogers A C 0..... 18
BLACKING —No. 1 per gross 5 00
No. 2 9 00
No. 3 7 00
80DA—Bi-Carb. per lb 9al(>
POTASH--Per lb lOnll
SOAP—Turpentine per lb 9 1-2
Laundry.... 15
Toilet per do/. 75al 20
Olive 8
Merrill’s per doz. 1 75a2 25
Hereford's 2 90
TOBACCO -Choice Chewing per lb 75
Medium 90
Ordinary 40a50
Choice, Smoking 1 25
Medium 75
Common 40
CIGARS —Imported per thousand 75 00150 00
Domestic 15 iKhdiO Of)
SNUFF—Scotch per ill 78
Macahoy 78
PIPES—Per box 2 50a4 50
MACKEREL—No. 1 kits 2 25u3 50
No. 2 bids 13 50a 14 00
No. 2 kits 1 75
No. 3 bbls—large. .11 50a12 00
No. 3 kits 1 oOul 70
WHITE FISH—Half hbl 7 50
CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21ka22
Sperm 42a45
Paraffine 30a33
STARCH—PearI V/ s My,
EGGS—Per doz 80
CHICKENS—Per doz 3 00u5 00
SALT—Virginia per sack 2 10a2 15
Liverpool 8.50
HIDES —Dry Hint <4al®
Green 97
BEESWAX ' 28a80
WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05al 10
. Dundee 17
Patched 17
Eureka ;0
Aligator a W/t
I> EBPKOTFULLY tender his professional
t services to the citizens of Macon and vi
cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown
House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy
kin’s, Georgia avenue, ( alls left at either
place will receive prompt attention. oelotf
Macon and Brunswick Railroad Office, i
Macon, Ga., August 2d, 1872. )
ON and after August Bth, Excursion Tickets
to New York and return, can tie had at
this office, SBB 00 for round trip. Ticket* good
UDtil Oct. Ist, 1872. _ .
98-tf F.. J. MARTIN, O. T. Agt
Change ofSchednk.
MACON AND western R I!. CO., I
\r Vt ON, <i 4., .f tin** M, I*o*. (
j vN anti Sundayluno HJUi, Un* follow
* / im, Hctifdulr lor
• l*r otocrvfi! n tills romt:
IrfilV*’ Macon V.iO m
: Arrive at Macon 'i.lid *. M.
J Lcavu Atlanta . ’-MX) \t.
Arrive :it Atlanta o*t. r r\ m.
i Lcusv Macon 10:00 r. m.
Arrive at Macon ... c, m.
j Leave Atlanta 4:00 i\ m.
Airlvcat Atlanta \. m.
> 7:!>0 a. m. nnO r. m. Trains makt olohc
j connections at Macon with Central Huilroad
for Savannah and Augusta, amt with South
t wi stern Kuilroad ftn* jmints in Southwest (L'or
j niu. st:lsi. m and iMMi \. m. trains connect
; at Atlanta with WeMern and Atlantic Railroad
for points WcM. .1, WIIITK,
j ftolf Sincrintcndcnt.
To fl>4* Ilia ol tlacon
| Cir. lllllh-• eveln-i\‘e! vin D<ue:'llei I\. Mil. hell,
1 linker and Wurth i (ninth .
2-#?* The. wealthiest l 'mien grew in. eel inn
of Georgia.
Is the beet Advertising Medium in Southwest,
ern Georgia.
CARET W. STYLES, Proprietor.
80 _ _
IHAVE established, near the Mucon A West
cm Railroad Depot, un ample y ard with
Falrbanka’ heat scales) to supply nil kinds of
Wood and Coal, In any quantity , nl the lowest
market rates.
A share of public patronage is respectfully
solicited. Orders left at the 0111. ea of Messrs.
11. L. Jewett, Greer, Luke Cos , Turpin A
Ogden, through PostoUlce, or at the y nni, will
have prompt, attention. ('mue and see
122-200 MILO 8. FREEMAN.
ONK. of the most denirnblc place.i on Troup
Hill, one mile from the Court Home, and
near Mercer University. Nine acres of land at
tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa
ter, etc.
Parties wanting to rent :i good house can ae
curc one by applying to the undersigned, or to
Messrs. It. 11. \V rig ley A Cos., GO nrul 08 Second
street, Macon, (sii.
A FAMILY designing to break up house
keeping on the first of October, now oiler a
complete outlit of furniture for live or six
rooms, together with all necessary kitchen
utenscls. for sale at half original cost. It con
sists of Mohair Parlor Chairs, Mahogany and
lilaek Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining Ta
ble, Dining, Rocking and common chairs. Car
pets, Dinner and Tea Setts, and in short, almost
every article demanded in a house of five or six
rooms. The furniture has not been used over
one or two years, is in perfect repair, almost
as good ns new, cost #I,<MK) and will now he
sold for SSOO cash. Address Box 4JLi, Macon,
or apply at this THIS OFFICE.
T II 133
TRUMAN \ (mm,
TIIIAJiGIMK lll.ot lt.
Hign of tin-lliililcn ■ Chill ier Oak.”
I 11(1201
rpHK PROPRIETOR Superintends tin: Pres- ,
JL cription department in person, and uses !
the PUREST and FRESHEST medicines that
eari he procured, and would say to every one In
his portion of the city, that, they siiaß have
Drugs ami Medicines as fresh and as cheap as
they can lie bought in tho city. He would ad
vise all who are laboring under chills and fever
or Liver derangement, to use his “Remedy for
Chills and Diseases of tins Liver,” and will
warrant it in every ease where the directions
are honestly followed.
Lamp Chimneys, Cigars und Tobacco always
on hand.
Orufc In*,
151 159 Fourth Street, near Arch.
Oflic at entrance of H.tlMton Hall, Cherry ntreet.
I*/} All hUKinr-HH will receive prompt Bttcn* ,
tion. 95-17#
Hume**, Sudd leu, Collars, Horse Equ ip*
merit* and Clothing Generally.
ALSO a fall sssortmentof LEATHER of a!
kinds, Enameled Cloth, etc.
jaddleis and Harness Makers Hardware and |
paid for HIDES, FURS, SKINS, WAX, ’
WOOL and TALLOW. 5-1(52 1
III: A LI .HR l\
Grain, Provisions and Groceries,
Have now in -tnre a firali Stork of Good*, and Invite tiny attchtionof the I’nhlli'.
100,000 pmmda BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, diml'.from the IVUr..
25 tierces of tin; genuine “MAGNOLIA” HAMS.
20 tierces PURE LEAF LARD.
5,000 bushels WHITE AND MIXED CORN.
500 Hull* BAGGING, weighing‘jyjpouuda to 11m Yard
- - o—
•• A It It OW” TIES,
25 Bag* Choice RIO COFFEE.
50 Bills. SUOAR of various graeds.
Cliolrc WESTERN HAY, fresh Water Ground MEAL, WHEAT BRAN, LIVERPOOL and
Wo have now a good Stork, and respectfully invite the attention of all who desire to pnr
chase goods in our line.
Entire satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers.
Please call on us at
63 Third Street, Maw, Ga., Sip of tie “Golden Hon,”
a I Y October Ist tlio undersigned will remove
1 > to intersection of First street and Cotton
Avenue, Dixie Works side, where he will be pre
pared to supply his customers, and the public
. ■, i'J -■... —i i,u inf. - ! 1 ■
r pll AT nil-important event, the election, having passed away, and the “ times that tried uicn’.-
1 souls” have merged Into the “ piping times of peace”; mid Winter has been ushered in
among twitter of tiirds und music of the leaves as they full to tho ground ; and the Summer hav
ing faded away and tho weather reduced to something agreeable, I have to announce to my nu
merous and beloved patrons that I have recently relumed from an extended trip to New York,
Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie and Weehassan, and other celebrated markets, where I purchased,
and have now in my store, the largest lot of
Ever brought to Macon, consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, New York Canvassed Hams and
Breakfust Bacon, Lard, Butter, Canned Fruit, Jellies, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts, Apples Lemons,
Cabbages, Onions, Potatoes, Crackers, Cheese, Spiced Hams, Bologna Sausages, and—well. It
would take me all day to write what I have got, and it would fill this paper so full that Smith
wouldn't have a local for a week. It is almost unnecessary for me to mention the fact that lam
prepared, as ever, to supply Oysters and Bliell-flsh of nil kinds, from a Crab to a Grceleyoyster.
The finest Kish, freslMind on lee, Is kept by me, mid sold at living rates.
In view of the fucttlmt the people of Macon, und thoso visiting Macon, are determined to eat
whether they get anything good or not, 1 have prepared myself for the emergency, by making
ample arrangements to have my
Supplied with the very best this and other markets can afford. That popular dish, “Birds on
Toilst” being my own invention, the people, can always find the same at my restaurant. To
gether with my polite, corps of waiters, tills branch of my business will receive the patronage
of all of my old customers, and, 1 hope, many new ones. Mv restaurant Is, as is well known,
supplied with the very best *•
that could be found. Therefore, gentlemen and ladled, having laid before you what I have on
band, and wishing you all the best luck and that I can suit you in your purchases from me I
must close this letter. If ut any time I can serve you, you have but to command me or my
corps of attentive and obliging clerks, and you will be mude happy. Thanking you for past
favors, I am tenderly yours,
Macon Weekly Enterprise,
ON or about the first week in October,
we will Issue from this office the first nura-
Lane, Live, Weekly Paper!
It will contain all the the Telegraphic news
of the week, and the latest reliable information
on all subjects and from ull parts of the world.
In it* editorial department will be found dls
cu##ions*of all the
of the times. Particular attention will he giv
en to the advancement of Science, Art, and
Literature; while all Interesting events and
authentic progress of the politiesl world will
he faithfully presented.
sumcbiption mice.
One Year f J JJ®
Six Months 1 w
Invariably In advance.
subscription taken for less than six
is the time to subscribe. SPECI
Change of Schedule.
Office Macon and Augusta Railroad, )
Macon, May 18, 1873. f
f~\ N and after Sunday, May 19, 1872, and un-
YJ t'l further notice, the trains on this Road
will run as follows:
Leave Augusta 11.90 a. m.
Leave Macon 0.80 a. si.
Arrive at Augusta 2.45 r. M.
Arrive at Mueon 7.40 p. M.
fSTT’usscngers leaving Macon at 0.30 A. si
make close connection at Caniak with day pas
senger trains on the Georgia Railroad for A.-
lanta and all points West; also, for Augusta,
with trains going North, and with trams for
Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and
all stations on the Goorgia Railroad
I-fiCTickets sold and baggage cbt. Red to all
point# North, both by rail and by steamships
fronj Charleston. _
24-lv 8. K. JOHNSON Suo f.
.1. J. ABRAMS,
COLLECTIONS promptly attended to and
money remitted at onee. P. O. Fox .