Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 05, 1872, Image 1
Issues, Wing & Smith, rnorniKTona, Term* of *u*criiiloit s $ 8 00 One 5 ear ,i op Six Months „ (M) Three Months “ f InrariaUu > ml ran re. E To city subscribers by the month , Seventy-live jJE>nte, served l>y curriers. FOR MAYOR OF MACON, HON. W. A. HUFF. Tin. Frank J. Herrington is our only < authorized City Agent, ami lie is duly em powered to solicit work For tins office, and subscriptions to the Enterprise. Ml. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer. Is our authorized agent in Dawson, Ga. Mr. W. S. Deidrick. Southern Express Company Office, is our authorized Agent al Smitliville. j jj Tucker is our authorized agent at Fort Gaines. | \ Seymore, of Bvingtons Hotel, is our authorized Agent at Griffin. Mu. En T. Byington is our agent in Fort Valley. ■ Mr. W. W. Laney, is our authorized Agent at Cplaporchee. (■ \y Brown, lluilroad Depot is our authorized Agent at IJarnesville. sc " - Let Sectional Jealousy in Georgia Cease. Il is said that aspirants (or the Supreme ■Court Bench, and the Tinted States Semite are pressing their claims on account of the section in which they live. I his* course never has done and never will do any good We expressed our views fully upon t\iis subject last winter, when, in a portion of the press, the generous and manly con duct, eminent talents and fitness for that Bench, of our townsman, Mr, Fielder, were acknowledged and highly commend ed ; and it was stated that the only objec tion to him was that lie lived in the same 'section of the State from which Gov. Bid lock had appointed Judge McKay. We repeat them now, and ask our brethren of lhe press in the upper part of the State to print them in justice to our section, and to our distinguished fellow-citizen to whom the people are attached. These appointments should be made, whether by the Governor or Legislature, in the interest of the State—and not of individual aspirants, to promote the pub lic service, and not tiie interest of partic ular men or families, or to pander to any locality. The undisputed fact that the whole South-west—below Muscogee and Bibb— embracing'nearly forty counties, many of f them among the largest tax-paying in the ' State, never liad a Foreign Minister or Consul, Federal Marshal, Judge, Cabinet- Offleer, or Senator, or Governor of the State, and but two out of fifteen Judges of the Supreme Court, both of whom re moved to Atlanta as soon as appointed— Lyon and McKay; the latter not repre senting perhaps five white men to a coun ty in this section, when appointed, does not of itself entitle us to either appoint ment now, unless we offer the proper man for it. But it certainly is a good reply to the objection urged that the man lives in this part of the State. For a Supreme Court Judge, we should have a man of natural ability, large ex perience at the bar, general learning, and comprehensive understanding of men and things, of industry, laborious habits, so briety, integrity, moral worth and firm ness, of suliable age to warrant the hope of usefulness through the term of twelve years—and withal, a man devoted to pop ular rights, in sympathy with the people, and whose appointment, when announced, will meet the approval of the legal profes- sion in every part of the State. This section and this town offers a man who, those best qualified to judge, think, possesses these qualifications in no ordina ry degree. If Gov. Hmith can find a man elsewhere who seeks the position, who possesses more of them or in a higher de gree, lot him be appointed without mur mur from us. If he cannot, then let the honor fall gracefully upon our friend; and Gov. Smith will thus recognize the eminent merit of a man, who aside from his merit, has done as much as any one man in the State to promote, sustain and popularize him. Hut if the Governor thinks differently, he is the Executive,' to whom both the power and discretion are by law confided; and should he see fit to appoint another, he should not be embarrassed in his pur pose to do so—and our friend will be the last man to harshly judge his motives. Hut ifin that event, Representatives and Senators in this section, in Middle Georgia where he was reared, and in North Geor gia where he lived so long, should see fit to put him forward for the Federal Senate, we hope we shall not then again hear the objection that he lives in South-west Geor gia. For he not only possesses the qualifi cations for tbe Beuch we Lave described, but combines gifts as a writer and speaker, with a power of analysis and irresistible logic, which would at once make him tbe peer, if not superior in debate, of the ablest Grant leaders in the Senate. He is not tbe only man in Georgia thus gifted, by far ; but is one of a very small number, who combine with such gifts, personal popularity in every part of the State, to secure an election. All will agree, that at this juncture, we should select a Senator from that class. Again we repeat, let our Senator and Judge be selected for merit and qualifies tions for the service to be rendered, and twitbout reference to tbe section in which hey live. — Cathbert Appeal. The Southern Claims Commission. To-day the Commission heard, among others, the case of Wm. Hetzel, of At lanta. Georgia, a German by birth, for the stock and fixtures of a soap and candle factory in that city, applied to various military uses on the occupation of the place by Geueral Sherman. The claimant testified that of two thousand Germans in Atlanta, only three volunteered into the Confederate army, and the others helped the Confederacy as little as possible. The amount claimed by Hetzel is $28,<100. There was an amusing case in the Municipal Court, Boston, the other day. A man was brought to the front of the dock, charged with assaulting his wife ; but when the woman was called upon to testify, she was nt positive in regard to bis identity. Phe had been married six yeais but couldn't swear that this man was or was not her husband. He declared that he never saw her betore, and was, there fore, discharged. iUacon Oiiiljj tntrrprisr. BY TELEGRAPH I ICO ’l A 11. I II i HOBI.It. General News. Tlio I’rrmTiers Upon llio Eire lion. New York, November 4. —The forth coming election occupied the attention of many preachers yesterday. Gold in Westchester County. There is some excitement in Westches ter county over the reported discovery of gold-bearing (piaitz there. Out of Jail. William Smith, publisher of WoodlmU's Weekly, has found hail in the sum of $5,000 and released (lie women from Lud low jail. Itsiilrond Accident. Cumberland. Mil. November •}. —Two freight trains collided on the Huntington and Broad Top toad, killing Conductor Bowser and three persons and mortally wounding a fifth. Harrisburg, November 4. —The Lo cliiel rolling mill is burned. Loss one hundred thousand dollars. Dioivned. Napanee. Ont., November 4 —The manager and accountant of the Biitish Bank of North America were drowned by the upsetting of a boat. The Wood hull-dulliu Case, New York, November 4. —Stephen Pearl Andrews lias been arrested for com plicity with the Woodliull Chitlin indecen cies. At 13 o'clock to day the United States Grand Jury found indictments against Victoria Woodliull and Tennie C. Clafliu, who were arrested on Saturday, charged with mailing indecent printed matter through the post. The prisoners were taken from Ludlow jail at one o'clock, and brought before Commissioner Osborne, wliosaidtlie indictments relieved him of the necessity of holding an examination. The accused were visibly affected on bear ing of the indictments —Woodliull almost to teari, Claflin looked defiant. Counsel for the prisoners complained of the con duct of the Government in pressing the indictment pending examination as a most arbitrary proceeding. The accused came prepared for the fttllest examination. The Commissioner ordered warrants following indictments to be served upon the accused, and they were removed to jail in default of SB,OOO bail each. Conference of Baptist Clergy- nieu. New York, November 4. —At a con ference of the Baptist Clergy of Boston and vicinity to-day, the Committee on close communion reported—first, that Christian baptism is immersion of the be liever iu the water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and is pro fession of his faith in Christ. Second, That Christian churches ought to be com posed of sucli regenerate persons only ns have been baptised on n profession of their faith in Jesus. Third, That the Lord’s supper ought to be observed by Christian churches only. Fourth, That invitations of courtesy to partake of em blems should be given to none but orderly members of churches properly constituted. , Washington lioles. Washington, November 24. —Every department of business is nearly suspend ed—three-fourths of the clerks here have gone home to vote Judge Advocate Maj. 11. K. Burnham is relieved from the department of the South, and goes to the department of Platte. Arrival of a Vessel with Yellow Fever. A letter was received at the Treasury Department this morning from the Collec tor at Stonington, Conn., announcing the arrival off that port of the schooner Crown Point, on the 28th, with two cases of yel low fever on board. She is from St. Do mingo with a cargo of sugar, dye woods, etc., for Boston. The vessel was quaran tined since then. No one but the health officer has been allowed to visit her One of the patients died and the other is con valescent. No new case was reported. After being quarantined and properly fumigated she will proceed to liar desti nation. Paying of that Little War Debt. London, November 4. —France pays Germany two hundred millions of francs this week, and makes similar weekly in stallments until the first of the year, when only two milliards of francs of the war indemnity will remain unpaid. The report that the German Ambassa dor had demanded an official disavowal of Ducrot's order is to-day disavowed. The I*o on a Bender. TURiN, November 4 —lnundations along the banks of the I’o continue. Mantua, which was threatened, so far has escaped. Taking a Glance at To-Morrow. New York, November 4.—A1l resorts are crowded by people discussing to-mor row's probabilities. Charleston, November 4—The mal ady is here. A majority of horses and mules are more or less affected. Goldsboro,’ N. C., November 4.—The horse malady is here. South Carolina. Columbia, S. C.. November 4.—The South Carolina Agricultural and Mechani cal Society’s Fair opens to morrow. A large number of articles have been entered. It is believed to be the finest display yet made. The weather is splendid. The premium list is extensive. About Proclamations Against Vessels. Washington, November 4.—The Sec retary of the Treasury decides that a dis criminating proclamation against bottoms applies to vessels afloat at the time of the proclamation is issued. Itossle'a horse is dead. The Coal-Miner*’ Strike. Cincinnati, November 4.—The coal miners’ in the vicinity of Pomeroy have struck for half a cent per bushel advance on coal. Two Death* from Hydrophobia. St. Loci*. November 4. —Two hydro phobia deaths baveoccured within aweek. New Yore. November 4.—Arrived, New Orleans, Niagara, Virgo, Ferry, Liv. Inrstone, City of Antwerp. City of Brus- MACON, GA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1872. sels, Seminole, Georgia. Henry Chauneey. Arrived out, Baltic, City of New York, Wyoming. Silesia. ■ ** The Horse Pestilence. Washington, November 4.—ln Bulti- I mote only eleven out of eight hundred street railroad horses are well. A fatal [ case is rare. Nearly all the horses in New York are stabled on account of a cold rainstorm to day. The only horses used in Boston yester day were those needed for hotel guests. The Common Council of Chicago meets to-day, and will pass an ordinance allow ing dummy engines on the street roads. The noted trotting horse Springfield Boy, died in Springfield, Muss. The messengers of the Signal Office de liver tire “ probabilities ” afoot. Their horses and mules, too, are afflicted A horse valued at $5(10(1 —the property of Col. Ros ele, of Arlington, had his leg broken by a kick. No cars are running in Washington, and few hacks There are comparatively few deaths. New York, November 4. —The disease is evidently abating. It is believed it will not last more than a week. A disagreea ble feature of the epidemic is the number of carcasses in the streets. Facilities for removal are not equal to the demand. Norfolk, November 4.—The laboring horses heie arc nearly all affected, ami many in the surrounding counties are ilis übled. The cars have slopped. Outward bound mail anil express matter failed to make the trains and boats for want of horses. Ruskin. Mr. liuskin's political economy is gen erally considered to be a joyous science rather in the pleasure it utlbrda to ils crit ics than in the comfort it is calculated to bring its votaries. But tbe dispatches troni Italy describing the overflow of tbe Po rather vindicate Ruskin. In a recent series of lectures—lectures, of course, upon some topic utterly irrelevant to the irriga tion of Italy—Mr. Ruskin pointed out what seemed a well matured and feasible plan of irrigating the plains of Italy, so as to prevent forever the disaster which lias now occurred. “Four thousand men,” we are told, “are now at work erecting barri ers to arrest the further progress of the water.” If these four thousand men bad been set at work before? instead of after the overflow of tbe Po, perfectly predictable ns that overflow was, it is plain tlmt their labors would have bad a more satisfactory result. Now that Italy is under a single sceptre it will be a disgrace to lier rulers if some comprehensive scheme is not de signed and executed to protect the penin sula from one of the most pernicious stumbling-blocks in the. way of Italian industry. The monumental slab erected to the memory of Chevalier de Ternay, which has been in the graveyard of “Old Trinity Church,” of Newport, R. 1., for nearly a century, has been taken up and placed in the vestibule of tbe church. This was done at the solicitation and expense of the Marquis de Noailles, the French Minister. Chevalier de Ternay arrived in Newport on the 10th day of August, 1780, in com mand of a French fleet of seven ships and five frigates, with a large number of trans ports and an army of six thousand, under the command of Count de Rocliambcaii. The Famine in Persia. —The famine in Persia, which, as our readers are aware, was raging most fearfully some time ago, has been the means, we learn, of causing one hundred thousand souls (men. women and children), to perish .in the Persian capital alone. Throughout the country it is stated that not loss than three millions of human beings have fallen victims to the famine and pestilence. — Madras Ath eticeum. llon. J. P. Benjamin. —This gentle man, late Confederate Secretary of State, as was announced by cable a few days since, has, at the instance of the Lord Chancellor, be£n raised to the rank of Queen’s Counsel—the leader of the Eng lish bar. .VI. It. UKKKV. ATTORNEY AT LAW, /" AIBNKK OK MULBERRY AMD SECOND V J Streets, in Court House, Macon, Ga. 29-104 NOTICE. HAVING recently icfltted the old stand of Geo. 1). Lawrence, near tfie Brown House, lain now prepared to furnish REFRESH MENTS to the public. 100*177 Z B. WHEELER. BYINCTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, IS THE IIRIIAKFANT IIOS.NE For the Train from Savannah, Augusta and Mil con to Columbus. un.viiH hoini: For the Train from Eufaula and Albany to Macon. NI PPEK HOLME For the Train from Columbus to Macon, Sa vannah and Augusta, Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 11& 190 NOTICE. rpHE Books for the registration of voter,, for I. the city election willbc opened on the first day of October and close at Two o’clock p. in., on December 13, IHTi. sepSO td J. A, McMANUS, Clerk, FOR RENT. rpHE house next to Mrs. Campbell’s, on 1 Third street, between Oak and Arch. It is a large tine house, with kitchen containing three rooms, a fine garden spotand well. Eve rvthing convenient, and must be rented imme diately W. K. ELLIS, At Ellis A: Cutter’s Planing Mill, octal-bt __ Armakd L. Butts. Edoak A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. WE are ready to fill orders at reduced rates for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Order* left at the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Winebip A Csllaway, or at yard M. Ac W. R. R., will receive prompt attention. 114-192 BUTTS A ROSS. Wm. M. Pendleton. Walter T. ltoss. PENDLETON & ROSS, (Successors to J. M. ltoardman. ) Corner Mulberry and Second Streets. MACON, A„ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAP, LETTER and NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS, WRITING INK, COPYING INK, CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CHALK CRAYONS, RUBBER, WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BRUSHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, CII ROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., And in fact everything usually kept in n first class Book and Stationery Store. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. Prices ns low as any other house in the South. Orders for printing solicited. PllAin-UTOY A ROUX. 113-534 Maeon, Georgia. Guernsey Bartrmn & Hemlrii, BUILDERS SUPPLY STOIIK, Hlnke'a Hlovk, Poplar street, (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, Kiinli, Doors, minds. Frames, llrackets. Newel Posts, llaliistrrs. Mantles, Ktc., Etc. 1 Carpenter Tools, I<oeka, Nails, Hinges, j Paints, Oils. Glass and Putty, Etc. CONTRACTORS for BUILDIND. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, CHERRY ST. 133-tf BY BREAD WEILIVE rpll K undersigned lias-established a first class 1 BAKERY where our citizens can obtain bread that is bread. My wagon will supply citizens at their residences. I use only the best flour and materials generally. 128-148 MARK ISAACS. FOR SALE. A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITTRE. A FAMILY designing to break up house keeping on the first of October, now oiler a complete outfit of furniture for five or six rooms, together with all necessary kitchen uteasels, for sale at half original cost. It con sists of Mohair I’arlor Chairs, Mahogany and Black Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining Ta ble, Dining, Rocking and common chairs, Car pets, Dinner and Tea Setts, and in short, almost every article demanded in a house of five or six rooms. The furniture has not been used over one or two years, is in perfect repair, almost as good as new, cost £I,OOO and will now he sold for £SOO cash. Address Box 432, Macon, orapply at this THIS OFFICE. seplOtf Till? HUNT A All I’ll IIA I’MNT, SODA WATER MANUFACTURED It IT W. P. CARLOS Ml Tin I berry Hi., Marwn, Gn. lAM now fully prepared tofurnish pure bot tled SODA WATER Inany quantity. Ord ers by mail or telegraph promptly attended to. I have in store and am constantly receiving every description of Fancy and Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, FOREIGN nr.d DOMESTIC FRUIT, FISH, GAME, and every delicacy when in season. Bar and Restaurant up stairs, supplied with the very best in the market. Parties purchasing goods from me can always rely upon thorn being fresh and first class in every respect.. Witt. P. CIARE.OS. 1-tf ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE one cent a pound as usual. No rise In . price now or hereafter. W. r. CARLOS, Wliwl*mhl<‘ and Retail Griierr, DEALER IN HIE, I’KI ITN, TIMII, ETC’., Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, fig-tf Macon, Ga. byington hotel. GRIFFIN, GA. rpjHS HOTEL ranks second to none in 1 Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term. It Is uneunalle.d, the nights living remarkable cool and pleasant. The heat Water In Georgia. T. W. BYINGTON, 110-lfiO Proprietor, MERCHANTS PLANTERS WILL KIND IT TO Til]Hli AD VANTAGE TO CAM. ON US BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN STORE, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR K. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOCJII, nil grades. 500 ROLLS 2} BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIGS. 10 BALES TWINE. Johnson & SMITH. •ion NSON & SMITH, Have, ami are ofl’ering tit very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. * 100 BALES lIAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN. Together with a full stock ol nil all {mods in our lino ol' Business, llti-tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. IF lon# experience and n thorough knowl edge of the biiHincHH in nil its dm ihiiicd branches are csßcntinl to tlic keeping that which the public linn lon# heard of but mdom ,ww, % <OOB HOTEL, the undersigned flatter themsclvcK that they are fully competent to diHohurge their obliga tions to their patrons; hut they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST AKKAN(iKI) and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which in loca ted exactly where everybody would have itnit uated IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT AND ADJACENT TO TUB I'AHHBNCJEK DEPOT, where travel era can enjoy the rno*t *le#p and lea* liable to be. bft by the pcrplexingly constant departure of the trains. To all ther e Important advantages la added a TABLE that la well supplied with the beat and choicest dishes the city and country can afford: nor would they omit to mention that their servunts, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion tO gUCfttS. For tue truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State in the Union. E. E. EItOWN it HON, Proprietors, Moron, Ou., April 15, 1872. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (Bum-HK,or to the l;t<* linn of Smith, WusUott. ACo.jiind of Smith, McGlu-Aiuit <fcCo.) • MANri'ACTI.'fIKK AM) DRALfSK IN SADDLES, HARNESS, ItKIDJiKS, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of al I kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, ni BBEB, IHf BARIDH, ETC,. Together with every article usually kept in a saddlery house. ,Of* CHERRY *T„ MACON. GA ISMWJ FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE LAWTON Ac BATES, l'oiirlli SI reel, (Next Door to Lawton A Rillinglium,) y P.E prepared to furnish the trade with GROI liUDiN, PKOYIHIOXN. PLAN TATIOX SI I>PLIRN. IMG GIXG, TILS. HT( „ on a- ivasnnnhlr terms a any lion min Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand BACON: I,AIM!, ('(>RN, OATS, 11A Y, 81 GAR, COKFFF, ]iAI,G ING and TIES, and a general aanort- of Kiieli goods :i 1 are kept In a first elnss Grocery Ho me, (live ns n rail. We are ruuniug 1-lie LACJLK ULOUKLYCi MILLS. and direr 1 ,-special attention to our “CHOICE," “EXTRA,” “FAMILY” Flours. They will he found exactly adapted to the trade, mid we guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our price) are as low as those of the same grades can lie bought in the South. CORN MEAL, bolted and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of the best quality. 120-188 IT. BANDY & CO. '-yy'' TIN VNDSrtEET IRON ROOFING. liiittei'iiit. Rutin ai Repafriiif, y 11 1! “ r n ' V TIN AND GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES \ GU [] Executed at short notice and satisfaction \ i \ guaranteed. \ j | No. I<> Third Street, .llnron, Ga. i Particular attention given to Guttering put up y \ with \ WOODRUFF’S V PATENT LA YL FANTIININGN. (IS-aiig 3 IMPROVED (}II G-EAR, S< >MI U r r 11 L\<jJ JN EW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! r |MIE Kcltlintf of the Gin llouhb floor hus no odect on the Gearing. Kinjj Pout of Iron and all I- the work bolted to Iron. IT 18 MADE TO LAST, ANI) TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. (-all and sec for vouiwelf. I build a Portable Horae Power that elmllentfCß all other MAKES, but it will not do the work with til*- Hume Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All klndK ol MHehhiury made and repaired at IRON WOK UN, 108-180 Near Brown House, Maeon Georgia. BROWI’S GALLERY! Ho. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETINGS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. tST'Jrdere by Telegraph promptly attended to. JUF.SII. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARDEMAN. HLOi'NT A IIARREMAIN, ATTORNEYS AT !IAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hall. Cherry street. _ 49 m Barber Shop For Rent. THE Basement room, formerly oecopisd by Mike Nopier, In Brown’s Hotel building Is for rent. This is one of the best stands for a Barber Shop In the c ity. Apply to .cp'i'lff BROWN 8 HOTEL. Volume I. —Number 177 INM A N LIN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP*- THE Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia tgp 3s-tf 11. C. STEVENSON, Asenx.