Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 28, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE - ■ -r- • ' T n rtiuir.D it\kiit tvisnw *v LINES. WING & SMITH. No. 10 llklHiu -•' uHi 1> : 11 Ml IrUtrt relut.wj to Subscription thtmhibt ad dirited to Jo lift' Winq it Smith, Macon, (in. Communication! fur the pair thmild W ad ,l,fined t„ Iht Editor. -annot undtrtakc to return rejerlnt commanleatkme. HWJ authenti cated ini itemt, from a'l parti of the Mate, to lletted. _______ -———==r========r H. WATKIN HICKS, Editor, ill Al l. IMEAIHD Now that a number of our cilizcm have been nr rested, and are bold for trial, for the alleged violation of the Enforcement Act, wc sincerely hope Hint a thorough in vestigation will be bud. Wc know nothing personally of the mut ter. Wc uuderstaud that the persons ar rested deny the charge, and arc anxious to moot their accusers. They will, we doubt not, be fully able to prove their in nocence, and defeat the malice of those win* would implicate them. We hope so. ltut somebody is guilty! There must be a way to find the guilty parties Our coleniporary bus frequently charged that the negroes were the inatigutors of the riot, and that negroes began the firing on election day. Now, here is a starling point. Here is a responsible and honorable witness, w hose declaration will not bo questioned, since ho would not mako such avowals without substantiating evidence. Wc demand that the negroes be arrest ed We demand it of the proper authority in this case. If those negroes who incited the riot be not arrested, then the Commis sioner and tire Markhul are not the honest men they claim to be. Gentlemen, wo address you thus pub licly, arrest those men against whom it is charged Hint they fired first, and inaugur ated the disturbance. Ji' you ask for complaint, we answer you liuve it iu a respectable, responsible dally journal whose editor* are well-known anil accessible. If you liersist iu prosccu ting men who declare tliclr Innocence, and refuse to arrest thorn: who aro kuowu lo lie guilty, you ilcscrvo to be branded as contemptible partisans of corruption anil fraud—and ao we brand you? Do you understand ' Aie you listening? Mr. Commissioner, tiro Telegraph and Messen ger is informed that you have nrrested in nocent men, and Hint the real rioters wore negroes. Will you arrest them t Will von Dare you! Von say you have no disposition to persecute. We have hith erto given you credit for honesty. Now prove your unpartisan spirit. Show the community that yon will administer jus lice. Let the guilty sutTcr. If a white man is proved guilty, let the law bo on forced ! Hut let the negroes, ugalust whom complaint is made, be also arrested, tried, and if found guilty, punished. As wc have already said, wo know unlhing against either parly, but our -neighbor does, and wo stand by his word and challenge you to uel upon it, and wo hereby denounce you if you do not! tmOKHIII. The report of city affairs, printed in tho Kntsiu’Uisk on Saturday last, lius caused quite a (latter Iu several circles. Wif hope all citizens will study the Mayor's document, especially the figures They speak w ith emphatic exactness, and do untold a lale well calculated to temper the ruffled real of the stalwart opponents nl the present City Government We withhold extended comment until our citizens have lmd ample time, to rend, mark, leurn, and inwardly digest the Mayor's report. -• ♦ Wr are pleased to notice that the di vine, George William, is drawing it milder since our gentle admonition. George, then 1 is hope for you .vet Let Nust do all the nasty work, you have been hitter rained to our personal knowledge We withdraw our objection to tho hair partiug business, as an evidence of our pleasure at manifest improvement In oilier directions. A. II 8 want* to know why the Gree ley ticket is kept up in Georgia * Wc sug gest that lie propound his Inquiry to the 00.000 democratic-liberal majority recent ly giveu. Otherwise we rcspecltully re quest him to wait until after the Mh November for tin ansewer lo hi* childish question —— Edward Kggleeton has retired front the editotial management of the Hearth and Home, iu the interest of Story writing He means to produce something worthy of hi* genius and of all mankind s appro-’ elation. In our opinion Kdwnrd should -tick to tlie Sunday School cause. To-SI OB now is election day. Our can didate tor Congreaa is Mr. E. W. Beck, of Grlfliu. He ia every way worthy of tiro support of all clUaens. Let every one go to the polls and cast his rote. If wa lose the- election, ourselves alone will be to blame. The Atlanta Constitution aud Herald ;iie debating tho question Which has tiic more enterprise —cither or t’other. We do not think cither of them in immediate danger from the disease According to tho Atlanta Suu, Uie sub ject of llr. Harrisons morning discourse yesterday, was “The Religion of the Tou gue.” We rise lo ask—whose tougue ? It it feared that Mrs Greeley cannot recover She has been in delicate health for many years, and her life has been one of seclusion The sympathies of ai! good jieople will extend to the fiimii v. Tue Northern papers are ventilating johe recent doel. so-called, between certain Bt.'anta gentlemen A UIT or A Nil IN Os James A. Fronde is now engaged upon a series of lectures on the relations of En gland and Ireland, In a recent lecture, he said some very wild, queer things alioul the green Me and her brothy boys. His protesfant real canted him oil his legs—so to speak—and must lie held rc sponiblc for his curious twii tiflealions of well known historical events, characters, and epochs. Father Tom Burke, Is after the English man in fine style. Here is a taste of it, and—well done Father Tom sny wc. iuki.and'h might to FMEEDOM. Our dear old mother, Ireland, she too was and is a nation—a nation out of whose mind two ideas have never perished und never will, namely, that she has a right to her freedom as a nation. End that she will be, until the day of Judgment, a Catholic nation. [Cheers ] Her history proves that never did Ireland in her darkest hour pull down the green flag and give up, and say -lam no longer a nation [Cheers.] Her history proves that not all ttic pow ers of earth aided by all the dcvli.s of hell [cheers and laughter] could tour Irish cath olicity front the hearts of Irishmen. Irishmen, hear one who need not tell you that he loves you. The master pas sion of my heart, after the love that I huve for God and my religion, is love for Ire land [Cheers.] There is no brother's love to divide it, or to interfere with it. There is no woman's love to come in to share it—no, my native land, ns she was, in all the vicissitudes of her history, as she is to-day In all her misery, and as she will be on the day when the world w ill receive her among the nations [ here the audience burst into cheering which lusted several minutes] —that is the subject ol my love, and therefore 1 speukus a friend, a lover, and an Irishman to my fellow-men. No doubt the English gentleman who over hero has come to preach this gospel Irishmen have been badly treated, and they got what they deserved ; they did not knowhow to govern themselves, and it a mercy of God that somebody took them iu hand.” | Eauglilcr ] I tell you that no matter wlml argu ments this man may bring forth the strongest nrgument he ran bring forth to day, on the question of the hour, while ho is drawing the eyes and attention of ull America to us Irishmen—the strongest and the bitterest nrguiuenthu can bring against us would he to point to the drunkards and say, "There they are, the men that are always prating about their grievances— look at them! It is Into we handled them without gloves, but look at them, dirty, impoverished, debauched, filthy drunkards —were they ever worthy of anything bet ter?” If I were in Mr. l'roude's place I tell you what I would do. Kvery evening I came lo lecture, I would try to get an irishman blind drank and get him on the stage, and then instead of tiring myself liy talking and telling God knows how ninny lies about Ireland u hundred years ago, 1 would give tho drunken fellow a twist and say, ‘'Hook at him.” | Applause | Whenever 1 see a drunken Irishman reel ing about in tho street, as a priest I regret ami weep for Ins sin ; hut 1 declare ns an Irishman I would almost take him and strangle him. fCheers ] At the close of the lecture a series of resolutions was presented by .tames W. O'Brien, thanking Father Burke for his defense of Hie national history of Ireland, mid requesting him to give a regular series of Irish historical lectures iu reply to those of Mr. Froudo. Tito resolutions wore adopted amid loud applause. • # #' The Now Orleans Picayune lias the fol lowing advice to offer Protection for Orange Treks. — Those who have not too many orange trees to give each a little special attention with lye or soap suds, then wash witli water, and wrap the tree from the ground to tho lower limbs with moss, or matting, or grass hags, and let this protection remain uiilii March, or until ail danger of a heavy freeze has passed Freezes usually do little or no damage to the tops of the trees, nor docs the freeze itself injure materially the bodies. Tim sudden Unliving causes Him hark oil tlic south and east sides to crack, and sometimes this kills tho tree to the ground. Protecting the bodies of the trees in tho manner proposed above lias been found effectual In carrying trees safely through the hardest winters. Tho licet protection is to allow natural forest to grow about tlio orange grove—as in parts of Florida. Wc know of a grove that a considerable Host cannot hurt, be cause it is surrounded by huge live oak ami magnolia trees. - ■ If It Si TO < OltltliMl’OA. DILVI’N. Jautee —Yes. You can make a good living in Florida by industry Laud can lie bought on tlie St. John's River, adja cent to Jacksonville, at reasonable rates Tlic citizens are wide awake, progressive, fraternal, and welcome strangers with a right royal cordiality A man is esteemed for what he proves himself to be, rather than what liis great-grand father was Go to Florida, James, go nt once. .Viirjz —Yes You can learn to make wax flowers in a few hours Rut to make them well requires a practiced hand and a uatural genius. Wc advise you to learn tho accomplishment will not come amiss when you have a home to adorn, or when you will desire to make Charles a present —you know. The X. \\ Sun says The taking of the oath of allegiance by the subjects of King Oscar, of Sweden has brought attention to the fact that there are over one hundred thousand Scandina vians in New York aud Brooklyn, with one daily, one semi weekly, aud tvro weekly papers iu their own languages During this year over ten thousand have arrived iu the port of Now York most of whom, of corns .have sought homes iu the Northwest. The Swedish Government is ntpidiy losing its subjects, and the United States arc gaining a most valuable aud bar dy class of emigrants, belonging to the j race which iutused into England that j spirit of marine enterprise which made I her the commercial mistress of the world. I How long Sweden and Germany, Great j Briti ia aud Ireland, can stand to be drain i ed of those classes which are the strength I and siuew of nations is a problem which must soon be solved. - lu Germany children go to school at j seven o.clock in the morning, and do uot J leave until four in the afternoon. A half J hour at uoon is regarded by Hutch school masters ample lime tor urchins to destroy a bit of black bread and drink a cup of ; Adam's celebrated ale DUTY' Editor Entcrpriec .-—Man in every rein liun of life ought to do his duty, no duty is more imperative upon us than the one wc owe to our country, wc should caltnn ly think of the present unsatisfactory con dition of the country, how it is misgovern ed, how rights are disregarded, how the government is used for personal ends, how dishonesty iu every department of the government is practiced, how corrup tion controls and directs the administra tion of the government. Every law is now made to serve the interest of some ring or combination of persons. The good of the country is not the thought, but how power can bcrctaiued that corruption may he perpetrated and money made at the risk of the liberties of the country It is indeed, a deplorable fact that men in office look upon tiie offices as a sure source for fortunes. Is there a man iu the employ ment of the government of the United Btates that is strictly honest, a man who does not use his office for his own selfish purpose and nol for the good of the coun try ? Is there one that does not use his office for other than the best interests ol the country. If there bo one from the highest to the lowest office in flic United Stales lie lets not appeared. It is against this stale of filings that the Greeley and Brown party are striving ; it is this stale of things that they are working to change; it is these evils that they would rid the government of, und take it hack to the days when it was hon estly administered The Greeley party is laboring to make the rule of honesty and capacity the only road, and the test to power and office. Unfortunately, for the best interests of the county, some are op posing Greeley and Brown, not from prin ciple, ns they assert, but from bitter po litical prejudice. No other party but the Liberal Itepubllcan Democratic party is opposing Grant, llutlcr, Morton, corrup tion, dishonesty* and oppression. The Atlanta Sun is favoring a continuance of all the evils that alliict the country when it opposes the election of Greeley and Brown, and throws ils influence to the Grant party through its pretext for prin ciple. There are others who value prin ciple as highly as the sun,and because they do value principle they support Greeley and Brown nud favor the return of the Government to u constitutional admiiiir tration of the departments of the Govern ment. It certainly cannot he acquired by continuing Grunt and his party in power, no sano man believes that; every man should not forget this fact tiiut Greeley and Brown are striving for constitutionu ism while Grant and Wilson are laboring for despotism and centralism, and all of their indirect supporters are going in the same direction—neither wanting peace, happiness, nor prosperity under the re turn of the Government to the limitations of constitutional power. * * * Dry Goods by the Mile. —We are al ways glad to hear of our sister’s prosperi ty, and especially when we aid in it. We nlways knew Macon was a live town, fully ; up to the times, and controlled a large trade, hut we must udniit never fully and ; completely appreciated it until yesterday. Noticing the Southwestern Kailroad depot full of cotton anil wooleil goods marked to Macon, we made some enquiries into this shipment, and our researches show that tlic Eagle ami Plienix Mills have in past three days, sold to Macon alone IDO bales or 125,000 yards of her products, besides innumerable quantities of rope and cordage. Think of it,seventy-one miles of cloth! Enough to make a continuous walk of checks, stripes, ginghams, jenus, from hero to Fort Valley—or allowing ten yards lo tho garment, sufficient quantity to put anew dress ou 12,500 women—and this is no uncommon occurrence, for these shipments are made often. Such figures and facts speak volumes for tho Central City, whose trade mid energy gives her op portunities for extensive sales and whose business tacts shows her exactly where to buy them. Hitherto connected by tho closest ties, Macon und Columbus aro now indissolu bly bound by mutual dep ndeuee and in terest, with sucti sterling live wholesale men us Boss & Coleman, Waxelbaum ■ Johnson A Dunlap, and Seymour, Tins -1 ley it Cos., on the one side, and our model mills, the Eagle aud Piirenix, on the other. Volumbut Sun —p. Horace Greeley. —This is what Hon Oalusha Grow says of Horace Greeley ; “For thirty years, with each sotting sun. ho lias boldly uttered bis convictions ou the world's public doings of tlic preceding twenty-four hours, whether political, so oial, moral or religious, yet never pander ing to the vices or follies of ids time During that whole period, ( rusailer like, he has championed tlic universal manhood of the race and equal rights of all man kind. No one liviug has devoted mure brain work to the cause of universal liber ty, or the elevation of fallcu aud crushed humanity, and few. if any, have endured, more of the jeers of gilded prejudice or the scoffs of bigoted error. Vet today the leading ideas for which lie lias struggled so long with unyielding tenacity aro incor porated into organic law. and aic stamp oil indelibly upon the pillars of tho repub lic. And now, when a great political par ty, through i's regular organization, selects such a man for its standard bearer, 1 hail 1 it as tho political dawn of brighter and ■ better days." TitE following are the appointments of \Y C Biulth. colored Democrat: Dawson, Saturday night. Oct. 2d. Culhbert, Monday night. Oct. 28. Fort Gaines. Tuesday night, Oct. 2D. Georgetown, Wednesday night. Oct. 30. Columbus, Thursday night. Nov. 1. EaGraage. Saturday night. Nov. 2. Macon, Monday night, Nov. -1. Mrs. Wharton trial for the alleged attempt to kill Eugene Van Ness by pois- ' onlng began Monday in tho Circuit Court of Auue Aruudel county. In Ibis case the ! public will have the statement of itie alle ged victim himself —a novel feature iu ! poisoning trials, and one which will have considerable iutbieuce in determining the amount of credibilty to tie given to the testimony of experts. Vau Ness is said to be very positive in liis belief that Mrs. Wharton tried to poison him, and the State Attorney is only the more determined by liis previous defeat to secure the con- • fiction of the accused in the present trial- I More Arrests is Sovtii Carolina.— The following highly respected citizens of I-aurcns county were arrested by Graut's military last Sunday night, for alleged offenses against the United States Govern- , ment Dr. D. A llicbardsou, Joel W. Anderson. Captain W. W. Neill. James O. Duckett. Ludv Tribble. Duckett Cope land Thus is the “peace" programme 1 progressing. When the London Punch offers such as I this as a prize riddle, almost anybody may j embark ia the business “Why would a novel wriiteu by Charles Reade and any j other lellow be like a pilch ? Because ft ! would be lit tv-men." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MALACHI LODGE. VTMIF. members are very respectfully request- J, cd to meet at the Lodge Room, Hutrs new building, Tuesday, 8 o’clock v. u , to attend the laying of the Corner Stone of the Byna ?;oguc. All Israelites arc also invited to meet icre for the same purpose. By order of the President J. Danenbcho, Secretary. 50 BBLS. RED APPLES, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.'S 50 Bbls. Russet Potatoes, At • BEYMOI R, TINSLEY A CO.'S 25 Bbls. Silver Skin Onions, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY <fc CO.'S Choice Amber and New Or leans Syrup, ! Al Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. 1 TO-190 RALSTON HALL. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENING*, October liklli mid tifttli. The Pomeroy-Snedair, Oporntio Concorts. PATRONIZED BY THE ELITE AND FASHION, And pronounced by tlio Press and Public the HmtCHcal, Brilliant, lipisite I?r oos: Hu. scats, Pnrqucttc and Press Circle, $1 50 Admission, - • 1 00 Gallery, • - - 50 Reserved sects cun be had at Brown's Book store. oct2o lit. COL. BLOUNT S APPOINTMENTS. ('IOL. BLOUNT, the Democratic nominee of J the Sixth Congressional District, will speak at the following places, to-wit: Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, October2Bth, and will speak in Macon, Friday evening, No vember Ist. Col. Hardeman will join Col. Blount and ad dress the people also, hi Monroe, bocial Circle, Covington und Conyers. At his other appoint ment, lion. James N. Pace, one of the candi dates on the. electoral ticket, will he present, and speak likewise. oetl2-tiU2B Notice to the Tax Payers of Bibb County. r |MIK TAX BOOKS for the collection of State I nud County Taxes for 1872, arc now open ftt the office of Collins A: Heath, Real Estate and Insuiance Agents, No. 69Second street. F M HEATH, octlS tfcod. Tax Collector Bibb county. Fsimmqnsl Lr ~ W ' I [regulator! Tl.i- unrivalled Medicine h warranted not to contain a single particle of Mkki cry, or any injurious mineral substance, tint is I* I KIII.V V !-:<gKTAHI.II. For FORTY Y r.AKS it has proved its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for Its wonder ful and peculiar powi r in purifying the Blood. stimulating the torpid Lima and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. SIMMON’S LIVER REGULATOR isac knowledged to have no equal as a 1,1 VFit VIFUMOF, It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion til any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and u certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the (•rent I nluilins: Nprellie for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice, Billions attacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Bum, Ac., Ae. Regulate the Liver and prevent oiii.i.m tv FI.VFK. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured bv J. 11. /IIII.IA A CO., MACON, GA„ and PHILADELPHIA. Price ? 1 per package; sent by mail, postage paid, •1.35. Prepared ready for nse in bottles, #1.50. sold by all druggists. STBe wan* oi all Counterfeits and Imitations. I 112-53* Heating Stoves —FOR— COAL OR WOOD. Grates, - Grates, -AT TRUMAN \ (rRKEN'S, TKItVGI LIK BLOCK. Sign of the Golden "Charter Oak." 162-204 T. I*. COX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Knlaton Hull Hit tilling, CIIFKKY STREET, MACON. GGORGIA, Treasurer's Office, ) Sxvxn.n YH, Griffin a North Ala R. R. Macon. Ga . Oct- 4, 1882. 9 1 '"HE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of J. this Company, for the election of Presi dent and Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will Ik- held at the Court-house in New nan, Coweta countv, on Thursday, the 7th dav of November next MILO S FREEMAN. c>ct4-liu Sec'v and Treas’r. .JAMES ROBINSON’S MAMMOTH CIRCUS. h mphatically pronounced by all to be the Leading Show of the period, combining all the best riders of the nge, umong whom is the great and Only tTiunos rtobinsOii, The undoubted and undisputed Champion Bareback and Hurdle Kidcr of the world. CHAMPION OF SPAIN —Wearing the Medal of Isabella. CHAMPION OF FRANCE—Wearing the Rib bon of Napoleon 111. CHAMPION OF RUSSlA—Wearing the Dou ble Eagle. CHAMPION OF ENGLAND—Wearing Her Majesty's Crest of.Honor. CHAMPION OF HAVANA, CUBA—Wearing the Diamond-Studded Golden Belt CHAMPION OF AMERICA—Having the fa vor the People CARRYING IIIS SON AND PUPIL. MASTER EUGENE. The most wonderful Boy Equestrian any age ever lias or ever will boast of. FRANK PASTER, The greatest Somersault Equestrian. CLARENCE. The best Boy Bare back Rider in the World. Will exhibit at MACt IN, Friday and Saturday, November Ist and 2d. ADMISSION, - 75 cts. CHILDREN, under ten years, • 50 cts. octSO-lw. City Treasurer's Office, i Macon, Ga., October 35, 1873. j PARTIES having City Bonds or Couponi now due or coming due November 1,187 will please present them to this office for pai ment. CHAS. J. WILLIAMSON, oct3s-tilnovl Treasurer. Dutch Flower Bulbs. subscriber has received a select stoc ; JL of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Crocu etc., etc , directly imported from Holland. F< price list apply at the store of G. BegYS, Cher* y street, or to D. MILNE. Macon, Gi. Also a large stock of Wilson'- Strawberry plants, warranted pure. P. M. oct2s-t\v. DOG LOST. IOST on the night of 27th September, i j very dark liver colored Pointer Puppy with white on ids front feet and breast. In formation left at this office that will lead to In recovery will be liberally rewarded. oct24-l v FOR RENT. U,ii A PER MONTH by the year in ad vane,. Two nice rooms,'best locality in tl: ■ city for Dentist or Millinery business. Apply at this office, or No. 8 Cotton Avenue. oct2S-tf. Paints & Oils \ TTENTION is t ailed to my large stock of IjL Paints and Oils anil the very low figures at which they are sold. WESTS EXTRA NO 1 KEROSENE OIL. Tltt* CUpmjh'sl Cigars in the City. Pure Holland Gin and in vffifs .MOT MAIN RYE WHISKY! THE NEW STREET CAR TICKETS, Have become very popular. F' >UR FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Prescriptions are Accurately Com pounded. Early .TUNNY WAKEFIELD. LARGE FLAT DUTCt , and LARGE DRUMHEAD Cab Cage Seed just received. NEW CROP ONION SETTS. ROLAND B. HALL, DRUGGIST, ltU-tf Cor. Cherry St. and Cotton Aveui . J\o. is. WEEMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE ON ffn STREET OVER 1.. H. UiSDII.-M NTOitl 20-179 DU. 15. I'. GRIGGS. OFFICE ovei M. R. Rogers it Co's., Con fectionary store. Residence, Plum street, opposite George Obear’s. oct 3-lm. DR. P. H. WRIGHT ESPECTTUI.LY tender his profi'-ioi: it 1 services to the citizens of Macon and \ - einity. Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brora House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Bo - kin's, Georgia avenue. Calls left at eitli'r place will receive prompt attention, oelfitf N OTICE. BIDS will be received for (i-50) four hun dred and fifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestnut Posts, ti feet long and (7) seven inches sqnar , delivered at either depot iu this city. Address communications to oetS-tf WM. HAZLEHURST. Arm ami L. Butts. Edgar A. Ro-s. COAL AND WOOD. lt T K are ready to fill orders at reduced rates \ t for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKF. and BLACKSMI HI COAL, also best UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Winahip A Callaway, or at yard M. A W. R. R., will receivepromiit attention. 114-192 BUTTS A ROSS MACK BROTHERS, HAVE entirely renovated and enlarged their store, to make room for a beautiful stock of Goods for the FA LL and winter season. Among our specialities are a splendid Selection of Ladies’ and Gents’ Scarfs and Ties. LADIES’ AND GENTS’, BOYS AND CHILDREN’S MERINO UNDERWEAR. • * Knit Woolen Goods of all Descriptions. AN EXCELLENT CHOICE OF BRACELETS AND SHELL JEWELRY. Wc also ofl'er n complete line of Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Lace Goods, Velvet and Silk Ribbons, Furnishing Goods, Dressmakers Trimmings, Fancy Goods, etc., at very low' prices. Wc shall be pleased to see our old friends and as manv new ones at our store on Second street, Damours Block. M Vt lt IlltOi IIFItS, octgl-mon-wed-sat-lm. MAC< > TV. Monday, December 2d. UNDERSTAND THIS FULLY! “OLD JOHN ROBINSON/’ THE VETERAN Showman of America! Respectfully announces to the public that hies Stupendous Organization, consisting of Museum, Aquarium, Menagerie and Circus! Which, from its Unrivalled Proportions, has been styled bv the ENTIRE PRESS ‘ OF AMERICA the GREAT “ World's Fair of Wonders!” Will not, under any circumstances, visit the City of Macon before Monday, December 2d, As has been herctof.u j announced in our liills, Circulars, and the Papers of the day. He de sires to state that the Great Show of the Age lias in no instance been divided, and that un der all circumstance.- it shall remain COM PLETE AND INTACT, representing in the MUSEUM, OVER ‘20,000 ( l KKOSITIES, While the Menagerie is noted for its many Wonderful Specialties, in connection with which is the Best Circus in the World! AND NOW FOR A BTWORD OF C.A.'CJTION Bom s Robinsons —The Proprietors of Min iature Circuses and Animal Shows have been compelled to resort to all kinds of expedients to enable them to even pretend to compete with my Colossal Combination ; unfortunately for the public, among these expedients are J3y Deception and Fraud ! In one or more instances a small show may be traveling about the country, employing iii some capacity a man whose name is ROBIN SON, or who CALLS HIMSELF ROBINSON, and the exhibition, a minor eharlantical Cir cus or Animal Show, or both, is advertised aud posted as ROBINSON’S. H?-THIS IS DONE WITH A DIRECT IN TENT TO DEFRAUD ANI) DECEIVE THE PUBLIC! 1 here is but ONE JOHN ROBINSON, and but ONE True Exhibition in the World that can properly bear his name. Z-vJ* Remember —This Famed Show, with its TEN MaMMOlil MENTS, and all its many Wonders, will not visit Macon until Monday, Decsmber 2d. Admission to the Entire Combination, 75 cent*); Children under 10 years of age, 50 cents. oet2ti-4t—2o 28 30—novl •I. .1. Alt 1$ AMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 151 Lj BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. CNOLLECTIONS promptly attended to and J money remitted at once. I*. O. Box 357. 131-309 NOTICE. Macon and Brunswick Railroad Office, I Macon, Go., August 2d, 1872. f ON and after August Bth, Excursion Tickets to New York and return, can be had at tills office, S3B 00 for round trip. Tickets good until Oet. Ist, 1872. 98-tf E. J. MARTIN, G. T. Agt ATTfiXTIONi! ' INSURANCE AGENTS. VLL Insurance Agents doing business in the city are requested to call at this office, make returns and ; • a tax of 2’-.,' per cent, on their receipts to 8e; t. I. By order of Council. C11.,3. J. WILLIAMSON, Izt'tf Treasurer. BYINCTON’B HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, IS THE ItltllAUl VST iios;ni: For the Train from Savannah, Augustan-,! Ma con to Columbus. DIN AH St HOI Nil'. For the Train from Eufaula and Albany to Macon. Nil KOI Nil For the Train from Columbus to Macon, Sa vannah and Augusta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places aud every Convenience. 113 190 NOTICE. r pilE Books for the registration of voters for 1 the city election will be opened on the first day of October and close at Two o'clock p. m., on December 13, 1873. ep3o td J. A, MCMANUS, Clerk. Bui*ding Lot For Sale. SITUATED near Tatiiall Square, within a few steps of Mercer University. Address E. C„‘Box K., Wtf Ga. CROP OF 1872. Clover and Brass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS ] BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, i LUCERNE SEED, Ac., & c . ! Just received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 14G-156 32 and 84 Cherry Street. BERND BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE <fc RETAIL DEALERS in Harness,Saddles,Collars, Horse Equip ments and Clothing Generally. ALSO a full assortment of LEATHER of at kinds, Enameled Cloth, etc. --aadlers and Harness Makers Hardware and Tools. Cash paid for HIDES, FURS, SKINS, WAX, WOOL and TALLOW. 5-102 Hole! NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DErOT. (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. T. 11. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J., Superintendent. James W. Meara, In the Office. I—tf L. LOWENTHAL, Merchant Tailor. Cotton Avenue, opposite City Halt, Cleaning- and Repairing clone Neatly. HAS on hand a beautiful stock of Cloths,. Cassimcres, Doe Skin, Vest Patterns, ete.i which lie will cut and make up for his patrons and the public in general, in the very latest styles and finish. Give him a call if you would have cheap clothes—cheaper than anywhere ii the city. ' oct2l-lm EDWARD SPRINZ. XTOTART PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS 1\ TICE OF TnE PEACE. I can he found for the present at all hours of the day at my office adjoining the law office of A. I’roudfit, over the store of Jaques & Johnson, Third St., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 118-330. THE "LIGHT BllHHlHfi’ajt - , “DOMESTIC" S. l\r. CO., 06 Chambers .St,, New York, or Atlanta Ga l-bf-aQO L. T. WHITCOMB, Agt~ IMI'OItTEU AND DEALEII IN West Mia Friits, Yeptaks, IIAV, GRAIN, H V\’, HU'., 00 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 107-ISS ANNUAL FAIR —OF TIIE— Agricultural ami Mechanical ASSOCIATION’ OF GEORGIA. WJ commence at their Fair Grounds at v ? Savannah, Georgia, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1872, And continnc six day?. The central Railroad passes by the grounds. For Premium List or information, address J. H. ESTILL, Secretary, 130-td Savannah. Ga.