Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 24, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE Tl t( OV *■ <H T. #4. IN?!*. I't/UI.I'IIKW EVKIIV LVKNIKU BV lines, wing a smith. No. 10 Hollingsworth block. Alt Ultert nlatinu to Subscription thou!ft be tul <ti ' led to Linen, Wing <1 Smith , Moron, tJa. CtnennunieaHnnn for the j*ipn thould In ail Amtell to the HI it or. We ran not undertake tei return rejected communication*. Hell authentl ratal in nit item), from all jmrtl of the State, no hi jul _ ____________ \\. WAI'KH HICKS, Editor. CoCNTKHkf.i i b.—Tlio Richmond paper* note the appearance iu that city of well executed S2O United State* Treasury notes. So perfect in tlieir imitation tliat they are calculated to deceive the best informed The lluilimorc papers also make mention ol a dangerous imitation of the lifty cent fractional currency hill which has been put in circulation in that city. Statu Bkhatoii's Beat to be Con tested. —I’hil. Joiuor, the colored Kad ical who was so badly injured by Col. W. II Harris in tlio late election for State Senator in the 10th District, lias nolilied Col. Harris f ids intention lo contest the election. — Chron. A Hen. The coffee crop this year will he fur in excess of what it was last season, and there is now no reasonable doubt that tlio crop will turn out 2,500,000 hags, of which the proportion coming to the I idled StatOH is 125,000 hags. W. K. DeQraffcurcid and l)r. Btrohec ker of Macon, Ga., were in Nashville last week, on business connected with tiie Ma con & Knoxville Railroad. They having just returned from NcwYoik where it is said they have have mude arrangements to insure the completion of the road. —At lanta Hun. - —■♦ ♦ — Accident to Mu. It. Wayne Hi a sell. —Mr. it. Wayne Russell, who lias been in the habit of visiting ids family in Effiugham county, xvliere they have been spending the summer, hud the misfortune to fall out of the buggy which was con veying him from the station to Ids resi dence of his w ifu’s mother, lust,Saturday night, mid break Ids left aim between the wrist mill elbow. The horse, while going <|iiietly along, took fright nt some object and dashed to one side of the road, thereby throwing Mr. Kuascll and the buy out into the hushes Mr. It. returned to tho city with Ids family on Monday night, and though suth-ring very much, laid his arm attended to by his physician, Dr. .luriah Harris lie waa able to bo about yester day ulteruoou— Savannah Advert iter Novkuukk Election. —The New York World gives a few figures for political stu dents, by a full list of tbc caudidstes to lie voted for iu llio several States. Tito fol lowing arc the figures for Georgia . those marked with an asterisk are present mem bers of Congress eoMaltßMtnn*! KIM Morgan Itnwl*. Andrew Sloan s.'coml <4it .1 Wright. KII \VhH. t Thlnl Phillip Cook. Fourth . Henry H llurri* Shw|>*ui Hell Fifth I.uthi i .J. (Bonn. .1 ameer Freeman Sixth .laiiirN 11. ltlouiit. Is. 11. Aittlcraon. Seventh I* M II Yoiiuu * .Irune* F Davor 1 h!h ID M t I’hllllpt li' ton raar vort or oKOimiA Iktutftas. Unclin'g*. Hr!l Mid. IHMfI. I*r*|dmt lf.fiWl 51 sh* i'i hht. n <Mi t It* mir*. nuui iHfl; ItccUt tl vou*. !is,fn:i w.i W tkm /frfi. tsfiH Governor sn.hVT 1,171 It IHfl* President lOI.TYIT 57,1.V1 It.iUlNl) IKTO. Coilj'tv** ta. ftS*. .N.HW D IMumllty. ———• The Plot Against Georgia. The Washington Chronicle aud New Yoik Times, says tbo Atlanta Constitution, are still harping ou (ieoigia. The Savtui nan Kepublican Ims learned that Attorney General Williams is to bo sent down hcie. Tlie matter w ill perhaps be more fully understood when it is known that anew reconstruction of Georgia would restore to life Bullock's fraudulent bonds for Clew's benefit The New York Evening Express throws out this idea The reconstruction of Georgia is threat ened by the G runt press on many sides, which only means this : The packing of u State Legislature by act* of Congress, which will adopt the ltultock Wall street bonds. It is to stop this sort of interference by the Federal Government, iu the inluicsUof iaipet listers and (tie bond -holders out of the State*, that tlio election of Greeley becomes indispensable for Uic public peace and public security. Tho New York Times throws out a sig nificant intimation in this paragraph In our special dispatch from Atlanta, (la., trill be found some additional in stance* of tbe Uud of “reconciliation’' which was practiced at the recent State election The party w hich made at Bal timore a pretence of accepting all the Constitutional Amendments showed at the Georgia election that their ideal ol negro suHrage was to stand over the gangs of colored voters, and threaten "to cut their heart* out" unless they voted the Demo eratlc ticket 1* the Federal Government to be inrdetl to ttwui quietly by, and see outrage* Ukt tbit rrjieated on tbe s th day of Soretnbtr I George Vanderpool, who had a little unpleasantness with several Juries in re lation U> the taking oil of Herbert Field, at Manistee, Michigan, has been compelled to ab&ndou hi* lecture programme, com posed of the same topic, on account ol a curious dearth of audience. The crar has issued a decree granliug full pardon U) Michael Czaykowskt, the Folish general, who under the title ot Sadyk Pasha. took service in the Turkish army, and distinguished himself as com uiandcr in-chief of the Ottoman Cossacks in the w ars against ltussin. The Hon. Thomas 11. Nelson, I'uilcd Slates uduistcr to Macou. on u leave of ab sence for siity days from bis legation, lias ariived in Terre llaute. lnd., with the remains of his wife for burisl. Before reluming to Mexico, Mr. Nelson has promised to address the hoard of trade of New Orleans on the importance of deve! opiug trade between the I'uited and Mex ico. All tlie new sjvapers have tm utloned that Fanny Fern was the wile of Janies Par ton, hut not one of them has mentioned that she was the mother-in-law of V K. Philander Does ticks. P B. Illustration of Carpet-bag Rule— What the Independents are Work ing For. From the Jackson Clarion. 1 The Bramlon Republican and Forest Ilili Register have related the particulars of a high-handed proceeding on the part of Acting-Governor Rowers, convicting him not only of double dealing, but of gross usurpation of power it is stated that lie gave to one Luther Hmlth authori ty to arrest a oili/.cn of Scott county on a charge of shooting another person. Mean time the Grand Jury of the county met, ami on investigation of the ease it failed to find a true hill against Hailey. Subse quent to this decision ol the Grand Jury, and when Hailey had been virtually ac quitted uf Hie crime alleged against him, lie was met on the highway by Smith and killed—Smith cluiming to act under the mandate which hud lici-n issued by tin acting Governor. The (fraud Jury, at the September term, found a true Dill, u they were bound to do, against Smith for the killing of Hailey. The acting Gover nor wus tints a partner to the crime. The murder of an innocent man was commit ted under the shadow of his usurped au thority Hut Dml us it was, hits conduct iu this particular was not the worst of it. On the 18th of June last, even before the Grand Jury hud investigated the ease of Smith, Powers pardoned him, thus usurp ing tiie prerogative of the Judiciary before it had acted upon the case of the murderer —prostituting tiie pardoning power—and violating the constitution, which forbids cither of the three departments to exercise tiie functions which belong to the others. His duplicity consisted in tiie fact that he pardoned him, and, us stated by the Re publican (doubtlesson authority that Pow ers will not deny), encouraged the belief that he hud not pardoned him. and would not without giving him hearing—the in cused all the while carrying tko Executive deliverance from the clutches of the law iu his pocket. Wo submit that nothing hut the annals of carpet-bag misrule cun furnish a par allel lu tiiis outrageous proceeding, which connects the Executive with the murder of a citizen, the abuse of the pardoning power, tiie usurpation of powers belonging to a different department, anil crowning tiie whole with treacherous dealing with Hie counsel who was employed to prose cute after the finding of Hie Grand Jury. When the supreme law of the land is thus wantonly trumpled under foot, anil public justice outraged by persons who are administering the State Government, who tan wonder nt the disgust and abhor relics in which these authorities are held by intelligent and right-thinking persons, and who cun withhold admiration for the forbearance nml patience with which these abuses are borne 1 Atlanta. From the Constitution this morning we glean Hie following items Yesterday 3.3. Jackson, alias Sullivan and several other aliases, was nrraigned la-lore Justice ilutt charged with Hie of fence ol highway robbery last Tuesday night, near West End Jackson writes a hand resembling a hedge fence struck by lightning. Tuesday night lie met up with Mr Kerney, a gentleman who lias been in this country tint a short time, near East Point He walked with Mr. Kerney fur some dislancu aud asked him if he had a pistol Kerney replied that he hail not. When they reached a deep cut just be youd West End, Jackson held a pistol to Korney's head and demanded all his mo ney. Kerney surrendered up $25, all lie had. Jackson then turned him back, ami moved on to the city. Kcrney lmd been out peddling linen. Mr. lvernoy recog nized Jackson <>n the street yesterday ami hail him arrested. Jackson was commit ted to jail in default of hail. Detectives I believe him to lie tlie incendiary who : fired Giunedge's stubles A negro girl, named Dolly Arnold, at tempted to commit suicide yesterday eve ning by cutting her throat from ear to ear. I She resides on Decatur street. It appears that she lias been forging orders for goods j on Mr. C. C. Archer, so wo are infor med. The fact being discovered. Policeman riol | land went to arrest lrer. I tolly asked for I time to dress herself, and went into an - j other room Staying rather longer than | policeman Holland thought necessary, lie I opened tire door.and discovered Dolly ly ing on the tloor w ith her throat badly cut. She made a desperate attempt to take her own life, gnashing her teeth iu a horrible tnaunvr, hut at last accounts was s||U liv ing. Tho boldest robbery of lire season was discovered last night by O. (’. Carroll, of the Chicago Ale Depot, on Pryor street. Going into his cellar, ho discovered that someone hail bodily appropriated two stoves, tearing only the legs behind. The Macon musipiitocs have left, but then again the rats are powerful had ! If the thief will call and get the legs, Carroll will give him a drink of "mountain dew.' - -- The Bakers' Strike in London. It is n simple mailer of bu t thill the baker strike lias turini! out a failure. With n sincere sympathy for those complaints of the journynifn which were just, we can not lnmeut that the tnon ure coming back to a more practical view of the sit uation. They eouteiuplateii, aml itiil their best to carry out, a movement which, if sucoissfiil, must have maile Unity bread dear or unattainable in a million hous liolds. aud they displayed a hick of equity and of the 'yhe-anil-take spirit at s ui ting which was not conductive to sound aud solid amelioration Rome was not built iu a day, uiul social changes cannot be of footed per outturn. Tho Ciniseqi.eueo of their atUtude was tliot society si. sal aloof from the strike.and support lia.< boon want ed ou all sides. The men themselves now acknowledge the fact that the •• four to four” system is not compatible with the habits and necessities of the vast metropo lis. Their pronuHeiamiento was not well considered, anil the upahol is that tlie strike Committee has been instructed to make overtures to the masters with a view to arrange the existing dispute. It will now be the turn of the employers, and they will show a proper sense of their success by not taking advantage of the unavoida J hid surrender of the hands What is just and right, and compatible with the neces sities of the trade, ought to be conceded freely. It is good policy for masters to j encourage men not In be obstinate agsiust I the common interest, but to negotiate when - they find circumstances and tlie verdict of 1 society going against them The princi i pie that nig Id work should be overwork. 1 paid by exceptional wages, which the eui . plovers conceded at the outset, is fair and reasonable. Amid the fiasco into which the bakers' strike appears to have passed we hope lint this at least will not be loss. Meanwhile the public has its own move- ! meet to make iu connection with the qual j ity of "daily bread." which is, as a rule Viter in Turkey ami Spain than iu I.ou don. Mrs Stowe's husband was struck with paralysis last Sunday, but will recover. ! PERSONAL Victoria is about to pay Eugenie a visit. < tuida's other name is Miss De Laritnic The Harpers pay Kaat SSOO per week. Rosa Bonhcur will come over next spring. Nilsson netted $200,000 for Mux Stra kosch. August Belmont made only $2,000,000 last year. Tho ex queen of Spain dres-cs ill deep morning. Ernest Longfellow, the urlist-son of the poet, is in Paris. Lady Franklin writes that she is com fortably provided for. Tiie New York Herald club will receive Stanley with a banquet. in 1871, Offenbach's income from his compositions wus 85,000 francs. Bret Hai le’s fattier was formerly princi pal of the Hudson, N. Y., academy, All of Sir Walter Scott's race nrc gone now hut a great-grand-daughter, a girl of I‘J. The khedive of Egypt boasts the finest ballet iu the world hi his theatre ftt Cairo. Bismarck's cigars cost liirn $2 25 a day, and hi beer and wine $ 1-- all for his own use. The Springfield Republican calls Scrgt. Bates "the champion jackass of the world.” Coleridge's inkstand is to become the property of H \V. Longfellow, u gift from S, c. Hull. B. L. Stuart commenced selling candy by tho stick in New York, and is now worth 13,000,000. It is saiii tliat Gnmbclta keeps two lodgings in Paris, one very squalid and the other very luxurious. Lucca tickets arc a drug iu (lie New York market , speculator-, - ell them oil the streets for half price. Hawaii, the son of the khedive, will soon start on a lour around the world. He will be absent three years. Orthography to tho contrary notwith standing. Mr. James Anthony Fronde pro nounces his name to rhyme with “loud.” Ex Senator Gwine of California is run ning opposition to Minister Selienck in London, in trying to dispose of mining stock. J. Miller, the poet of the Sierras, drove out with Woodliull AClullin the other day, resting his chin on his clasped hands. Plantamour, tiie comet man, is in Paris. He now thinks that tlio people of this world will all lie frozen to death, about 2011. In twenty-live years, the singers Grisi and Mario jiuve each cleared $2,500,0011, and Mario is stjli as poor as a church mouse. Simon Cameron says lie spent $70,000, and his son, Don Cameron, from $30,000 to 10,000, to elect llartraufl in Pennsylva nia. Tho revolving breech-loading rille adopted by the Prussian government was invented by Col. John C. Miller of Dan ville, Ky. The emperor of Austria has pardoned his royal and exiled cousin, the Archduke Henry, for committing matrimony with a singer. Mr. Jordan ol Portland, Grogan, lias been arrested four times for heating Dis wife, each time giving bonds and return ing to Dis fun. Ralph Waldo Emerson has declined the English subscriptions to rebuild iris home More than enough has been offered at home. Sara Stevens, who made a favorable impression on the stage and then married John C. lieenun, is about to return to tier first love. Edmund Yates is antonished—perfectly astonished, in iris phrase—at his reception in America lie isn't used to litis sort of thing, you know. Nilsson writes that sire intends to build an elegant residence on her Illinois estate, for summer use. and will live in New York in tire winter. lieuri Rochefort is again said to he dan gerously ill. Otic foreign letter-writer j says that “he is worn out by debauchery, gambling and hard work.” Mr. C. C. Dulaney, clerk in the naval service at Kittcry, Me., lately dead, had no hands, hut he wrote rapidly—holding the pen between Iris wrists. Thackeray’s sou-in-law is the present editor of the I'omhill magazine, and his daughter, Mios Thackeray, one of its most constant contribltors. Frank Leslie is building an elegant villa residence at Saratoga lake. In fr ont of tho house and skirting the lake shore he is constructing a dock six hundred feet long. Gen vou Moltke has sent proofs of the German history of the Franco-Pruwiau campaign to Mistral McMahon for correc tion ns regards tiro latter's share in the matter. The Rev. Simon Pannolee, D.D., aged !M), lias been settled t> 1 years over a church at Wcstford, Yt. Mot one member of his first congregation is now living, so far he knows. • Tho eminent American tragedian lias a full-length, life sized photograph of him self, which our art critic as a "good bit of landscape—a Forrest with a couple of calves in the foreground.” The silverware stolen from Bishop Clarkson s residence, at Omaha, has been found in the possession of James Van Dausker, landlord of the Depot hotel, who claims lie bought tlie stutf for twenty-five dollars, it is stated that the king of Hanover is in treaty for the purchase of a considerable estate in England, where he will probably reside henceforth, lie is a full cousin of Queen Victoria, and hereditary duke of Cumberland. Henry W. Elliott, a Washington artist formerly connected with the Philadelphia institute, but now engaged on a govern ment survey in Alaska, was married re cently to a daughter of the late Russian Governor of Alaska M. Thiers ordinarily Orcases in a suit of black broadcloth, truck coat and decidedly aaoit'iitjtrousers He weal's an old-fashion ed New England high shirt collar, and invariably carries an umbrella or cane, upon which he leans while shuffling along the boulevard. . Tun following are the appointments of IV. C. Smith,colored Democrat: llariiesville. Tuesday night. Oct- 22 GriUln. Wednesday night. Oct. I’J Amerieus, Friday night. Oct. 25. Dawson, Saturday night. Oct 2t>. t'u.hbort, Monday night, Oct. 2s. Fort Gaines. Tuesday uiglit, Oct. 2'J. Georgetown, Wednesday night. Oct. 3d. Columbus, Thursday night, Nov. 1. LaGraagc. Saturday tint, Nov. i Macon, Monday night. Nov. J. A strong-minded woman in Detroit wade the follow ing gentle reply to a poli ticiau who had called at her house to get her husband to go to the polls and vote •■No sir. he can't go' He's washing now. and he's got to iron to-morrow, and if he w asn't doing anything be couldn’t go. 1 ruu this •ere house. 1 do. and if any one votes it'll be this same Mary Jane.” Singular Monomania. An extraordinary case of monomania is related in a French exchange. A well dressed, educated gentleman recently ap peared before a magistrate aud gave the following account of himself; "My name is L—. I am teacher in a college of tlio department of Gers, and have come to pass the vacation in my na tive town. I came to ask you to be good enough to put me in some asylum until 1 can overcome a dangerous monomania which possesses me. I am not mad, but am simply seized with an irresistible desire to strangle a child. During the long nights, as I lay siceplessly in tiie dormitory of the College, listening to the breathing of the scholars confided to my care, I have felt tiie most extraordinary sensations. "Often have I got up aud gone towurds tlio bed of one of the boys with the full in tention of strangling him to death, but at the moment that I was about to seize him by the neck 1 have succeeded,by appealing to my reason and all the resources of my nature, iu avoiding the committal of crime. I Dappily managed to ward off the dread ful impulse until vacation came. But to day I feel that I can no longer resist. Even in coming here to you 1 carefully avoided meeting any child for had I done so, I must have killed it.” At this mo ment a boy of fourteen years happened to lie brought before tiie magistrate to answer gome cliages against him. At the sight of the boy a mad glare seemed to dart from tiie eyes of the monomaniac, and be rushed forward to seize him, and was only pre vented by the officers of the law. The magistrate immediately sent the unfortu nate man to the lunatic asylum. Hiked to he Honest. —The New York Tribune says: “Nothing belter illus trates the utter degredatiou into which South Carolina politics have fallen, than the fact that it is seriously suggested among reputable bankers and business men, that Moses, if elected, should be hired to be honest. The plan talked of, we arc in formed, is to offer him $50,000 a year to place the finances of the State under the direction of a committee of men of known integrity. The sum named is supposed to be about what he will require to main tain the style of living he has kept up for the past four years on his salary of $1,200 a year as the Speaker of the House.” MAKRIED. At the residence of O. W. Massey, Esq., in Bibb county, on the :23d instant, by Rev. J. W. Burke, Captain W. T. Reii>, of Eatonton and Miss Amanda M. Gantt, of Bibb county. new w>\kimislmi:\rs DOG LOST. IOST on the night of 27tli September, a j very dark liver colored Pointer Puppy with white on hia front feet and breast. In formation left at tills office that will lead to bis recovery will be liberally rewarded. oct24-lw DEMOCRATIC CLUB / \F Ward No. 2 are requested to meet at No. \ f l Kngiuc House, Friday night, r i% o’clock. Important business before tlie meeting. J. W. ADEUHOLD, 2t Vice President. Notice to the Tax Payers of Bibb County. r pilE TAX BOOKS for the collection of State I. and County Taxes for 1572, arc now open at the office of Collins A: Heath, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, No. HO Second street. F. aM. HEATH, octlo tfeod. Tax Collector Bibb county. FOR RENT PER MONTH by the year in advance. II Two nice rooms, best locality in the elty for Dentist or Millinery business. Apply at this office, or No. 8 Cotton Avenue. oet&J-tf. L. LOWENTHAL, Merchant Tailor. Cotton Avenue, opposite City Hall, Cleaning and Repairing done Neatiy. If AS on band a beautiful stock of Cloths, 1 Cassimeres, Doe Skin, Vest Patterns, etc., which he will cut and make up for his patrons and the public in general, in the very latest styles and finish. Hive him a call if you would have cheap clothes—cheaper than anywhere in thfi dty. 6ct2i*lm ROBERT WAGGENSTEIN, BAKER AID CONFECTIONER, MEDICAL COLEGE BUILDING, Muldbrby St., Macon, Ga., KEEPS constantly on hand, a fine assort ment of CAKES, CANDIES, TOYS, NOTIONS, etc. PARTI4'I I.AR t I'TDMOA given to supplying Weddings, Parties, Pic Nics, etc., with till necessary CAKES anil CON FECTIONS. CRACKER BAKING. This department is my speciality, as I bake Crackers every other day, thus furnishing my patrons with nice, fresh and palatable Crackers. The attention of the ladies is called to this fact. Ovster Crackers for Restaurants, Butter, So da, Varina, Sugar and every kind made. octlS-1 \v Paints & Oils VTTENTION is railed to my large stock of . Paints and Oils and the very low figures at which they are sold. WESTS EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE OIL. Tlu* Cheapest ('tears in the City. Pfiro Holland Gin and lUYTER'S MOUNTAIN It YE WHISKY ! j THE NEW STREET CAR TICKETS, Have become very popular. FOUR FOR TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Prescriptions are Accurately Com pounded. Earle JENNY WAKEFIELD. LARGE FLAT ! DU TCP, and LARGE DRUMHEAD Cab huge Seed just received. NEW CROP ONION SETTS. ROLAND B. HALL, DKt'GCiIST, 161-tf Cor. Cherry SL and Cotton Avenue, I Fresh Arrivals. 2.) Cases Fresh Peaches. 25 Cases Fresh Lobsters. 50 Cases Fresh Tomatoes. 15 Cases Fresh Salmon. 100 Boxes Cream Cheese. 200 Packages Mackerel. 75 Boxes Layer Raisins. 25 Kegs Gilt Edge Butter. New lot of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Come and see us, or send your or ders to Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. 101-190 Change of Schedule. ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. FORTY-ONE MILES SAVED IN DISTANCE OjfFicu Macon and Augusta Railroad, ) Macon, May 18, 1872. j ON and after Sunday, May 19, 1872, and un til furtticr notice, the trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY TRAIN —DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Augusta 11.00 a. m. Leave Macon 6.30 a.m. Arrive at Augusta 2.45 l*. M. Arrive at Macon 7.40 p. m. JSyTassengers leaving Macon at 6.30 a. m make close connection at Camak with day pas senger trains oil the Georgia Railroad for At lanta and all points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on the Georgia Railroad sold and baggage clit, Red to all points North, both by rail and by steamships from Charleston. 24 lv 8. K. JOHNSON Suu’t. .1. .1. AIIIIVMB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 15134 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. CtOLLEGTIONS promptly attended to and ) money remitted at once. I’. O. Box 257. 131-209 Till! I'RLHH Il WEEKLY. IT is universally conceded that advertising is a necessity to success in business; it is also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, tliat newspapers are tiie best medium for reaching all parties whose trade is desired. THE MONROE ADVERTISER reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published in the country; it is, therefore, the beat medium of communication with the planting interests. We will be happy at any time to furnish refer ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact tliat they have re ceived orders for goodH from parties who read their cards in The Advertiser. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say tliat its value exceeds tliat of all oilier journals in which they are represented. The Advertiser lias the freshness of youUi and tiie ripeness of age, and is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OP ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisements are admitted which are not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the readers of The Advertiser wil be safe in ordering them from any distance. To our readers, tiie fact of its appearance here has all tiie weight of endorsement and autho' ty- Address, JAS. P. HARRISON, Forsyth, Georgi . T. 11. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ItiilKton Hall Ilulltliiig.-, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GGORGIA. 123 tf .11. 11. GRRKYi ATTORNEY AT LAW. C7ORNEK OF MULBERRY AND SECOND > Streets, in Court House, Macon, Ga. 29-11)4 Sale of Livery Stable Stock XXTILL be sold at public outcry at Holmes V \ & Clay’s Livery Stable, at 10 o’clock a. m., on the first Tuesday in November next, (20) Twenty head ol Horses, Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies, Hacks, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Iron Safe, Desk, etc. Sold for division. For further particulars, apply to C. MASTERSON, Receiver, octlu-tds At the Stables. EDWARD SPRINZ. VOTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUB --x TICE OF THE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the dav at my office adjoining tiie lavv office of A. Proudfit, over the store of Jaques & Johnson, Third St., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 118-330. FOR SALE. A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITTRE. A FAMILY designing to break up house keeping on the first of October, now otter a complete outfit of furniture for five or six rooms, together with all necessary kitelieu utensels, for sale at half original cost. It con sists of Mohair Parlor Chairs, Mahogany and Black Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining Ta ble, Dining, Rocking and common chairs, Car pets, Dinner and Tea Setts, and in short, almost every article demanded in a house of five or six rooms. The furniture lias not been used over one or two years, is in perfect repair, almost as good as new, cost SI,OOO and will now lie sold for SSOO .’ash. Address Box 4312. Macon, or apply at this THIS OFFICE, scplittf *■ FOR SATE ~)0C (HUNDRED) BEDSTEADS. * 100 (Hundred) Mattresses. 300 (Chairs,) Dry Goods and notions. Hardware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, and also a large lot of Second baud furniture, Car pets, etc., by O. E. BESOHE, sep 10-1 m Auctioneer. AiimTsd L. Butts. Edoak A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. lUI are ready to fill orders at reduced rates v v for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butt.-, at store of Win-hip vY Callaway, or at vard M. A W. R. R., will receive prompt attention. 114-19-2 BUTTS A ROS 4. COL. BLOUNTS APPOINTMENTS! ('IOL. BLOUNT, the Democratic nominee of J the Sixth Congressional District, will speak at tlie following places, to-wit: Covington, Newton county, October 24th. Conyers, Rockdale countv', October 25th. j Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, October 23tb, and will speak in Macon, Friday evening, No vember Ist. Col. Hardeman will join Col. Blount and ad dress the people also, at Monroe, Social Circle, Covington and Conyers. At his other appi int ment, Hon. James N. Pace, one of the candi dates on the electoral ticket, will be present, and speak likewise. octt2-till2B W* A. WPP’S Con, Bacon aid Floor Emprinn OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flonr, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PRIDE OP Timm,” Theßestlin the World > Always on Hand. 1 claim superior facilities iu the purchase of COEN, BACON, FLOOR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A. HHEE. 97—tf OLIVER, DOUGLASS & CO., Mo. 42 Third Street, Macon, Georgia, AGENTS FOR THE Great Benefactor, Stewart, Cotton Plant, A V var * oUß °thcr patterns of Cooking Stoves ; also a large assortment of Heating Stoves, / Large stock of Grates—the finest in the market. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers m plain and pressed Tin Ware. A full line of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Padlocks, Steelyards, Hollow 'Vare, Wood and Willow Ware, Brooms, Crockery, Glassware, etc,, embracing a com plete line of House Furnishing Goods. Also, dealers in Steam and Gas Pipe, Steam and Gas fittings, all of which wc sell at low figures. Prompt attention given to orders. 137 lSSeod OLIVEB, DOUGLASS & CO. USUffiE YOUit LIFE ! Provide ior those dependent t upon you, beyond the exigencies of ordina ry business transactions. Insure Your Life in a Company under the management of reliable business men, who understand their business, and whose previous suc cess is a guarantee for future safety. Insure Your Life in a Company that selects its risks carefully, and seeks no increase of business without that regard to safety. Insure Your Life in a Company whose mortality and expenses are small. Insure Your Life in a Company whose extent of operations covers a surface that secures the advantages of average mortality. Insure Your Life in a Company that makes no distinction between risks taken either North or South. Insure Your Life in a Company whose operations are regularly sub ject to the strict investigation of State Departments, North, South and West. Insure Your Life in a Southern Company, that can give you every advantage offered by either Northern or Western Companies, with this addition, that it is truly a Home Company, and makes its investments in the State from which it derives its revenues. Insure 1 our Life in a Southern Company, whose terms areas mode rate as any g"od Company, whose management is economical, invest ments safe, reserve ample, surplus abundant, and who always pay their losses promptly. Seek such a Companv, and vou will find in the PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Virginia, all that you need to secure the benefits desired for yourself aud your dependents, therefore, Insure Your Life in the Piedmont. & Arlington Life Insurance Company of Va., Branch office 92 Mulberry Street, Macon Ga. P. STANLFA BECKTVITH & SON, General Agents. ocT eo<,3ni JOS. A. ROGERS. Local Agent.