Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 23, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE m mV\. u i.. ot r. as. um. muinu hvki'.v nvrximt v LINES. WING A SMITH. No. 10 Hollingsworth block. 4U Utter* ,dating tuSuberriptlom should be ad i.ettM la i.lnr* % H 0,7,7 and Smith, Macon, U*. i ouunnniaalUmn fur the paper ‘''-‘M h’ ml lo IU Mitoc. >on not undertake la ~ loru irjrfrtl •rntmunfftiOonM. Wdl antlunlf mtml ntm itnn % from nH part* of the, Stat> t m > ' UtA w. WATKIN 111 l ks, Editor. nHioiim. oic it i wi*> liIIUCK. .1 liMiNvii.i.K, Fi.a., Oct. lit, IHi 2. My dear Smith: —Jacksonville i thrown op by tbc scu und form* a Beautiful creseut along tlie Imnlw or tho magnificent Bt. .John’s. The sand is very tine und easily transported by a stiff breeze. The houses are for the most part wooden structures, w ith hue grounds surrounding, in which fruits and dowers struggle for the inas ini-y. The Imsiucss portion of tho city Is known as Hay Street und i u busy thor otiglifarc, boasting a number of very line buildings. Hut the chief nttraction is the river ; God made it, und it reflects the majesty of its Creator. Jacksonville is destined to lx' great. It is rv popular resort for nil soils of peeplo in winter. Every house is of necessity thrown open to receive boarders, so great is the number seeking the delicious cli mate of this section in winter. Two large hotels are now ready for the public and a third, the most imposing of all, is being hastened to completion. Negotiations are now pending for the erection of a fourth, more imposing hi ill and larger than the rest. Thu people of Jacksonville are very hos pitable and intelligent. Thrift is the law, and tolerance the philosophy—mid great prosperity the result. The banks of the HI John's will soon lie lined with beautiful villas and cultivated jduntatiuns und orange groves, from this jwiint to I'nterprlse, u distance of two hun dred miles. Land is Increasing iu value every day, and SSO an acre is (lie price of many unimproved Hurts within twenty miles ol the city. We can name no countiy offering great ci attractions to industry nml capital flian this. Wheu wr have more will he •air pleasure to give Bf!o.'i ciivons fm encoin aging imigratiun to Florida tin Monday we go up the livei lo the miiiiiv spot of "our’s " < >nr chief oecupa lion will lie dreaming bouenth the heavy laden mange trees und the lull magnolias, while the intervals in time will he tilled up hy staking for trees Siam to be planted We shall give you an account of the sill gators and snakes if w e make the acquaint ance of any. W W. II I'amuoh op E. I'. Spann.—Wc uoti e an item jiuhlished in Athiutn papers, rela tive to tho case of E. F. Hjiuiin, who our reader* w ill recollect was tried for the murder of his wife, iu June last, and found guilty, staling that Uov. Smith had resjil ted him and Ids imramour. on the ground of insanity till Anther investigation could lie had of the case- This was done, and the Atlanta juijiera state further, that strong effort and influences were brought to bear mi tbc Governor to induce him to resjtlte, commute the sentence or grant a |mhloii, but afler a careful consideration of the case ho refused te Interfere any fiu ther, and the guilty pair will hang. Gov. Smith did refuse to interfere any longer, but u writ of mandamus was gran ted hy the Supreme Court ia July last, against Judge Clarke ami the case stands in that situation until the argument on the mandamus Is heard at the next term of the Supreme Court in January next. I’nlil that takes place, the guilty pair remain iu custody and will not Imng unless Judge ( larke’s last decision is sustained.—Atner i'flit ItrpubUcan. -. w Tub Rocmanian Jkwi to AmkUCA.—TIM Jewish question Ims ! Urn an almost amusing turn In Houma nia. As we have several llmw explained in those columns, the .lews of that region, not over 200.000 in all, arc uliiionl the sole nailers and bankers, and, ill abort. form the only approach to a middle class the country possesses They are conßoqutntly nearly evory body's creditor, and the Itoinanians delight in taring debtors, so that to tbe traditional hatred of the Jens by the Christians is added the animosity of tbe average man tow ant the people who lend him money and it Nek when he cannot pay it. The result is the persecution and out rages of which we have ttcen hearing so notch the last two or three year*. Hut now Mr. lYrivollo has prosposrd the emigration of tho Jews of Houtunnia to the VnHcd States, aad the Komnnniun Government lias taken up the scheme with almost frantic delight, and has issued a circular giving the Jews toll leave logo, and many private persons oiler subscriptions in aid of the enterprise. There is uot much chance Hint the Christians will lie grabbed hy any such exodus, but if it took place it would have an etieetou licmuuuia not un like tbe emigration of the Huguenots from France and the Moors from Spuin . indeed worse, for they would leave liehiud them notliing hut an ignorant peasantry and an idle and licentious aristocracy. Usury would probably CHOW to no end, but so would Industry.—AW I'ori- Airflow. Na*t at Wtt,—On a visit to Har per's lYiblishing House, 1 found this ge nius of the pencil in the mUtst of his work, tracing on wood a cartoon for '.be coming Weekly. He receives visitors kindly, is affable aud genial in conversation, appa rently unconscious of tbe fame be bas won His personal appearance is not particu larly striking . lie is of medium height; has" an exceedingly pleasant face, withs decidedly Hebrew cast of countenance, lie sars' constantly l<eieged by pee pie who have tbeir private axe* to grind, aad wish him to use his talent for lire pur- I tone of personal grain . but he devotes himself entirely to limpet's for which he is [and SSOO a week While engaged in conversation with him, ona of his own productions was brought in hy one ol the w orkmen completed ready feu the priulcr. Thu device is first traced on wood hy the artist, and then It is giveu to others to cut. The results at tbe late elections have given material attractions which Nasi is never slow to make toil, and which he has used for the coming week with more, if possi ble, than his ususl skill.— f'ront a Ain* J'orl letfrr. ART HOTEB, I>■ In iliier, a well-known Oriental apii. qtiarian, has been appointed direct,,r „i the lu.peiial museum at Constantiuopl, The statue of Klrber, which is hi Situs hurg, and that of Gen. Kapp. at Colmar, aro to bo restored to France. K. A. Ilritlgmaii, the American artist, i on the Haase Pyrcnnei-s lie is painting for the Salon a Husqnc landscape full of figures, liesides severs! pieltires for com missions Mr. W. IV. Story lately sold two parlor statues of his "Semiratni*," one to an En glish purchaser, the other to an American, the price obtained for each being $s.()(i(l in gold The work of art sent from the govern ment pupil is at llie Villa Medicts in Home have already reached tlie school of Fine Arts at Paris, and will be shortly exhibi ted to the public. Tho legislature o! Mussachusctls has voted $3(1,000 for two statues to lie |daeed in the cupitol at Washington, which could he executed in Europe liy the best sculji tors for half the sum. A grocer of Ipswich is exhibiting in his shop window an original jiuinting hy Gainsborough, which is said to he worth £I,OOO, and for which lie paid over .£'3 10s. Mr. John Smart, u pujiil of Horatio MacCullocli, is busily at work on the Yorkshire moors transferring lo his can vas some of the scenes made familiar to the reading world the genius of the Hronte family. The four huge 'ilatutis at the two ends of the Pont du Carrousel, Paris, have been entirely repaired and covered witli a coating of some composition to protect them against the weather Tho amateur fresco painter whoessyued to obtain visions of lovely witli patterns by chewing opium und composing himself lo sleep on a flower bed. is now under the treatment of a physician for a complica tion of delirium tremens and rheumatism. M. Guizot is very old and a lover of the tine arts. Latterly lie visited a Venus, beautifully sculptured, and the guide, to flatter Die ex-statesman remarked that the artist was over eighty years of age. "What a memory he must jiossess,” replied Guizot. A portrait of Delacroix, painted by him self, bus recently been placed in the louvre in the Salle dcs BeptChcminocs The jiuinting has been presented to the Louvro hy Mile. Josephine l.egnillon.v. ho was the devoted servant of the artist. Home woikmeii engaged in excavating the ground at Montsonris, close to Paris, near Hlrctra, for the construction of a res ervoir to receive the waters of Vanne, dis covered last week some foundations which npjicnrcd to liu of great antiquity. The remains aro considered by archa-ologists as having funned jiurl of a temple erected during the early period ol (lie Homan or cujiation of Gaul. Lord Lor.desliorough lias lent to the Dublin Exhibition the collection of arms and armor formed niany years since hy tlie late laird Enndetborugh. His lordship Inis included in liis contribution several cabinets of coins of the Greek, Homan. British, Saxon and English periods. gome books of autographs of the roynl families of England and Frame, celebrated Eng lishmen. etc. , Ivory limiting nud drinking horns, specimens of knives, forks and spoons used in early times Some antiquarian renmins have been found in making the excavations at llie foot of Westminister bridge for the foun dation of the new club, Ht Stephen's Last week a key, with a liow shaped like a flattened gothic arch, and some speci mens of pottery, apparently worked up without a wheel, were turned up. At s wall built of stones ol gient size, aud standing upon piles about eight leet long, toppi'd with thick planks. The wall, which enclosed a considerable space, was probably the renmins of tin- houses built for the iicroimiiodntioti of Die cations of the collegiate church of St. Stephan in the time of Hiclmrd H. In making excavations in the Rue de la Cerisaie, near the place do in Hastiilc, iu Die ground formerly occupied by the gar dons of the hotel de Eesdiguicres, the workmen brought lo light a handsome tomb of a cat. which had belonged to Kraneoisc-Marguerite do Gundy, widow of Emmanuel do I’rcqui. duko of Leg dig tiieres. On it is inscribed the following epitaph, which reveals a very naive egot ism •'< v gist in o elintte Julie. Su mattresse qul ii'saluia l ieu, I .'slum iusqu’u la folio. "l’ourquol Icdlre! On 1c toll bleu ” This monument is about to he trans ported to the Clmiy museum. -o- The Vienna Exposition. The arrangements for the great Vienna Exposition arc progressing surprisingly. The acluul entries in Austria now amount to more than 14,000, aud in Germany to more than 8,000 Great Hritlan, Itally, Switzerland and Trance have all been steadily at work, and w ill more than bit the departments assigned to them. The I'nited States alone is behindhand, al though uo country could reap sucli bene fits from the Exposition The loading idea of Ilia Exposition is to show how practical science has been applied to in dustry In the illiferent countries of the world . and the Americana occupying iu this respect so high a rank, their contri butions are naturally esteemed of great importance. Tho buildings erected for tbe exhibition are of a grandeur hitherto unexampled. They are admirably situa ted in llie Imperial I’ark called "Prater," close to the city, aud are almost complet ed. Nearly 5,000 are constantly engaged in their construction and in having out the grounds surrounding them. The Palace of Industry is more than 3,000 feet long by 80 feet wide, and is inter sected by 3-’ transepts, each 250 fret long and 50 fret wide, each having au independent entrance ftvtu the park Over each enlraucc the name and colors of the country to which the apartments belong will be displayed , and the differ cnl countries will occupy the transepts according to their geographical positions, as. for example. Japan at the eastern aud the I'nited States at the western end of the place In the middle of this building i is the great rotunda The irou columns . on which it rests are fitly feet high, while | the roof itself springs in one dear, un broken span of thirty five feet from pillar to pillar The machinery hall, built eu tirely of brick and Iron, is two thousand ■ six hundred fret long, and one hundred and fifty feel wide, ltuuning through this I great buildiug is a great ceutral line of ■ shafting, through which power will bo supplied. The entire covered space avails ble for the exhibition is 1.150.000 square fret, nearly double the ground occupied by the Paris exhibition of 1861. The apace cau be increased w ithout limit hy utiiinug the park The whole exhibition ground is six times larger than that of the Champs de Mars ia Pans A farm of forty acres near Ocean Graft NJ ha been sold for SBO,OOO. Question for Much has been said and written nbuut tin: wunt of good help in familieo, and even of food wives; yet little Ijaj been dona to improve them iu oqr colleges und schools. What do youug women lenrn in either to lit them for their duties! It seems to he taken for granted Hint, hy vir tue of her oev, every woman cun, without learning,do tho work of a housewife; thul cooking comes without knowledge, and that she can economize, tix up her house, mcml or make her husband's, her own, and children's clothes, without pre vious instruction. 'How many wives un derstand the first principles of health, in giviug proper ventilation to her rooms, or, when sickness comes, how to guard agaiugt contagion? And if alio herself becomes a mother, docs she know how properly to care for herself and the precious baby? All women can do tbese things some how, hut few understand how to do them j as perfectly as they might, so us to make homes agreeable. Young women ure gen erally willing to take these responsibili ties on themselves hy marriage. It is a natural impulse, nml hy this only is wo man's nature perfected. But how many women have pri pared themselves for these duties hy a proper course of learning in their youth ? Our schools do not. attempt to teach even the rudiments of weman’s daily duties. And do they learn them at home, or can they v Their mothers ought to know, hut have they learnt, except by bitter experience, the worry of an ill kept house ? The majority of our young women are willing lo become w ives but not housewife. Ton generally they desire to live in hotels aud hoarding houses, to get rid us much as possible of Die responsibility tliut mar riage brings upon them, as care takers, economizers, cooks, menders of clothes.and rulers of the little domain of home. They prefer working in factories, and think it derogatory to slay at home, or take em ployment in superior housholds. The mao in marrying seeks a home care taker; Die woman, u relief from de pendence Hhc ought to be independent in her own house. Hut how, if she does not know how to conduct it? Too cftcu feeling her own deficiency and not having accustomed herself to the new duties re quired of her, she becomes dissatisfied and discouraged. Hho lias never taken time to leuru or love her household duties, and they are irksome. The making of good bread, or even the cooking of a potato so Dial it is agreeable to the palate, ate much more important than Die casting a vote at a presidential or municipal election. The vote for presi dent comes once iu four years ; the cook ing of food three or four times a day. Which is of greater importance? There are women in England who also demand the vote for their sex, hut they are not sulislied with that alone. We are glud to see they have begun to work practical ly, and among common duties, for Die im provement of their owu sex lu seven I parts of England there appear to have been established mechanics' insti tutes for mutual improvement, in which young women have the same privileges ns men , uud in one of these Miss Jewslmry, uu authoress well esteemed, attends and lectures to a class of young women, who take the name of mechanics also. She gave the eight following questions to answer. These aro so good we lio|>e to see, ill a future account, the questions she will put to young men. It will he per ceived these questions uro addressed to Die daughters of workingmen, although wives generally may be hciieliltod hy thinking them over 1. H'ate the beet method of using up hone* and scraps of meat and bread. 2 Would you prefer to use an earthen vessel, or a till or iron pot, to set in your oven or on the hob, to stew any scraps of incut, bones and bread that you may have ? and state the advantage of keeping sueh n stock pot continually going. 3. How would you lay out ten shillings in the town it you lmd a sick husband and lour children too youug to work ; or how, if you lived ill the country, w ith a small garden, would you lay out seven shillings aud sixpence under the same circum stances ? I. Suggest a savory uud economical dinner for a husband, wife and five chil dren. 5. Suggest some savory and economical supper for a husband coming home afler a hard day’s work. ti. liow would you ventilate a sick room so that a patient would not take a chill ? 7 How would you cleanse u room iu which a patient lias had scarlet fever? 8. liow would yon make bread ? We should like to see the answers some of our women's right women would them selves give, though the questions are sole ly addressed to the more ignorant of their own sex. No Eaw Against Gutting Drunk.— It may be gratifying news to those of a bibulous nature, who consider it essential to their happiness to get drunk every Sat urday night, to learn that a legal decision lias been rendered which exempts them from any penalty. If they do not disturb the pence, or utilixo the sidewalks as sleeping quarters, there is no law to pre vent them from getting as druuk as they please. In a case before tho Recorder yesterday morning two white men were charged with being very drunk, a charge which they did not deny, but there was no evidence produced to show they had liecn disorderly or had committed auy offense against the public. The Recorder promptly dlsmised tbe meu with the re mark Unit “There was no law against a man getting drunk," so long as he did not make himself obnoxious privately or pub licly.—Sirannaft Alter. -♦ ♦ ■ 1 >kATtt ok Miss .1 11 DkYotik.—Yes terday about 1 o'clock, Mr. J. G. DeYotie, city editor of the Sun. received a dispatch from bis father in Grittln. that his mother was dying, lie immediately prepared to leave on the Macon train, but before his departure, he received the sad tidings of his mother's death We learn that her remains will bo brought to this city for interment, to lie laid by the side of two sons that preceded her to the spirit laud. Mrs. DeYotie will bo recollected by our readers as the esteemed wife of Rev. I)r. J. H. DeYotie. who. for so many years was the loved pastor of the Raptist Church in this city. \Yc know we but express tlie feelings of the entire community of Co lumbus, w licit wo tender to the afflicted husband and children their sympathies iu common w ith our own, in this sad hour of their bereavement —Columbus B'm.t. LoNgfkixow docs not walk lame Ilia injured leg, however, will never be at strong a* it was. ami probably we shall never sec tho horse on the turf again. At least. Mr Harper declared that the brown shall never slat I iu a race again, even if able to do *o. Longfellow should do well iu th* stud Year* hence, poasibly. the rivalry between Horry Bassett and the brow n will be renewed on the couree by the progenv of the two stallion*.— T'urf. MVM otd A Hpnoarian Traced*.—-A spirited Bed Hiding Hood, aged twelve, was met by two wireworkers while carrying ome food to her friends working in a field near St. Amlrusz. Hungary. The two gypsies demanded of the girl to let them havo the provisions, hut were stoutly resisted by the girl, when the monsters seized her and tied every limb of her body with wire so tight the flesh was cut into, and then they passed a wire through both lips of the lit tle sufferer and twisted it twice to rending. This horrible martyrdom was enacted in a maize Acid, where the fiends consumed the provisions she had so valorously and heroically defended. The owner of the field happened to pass hy. and, hearing a faint moaning, the horrible sight soon opened upon him. Hctreating hastily to fetch help, he fortunately met the com missaries and two pandotirs, who were chasing vagrants. The monsters were tuken into custody a few hours afterward. A smith had to be called to open the wire net by which the interesting martyr was tortured, hut, sad to say, when Die wire was extracted from her lips the poor girl breathed her last. Tint following are the appointments of VV. C. Smith,colored Democrat: Bartlesville, Tuesday night, Oct. 22. Griffin, Wednesday night, Oct. 23. Americus, Friday night, Oct. 25. Dawson, Saturday night, Oct. 2(1. Cuthbert, Monday night, Oct. 28. Fort Qaincs, Tuesday night, Oct. 20. Georgetown, Wednesday night. Oct. 30. Columbus, Thursday night, Nov. I. I,at!range, Saturday night, Nov. 2. Macon, Monday night, Nov. J. X i:\V A DVERTISEM ENTS PRINTER WANTED. 4 PKINTEK to net ns foreman of tin* Amn - 1\ Iran Printing Office A good place lorn good printer. Permanent, and good pay. Ap ply noon to Jos. L. Dennis. ociSJ It Tulbotton, Georgia. FOR RENT FEU MONTH hy the year in advance, nP—vz Two nice rooms, best locality in the city for Dentist or Millinery, business. Apply at tills office, or No. 8 Cotton Avenue. octaS-tf. AITEATIOS! Mechanics Fire Company No. 4. ASSEMBLE at your Engine to mor . row afternoon at3o’clock. In futy uniform, to tuke part in the Semi-Annual PurntU and in spection of the Fire Department. By order nf the President. JAS. A. CAMPBELL, 0c23 It Secretary. ATTEXTIOX ! Yount; America Fire Cos., No. 3. APPEAR at your Engine House Thursday evening at 3 o’clock in fa 1 uniform, to participate in the Semi-Anmal Parade ef Die Macon Fire Department. Ky order I>. D. CRAIG, Foreman. B. \V. Smith, Sec’v. Telegraph copy. 0c23 It FOR SALE. \ FINE HAZLETON & BRO., 7 octave Pi i V uno at leas than half its oragiual cost. Apply at ot-22 2t THIS OFFICE. L LOWENTHAL, Merchant Tailor Cotton Avenue, opposite City Hall, Cleaning and Repairing done Neatiy. HAS on hand a beautiful stock of Cloths, Crtssimores, Doc Skin, Vest Patterns, etc., which he will cut and make up for his patrons and the public in general, in the very latest styles nnci finish. Give him a call if you would have cheap clothes—cheaper than anywhere in the city. oct2l*lm ATTENTION Macon Fire Department. r TMIE Semi Annual Parade and Inspection of JL the Macon Fire Department will tuke place on Thursday, Oct. 24th. The different companies of the Department will assemble on Mulberry Street, opposite the Lanier House. The lines will be formed prompt ly at 4 o’clock i*. m. in the following order: Hook and Ladder on the right, resting on Sec ond Street, Protection Fire Cos., Young Amer ica, Ocniulgee, Mechanics, Defiance. By order of A. PATTERSON. Chief Engineer M. F. D. B. W. Smith Secretary M. F. I). Telegraph copy. octSl 3t ROBERT WAGGENBTSZN, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, MEDICAL COLEIiE BUILDING, Mcuiekby St., Macon, Ga., K EEPS constantly on lmnd, a fine assort ment of CAKES, candies, toys, NOTIONS, etc. PAHTIfI I.Alt Al I'EAIOA given to supplying Weddings, Parties, Pic Nics, etc., with alt ncccssarv CAKES and CON FECTIONS. CRACKER BAKING. Tliia department U my speciality, as I bake Crackers every other day, thus furnishing my natrons with nice, fresh and palatable Crackers. The attention of the ladies is c alled to this fact Ovster Crackers for Restaurants, Butter, So da, Farina, Sugar and every kind made. octlß-lw Paints & Oils VTTENTION is r ailed to my large stock of Paints and Oils ami tin* very low figures at which they are sold. WEST’S EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE OIL. Tht* Cheapest Cigars in the City. Pure Holland Gin and IIIATCK’N MOINTAIN HYE WHISKY ! THE NEW STREET CAR TICKETS. Have become very popular. FOUR FOR TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Prescriptions are Accurately Com pounded. Enrlv JENNY WAKEFIELD. LARGE FLAT Df TO. am! LARGE DRUMHEAD Cab bage Sred just received NEW CROP ONION SETTS. ROLAND B. HALL, DKfGU IST, Kd-tf Cor. ChrnrSt. and Cotton Arena*. Fresh Arrivals, 2*) Cases Fresh Peaches. 25 Cases Fresh Lobsters. 50 Cases Fresh Tomatoes. 15 Cases Fresh Salmon. 100 Boxes Cream Cheese. 200 Packages Mackerel. 75 Boxes Layer Raisins. 25 Kegs Gilt Edge Butter. New lot of CKtARS AND TOBACCO. Come and see us, or send your or ders to Seymonr, Tinsley & Cos. .MI-190 Change of Schedule. ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. FORTY ONE MILES SAVED IN DISTANCE OrricE Macon and Augusta Railroad, I Macon, May IS, 1873. ) ON and after Sunday, May 19, 1873, and un til further notice, the trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Augusta.. 11.00 a. m. Leave Macon 6.30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 3.45 p. M. Arrive at Macon 7.40 r. M. HT Passengers leaving Macon at 6.30 A. M make close connection at Camak with day pas senger trains on the Georgia Railroad for At lanta and all points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on the Georgia Railroad rar-Tickcts sold and baggage chu aed to all points North, both by rail and by steamships from Charleston. 34 lv S. K. JOnNSON Suo’t. .1. J. ABR/OUi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 151 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. COLLECTIONS promptly attended to and / money remitted at once. P. O. Box 257. 131-209 THE PMEJIHUU WEEKLY. IT is universally conceded that advertising ia a necessity to success in business; it is also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that newspapers are the best medium for reaching all parties whose trade is desired. THE MONROE ADVERTISER reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published in the country; it is, therefore, the best medium of communication with the planting interests. We will be happy at any time to furnish refer ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, wlio will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their cards in The Advertiser. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that Its value exceeds that of all other journals in which they arc represented. The Advertiser has the freshness of youth and the ripeness of age, and is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OK ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisements are admitted which ure not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that tlie reuders of The AdtKrtiser will be safe in ordering tjuein from any distance. To our readers, the fact of its appeurance here has all tlie weight of endorsement and authority Address, JAS. P. HARRISON, Forsyth. Georgia. T. 11. €I, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ICulMlon Hull Uulldiutf, CHERRY STREET, MACON. GGORGIA. 128tf H. U. GKRKY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. C'tOHNER OK MULBERRY AND SECOND J Streets, in Court House, Macon, Ga. 39-104 Sale of Livery Stable Stock WILL be sold at public outcry at Holmes <fc Clay’s Livery Stable, at 10 o’clock a. m , on the first Tuesday in November next, (30) Twenty head of Horses, Carriages, Pha'tons, Buggies, Hacks, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Iron Safe, Desk, etc. Sold for division. For farther particulars, spply to C. MASTERSON, Receiver, Oftl-I-Ws At the Stables. EDWARD SPRINZ. "VT OTA ft Y PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS- X v TICE OF THE PEACE. I can he found for the present at all hours of tlie dav at my office adjoining tlie law office of A. {*roudfit, over the store of Jaques A Johnson, Third St., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 118-330. FOR SALE. ! A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITTKE. A FAMILY designing to break up house keeping on the first of October, now offer a complete outfit of furniture for five or six rooms, together with all uecessary kitchen utensels, for sale at half original cost. It con sist* of Mohair Parlor Chairs, Mahogany and Black Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining Ta ble, Dining, Rocking and common chairs, Car pets, Dinner and Tea Setts, nnd in short, almost every article demanded in a house of five or six rooms. The furniture lias not been used over one or two years, is in perfect repair, almost as good as new, cost SI,OOO and will now be sold for SSOO cash. Address Box 433, Macon orapply at this THIS OFFICE. seplStf FOR SAXE 500 (HUNDRED) bedsteads. 100 (Hundred! Mattresses. 200 (Chairs,) Dry Goods and notions. Hardware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, and also a large lot of Second bund furniture, Car pets, etc, bv O. E. BESORE, seplO ltu Auctioneer. Armas n L. Bitts. Edgar A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. VITE are ready to fill orders at reduced rates f V for the very best * COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at tlie office of A. G. Batts, at store of Winship A Callawav. or at yard M. A W R. R., will receive prompt attention. D4-1 tO BUTTS A ROSS. COL BLOUNT S APPOINTMENTS. CAOL. BLOUNT, the Democratic nominee of J the Sixth Congressional District, will Spook at the following places, to-wit: Covington. Newton county, October 24th. Conyers, Rockdale county, October 25th. Jeffersonville, Twigg* county, October2Bth, and will speak in Macon, Friday evening, No- j vernber Ist. Col. Hardeman will join Col. Blount and ad dress the people also, at Monroe, Social Circle, I Covington and Conyers. At hi* other appoint- i meat. Hon. James N. Pace, one of the candi- i date* on tbe electoral ticket, will be present, j and D**k likewise. octVMttPW W* At W*“S Com, Bacon at Floor Fmpoii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Com, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PRIDE OP DIXIE,” The Bestlin the World, Always on Hand. 1 claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me witli their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good partiis. W. L HUPP. 97-tf REDUCTION! REDUCTION!! In consequence of the great reduction in price of Groceries in the Northern markets, and owing to the Repeal of Duties on many articles in our litie. we now offer the following goods at annexed prices : 7 Lbs. A. Sugar for SI.OO. 7 1-2 Lbs. Ex. C. Sugar for SI.OO. 8 Lbs. C. Sugar for SI.OO. MIXED TEAS 75c. Per Lb. SEGARS A SPECIALTY! m Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Fresh Crackers Every Week! If You i)on’t see what You Want, Ask for it. PUTZEL & JACOBS, NEW YORK GROCERY STORE, 2d ST., DAMOUR BLOCK. pjadkcihie and: ic :o:i if e f.