Newspaper Page Text
W. A. Hl'W- Wny®* - .
r I r. ay A R,
T i F Woonurr,
(4. B. Houkhtu,
'I, I ' lTZ k l u, E. I*. Strong,
n Daly K. Waogknutrin.
0. J. Tr ™'£t.
j \ McManus,
A O. bacon
• l.h G. N. Hoi.MBS,
VC . ..Chief of Police.
;Vo BI Tm,Ti First Uiutenaot
I ' * ■ II ' , ; < iv . ■ Second lieutenant.
w“ U v ’ . . Third Lieutenant.
i* fisnky ....Guard HouM Keeper.
,'hkr'ky Street Overseer.
V'V ' hakman ” City Sexton.
n r' HoSoki'n-". Magazine Keeper.
yens !!■ Clerk of the Market.
I 1,1, Office In prepared o ex
re„te Job Hrlntina: at price* to
:*'|V the time*, and In a tyle
.iiilMtUctory to all.
made a specialty. We solicit
v our order*, nud V*** **".*" p
i.,*t to plea*e a *
tl tOOM. <%., >OV. 4. IM*.
Tlir Fire
Sunday morning was a Hinall outhouse
on the grounds of the Macon Free School.
lii ,i (lay or TANARUS
Mr K. B. Barfield will present a paper ou
the financial condition of city in our paper.
Tin- attention of tax payers and citizens gen
erally are invited to a perusal.
lu,migration yieetiutt’.
There will be an immigration meeting at the
City Hall to-night. We suppose it Is for the
purpose of carrying out .let!' l.oug’s preposed
pi n to go to Kansas.
Shooting Affair,
About one o'clock to-day, the clerk of Mr.
K. Spinner, saloon keeper on Mulberry street,
shot a negro man named Elbert Grant in the
■ thigh. As the case will come up for investiga
tion by tlie proper authorities we forbear giv
ing particulars.
Air*. S. I*, (lower*.
Remember that Mrs. I). P. Bowers plays to
night at Ralston’s Hall. The seats ore being
- vapidly taken, and we predict a good house on
her opening night.
I'ommlssionera Court.
In conseqnenco of the non-arrival of District
Attorney last night, the Court adjourned until
to morrow at 10 o’clock. Why it should be in
session on the day of election we can’t imagine.
On Saturday night a drunken man went qp
stairs in the Floyd House, and staggering along
the hall, fell on the little child of Mrs. Patrick
Mclntyre, aged two years, Injuring it o that
life was suspended for some time. We did not
hear the name of the man, but that he was from
Twiggs county. He was arrested.
XV himt to Wear.
Madame Demorcst issues annually u book on
the above subject. It is about the handiest
book a lady can have about the house. Not
only does it give specific instructions as to
what to wear and how to make it, but invalua
ble hints on other matters belonging to the
ladies. Every lady Bhould have one. Brown
& Cos. have it for sale.
Don’t Go.
We understand a number of our young men
are going hunting to-morrow for fear of a fuss.
Boys, stop and think what you are doing ! Go
ing away from the polls at a time when your
services and votes are most needed; going from
the polls and losing Greeley numbers of votes;
going from the polls when your country de
mands your votes; going from the polls be
cause you are afraid of a commissioner’s court!
For shame! Go to the i>olls and stay there!
Go to the polls and cast your votes for Greeley
and get your friends to do the saras. If you
want to save your country go to the polls.
Don't stay away and say there will be plenty
there without you—that’* not patriotism—but
go, vote, and stay there.
■ll-llehavior In Shows.
A circus is by common consent regarded as
rather a rough place, where more freedom Is
allowed the audience than at any other place of
amusement. But it is submitted if young me
who go there and use vulgar and profane lan
guage in the presence of ladies, and reel around
the amphitheatre drunk, add anything to their
owu or to the good name of their familiea!
Any one in the audieucc can tell them that in
stead of exciting mirth they provoke disgust
and would be much gratifled to see them taken
to jail by the police. Instead of a place of pnb
lic amusement being the first, it ought to be
the last place in the world for a drunken man
togo to display himself. He rarely over suc
ceeds in exciting other than a feeling of loath
ing and contempt among decent people.
Hale oftke Hurt Mmitta Prsparty
The sate ofthe late Hartwell P. Smith's resi
dence will ]>ontueiy take place to-morrow
morning at It o’clock, on the premises.
It ia perhaps the most desirable property on
Square. The bouse contains nine largo and
thoroughly finished main rooms, besides clos
ets, pantry and every other convenience re
quired. In addition the outhouses are in num
ber and style commensurate with the dwelling.
Every building is in thorough repair, and
nearly new.
The lot contains 1 % acres, so situated that it
can be subdivided into three without materially
Interfering with any improvement uow upon
the premises. The water is ns fine s any we
have in U&eon.
To any one wishing to purchase such a prop
erty, this affords an opportunity which does
often occur.
Garaiiluaeaf of Wage*.
It aeema that the Legislature passed a law
on the 23rd of August which make# it lawful
for proriaian dealers, boarding house keepers
and landlords of hotels to garnishee wages in
default of billa being unsettled.
" * have not seen a "copy of the law but learn
these facta from a caae which recently came up
before Magistrate Lamotte the other day in
Savannah. Ulmer garnished Whetatone’s wa
ges for the non-payment of *33.15 board bill
The defense made was technical, and the deci
sion of the Magistrate atraight out against
Whetstone, auataining the plaintiff's action un
We know of no other State in the Union
where a man’s wages can be stopped for debt
of this or any other character. But here it is
a corrallary of the Homestead and Relief Laws,
we presume.
A free lunch and concert will be given at
Havens’ ” Merchants’ Exchange" on Monday
night at U o’clock—all are Invited, rrofessor
Kteekr-* hand wUJ be la attendance- 3le
car4s - ffavgjw, PeorsarrOß.
|Hu)Or'a Court.
They must have thought the Mayor wo* to
hold a eommlsalener’a court this mornlug from
the Urge attendance.
Officer Duke introduced u lovely female
shop-lifter, who took a fancy to a certain dolly
varden piece of calico in Rosa A Coleman’a
atore. and in the intense admiration forgot her
conscience and appropriated it. For tills nog
llgenee of attending to the pure dictates of
conscience, Mrs. Jane Baker, of Clinton, was
dismissed, as she left a suckling babe at borne,
and was a stranger in a strange land.
Officer Simpson brought Dlek Balckom to
the front. Dick had been imbibing too much
of the pokeberry Juice, aud it threw him. He
acknowledged the aoft Impeachment and pays
$5 and costs.
Officer Sessions wouldn’t be outdone by
Simpson, aud he brought up Wesley Nixon us
a specimen of the game he could catch. Wesley
loves the cup and vice versa. Consequently he
pays (5 aud costs for his adoration.
Officer Sessions brought up a very interest
ing case. Mitchell Johnson Insinuated that
Henry Thompson told wliat wasn’t so, and
Henry politely Informed Mitchell that his mater
fiiinlliiu was a she purp. This sly inuendo
concerning the family record of Mitchell caused
to scatter the cabbages in Frank Ilisroon's
store by knocking Henry down Not being
used to this manner of expressing friendship,
Hcurv pulled out his little pocket knife aud
sampled the flesh on Mitchell’s thigh. Officer
Sessions coming up lie nabbed Henry and
brought him before his Honor, when he swore
he never had a knife. For this charming in
timidation they both swell the treasury to the
amount of (10 ami costs each.
Officer Douce introduced Albert Hitchcock,
wlio celebrated the last Hal)hath dsy by getting
gloriously druuk. Of course he pays the usual
V ami costs.
Officer Chapman with the assistance of the
Hou. Mark Curry, of Bibb, brought up Maria
Mayo and Emma Thomas for indulging in a
sort of free tight in the colored Baptist church.
Mark said the tight caused a good deal of “eon
fusemeut” In church. The result of the hives*
tigation was that Emma pays 15 and costs, and
Maria contributes S>2 and costs.
Officer Moore directed the attention of the
Court to a trifling ease of wife whipping in the
case of M. B. Johnson, ahich cost Johnson
about sl3.
Officer Sessions, with his usual enterprise,
brought up Sim Lanee for keeping a gambling
house and lighting. There being no positive
proof that Sim hud done these things his ease
was dismissed.
Officer Murray informed the Court that
Henry Washington and Richard Lane had dis
turbed the peace by fighting. They wero let
ofl ou payment of costs.
Officer Wood introduced a young man who
never stole anything in his life, put some how
or other was docketed this morning for taking
what didn’t belong to him. For indulging in
Ids old habit, Gun wipes out his pocket with a
ten dollar bill, costs added.
And ’twas thus Gus, the cuss, busa-ted the
Court, and it weut out.
A* a Matter f Inloriuaiiow
We publish below a part of the duties of the
United States Marshal:
The Marshal aud his general deputies, and
such special deputies as he may authorize, un
der his hand and seal, may, when resisted in
making an arrest, or in the performance of liis
or their duties, call on all bystanders to assist,
and they must so do or are themselves liable to
arrest. All persons arrested, whether with or
without a warrant, must be at once taken be
fore a United States judicial officer, with the
witness to the offense. Persons arrested un
der a warrant must be taken before, the. officer
who issued the warrant. Every deputy mar
ehal and special deputy, after accepting his of
fice, ia liable to arrest for any neglect or viola
tion of his official duty. These powers of the
deputy marshalss aud special deputies are to be
prudently but energetically exercised.
Brown Hotel Arrival*.
For 24 Sours preceding 12 To-day
S H Thurman, Crawford, Ga.; R B White
head, Ga.; E C Elner, J T Blalock, R B Good
wyn. Barnesville; J C Kemper, Iml. R E Fas
ter, E J Joyes, R T Brickley, Baltimore: R E
Parker, J Koch, Mrs D P Bowers, J C McCol
lom. Geo McMaughon, N V.; Geo G Smith,
Cuthbert, Ga.; R K Hines, A P Wright,Albany,
Ga.; Jas H Cochran, Ga.; O O Nelson, D P
Harrell, A B Platt, Dawson; Ben Abraham,
Forsyth, Ga.; J D Pope, E F Miller and wife,
Atlanta; Edward C Shivers, A Harris, M A W
RR; Thos J Fletcher, Forsyth, Ga.; J P Flan
ders, J&a Nelson, Jennings Clay, L W Rasdal,
C Don Levey, City; Dr H V Johuson, Ilawkins
vllle; J R Crawford, Oglethorge; J M Edmun,
Master Lee Clark, Miss M E Clarke, Albany,
Gft.; Henry Sharp, Miss Sharp, Tennessee, CB
Wurman, R J Wayward, r R Youngo, J E
Turner, M PTurner, Sav.; James R Laseetcr,
Toombsboro’; Jno F Vaux, Cincinnati; G R
Griffin, Columbus; A Klcnn; N Y.; R F John
son, N C.; J W Haynes, Ga.; P Barfleled, Ga ;
8 Montford, C C Lane anil wife, Ga.; J Koch,
NY.; GL McDonald, GA Medouald, Texas.
Tr Is Also Tkce. —lf you want la buy Rea
dy-made Clothing or good Underclothing, eto.,
it will pay you to walk up In first door aliovc
First National Bank, Otieny street,
tf C. H. Baikd.
Faukau’s Elbctbio—Warranted to cure the
following diseases or money refunded: Dip
therm, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colie, Headache,
Diarrhea and Rheumatism if not of 100 long
Fakkah’s A own Core—Warranted to cun;
in three days or money refunded. For sala hj
ail Druggists.
Hunt, Rankin A Lajhar,
93-171 Wholesale Agents.
OiiAWOEs at W. P. Carlos’.
That’s So,—lf you wsnt a suit made to on
der in the best style, you will snvc money by
calling on (tf) C. 11. Bajrd.
Carlos !ms Florida Oranges large and sweet.
t’. W. nOWAKII.
Offlc at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry street.
tST'AU business will receive prompt atten
Sale of Livery Stable Stock
ttrILL be sold at public oulery at Holmes
VV <fc Clay’s Livery Stable, at 10 o’clock a.
m on the first Tuesday in November next, (30)
Twentv head of Horses, Carriages, Phaetons,
Buggies, Hacks, Wagons, Harness, Saddle*,
Bridles, Iron Safe, Desk, etc. Sold for division.
For further particulars, apply to
C. MASTKRSON, Receiver,
octls-Ws At the Stables.
A FRONT room over Jones A Baxters store,
suitable for an office or bed room.
Apply to E. BuND,
octal 3t at Post Office.
Marshall House
A. B. LUCE, Proprietor.
Macon Lodge, No. 5, meet* every Ut uud fill
Monday night, at Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue.
Ml/.puli Lodge, No. 47, moots every 2d and
4th Thursday nights ut Masonic Hull.
Constantine Chapter, No. 4, R. A. M., meets
every 2d and 4th Monday night at Masonic Hall.
St. Omer Co*nuindery, No. 2, Knights Tem
plar, meet* Ist Thursday* 1 each month at
Masonic llall.
Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday uight in
each mouth —House Poplar at., comer 3d.
Oeinulgeo No. 3 meets Ist Monday night In
each month—House on Cotton Avenue, near
City Hall.
Young America No 3 meets Ist Mondaynight
In each mouth—House 3dst, eorner Mulberry
Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in
each month—House corner Hawthorne and 3d
Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday ill each
month—Housed in City Hall.
Hook ami Ladder No. I meets Ist Friday
night in each month—House Poplar r-t., eor
nor *M. ,
onn KttU.ovvs.
Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs
day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue.
United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every
Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Germania Lodge, No. 59, meets every
I Wednesday night at Odd Fellows* Hall.
Macon Union Encampment No. ”, meets at
j Odd Fellows’ Hull on 2d ami till Mondays of
i each month.
Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’
[ Hall.
good TEMPI,AIts.
Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every lues
day night at Progress Club Hull.
Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday
night at their Hull in Hollingsworth Block.
Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every ;
Monday night at Progress Club Hull.
Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every Thurs
day night at their Hall ou Windsor Hill.
Progress Club meets every Sunday uight at I
their Hall on Mulberry street.
Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday in each
month at No. 2 Engine House.
Mulachi Lodge, No. 14fi, I. 0. B. 11., meets ;
second and fourth Sundays in each month.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets
every Wednesday night at the Passenger Depot, j
Visiting brethren welcome,
Episcopal —Christ Church, Rev. 15. Johnson, j
Rector—Walnut st., between 2d and 3d. Ser
vices 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 r. M.
St. Paul’s Church, Rev. 11. K. Rees, Rector i
—Vineville. Services 11 a. m. ; 5 p. M. Chil- J
dren’s Service; op. m. Evening Prayer.
Bt. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ
Church, at sp. m. Near Macon A Brunswick
Railroad Freight Depot.
Catholic —St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. D. j
Buzin. Mass 7a.m. ; High Mass 10:00 A. M.; ’
Vespers 4 1-2 P. M. J
Presbyterian —Mulberry St. Church, Itev. C. j
B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 101-2 A. M. and ‘
8 P. M.
Windsor Hill Church, Rev. Wm. McKay, i
Services semi-monthly.
hraclituh Synagogue— J. XI. Hertz, President '■
Near Ist Baptist Church. Servioes Friday eve
ning and Saturday morning.
Baptist —lst Baptist, Rev. W. H. Mclntosh, j
pastor—2d Street, between Cherry and Poplar. I
Services 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 1-4 p. M. ; Sunday- j
school 4 1-2 P. M.
Second Baptist, Rev. James Mcßrvde, pastor
—near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 101-2 A. M.
and 8 p. m.
Mission Chapel, Windsor Hill, supplied from
the city churches.
Methodist Episcopal —Mulberry Street, Rev.
J. O. Branch, pastor—Mulberry st,, eorner Ist,
Services nt 10 1-12 A. M. and 8 p. M.
First Street Church, Rev. W. W. Ilioks, pas
tor —Ist street, between Oak and Arch. Ser
vices 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Vineville Church, supplied frnm the city
East Macon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, pus--
tor. Services 10 1-2 A. M. and 4p. m.
L| .
This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to
contain a single particle of Mercury, or any
injurious mineral substance, but is
For FORTY YEARS it lias proved its great
value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels und
Kidneys. Thousands of tbe good and great
in all parts of the country vouch for its wonder
ful and peculiar power in purifying tbe Blood,
stimulating tbe torpid Liver and Bow els, und
imparting new Life and Vigor Id tlio whole sys
knowledged to have no equal as a
It contains four medical elements, never uni
ted in the same happy proportion in any other
preparation, viz; a gentle Cathartic, a wonder
ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a
certain Corrective of all impurities of tin; body.
Such signal success has attended its use, that
it is now regarded as the
Great Infailiiisc Npeelfie
for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring
thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA
TION, Jaundice,Billiousattaeks, SICK HEAD
ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits HOUR
STOMACH, Heart Burn, &c., &r.
Regulate the Liver and prevent
Is manufactured by
.1. 11. ZEIUYACO.,
Price tl per package; sent by mail, postage paid,
f 1.25. Prepared ready for use Id bottles, t 1.50.
£#a*Bewre oi all Counterfeit! and Imitations.
To tbe lliisinesa tlen of VI <-on
Circulates exclusively in Dougherty. Mitchell,
Lee, Baker and Worth Counties.
KfT The wealthiest Cotton growing section
of Georgia. Jgi
Is the best Advertising Medium in Southwest
ern Georgia.
CAREY W STYLES, Proprietor.
1 Gael at 8. T. A 11. P. Walker’* this evening,
if gou want such things a* choice Tennessee
Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap
j pics, Oranges, llannauas, Malaga Grapes, or
anything else in the fancy family grocery
ocU7-tf ss CUt’.uuv St
No moke Mowing about your Fcrreotypo*.
Brown has just received ti e best ami largest
Ferreotype machine that ever came Smith.—
Call at No. 8 Cotton Avenue, If you want cod
picture--- Old Cameras for sal > -dirtVrent -i/- -s.
Dully Review off I lie Iffnrkel,
OrriCK Macon Daii.y Kntkkpiiisr, I
Novembcr 4—2 o’clock, P. M. t
Cot ion.—Report for 24 hours, since 2 I*. M.
yesterday. Sold 85ti bales; shipped 55’. bales.
Received BOH bales.
Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872
bales 418
Received last 24 houis (’>93
Received previously 20,793—91,400
Total receipt* 21,818
Snipped last 24 hours 551
Shipped previously 15,203—15,*54
Stock on hand this evening.... ii,l). r <B
, Market active -
No. 8 11
Milledgei ille No. 8 II
Wnymanvillo Sheeting 1 1
Houston Sheeting UW
Houston Stripes 18Val5
Columbus Stripes 15al8
High Shoal Stripes It!
Montour Shirt intf-K t(>>4
Factory Sewing Thread BO
YARNS— 1 0
GRITS- -per busluri 1 85
OATS—per bushel 0005
FIELD PEAS—per bushel
HAY' —Northern
Tennessee 1 9Ta‘l 00
Clover 1 2d
PEA NUTS—per busbul 180
POTA I'OES —Planting •
Table use 3 50a4 00
APPLES —Northern
BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 per Hi 48a44
Goshen No. 3 per lb 85
Tennessee No. 1 “ 31
Tennessee No. 8 “ 20
Country 35a40
COFFEE—Rio per lb 2:ia35
Java per lb 30u83
CHEESE—Best Cream per lb.. 17U
New York per 1b... 15
MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per gal. 05
“ Georgia ” per gal.. 70
Sugar ilouse 35
SYRUPS—GoIden Drips, per gal... 00T6
Medium per gal 05
Ordinary per gal 55
SUGAR— ’’ A” per lb 13j^a
White Extra ”C” 13a
New Orleans fhhda) Rill2} J
Yellow C 12'^n
Demerara 12J^ul3
Porti Rico Il>.fal2'.;
POWDER —Hazard per keg....... 7 85
Orange Mills 7 00
BACON —Clear-ribbed Sides (amukd).. 18
Shoulders BVfu9
HAMS —Magnolia 8. C., canvassed... I9'<u2o
Fitch’S 19Wa80
Teunessee, plain-cured.....* 1 Sul3s,
White Bellies lOaICL, :
PORK—Pickled, uiess 18 on I
New, mess 19 00
Pickled, rumps ... 15 00
Shoulders —-
Bellies VOalOL;
LARD—Prime Leaf. Tierces lladJ, 1 *
Kegs 18
I Packages 12al8
FLOUR- -Low snpeiUnoper bid u 7 00
Standard superfine. s 50
Extra 9 00
Choice extra ——
Family 10 00
“ Wyleys X X X X’ •
Georgia Mills j II 50a13 00
, Hyacinth® 9 50
“ Domestic ” 18 00
Star of Beauty 1100
Belle of Georgia II 00
Pride of Dixie 18 00
Silver Lake 18 00
CORN—White per bushel 95
Mixed per bushel HBa9o
SHOT—Per sack 800
CRACKERS —Butter per lb 09
Soda Bao9
Cream 13
Sugar 18 1-8
Lemon 14
Ginger Snaps
Pic Nie 10
Fancy 17
CANDY' —New York per lb 18
M. R. Rogers & Cos 18
BLACKING—No. 1 per gross 5 00
No. 3 B 00
No. 3 7 00
SODA—Bi-Carb. per lb 9alo
POTASH—Per Hi lOull
SOAP—Turpentine per lb IS 1-2
Laundry IS
Toilet per do/. Tool 20
Olive 8
Merrill’s per do/.. 1 75ii2 35
Horsford’s 2 00
TOBACCO—Choice Chewing per lb 75
Medium. , 00
Ordinary 40a50
Choice Smoking 1 25
Medium 75
Common 40
CIGARS —Imported per thousand 75 OOaISO 00
Domestic 15 OOofiO 00
I SNUFF—Scotch per lb 78
Macaboy 78
i PIPES—Per box 2 50a4 50
: MACKEREL —No. 1 kits 2 25a2 50
No. 2 bids 13 50a 14 00
No. 3 kits 170
No. 3 bids —large.. 11 50a12 50
| No. 3 kits I 50al 70
f WHITE FISH—Half Idd 7 50a 00
| CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 31bia22
Sperm 43u45
) Paraffine 30a33
EGGS—Per doz 35
CHICKENS—Per do/. 3 00u5 00
BALT—Virginia per sack 2 10a2 15
Liverpool 3 25
HIDES— Dry flint 14a 10
Green 5a7
WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05al 10
Lyon 18
* Dundee 17
Patched 17
Arrow. Oj^alO
Eureka JO
Aligalor afij£
Treasurkr's OrvtOl, j
SAVANNAn, Griffin & North Ala. it. B. r
Macon, Ga., Oct. 4, 1872. )
npilE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of
1_ tins Company, for the election of Presi
dent and Directors to serve for the ensuing
year, will be held at the Court-house In New
nan Coweta county, on Thursday, the 7tli day
|of itovcmbcr next. MILOS FREEMAN,
oct4-lm Sec’y and Treas'r.
i Notice to the Tax Payers
of Bibb County.
FIMIE TAX BOOKB tor the collection of State
JL and County Taxes for 1872, are, now open
at the ofliee of Collins A; Heath, Real Estate
and Insurance Agents, No. 59Second street.
octlO-tfeod. Tax Collector Bibb county.
| attorney at law,
COLLECTIONS promptly attended to and
money reftt once. v. tvrl .
t "t ; , yV—i.-t 1
15 O S T O N
Savnnmili Steamship bine,
IOW rates of freight and inMi.-.t • First
j class passenger lu-emninodiitlmi;.. Ordei
j your goods shipped by’‘Bi'stim m3 Savannah
Steamship Line, mid avoid alt ill I. v and extra
! handling, lib IIAUIMON & BARNARD,
\gciit. Savannah, Gu.
F. Nlt'UF.i -ON A CO., Agents,
l!ll-yo:i Boston.
Commission Merchant,
I3 111%' N'I'RKIIT,
i Bet. Whitaker and Barnard St., Savannah, Ga.
All orders will receive prom [it attention Con
signmenta of all Kind- i -speetfnlh solii ih-d.
BO IT & MeKF.N£X£.
Cotto’\ itn Cflmtai :t on
iiciini n s *..
Ill* Itiay Si M.ii.iuiiali. <aii.
181 209
MEYER, ' & CO.,
\vlioi.i;*YU- m;vi M-3 in
Boots and Shoes,
■ l*i llroiigliloii 51..5111 <imill. Gil
Merchants supplied at See I 1 t
131-209 Pi-io-s.
A. Hi. AI.IttIN A ISItO..
Doulers in Fruits, Fish am! ('nalmT,
No. 95 Bay St., Suvannali, < •
Consignment* solicited.
Orders promptly attended to. •’ ’*
4j,la**Yvnr<‘ ami <T>iu:>.
And Dealer in House Furnishing Goods,
142 Congress and 111 SI. .fill:: a
- GA. 151 809
F. W. SIMS & CO;,
rotion Factors null
Commission fiflerchants
HATANNfAII, <(K'tMC<i!l I.
and Tien supplied at nwuUcl pri< is.
Advances made on Cotton, or other consign
men’s. Money promptiv Hit 209
A. 11. CHAMPION. 01-O. i*. i IIUI.MAN.
ni a ■
Commission Merchants
Corner Bay aud Drayton Streets,
SAVANNAH, GA, 181 809
L. x. VVITITTI.E. 1180, W. Ol'sTIN.
WIHTTB.i: At 435 NT 11%.
ATTOItIVRYN, At-.. AT £,%%%
Pulaski House,
J NO. YV. C A VI Elt ON %v 10.,
A flrwt elans houfe in every nvjus■! ,
YM 209
tiii: nciimn wugklv.
I T is universally conceded that advertising i
I. u nccesßlty to sue,cess in business ; it. is also
conceded, by the shrewdest busincr- • men, that
newspapers are the best medium for reaching
all parties whose trade is desired.
roaches more of the people trading with Mn
con than any other journnl published in the
country; it Is, therefore, the fnnt medium of
communication with the planting interests.
We will be happy ut any time to furnish refer
cnees to lending merchants here and elsewhere,
who will testify to the fact that they have, re
ceived orders for goods from parties who read
their cards in The AUvrrtlHtr. In fact, many
who have availed themselves of its columns,
.candidly say that its value, exceeds Dial of all
other journals in which they are represented
The Advertiser has the fresh ness of youth and
the ripeness of age, and is therefore deservedly
No advcrtiflemwitn nre admitted which are
not believed to be above question and of real
value, and from parties ho unqiu itionubly re
liable that the leaders of Thr A<h riiy r will be
safe in ordering them from uny distunee. To
our readers, the fact of its appearance lit re ban
all the weiirht of endorsement and authority*
Address, IAS. 1\ lIAKKIBON,
Forsyth, (icorirhi.
Macon Weekly ilarjr ise,
(vN or about the find, w<< 1. in Oecober,
/ we will I-*ue from this olli' t.'ne lir: > num
Larp, Live, Weekly Paper!
It wiil contain all the the 3 eb-gmphic news
of the week, and tic-, latent reliable information
on ail subjects and from ail part < of the, world.
In its editorial department will lx; found dis
cussion* of all the
of the times. Particular attention will he giv
en to the advancement of Science, Art, and
Literature; while all interesting events and
authentic progress of the political world will
be faithfully presented.
One Year .£1 50
Six Months 1 00
Invariably in advance.
subscription taken for h -s then six
j.jyNow Is the time to sulmcrlbe. Sfki i-
3, CLARKE 8W A VZK, / BlbbConnty Court,
vs. /■ October Term, 1871.
NINA BWAYZE. ) Libel for Divorce.
It appearing to tbe Court that the defendant
In the above stated ease, resides without tin;
limits of tbe Statu It 1 ordered that Service
be perfected In said case, by publication in one
of the public Gazettes, Dubhabed in the City
of Macon, once a week for four months.
M. o. OhKKi ,
Petitioner’s Attorney.
A trr.e extract from the Minutes of Bibb Su
perior Court. A. B. ROSS, Dep. Clerk.
V .! nlv 17. 1*72. 95-law-tm
I ’lt 12NJ I ST< >< li !
► "
Grain, Provisions and Groceries,
Jlu\>- no"' In atoiv a fr>‘*h Stork of Good*, ami Invlb- tun attnntlonof the Public
109,(199 poamG It VI i > . 1 11 J. \NI> SHOULDERS, iliic.t Jftom Ur Pat Ear.
"siii tlie gcniat:.' MAGNOI TA” HAMS.
20 lUtim'F PURE I.F.\F I.ARTL
5,099 buuliola WHITE AND MIXED CORN.
509 Roll, BAGGING, weighing pound* to the YtirO.
35 Bags Choice RIO COFFEE.
50 Bids. SUGAR of various gracds.
i Choice WESTERN HAY, fresli Water Ground MF.AL, WHEAT BRAN, I.IVF.HPOOL ami
We have mo* a good Stock, und respectfully invito the attention of all who desire to pur
' chase goods in our Hue.
Entire satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers.
Please cull on us at
63 Tbii'd Street, Macon, Ga„ Sip of tie “Golden Hoc,”
1 110-135
r IMIAT all important event, the election, having passed away, ami the “ tiroes that ti n and nu n's
1.. souls” have merged Into the “ piping times of peace”; and Winter lias been ushered ia
I among twitter of birds and ninsle of the leaves as they fall to the ground ; and the Summer bar
ing faded away and the weather reduced to something agreeable, I have to announce to my nu
inerous and beloved patrons that I have recently returned from uu extended trip to New York,
Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie and Weehussan, and other celebrated markets, where I purchased,
and have now in my store, the largest lot of
Ever brought to Macon, consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, New York Canvassed Hams and
Breakfast Bacon, Lard, Butter, Canned Fruit, Jellies, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts, Apples, Lemons,
< abliugcs, Onions, Potatoes, Crackers, Cheese, Hpleed Hams, Bologna Sausages, and—well, it
would take me all day to write w hat I have got, and It would till this paper so full that Smith
wouldn't have a local for a week. It ia almost unnecessary for me to mention the fact that Imu
prepared, as ever, to supply Oysters ami Shell-fish of all kinds, from a Crab to a Greeley oyster.
: The finest Kish, fresli and on lee, is kept by inw, and sold at llvlDg rates.
, In view of the fact that the people of Macon, und those visiting Mncon, are determined to eat
1 whether they get anything good or not, I have prepared myself for the emergency, by ranking
ample arrangements to have my
Supplied with the very best this and other markets ran afford. That popular (llsh, “Birds on
Toast” being my own Invention, the people can always find the same at my restaurant. To
gether with my polite corps of waiters, this brunch of my business will receive the patronage
|of all of my old customers, nud, 1 hope, many new ones. My restaurant is, as is well known,
1 supplied ■with the very best
that could he found. Therefore, gentlemen and ludies, having laid before you what I have on
hand, and wishing you all the best luck and that I can suit you in your purchases from me I
must close this letter. If ut. any time I can serve you, you have but to command mo or iny
corps of attentive and obliging clerks, and you will be made happy. Thanking you for pust
l favors, I am tenderly years.
: ’
£SO Hofond Stroct, >laoon, Oporgia
-1 octlbfim