Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 30, 1872, Image 2

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lACOH DAILY ENffIfHISE Hr< o>. <i o' r. a#, IM*. '’ ' I rt'SLIMIKD EVRIiV KVBMMO BY | , LINES. WING S sMITH.' No. 10 IfolilnL-H worth Block. I// tetirrx to Sutuk-ripiUm kliuuldbt ad hf’xl tu lAr , and ,Sir,i/A, .Vtfuni, Ga. \ CWmuoWbuM /or Mr , ’.unlit hr nil- . Jretud I a thr Editor. If- vmlertnU to j r'lum rejtrtul, W.i! onttunti i.iUd tuv iltin ji, Jnnii nil part* / tkdt, *j it* l ' | , - W. WATKIN HICIM. Edlior. WIIOHGOS ntUKNTIIE ■>'- TUe 'lclegruph mid Mf.cngor U vir tuously indignant nt tlio Orlflln Star. for it* persistant charge 1 hut a certain nrtli'li. npi?irird In,the Telegraph, The latter i* greatly hurt that iu* candor i, ca || c d in question, and Its religion conics to the front, much alter tlio manner of that “truly good mull, doncoit Smith of Much)nail Now, fur ho it from us to (hul fault with all this. We hellevo the Star is wrong this time, and should not persist in so clear a case of injustice Hul what shall be said of the Telegraph ? H has no answer to make, when its own short coinings are shown up. It can make the most unworthy insinuations in a way that cannot lie characterized in decent language, hut has tio conscience of wlong It ran leave Hie vile slander stand, tin first sentence In u lending article, without one word of apology or explanation. Twenty four hours of silenc e in a matter of BO H< nsitlre a i hurucler in this country speaks it verdict that we feel, hul cannot utter. We do not know ou which particular editorial lioru to hang Hie ribbon in this ruse, so wo beg leave to fasten it round the neck of the immortal trio, with a little lad! attached, that hereafter our citizens may know, when they licai the sound thereof, w hat It means. This is its burden • We are the editors t-l the Telegraph! Wr slander people at our ow n sweet will, lint never make amends -tinkle, tinkle, tinkle!" -♦ ♦- \ It tin A 11K.1H8.12 NliW HO.MJ Illicit. |V HUM!IA. is. nit hern climates m e remarkable lor the Ixjauty and variety of their produc lions, botli in the animate and inanimate icalms. Hut wo glory to out song birds In Florida the Oriole takes the palm, and her sweet, suit, love-whistle, is a most grateful companion for one’s deepest amt holiest thoughts. Then we have the world famed mock bird, whose imitations, when lie is imfaltered In ids native forest, are wildly grand and uslonlsliingly versa- Hie. Hut our sister Stale of Alabama lias recently received tin addition to t lie sing Ing family of (Southern l>lrds A now bird lias appeared at Kufuula, to the wild deUgUt ol sundry happy citizen*, l.lke the Itisli nightingale. its* sweetest nates and loudest , alts ate losird about midnight' Then the happy po*sc*oi i. regaled with *weetet music ever heurd Ttiw ctiotrs of *ome undlscoveicd world, ait’, one would I/O led to imagine, blended in this one orchestral, luitgunl, tonguai. songual wonder! lint, not having set u this rrmurkah'u bird, tvs bog to introduce it In the artistic language of the Kilfnillu Tillies, of yester dny Wholes Slirop What's tin’ matter. Shrop isn't here v And so it went on lust night. question alter question, and inipiiiy alter litquirv. until we got tired ol trying tv) account for Ids absence Finally he i line in as smiling as a basket ol eiiips and in reply to our look of astonishment at hlS'iiuuaual good humor, he slyly wliis pered "a pretty little girl at my house," let's go take something. -• * tt t Ol YU IMG FOR 11. The newspapers throughout tln; Slate are accounting for the Surreney matter in uumerous ways The most popular view seems to he that Natal) has made his np pen ranee nl No ti for purposes host known to himself Some nllrllmle the v \traordi nary nmnifi stations to Spiritualism. It i believed by some that supernatural agency must he at work, while othets seout the hlea as preposterous. We do not mo mystery enough about the matter as yet to give us the supernal urnl feverl If supernatural agency were at work there would, we think, he given j evidences of reason and common sense j unless the ugcal were an denial idiot. A very small incident may account for the whole matter, ns was found, for example, iu the lamous Fdgetieid ghost excitement ’ y ears ego. ■+ #- XIIIS I'l.M IIOV. So fur s heard from, the election puss cd otr well yesterday. Mr Heck is doubt les* elected by a handsome majority, for which we are truly grateful. Now for the final tug ot war. MAJORITY. OoveniorSmith'* majority at the late election, was exactly 61,624. The vote stood cut follows Smith, ... Utf.i'TG Walker. - . 11 452 The ffrrnUl, nay*, these figures are of ofilcial. - >r vrr: Fair Papers all over the State characterise the recent State Fair as a failure. It wasn't advertised, and it wasn't managed. Macon is the place for the Fair, and llnfi'is the matt to manage it—Sir. AVtea JurtK)' We know nothing about the managing, hut noticed that only a fen sugar stick'' newspapers were used to ad vertise it, ‘-Fenny nisi* and pound fool ish' will lull anything—except *u Atlanta ransqulto. ami a genuine—"red-bug ” To morrow .By request c .f many liSends, we will to morrow re juiblish nu article milieu by us for the XIX Century Magacicc. and published in J tine. ln,i. entitled: ' An Evening with a Spiritual ist. It will l*e seen that the affair of Stir j euey Is (jnitc small, ■WHERE AIIE THEY? l'diloT* Knterpriu: Having heard so much about Mr. Hull's enemies m nnd | about Macon, I have been at some pains to see if 1 could find them, but have not •succeeded to any great extent, and have not seen any of a personal character. Some, of course, have not been able to I approve all bis olllclal acta, and Insist that tie has caused us to pay too much for our fair ground whistle, while they consider I it beneath the dignity of the city, proper, •to go into the show buslm ala rink or , otherwise, while at tlio sumo time they give the worthy gentleman due credit for sincerity of purpose to do right, and sin gular ability in bringing order out of the Chaos of financial malteis that just pre ceded him They ant well pleased with Hie financial Statement as far ns it g"Cs. but think flint tllg.llOO item mars its beauty, and suppose, that hut lor that the last 33 per cent on taxes would not have been ueces-ary. Ou the whole. I think Ilia' a man that gets nominated try both parlies and elected unanimously, that carries all Ids points at public meetings whenever lie choose* to make any. and get* endorsed by such un array of names as appeared in yesterday's papers, for another term, is uol in much danger from enemies, though, as no once said, he “cannot live without them ” We ran ntlnrd toindnlge him with the Imaginary article and give him leave to swear at them, so long a* that indul gence docs not iineiiere with the proper ! discharge ol*liis otlleial duties. A Fiuekd Vou are right, Al the pii cnt moment VV A Hull hie, not an enemy in the city ol Macon Ail parties wi-li him honor Everybody believes iu him. and certain folks have even ceased to compliment hint iu the language of Lucifer ' It is very pleasant to behold, and must be grateful | to the man who euics us much lor abuse las he does for bis (beams I, mg live Hie I pCOplc.— Hi). J ——- -♦ Xf i From the Baltimore Gazette.) A RELIC OF BARBARISM. ' Tbo New York Times gravely armour) i CCS Hint, at a recent meeting o' Ihr Mussa i husctlH Historical Society, the Key -or as In that region they economically print lit ltev A F Peabody pre-ented. with i sonic iinpiessivu rcmaih-. the identical \ cane, broken, so a i*> show i -.word With | in. with which Mr. Preston S Hrooks, I yams ago. committed the u null ou tSena 'in Sumner 'I lie gift and Hie occasion were alike interesting. Hie more so in view I of Mr sunnier’* present pleasant relations : in the historical literature of Boston. The discovery oftlie sword inside a cane, which the world thought was a common India rubber one. is anew revelation of .Soulll* era savagery iiowtbts precious "rsiic of barbarism" came into Hie ’•nods oi the llcvereml Peabody does not cleatly ap I pear, it certainly was not captured at the | lime of the .affray Mr. Hrooks could hardly have bequeathed t , Mi Humn -i’s ■ uvcrciid friend this elieiished weapon, ami hence our perplexity It may have been caponed when the dead man's house was rilled in South Carolina as un dale say It was—by Massachusetts troops, dur ing the war Mr Peabody ought surely to exnhdn a I tills betnre the relic tin,is Its place alongside of King Philip s scalp, or j a rail Horn the Hunker Hill fence, or a I look of Anthony Burns Imir, or the other treasures of Mus-aelmsctts Hut idler all, what Hadlcnl In Massachusetts now Cures a lailhlng about Mr Sumte r and hi* Woes, cither past or present 7 Even Kcv Doctor Peabody don’t care about any lon ml' lttli-vlii |l£ Iho ItluMwlO I'HIIO. -♦ ► THE CODE IN COLLEGE. CUIYALItY V.H TEXT IHiOKs HOW FOUR HOYS W I NT l>o\YN THE KOAl> AND THEN CAME HACK AGAIN. From tlio Atlanta Up raid ] i he usually quiet pm iucls of the State rii\orsity were agitated last week by the statement tlml four of tin* maftt popular young men bad gone to Sand itar Ferry to slip a slice out of tlio code duello! it appears dial ou Saturday. a week ago, MIL Ml -I.rCYA.N PATTI USON. "a high spirited young man fiotu Martin, made some remarks in debate in tlie De ! mosilieiiian Hull, w liieli Mr Frank I’ Uray. anolliei "liigh spiiitcd y oung man" from Adalraville resented, 11V TOUUHINU tits HONOR i rather severely. A challenge wastin’ re > suit. The parlies acting as friends being 1 Mr David Harrow of WoU-kin. and Mr llowzcr, of Fort Valley , who, by the way. we may remark, vveie also "high spirited young men " I This sanguinary quartette, ufler having j conducted a lengthy eonepondeuce IN THE VEItV ItEDHKST INK. I and upon the bluest paper that could he got fir love or money, loaded their pistols and stinted for Augusta, whence to Sand Bar Ferry. there to spill their Mov'd, or I anything else, necessary lor the protection j of their honor. Fpon ailiving at Augusta they procur ed the services of Dr Dets.oissure Ford as their surgeon, and letjuested him to lie ready for any thing l)r Ford called together live or six of his friends, who constituting \ no ami of lloNOi:. settled the matter amicably for the young geptlemen, and letuined them to Athens The Faculty, having got wind of the matter, hiok the "high spiritevl gentlemen" iu hand, ami determined to make an ex ample.. and thus restiaiu the ferocious hlvHidthirst!iiess which is evidently bub Ming up dangerously in the hot veins of young America, issued a whit of r\fi t.SION against principals and seconds iu the mat ter It is hoped, however, by the friends of the hoys that in view of He ir general good behavior heretofore, ttie Faculty will re voke its stern decree and let the sad re sult* of their hot headed escapade be summed np in the pecuniary disburse incuts necessary to the carrying of “four high spirited young gentlemen" to Au gusta ami hack, which. l>v I tie way. may be compensated by the pitch o', heroism to which they have been exalted by their fellow students. ■ —- It is a sin to steal a pin. avd a man in Philadelphia lias been arrested for the of fensc T. e j alias a diamond attached to it. Shanghai is iddiug oyer tramways. An Indian princess is a circus rider at Montreal. Only six person* kil’.ed by the \-urs. in England, iu I*7l. German i French in col loquial gabble. Ten tons of obscene literature have been seized in New York. California is sloping considerable wheat to England by way of Panama. It took Bismarck three days to Weigh his last 500 million francs from France The following are (he appointments ol W. C. Smith, colored Democrat Dawson, Saturday night, Oct. 26. Cutlibert, Monday night. Oct. 28. Fort Quines. Tuesday night. Oct. 23., Georgetown, Wednesday night. Oct. 30. Columbus, Thursday night. Nov. I. L'.iGrango. Saturday night. Nov. 2. Macon, Monday night, Nov. •!. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JUST RECEIVED. -Q CHOICE CREAM CHEESE. Of TUBS BEST BUTTER. J,') At ,r. f. Barfield & co.’b HALSTON HALL iliiiiiiKer, - IV. 11. sPALDIMJ, Monday, November 4th. Engagement for four nights only of the Great Tragic Actress, • MRS. D. P. BOWERS, Supported by the Startling Young Actor, MR. J. c. McCOLLOM. And a selected New York Company. Monday, Nov. 4. John Brougham's Dramatiza tion of LADV AI DLKY’S M-IfRET I or the Mystery of Audley’a Court. Tuesday, Nov. 5, the Grand HDtorical Flay of FMXiIIETII. Wednesday, Nov. Ctli, the Historical Play of Mary Stuart, Scotland's Heroic Oiicpii. Thurai vy, Nov. 7, Shukqjeure’p Grand Tragedy >i a( it i: t ii. Admission 81 ; reserved scats 50 eta. extra ; I family circle 50 cts. i Sule of rtents will eorrmieiH.v Friday morning at 10 'lock at Brown Co.** Book More. octSQtd Sale of Livery Stable Slock \\ TILL he. sold at public outcry at Holmes \ \ A CluyV Livery stable, at 10 o’clock a m . on the tbst Tuesday tti November next, (20) Twenty head of Horae*, Carriages, Phaetons, Buggie*, Hacks, Wagons, Harness, Baddies, Bridles, Iron Safe, Desk. etc. Bold for division. For further particulars, apply to C. MASTKRbON, Receiver, Octlo tda At the Stables. BOSTON i Savannah Steamship Line. BAILING PAYS-!’VERY SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH. IU IV rates of freight and Insurance. First j ctiisn passenger accommodations. Orth r I your goods shlpiied by "boston and Savannah St anielilji Line, uiid avoid all delay and extra I bundling. KIcdiAKIISON W BARNARD, Agent, Savannah, tia. F. NICKERSON A- CO., Agents, lhl "0,1 Boston. J. A. MERCIER, Commission SVlerchant, it ay j Hi t. Wl.itaker and Barnard Bt., Savannah, Ga Adonh r.s will rocciw prompt attention Con • Hgnm<ntH of all kinds r* Hpcctfnllv boUcitcd. . , 09 boxt & McKenzie, j Cotton aa Commission dii:iE< u tvra, IOW 111*y Ssii 2imi;ilt. CiJ. I i:;i 2011 MEYER, COHEN & CO„ WHOLEs VI.K DKALEIIS I\ Boots and Shoes. I’* lli-oiigliln Sal,,Max annuli, Gu Mvr„inmts supplied si \, w York Market 131 ’dot) Prices. I. 8. ALUE.I iV KUO., | COM MISSION MERCHANTS —AND— Dealers in Fruits, Fish ami Produce, No. Uo Bay Bt., Bavunn i!t, (la. j ( on>ii;nmi , nt solicited. (inters promptly attended to. E. D. SMYTHE, itiPoisTut or uicouunitv, UliiMNunre mail 4'liinu, Ami Denlrrin Ilotiso Furnishing UooiU, 11*3 Congress and Ml St. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-209 F. W. SIMS & CO., t otioii l aeloix and General Commission Merchants SAVINA 111. GIIOKGI A. Lagging and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. 181-309 • V It. I'HAM I*l ON. GKO. C. ERBEMAm. i'll A lIiMOA A IHFIM t\, Commission Merchants t'orner Bay and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, (lA, 131-809 t„ X. WUITTUt OKO. VV. GUSTIN. w in in r, a orsrn, UITORMEYS Ac., AT LAW, \"u J COTTON AVENUE, ! M ACON, GA. j 33-107 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA.. .! XO. W. (’ V >1 K RUN A CO., I* HOUR IE TOR Si. A first class house in every respect, RU-209 M . 210 Vi VK, ATTORNEY AT J AW, MAC(N. GEORGIA. OlVit :;t entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry atreet •u|7~ All business will receive prompt stten- ' Won. 95*199 Tin: FKS tIH h weeklvT" Ir is univi rsally conceded that Advertising L . a mvetty U> success in husim*as ; it is also ' conceded. b> the sluvvvdest liusimss men, that ' newspapers ,uv the best medium for reaching ! all parties w hose trade is desired. THE MONHOE ADVERTISER reaches more of the people trading w ith Ma con than any other journal published in the com try; it Is, therefore, the U\>J uu'dium of communication with the planting interests. We w ill be happy at any lirue to furnish refer cnees to leading merchants here and elsewhere. ' who will testify to the fact that they have re- i eoived orders for pxsls from partus who read their cards in 7V .Lf*fr/Vr. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns. ! candidly say that its value exceeds that of all other journals in w hich they are represented j Th* Alitrrtiser has the freshness of youth and ! the rljvnt-sa of agv, and is therefore deservedly ' successhil. cuaractku of advertisements No advertisements are ad mitt vd which are not believed u be above question and of real | value, aud from parties so unquestionably re- : liable that the readers of Th( AJtvrtistr w ill be sale In ordering them from any distance To j our readers, the f*ci <f its app- aram-e here has j all the weight of endorsement and authority* Addiws. JAB. I*. HAURJSOH, ' j Forayth, Georgia. * 50 BBL3. RED APPLES, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A: CO.’S 50 Bbls. Russet Potatoes, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A: CO.’S 25 Bbls. Silver Shin Onions, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S Choice Amber r.ndNew Or leans Syrup. Sepoir, Tinsley & Cos. 170-190 RALSTON HALL. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, Oclnhvr 30th, 31st, and Nov. Ist. The Pomeroy-Snedair, Oporatio Concerto. PATRONIZED BY TUE ELBTE AND FASHION, And pronounced by Press and Public the MosfClassical, Brilliant, Eipisite X* r oos: He. scats, Parquctte nnd Dress Circle, >'\ 50 Admission, - - - - 1 00 Gallery, - - * - 50 Reserved sects can he had at Brown’s Book store. oct36-3t. s s This unrivalled Medicine Is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is pi bi:li iigbiable:. For FORTY YItARS it lias proved its great value m alt diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great iu all parts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar powt rln purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver und Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sys tem. Si MMON’B LI VKK REGULATOR Is ac knowledged to have no equal as a LIYDK fl * It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities ol the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the Gim“.h I ulsiltlui; Sprcilie for Liver Comflaini and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, Jaundice,Billiousattacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Bum, <fcc., &c. Regulate the Liver and prevent <ll3l.r* SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by .1. 11. £i:il.l'% A 4 0.. MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price £ 1 per package; sent bv mail, postage paid, SI.-5. Prepared ready for use in bottles, $1.50. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I r ' Beware ot all Counterfeits und Imitations. 113-533 Heating Stoves —FOR COAE OR WOOD. Grates, - Grates, —AT— TRUMAN A GREEN’S, UrilVaE I VK HUHIG Sign of the Golden “Charter Oak." 102-204 T. 11. 4 o\. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ESul.doti Hull 9Sul!<l*n, CIIKRUY STREKT, MACON, GGOKUIA. 12Stf Treasurer's Ufpick, | Savannah, Griffin A North Ala. R. R. - Macon, Ga , Oct 4, 1873. \ r PHE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of L this Company, for the election of Presi dent ami Directors to serve for the ensuing >ear. will be hekl at the Court-house in Near nan, Coweta county, on Thursday, the 7th day of November next. MILOS FREEMAN.* oct 4 lrn Sec’y and Treas'r. E 81. GI KKV, . TORKEY AT LAW. / OK.NEK OF MIT.KF.KKY AND SECOND Y Strvots, In Court House, M:u-,>n, Ga. 29-104 WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE established, near the Macon A West -1 ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks' best scabs) to supply all kinds of Wood and Coal, in an\ quantity/at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the offices of Messrs. H L. Jewett. Greer, Lake A Cos , Turpin and: * >cden, through or at the Yard, will have prompt attention Come and see 12J-200 MILO 8 FREEMAN. FOR RENT. ONE of the most desirable places on Troup j llill, one mile from the Coart House, and near VKrt-er l'Diversity. Nineacres of land at tached. orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter. etc. Parties wanting to rent a good house can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to i N■ ■- R h VYrigtey A C0.,86 andfll Second stn-et, Macon, (ia. KW-lf JAMES W. KNOTT. J AM US MAMMOTH CIRCUS f mphatically pronounced bj all to be the Leading Show of the period, combining all tho beat riders of the age, among whom is the great and only JamoH Hol>iiiwon, Tire wndoubted and undisputed Champion Bareback and Hurdle Kidi-r of the world. CHAMPION OF SPAIN-Wearing the Medal of Isabella. CHAMPION OF FRANCE-Wearing the Rib bon of Napoleon 111. CHAMPION OF RUSSlA—Wearing the Dou ble Eagle. CHAMPION OF ENGLAND—Wearing Her Majesty’s Crest of Honor. CHAMPION OF HAVANA, CUBA—Wearing the Diamond-Studded Golden Belt CHAMPION OF AMERICA—Having the fa vor the People CARRYING HIS SON AND PUPIL. MASTER EUGENF, The most wonderful Boy Equestrian any age ever lias or ever will boast of. FRANK PASTOR, The greatest Somersault Equestrian. CLARENCE. The best Boy Bare-back Rider In the World. Will exhibit at MACON, Friday and Saturday, November Ist and 2d ADMISSION, 75 cts. CHILDREN, under ten years, - 50 cts. oetaO-lw. City Treasurer's Office, I Macon, Ga., October 25, 1872. J PARTIES having City Bonds or Coupons now due or coming due November 1,1872, will please present them to this office for pay ment CHAS. J. WILLIAMSON, oct2s-tllnovl Treasurer. Dutch Flower Bulbs. j r rMIE subscriber has received a select stock 1 of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Crocus, etc., etc , directly imported from Holland. For price list apply at the store of G. Beggs, Cherry fTrcet, or to D. MILNE. Macon, Ga. Also a large stock of Wilson’s Strawbe ry plants, warranted pure. D. M oct2s-tw. FOR RENT AGA PER MONTH by the year in advance. Two nice rooms, best locality in the city for Dentist or Millinery business. Apply at this office, or No. 8 Cotton Avenue. oct23-tf. Paints & Oils I TTENTION is ' ailed to my large stock if /V Paints and Oils and the very low ligU”’B at which they are 6old. WEST'S EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE OIL. The Cheapest Cigars in theCit.v. Pare Hollaud Gin and Hl'ilTKII’M MOUNTAIN RYE WHISKA ! THE NEW STREET CAR TICKETS, Have become very popular. FOUR FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Prescriptions are Accurately Com pounded. Earlv JENNY WAKEFIELD. LARGE FLAT DC TO, and LARGE DRUMHEAD Cab Page Seed just received. NEW CROP ONION SETTS. ROLAND B. HALL, DRUGGIST, IGI-tf Cor. Cherry St. and Cotton Avenue. JMO. B. WEEMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON 3d STREET OVER E. IV. RASBAL’S STORE. 29-179 Dll. B. F. GRIGGS. OFFICE ovei M. R. Rogers & Co's,, Cun fectlonarv store. Residence, Plum street, opposite George 8 Olicar’s. _ oet 2-lm _ DR. P.H. WRIGHT RESPECTFULLY" tender his professional services to the citizens of Macon and vi ciuity, Office ht Drug Store No, 3 Brown House Block Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy kin's, Georgia avenue. Calls left at either place will receive prompt attention. oe!6tf NOTICE. BIDS wfll be received for (450) four hun dred and fifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestnut Posts, 8 feet long and (7) sevcu inches square, delivered at either depot in this city. Address communications to oetS-tf WM. HAZLEHURST Armand L. Butts. Edgar A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. \\ r E are ready to All orders at reduced rates T T for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK a L d HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Winsbip * Callaway, or at yard M. & W. R. R., will receive prompt attention. 114-192 BUTTS A ROSS. NOTICE. HAVING recently teflttcd the old stand of Geo D Lawrence, near the Brown House, I am now prepared to furnish REFRESH ME NTS to the public. 100-177 Z. B. WHEELER. MACK BROTHERS, HAVE entirely renovated and cnlurgcd their store, to make room for a beautiful stock ~ Goods for the I ox and winter season. Among our specialties arc a splendid Selection of Ladies’ and Gents’ Scarfs and Ties. LADIES’ AND GENTS’, BOYS AND CHILDREN’S MERINO UNDERWEAR. Knit Woolen Goods of all Descriptions. AN EXCELLENT CHOICE OF BRACELETS AND SHELL JEWELRY. We also offer a complete line of Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Lace Goods, Velvet and Biik Ribbons, Furnishing Goods, Dressmakers Trimmings, Fancy Goods, etc., at very low prices. Wc shall be pleas, and to bcc our old friends and as many new ones at our store on Second street, Damour’s Block. .tl lt’k IIICO E II UK*. oct2l -mon-wed-sat-1 m. MACON, Monday, December 2d. UNDERSTAND THIS FULLY! "OLD JOHN ROBINSON,” THE VETERAN Showman of America! Respectfully announces to the public that his Stupendous Organization, consisting of Museum, Aquarium, Menagerie and Circus! Which, from its Unrivalled Proportions, lias been styled bv the ENTIRE PRESS OF AMERICA the GREAT “ World’s Fair of Wonders!” Will not, under an circumstances, visit the City of Macon before Monday, December 2d, As has been heretofore announced in our Bills, Circulars, and the Papers of the day. He de r>ires to state that the Great Show of the Age Has in no instance !**en divided, and that un der all circumstances it f!ih)l remain COM PLETE AND INT YCT, representing in the MUSEUM, OVER ‘20,(1 :> CURIOSITIES, While the Mcnag< is noted for its many Wonderful Special lies, in connection with which is the Best Circus in the World! AND NOW FOR A i+-r WORD OF C-A-TJTTON ; _/*} Bogus Rodixsons — The Proprietors of Min iature Circuses and Animal Shows have been compelled to resort to all kinds of expedients to enable them to even pretend to compete with my Colossal Combination ; unfortunately for the public, among these expedients are l^gT" Deception and Fraud! In one or more instances a small show may be traveling about the country, employing in some capacity a man whose name is ROBIN SON, or who CALLS HIMSELF ROBINSON, and the exhibition, a minor charlantical Cir cus or Animal Show, or both, is advertised and posted as ROBINSON’S. CTir THIS IS DONE WITH A DIRECT IN TENT TO DEFRAUD AND DECEIVE THE PUBLIC! 1 here is but ONE JOHN ROBINSON, and but ONE True Exhibition in the World that can properly bear his name. I-f“ Rkmemiiek— This Famed Show, with its TEN MaMMOTH TENTS, and all its many Wonders, will not visit Macon until Monday, December 2d. Admission to the Entire Combination, 75 cents; Children under 10 years of age, 50 cents. oct26-4t—26 38 30—novl . J. J. ABRAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 151 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. COLLECTIONS promptly attended to and money remitted at once. P. O, Box 257 181-209 NOTICE. Macon and Brunswick Railroad Office, ) Macon. Ga., August 2d, 1872. f ON and after August Bth, Excursion tickets to New York and return, can be had at this office, ?38 00 for round trip. Tickets good until Oct. Ist, 1872 98-tf E J. MARTIN, G. T. Agt. ATTEATIOA ! INSURANCE AGENTS, A LL Insurance Agents doing business in i f A the city are requested to call at this office, make returns and pa\ a tax of per cent, on their receipts to Sept 1. By order of Council CHAS. J. WILLIAMSON, I'JOtf Treasurer. BYINCTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, a* IS THE HREAKI ANT llOG'Mll For the Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma con to Columbus. UI YM K HOUSE For the Train from Eufaula and Albany to Macon. KI PP R IIOIiSE For the Train from Columbus to Macon, Sa vanna! nd Augusta. Large comfortabh Rooms witli Fire places and every Convenience. 112190 NC TICE. THE Books for the registration of voters for the city election will be opened on the first day of October and close at Twoo’cioek p. m., on’December 13, 1872. eep3o td J. A, McMANUS, Clerk. Bui ding L t For Sale. SITUATED near Tatnali Square, within a few steps of Mercer University. Address K. C.,’Box K., 9Stf Macon, Ga, CROP OF 1872, Clover and Grass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER. ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &C’., &c. Just received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAII, Wholesale Druggists, 1-IG-15G 82 and 84 Cherry Street. " BERND BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF ANI/ WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Collars, Horse Equip ments and Clothing Generally. ALSO a full assortment of LEATHER of al kinds, Enameled Cloth, etc. addlers and Harness Makers Hardware aud Tools. Cash paid for HIDES, FURS, SKINS, WAX, WOOL and TALLOW. 5-102 Spoil?wood iXoiVl NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DErOT, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. T. 11. HARRIS, Proprietor. 0. J. Maclellan, Superintendent. James W. Meara, In the Office. I—tf L. LOWENTHAL, Merchant Tailor. Cotton Avenue, opposite City Hall, Cleaning and Repairing done Neatly. HAB on hand a beautiful stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Doe Skin, Vest Patterns, etc., which he will cut and make up for his patrons and the public in general, in the very latest styles and finish. Give him a call if you would have cheap clothes—cheaper than anywhere to the city. oct2l-liu EDWARD SPRINZ. XTOTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFHCIO JUS TICE OF TilE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the day at my office adjoining the law office of A. t*roudfit, over the store of Jaques & Johnson, Third Bt., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 118-330. THE “LIGHT RUIIIIG'jL*,^* “DOMESTJe.” S. M. CO., 90 Chambers St., New York, or Atlanta, Ga. 122-300 L. T. WHITCOMB, Agt.. IMPOKTER AND DEALER IN West India Fruits, Veietata, HAY, GRAIA, HAY, ETC., 99 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 107-185 ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE— Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION OF UEOKVIA< ILL commence at their Fair Grounds at V T Savannah, Georgia, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1572, And continue six days. The ceutral Railroad passes by the ground?- For Premium last or formation, address J. H. ESTILL, BacraUr; 133-td Ravtnaahi G a