Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 29, 1872, Image 1

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I ] 4 , s ES , Wing & Smitit, Pkomhktors, Term* of nbTllill#n: .S S 00 | Six Months * " W Three Months 4 fnetiriably in advance . To city autinerlbere by the mouthy Seventy-live I cents, served by carriers. i Liberal Republican Democratic Ticket- I’op : HORACE GREELEY, OP NEW YORK. For Vice ■i*cnlclmil : B. GRATZ BROWN. OK MISSOURI. State Electoral Ticket. KOI! STATE AT LARGE, Princinals. Alternates. w. T. WOFFORD, A. >I. ViV/Wv 11 ’. [[ L, BEN NINO. El.I WARREN, JU 1,1 AN HAR ‘‘RIDGE, A. H. MAN>M., WASHINGTON POE. OhO. D. MCE. DISTRICT KLECTOUS. 1. U.G. TURNER, 1. | “I™ . •* li N ELY, -• A. L- ILVVVfciS, !l! W. i. HUDSON, . P. 4. JAMES M. PACE, 4. U. NR') , ft N. K. CASEY, - r *. A. M. RODGERS 0. J. N. DORSEY. 0. E- • ■ Ai -'-! tl '; 1 *- 7. K. D. GRAHAM. 7. It. A. ALSTON. rr OongreiK. JAMES H. BLOUNT, SIXTH CONGUEBSIONAI. DISTRICT. 8s For Representative from t lie old Fourth Dis- | t r riot to till the uicanc.v in the Congress occa- ' E sjoned hv the death of Hon. T. J. sneer, COL. JE.W.BECK. OC SPALDING COITVI V. Scpciol election, 29tli October instant. Mu. Frank J. Herrington is our only authorized City Agent, and lie is duly em powered to solicit work for tins office, and I subscriptions to the Enterprise. % M:i. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer, is our authorized agent in Dawson, Ga. Mr. \Y. S. Deidrick, Southern Express Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Smithville. J. L Tucker is our authorized agent at Fort Gaines. 1. N. Seymore, of Byingtons Hotel, t is our authorized Agent at Griffin. Mr. Ed. T. Byington is our agent in Fort Valley. Air. W. W. Laney, is our authorized Agent at Colaporcliee. C. W. Brown, Railroad Depot is out authorized Agent at Barucsville. BY TELEGRAPH FEOM ALL XBIIS WOBLP. The Horse Pestilence. New York, October 28 —At Pough keepsie the horse malady has appeared and oxen are hauling goods. At Syracuse nearly every horse is sick and many have died. At Portland, Maine, Old horses are sick. Later —The horse disease shows no : abatement. The weather is (lamp and foggy. The horsemen say that by Wed nesday there will be a total stoppage of public conveyances in New York city. The ears every way are over crowded. Two horses fell dead on the tracK. A stoppage of the street cleaning busi s ness is apprehended. Races advertised for this week are post ■poued. Many deaths are repotted. A resolution lias been passed allowing the city railroads to use drummy engines. The beautiful weather to-day brought out a number of vehicles. The oxen on Broad way caused a sensation. Rochester. October 28. — This is the eleventh day of the malady in this city. Ninety-five per cent of all the horses are affected. A few hundred have recovered. Less than a dozen have died. The steam fire engines are run by band. Philadelphia, October 28.—The horse disease broke out to-day. All have a heavy cough, swollen and blood-shot eyes, with a swelling in the throat. Twenty-five cases are reported in Cam den, several in Chester county, and some in private stables in this city. Patterson, N. J., October 28.—The malady is here. Binghampton, N. Y., October 28. The malady is here. Boston, October 28.—With better-wea ther, numerous teams have appeared, which, with the assistance of oxen and •nan teams, moves trade to some extent. The South Boston cars are drawn by dc vokb and conductors. Washington, October 28.—1 tis stated that two horses were hurried from the North hither that have the malady, • Boston, October 28.—The cars on the Boston street car line are drawn by Wiucn at 25 cents. Tbe cars are well filled. Buffalo, October 28.—The horse dis ease has abated, and the streets have re sumed their usual appearance. Oswego, October 28.—A1l the horses in the towing stables are' affected. Boats loaded on Saturday are still here. The weather is pleasant. - •* ♦ GENERAL NEWS. Grantivni in Hew Yolk—War and Women. L'uitcd States Marshal Sharpe, after con sultation with Election Supervisor Daven port, now directs the arrest of women re fusing to answer questions concerning their male relatives' right to vote. A large number of arrests are to he made iu the next three days. The Saintly Howard sees Some thing Wrong! lioward favors the removal of many In dian agents He says that when agents pay 115,000 for a position, the salary of which isonly $ 1,500, there is something wrong, and a reform is necessary. .Sew Bishop of Savannah. New YojtK, October 28.— Bishop ilc- Kierny, coadjutor, is talked of as the suc cessor of Bishop Persico, of Savanuah. Sunday l.iquor I.a w Disregard ed, CniCAGO. October 28.—'The Sunday li quor law was disregarded yesterday. Memphis Savings Bank. 51 em enias. October 28. —The Southern Railroad Security Company and Carolina Life Insurance Company lose heavily by the failure of the Memphis Savings Bank. Ridcon Pails Ktitrrjjniac. Caliioi-nia Knee. San Francisco. October 28.—The Oc cident and Lucy trot occurs ou the 30th. Indism Hews. General Howard endorsed Crook’s pol icy of vigorous war against the hostile In dians. Great sickness prevails among the troops, and more soldiers are required. Howard found that most desperate and dreaded Chief, Cochise, occupying a stronghold in the fastness of the Territory, accessible only by a series of narrow passes seven miles long. The approach by the soldiers was impossible, as the place was a natural fortification which could be held by 200 men against 5,000. I His and similar fortresses are in Dragoon Moun tains. Cochise lias J 2 captains and 500 men under liis control. !Uor<* Blockin'tidisiii. Camden, N. J., October 28 —The Slraightuuls have nominated a lull Elec toral Stale iickvi. The horse malady is spreading Accident lo a Vessel. Fortress Monroe, October 28.—The bark Maggie Chapman, from New Orleans Tor Liverpool, with corn and cotton, en countered heavy weather oil Cape Eatte ras, broke her rudder post and shifted her cargo. The vessel would have ecu a to lal loss, but the wind shifted and they rigged a temporary rudder and came in the roads. tim e About the l.uuti|> Bunk. Memphis, October 28.—Mayor Wicks gives his entire fortune to the creditors of Hie savings bank, which reduces llte lia bilities 75 per cent. Trial of Mayor Hall. New York, October 28. —The prosecu tion in Mayor Hall’s case lias closed. Hall's counsel then asked if, after such a showing, it was proposed to prosecute this case. ’Fite prosecution replied "yes, in certain of the courts.” Oraut Defines Ills Indian Policy. Philadelphia, October 28.—Geo. 11. Steuatt, Chairman of the Executive Com mittee of the Board of Indian Commis sioners, on seeing papers report that Pres ident Grant contemplates a change in his Indian policy, addressed him a note, to which the following reply lias been re ceived : Executive Mansion, _ > Washington, October 26, 1872. j George 11. Stewart, Esq.: My Dear Sir —Y our favor of the 24 th inst., saying that a change in the Indian policy of the administration is reported to be contemplated, is just received Such a thing has not been thought of. If the present policy toward the Indian can be improved in any way I will always be ready to receive suggestions on the sub ject ; but if any change must be made it must be on the side of civilization and the Christianization of the Indian. • Ido not believe our Creator ever placed different races of men on this earth with a view of having the stronger exert all liis energies in exterminating the weaker. If any change takes place in the Indian pol icy of the Government, while 1 hold nty present office, I will be on the humanita rian side of the question. Very truly yours, U S Grant. Steamer Sunk—Kailrom! Acci dent. Cincinnati, October 28 —The Umpire, with a full cargo, has been sunk between Evansville and Cairo. No details. A freight train on the Pittsburg, Cincin nati and St. Louis Railroad ran into Still Water river, killing the brakeman, John Thompson, and hurting the engineer and fireman Liabilities of tl*e Memphis Sa vings Bank. Memphis, October 28.—The liabilities of the Memphis Savings Bank exceed $2311,(100. The individual deposits were only $57,000. A British Enforcement Act. London. October 28.—-Stanley sails for America the fttli of November. The enforcement law, closing liquor stores in Liverpool at 9 o’clock on Sun day, caused great disorder. Counsellor of Paris. Paris, October 28.—M. Latnorcaux, Republican, has been elected Municipal 1 Counsellor of Paris. THE DUEL. Another Version. Col. John R. Hart Explains His Status in the Matter. He had no idea that a Duel would be Fought Between Force and Townsend. Tiiomaston, Ga., Oct. 24th, 1872. Editors Constitution .- --Inasmuch as my name was prominently associated with the duel between Messrs. Force and Town send, my friends, and probably the public, think I should be heard from. They should have been gratified ere this but for my illness, and this morning I have only sullicient strength to write you a brief note, and wish to say that the article in your paper of the 20th instant does me injustice. I am satisfied, however, that it was unin tentional, Those who read the article will understand what I mean (as I am unable to review it entirely.) When I say that I had no more idea that a duel would he fought between Houston Force and Harvey Town send, on Friday, the 18th inst. (the day of the occurrence), than I have that Colonel Avery and myself will fight this morning. For the truth of this assertion, I refer to every gentleman connected with the aflair, either as my friend or Mr. Force’s. In regard to Mr. Smith, the public un derstands the manner in which I disposed of the communication offered me by him, the public also read what Sir Force said by authority in reply to Smith’s commu nication, but the public does not know, that I being in doobt wtiat I ought to do in the premises, asked friends of mine to consult gentlemen known to he familiar with the Code, what I should do One of them consulted a gentleman connected with The Constitution I believe the conversation occurred either at or re turning from the Fair Grounds and I heard hut one opinion; and that was that I could take no further notice of him. And while 1 do not wish to throw any further mystery around this affair, I deem it but justice to state that there never was at any moment the slightest feelings be tween Mr. Harvy Townsend, or George MACON, GA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1872. Wallace and myself. The both visited me during my Illness in Atlanta, one of them frequently. My friends and acquaintances in the State are doubtless surprised to learn that I, at my present age, a man of family, and though an unworthy one, still a mem ber of the tlto church, should bn connected witli an affair of the kind at all To sat isfy such, 1 will state how I did happen the first instance to bo drawn into it. 1 say drawn, for nothing could have been more unexpected to me. On Tuesday, the loth, I tvqnt to Atlanta to attend private business, and on tlio evening of that day was invited by a friend, at whose house I was, to walk with him to the Episcopal Bazaar, After expending some little time in looking a 1 the many beautiful articles offered for sale, l took a seat and became a quiet looker-on. After some half hour, perhaps, had elapsed, I observed the friend above alluded to. passing around the room with a young lady. Ilia attention being culled to something else lie beckoned me me to approach. I did so, and was intro duced to the lady in question, and request ed to accompany her and aid Iter in selling tickets for cl unices for some little article that would lie drawn for during the eve liing. Of couse I accepted the duty While thus engaged the lady was insulted —whether intentionally iusulted or not 1 can’t say, blit the act was intentional be yond all question, and repeated. On its repetition the young lady appealed to Mr. Force. I suppose uo ouo will so far ques tion -riiy manhood as to believe that I would not have protected the lady, while under my care, bail she not appealed to Mr. Force. The appeal to Sir. Force of course dissolved my connection with the all's ir. Relieving that I was out of the affair, being quite unwell, I secured my overceat and hat, and was at the head of the stairs leaving, when it occurred to me that I should inform my friend that I was going, I returned liat in hand looking for him, and came upon Mr. Force and Haskell. Just, as I thought, the former was in the act of striking the latter—in as quiet a inunner as possible, I said to Sir. Force, ‘•don’t do that, it is duo these good people that this matter be settled elsewhere.” Mr. F. at once admitted the propriety of my suggestion, and together we were turn ing away, when Haskell came like a mad man at me, and grossly and wantonly in sulted* me. I of course resented it, and demanded and received a proper apology. It would tie well, probably, for me to ex plain why I stated above that no uukind ness had ever existed between Sir. Town send, Mr. Wallace and myself. I have seen it stated somewhere, 1 do not remem ber whether in The Constitution or not, that the two gentluien who fought, had, no grudge against each other —thereby imply ing malice somewhere —but the writer was mistaken, there was an old grudge, but it did not include me. In regard to my illness, it is due myself to state that I was uot’ taken sick, but had been suffering since Hie lOtli of September with a disease —1 don't know what the doctors call it, I know it as rheuma tism of the back—and left New York two weeks earlier than I would have done in consequence of it. I had been home one week when 1 went to At-’ lanta, and the quiet and rest of that week so much improved me that I felt able to travel and attend to business, but fatigue and excitement did not bring on, but so aggravated a painful disease that I have not been aide to do anything till now, not even write. I think the necessity for this explanation is apparent. I have not sought to explain that which was known, and may be thought to have attached too much importance to triviul incidents, but my position demanded it In conclu-ion, I mi St beg leave to ex press my sincere regret that the affair oc curred. Both the principal actors have my highest respect as gentlemen. I am, otc. John R. Hart. Will the Atlanta papers, Barnesville and Thomaslon, and all other papers that lo,ve published statements in regard to this matter do me the just ice to copy. J. R. H. ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE one cent a pound ns usual. No rise in price now or hereafter. VV. P. UAULOS, Wholesale unil Ki-lnil Grocer, dealer in ll li, I‘Ttl’ITN, FIKII, ETC., Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, 68-tf Macon, Ga. PROSPECTUS iacon Weekly Enterprise, W. WAT KIN HICKS, Editor. ON or übou 1 the fimt week in October, we will i -ue from this office the first iiuin- La®, Live, Weekly Paper! It will contain all the the Telegraphic news of the week, and the latest reliable information on all subjects and from all parts of the world. In its editorial department will he found dis ; cushions of all the LIVE IB3UES of the times. Particular attention will he giv en to the advancement of Science, Art, and Literature; w< ile ull interesting events and authentic progress of the political world will be faithfully presented. SUBSCRIPTIOW PRICE. One Year 52 rfix Months 1 00 Invariably in advance. ££STNo subscription taken for less than six £ssTNow is the time to subscribe. &r£f i* MEN COPIES SENT ON APPLICATION. Wm. M. Pendleton. Walter T. Ross. PENDLETON & LOSS, (Successors to J. M. Honrdnifut.) Corner Mulberry and Second Streets. MACO.Y, <a„ wholesale and retail dealers is SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BQOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAP, LETTEK and NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS, WRITING INK,COPYING INK, CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PEN’S, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CHALK CRAYONS, RUBBER, WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BRUSHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, OHROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, . MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., And in fact everything usually kept in a llrst class Book and Stationery Store. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. Prices ns low as any other house in the South. Orders for printing solicited. i>e.b>M’:t<>x a iions. 113-624 Macon, Georgia. Guernsey, Bartrnm & Hendrix, UUILDEKN SUPPLY STORE, It hike's) Hloek, Poplar Street, (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, 1 Suelt, Itoore, Itllmde, Frutnee, j ItrueketM, Newel Poete, llaluetere. Mantle*, Etc., Etc. Carpenter Tools, Leek*, Nalls, Hinges, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Etc. CONTRACTORS for BIJILDUNti. ! DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR | FACTORY, DIX (E WORKS, CHERRY ST. , _i2t;-tr I BYINGTON HOTEL. GRIFFIN, GA. i rpillS HOTEL ranks second to none in X Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. As u resort for the residence of the present hot terra, It is unequalled, the nights being remarkable cbol and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. G. W. BYINGTON, 110-160 ragriotor^ THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. SODA WATER MAXI’FACT!’IIKI) BY W. P. CARLOS HO Mulberry St., Macon, Ga. T AM now fully prepared to furnish mire hot -1 tied SODA WATER In any quantity. Ord ers by mail or telegraph promptly attended to. I have in store and atn constantly receiving I every description of Fancy and Family Groceries. WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, FOREIGN and • ’ DOMESTIC FRUIT, FISH, GAME, and every delicacy when in season. ; Bar and Restaurant up stairs, supplied with j the very best in the market. Parties purchasing goods from me can al ways | rely upon them being fresh and first class In every respect. WM. P. CARLOS. 1. , tf : Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, , MacO(i& Bkunhwick IUiIKOAP Cos., r Macon, Ga., September 21, 1872. ) ON and after Monday September 23, 1872, trains will run as follows: DAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN DAIRY. ! Leave Macon 3:V> A. M. i Arrive at Jesup fc*} p - M - Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 p. M. I Leave Brunswick 4:80 A. M. I Arrive at Jesup *}'■%> *• M -1 Arrive at Macon r. m. i Connects closely at Jesup with trains oj At ! lan tic and Gulf Railroad, to and from Savannah i and Florida. nioht passenger train, dairy. ; Leave Macon 46 t ■. M Arrive at Savannah 7. •> a. m i Leave Savannah ‘ M i Arrive at Macon b. Vt K. m ! IIAWKINSVIRRE TRAIN DAILT, (SUNDAYS EX CBPTED.) Leave Macon 2:56 r - M - Arrive at Ilawkinsville... n.M r. m. Leave Hawkinavllle 7:00 a. . Arrive at Macon A. M. WM. MacKF.A, 14011 General Superintendent. Indian springs. ELDER HOUSE. ELDER 4c MON, Proprietor. THIS well-known house is now open to all 1 who wish to visit the far-famed Indian Spring. The Hotel is nearer the Spring than any other, with jdeaaant and shady walktt lead j iug thereto. RATES Of HOARD. ! Per Day . .. * 2 0 ; One Week ?,? 55! , Children and servants half MERCHANTS PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO Til Kill AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING Til FIR BILLS. WE HAVE IIM STOKE?, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR 1L SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOE I/ DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, till “talcs 500 ROLLS 2.1 BAGOTNG. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES 10 BALES TNVINK. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH. Ilitvu, ami arc oll'crinu; at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES 150 BBLS. SUGAK. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES MAY. : 1.000 BUSHELS GOUX. To'rpther tvilli a Cull .slock of till all goods it) onr line of business, nat r Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. IF long experience, and :i thorough know I edge of the bUHincsH in ull il i diver.-ilied I branches ore criflcntlul to the kenning Unit which ! the public has long heard of but Bthlorn >< //, A <J*ool> llOTi:ij, | the undersigned flatter themselves thot. tlnjy are fully competent to discharge their ohligu j lions to their patrons; hut they are not, only experienced in hotel keeping, they mod* il.y would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY KI KNISUED house throughout, in the State, which is loca ted exactly where everybody would have il sit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FKONT AND ADJACENT TO THU PASSENGER DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy the rnoht nh<j> and I<* - liable to be left by the perplexing) y constant departure of the irnlns. To all these important advantages i added a TABLE that is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes the city and country can ullord: nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politcnu , and tlon to guests. For tiui truth of these statement J , we refer the public to our patrons who reside hi every State in the Union. E. E. BROWN iV SON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 15, 1872. 7S 101 DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to the late firm of Smith, VV- d< v, t. A Cos., and of Smith, McGlukliak ( •>.) MAN! FACTI RER AND DEALER IN j SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, ! SADDLERY AND IIARNF.BH HARDWARE, Carriage .Materials, Leather of all kinds, j Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages. RIBREK, BARDS, ET( Towtlier wltti every article usually kept Id a aoddlery honae. 109 CBFBRT *T., IHACOY, IM l.vf-liw 1 FOB THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE .—— +. - LAWTON BATES, i'oiii'fli SfreH, (!\'pxt Itoor to Lawton tV lYilHiigiisiiu.) RE prepared t<> furnish tlic trade with GROtT.KIIiM. IMH)VI8IY8. C*t.fc Vt’A i’l<>> SI PVl.ltiN, IMG TIKK lift'., nit ms ivtisoimlilc tonus us any house iu Georgia. Wo will keep opiv-Unlly on h:iml, BACON; LARD, CORN, OATS, 11A Y, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and Tl F, 8, mill u general assort - niont of such goods us aro kept in u Hint elm s Grocery House. Give us ti cull. Wc are running the laGI.BI’IiOrRING MII.M, and direct special uttentioo to our -Cl I Off %” ••EXTRA,” “FAMILY Flour- They will he found esnotly uilupts’d to Hie tnidc.Tnd wo uiiuruntiv own hnmd to - i\e iti-fuotiott, Our priors arc us low it ■ t hose of tlio same gimlcu ouo bo bought- In the South. COHN MFAL, In,lt,si tilth,,lie,l, n!\i:i\ on In,ml, of oor,mil limit,’ slid Of tlic besi quality. 120-188 . IL BAND Y& CO. TIN AMI SHEET IRON ROOFING, „ A .ftutierinir, PlniiiHing and Repa/rini, -.g" ■!I ! ! ’ ALSO n TIN AND t.AI.YAMZK.I) IRON CORNICES M !' \ Executed ut short notice and satisfaction \ l| \ guaranteed. \ "No. SO aiiiril Mtreet, Muron, Un. \ | I’livUiiiliir ntteiiti ni given to (1 uttering put up \ \ with • \ WOODRUFF'S V E-.vriLvr i:ui: famtexinur. ■ —i i ji IMPROVED Oil GEAR. bivri i in<; ivlow. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! f'IMIE Hutlling of tlio Gin Mouae floor ha no ctlect on the Gearing. King Post of Iron and all iS the work bolted to iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY • OTHER POWER IN USE. Call amlHce for youastlf. I Imild a Portable llor*-- Power that chid!-n:r< , nil other MAKES, hut it will not do the work with the Himm Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kindrt of Machinery made arid repaired at nUH IH/ITIItO.H UOlikS 10S-IKO Near Brown House, Mucon Georgia. BROWFS~GALLERY! Ho. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. • W. <fc E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. CoHori A venno and Cherry Street, HF.AI.EBS IN FIIITI, CARPETINGS, REES, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. t. • y. L- ... Ml'*; ***. v 1VY,,.. I X ■ Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. , ~ , 79tf IJ / J” / jrdci ~ by Telegraph promptly attended to. __ .1 ) 11. IILOI NT. ISAAC UAKt'KM AN. IILOI .’VT A IIABDIIHAN, ATTORNEYS AT I LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. / vl FICE, at entrance Balaton Jlall, CIM-ny Htrect. V.i-M) Barber Shop by THE Basement WJgflßwn’fi Hotel buUtUng fo Mike NajAjjf of the Best stands for a p,nl ’ U '‘ ity '^^noTFT.. Volume I.—Number 171 1 N MAN LINE KOVAL Y^Tk^nd*? P** era per week. The c ‘“" across the Mi-wig, e venicncc. l or \ l l rx ( \ stEVENJWW Ac*** 11 -- Pf-p!3s*tf 11 •