Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 07, 1872, Image 1

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Lises, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, IVrm. ol Niil**cril>lloiu $ 8 00 Unclear .. 4(H) s>i\ Mouths. o ()( ) Three Months r hwu'bibhj in advance. F To city subscribers by the month. Seventy-five Ljunts, served by carriers. FOU MAYOR OF MACON, HON. W. A. HUFF. .Mu. Frank J. Hf.kiu noton is our only ; authorized City Agent, and lie is duly era powered to solicit work tor this oflice, and subscriptions to the Enterprise. M i. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer, Is our authorized agent in Dawson, Ga. Mr. W. 8. Deidrick, Southern Express Company Otlicc, is our authorized Agent at Smith ville. ,1. L Tucker is our auiliorized agent at Fort Gaines. . I. N. Seymore, of liyingtons Hotel, is our authorized Agent at Griffin. ' Mr. Ed T. Uyinoton is our agent in Fort Valley. W. \V. Laney, is our authorized Agent at Colaporchee. C. W. Brown, Kail road Depot is our authorized Agent at liarnesville. RY TELEGRAPH ritoti it.i. 't isi: ' ELMUTIOX KK'n’THXS. Atlanta, November (i.— The election for Congressmen in tills district is very close and doubtful. Young and Bell, Democrats, arc elected. Augusta, November G. —Official re turns received from counties named, give Greeley the following majorities over Grant and O’Conor : Hiclunwnd. 4011; Mc- Duffie, 357 ; Wilkes, 10G; Warren, 72 ; Baldwin, 5G3; Troup, 500; Randolph, Git; Terrell, 399; Bartow, 47G. The fol lowing counties give Grant majorities over Greeley and O'Conor : Clarke, 107 , Mor gan, 193 ; Lowndes, 11 ; Dougherty, 723 ; Mitchell, 18; Sumter, Gl7; Thomas, eight hundred and two ; Macon, 187 Returns come in slowly. General Wright is elected to Congress in the Bth District by 3,000 majority. The Republi can gain is heavy, as compared with the Governor's election. There will be a gain of about 3,000 by the Republicans. The returns indicate the election of seven Democrats and two Republicans to Con gress. It will take several days before the official returns can be given from the State at large. 3r Montgomery, Ai.a., November G.— Dispatches and reports received here in dicate Democratic gains as follows, based on the vote of 1870 ; Ilenry, 700; Jefferson, 300; Barbour, 600; Clay, 100; Dallas, 500; Marengo, 2,0n0; Lee, 100 ; Lowndes, 200; Bullock, 300; Pike, 500; Mobile, 10,000; Baker, 2,000. The Republican gains are as fol lows : Tuscaloosa, 300; Shelby, 250; Madison, 1,200; Greene, 1,300; Sumter, 1.200; Morgan, 300; Colbert, 400; Law rence, 400;. Lauderdale, 200; Conecuh, 200. | Both sides are confident of the State. Most Republican strongholds have been heard from, while the strong Democratic counties are inaccessible to telegraph, and have not been. The election of Bromberg, Liberal, to Congress from the first district is conceded, as Turner and Joseph, (both col) rep. candidates, divided the vote be tween them. Rapier (col.) is elected from this district probably by one thousand. Handley (dem.) is re-elected from the 3d ; Hays (rep.) is re-elected from the 4th ; Cald well, (dem.) from the sth, and Sloss (dem.) are re-elected. Mobile, November 6.—Mobile county gives Greeley 578 majority. Bromberg, Liberal, over Turner, Radical, and the present member of Congress, 1,630. Richmond, November G.—Complete and partials returns from 47 counties, show an excess of Republican gains on the Walker majority of 1869, of nearly 9,000. Braxton, Democrat, is elected to CoDgrcss in lirst District; Platt, Republi can, is elected in second ; Smith Republi can, in third; Stowell, Republican, in fonith ; Davis, Democrat, in fifth, Proba ble—Whitehead, Democrat, in sixth ; Har ris in seventh; Hunter, Democrat, in eighth ; Bowen, Democrat, in ninth. The Democrats gain one new Congressman al lowed by reapportionment of the State. Baltimore, November G.—Full returns from a number of counties, and partial re turns from all other counties, indicate Greeley’s majority 3000. In the first Con gressional District Wilson (Dem.) is prob ably elected ; 2d District, Archer (Dem.) is elected ; 3d District, O'Briu (Dem.) is eleeted ; 4th District, Swann is re-elected. Merrick is probably defeated in the sth District and Lloyd Lowdes, Jr., (Rep.) de feats Richie, the present member from the 6th District. Boston, November 6.—Massachusetts, nearly complete, gives the following .- Grant 131,077. Greeley 57,8G0, Grant’s majority 73,217. i San Francisco, November G. —The Re publican Slate Central Committee esti mates Grant’s majority throughout the State at 6250. Seventeen counties are to be heard from, twelve of which are con ceded for Greeley. The election of Cogh lan and Houghton (reps.) for Congress is doubtful. I Concord, N. H., November 6.—One hundred and eighty-seven towns give Grant 33,507, and Greeley 27,G88 ; scat tering 241. Forty-eight towns are to be heard from. Madison, Wis., November o.—The State gives a Republican majority of 15,- OuO. Williams, Hazleton, Jiarbce, Saw yer, Rusk and McGill, (rep.) and Eldridge, (dem.) have been elected to Congress. The whole Republican State ticket of Jlmcsota is elected by an overwhelming majority. Jackson, November G.— The official vote for thirteen towns and partial returns from eighteen others, gives the Republi cans a majority 19,600. The Republicans claim the State by 35.000. The Rcpubli cans elect five of six Congressmen. I.lection \ewsKe\i spi per t'oni * menu, Frankfort, Ky.. November G.—Re ' turns indicate a full Republican, and a iulling otf of one-third in the Democratic G , r Jf majority is probably i JU. iRe Democratic Congressmen are elected in esery district. New "York, November 6. —The Hcr i aid s election estimates give to Grant twen. JUaton Da i l \j ty-eight States and to Greeley eight or two hundred and sixty-eight electoral votes for Grant, to ninety for Greeley. The popular majority for Grant is placed at three hundred and fifty thousand. The Herald editorially says that whether the result will ha accounted for by the popu lar strength of Gen. Grant on one hand, or the weakness of Greeley and feebleness of the Liberal Kopublicaus combined with the Democratic holt on the oilier hand it is in many respects the most remarkable election in the history of the country. The Tribune gives Grant 2:23 electoral votes at the lowest, and 78 for Greeley, with tlie rest doubtful. There is scarcely a parallel, it says, in the completeness of the route and triumph. It argues that Liberalism could not withstand the enor mous outlays of money, expended by the Republicans in the canvass. Gen. Grant now lias four years more power,'with heavy Congressional majorities, and In whatever reforms lie may seek to elfcet, lie will have the aid of lhe Tribune. The World places Grant's popular ma jority at 300,000. It says that the defeat is due to the Democracy surrendering to Greeley. That the demoralization conse i|iient upon the New York King pecula tions of a year or two ngo, disheartened the party and caused the nomination at Baltimore. That the party had not re covered in time from the Tammany taint to do anything until too late. The Times gives Giant 300 electoral votes and Greeley r only 13, with the bal ance doubtful. All hut three election districts are heugd from in the Mayoralty. The vote of this city gives llavemeyer, Republican, 51, DSD; Lawrence, Tammany, 48,505 ; O'Bri en, Apollo Hall, 31,301, Havemoyer’s plu rality being 3,455. The Assembly in the State will probably stand 44 Democrats to 84 Republicans in the Senate—a propor tion holding over from last year. The Tribune commenting on the result says, the Liberal Republican strength in North Carolina, Vermont and Maine was nearly neutralized by the Democrats who wouldn't eat crow when they could get $5 to S2O for not eating it. The Congressional delegation stands 23 Republicans to 10 Democrats. The last delegation was 15 Republicans to Hi Dem ocrats. Election Niiinciiaiy, Washington, November G.—Phelps (rep ) is elected from the fifth New Jersey district by a majority of 2,589. Lowndes (rep.) in the sixth Maryland district is elected by 1,765 majority. New Jersey elects six Republican Congressmen and has a Republican majority on joint ballot. The Republican majority in the State is 12,000. Many Republican members of the New York Legislature are opposed to Conk ling’s re election to the Senate. Schutlder (rep ) is elected in the Ist New York district by 1000 majority. The Liberals carry but one coun ty in Kansas. St. Louis county gives Greeley over 3000 majority. Grant’s majority in Chicago is 8,000. Rice, Wood and Farewell (reps.) are elect ed to Congress. The Republican majori ty in Illinois is about 35,000. Illinois elects twelve Republican Congressmen Page and Clayton (reps.) arc elected to Congress from California. One hundred and forty precincts outside of the city of San Francisco give Grant G 720 majority. Both parties claim Virginia. Returns from Alabama are meager. Both parties still claim Louisiana,though the Liberals regard their success almost certain by 10,000. Indications exist of 10,000 majority in North Carolina for Grant, Dispatches from Nashville indicate that Maynard is elected to Congress at large over Johnson and Cheatham. Florida is also claimed by both parties by a very small majority. Greeley runs behind the State ticket. Immense Republican gains in every sec tion of Virginia, and returns, so far as heard from, justify the conclusion that Grant has carried the State. The Repub licans claim it, while but few Democrats hold out In claiming it for Greeley. General News. Gi'itnl Iteeciviiij; CoiiKralula tions. Washington, November G. —Those who have conversed with President Grant and his more intimate friends in Washington during the present mouth, will remember that they uniformly predicted such a re sult of the Presidential election as has just occurred. They seemed to have had data from all parts of the country which justified them in the result and prospects, which are now fully realized. The President to-day received calls of congratulation, in addition to numerous telegrams of greeting and also announcing results. He expressed thanks to his guests for these manifestations of friendship, and said that, apart from the political issues involved, he was gratified that the people had vindicated his private character, which had been assailed during the can vass. That there will he at least one change in the Cabinet at the commencement of the next Presidential term, there is no question. It is known that Secretary Fish has repeatedly expressed his wish to be relieved from the position of Secretary of State. This desire will be gratified at the end of the present term. There is no probability of a change of Attorney Gen eral. Judge Williams recently remarked to a friend, that although he could have been elected Senator from Oregon, he de clined being a candidate, in order that be might remain in bis present office. There is good reason for stating that any remarks with regard to other members of the Cab inet would be mere speculation, but it may be said that the commissions of all of them will expire at the close of the pres ent term, thus necessitating new commis sions to those serving as Cabinet officers after the 4th of March, next. It is too early to anticipate the Presi dent's action in the future, concerning re forms and measures of administration, fur ther than his intimation to-day that he will endeavor so to shape his official conduct as to meet the expectations of the country, and to unite the people in stronger bonds of peace, while, by all means in his pow er, promoting their welfare at home and abroad. The Wuodhull-Clnflin Smudal. New York, November G. —Denyse, stcr cotyper of Woodhull & CiaSin’s Weekly, has given bail to answer the charge of MACON, GA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1*72. participating in the scandalous publica tions against Luther C. Clinllis. Cludlis says the women must stand trial. New York l’olitirs. New York. November o.—Geo. Bliss, jr., is talked of for United States District Attorney in'tlio place of Noah Davis, elected Superior Court Judge, lienjamiu K. Phillips is also mentioned in connec tion with the office should lie not he elect ed county District Attorney- Williams, it is claimed by Republicans, is elected Sher iff ot Brooklyn. New York, November (L— Arrived, North German steamship Ilalsatia from Hamburg. Nlciiiiisliip Burned. The steamship Grenada, just chartered to run from Boston to Charleston, Ims been burned. I'oreign Summary. Madrid, November (i.—ln the Cortes yesterday a motion for the suppression of lotteries, and the motion to increase the number of Cabinet Ministers to live was defeated. The proposition to bannish the I tobacco monopoly w as rejected. Ceueral lleaile Dead —Horse lUaludy. Philadelphia, November (i.—General Meade died this evening of pneumonia. Wet weather aggravates Hie horse dis ease. Men are hauling wagons. ’B'lie London Press on flic Kcsnlt. London, November fi.—The result of the Presidential election in America was published this morning. The London Telegraph believed Grant deserved re-election, and the fact that he lias again been chosen disperses the asser tion that Republics arc ungrateful. The Standard makes a violent attack upon the Republican party which, it says, lias done, nationally, what Tammany and Fisk did locally. Grant and Greeley arc both unlit for the President of the United States ; hut it says, of the two evils, it be lieves the people have made the best choice. Dvaniatiaii of ITcinli Territory. Paris, November G. —The German troops have evacuated the city of Kheims, and town of Vitry le Frnticais. These were the last posts retained by them in the department at Marne. Paris, November 6. The Procureur General has declared that Prince Napo leon caunot legally bring suit in the courts against the Minister of the Interior ; the Priuce’s expulsion from France was an act of the government over which the As sembly alone has jurisdiction. London. November G. —An attempt to day to celebrate Guy Fawks day was turned into a demonstration against the liquor licensing act. tSpcakers denounced the measure, meeting much opposition from persons in the crowd. A riot en sued and seventeen men were injured so badly as to be taken to hospitals. An extensive carpet manufactory at Kidderminister was burned last night. The American consul at Vienna is pro tecting thirty-five Jewish families, fugi tives from Wallachian persecution. A subscription has been opened to en able them to emigrate to the United States Prince Napoleon writes that he intends to persist in prosecuting liis case, notwith standing the opposition of the Procureur General. A petition to the National As sembly, praying for the restoration of the Bourbons, Is in circulation. Le Temps says the government has con sented to reduce the postage to America to 40 cen times per ten grammes, with re ciprocity of free transit. WALK INTO MY PARLOR. Let me put a spider into a lady’s hand. She is aghast. She shrieks The nasty ugly thing. Madam, the spider is perhaps shocked at your Brussels lace, and al though you may be the most exquisite painter living, the spider has a right to laugh at your coarse daubs as she runs over them. Just show her your crotchet when you shriek at her. ‘Have you spent half your days,’ the spider, if she be spiteful, may remark, have you spent half your life on these clumsy ottoman cov ers ? My dear lady, is that your web V If I were big enough, I might with reason drop you and cry out against you. Let me spend a day with you and bring my work. I have four little bags of thread— such little bags ! In every bag there are more than 1000 holes, —such tiny holes! Out of each liolo a thread runs, and all the threads—more than 4000 threads—l spin together as they run, and when they are spun they make but one thread of the web I weave. I have a member of my family who is herself no bigger than a grain of sand. Imagine what a slender web she makes, and of that too, each thread is made of 4000 or 6000 threads that have pessed out of her four bags through four or five thousand little holes. Would you drop her too ; crying out about your delicacy ? A pretty thing for you to plume yourself on your delicacy and scream at us.’ Having made such a speech we may suppose that the indignant creature fastens a rope round one of the rough points of the lady’s hand, and lets herself down lightly to the floor. Coming down stairs is noisy, clumsy work, compared with her way of locomotion. The creeping things we scorn are miracles of beauty. They are more delicate than any ormulu clock, or any lady’s watch made for pleasure’s sake, no bigger than a shilling. Lyonot counted 4,041 muscles in a single cater pillar, and these are a small part only of her works. — Ex. FOR RENT. r piiE house next to Mrs. Campbell’s, on X Third street, betwen Oak and Arch. Itis a large fine bouse, with kitchen containing three rooms, a line garden spotand well. Eve rything convenient, and must be rented imme diately W. E. ECUS, At Ellis A: Cutter's Planing Mil), oct3l -3t Armani. L. Butts. Edgar A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. WE are ready to fill orders at reduced rates for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. O. Butts, at ftore of Winehip Ac Callaway, or at yard M. Ac W. R. R., will receive prompt attention. 114-192 BUTTS A ROSS. j Wm. M. Pendleton. Walter T. Ross. PENDLETON & ROSS, (Successors to J. M. Hourdman.) Corner Mill berry anil Second SI reels. MACOy, wholesale and retail dealers in SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLAN K BOOKS, * CAP, LETTER nmt NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS, WRITING INK, COPYING INK, CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CHALK CRAYONS, RUBBER, WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BRUSHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, _ (TIItOMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., Amt in fact everything usually kept in u llrst class Book and Stationery Store. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. Prices as low as any other house in the South. Orders for printing solicited. li:>i i.i-yroxi X BONN, 113-534 Macon, Georgia. Guernsey, Bartrnin & Hendrix, Itl lLDlilt* M ITI.V STOKE, ■ Sialic'* lllot-k, l|>lur Ml (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, Mask, ItiHirs, llliuris, I’rnini'S, Itrackclw, Tewel Posts, ■lalUNter*. Mantle*, Etc., Etc. Carpenter Tools, Locks, Nails, Hinges, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Etc. C’ONTUAETOKS for BUILDING. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, CHERRY ST. 128-tf BY BREAD WE.LIVE f'fMIE undersigned has established a find class JL BAKEIiY where our citizens can obtain bread that is bread. My wagon will supply citizens at their residences. I use only the best Hour and materials generally. P 33-148 MARK ISAACS. FOR SALE. A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD FUKNITTRE. A FAMILY designing to break up house keeping on the first of October, now oiler n complete outfit of furniture for live or six rooms, together with all necessary kitchen utensels, for sale at half original cost. It con sists of Mohair Parlor Chnirs, Mahogany and Black Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining Ta ble, Dining, Rocking and common chairs, Car pets, Dinner and Ten Setts, and in short, almost every article demanded in a house of live or six rooms. The furniture inis not been used over one or two years, is in perfect repair, almost as good as new, cost, SI,IMK) and will now lie sold for ¥SOU cash. Address Box 4:>:i, Macon, or apply at this THIS OFFICE. Beplfltf THE IIEMT AM> CIIEAI'EST. SODA WATER MANUFACTURED IIV W. P. CARLOS Nil Mulliern Nl„ llaron, Gil. I AM now fully prepared to furnish pure bot . Led SODA WATER in any quantity. Ord ers by mail or telegraph promptly attended to. I have In store and am constantly receiving every description of Fancy anil Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, ami CIGARS, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUIT, FISH, GAME, and every delicacy when in season. Bar and Restaurant up stairH, supplied with the very bed in the market. Parties purchasing goods from pie can always rely upon them being fresh and first class in every respect. WIW. P. UAIILOS. 1-tf ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE one cent a pound uh uhuul. No rine Iri . price now or hereafter. W. I*. CARLOS, IVlmlesale jiikl Itclail 4.nicer, DRAPER IN H E, FRUIT'S, FISH, ETC., Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, 68-tf Macon, Ga. BYINGTON HOTEL. GRIFFIN, GA. tpH IS HOTEL ranks second to non.: in 1 Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence Of the present hot term, Itis unequalled, the ulghto being remarkable coo) and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. 3. W. BYINGTON, 110-100 Proprietor. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS WILL FIND ITTOTIIEIIi AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKI NO THEIR BILLS. o WE HAVE IN STORE, 100.000 LBS. BACON OLE.VU li SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SIIOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000 L85. FLOUR, all guiles. 500 ROLLS 2} BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH. Have, and are offering at very low figures : MX) BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBEtt. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. KULAK. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES 11AY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a lull .stock of all all goods in our line of hnsiness. tlif-tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON, GA. IK long experience nml a thorough knowl edge of the hnsiness in all its diversified brunches are essential to the keeping Dial which the public IniH long heard of hut whlooi ,/n, A GOOD IIOTEIj, the undersigned flatter themselves tlmt they are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; hut they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they moileslly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, in the State, which is lorn ted exactly where everybody would have it nit untied IMMIUDIATBI.V IK ITIIONT AND A I)J A CUNT TO THE CASSENOEJI DEPOT. where, travelers can enjoy the most hr/i and less liable to he, left by tin: pcrplcxlngly constant departure of the trains. Tout! these important advantages f added a TABLE that is well supplied with the heat and choicest dishes the eit-yund country can afford: nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the liusiiie.-have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every Htatc in tin: Union. K. E. BROWN*SON, Proprietors. Macon, Ga., April 18, 1872. 78-104 DAVIS SMITH, (SiHvcsf.or to tbe lute linn of Smith, VV< leott. tV; Cos., and of .Smith, McGJuklbiii A. Cos.) MANUKA* II HER AN It LEA LEK IN SADDLES, HARNESS, itIM I)I,KN, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage -Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Farriagcs, Itl BREK, CIUV BAWDS, ETC,. Together with every article usually kept In a saddlery house. 10:1 ( lIEKHt ST., fIACOY, GA 180-188 FOli THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE I AWT( >\ Ac BATES, b'onrlli Street, (Next Moor to I.awloii * WilliiagJiaiii.i RE prepared to furnish the trade with tacot'imtii:*. c*i:ivisio\s. im. yyimsi :>ii.irs im. gi\g, m:s, "" rcu "" d’lc terms any Inman in Georgia We will keep constantly hand BACON LAItIt. CORN, OATS, HAY. SUGAR, COFFEE, RAGGING unit TIKS, anil a general assort meet • > such gnmls as are kept in a first class Grocery House. Give us u rail. We are running ni- lUGi.t.riontiM; raii.i.s, nn(l iiHenll,ill tn mu- “CHOICE,” “EXTRA,” “FAMILY” Flour. They will tie •"mid exactly adapted to the trade, and wo guarantee every laurel to give satisfaction Our prices lire as low as those ol the same grades can he bought ill the Mouth. COHN MEAL, halted and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of the treat ■ 130-188 11. BAND Y & CO. ' TIN AXnsill’KT IRON ROOFING', '’lli'.ilPi'iiiir. Min ami Rcjairiip, Vjffr’ y y / \ '-• ,j "|||! li V .i’l'.v'.V “ I TIN AMI) GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES /,* (' \ EvnMituil :i! short iiotifi 1 nnd HnlisriU‘tion I3 I J I guaranteed. j) \ l *** Street., Itlacoii, 4*;i. 1 1 Particular attention jjlvcn to Guttering put up V \ with V * WOODRUFFS V IMTi:\r IMVK I'ASTt:XIXG!i. hs-iuu'; 8 IMPROVE]) GrlS &EAU. soM i/iii 11\'< * r\ r i<:\v. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! 'TMIU nettling <f the (tin llouac floor baa no ellect on the Gearing. King Rost of Iron and all I the work bolted to iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, AND TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER BOWER IN USE. Cull and hoc for youaself. I build a Portable Horae, Power tlmt elmllonccß nil other MAKES, hut it will not do the work with t.lie. same Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Maebluery made and repaired at < BtoruirrT'N nt<n woitiis, IdS 18T Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BKOWFS GALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. <fc E. JP. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue tintl Cherry Street, DEALERS IN HIM, CARPETINGS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. - Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Collins and Caskets. ;-y Orders by Telegraph promptly attended to. ‘ ~' tf ■I A JEHU. U LOU NT. IBAAC HARDEMAN. IIMM NT & ATTORNEYS AT fLAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hall, Cherry street. 40-300 Barber Sbop For Rent. rpHE Basement room, formerly occupied by I Mike Napier, 111 Brown’s Hotel building is for rent. This Is one of the best stands fora Barber Shop in the city. Apply to I If BROWN’S HOTEL. Volume I. —Number 171) J INMAN I-INK ROYAL WAIL STEAMSHIPS. rpilj{ LlvprpooT, New York and Philadelphia 1 Steamship Company dispatch two steam ers per week. The quickest tune ever made across the Atlantic. Every comfort ami con venience. For further information apply to aepqr. tf H. C. STEVENSON, Agent.