Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 23, 1872, Image 3

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CITY Q-OYERNM ENT. w. a. uiw wy® r * ALDERMEN: I . , ... ... A. K. Tin.lby, V I Woburn E WOODUPF, ,1. J Wiublkn, g Roberts, P. I IT/.OtRXLIL p p jjtUOSd, \ V /‘aSVi'i*’ .1 HfSSEU.. A. .1. SMITH, \y A( , ( iR\KTKI>. | Dalv, Treasurer. 0, .1, VV Amson .c'li-rk. .1 a VU M" 1 my Attorney. f,/iiTuocM^,:.::::::::: -cuy 1 u ’ ‘ oiilef of Police. ,1 1 mhs Lieutenant. H|t\ T Lieutenant. .1 <lun UTHLK ? , • • '|'|,; r d Lieuteuunt. ~ ' .Guard House Keeper. O. 1. Finnk\ ,•• •• • street Overseer. liii.i.iaki> . .City Sexton. A K. JjvKMAN,. ;;;;.Mtt L niine Keener. iu; ion I l.i OlHce Im prepared ® ®V job PrtaiiuK * P rfe " *® |bo time*, ansi i* R **>•* SllXclopy to a... made speeially. 'y. l oiit it order*, and will do our hr*t lo pleitwe you. lKm 1 HOME AFFAIRS. .VIACOM. CIA., OCT. . tß7a. 7 "see Notice of printer wanted by Joseph 1,. Dennis, Talbolton, Georgia. • Bubolaky.—The Georgia No. 2. was robbed Sunday night of nearly a hundred dollars. —♦ ♦- A letter for George T. Rogers’ Sons is held for postage in the Savannah postofflee. . • ,• p L . UN (> VT .—If to morrow is a good day we hope to see a big turn out on the tinmen's parade. — The Weather.—We are having cold weath er witli a drizzling ruin, making out doors die agreeable under foot. Burned.—A gfn house of Mr. Willingham of Lawton & Willingham was destroyed by Ure a few nights ago. It was on the Carolina side of the Savannah river. Child Burned.—We understand that a little negro child was burned yesterday by the explo sion of a kerosene lamp. She lived in the Southwest portion of the city. Give ’km a Chance.—We would suggest to the United States Commissioner to hold his court in some larger room than his sanctum. Could not the court room he engaged for the purpose ? - Soda Water.—Our soda \endure have sus* pended the sale of soda water until next sum mer. A hot soda fountain would pay. Who takes the hint? lurKOVEMEKT.— Fifth street, from the pas senger shed to the Southwestern depot is nice ly graded and leveled. We notice hands at work on it tills morning. ' 1, vying tiie Cohneii Stone. —Samuel Law rence Grand Master F. A. M., will lay the cor ner stone of the Jewish Synagogue on next Tuesday, assisted by the Right Worthy Grand l.odge of Georgia. Mayor’s Court.— The case of Henry White a suspicious character, was dismissed. George Smith and George Ball, for fighting, fUland costs each. Peusonal.—Arehy McQueen has returned to the city from an extended trip through the North. While Arehy was abroad he gathered a good many dots relative to lire engine mat ters, which will be of some service to the De partment. Another Accident.— As Mr. Felix Dough erty, a baggage-master on the Southwestern Railroad was coupling some cars Monday morn ing, his hand was caught and terribly mashed. New Harness. —Young America No. 8, have recently bought a set of splendid harness for the use of horses that pull their steamer. The harness was manufactured in this city by the well-known harness maker and saddler, Mr. H. P. Westcott. Accident.— On Monday evening. Master Charlie Campbell who works with Mr. D. D. Craig in the pattern shop of Findlay’s Iron Works, had the misfortune to have a finger sawed off by a circular saw. Two other fing ers were badly mangled. A Good Supper. —The compositors of this office beg leave to retu n hearty thanks to Mayor Huff for the capital aupper sent them late last night. Everything good was included In the bill of fare, and they relished it only ua hard working printers can, especially in the ama’ hours of the night. The supper was a pleasant reminder of Mayor Huff s, and done up ill Casey’s bc=t style. Thanks, Mayor, until you are better paid. The General Topics.—Yesterday if you met a friend his first inquiry was, “Any more ghosts ?” To-day the inquiry from every body is, “Who’s arrested?” Yesterday everybody said “Surreney” fifty times; they talked of ghosts, spiritual manifestations, the Davenport Brothers, hobgoblins, witchcraft and sorcery. To-day the greeting is, “Have-you been ar rested ?” But the last sensation, in our opin ion, is longer-lived than the negro-girl-liot brick-mystery of Surreney. Surreney can now take Its back seat and await its turn to be dished out to the sensation loving public. We don’t like this wholesale arresting of citizens. It looks too much like military rule, but it’* a thing we can’t help and we must do as the little boy did—lump it. 1. 0. O. F.—The institution of the. new lodge of Odd Fellows in Atlanta, Monday night, was a most enjoyable affair. This lodge i3 the first German Lodge in the city, and com menced with a large number of members. It sms installed by John Grainling, D. D. G. M. and W. G. Grainling, G. M. | The officers were installed by J. 11. Otto, D. 1 1). G. M., B. Lnwenthal, G. 11., and C. Mncli lald, P. G., of Macon. I The delegation of Macon were taken in hand by their Atlanta brethren, and were shown every courtesy in their power, for which they wish us to tender thanks. The name of the new Lodge is Schiller Lodge* No. 71. A Queer Fish.— We were shown this morn ing what may be truly called a queer fish. It waa a Polvpe. It was captured off Blaekfish bank, Tybec Island, by the Messrs. Savareae Brothers, who shipped it to Mr. C. C. Balkcom, who has it now at his store on Fourth street. It is described by the Encyclopedia as “a animal having no locomotive organs, provided with a circle of retractile tentacula round the month, and a central gastric cavity.” At any rate it is the most positively ngly looking thing we ever saw in the shape of a fish. Still it is a curiosity well worth going to look at. Lrwc* at regular lunch hours, Free Soup, Tomandjerry, Hotpunches, and Cincinnati La ger Beer at UlUnau’s Isaacs House Saloon. scpT7-rod.ini Bayonet Rule.—From our neighbor the Telegraph, we copy the following: It seems one Morris, the negro candidate from Wilkinson, has been up to Atluutu for some time, operating upon 11. P. Farrow and A T. Akeruian, and fabricating the most ab surd and preposterous Kuklux charges against many of the host citizens of that county. Those worthies believing; doubtless, that a bold coup main iu behalf of Grant, on the eve of the election, might alarm and demoralize Ida oppo Bents, it is suld lent a willing carlo Morris, and assisted him In procuring from the United States Commissioner Swayze warrants for the arrest of a large number of eiilzens upon mgro affidavits. On Monday night this man Morris came down from Atlanta at the head of a large de tachment of United States troops, under the command of u Lieutenant, and, proceeding to Toombs boro, Irwluton, and other points, seized in their beds and arrested the following gentle men : Dr. T. A Simmons, Messrs, llenry Ily niuiis, R Hymans, W. Dickson, J. D. 1 ulund inghatu, Geo. Gilbert, Milton Lindsay, l). Car lisle und two brothers l’eaeoek. These unfor tunate individuals were then hurried oil to Savannah, there to be tried for their livee upon the accusation of ignorant negroes, who, more than probable, neither know uor eare foe the obligations of ail oath. Our informant had been Bent to Macon to procure counsel for the prisoners, and had ob tained for them the services ef Col. W. A. Lof ton, who left for Savannah by the night train. Other ari'ist, as will he seen in another col umn, were also made in this city yesterday. We are not posted as to the precise nature of the charges against any of ttie Wilkinson parties, but learn Hull some of them dale hack one or more years, and all are of the Kuklnv dnscrlpt tion. , A considerable number of soldiers ure still encamped near Tooinbshoro.und will doubtless continue to harry every peaceful citizen who may happen to incur the ire of any vagabond. U. S. Commissioners’ Court.—Mr. George Gustin and Dr. A. P. Collins were arrested yes terday by acting U. S. Deputy Marshal A. E. Seifert, and ordered to appear at the office of the American Union, to answer the charge of violation of the Enforcement Act at the recent clectiou. The following is a copy ef the affi davit sworn to by parties interested: t , did band and conspire to gether, and did baud and conspire witli oilier persons, whose names are unknown to depo nent witli intent to violate the provisions of the law entitled “An Act to enforce the right of citizens of the United States to Tote in the several States of this Union and for other pur poses;” approved May •’•lst, 1870, in that they did band and conspire together, and with said unknown persons, to hinder, delay, obstruct, intimidate and prevent deponent and others, whose names are to deponent un known, at an election held in the county of Bibb, in the Southern District of Georgia, on the sth day of October instant, from voting for Dawson A. Walker for Governor, and for G. Binswanger, Tilman Lowe and l’nlaski Holt for Representatives in the General Assembly of Georgia, they being qualified voters at said election and ihe right or privilege of voting for said persons at the election aforesaid being a ri„ht or privilege granted and secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the United States, contrary to to the laws of the United States. ■ The case of Mr. Gustin and Dr. Collins was postponed until to-morrow morning, 11 o’clock, Mr. Whittle, Mr. Gustin’s attorney, not being able to attend. Mr. W. D. Rainey was appointed Atsiatnnt Deputy U. S. Marshal. Several arrests are to be made to-day, and before we go to press may be able to give their names. Since writing the above, Mr. F. M. Heath, tax-collector, und Mr. Willis Price have been arrested. Mr. W. I). Rainey and Mr. K. J. Wall 1 ave been appointed Special Deputies. ’Caui.os still keeps the freshest fish, the finest oysters, the coldest ice, the yellowest oranges, the reddest apples, the Irishc6t potatoes, the genuincst cigars, the sweetest French candy, the goodiest groceries and the best place in town to buy your groceries at. tf Oranges at W. P. Carlos’. Farrar’s Electric —Warranted to cure the following diseases or money refunded: Dip theriu, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic, Headache, Diarrhoe and Rheumatism if not of too long standing. Farrar’s Ague Cure— Warranted to cure in three duys or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists. ■ Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, 93-171 Wholesale Agents. It Is Also True. —If you want to buy Rea dy-made Clothing or good Underclothing, etc., it will pay you to walk up to first door above First National Bank, Clieny street. tf C. II Baird. ♦ ♦ That’s So. —lf you want a suit made to or der in the best style, ,'uu will save money by calling on (tfl C. H. Baird. -— —- ♦- Call at S. T. & B. P. Walker’s this evening, if you want tueh things as choice Tennessee Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap ples, Oranges, Ban mums. Malign Grapes, or anything else in the fancy or family grocery line. octl7-tf 88 Cherry St. Carlos has Florida Orang* s large arid sweet. - No more blowing about your Ferreotypes. Brown has just received the best and largest Ferreotype machine that ever came South.— Call at No. 8 Cotton Avenue, if you want good pictures Old Cameras for sole —different sizes. tf Press for Sale! WJ E have for sale a large tfiz.e GORDON YV PRESS lAligatorj and a RUGGLES’ PAPER GUTTER in good condition. To he had at a bargain. Sold to make room for lar ger and faster machines. Address LINES, V. ING & SMITH, 1-tf Macon. Ga. Xo the Business lien of fiaraa THE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively in Dougherty, Mitchell, Lee, Baker and Worth Counties. The wealthiest Cotton growing sect'on of Georgia..£2 THE NEWS Is the best Advertising Medium in Southwest ern Georgia. ADVERTISEMENTS SOLICITED. CAREY W. STYLES, Proprietor. ' The Great Dry Goods House op S. Waxelraim and Brother.— This mammoth Dry Goods House Is truly ond of the greatest in ail the Southern country. We doubt if there are many which are more extensive on the Nortli American continent outside Of New York und Philadelphia, and even in those cities there are not many carrying heavier stocks or doing a larger trade. Occupying the centre ol Triangular Block— running through from Second street to Ct ton Avenue, and fiom cellar to roof, there aie live grand divisions to the establishment. The cellars or ground room* are used for packing aiMpsinpaeking goods for nil depart ments unßsdr the storage of Domestics. The rigid hand lloor above is the chief whole sale department, and hero wo Und a ship load of Prints, Domestics, Alpaeeas of all colors, Junes, Bleaclilngs, Shirtings, Stripes, Checks, Glnghntus, Fancy Dress Goods, Red and White Flannels, Opera Flannels, Tickings, Brown Goods, Corsets, Linseys, Poplins, und (*o on, runniug through the entire catalogue. On the left is the general Retail Room, and a busy scene it always presents, morning, noon aud night. It would he much easier to tell what is not iu there than what is. It contains among other tilings the largest Btock of silks in Georgia—some of them running us high as #IOO pel- pattern. Our ladies cun find anything there from an inch of ribbon to u cashmere shawl. The two floors above ure set apart for ready made clothing, hoots, shoes, hats, ahawls, hosiery, gloves, linens, shirts, bulmoral skirts, cloaks, blankets, quilts and notions <tf infini tum. But it is useless to call every article by name, it would take up half the space in our paper. Dealers must go and see for themselves. A su perficial glance makes one think there is enough on hand to supply the whole trudo of Macon for months to come, and yet so great is the trade of the house, it is necessary to send off new orders for fresh supplies almost every day in the week. Scarcely a steamer leaves New York for Suvannuli without having con signments for “S. W. A 8., Macon.” Tile Senior requests us to make the positive statement as a fact that the’/ cell at \eu' York prices. We found tin: house this morning full of country niereluiutß and citizens, and every clerk just as busy us he could be; and no wonder, for such a stock as that will attract people to it the dullest day ill the week, and at this season no one wishing to purchase will go by it. A large capital, industry, the most scrupu lous honor, and a long series of years devoted to the business, lias placed this house in the front rand of Dry Goods Dealers in Georgia. It is known far and wide ns suchacd willcontiime to be for a long time to come. oct-8w CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, meets every Ist and !id Monday night, at Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue. Mizpali Lodge, No. 47, meets every 2d and 4th Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantine Chapter, No. 4, R. A. M., meets every 2d and 4tli Monday night at Masonic Hall. St. Oilier Cotnmandery, No. 3, Knights Tem plar, meets Ist, Thursdays of each month at Masonic Hall. IT iII!MEN. Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in cue'n month—House Poplar st., corner 3d. Ocmulgee No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House on Cotton Avenue, near City Hall. Young America Noli meets Ist Monduy night in each month—House 3dst., corner Mulberry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday uiglit in eacli month—House corner Hawthorne and 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month—Housed in City Hall. Hook and Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Friday night in each month—House Poplar st., cor ner 3d. ODD FELLOWS. • Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 59, meets every Wednesday night ut Odd Fellows’ Hall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 2d und 4th Moudaya of .each month. KNIGHTS OF FYTUIAS Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ □all. GOOD TEMPLARS. Walton Lodge, No. 33, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday night at their Hull in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every Monday night ut Progress Club Hull. Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every Thurs day night at their Hall on Windsor Hill. societies Progress Club incuts every Sunday night at their Hall on M ulberry street. Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday in each month at No. 3 Engine House. Mulachi Lodge, No. ltd, I. O. B. 8., meets second and fourth Sundays in each month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wednesday niglitattlie Puseenger Depot. Visiting brethren welcome. CHURCHES. Epiumpiil —Christ Church, Rev. B. Johnson, Rector—Walnut st., between 3d and fid. Ser vices 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 P. M. St. Paul's Church, Rev. fl. K. Rees, Rector — Vincvillc. Services 11 a. m. ; 5 p. M. Chil dren’s Service; Bp. m, Evening Prayer. St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ Church, at SP. m. Near Macon At Brunswick Railroad Freight Depot. Catholic— St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. I). Bazin. Mass 7A. M. ; High Mass 10:00 A. M.; Vespers 4 1-2 p. M. Prenbi/tnUm —Mulberry St. Church, Rev. C. B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. und 8 P. M. Windsor Hill Church, Rev. Win. McKay, pastor. Services semi-monthly. liraditixh N’/nagoi/ue —J. 11. Hertz, President Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve ning and Saturday morning. JlapUit —let Baptist, Rev. W. 11. Mclntosh, pastor—2d Street, between Cherry and Poplar. Services 10 1-2 A. M. and S 1-4 p. w ; Sunday-, school 4 1-2 p. M. Second Baptist, Rev. James Mcßrvde, pastor —near Findlay's Foundry. Services 10 1-2 a. m. aud 8 p. M. Mission Chapel, Windsor Hill, supplied from the city churclies. McthodM KpiArnjnl —Mulberry Streit, Rev. J. O. Branch, pastor—Mulberry at., comer Ist Services at 10 1-12 a. m. and 8 p. u. First Street Church, Rev. W. W. Hicks, pas tor —Ist street, between Oak and Arch. Ser vices 101-2 A. M. and 8 p. u. Vincvillc Church, supplied from the city churches. East Macon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, pas tor. Services 10 1-2 A. M. and 4p. H. Tkeahurbb’s Oppic*. i Savannah, Ckippin <k Norm Ai,a. K. R. - Macon, (la., Oct. 4, 1872. ) THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, for the. election of Presi dent and Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will he held at the Court-house in New nan, Coweta county, ou Thursday, the 7th day of November neit. MILOS FREEMAN, oct4 lm 8-c'y and Tress’r. MACK BROTHERS, HAVE entirely if novated and enlarged their store, to muko nut for u beautiful Muck -i . Good* for tii**: TALI AND WINTER SEASON. An ion *4 our specialities an* u aplcnrild Selection of Ladies' and Gents’ Scarfs and Ties. LADIES’ AND GF.NT.V, B tYS AND i HiI.DRKVS MKttlNw I’NDFRIVKAf'. Knit Woolen Goods of all Descriptions. AN EXCELLENT CHORE OF HR At EI.F.I'.* \XD SHELL JEW ELIO We ulso offer a complete line of Hosiery, KidGluw?, Cor'Vts, Goods, Velvet and S.ik Ribbons, Furnishing Goods, Dressmaker.' Trimmings, Fancy Goods, etc , at very low price,'. We shall lie nleased to see our old friends und as many new ones ut our store on Second street, Damours Block. HACK IIROTIIT'.ItM, oct’il-mon-wed-sat-lni. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. ■ Soil, llevlew wl'tbe Mnrkrl. OenuE Macon Daily F.ntekurisk, [ October 23 —2 o’clock, P. M. ( Remakes. —Cotton was a little weak this morning, ami we quotu It at 17}.j to 17}' A . Money is easy, aud tirst-class paper is readily accommodated at. our hanks at Iper month, with more funds on baud than then- Is demand for. Bacon is not so strong. It can be bought for spot cash at 12% for sides and 9 cents fur shoul ders. Orders are tilled at % higher, unless ac companied witli the money. In the general trade transactions are large. We noticed this morning every one busy, not withstanding a drizzling rain was falling. Cotton.— Report for 24 hours, since 2 !’. M. yesterday. Sold 5,53 bales; shipped 413 halos. Received 599 hales. STATEMENT. Btock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 bales <l3 Received lust 34 hours '>9s Received previously 15,993 —16,593 Total receipts 17,005 Snipped lust 24 hours 413 Shipped previously 10, i3(1—11,149 Stock on hand this evening.... 5,854 Market active 17%e. mteux I’Hict: ( i khcat. OBNABITRGS-No. 1 10 No. 2 14 MilledgevillcNo. 2 14 MACON SHEETING 13M Seven-eighths Wnyinunvilta Sheeting 11 Houston Sheeting 11J-4 Houston Stripes 13%u15 Columbus Stripes I.VaIS . High Shoal Stripes 1(1 Montour Shirting —% id's Factory Sew i ng Thread 00 YARNS- 1 00 GRlTS—per bushel 1 35 OATS—per bushel 1 iotlo6 FIELD PEAS—per bushel HAY—Northern Tennessee 1 9)a2 oo Clover 1 90 PEA NUTS—per bushel 150 POTATOES—Planting Table use 3 50u4 00 APPLES—Northern BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 pur In 43u44 Goshen No. 3 per Hi 35 Tennessee No. 1 “ 3 > Tennessee No 3 “ _ 20 Country 35u40 COFFEE —ltio per lb 33u35 Java per lb “ouß3 CHEESE—Best ( ream per In.. 1* i New York tier i11... 15 MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per gal. 05 “Georgia” per gal.. 70 Sugar Mouse 35 SYRUPS—GoIden Drips, per gal... 0a75 Medium per gal 05 Ordinary per gal 55 SUGAR-” A” per It. 13%u White Extra “C” 13a New Orleans (lihdu) HU 12% Yellow C 12>.<a Demoruru 13taal3 Porti Rico WM'iy, POWDER—I luzurd tier keg 725 Orange Mills 7 00 PROVISIONS, orain, groceries, *c. BACON —Clear-ribbed Sides (smokd).. 13 Shoulders 9jl£ulo HAMS—Magnolia 8. .C., canvassed... l!t20 Fitch’s BX2O Tennessee, plain-cured 18alSj£ White Bellies lO^all PORK—Pickled, mess 18 00 New, mess 19 00 Pickled, rumps 15 <lO BULK MEATS—Cask Sides Shoulders Bellies LARD-PrimeLeaf, Tierces Italic Kegs 13 Packages 12a13 FLOUR- -Low superfine per bbl u 7 00 Standard superfine. 8 50 Extra 00 Choice extra Family..,. 10 00 “ VVyleys X X X X' , Georgia Mills i 11 50a12 00 Hyucinthe 9 50 "Domestic” 12 00 Star of Beauty 1100 Belle of Georgia 11 00 Pride of Dixie 12 (X) Silver Lake 12 00 CORN—White per bushel 95 Mixed per bushel HBu9o SHOT—Per sack 300 CRACKERS—Butter per lb (fit Soda 809 Cream 13 Sugar 12 1-2 Lemon 14 Ginger rtnaiis PicNic 10 Fancy 17 CANDY —New York peril) 18 M. K Rogers &Cos 18 BLACKING- No. 1 per gross 5 00 No. 2 8 00 No. 3 7 (HI SODA—BI-Carb per lb 9al< POTASH—Per lb 10all SOAP—Turpentine, pi-r lb 0 1-2 Laundry 15 Toilet per doz 75al ‘XI Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS—Preston and .Merrill’s per doz. 1 75a2 25 Hereford’* 3 94 TOBACCO -Choice Chewing per lb 75 Medium... 0 Ordinal y 40u50 Choice Smoking I 25 Medium 75 Common 49 CIGARS — Imported per thousand 75 OOuI.VJ 00 Domestic J 5 OOafk) 00 BNUFF—Scotch per lb 78 Macaboy 78 PIPES— per box 2 50a4 50 MACKEREL—No. 1 kits 2 25a2 50 No. 2 bids 13 .Vs* 14 o<* No. 2 kits 1 70 No. 3 bjils—large..ll Boul2 50 No. 3 kits 1 50al 70 WHITE FISH--Half bbl 7 00a! 00 CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21kja22 Sperm 42a45 Puraftine 30a33 STARCH—PeurI EGGS—Per doz „ £> CHICKENS—Per doz •< >5 00 SALT—Virginia per sin k 2 10a.i 15 Liverpool FEATHERS HIDES—Dry flint 14al Green BEESWAX *e3o SWEET POTATOES 1 50 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05al 10 BAGGING—BengaI Lyon Borneo Gunny J 8 Dundee.... JJ Patched 1 < Marshall House SAVANNAH, OA., A. B. M CE, Proprietor. BOARD PER DAY $3.00. 191 209 C a *e of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN 3 It. CO., I M.MMN, Ut.. •! HIM* I♦, I*7 '. i ON ami .iiu*i Bumlu> Jum* liHii, iln* fulluw llitf celleduk* lor l rulim, "ill lit* olwi’i vtul >ii thih roujl: l>.\ Y PABBKNUK.K. L*uv<* Miicoii . a. M. Arrive tit Muco ... ... a. m. Lcuvu Atlanta -W) a, m. Arrive ut Atluutu . r. m. NIGHT PASBENGKK. Leave Macon i\ m. Arrive at Mueon •• m. Leave Atlunta 4:00 i\ m. At rive at Atlanta 0:0tf a. m. 7:110 a. m. and i*. m. Trains mnl.** olnue connections at Mueon with (Vutral Ituiiroud for {Savannah and Augusta, and wilh South western Kullroud for points in Soidliwt ht Gcor gla. 8:15 P. m and d.Otl a. m. trains coi.neet ut Atluntawlth Western and Atlantic Kail road for points West A. .1. WHITE, sotf Superintendent. WOOD AND (()AL. I HAVE cstublislied, near the Mueon ,V West ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all hinds of Wood and Coni, in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QU A LIT Y G U A R A N T F. KD. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left lit tile offices of Messrs. 11. L. Jewett, Greer, Luke A Cos , Turpin V Ogden, through Postotliee, or at, tin: Yard, will have prompt attention. Come aud see 122-200 MILOS FREEMAN. FOR RENT. (v NI ’ of the most desirable places on Troup " Hill, one mile from the Court. House, und near Mercer University. Ninoaeres of haul at tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, etc. Parties wantlnix to rent a (food house can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to Messrs. B. 11. WrijrleyA: ('o., (Id and BS Second street, Macon, Ga. mtf TAMES W. KNOTT. SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE! fI'MIIC I’KOIMMETOIC Bii|hm'mtcmls tin* I’roK- X. (Tintion department in peraon, and uhoh the PUREST and FRESHEST medicines that can be procured, und would say to every one tn liia portion of the city, that they fehiill have Drugs und Medicinca as fresh and aa cheap na they can he bought in the city. He would ad vise all who arc laboring under chilis ami fever or Liver derangement, to use his “Remedy for Chilla and Diseases of the Liver,” and will warrant it in every ease where the. direct ions are honestly followed. Lamp Chimneys, Cigars and Tobacco always on huml. n. i. i:vi:m:rr, Drug isl, 101-LV.) Fourth Street, near Arch. . W. IIOWAKl), ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Oflle at entrance of Ralston Hull, Cherry street. t3?**AII hiiftififc will receive prompt atten tion 06478 • I ( LARKK SWAVZL, j BibbCounty Court, vs. October Term, 2M71. NINA SVVAY/.E. ) Libel for Divorce. It appearing to the Court that the defendant in the above stated case, resides without the limits of the titute. It is ordered that Service be perfected in said case, by publication in one of the public Gazettes, published in the City of Macon, once a week for four months. .VI. B GERRY, Petitioner’s Attorney. A true eytjuct from the Minutes of Bibb Bu perior Court. A. B. KOSfil, D*p. (berk, duly ]7, U6-law4m PROSPECTUS M Weekly Enterprise, YV. WATKIN IIICKH, Kilitor. ON or about the first week in October, we will Issue from this ofliee the flint Hum Lane, Live, Weekly Paper! It will contain all tin; the Telegraphic news of the week, and the latest reliable Information on all subjects and from all parts of the world. In its editorial department w ill he found dis cussions of all the LIVE ISSUES of the times. Particular attention will la: giv en to the advancement of Science, Art, and Literature; while all Interesting events und authentic progress of the |>olitieal world will be faithfully presented. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One Year 41 50 Six Mouths l.W> Invariably in advance. KkTN* subscription taken for 1 es# than six f-if Now Is the time to subscribe. Speci men COPIES SENT ON APPLICATION. inro. b. weesis. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON 3d STREET OVER L. W, BAHOAL’I) NTOIIE. 99-179 i'm:siii s rorTi? BURDICK BROTHERS SIGN OF THE “GOLDEN.HOC.” DEALERS IN Grain, Provisions and Groceries, Jllave uinv in store a fresh Stock of Goods, and invite the intention of the Public. WE OFFER KHt.tHH) pounds BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, directJfroiu the Parkers. 25 tierces of the genuine "MAGNOLIA” HAMS. 311 tierces PURE LEAF LARD. S,OiH) bushels WHITE AND MIXED CORN. 3 CAR LOADS FLOUR from NEW WHEAT. 500 Rolls BAGGING, weighing 2% pounds to the Yard. •‘ARHOW” TIES, IN ANY QUANTITY. 25 Bags Choice RIO COFFER. stl Bids. SUGAR of various grands. Choice WESTERN HAY, troll Water Ground MEAL, WHEAT BRAN, LIVERPOOL and VIRGINIA SALT. We have now a good Stock, and respectfully Invite the attention of sit who desire to pur clmse goods in our line. Entire satisfaction is guaranteed to our enatomers Please call on ns at 63 Third Sheet, Macoii, Ga., Sip of ibe “Golden H 05,” BURDICK BROTHERS. 110.135 TO EVERYBODY AND HIS CHARMING WIFE I f piIAT all-liiiportaiil event, the election, having passed away, and the “ times lliat tried uiou - X souls” have merged into the “ piping times of peace”; and Winter has bren ushered in among twitter of birds and music of the leaves as they full to the ground ; and the Summer hav lug faded uway unit the weather reduced to something agreeable, I have to announce to my nu merous und beloved patrons that I have recently returned from an extended trip to New Y•ill, Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie and Weehassun, and other celebrated markets, where I purchased, and have now in my store, the largest lot of “aOOD I E S !” FiVcr brought to Maron, conhlnting In part of Buirur, Coffee, New York Canvawed Hama and Brcakfuat Huron, Lard, Butter, Canned Fruit, .Jellies, Pickles, Rulklum, Nats, Apples, Lemons, Cabbage*, Onions, Potatoes, Crackers, Cheese, Spiced Hums, Bologna Suiisagea, and—well, it would take me nil day to write what I have got, and it would till this paper so full that Smith wouldn’t have u local for u week. It is almost unnecessary for me to mention the fact that lam prepared, u* ever, to supply Oysters and Shell-flub of ull kinds, from a Crab to a Grccleyoyster. The Uncut Fish, freah and on ice, is kept by me, and sold at living rates. In view of the faet that the people of Macon, and those visiting Macon, arc determined to eat whether they get anything good or not, 1 have prepared myself for the emergency, by linking ample arrangements to have my DINING TABLES Supplied with the very best this and other markets can afford. That popular dish, “Birds on - Toast’ 1 being my own invention, the people can always Und the same at my restaurant. To gather willi my poll to corps of waiters, tills branch of my business will receive tbe patronage, of all of my old customers, und, 1 hope, niHiiy new ones. My restaurant is, as is well known, supplied with the very best EATABLES & DRINKABLES i flmt could lie found Therefore, gentlemen and ladles, having laid before you what I have on i bund, and wishing you all the best luck and tlmt 1 cun suit you in your purchases from me I ! must close tills letter, if at any time I cun serve you, you have but to command me or my ! corps of attentive and obliging clerks, and you will be made Imppy. Thanking you for past : favors, I um tenderly yours, W. P. CARLOS. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE, /SO fSttoot, Ocorgla. oetl9ftm